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Goodmorning. Let me just start by introducing myself. My name is Alice.

I’m the project manager in charge of management of the project. The topic of my
presentation is about the idea for an it-related business. The aim of my presentation
is to show the idea and strategy for a new business. I’ve divided my presentation into
three main parts. Point one I will show the benefits, point two - show methods and
strategies, and point three I will show the skills you need.

In this part of my presentation, I’d like to talk about the benefits.

1. If you have knowledge and experience, a small business in computer repair
service could be an option for you.
2. You can create a flexible schedule for yourself and work the hours that work
for you.
3. Addition contracting with small businesses, if you are able to do so, can
provide a solid foundation of regular work for your business. If you do good
work for them, they will recommend you to others.

Let’s now move on the strategies.

1. Set up a workspace that has the tools and equipment you need to work
2. You also need to write a business plan and marketing plan, how you'll attract
3. You might want to connect with business owners and create website, social
media campaign, and advertising.
That’s all I wanted to say about point two.

Let’s now take a look at the point three about the skills you need.
1. You might consider creating an initial plan with some goals to work towards.
2. Work to establish awareness of your services through a marketing campaign.
3. You might also consider looking over the local market and finding out what
your future competitors are offering. This can help you to develop a
competitive advantage—something that makes you stand out from the
Well, this brings me to the ends of my presentation.

A unique competitive advantage will offer you a much-needed boost for your new
computer repair business.

It's a stable, in-demand service. People of all ages and experience levels have
computers they rely on for entertainment, banking, connecting with others, and more.
Unfortunately, there is also a constant threat of viruses and other issues, especially
for those who use their computer to go online. This creates a steady pool of clients.

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