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6 Core & Low Back Exercises
Disclaimer: Please do these exercises at your own discretion. They are meant for the Do-It-
Yourself purpose, not instead of medical advice.

1. Bird Dog (Alternate both sides)

This is a great exercise to improve core strength and lumbar back muscles.
How to do it:
Ð Begin on your hands and knees, with your hands positioned under your shoulders and knees
positioned under your hips.
Ð Brace (contract) your core as hard as you can before beginning any movement.
Ð While bracing your core, raise your left arm and reach it forwards until it is aligned with your
torso; at the same time, kick your right leg backwards until is it aligned with your torso.
Ð ItÕs important to not arch your low back as you do this.
Ð Hold this position for 2-3 seconds before slowly returning to the starting position.
Ð Repeat with your right arm and left leg.
Ð Alternate sides for 10 repetitions.
** Only extend your arm and leg to where itÕs comfortable and donÕt arch your low back.

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2. Glute Bridge

This exercise helps to strengthen both your core, gluteal and back muscles.
How to do it:
Begin lying on your back on the floor with your knees bent and feet positioned flat on the floor
with your arms positioned beside your torso.
Ð Brace your core and squeeze your butt before any movement.
Ð While bracing, lift your butt off the floor, and continue squeezing your butt.
Ð Hold this position for 5 seconds and return slowly to the starting position.
Ð Aim for 10 repetitions.
**DonÕt hyperextend during this movement, you should feel your glutes firing.

P.S Check out our online courses:

The Complete Low Back Fix (Click Here)
The Complete Posture Fix (Click Here)

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3. Squats

This full-body exercise helps to strengthen your gluteals, hamstrings, and back, among other

How to do it:
Ð Begin in a standing position with your feet positioned about shoulder width apart.
Ð Look straight ahead and brace your core.
Ð Keep your abdominals tight, then hinge at your hips and bent your knees to about 90 degree
angle (as if youÕre sitting).
Ð To come up, use your legs first and then follow through with your glutes (squeeze your butt).
Ð Aim for 10 to 15 repetitions.
**We donÕt recommend squatting past 90 degree angle. Even small range squatting will
strengthen your muscles.

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4. Plank

This exercise is ideal for strengthening both your deep core and gluteul muscles.
How to do it:
Begin lying on your stomach with your forearms against the mat.
Ð Engage your core and lift your body so that you are resting on your forearms and toes.
Ð Ensure that your spine is in a neutral spinal position (not sagging in low back, or lifting butt in
the air).
Ð Hold the plank position for 20-30 sec, Then lower down to floor.
Ð Aim for 2 to 5 repetitions of this exercise.
** Ensure to keep your back straight throughout the entire exercise.

Check out our online courses:

The Complete Low Back Fix (Click Here)
The Complete Posture Fix (Click Here)

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5. Side Plank

The side plank is perfect for strengthening the sides of your core muscles and low back.
How to do it:
Begin by positioning your body sideways.
Ð Place one elbow in a 90 degree angle and stack your feet and legs together.
Ð Now brace your core and butt muscles and lift your hips off the floor.
Ð Support your weight on your elbow and feet.
Ð Try to keep your whole body aligned from top to bottom.
Ð Hold the lifted position for 30 sec.
Ð Now do the side plank on the other side.
Ð Repeat 3 times on each side.
** Ensure to keep your back at a aligned position throughout the entire exercise.

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6. Dead Bug (Alternate both sides)

This exercise helps to increase deep core strength, and it also helps to improve hip and trunk
How to do it:
Ð Begin lying on your back with both arms extended towards the ceiling.
Ð Lift your legs off the floor to 90 degrees.
Ð Exhale to bring your ribcage down and try to flatten your back onto the floor by rotating your
pelvis upwards and bracing your core muscles (this is the starting position for this exercise that
you need to hold throughout the movement).
Ð Start the exercise by extending your left leg, straightening at the knee and hip and bringing the
leg down to just above the floor (donÕt let your lower back arch); at the same time, lower your
right arm back to just above the floor.
Ð Keep your abdominal and gluteal muscles tightened and return your left leg and right arm to
the starting position.
Ð Repeat with your right leg and left arm.
Ð Alternate sides for 20 repetitions.

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Do these 4-5 times a week.

Want to go deeper? Check out our online courses:

The Complete Low Back Fix (Click Here)
The Complete Posture Fix (Click Here)

Check out our youtube channel here:

Leon Turetsky
CEO and Founder of
Questions? Email us at

Visit us at for more back pain advice!

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