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A year that you can't forget

(Agacita, Angie E.)

Chapter 1: The calm before the Storm

It's a beautiful morning; there's a lot of laundries to do, the sky is clear, and the air is
filled with anticipation. As news of the approaching typhoon Odette spread, I felt
nervous and a little bit scared, my mind consumed by thoughts of protecting the safety
and well-being of my family. With their welfare at the forefront of my thoughts, I
hurriedly carried out my daily tasks, hoping to finish them before the impending storm
arrived. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, while I was going home from the market, I met
our neighbors holding a bag, a look of concern etched upon their faces. They informed
me that they were about to evacuate to Tambacan, a location near the river. The wind
intensified as they spoke, and dark clouds ominously blanketed the once-clear sky. It
was the typhoon they said. The force of nature, that demanded our utmost caution and
swift action to ensure the security of ourselves.

I was cooking our dinner, and suddenly my oldest daughter came and asked me, di ta
mag ready? atung gamit ma, dinatu ibutang sa bag?" And I replied, "Dili ra nak, ikapila
na ka bagyo ang niagi dri, dili masudlan og tubig atung balay.” My daughter continued
playing with her cellphone, seeking solace in the familiar distractions of technology. At
that moment, I embraced my daughters, cherishing each precious moment we had
together, engaging in playful activities, and sharing stories. With love and reassurance,
my husband and I gathered our children close, emphasizing the importance of staying
calm and united as a family, knowing that our strength and support for one another
would guide us through the uncertain times ahead.

After what I saw, I called them to have an early dinner, feeling a sense of urgency to
seek solace in our bedroom and unite in prayer, as the dark clouds gathering in the
distance served as a reminder of the fleeting nature of safety, reaffirming our hope and
belief in a higher power that watches over us, guarding us against any harm or danger
that may lurk in the shadows
Chapter 2: Trapped
After that, while we were lying down, the power and signal suddenly went out,
plunging us into darkness. The wind outside intensified, its howling gusts growing
stronger and stronger, a symphony of nature's fury. This was the first time I had
encountered such a formidable typhoon, and fear gripped my heart, threatening to
overwhelm me. With each passing moment, the storm's wrath became more palpable.
The rain lashed against the windows as if desperately seeking entry into our shelter.
Worried that the water might breach the threshold of our home, I hastily moved our
belongings upstairs, seeking higher ground for their safety.

“Nak, una ramog ramog balhin ako sang ipasaka sa taas ning gamit," I exclaimed
urgently to my young daughter. She nodded, understanding the gravity of the
situation, and replied, "Cge ma, adtu mig mercado." Determined, we both sprang into
action, rushing to salvage our belongings. As we hurriedly relocated our possessions,
the water began seeping into our house, a chilling reminder of the encroaching danger.
Panic threatened to consume me as I realized the preciousness of time slipping through
my fingers. Options dwindled, and desperation set in.

With a heavy heart, I made my way upstairs, seeking refuge on the higher floors of
our home. The weight of the situation pressed upon me, and in a moment of surrender,
I turned to my faith. "Lord, ikaw nay bahala nko," I whispered, entrusting my fate to a
higher power, knowing that in times of immense hardship, strength beyond my own
was required. Closing my eyes, I sought solace in prayer, seeking guidance and
protection. Yet, amidst the loud sounds of the raging storm, a distinct voice broke
through the confusion, capturing my attention. I hesitantly opened my eyes, I saw my
husband standing outside. His unwavering determination and love for our family
propelled him to action. He had braved the turbulent elements, breaking through the
wooden barrier that separated us and defying the odds to reach me. My husband's
resourcefulness became apparent as I saw a chair floating in the water. Without
hesitation, he guided me onto it, carefully positioning me for stability. With strength
and determination, he pushed the makeshift raft through the rising waters, navigating
the treacherous currents that threatened to consume us.
Chapter 3: Findings
Exhaustion weighed heavily on me as I surveyed our surroundings, desperately
searching for any sign of my two precious children. The ordeal we had endured had
drained me physically and emotionally, leaving me with little energy to spare. Every
movement felt like an arduous task, and worry gnawed at my heart. With a trembling
voice, I called out their names, hoping for a response that would reassure me of their
safety. But silence greeted my pleas, adding to the knot of anxiety that tightened in my
chest. Fear threatened to consume me as I imagined the worst, my mind racing with
unsettling possibilities.

Tears streamed down my face as I clutched my young daughter tightly, my heart

aching with relief and concern. In front of me stood the child I had feared losing, her
presence a balm to my shattered spirit. Holding her close, I managed to gather the
strength to ask the question that weighed heavily on my mind, "Asa imong ate, wala
lagi?" Where was her older sister, my firstborn? My nerves tingled with anticipation as I
anxiously awaited her response. The words that spilled from her innocent lips carried a
mixture of reassurance and unease. "Ma, nangita pod tu sya nimo sabot namo magkita
ramis ila ka ante lina nga tindahan," she whispered, her voice tinged with both relief
and uncertainty. My oldest daughter had been searching for me, aware of the danger
we faced, and had sought refuge at Aunt Lina's store, a place where we had planned to

As I witnessed the sight of my oldest daughter and my husband embracing each

other, a swell of emotions engulfed me. Joy, relief, and profound gratitude washed over
me in waves. The sight of their reunion served as a poignant reminder of the resilience
of our family bond and the strength we drew from one another. Tears welled up in my
eyes as I approached them, my heart overflowing with love and appreciation. I joined
their embrace, feeling the warmth and solace that their presence brought. At that
moment, we formed a circle of unwavering support, united in our shared experience
and triumph over adversity. Words seemed inadequate to express the depth of my
emotions, so we held onto each other, cherishing this precious reunion. The storm had
tested us in unimaginable ways, but it also reaffirmed the importance of family and the
power of love to overcome even the most challenging circumstances.
Chapter 4: After the Catastrophe
As the morning light began to illuminate the aftermath of the storm, I cautiously made
my way toward our house, bracing myself for what lay ahead. The receding
floodwaters revealed the true extent of the devastation we had endured, and as I
approached our home, shock washed over me like a tidal wave. The sight that greeted
me was a painful reminder of the destructive power of nature. Our house was full of
mud, transforming it into an unrecognizable and desolate landscape. The remnants of
the storm's wrath clung to every surface, coating our belongings in a grimy film of silt
and debris. My heart sank as I surveyed the scene, the weight of despair threatening to
overwhelm me. The mud seemed to seep into every nook and cranny, a relentless
reminder of the challenges we faced in the aftermath of the storm. But amidst the
despair, a flicker of determination ignited within me.

In the midst of the devastation left by the storm, I was confronted with heartbreaking
losses and the urgent need to find a new shelter. The pain of losing our chickens, the
irreplaceable damage to important documents, and the overwhelming sight of our
damaged house brought me to tears. The weight of the situation bore heavily on my
shoulders, but I refused to succumb to despair. With resilience as my guiding light, I
embarked on a new path of recovery and renewal. Determined to rebuild our lives, I
sought opportunities to generate income and save every penny possible. Recognizing
the needs of my neighbors, I extended a helping hand by washing their clothes and
cleaning their houses, allowing me to earn some extra money to contribute towards the
renovation of our own home.

Through the process of rebuilding, I learned that true shelter lies not merely in the
physical structure of a house but in the love and support that surround it. Our
renovated home became a symbol of hope, a testament to the power of resilience, and a
sanctuary where cherished memories would continue to be woven.
Chapter 5: A Sweet Homecoming
After several weeks of hard work, dedication, and saving every penny possible, the
moment finally arrived. With a sense of accomplishment and hope in my heart, I
managed to accumulate enough funds to purchase the necessary materials for the
renovation of our house. The journey had not been easy, but the resilience and
determination that propelled me forward remained unwavering. Sacrifices were made,
priorities were rearranged, and every opportunity to save money was seized. Through
it all, my love for my family and the vision of a brighter future fueled my efforts.

As the final touches were put in place, our renovated house stood before us as a
testament to our resilience and unwavering spirit. The scars of the storm had been
replaced with the beauty of restoration, reminding us that even in the face of adversity,
there is always room for growth and renewal. With joy in our hearts, we stepped into
our renovated home—a place that once again radiated warmth, safety, and the love that
bound our family together. The sense of fulfillment was immeasurable, knowing that
our efforts had not only restored the physical structure but had also revitalized our
spirits and reaffirmed our unity.

With every passing day, we reveled in the simple joys of living happily with our
family, forever grateful for the journey that had led us to this point. The lessons learned
and the bonds forged during the storm's aftermath would forever serve as a reminder
of our unwavering spirit and our capacity to find joy even in the face of challenges. As
we gathered together within the walls of our renovated home, we embraced the future
with hope, knowing that the resilience, unity, and love that carried us through the
storm would continue to guide us through the chapters yet to come.

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