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These include:

 sensuality, sexual intimacy, and giving and receiving pleasure

 creativity and unstructured expression
 birthing environments, things that wax and wane, and the principle of
no permanence
 healthy emotions and the inner child
 the divine feminine
 synchronicity

Shadow issues — or negative qualities — associated with the sacral

chakra include:

 wounded emotions
 secrets
 fear of judgment, getting into trouble, or being “found out”
 repression
 inability to experience emotional or sexual intimacy
 nightmares and not remembering or understanding dreams

Signs of an overactive sacral

“With [overactivity in] this chakra, in particular, you exhibit being consumed
by and drowning in emotions, being emotionally tempestuous, and using
escapism to avoid life,” says Covington says.

According to Covington, signs of an overactive sacral chakra can include:

 feeling consumed by your emotions, as if drowning in them
 experiencing emotional ups and downs
 using escapism to avoid life
 showing obsessive affection that isn’t returned
 engaging in inappropriate expressions of sexuality

Signs of a blocked sacral chakra

According to Konst and Covington, one of the first signs of a blocked sacral
chakra is emotions that feel unbalanced or off-kilter.

These include:

 detachment
 isolation
 anxiety
 loneliness
 low libido
 lack of creative inspiration

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