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1. Explain definition of implicative and inference meanings.
2. Analyze the paragraph below and determine the underlined words into either a reference
meaning or sense meaning.
Ancient Rome, the state centred on the city of Rome. This article discusses the period from the
founding of the city and the regal period, which began in 753 BC, through the events leading to
the founding of the republic in 509 BC, the establishment of the empire in 27 BC, and the final
eclipse of the Empire of the West in the 5th century AD. For later events of the Empire of the
East, see Byzantine Empire. Rome must be considered one of the most successful imperial
powers in history. In the course of centuries Rome grew from a small town on the Tiber River in
central Italy into a vast empire that ultimately embraced England, all of continental Europe west
of the Rhine and south of the Danube, most of Asia west of the Euphrates, northern Africa, and
the islands of the Mediterranean. Unlike the Greeks, who excelled in intellectual and artistic
endeavours, the Romans achieved greatness in their military, political, and social institutions.
Roman society, during the republic, was governed by a strong military ethos. While this helps to
explain the incessant warfare, it does not account for Rome’s success as an imperial power.

Answer :
1. Implicative and Inference Meanings:
- Implicative meaning refers to the information that a word inherently suggests or implies
without explicitly stating it. It's the deeper or implied meaning of a word.
- Inference meaning, on the other hand, involves the meaning of a word that is deduced or
inferred based on the context in which it is used. This meaning is not explicit in the word itself
but is understood through contextual clues.

2. Analyzing the Paragraph:

a. Ancient Rome
- Implicative Meaning: Refers to the historical civilization centered around the city of Rome.
- Inference Meaning: In this context, it refers to the city and state of Rome during ancient

b. the period
- Implicative Meaning: The passage of time during a specific historical era.
- Inference Meaning: In this context, it refers to the historical timeframe being discussed in the
article, from the founding of Rome to various significant events.

c. Byzantine Empire
- Implicative Meaning: Refers to the eastern Roman Empire, centered around Constantinople,
that emerged after the fall of the Western Roman Empire.
- Inference Meaning: In this context, it serves as a reference to a later period and is mentioned
in relation to the Western Roman Empire's decline.

d. Tiber River
- Implicative Meaning: A river located in central Italy, passing through Rome.
- Inference Meaning: In this context, it specifies the geographical location of the small town
(Rome) mentioned in the passage.

e. greatness
- Implicative Meaning: Excellence, distinction, or superiority in some aspect.
- Inference Meaning: In this context, it refers to the achievements and accomplishments of the
Romans in various fields, such as military, political, and social institutions.

f. military
- Implicative Meaning: Related to the armed forces and warfare.
- Inference Meaning: In this context, it refers to the strong military ethos and military
achievements of Roman society during the republic, as mentioned in the passage.

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