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〓 〓〓 一c。 一T一 r〓 ~泛'一 υ〓 ハ cハ E一 ∝ ハ p“一 “ハ >ハ τ 〓i

υ υ
od>rˇ 6^一 ~一 c一 c⌒ obP・ coハ CEハ o一

.o凵 ˇ〓 江τ △cα G“
`C0~'/〓 0一 c〓 0〓 一一 CF一 c〓 o△
%o一 Cハ ~g>CGo一 一ハυ 一0ハ `cハ υ△ 6抚 一


纟一 〓 ハハ 一 〓〓 ハ ハ 〓〓 一
△ 〓 υ△υ ハ ∩一ハ冖它 一υ 〓 ・
`ハ ~一 ~ˇ Gハ >一 >旷

6^~〓 orcハ ooハ
`%0`“ >r0〓
ハ〓 一冖〓 `ハ `乙 ハ〓 0r〓 cハ 〓 >'∷ ハ〓 J`ハ
∝ c一 `● oEdu△ ハ⌒一、υ£ 凵 冖一
ハ下 宁‘・ co一 ˇ Ce一 ∝ CF一 c〓 二
。〓 一 一
⌒ˇ r一 ハ c>'c0‘ 0⌒ y〓 ~ハ △ /''ˇ ∞ ハ ハ△ハ ●
〓 “宀 冖一 cハ 日〓 一 oo一 υ¢ >'⌒ ˇ 一“ CH钆 〓 ⌒ˇ 二 〓
`〓 一' 一

一“ 一〓υ _cˉ
r⌒ 二☆
ˇ ``~`安
芒 ハ心卜讠 吆`辶 ``㈦ ~ˇ
∷ ∷・ I△
一△△△ △ 一
△一△ △
Φ ∞“ υ 0‘ 凵 ∞“ ∞ pcハ F冖 υ ∞“υ %ハ ∞υ● ∞ tハ 凵υ ~△ “Ξ υ ハ 〓 凵 ∞υ 0“△u∞ 0〓 一 u“‘ 凵 ハ ∞“ハ ∝ C〓 υ〓 L一 二〓

扫 gυ 冖日 0cd口
咱 ooυ 叫一 o叫臼ハ一υ“△“ ‘ 一ˇ 一 .・

^一 一 r二
二 〓I
υ ハrˇ `口 c“ cハ >000〓
>t△ “〓 F启 `ハ ∞ 0一 0“ △“ Φ 0∞ pcハ F・ H0o“ 00>〓 ●戈 υ z∷ tCe一 一〓 二 〓 〓 . .
ハ C一 ハ 凵 △一
“ 一 ∝ “ ‘ 凵 >“
〓 %ハ >'oCυ
占 一 冖〓 一>'υ △ 0哂 △Φ 凵 Cqυ 冖● O>/一
K..涕 “ ¢ qυ ∈ △ 一 一
〓 .. .
υ£ 一〓 υ ハ ハ ∞ 〓
c≡ `ハ cr<二 ~〓 o△ oco⒍ C一
υ 日 ● £ 日 一O△ 一 △O〓 υ c“ 一凵cハ 门>△ Φ `Φ 冖它 >^一
一・ 二 二
口△ハ Gα ハ `ハ 一〓
r一 c〓 >ハ 冖Ξ ハ 一 一 0£ :υ ~τ ハ・
C△ ハ ¢ >Po一 CΦ 一广 Hハ ∞ υ £ μ 凵一r屮co△ ⌒一 兰 〓 ∷ 〓 〓
.丐g“ 〓 〓 一二 ・・ 一 ˉ
一 一 cハ 一>△ υ `ハ 冖〓 △ c6一 凵 c“ G门 d日 0υ 0Ξ 凵 ハ 凵 一门“ G“ E∞ 〓 ハ 凵

0>cυ `0〓
0¢ “ C门 ~Co一 υ ハ冖一
一 cハ `∝ c〓 ˇ〓ハ ^一 ハ°α
一 C・一一一 0`0~~冖
∝日 “
冖 0υ 0一 ˇ G一 ∞一 Gハ F一 ハ‘ ∷一 ・△ 〓
⒍ 冖日 “× 臼 ・>“ 一一 冖一 ∝
%0 ∞ハ 冖 >' △ 6一〓 ハ〓一 6● ハ G一 ハ c“ 一 ∞一
一 C门 c一 ~ ~go・
C△ Φ c><ˇ 〓 ・
一 _ _
∩一 op`⌒ :〓 冖屮∞ ~△“ △ハ∽ c0ハ ∽ハ o中 ˇ

G“ Ξ 一ハ 占 凵ハ υ £ 凵 Co● Cハ 冖dハ ∞“ ハ ハ >● 6扎 0〓 ' 一二・ ・
Go一 0¢ 萨
〓 0凵 ¢ Φ 门>△ 0∞ ハ 冖〓 >£ `二 >〓 ハ“ △“ 一口 ハ 〓 △△ G>C“
〓 ● △ 一O△ α >它 ハ ハ t一 .〓 二.
● “ 一 凵 CΦ 门>△ υ ∞ υ 冖〓 ● r△ υ ハ£ 一 Ξ 爿 △ハ一△ 〓 〓 〓¨ 二¨

%00∞ C>ro9¢ 0iF一 0∞ >Pυ 0~c~一
>“ 冖● υ ∞“ υ υ “ u∞一 ‘ `歹∷ ∞凵
dcucΦ >〓 q∞0色 C0d口 0∞ c00>‘
~∞0α 〓 “ ハ△“ 〓ˇハ 〓 ^二 〓 ・ 二・ ¨
>υ “ハ二 “ ハ >“ £ ~“Ξ ~〓g∞ 引∞ duυ ハ△υ c凵 ˇ
一 C6.υ
∞“ g一 “一υ .>、
“ >P%0`一 冖一 L
〓 〓 ・〓 一一 ・

・^ζ —— CO∞ △ハ⒐ △υ£ 凵 CC“ υ c“ 一 υ£凵 △ハ
%ハ 一 >oυ
〓∷ ・・ ・
一nc∞ 门υ△ハ× υ ∞一 一 6〓 ~ 一 ・
凵 ¢ “ 一 .0△
ハ “∞ ハ ハ υ ∞0● ハ⌒一 〓 一・〓・二〓
c0冖 0∞ 0Φ >〓 ooo.‘ p“ cc≡ 0>● d△ >〓 一 `f・ 〓
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一 ..I
△ハ >o一 ∪ c“ 一 υ £ 凵 %ハ ∝ C叫 ハ ⌒一 ハ F〓 一 υ 冖它 △ 0%△ ハ C・萨 oυ
・ ~冖 一 凵 `C门 “∞ “ /一 Eハ 〓 r二 一 ・一 〓 ¨
υ£ P一 £ ∝ ~△υ Ξ ㈠ 冖 Co`C∞
一CΦ cハ £ 扫“Ξ 9υ C“ 一ハ c一 〓ハ ∞ C门 ハ£ ハ F~Jハ
〓 一〓 :一 ・ 二.
ハ 冖丘 “Φ υ一 o〓 ¢ ハ ハ £ 一△ ・ .萨 一H.υ c“ 冖 g“ 凵∞ハ△ 0一 G一 G“ ∞△ 弓 C●
£ △υ 〓 一〓 ^ˇ 一一・ I・ ˉ

一 ι 宀● h0一
召“ 0ΦΞ一¢ハハ Φ 0>一口 冖0“ハハ△ υハ △ ・・〓
ハ二一 ・ C一 △。屮τ “ハ 0¢ ハ hα × ハ
>匕 0Φ 0一 cハ Cυ 0〓 odo△ ‘ F〓 i〓 一 Hハ σ 0凵 ハ ハ
〓 O¢ £

ˇ一 ≡
〓 “臼 ・ 0co~τ
△ 。凵“ C● ハυ `“ 日 出 ˇ c●冖
∞“ 官 门△ ● σ ∝ 一 I纟 〓 一 一

Φ 0〓 彦 一iハ ∞“ハ 一“‘ 凵 一△。 占 0ハ ハ£ 凵 Go ‘ ¢ ●
GH● CΦ 日 Φ∞“Φ c“ uハ cgU〓 I〓 〓
〓c ι

. ∞ υ £凵△ 0一
“冖 一 0¢

∞ υ ハ∞Φ‘出 △ △氵 >υ
〓〓ˇ t一 〓

υ ハ〓 oc

υ Φ >△ ハ∞
coΞ coハ oΦ co臼 CO〓 coハ E● 00>专 r:一
〓J t一ハ ハ 冖一

一 ∞
0>・ `£
∞“ ×ハ 彐“ 卜 “冖C ∞凵‘ ∞“
△ υ州 〓 — 丐 凵× υ C∞ ハ〓ハ⌒一 ι 〓 一 一〓 ・ < ∞Φ∞门
△⌒ △α 。 u

p∞“ 0∞ Oハ C〓 ・ F~ハ
Ξ G“ “口 Hハ
ˉ △
l△ ..
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c 〓 0α
勺 。〓
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一∞ι ● o£ ‘ ∞ qハ g∞ HE△ ハ一
υ c一 ~〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 dgハ ハ ハ 舀凵 〓¢ ハ
一 ハハ● oc 6

ˇ芳 一⌒ α 。£ ∞
ハ占 ∞ハ ハ 凵μ亠〓 一 一 ⌒:一 ハ丬

~ハ 一 o`υ
一 C“ J“ ハ一
ˇ〓 ˇ〓 一 一〓一 一

扫∞ q“ 一 0臼 .υ
C`△ ..
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. q ○
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υ ¢“ ・
∞〓 ¢ 凵 」飞一 ∪ハ >ハ 一Cハ 由 >ハ
吆ハ υ 一 ハ 冖△ △ハ 〓 一〓工一 一
〓〓 0∈
一 ≡
dgハ 0d一 OC“ >ハ :?褊 c“ Cハ 凵 0E
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Ji 一ˇ 。ハ●o
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一 亏 〓 ~〓
ˇ `'

〓 〓〓 j 一 .`・
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。∞ 。£ 一 〓 ●门
△。 υ 。口“冖 ∞△“υ >υ 冖〓 cr
〓● 一〓宀 “
r一 ˇ〓 。
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'“ >’ ~一 c一 o£ G。 >'一 ``rυ
>“ ⒐
υ△“〓 一
. ` ~ c C ~0 0 0 ∈ υ冖 一oα 。 .G“ 〓ハ 扫¢ υ冖〓 C一 一ハハ 一
£ハ ∞ Cハ 一 f〓
〓 07一 6F一 △ 一 oco●
∞ ハ△ハ ハ¢ ~舀 一。冖〓 一ˇ一
。 ・ハ 〓〓

>'υ f¨
〓氵一二〓 〓 〓㈡ υ∞ c。 >一 >'`一 p〓 ~⌒
C一 crc。
〓 ● 一以。£凵冖
“ 口〓ハ ⌒ 一。诏
Ξ 。υ C“ 一∞ c下 〓 3〓 二
。〓 一 ‘ι P.υ 〓〓
ハ r〓 冖〓 `。 `〓 0二 G。 `。 c△ o£
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〓臼 %oc一

`〓 〓ˇ' 一

垦一 〓ˇ 心△讠 ハ叫
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冖 `~ρ `。 ``㈦
〓 υ ~ι 一 一
υ一 △ υ¢“。
。凵ハ“一“£ υ υ‘ 凵 ∞υ凵“△凵∞ 0〓 诏 凵“冖
G〓 .三
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n一 d0」 uoo雨 田中 ooハ JouΦ 0。 dudJυ ~、 ~
⌒一 H△ 〓△ ・ .・
ˇ ∽凵¢ “¢ >〓 △“一△ 闩J∞ υ ハ △“Φ£ `凵 ¢ 0尸 ● 0¢ “0 ハ >口 “⒇ υ一 z .丐
d“ 〓〓 〓〓〓二 〓

C一 cc一
工〓〓 ハ ‘一‘ 〓 、’υ一 一υ一 C一〓 。
υ一 凵“Ξ 凵 >“ >' C冖 υ C“ 一〓 L

°£ 一 0凵 △dd 一c /一
==舀 =≡=宰 辜重手≡≡≡

一一 ハ〓p >£ 勺ι
ハ∞“之 ι ハΞ 凵 一c 诊一 工 υ〓。 £ C
一 C“ 0H卜 ry.

Φ£ 凵 ’ r一 ^ˇ c〓 F一 C△
r〓 `ハ

° 工

⌒〓` ハ〓 凵 ∞ ¢ 出 ¤ Φ△ △Φ‘ 〓 ハ dGO由 一υ G>旷 c 凵CΦ “>一 Φ¢ ハ£ 一 〓 n“‘ 。△ ¢一〓 〓
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扫d 弓 ¢ “ 凵‘ ∝ 一 ∝凵‘∝ 〓 ˇ

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E ¢ Φ H识Φ¢“。
扫 G6C一 F一 o一 ˇハ ‘一co `工 c〓 ˇ〓。 ⌒一・ E 〓ハ Go● ∞ Cu ~‘∝ υυハ 一
。 C一 ∞凵 0>一
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一 cυ υ¢ 。α
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△⌒ ハ >〓 氵OG 0∩一 >“ 冖¤ ¢一~F

F出 6。
υ C。 一 >〓 Φ c ハ〓 尸 ハ υ△υ× 。 ¢ 一凵Ξ〓

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三 一△ ˇ `旨 α × ハ ハ £ cdJ凵 一υΞ一 dハ cc Φ旨 α × Φ ^:●
σ Cu ハ ハ● og £凵
C“ p`υ

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Ξ △ハ 二凵 〓

C“ ˇ●
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△ 之 ∪一 E〓T υ ˇ


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一一 礻ハ
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一 ● 〓ˇ 。 〓一
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ˉ〓冖 〓叫 ∞叫
£ %ハ Φ 戈
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£ υ日一“∞ ハ冖冖

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— —「—
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of VKi.rav
~“ ^ハ c一 ~・ ~ ~FC一 ~力 c`F^丫 000〓 H出 ~启 Cハ >00 0〓
∞〓 “门口 〓 υ ¢〓
滂 ・o— 二
00υ υハ 丐 ハ ‘ pr一 o△ 〓一 υハ冫 0〓 ‘ 0“ ∞门 Go△ 0一 `一
P・ `‘ c0>'0〓 0嗝 `〓 一一 ⊥
〓一 ・ug“ 凵
co一 ”口 一
ハ× υ υ冖〓 C扫 co氵 Lυ `∞ ハ⒍ 0凵 凵£∞ 一
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“〓¢ “
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宀 0⌒ 〓〓
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υ 0C一 △⌒“ Co〓 ハ 6C~0∝ CE⌒
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一 ι〓 厂〓ˇ ~τ。冖τ >’o一 Cυ 一
“ F〓 ocυ 冖
它 £〓 >'丐 ハ口ハハ CCCハ

>、一 cυ ハ一C●

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凵 ハ 一 一“ C6ハ υ冖〓 贮 c纟 cd⌒
一ハ E一 do≈ g● ˇハ
一一 `“ ハ冖 H“c“ ハ ~~芍 υ c〓 ‘ ^ˇ 96冖 〓 >C“
α ● 〓 ˇˇ `〓 心 tt安 0⌒ 叫 0咬 `0`丶 `ハ寒“
安 `ハ ハハ只 `%、 >一 `安 υ寒、 0● ㈦
`、 0一 F一 ≡ ~~H

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● '〓 ˇ ˇ一 ⌒ˇ0凵 £ ∞ 一
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冖 NHυ 叼 〓 ~⌒ ⑽ 0∝ 0`ハ α q`s`丶
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。 c“ 一∞ C一 △ o臼 .υ
∞“υ冖 0〓 凵“ハ υ ハ ハ
⒍ υ冖口 ∞日 门
△口 υ ∞Φ∞△日 ハ△Gυ υ∞“ハ一υ ‘凵
“一0△ `“ υ△ 0一芍 △ 〓 ●△● △ O冖 υ ハ E凵〓。 α ≡
‘ ∞△ハ¢
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门¢ “ ∝ 一 CΞ 一 `∩ 〓 氵 一
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`一 r一 υ ハ 凵ハ 〓。△
一 〓
~Cハ 0ハ C“ ‘ oup冖
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△ Z㈣ Σ 0⌒ 〓二 `0`“
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υ 一一
一 `“ 扫Cハ 冖‘ 0∞ ~0C6∞ “ ∞ c〓 至 '〓 ¨

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υ >υ ¢ Co~£
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ハ 。 ‘一 rt一 。ハ 一。 ``0C● c0>C0υ △一
一%ハ Go〓 υ ,一 poco0
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~冖 uC~一 υ一
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i'〓 ^ˇ 一 一〓工 一
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〓υ 一
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^一 G6一 ˇυ c>'o〓
△ 一 c● 〓⌒一・〓 〓 〓: ˇ
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二 一一
。一ˇ只 ˇ △ ∞一
。 ハ 冖〓 ハ 口 ∞¢ハ ハハ“ υ一
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∞㈠ υ<L
△ Z㈤ Ξ 0CDb
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ˇ 〓
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△〓 一
ˇ E乙 o一 ∝一一Eυ cυ £ `¢ ハ C氵 口 ⌒一〓ハ υ 冖α F〓 ハMυ d司
u¢ 0〓 〓 〓 一J 二 〓 3△
⒍ υΞ
〓〓¢引“冖 p〓 ●∞。△“ ∞司 ¨υ引υ >冖ハ
υ υ‘ 冖一
。“‘〓 .萨 d△ 0ハ υ >夕
冖 。一ハ以 ハ H`
一c“ F‘ 冖 cC一 √ 。 〓 一。 〓 〓ˇ cF〓 〓 ハ ハハ ● >、
“ 厂 一一
ˇ c“ 一υ 冖一
凵 co.υ υ一ハ ハ 一
ˇ ~一ハ ハ `¢ υ ~泪 `一 ~£ .
△“ 一ハ ハ 〓 ・・ 3一 ˇˇ
一 ~。 ˇ只 ˇ∞“〓rˉ 一c“ 弓 ¢ υ一ハ υ ハ冖出一 ●
一 cυ 冖τ “⒍ υ⌒㈡
u一 ¢ハυ“>△ υ吮 υ△一
臼 ハ ~出 口” ⌒一
ハ ~它 `△ ハ〓 ハ
一 ^一 一讠〓 一 一〓 〓 r一 一 ~.`ハ `0α △ 0α ∞∞ハ 冖日 ∞ハ ⌒一 △ o%υ ハ ∞● ∞一 υ G“ 一 υ ‘ 凵 υ一υ 〓>/ 〓 i一 υ〓 <l・ 扫氵 C△ 〓α 。 冖
讠 ハ u△ ooC冖
它 C一 Cυ 冖
△ υ c“ ud“ υ Cυ
〓υ弓 。 EuC一 一u一 c`
△ 0日 0乇 0c“ `氵 占 △ EJo一 υ >〓 ハ一 8‘ α 冖~r丿 0`:二 :x一
一一〓£ 〓 “υ Φ£ △ △ oo一
一£ J¢ “¢ ハ冖△ 0凵 ”● “凵∞ υ 〓凵 ハ 一 CΞ Φ£ u一● o△ “ ``ハ ハハ“
υ£ J一 ⌒ˇ ~cハ Ξ 〓 ^c一 〓 ハ 一
υ c● 。 `〓 υ ‘一 r它 rF乇 υ ~ハハ CCoハ
>〓 Cハ HハC∽ 一~¢ ∞“ >'●
冖ハ%△ 〓 <ˇ ˇ Lf r〓
〓 一冖一
ハ一‘ >'^`△ 00υ
卜£ co一 ハ yo冖 ●∞ ハ冖△ ∞ dH>ハ 冖Cυ △ >0μ 00口 冖〓〓〓 :ν
一ハ 冖〓 ハ 〓 一 τ ⌒ˇ ˇ〓 0∞ “ υ 至 一£ ∞ 一
△ ハ ¢“ υ σ f 。ハ ∞
ι 〓 一一 出υ 萨 出●∞ ハ 」 凵 >£ 彡 ハ >〓
~υ ¢ 〓 〓 。 。△ ˇ;

0G0口 6C~∞
△ ~ハ
cdr一 ^ˇ ~o凵 <.PCυ ~τ G“ `~>扫 ~ハ cr〓 G6冖 CE〓 ICoo一
υ 一△ o〓医 亠 〓 ∞ 一〓 ハ〓 ハ 〓 `● “ ∞“ 扫 i一 ハ 一cυ o一 Cυ υ £ 凵ハ ハ 一● 一〓 〓 一 〓∞“
一△〓一一 。 。‘ 〓 一 〓“ p∞一ハ >“ >r卜 ⌒一 `“ ハ 0引 ¢ 一 ^〓
~〓 6CU冖 ~c亠 C“ £ Cυ 0ocυ C>/一 Coυ `,ˇ >'〓 `FJ〓
色 υ冖〓 。 一一~^〓 △
冖° “ 0一 ●一 >〓 ˇυ /一 ハ ハ 一
υ口 一~υ 一。 ハ 〓
‘ GF● ハ× υ 一 o一 ∝ 一 6£ ハ υ・ 丿ハ ハ ˇ二 ・ 〓 〓△ ^一 o△ GG“ ハ‘ ハυ t弓 一
口υ Cυ £ ⌒一

一 oυ r〓 po一 Co>〓
d>υ oCH一 Ec0>●
μ之㈦丶 <.㈦∽ <㈦
∽ `宝
<QQ之 <日 0之 0ˇ 0之 Q丶

tlnconncctcd with the usc Of thc lcasecl land, which con△ pnscd a ll(~`1 t11c case1ment.A scn-lcr
boathouse 1t 1might bc argued con11cction could
a CX1st, as a boa tl1o j`= ′
tlblCct 1△ 1attcr of t11c grtll
littlc tlSC if thcrc ls no nght tO put the lD()ats it houscs
On tllc watcr bl g11t of△ ivay,Ortllc pipc、
A house alsO cotlld bc said tO lDcnc11t f10n)
1t ls built, l

a nght to put 卜 - ∶
1C1ˉ rnay,11。 、
a r1vcr or canal the sa1nc TVa y as it beneflts io11△
a right to usc a garctiˉ
the plaintif ras assert11△ g a sole and cxclusi tCt 1△ 1atter of thc case11nc
VC rigllt tO tlsC thc canal
T\广 as thus secking tO
「|1c One exception t(D thls1
protcct his busincss at11cr than hance
c1△ his tl′ C ●cquirc the scrvicnt O、 ˉ
land. Casc Of thc lal△ d acco111n1oclating
It viras a 11
the right、 not tllc
accon△ naodating thc usc Of the land,
∫f/〃 ″ z″ pper illu stratcs
~i5 1Vo£Jc`zrs`乙 丿
thc sOn△ et11△ 1es arrc)凡 v distinction bet、 vce11

tha 1mcrclv confcrs a pcrsOnal C)r Con△ n△ erCial advantagc and
Onc that 、ht will not cluali0 as an
said to benef1t thc dominant tcnc111cnt
as such This qtlcstion ls pcr l∵ ˉ `
1cr frol△ 1 0CCtlpation of rllt
the nlo1・ c clilhcult to rcsOlvc accoln1nodation 0f thc land a1ˉ 1、 c`
a bcncF1t to t11c business conductcd ()11
lc・ servicntland~A-11gllt rc)
thc land, for a bcnef1t tO thc ^∶
11S rCasC)ni
w・ ill 1nvariablv bc of a Co111111crcial
A practical CC)1△ scquCncc Of thc rcqulrc111cnt
that a1△ casen|1ent
ac()o11111D()datc tIDc do111inant tC1△ C111cnt
that the don△ inant and
tcnclncnts rnust be ph ysica11y clOsc tO cac11 Othcr altll()tlg11 6(¥ 9c/‘ ⒎ 九
E ″〃9。 zr(g乃
In 刀e ・
* S c)n1c Ofthc h ouscs surrotlndcd tllc


others crc not qultc S o`。close`‘

l)tlt ncvcrthclc SS 、Vcrc
clOsc cnOL】 gh to
fron1 thc park By Co1△trast, a rigllt
to ptlt u p an advcrt1s1ng s1gn
=lDlaintiff、 vasthe c)\ ofJ
Ba y n△ ay bcncnt a lDtlsillcss 1~n 、厂

tlen Long but it cannot be sald tO

I)c11cf∶ ∶ ∶
land u pon 、Thich the bus1ncss 1S conductcd lard、 vasl)y a strip()flal△
cI tl
It cannot tllc1・ cf(Drc qualiR ^iircd as part。
cascn1ent fhis btlsincss
ItlsC to park cars On thc s[1
J Orcllard,
12,2,4 7乃 eP想 乃莎Jr钐 sr B。 c夕p夕 沙/‘,♀ Fo`7” 砌 g/`,e szヵ
/ec'/lf磁 莎
e`・ q厂
夕 (了 石

NO right car1 l)c clainlcd as an casc111cnt tlnless it 1S Ca pa blc Of bcing r CC)tlrr CC)nsiclerccl that tllc ck
by dccd It 1S sOn△ ct1111cs said that casc1ncnts ilie
a11 1n grant A n u11nlD c r CrC casc1△ 1cnt,l)tlt for ot\-ll c.∶
co1△ ditio11s rlox、 i・

△01n this rcqu1rc111cnt

12彤 1 certain″
Tllis liluiration is 1110st kccl

T1△ c right must be sufficiently ce⒒ ain to pemit accurate denniti。 魍 ″〃″C`'c‘ ,`z/9夕
f as wclu
eXamplc.a nghtt。 lightthrOugh a denncd channelis capablc ofbeingⅡ
n.1□ ∶、 [Orage of cars;but1n ll乃 ・
stlCCcptcd as an cascnlcnt `g/″
cascment but a gcncral oghtto light orto a vicw is not,Likewise a ri驷

airthrough a defined channelis capable Ofbcing an easement,buta gcm吒 roragcwas notcclin C`^匆 sz9))z_l
rightto airis not,A cOvcnantthat p1ohibits building on a piece ofland 1叫 ■ -∶ ghtc)f storagc cotlld stlcccccl

howevcr,achicvc thc rcsult that an unrestricted right to light Or air ca1△ ■ l()lc()f thc scr、 .1ent tene111c11t

日■ 1-Free,and it11△ tlst bc consiclerc
`rc sinlila1・ considcrat1。 ns alDIDl
12242 1N・ oI)()sitivc Burclcn on scrvic1nt(i)、
ner \・

£ ・
iaoo/61馆 v 61oz`″ cz` 夕 ・
z″ /`7[19I

A right \、`ill nc)t bc adn1ittcd as an casc1nent

QB 688
requlrcs thc SC1飞 ・
if it lcnt Alt1】 ough山 1s agrccmcntis not part
to lncur an~ y cxpenditurc C)r takc any pos1tlve action Thc rolc of thc cnforccablc again~st subscquent scp
Owner 1S ess cntially pass1 VC Hc ltIst allow thc cloluinant O`\η Cr to CXci- principlcs rclatiΩ g to covcnants.incl
thc eascn△ cnt and hc l1△ ust rcf1a1n fron△ Cascn】 cn~ts 111ust bc creatcd f。
taking a1△、i action that wOuld 【
nt℃ -「 i-
r a rcn
~`o勿 es″ P``ce[1965]2 QB 618
2 Ibid r1949)2K:744
276 r1972J1、 vLR 1355
£⒕sf/⒈ r£ⅣIRs
ocl wl△ ic11 co1uprisccl i l1 -." --casc111cnt A scrvicl△
Ⅱ t()\、 △△
cr cannOtthcrcfc)rc lDc 1・

1 CoulCl cxist,as a lD(x1ti -~・ cqt11rcd tO rcpair
rct r11attcr of tllc gra11t~f()r i11stancc,rhc roadx、
∶ ˉ -ay、 -llerc thc right
`lt I1()klscs On tl△ c飞 、atc-「
^ )t`・ 、
ay)Orthc pipcs、 vhcrc thc 11ghtis a rightto drainagc。
c∶ 1crlt f1ˉ Ol△ la1ˉ igl△ t tc)I)1i^ ~—
ltlV,hOTvˉ cvcr,scparatcly cxpressly()r irnplicitly agrcc t。 A se1飞 厂

∶`hˉ C)11△ a riglatto tlsc a f二 ∶ ~
i∶ lattc1・ Ofthc cascn1cnt・ 1ˉ c.pai1ˉ t11c
-∷ `ivc rigllt to tlsc t11c c△ i1- I1C
・ cXCCption to r11is rulc is t11c Obligation t()Fnaintalln a Fe11cc、

J tllc|1ˉ t11an crlllancc 11ij~、 .I
-j1rc t11c sc1、 广
icnt O、 vncr tO bcar tlle cOst。 vln1cl)
11i-lClt11ing thc rigllt.11(11ˉ l f rcpalr 5

1Vo£ 。
c/`/s″ le O`'`/。

/``'occ〃p‘〃 ″
rrox\・ distinctio1△ bctv..J.-.
~∶ dl aclvantage and()11c ti-~
`-ill not quali0 as an cascmcnt ifit in cffcct cxcluClcs thc sel飞
`~ic11.'「 11is qtlcsti()n is1`:r

r)111。 cctlpation()fthc se1.・ icnr
10Clation of thc lanclˇ 1--`∶ ˉ icntland or constitutcs ioint。

`∶ 1Cnt lanc1,A1ˉ igl△ tto park cars。 cctllDati(D1△

;land,for a benentt。 the n a s111all arca can catlsc problellls

∶rclllc11t t11at a11 casci一 了^
;that thc do1△ 1inant and
●tllcr,alt11Ougl1 11()[】 1=-△ -
∞ e肠 ″‘
幻 J

2]Ch 488
r illc 11c)tlscs sttrrotlnc1c`∶ ∶吁
吐css were closc cnougb
●n ttclvcrtising s1gn in|1__
nrilr`ras t11c。 、vncr ofan orcllarcland adj。
~~「 ir c・ a11nc)tl)c saicl tc1^`.- ining 110tlsc
t\-as by a strip()flancl tlpon xvl.ich tllc clcfcndantF)arkCd Acccsst。
cars tllatl1~c r11c
1.Itcannotthercfore qud口 iaspartOfllisbusincss'Γ
1.c cic1℃ ndant cla1nncclan cascn△
~[()park cars。 11 tI1c str1ID()fland、 cntr11rougl)
stlbiecr t()t11c plt11ntiff・
arcl s acccss t。
冖″″留r`,Ps`r0/Ocr l五
、s Ca pable Of lDei ˉ
∶tc・ C)nsiclcrcd that tllc clcfcnda1△
11clnts・ lie 1n gr11nt・ s clainl a1110tlntcclt。 t′
r`∶ 1_— ~~sC111Cnt,butfor。 .t cla1111 11。 t fC)r
ncrsl△ ip()ftIlc srrip ancl as stlcll[Inc
`...iˉ clailm failcd

` lin1itiation is 11△
。st kccnly fclt in rclat10rl t() rigllts of storage I1△
△ .l Cj′

● n11t acctlratc dcfio∶ ˉ

∶ ・ r as wc havc alrcacly sccn,thc c。
c・ 1ˉ
- -.gc
`‘ ofcars;burin I【 urts rcicctCcl a claim
,'`ig/,`z`.l∫勿c〃 ‘
iti1t111nel is capablc c)f-.= .`i‘
/″ 77()fl 1ˉ 1gllr t()st。 rc coalin a s1.ccl
-i,ic\\・ =prccl as an cascllacnt IF。 、
vcvcr,t11c cli士 仁
is not,Likc\`-i>.ˉ 1cultlcs prcscllted by rigllts
tCWasnotcdin C″
)eing an case1.11ent,but 息s′ ,))z△ 勿加〃/OTw11creBnghtmanJdoubtcdwhctllcr
f storaig・ c
cotlld succccd tvllcre it a1110tlntccl to cx・
′ ˉ
~ilciing()n a piccc(。 ・ cltlsivc use of tI)c
i--∶ i tllc scr、icl△ t tcllel△
lc1△ t T11c qtlcstic)1△

辶k|C11ˉ 1ght tO ligllt()1ˇ .一 is t11tls cssc,ntially onc。
、111d it111ust lDc considcrccl in thc lig11t。 f
ˉ fthc facts。 cacll parrictllar
11iltlr c()nsidcrations apply in rclat1(Dn to t11c grant()f afrigllt tO 1)ark
Pr9o/ot)・ c;0″ ″c`/z刂 ″″″
l1977]Ac 239 an(lr,〃 庇,‘ y△;tv″
l`8 ″″ ″・ ,s/‘
″〃 |19851
r it1ˉ c(ltli1・ cs tlle sel`∶ t∶ -- 1~lgll this tlgrccrncllt is llot r)art()F tllc cFlsctl)cnt,it 111aV ncvcrtllclcss `l(力
ˉ、|cablc against sulDscqtlc11t sc】 ˉ
=jctic)11,1.11c rolc Of illir`∶ ・
vicnt(-)、 、
-o cl()luinant O、 ● 1ncls as a lttl)cl c・
ovcnant tlndcr t]lc
∶∶ v11c1ˉ t r
tij)lcs 1ˉ cla1111g t()c・
ovciktnts 111C1LIcling lc。
llCja1~S11】 lscllC)J(|c・ ovcnallts,1oi in IIc)r)g Kon‘
lls1 bc crcatccl k)1 tl tc1ˉ
=i11\^aCtior1 t11at R・ c)u∶
一 `∶ ・′
rce[196512 QB 618
lll ~J all

|j2KB 744
2-l l\\/ˉ LlR 1 355


1||排 i ∷
嘤 1.i

IIIllllli . . .il
″oⅣ C KoⅣ C I1AⅣ D I沮 【
乃 .⒎

cars()n thc、 厂
`.rholc Or pa1t of tllc sc1飞 Cr,`77`770`2 Eas‘,`77C`7‘

lZ 251 Capablc G1ˉ antor/′ Grantcc ˉ

二、Ofillustration ofthe charactcnsti(
:∶ DfultO listsOFne Ofthe n1ore corrn1(
T11cre 1ˉ 11ust bc a pcrsOn capablc of granting thc eascn△ cnt t111:~
capablc Of rccciving t11c cascnlcnt FOrinstancc,if a cOInpan)ˉ 1>
easc1△ 1cnt, it 1〕 △ust bc authoriscd to do sO by the pO`..rers sct i_|
~1∶ S Of、Vay
1△ △
en△ Orandu111,Furthcrn△ Orc,an caselucnt cannot be grantcd b∶ -'
__1S tC)ⅦTatcr and drainage

inhabitants of a tox`..i・ 1)Or othCr fltlcttlating bocly,・ rhcy d。 11。 t

__rs to light and air througll a cicri∶
co11cctivc capacity as cal)aˉ blc grantors and grantecs, 1
~1tS Of support Of builclings
1ght tO Fcnce
1⒉ 2.6 1、 勿r″ ″ 咖 、Vzt)E‘ 〃
se`″ 召呐 `

~-lt`to usc facilitics,eg、 vashing i∶ 工

hc class Ofrights t11atthc courts n1ay recognisc as casenlcnts 1s 11^l =rightto usc a sign,11
C11angesin our1n-odc of living rcquircs t11c laxv to lDc stlfFicicntlv
・ 1ghts
accoll△ n1()clatc nc、 、 Cars,s、 、
`i111111~ing pools,and telcvis1C/1

‘ Acquisition of Easc1m.ents

lDccc)nlc part of cvcllrday lif辶 in tl△ c2oth centtlry and、 vith the111
nccd to considcr Tv11cthcr a 11ght t(D use a parking spacc,O1ˉ thc sT
rc are a nul1△ ber of、 vays in、 vhich eas〈
poOlora'I^`厂 aCrial ca1△ cx1st as an Cascnlcnt,IIO`/cvcr,thc courts1△ a、 c
rcluctancc to recognlsc as casclucnts rigllts that arc signincantl\ 1T`ˉ o lnain categones:express granti
nlarised as follows∶
△om those trac11tionallv acceptcd as Cascn1cnts N O doubt t11`
conselvatls111 ar1scs ion1 a justinablc reluctance tO create tOO 111an、 ˉ
burdens OVCr 、F2.2 Acquisition of Eascnlcnts
courts havc statcd that it 1S
land, In particular t11c
an cxtcnsion of ncgativc easc111cnts、 votlld bc justiflcd 1・ 11e purp(∶ |:
negative casenlcntscrves is Oncn lu。 rc convcnicntly achievcd by titt Acquisition oJ
a rcstrictivc c()VCnant,T11c cotlrt・ s attittldc tO ne-`冫 ncgativc
illustratcd in:
1]xprcss III∶ `-

P乃 巾ps Fl P‘ ?〃 [1965]1QB

iced Bys 16 cPC) By enforccable


Thc plaintiff and defcndant Ow'ned adjoining prope△ ies,which`rere

vcryclosetogcthcralthoughtheywercinfactdctachcd,Because oft1△ e(
prOxirnity Of thc propertics) the w`all Of the plaintif′ s house that adj

C)∶ 1t-

dcfendant’ S propcrty had not becn rcndercd propcrly against thc
Thc dcfcndant’ S housc fcll 1ntO disrcpa1r and he -was rcqtlircd tO ``

bv t11c local cotlnci1,-As a rcsult of tlle dc111O11tion,tllc xvall of the

11Otlsc 、
as cxpc)scd t()thc x\IcatIlcr and stlffcrcd cla111agc、 \11ich tllc ・ gss c觞 彻莎
Ψ约 ∝ E夕se绍 e勾 ‘″ 召s(
sOught to recovcr fro111 the dcFendant on the grotlnd that hc cnjovci
casclucnt of protccti()n frol△ l t11e・ 丙.catllcr
~1cre an owner grants a nght ovcr hislan(
ttlSC11△ entis creatcd.′ 函⒎
here an owncrse
JUDGMENT `11to rctain a rightto pass Over thc part(
rland v`hich re1nains in his O丐 vnership.A
Thc plaintiff was not entitled to rccovcr darnages as a nght to
±1()r】 1the wˇ cathcr 、vas not a right thc la 、V would
rccogn1sc g1vcn its D'ezz e/`″ roz矽
ncgatlve nature. ~1△ Ec`72召 `er(1832)3B&Ad 735
``crs z'歹 [1956]Ch 3o4
278 Co/歹 汐e`g″ E歹`'尸
``er″ `'o钅
z″ 夕四〃s[195o]ch

ro。 勿 ″sre熙 /es(1879)LR 12 ch D 261

sE.i.1.F・ 2・ 1~5’

~ 6o`″
″70`zE〃 s‘9`77C″ ‘

i tty c)fillustration ofrl△

cc、 Ilaractcristics()fcasc111entlust cxanlillcclit11△

of granting the casen△ ent and a =IIDftll tO list sO111c c)frllc n1。 re cc)1111△1On rlgllts tllat11avc l)ccn rccognisccl ay
「)r1nstancc,if a co1npany is

∶| d()sO|)y thc poxvers sct ~- |

‘∶∶gllts of、 、ay
l`c111Cnt Cannot be grantccl lDx- ˉ `・

J.jatilag lDody ・rllcy d。 not q1∶ ~ ˉ

∶gllts tO、 、ater ancl clrainagc.・

t 1、 Cl grantccs ∶g11rs tO ligl△ t and ai1ˉ

t11△ throtlgl△ a clcr11△ cd
. ∶g11rs of stlpport of btlildings
. le rightto Ftnce


. -igllrs tO use facilitics,cg、

vaslling li11es ID。 les,′
ilc right tO usc a sign.ll [c)11cts, lctrc1ˉ bc)x∶ ∶

av rcc。 gnisc as casclllcnts is r1cI

il cs t11c la、 rt。 bc sufficicntl、 -

1u111ng pools,and tclcv1s1c)∶ 1-^~
2|lt11 c・ cntt11、 ・ -i -3 Acquisition of Easeincnts
a11d`rith tllc111. ∶
〉usc a parking space,or the
ciue】 △tI・ 1owcver,t11c
courts ha1ˉ c c arc a nt11nbc1ˉ Oftvays in\vllich casc111enrs can lDc acquircci,'「

ats rights that are signincant1) [`・ O1nain Catcgoriesi cxprcss grant a11d i111pliccl grant,、 11csc fall

as casernents.No doubt th.0 △larisecl as f′ Ollosvs; v11ic11 1△ 1ay bc

=rcluctance to crcate tOO rnany

d∶ )tlrts llavc stated t11atit is 、F2.2 Acquisitio11 of Easc111cnts
\r)tllCllDc justi11cd Thc purrl∶ `ˉ ・

C CC)nVcnicntly ac11icvccllDv 1--= Acquisition c)f Lascmc1△
attitude to ncw negativc

Exprcss 刁
Is[1965]1 QB 76 Prescnption

dccd Bys16 cPO BV cnforccablc Common LOst Prcscription

Law Moder11 Act
_|011111△ g propcrtics.、 v111Cl1-ˉ Grant

=i- 1832
∶辶 :二 )LtCt CtctaC11cd,IBccausc・ |i^I l
Dfthe plaintifPs house that
1cicrccl propcrlv against t11c-- Ncccssity Con1n1O11 .・
ˉ 1.i・ l|T・
/‘ 夕
∶I~1 clnd 11c\vas rccluircd t。 辶 I11tc11ti(Dn
it∶ `O″
Bo`7'oz‘ s
c de111Olition,thc、 vall of t1△ e
nd suffered dan△ ageˉ ・
△1e J1
ˉ∶‘ ```h1c1△ 丑 矽 绍 ss C″夕刀莎
∶ 丿 ll tlnc grc)Ll1△ cl t11at llc c∶ 1 Q厂 E伢s召 ‘炊 esc印 勿 s
=rc an ow1△ cr grants a right ovcr hisland in fav。
Jascn∶ 1entis
crcatcd, Whcre an 0、 ur ofneighb。 unngland,
vncr sclls。 ffa piece ofhisland,he Inay
-1to rcta1n a nghtto
pass Ovcrthc part Ofthc land sOld f。
・c∶ ˉdarnagcs,as a right t()ir r ~andl丙 hich ren1a1ns r thc benef1t of
in his Ow11crship..人

gain an cascl.lcntis crcated,but

~j飞 ise glvcn∶ ∶
`()tlld rccog1△ D`^召 zz e//″。印助
'(1832)3B& Ad 735,

-If/〃 召 ∠。 ″c`、 z莎 〃[1!

'″ ・
σ o/‘ /乡 e`・ g夕
`77e`'P`r)〃 956]ch 3o4.
E歹 印 勿 药〃 sr1950]Ch
〃/″ sre袈 扫s(187t,)LR 12 Ch D 261


揣 |Ⅱ
|i△ 炒

l1, i"|||i .i"|||1.Ⅱ

"= ..脐
il1 ."|illllii .¨


以 ≡

G KOA`・ C zi4ⅣD L4【 . . ・ ..1....′


this 111stanCe lS tc1ˉ nlcd a rcsc1飞

‘ iation
bcca usc thc (DⅦ.r11cr as

-^11 By Deed
thc right but instcad has disposcd
Of llis 111tcrcst 1 thc SC1飞 ・1c1△ 11i・
to thc rese1・ v11t1on 0f a right
for the bcncnt Of thc etaincd do1△11na n∶ 1・

cxa1△1ple A ls thc 0、 V1△ cr Of t、 .gal cascrnents n1ust be grantcti

、O pleces Of la11cl、 LOt 1 and
LOt 9 Li

Onto the pu blic road btlt LOt 2 does not,

and acccss 1s Obtaincci i ilc)1c1,a legal easc111c11t111ust ai、
Over LOt 1 If A sclls LOt 1 to B, hc will

ecd to rcservc a right Of 1△

lC casc1△ 1ent rnust not excccc:
Of Lot 2 A, as t11c CC)11rinuing C)``.n C1ˉ ~nant or scrvientland,Thus 1frll∈
Of Lot 2 thc d()nli11allt tcnc11=J∶

rcscrvation over LOt

thc SC1ˉ cnt tenen△ cnt. If A had sOld 1c lcase ofthc se1、 ricnt

Lot 9 I-,∶ ∶ lancl i、 -

Lot 1 llc wOulcl nccd to crcatc `△
a1△ C11SC111c1at OVCr LOt ˉ
= 1∶ Cd forlongcrtI1an 75 ycars.Tilc
1 1 h VO t11・ 11・

T11us cascn1cnts and rcs ervatiol△ s arc `crvicntland lvas f。

the sanlc intcrcst 1t 1S thc1r r999、 ・
ca1・ s`】
Crca tio11 、vhic11 diffcrs `=、 n casci△ lcnt for anotllcr pcr1|Ⅲ
At Co111111On la W it ls not possil)1c fc)r a
dominant △1cr tO (D\飞
△111not cxist at la`厂 bLlt onI\-111u・
sell t11c
la11cl subjcct to a eservatio11 IPrcvi()uslv

t11c right had tO bc crcatc`∶
Of rcgra11t by thc purchascr Of thc ˉ-J2 By wrlting o1・
sC1Ⅳ 1cnt tcnen△ cnt Accc)r(△ -L ot11cr R1ca11s
ass1gnl△ lent of thc scn△ cnt
tcncnlc1△ t had tO be exccutcc1
by thc
and tllc rigl△ t、Ould bc construecl agalnst thc purchascr
its clf ..・
C al)plicat1On ofthc rulc in l1-‘
the 1)rilOc1plc that construed agalnst t11c grantO1・ Scct1011
a rig11t 1S
1g rnaybc tipheldin cqtlitv、 -11crc


6o`7夕 c2夕 ‘/ ″〃 Prope″ -ilalDIe 、7here the grantis rnadc c

`zc``7g ,` O`r/`″ ‘ z now provides that a rcsc∶ -
rights Ca11 be n△ a de dircctlv 1 the `7CC’ ^1(∶
)fan equirablc eascn1c1△
ass1gn11△ ent SC) tha no rcgrant
t iftlle g
It ls thtls clcar tha a )tl1ˉ `[oppc1.15
c11asc1ˉ does not 11avc
to Cxccutc the
hox、 ・

cvcr. it lS 0t clcar l丙 ・ 11ethcr r11c section

also eversc tlk
2 B、 s

CC)nstrtlction of r11c 1・ igllt agtlinst t11c.ptlrchasc1ˉ `7111 _—

z6r′ 丿♀/・
7″ t
``9e cb`″
卢lJ1g r2.3 Eascn1cnts al△ cl Rcscrvatio11s ^- )11 16(I1)statcs.

U111css t11c contra1、

inte11[i(D ll ∶
Public Road

assigni11ent shall opcrare to t】

~ 5>∶
。. l)fivilCgcs, casc111cnts or rlpp~∶
Lot 1I B appcrtaining to tllat lancl or tlt titi
oCCtlpied or cnjoycd、
《 `・ ith tllat i~
PulDlic R。 ad
无 ~∞

1^-le ObJcct。 f r11is sccti。

n,s\...i・ h1c1115)∶

~9.2;is t。 cnsurc t11at()n tl△

Rcscl飞 ario11
0-02● 太 c salc(△

--cgcs apptlrtcnant to the lanci i1,∶

Lot 1∶ A ∶

cl aut。 luaticallypass t。
t11c purc11.、 辶
II)ress nlention.iBcforc the scctl。
`tlsual to cxprcssly insert sin11Jai・
LOt 2∶ A J\c t11is rcstllr,16

Easen1cnt =lD`・ cVcr,t11c sccti。 n1△1ay

havc tllc cˉ
∞ 〓湃 ハ叶

Crc pcrn△ ission int。
an easc111c11[ It:
Lor 1∶ A 1c casc Of∶

Lot 2I B

&£ 歹 勿‘ 9sz‘ c乃 J,`oc6勿 ″Bo勿

`77〃 ♀厂厂,刀 勿″ce夕 σz‘ No 2,[197)l
2so 468 `sD″ `1)...,a孕 '〃
EAsFii'FⅣ 「‘
:10r1bCCt1usc t11C)()、 、ne1・ lla`i

~1 By Dccd
l ir llls lntcrcst ln the se1飞
ˉ1e11∶ -f

′C11Cfit C)ft11c rctaincd c1()111111~∷ 1^
~il casen△ enrs 11ˉ ltlst bc grantcd l,y dcccl13-As allland ln I-】
C.Cs()fland,Lot1 and Lot2 L
∶ Olag Kong is
1∶ )ld,a lcgal casen△ entl△ ltlst alsO bc crcatcclfor a rcrrn of、 ˉ
ca1・ s T11c te1・ 111
c`11()t,tlrld aCccss is ol)talinc`∶ -
easc11△ ent n1tlst not cxcccd thc pcriod Of the leasc c)rˉ

∶∶1ccclt()1ˉ cscl飞 ’
c1tllcr thc
C a rigllt o⒈ `~~ 1-0lt or serv1cntland.'Γ htls ifthc lcasc Ofthc cl()1uil△
al△ tlancli`999\ˉ cars
1=∶ i)fLot 2、 tllc dc)11△ inant tcI1c∶ 1
i leasc()f t11e servicnt lancl is Onl)T75 ycars、
the casc111e1△ t calnlnc)t bc
1∶ Ic11C111ent,IfA.llad sold Loi i r~ -~iR)r longer tllal1~75 ycars ’
rhc sa111c、 v()tlld bc t11c casc if tllc ic.1sc c)f
1c.`sC|111Clnt(Dvcr I'Ot l in fa、 (∶
r\-icnt lancl s、 as for 999 vcars and thc lcasc of clo111i11a11t ltllnc1、
“∶ l ˉr\n casc1ncntfor a1△
\ˉ a、 5
=rllc sa1nc interesrl tt ls rllcli∶ Othcr1)er1od tlla11 a tcrnl of\ˉ cars fc)1ˉ 1n`ttlncc ft)r
-.it11not exist at la、 vl)ut()nlv in cqtllt\-

t IDIˉ t1cl()111inant O、 nCrtO scll∶ 1--ts-.¨
,1ously the right had to bc crcatod刂 ~2 By VCriting。 rC)tl△ cr R`Icans
trle scr、/ient tenement.AccOId|qJ
lent had to be executed by the F曰 门田 c application c)fthc rulc 1n 1.,.V.・ ・
l“ 。 F/c.a grant()f an cascluer1tin
itrued against thc purchaser,acod

--g111av bc upllcld in cquity、 、 spcciF1cpcrforn1ancc
``s‘ Oft11e agrccnlcnt
ued against the grantor,SeCtion a】日 -.llablc `X厂 llcrC t11c grant is 1△ △
aclc Orally,cquity 11△ ay again recogn1sc tl△

F″ ”Ce noW provides that a rel℃ i口弓 -`Df an cquitablc cascn1cntifthc gral△ e
tec can rcly on part pcrfor11△

ssignmcntsO that no regrantis1△ 曰 】 `-r)ppe1,15
c`11()tllavc to cXCCutc thc a、 、
1=工 :ˉ ||

∶ilc|scction、 、 `ill also reversc t∶ 了^ 2 `3)`si“ y丿 r`/・ r′ 9O Co`″ iq田 ″c``lg刀

1=∶ 、 C11asCr,12

P`。 opO`t)丿 O`ˉ ‘

tl 1ˉ `7〃 `7夕 `7CC

tJnlcss thc contra1飞 l i1Dtcntion is cxpresscd in tlle assignn△

cnt. an
Public Road assign1△ 1.cllt shall opcratc to assigll、


\itl△ tl△ c la11d.all 1ˉ 1g11ts,intcrcsts、

privilcgcs, casc111cnts Or appurtcF1a1△ ccs ll△ ^cr,lDclo1△

.O、 gi11g o1ˉ

二 ハ

aippcrtaini11g to tllat lancl or at t1△ e tilue of tllc assig11111Cnt uscc1,11cld,

LOt 1∶ B C)CCtlpicd()r cnjoycd、 vith that land. ,

^=lC objcCt ofthis section,whic11 is similartO s 62 Ofthc z‘

ˉ ″r.c?/P`(`po`ヵ ・
9.P5、 is to cnstlrc tllat on t11c salc Or()tllc1・
clisposal oflanc1.ttll rigl△ ts ancl
・ 一

. '

10t|2||A| cgcs t11)ptlrtcnant to thc land, not iust fornlallv gralltcd cascll△



Lt autO111~atiCally pass tO tllc purcllascr or otllcr gra11tcc`。

1thotltt11c nccd
-II)rCss 1△ △
ention,Beforc the secrion、 vas passcd on 1st NovelulDc1∶
`usual t()cxprcssly inscrt siluilar、 v()rcls 111 tln ass1gnlnent in orclcr to
C t11is rcstllt 1()
Public Road =`ˉ
f.)\VcVcr,the sect10n 111ay 11avc thc cffcct of clcvat1ng a licencc cnjoycd
刀 订 〓一 c一

=∶ =t crC lDCrn1issiO1△ into an casen1cnt,Its cffcct 1n this 1ˉ

cspcct is illustratccl
Lot 1:A | C・ Casc(i)f∶


`cc(ion 1 ofthc Clo″ ‘

″″c/″g〃 (~.)pt,``,,(’ ′ ‘ C・

Cap 219

|足 11∫
``z〃 s″ Clr`o天 ,c(1887)35 ch D `7″
681`十 `‘ `″ `″

.|`乃 ・ J″ ″ ‘
t'、 I严 /″ ff`k乃 I1967]2 QB 379
F`刀 勿″ce″ C′ ‘ e(No刀 [19丐 Tilc clatlsc、^```?C`″
vas knc)、 vn as・ t11c gcncral、 、(Drcls clausc.


|盯 ●
i|i illl|!.llil|||l il||| ||ll|.

i ll l l l l i l l lll l l - | | | | | i l i i i l|lli . i i l l l i l i i .i||lll|||l1.|

|llllll1・ i ・


I.蹰 ‘ l ii||||||||‖

ii|| Ⅱ Ⅱ
llF i l ( I .‘

| 则h

!~i● 9′

||‘ |1~ ||||li .||||

〃o″ GK@Ⅳ c L4Ⅳ D∠ .′. ・
41..・ 1・

w饣′ ’
0乃 ′‘业 Fc夕 〃夕
[19491 2 KB 744 ∶
itC to transfer or crcatc d.c11η

FAcTs J∶ ∶
DC of 1,口 勿 z。 2.・ 7.s‘ ;勿 z.`e20111a
istin land in`s`9″
cquity,itis nortI1|

The plaintir a
=quity looks on as d。 nc`-hat
`vas tC1△ ant Of tW0 r。 Olns 0n ∶
△ 11cnt is spccif1cally perf。
clcfc1△ dant’ s
housc, Thc defcndant `vcckly the top . ・ J∶


shed e plaintif pcrnlissi。

1 his gardcn.
A cOLlplc of years n [( tl△

ˉ^2 2 AII Rights,Intcrcsts.IDrlv


latcr tI△ c dcF辶 ndant

a new tcnancy Of thc tW0 rOO1ns grantcd
plus allothcr rOOn1,
n1ade tC) tIlc coal sI1cd btlt no
11△ thc new
tcnancy agrecllle11t, i∶ ∶gllt111ust be capablc ofc~x1stlr1。
to tlSc thc coal s11cd 1・ 11c plalntirl
until thc clefcndant dc111anclccl -ipps夕
usc paylncnt for 1ts Jle夕 2】


JtlDGMENT .、 r1nc vicw,Oran cxpansc c)r

to a housc,butit.v。
tlld not pi
Thc plainti3・ s right tO LlSc use a coalshed ort。

thc Coal shed was an go aJOng

s 62 Of t11c cascIncnt 、 v11icll ′ Thc reason bcing thatt11esc la
z〃 〃l 〃 P`。 q・ ,召 〃,, 彳 cr J(丿~’~5 On thc grant IDa′ r-
1△ CsV lcasc ``〃 Of t11c nc△ 、: tcn“
t11c Othcrs are not A nghtto pF
qtlali11ccl as an
ass1gn111cnr for i-
()1)Cra ted tO the purposcs Of kn0、 \...'n to t1)e law,1t d。
pass all CX1Sting nghts, includ1ng thosc
t11c sC辶 :∶ - es nc)〔
pcr1111ss1On Of the that lcre hcld
SCR1ent O`V1・ 1cr `飞 -^23 Ovcr,Bcl。
nging,Or AplDcr
T11c sCCtion clocs
n()t ()pcratc
The nght bccolncs apptlrrcnant ltlst pass thc nght as a n1erc to 1C t1111e Of tI〕
e assignn1cnt, s111c
to the land, and irtcnancc to thc land bcing sold
status 0f an caScnlcl△ as such 1S clc、 ・
arcˇ ∶ ˉ
t, It a y bc argucd tllat this 11△

cnt tcnc111cnt,′
the clevation Is not
Of thc sCctio1△ but thc English
1ˉ1〕 is rcquire111cnt l
``/ording ,

1S strong and agalnst this
ed 1r1 support for cxisri11g
V\..rcll CstalD1is1。
arguccl that thc inforn1ality atlt11Ontv 1r
Of thc Onginal pennlss1。
fornlalitv Of the ass1gnn1cnt, n 1S IDcing ‘curcd Zo′ 7黑 ″Cozz勿 〃J
althotlg11 this stiF1cation
that t11c partics 111a Ju 1gn。 rcs the
y ha VC originttlly intcnclcd
C)r pcrsOnal the 11ght only to bc ]Ts
、Fc no`・ IO。 k111。 rc cl()sely at thc provisj。
ns Ofs 16, ~rDInn1On o、 ivner oft、
v。 nvcrsicie ID1.
12,3,21 A-ssignincnr iot 2 in.Orclcr to ctlt、
Veeds tlnci it
i`^as1ˉ 1O1’ adl as sticll ovcr L()[2r()ij

aratc IDurcllasers,and t11e purcl⒈
crc must be
'「 J・
ss1gn1uCnt fOr thc
- tiglltto pass Ovcr Lot 2 ro repail tⅡ
1 a1・
SCCtion to Opcrate

clefincd 1n s 2 Of t11c
C)o`″ '9c)‘ ⒎
″c``'78 〃 P`。 ty,e``` O″ /``7‘ r`7ce and
lease, n1Ortgagc
and ‘
Cvcry `7〃
1nstruinc11t′ T11is last lancl
C)r convcyance Of i▲ 1FNt′
hcacl has bcen hcld
tO quali灯 thc rest
1・ 11tIs 1 Oral lcasc
does not quali灯 beca usc Of t1△ c
agrcclnent to aSs1gn 1t lS not an 111strtln1cnt -ˉ IJ rciectect thc plaintif,s claln1 Tiˉ
C)r leasc als。 ∶
clocs not q ualifl/ bcca tlSc whilt ˉ Llot rCpaircd rllc lDank a11cI cllt
1nstrt11ncnt, 1t docs not itsclf quali、 as ass ura11~ce, ∶
1C1△ anttO L。
a1・ 1
An asstl1ˉ ‘
:∶ 1~∵
t1,He had d。 nc s。


1】 C decJs1。 n did attract s。

nle conrro、 ˉ

clccisi。 n of
B幻 o″..・
扫 夕 W饣 幻s2 t/・

`‘ ` ``物
sCc Scctior1 5 3
282 1965]1 QB 76 at84

1897]1 ch 602

EHSE1,rFⅣ 「‘

″ ∶ transfer or creatc thc intcrcst,.人


`[1949]2 KB 744 lt11Otlgh a11 agree1ucnt undcr thc

)fˉ 1..F勿
=∶ z‘ 7/e2。 n.1ay have the cffcct。
^t11and in cquib厂

`、 `,″
``2s‘ fcreating orrransFcr an
,1tis notthc agrccnlentitsclftllat d。
es sO buttllc fact
r\-looks。 n asd。 nc what oughtto bc done~but(Drll\-`ˉ
1t is specifically r)erf。 11crc t11e
oftwo rooms On thc top J∶
l△c the plaintffperrruss10n
ˉ_ _、 li Rights,Interests,Privilcgcs,Ease1・
1△ cnts,Or~A~p1)t11(c1111nccs
ls anothcr roo111,but no
~ ∶
111ust bc capablc Ofcxisting as an easci△
11c\ˉ agrCcnlent,Thc pla∷ 丁~r lent,AsLOrd E)cnnlng nc)tcc1
rf/9Pe夕 、r1
[lt den△ andedpayrncntfof

-△ 11c Vie`′
,Oran cxpansc open to thc、
∶∶t housc,btIt it矾
vinds,1nay be an`advantagc
Ould notlDaSS undcr scction 62

`c a coalshcd orto g。 、¢hercas a rig11[to

ˉ along a passagc、 、Ould pass tlndcr sccti。
∶tc rcason bcing thatthcsc last arc rig11ts knoˉ n62

iwas ancasernentwhich
-C Othcrs arc not,A rig11tto protccti。 玑̀n to t11c la`厂

歹on the grant ofthe ne-△ r

n frOIn~the Tveatheris not a rigllt
ir∶ )\`..rn to t11c la、
~∶ for t11c 1)tlrposcs()1ˉ \,, It clocs n。 tthercfore pass undc1・
scction 62,
.cludlng those that、 「
- - (Dver,Bclonging,Or rippertaining to'Γ
hat Land
`.l nccdfordiversityofoccupation。
fthe do1△
ne of thc assignn△ c11t, sincc thc righr l△ 1inant and scrvicntland

o pass thc right as a 1△ 1erc

j∶ 1ancc tO thc land bcing s。 ltlst bc cnjoycd as an
e land,and as such is ld and not bccausc()f。
∶∶ ˉ
c11c11・ 1cnt This rcquircn△ 、
、ncrship of tllc

`i ll)tlt r11is clevation 1、 ∶

l - cnt△vas cstablislled 1nl
1glish authon″ agahst

rⅢ Jrt fc)1・ cxisting atlr11(i,r△ -

nal perlnission is bcing zo′ B召 ^″ (7‘

″[1 923] 2 Ch 177
`″ `勿
t∶ 1clccl tl△ c rigllt onlv tc1--.

-in()1△ 。、vncr oft△ v()riversicle IDropCrrics、

rOvisiOns of s 16
∶2 in c)rdcr to cut、 L。 t l anclLOt 2,tlsccltO pass
vcccls and 1ˉcpair thc bank oft11c rivcr,alt1△
`Jl()path as stlcll ovcr L。 Otlgh
t2t。 tl.c river bank L。
iC IDtlrchascrs,and thc purcllasc1ˉ ts 1 clncI 2、 vcre s。
。fLOr 1,r11c plaintiff,clain△
s-1〔 to l)asS()ver LOt 2 to rcpair the rivcr bank and ctltthc wrcccls,ccl l.c
:`CCt1on tO Opcratc
/P7ˉ 0pe`.・ ・
Il O`'〃 ″ ⒎
`7‘ `7CC NT
= ()1 CollVCya1△ Cc l∶ .r ~
ld to qual灯 tI△ e rest of
ausc itis nOt an rCiCctCd thc plaintifr・ s clai111,′
^i)[ repaircd Γ11c c・ On111△
On oˉ Ⅵncr()fL。
tllc l)ank a11cl ctlr tllc reeds in cxcrcisc Of at1and
1ˉ I.ot

s not quali灯 bccau砣 . ˉ

△11ttO Lot 1, Fle llad donc s()by virtuc。
i an assurance.19 An iglnt
f llis()\vncrs11ip of Lc)t2

I2ch 165;and(了 。 .乙

=C1S1On did attract s。 1nc controvcrsv as 1t appcarccl
Jdsion of召 ˉ contra∶ y to thc
?/汩 W・ 7``物 22\vhcrc no 1・

divcrsitv。 foccuparion
pcr】 ocl not '‘ `″ `77s
|:′ fol insti.△ ~・ >Cction 5 3
r scc,,亏 77g乃`vrittcn
莎z'J犭 勿c勿 历切”r 511 QB 76 at84
^i1ch 602


陋 峒

≡ 艹≡

rfo7ˇ D L/1ˉ 〃

asrcquircdforarighttolig11ttopasstlndcrthcscction saria11t~^
`「 ・
t11is carlier decisiOn as conrlncd to rights to light、
r`,・ c`'〃
vllich for111cˇ ∶ `z'
tO,rather than a basis for.thc gcneral rule.Thc HOusc OfLorJ`r
t、 eenthatan ol丙 ncrcannot
r`%lesr`,7O″ 腐 c昭 彻

zr‘ 防 γ Q/・ 5)拗 re)乃 ″rm77`72e`7F11.ˉ t

'/`9e f`饣 ill 0``・ nCr has bccn acctIst(
£o`'`g ″ COFr/‘ )rr `″ and a 1)provcd thc nccd fc)r divcrsitv Of C)CCt∶ ∶
--△ XVay,、 、厂
hic11 is ofl,encrltt【
therc Of occupation

1s no divcrsitⅤ t11c right 1nay hO、vcvcr

・ -i quasi~easc111cnt Allt11e elc
11△ 彤.・
【 乃Oe`‘
″ Bz‘ r`'o“ ,s, 、liliCl△ C sllall lo()k at shortlv \厂 V、
jrs1ty c)f occul)ation ofthc cll

As a rcsult Of this nccd for diversirv Of occupat1On、 thc

i part ofthc land,t11erc is dll

1s largcly con11ncd tO thc ltll△ cllord and tcnant
cc)ntext If a11 C广 ;

part Of his land, thcre 1s 1△ O diversity Of oCCtlpation bcforc hc ir llltC)an ease1η -cntdisplaylng

∶△11CC.△Vhcre A-。 、nst、 、
alandlOrd rc11c、 、・
s a lcasc Ofland) which ls adjaccnt tO land he
,io lot
^in(Drdcrto gct froln the ro11cl

oVC1・ the tcnant Cnloys sOrnc right C)r pri\ilcge、 therc 1`

∶1ng thc road cannot exlst
oCCu pation vcen thc don1inant land, △・
lDct、 11ich 1S stlbject to the

1 tc11cllncnts are in the o`-11c

landlorcl s adj accnt servlent lancl A salc Of thc landlord′
S C\ˉ c∶ ` 1・
-ti lot furt11est fi。 n△
clc)nlinant land tO thc tcnant 、 vill alsO providc an
tl△ e road t
Opportt● 1-- r11t
opcration Of S 1 6 FlC)r 111stanCc、 if L lcts a propcrty tO T ancl allc)下 `
luplication()fan casc11.cnrli
0VCr 11is adj| O1n1ng propcrty as a short cut tO thc public road、 s 1
6 lccl cx)n11uon intcntion Of tlx
11∶ 1 thc evcnt that L eithcr rcID-eX`..i・ s T’ S lcasc ()1ˉ scll his rcvcrs1Oll
-1jon contcn△ platcd by tlle pa
Altl△ otlg11 tlnc right 1nust lDc appurtenant tO thc land assigncd
:∶ 1t Whcre thc partics havc F11i
havc tO be a ppurtenant to thc cxact cstate 11|1 the land that IS as卜 !=∶ ˉ.-
~t ifn。 cascnlcnt is ilnpliecl i
11△ G昭 乃‘/`77 ″ P`9
a purc11ascr of thc 3ˉ celDOld Of a11 Old coach ^-ilright Of access t。
`/cOJ the F)ubllc
ablc to clailη -thc bcneflt Of a right of、 vay thatlle had cnjoycd L15工 ˉfo1・
part Ofthe coach~housc.In HOng KOng t11c diffcrent estatcs`-∶ B’ s purchasc is frustratcd

∶ .∶ 11plied easc1.1cnts arc bascd t
r1ˉ cell。 lcl and lcascholct、 1-)ut cotllctlDe diFrcrcntlcasc11。
lcl cstatcs
-PL】 rtiCS,tllcv、 vill giveˉ
a tcnant of a sh()p-`冫 h()、 ()n t11c rcnct\`ttl of l△

vis11cs to is lcasc、 -Dartlcs `.ray ro a
Opcrations and thus takcs a rle、 、 lease Of his Original s11op plus .'

・rc arc thrcc instanccs Tvhcn a

could clail△ 1 thc right 1 respect Of both un1ts and not
JuSt thc or1● ∶工
1-)alc Of thc qtlasi~dorninant tcl

12,32,4 -Atthc Tin1c ofthc‘ 人ssignl△lcnt

-icr tlle rulc in l17,eO`‘ ・
∠ ~B〃
′ `″
ti11Cnts arising l)y ncccssityi al `

1・ he rig11t illtlst be Cxcrcisablc at t11c tiluc Of the


ass1g1△ 11△ Cnt A `-Jn1cnts of con1111。

cxtingulshcd prio1ˉ to tllc assign111cnt、 vill n intcntion.
not be rcstlrrccted bv [∶
For 1nstancc a rigllt ln a leasc that ls stlrrcnclcrcd C)r ()t11c r、 visc ・
)rc t11c lcasc 1s rcnc、 vcd 环7111
1 Γhc Rulc in 1...r%‘ ,``氵 9 Jzi
vill n。 w
not pass 26
This result 、 e、 ei

n△ crcly has bcen a clclay in cc)n1plcting t11c rcnc、val()fthc leasc s() `‘

-t1S OnC ofintcntion,T\..rhicll ls

is a tin1c gap bct、 vecn the cxpiry ofthc old lease and thc con1plctiJi工 _Ⅱ

rene、 `1crogarc froln1 his grant'rhc ci

`.ral’Itis thc datc ofthc rcnewed leasc,latc though it llla1-卜 >e 、 ri・
LT i11 tl△ c casc。 f1.i.1|777Oc,`‘
‘ `。
1ˉ his requirc1△ 1ent provides an escapc r。
utc for ox、 nCrS、 .i'ho do ...・

-91)tllc grant bv tllc O、 vnc1・

to elcvatc pcrn11ss1 VC rigllts If the rigllt 1S tcrnlinated of tt
Just pr1!r ∶is t11cn tIscd ancl cnjovcd.tI1`
assignn1cnt,it cannot passto a purc11ascr tlndcr thc section,
T11e -c)ntintIOtls and apparcnt easci
gives、vay t()a contra1飞 「1ntcntion,

∶ y to thc 1・
eas(D1△ ablc cni(
-lllich havc bccn and arc ttrtl)c
刀 刃

r19791 Ac 144
scc 12 3 3 1 ∶
`ftllc cntircty R)1^tllc bcnctlt(∶ )f

[1984]QB7・ 17
・ ˉ78∠ /‘ ′
.1r`己 4£ c9c′ z’ |71`△ 1987)・ l llc・ I・ i11】 cs 22(Dct()bcr
`,8`″ `'C```rr/(・
Co/‘ /Derg″ £力r‘ `′ `,2sr‘

`s[1952]Cl1 247. -f8)]2 cll D 31 at 19.

EAs四 1MEN「s

j(、 underthc scctlon, r`?够 ,//c〃 σ /`7'

)rights to light、 vhich fonned


1cra1 1ˉ ule Thc HOuse of c scenthatan olⅨ ncr cannot havc an casc111Cnt OVcr his O\、 -nlandˉ I3tlt

7rey。 /v″ 叨e`Br 2=
″ an o、 nCr has bcen accustorncd to using onc part(Df llis lttncl in a
`^r`,eE” `厂
:nccd fo1ˉ diversity Of 、vay、 、hiCh is Ofbenc± 1ttO t11c rcst Ofhis land,his usc ls co1111n(D111y

∶1:llc tˉ igllt 111av.ll(-)、 VCVC1ˉ 1● ˇ′

∶′ J~ia quasi-easc1△ △

c1at,Alltllc cle111cnts c)fancasc111cntarcprc卜 c1△ tCXCCpt

∶`∶ 1`-c s11all look at s11Ort1、
crsity of occupation oftl△ c donlinantand sc1飞 ・ icnt tenc111c|nts (E)1△ the
-cr>it、 ˉ
^part of thc land,t11ere is divcrsity of occtlpatio1△
()f oCCupation,thc [lnd t11c llgllt 111a、 ・
ci tuld tcna11t contCXt,If an IDintoancasc111Cntdisplayinga11thccharactcrist1csxVcllavccxtt111i11c・ d.
^of occupation bcfore hc `Iance,-`11crc A.oxvns tvyr()1Ots of lallcl and it is 11ccCSSar\ˉ to pass o、 cr
∶111 OrCtCrto gct fronl thc 1ˉ c)ad to tllc Ot11crlot.thc1ˉ 1g11t[o pass ove1・ tlle
`-hlch is adiacentto landhc
I)1C1ˉ 1ght Or privilcgc,therc i` -ILing thc r()ad cannot exist as:1n caselucnt,f(Dr rllc do111i1△ a11t anc1
1∶ la11d、 xvhic11is subjccttO it tc1△Cnlcnts arc in thc Oˉ
--lc lot furthcst fron1 tllc road tO B.tllcofr1gllt
onlv of`:a、
one pcrson
・ Btltif^`t11c11
~-\sale Of thc landlord′ s pc11 1ntcD a11
1ˉ nl als。 providc an -cnt
L lets a prope】 y tO・ r and rir11plicationofancasenlcntinthesecircurnstanccsisbascdtlpontl△ c
1ortcutto the public road,s16 -∶ 1cd coln1△ 1on intcntion of the parties,In c)rdcr to give cffcct to tllc
T`lcasc Or scl1 11is rcvcrs1c)∶ 11 ~t1on contcn1platcd by tllc parties,it lnay lDc ncccssarV to iluply an
)purtcnantto thc land assignec t・ 1ntˉ hcrc tllc p111tics havc failcd tO 111cntion cxprcssly thc right FO1・
~tt CstatC in thc lanclthatis -∶ t|、 if no Cascl△ lcnt is i111plicd in c)ur cxan1plc,thc lancl sold l)yA.`iill
rr(~)l tl△ cfrccholdofanold ~(D rig11t of acccss tO thc pt1b11c road,It xvillt11cn bc Oflittlc tlsc and thC
庄ofwaythat he had cnjoyedas l for B’ s purchasc is flustrated.
1● I(Ong thc diffcrcnt estatc> `∶ mpliccl eascments are bascd upon thc prcsumcd common intcnt1On
.lpe diffcrcntlcascl△ old estatc卜 -lDartiCS,thcy、 vill givc`rav to an cxprcss contra1v intention d1splaved
renewal of his leasc,wishes to ~part1es,

casc of his original s11op pltl` -=rc are t11rec instanccs x、 .illC1△ a gra11t of a11 ctlsc111Clnt 111aV bc i1△ △
rˉ lDOt11 unlts and notiust the salc Ofthc quasi-(1O11△ inant tcncrnc11t∶

-s n111ent icr thc rulc in VF・ 7,c,‘

//)″ zi~″ z.r`'`^c)rt s:

`tIncnts arising by ncccssity;anc】

thc tirne of the assignrrlcnt.A `clucnts of co111nlo1・ 1 intcrltion,
ncnt`7ill not be resurrectcd b△ r

1at is surrcndcred or ot11crv`-lsc ∶1 T11c Rulc inˉ

VV′ 79cc9`〃 (,`?″ 止″ roz‘ s
ROt pass.26 This rcsult`ˉ 111 noiⅣ
leting the rene、 val Ofthe lease ~:c1s Onc ofintcntion,-吼 「 hich is basecl upon the principlc that a nlan
IIˉ 111c Old lcasc a1・ 1d tllc ∶dcrogatc F1ˉ on1 his grant,Tr1c clc1.1cnts C)f t11c 1△ 11c、vcrc ide1△ tined l)y
1C`^Cd lCase,latc thoug11 it 111tr‘ tc1・ 1.Tin thC casc c)f l17,‘ ?O`‘ vzz's aSl)cing;
`'`zi B`/`″

△escapc routc for o-w-ners,vho `t)n the grant by t11c。 、

vncr of a tcnc1△ △
e11t or part Of t11at tcnclncnt lls

thc right is terrninatcd ju瑛 ∶
t1s thCn tlscd ancl cnjoyed,thcre`λ iill l)ass t()t11C grantec all thosc
Irchaserunderthe scction,the ~ontintlous and apparcnt casc111cnts(bv、 v11ic11.Of cotlrsc,I111ca11

1. tluasi-easc111ents~)()r,i1△ Otllcr、v()rds.all tl1~Ose casc111cr1ts x\^111C11 arc
llccessa1)ito thc 1ˉ casO1△ able cnjoy111cnt oftbc propcrtv grantcc1.t111Cl
\\-llich havc bccn al△ cl arc t1r t11c ti111c()fthc grant usccllD、 -tllc()`。 nCr
~)f t11c entirctv fc)1・ tllc l)encllt()fthc part gralltcd 2・

6o Ir歹 (1987)Thc Tirrles 22 0ctobcr.

∶`ˉ 8)12 Ch「 )31 at 49


曲 渺 "咖

|}娜 |‖ 1. i"驷 i ^

Thc rule providesthat a quasi-casen△ ent1△△ ay dcvclop byin△ 一 ˉ

plicat∶ △11 rcquirc1△ 1cnt,tllat thc 1・ 1.

eascn△ cnt,provided thc user satisncs thrcc elerncnts∶ ˉ・

′ to 11飞 thc cnjoylncnt tts`-cl

it 1ˉ 1ˉ 1ust bc c()ntinu()11s an(l apparcnr; COntintlous and apparcl

it 1△ 1ust be reasOnably ncccssary forthc cnjoyn1cnt oft∶ 1=
s()ldl and ●ilt does 110t havc to bc coll

it lutlst l)c in tlsc at t11e tilllc Of thC salc _ _iSCd,A rig11t。 f、 vay,for 1nt
`l)assi1△ g day and nigllt ovel
In l17,c,‘,′ ‘
£9```^`t,∠ ‘
/```7 `` ‘ requirc1△ 1ents (i) 111ad (ii) arc ~li)ecn givcn thc、 vidcr 11△ cal
altcrnativcs,butthcrc is sO111c suggcstion that both lilnl)s1△ △ ust bc -jn ifa rightis not contintlotIslI
that,at t11c vc1y lcast tl△ c nrst lin1b 111ust l)c found o1t,T11crc 1△ 1ust bc sOn1c rctl
~C・ arcful inspcction by a pc・ ]

`cs t11c cxistcnce Ofthc case111

Tl’ zz`″ ″-Kif`功 /‘ [1967]Ch 194 )uld pointto a right ofˉ
wˉ ayF-i
~∶ 1nanl△ olc c()vcr,`Voulc1 11△ di
「ACTS ~△ 】
tt11c rightto cntcr thc ntrlu、

1/∠ 9-zC/`姥 /夕 ″汪 sincc t11cre、 ˉ
FOr 1△ 1any years pric)1ˉ to 1928,t11c plaintifr.s cottagC and t11c ∶
11Vard to s11。 、 、r t1△
at a qtlasi~c
farn△ hotlsc had bccn oxvncd by thc church 1n 1928 the cottagc、 `忄
t11c plaintlff・ s prcdcccssor in titlc、 togctllcr、 vitll t to use t11c
a 11gl△ Reasonably nccessa1飞 :
farn111Ousc va1・ d for un1oading coal In 1942 thc dcfendant becalut~
Ofthe far1△ △
11Ousc,Fron1~1942-1954t11c plaintiff)s prcclcccssorin titit 111s rcquirc11△ cntis not applic(
tl△ c farn△ yard in ordcrto luaintain the`氵 all。 ft11e cottage Thcre`△ 卜 :1 --~ijssary that、 vithoutitthc pror
、 tthe cottagc 111 1 ^-∶
Cllitates thc rcasonablc cnio\
`.iray ofn1aintaining the cottagc,Thc plaintifFl)otlgl△
convcrtcd it.Fron1 1954-1958 thc plaintiffalsO cntcrcd tllc far1△ 1varci∶
t()111aintain thc c()ttagc In 1958 t11c clcfcnda11t l)Ot1g11t tllc -2 1..iV。 ・
%c,O`〃 o`7″ B```7'0“ .s ancl
rcftlscd to allo\、 i thc plaintiff to cntcr tllc farlη yard to n1aintain tllc

l)ilaritv betxvecn s 16 c)fthc c
JUDGMENT t rtlle in l1 7,‘ ,P/‘ ;'0`7″ z为 ./`・

∷ons: `r~9″

vard tO l△ laintain thc cottagc could exi`1

11c rigl△ t to entcr t11e fa1・ 11△

casc11△ cnt.l)tlt it cc)tllcl llot pass tc)tllc plaintiffulldc1・ ∶∶

tllc rtllc 11∶ 1 on 16 Opcrates瓦 hcrc tl△ crc 1卜
Brr`・ 1s notcontintlous and apparcnt'Γ llc rigllt clid. 11o`ˉ ci ri ∶
tcrcforc dc)cs not apply to qtla `..i.iˉ

`o``sas itˉ `△
unclcrs 62 c)f tllc£ r″ ‘ `f!/P`ppe″ c产 r9’ ~529t()tllc plaintif・ s ∶
t1ˉ in just t111s s1[u‘
titlc\vllo t1cqtlirccI t11c property in
`△1928 --ii(Dn 16 Opcratcs Only、
v11crc tJ
- 1)ropcrty but、 o.「 /,`7 z.-8
~tC111c1△ t to assign `,c9O`〃
U11gocd T11omas J in l△ is iuc1gluent consiclcrcd wllct11cr thc tion 16 will pass rights that
that、 verc rcasc)nably ncccssal).r for thc enioyn△ cnt of thc propcri.‘ J`onably ncccssa1y forthc cnlo
forrucd a scparatc catcgo1、 r fron1 thosc rights that、 、 ・cre continucˉ ~` ^rcvcr,theright111ustbc cnjoycl
apparcnt,and notccl tllat t11crc、 Vas no casc in xvllic11 a positive c ∶
l()n16 and thc rulcin【 B7,‘ `c9/‘ r”
falling、 vithin tllc rule llad not bccn continuous and apparcnt'「 llc illtioncxprcssedbythcpartics I `′

.orCq11irc111cnts\verc alternat1vcs Orc()nctlrrC1△ t

Of`/11ctl△ crt11ct、 、 ^~iSCd upon thc prcsunled intcnl
t\..Tas alSO raiscd,but not nnally scttlcd,l,cforc t11c English COurt of `c tlnless it is、 厂
、1thin thc i111pllcc
s・ g``‘ /`F`z′ -Ff‘ 7`^`^`s-S`,``//,・
v)T11c court dccidccl,\vit11()ut 11Olding thar iI
^:;tC〃 ziJ‘

召`g(,[1921]1 Ch 322 tul(i

刀 ∞

Scc s 16 ofthc Cb″ ″ J勿 ″ ^i” `^(1887)1 II&N916∶ sc、

c/7″ c′ ″P`・ Ope``・ o`z```7〃 ″c‘ 7
旧 σ 冫
助 [1930]1C1】 J193
(1981)42P&CR 118 at 121 ``‘
`?″ `l〃
i`[/`・ Kr`烫 ‘

f4SEj.i1.・ Iff.\′ 「s

trtllnay clevclop bv ilup∶ ∶

~~ .uk"|lⅢ
叮「∶ ial requiren△ ent,that the nght of way in qucstion was reasonably
`-11rcc clc1ncnts∶
=.“ ary to thc enloyrnent as玑 厂
cll as being continuous and apparent,


oIDparcnt; ~ Continuous and apparcnt

``arv⒈ ()rthc cnjoynlcn∶ ˉ
∶ -∶


∴ght does not have to be continuous in the sense that itis constantly
-cc)fthe salc Im・ lit uscd.A right of way,for instance,does not nced to have son1eone
ll||∵ ”.-△ passing day and night overthe road or path、
has ()ontinuous・
CI11CntS (i) and (ii) are 三~been glven thc w1der rncaning of per1△
||屮 |Ⅲ |||.r∶

i)11L1、lt l,ot111ilmbs inu`∶ -.


∶ [-.en ifarightis notcontinuouslybeingused,its existencernustbeal△
I`tl)c found ‖‖
I.△ 二 rcnt,′ Thcre Inust be so111e feature on thc se|n厂
¨・ 1ent land.ascerta11△ able
ll 1。 careful inspection by a person conversant环
△th such F△ 1atters,tl△ at
∶scsthe eXistence ofthe ease11△ ent.Forinstancc,a roadˉ ˉ
.[1967]ch 194

″ ˉ △ayor a dist1~nct
i‖ △ouldpoiFltto ar1ghtofway;31 and a draiF1,or 11△
`口 t1△ e cascofa subrnergcd
‖|^.~i.i△ nanhole cover,would 1ndicate a right to dra11△

age.32 It△ 、as on thls
l扯.|||tnatthe r1ghtto cnterthe farrnyard to rcpairthe cottage did notsuccecd
vK犭 磁砌伤呓 sincethere was nothing apparentfrom an mspecuon。
)1aintiff’ s cOttage and the f
1ˉ irrnyard to sho、 v that a quasi~easerncnt arose.
1`lrc11 I1△ 1928 thc cottttttˉ .

cr11cr x\1th a rightto tlsc 1Iˉ l ¨
Reasonabl、 neccssav

l 1942 thc dcfencla1△ tl)c、 ~~一 :
e plaintiff’ s predccessori1△ 呼“‘
工this requirernentis nOt applied 1~n thc stnctsense thatthe nghtnilust be
i-ill()ft11c cottagc Tllc△ ˉ ^llrJessary that``ithoutitthe property can~not be used.but ratherthatthe
t^i11tiff l)()tlghtthc cotra● 一 ・
= △ ∶△Cilitates the reasOnable enJoyll△
Cnt ofthe prop・ eFty.

irlfrˉ als。 cntcred the farr1-._— ~

ticndantl∶ x)ugllt tl△ c fiiˉ -

.-i2 1彤.%,e召
i0刀 夕23笏 约
11c far1uvard to 111aintaii。 i `〃
`'・`sand s 16.
|r`n1ila11ty between s 16 ofthe 60绍
″e”伤勾c勿 7g夕 刀
1~ii△ 冫̀Om歹 夕绍c召
e1ˉule in T夕 %ceJ歹 。勾 ″23笏 r约oz,‘ 'Prope″ `勾
1ber of
Ct1Ons: `s is stn.k1ng,butthere are a nun・
~.∶ ∶
1tL1111 tl〕 c cottagc c()1∶ ~` ~
plaintiff undcrthc n△ 1e in ′叮Ction 16 operates、 vhere thcrcis divcrsityofoccupation before the salc,
apparent.The right did, ilInerefore docs not apply to quasi~easernents.呦
29 to the plaintiff’ egz'i0彬 ″B笏 卿10彻
z~92L5・ s ∶∶ntrast,operates in just this situation. `s,by
28. ′
cction 16 Operates only w11.crc there is a fon・
nal assign△ ncrtt orlease of
i工 c prOpcrtyˉ
but w乃 ceJ〃 i0绍 z/JB彻 7.7。 “ l apply whcrc there is an
~JCcFn~ent to assign orleasc,33 `s lVⅡ
nt considered whether the ●cction 16ˉ 环hll pass rights that are not cont1.nuous Or apparent Or

-iC cni()yrncnt()f rllc i-f ˉˉ ˉ:jsonably ncccssary forthc cnJoyrnent ofthc propefty.34In bOth cases,
`c1ˉ igllts that xvcrc cc-r∶ 一 -
1 1 CttsC in`vllicll a pc)s1t-^了 ′
cction16andtherulein l彩 勿召eJ〃 i0绍 ″
ˉ-= .B笏 ″1。 “
nt∶ 11uotls alld apparent 工1cntioncxpressedbythepa△ `s bothgivewayto acOntrary
ies.HOw・ ever,马 `hereas w%ceJuo绍 v£
lcrnat1Vcs Or cc)nctlrreln∶ rr 勿7扭 9ms
・Dased upon thc presurned intention ofthe parties so that a。
△cforc t11c El△ glisll cOuI一 ˉ
~=se unless itis within the irnplied contractual r1ghts ofthc grantcc,s16
J Jiclcd,ˉ t11Out hold111g tr~ˉ
`△ ˉ
JVo`‘ /″ 乃 [1921]1c11322
ˉ =j`.Ch``c・ (1887)1H&`1916|and
sc乃 z‘ 勿‘
1″ Or〃 夕刀ce o/'。 ″[1916]2C1112f)&459
Cr`γ/” I//l[193o]I cl1 495 ```z)σ
1・ i″ r″oz・
Iˉ r`z・ r/`功 /‘ ″[1969]ch 194

蜘 〓〓 巾晡




巾 `


rfoⅣ G K@Ⅳ cz∶ 4ⅣD EAI`T..・..∷ .・

n1ay Operatc to crcatc an easclncnt tO 、

vllic11 t11c grantce
u11dcr thc contract by -De in1plicd.Indecd,as sa11uor
he acqulred 1△ is 1ntcrcst tllc
``111ch 11I・ 1
~iv ca11、 / 。n thc busincss,fc
1234 E伤 se陶 e绍 莎sQ厂 Necess9夕
□ ˉ-i∶ :Ons then in forcc,

An eascment ofnecess灯 iS arig11tthansso essentialtothc cnjowm叫

land thatthelandwould be uscless毗 ^`1ntercsting t()ObscLvc tllat l
■ h。 ut止 T1△ c classic cxample引
of way to land△ ockcd prope卿
吲■ -11g卜 IR,t11ar atthc ti1△
ˉ 1c tllc lcas`
It had bccn th。 ugl△ t that the basis for implication of easen口
neccss灯 layinpublicpolicy‘
■■ Diggcr cluct be crcctcd.TIlc1-T
1ns clearlynounthepublicinterest,pad刂刂 ■ ^iinsp11・
ed,tllat tllc cxisting\-cFlti
in Hong Kong where usable land is s。 ■ )rc thatrhc rcstis not s()1utlc11
scarce,that land shoFld。 =j∶
^-1c1r prcsu1ned intcnti。
uscless.H。 wcver,山 is view was rcJcctCd in
Ⅳ rc肠 s。 勾 v:伤 绍夕czo甥 「J■ ■ |

n`ˉ 。ul(!
doctⅡ nc is bascd rathcr on thcimplicd intenuon。 nl口■
prcmises arc sold,and is山 fthe p删 es atdne叫
〃 intention,
us subjectto a cont⒓ ■
■ ′′ ’
77彡 /‘ ‘ ose`△
ofthe la?d atth叩 me ofthc grant and may bc exeKiscd t。 `′
purpose Dut no。 tner. ma山illl
刂■ -∶ )L11・ ts arc 1110rc 1・
cILlcta11t to tllDI1・

r()fthe grant。
r丐 \..rhcrc tlle quasi~
12.3,5 E溺 se`御 e刀 沁 ・ sh()uld not bc all。
Q厂 C。 ″7`,・ 70绍 f勾 莎
e绍 ″o″ 1ˉ

・ xvccl t。 c
∶ lsta11Ces arc clcar t。
Easements may also beimplicd to give effectto the comm。 tl.c gralI
^-cd in favour of t11c grant()1ˉ
n intenjα 耐■■
pades.Thatintention may anse becausc the。 ∷`)1△
tention。 fthc partiesi btl[til
山eland c。 ntemplated bythc partles,orbecause ghtis necess岬 for血 11△

surrounding cirα
are such mat me partics must have contcmplated such a right,An e■】Ⅱ
△■ - t・ asc Of tl△ c i111plicati。
11。 fa gi-;
lcnt.An cxanlplc(Df d1c c。
ofthc implicauon。 fa right。
n山 e basis。 fcommon intcntion is fou△ u■ ■ ∶
~cnt bascd upon cO1△
urt、 s△

Case of Ⅱ日■■ 11η On 111[c11r△

・ 1kkP^I彤 o33‘ ze‘ 「

1..F.・ b`7g∠ £V夕 zr`″ 。
P`'(pO叮 、r″饮¢z/‘
`7` [1965]|1 QB IT3 `s(二

dcfcndant、 vas tlle lessee。
A lcasc Of a ccIlar rcqulrcd ^|i sublct the rest。 fa buⅡ di
thc lcsscc tO pren1is Cs as a tlSe tllc f the fl。
to tlSc his best cnclcavOurs -icasc,thcre wcrc tw。 。rs t。 thc
tO dcvcIO1) thc IDusincss,
all s1△ 1clls and to to control and advertisernent
Co111ply with thc hcalth _— ∶
et to the plaintiff,A.ner ten ycars the
regulations r()r thc tinlc
f()rcc Thc partics icasc.N-cithcrthe onginal or new sut
clid not alDprCciatc _—
t11at thc cXisting
satisf、 llcaltll vcntilat10r
` regtllati。 ns, The plainurr acfl tlircd
thc rcslduc Of tllc
工△∶to Fna1ntaln the advertiseInents.
11r1Ordcr tO colupl y with rCgulations

visIDcd to flx a biggcr
()utsiclc Of thc btlilding, duct △.iGM・ ENT
The clcF。 11dant, t11e Original landIOrd ,s
titlc rcftIs CCl to allow 11in1 tO do SO
・defendant had no r1ghtin thc abscnce(
JUDGMENT r advertiscIncnts.The rnere fact that thl
-icase and did notsubscqucndy objectl
T1△ c COurt Of Appcal -prcnliscs f。
9`厂 aS tlnaniluotls its v1e、 v r advcrt1sing was not suf
ilnplicd 36
that an Cascr11cnt
Tl△ c tcrn△ s Of rntion to iFnplyan easc1・
t11c leasc cotlld not be pcrforn1ccl 11cnt.IfthclandIc
35 lI the onus、 vas on hina|t。
[198]J c11 426 sh。 w tha1
Rclcrcncc was n1adc to ~`istcnt`。 th any。
C11sC111c11ts of ncccssitv lDut
thcr explanauon,
ncccssttrv thc
it ls clcar that an ea$ciu.△ ・
strict sellse, but was ncccssa1γ n
lntcntion (lisplavcd ln oi dcl ro glvc cffect
288 thcir lcasc to thc
FHSE1..1.rFⅣ rs
i CttsC111cnt tO T\..Thic11 t11c gra1.tcc l1.i=-i
1人 J111c tlcqtlircd 1△
-`i bc i111plied,r11dccd,as saln1On LI()bscrvcd,tllc IDlaintiffalso c。
is intercst in thc li工 -.lllv carry on.thc btlsincss, for to d。
~ tlld not
so 、
v。 tllcl brcacll t11c l△ ealth
- ations t11c11 in forcc,
~<`J「 l

(It t11a 1S SO Csscntial

to the CnJoI ∶
l is intercsting tO Obscl飞 rc tI1at it Tvas acccptecl、
0`s \`ˉ 1thout it, T11c classic exan1pl 111 partic・ ular lD1ˉ
li11ng RIIR,tl△ at att1ˉ Lorcl
1c tinlc t1△ c lcasc、 vas granrcd tllc lDaltics clicl11c)t lFlrC1△
ct l)1ggcr ductlDc ercctcd,'I11cy wcrc tlnclc1・ d
the bas1s for in1plication
of C`t`ri ∶transpircd,that thc cxisting vcntilation systc11】
thc 11△ 1IDrcssi()11 111isttlkc111y
clead ynot thc public 1ntercs[ 11^1
as aclcqtlate rt clplDctu、
-i cFk)rc t11at t11c tcst is 1・ `ˉ
~I∶ k! 1s s○
sca1・ cc that land △Ot so 1η tlcF1、 Vllat tllc IDalt1cs aCttlally lntenclccl lDu[
shoul [their prcsun△ cd lntention x\・
rcJ ccted ・ -、

1 c乃c久,° bc iftI1c3ˉ
1∶ F・
″ B‘/`″ 彳 c ”

∶ 1 plicd `` `^Crc ln full p()sscssi()n ort11c
∶ lntcntion Of thc partics
a r∶ lt-
bject to a contrary intcntion
~R6 f``,7,``召 〃夕
np11ed byneccssiVis strictlylimitedtood c)、 e″ 1夕 卢
grant and may bc exercised t。
maim刂 ■
=Cotlrts arc n1Orc 1ˉ elucra11t t。 tlpllold thc in1plication c)f a rcscrvatio11 111
)L△ Ofrhc grantOr T、 11crc t11c qtlasi~scrvic~nt tenclnent is sold、
11r()1ˉ sh()uld not bc allO、 ・ lDecatlsc a
口o`7J`z莎e绍 莎 cd t。 dcrogate froln his grant tlnlcss tI△
-tllllStanccs arc clcar t。 c
'o`z thc grantee,-An eascn1cnt nlav l)c lr11plicc1,

=lVCCl in ntv。 L11ˉ Of thc grant。 1・ on t11c basis Of 11ccesslty,or ctuc to tlle
11111()n intention oftllc 1)arricsi but tIlc c()urts\vill ac1Opt L】
-ilc casc Of thc i1101)licat1On(Df tt grant i1△ stncter tcst tllan
ˉ R】 v()t11ˉ 。f thc(1Llasi-do111i1△ ant
1)le()ft11c cOurt・ s srrictcr atrirtlcie to tlDc 1111plication()fan

C111Cnt bascd tlpo11 corllnlon intc11t10r1 1s∫
()tlncl ini

Pe 1|.1||7oDD s iO夕 s。
[∶ 1 951]1c118o8
i ●C'``1. z'z/sr ‘
」 z卢 /[1965]1 QB 1T3

亡dcI℃ ndant△ vas tIlc lcssec()f a build1ng,Hcc)cctlpicCi tl△

jl sublct t11c 1ˉ c grot111cl llc)。
`CC usc thc prcl△liscs as a Csta1~r~'
[o csr of thc nc)。 rs t。 t11c plaintiff,-At tllc r1111c。

Dlcttsc,t11crc t\・ cre t`・ f rlle initial

thc btlsiness, tO control and o advcrtiscnlents()n tl△

、 c、valls Of tllc tlppc1・
lct to tIlc plaintiff i\ftcr tcn ycars t11c clcfcntlant 1・ t1。 。rs
llcalth rcgtllations for .cCl tlle 1)lalntir1・ ′
thc tin1c )lcasc,∶ 卜
clatc tI1at thc existing 闷cit11cr tllc Original or 11c\、 厂 s
ventilatio11 subleasc rcse1・ ¢ cd to tllc dcfc11clant a
o∶ il t!Ⅰ r ac(luircd thc =|nt to l.laintain t11c aclvcrtiscrllcnts
Of t11c lcˇ rcsicltl C .

∶ ∶
biggcr duct tO nx a
`v1shcd L)G、 1ENT
l utt111, thc Original
landIOrd 9s succc`` ˉ


C|clcfcnclant llad 1・ △
。rigl△ tin r11c alDsencc。 fexIDrcss rcscrVation tO nlaintt1in
.c advcrtisc111cnts 1・
lle 111c1ˉ c n1Ct tllat tl△
c rcnantl、 nc`.r at t11c clatc()f tl〕
-blcasc Flnd clitI not sulDscqucntly obicct to tllc lancllorcl tlsing t11c、 c

alls of
lousin its Wcw thatan easemcntshα IDrcl△ liscs F()r advcrt1si11g la.・ as 1△ ()t stIfficic11t tc)csrablisl.rl△

- ~.~』 团■

lcntion ro inaply ai△ casc111c11r rft11c lancllorcl、 c rcclulrCCl

1 could not be perfomed unlcss the q■ vis11ccl ro cstabllsll a11 11111)liccl
J1t, t11c(D1△ tls、 Vas C)1111i111 t()s11O`,tlltlt tllc facts \、
icrc nc)r lcaso11ablv
.nsistcnr飞 vith:111v Or11cr cxplanat1On
l)t1t it is clcal tll(tt ala cLisc111c.1∶
-(``‘ ti△ ill()r(tcr t()gi、 ・
c cffcct tc)tllc f1~— —

〃o~Ⅳ c Ko`Vc LAA.7|D LA” ′

It is not possiblc to in1ply a rcscr・

v・ ation L】 nder t11c 1△ 11e in
J,Fg`彡 o乃 z夕 色‘、 0绍 该 勿 42 thoug1
刀 勿 绍 c召
`/`・ `0zrs,In fact,this svas thc point at isstle in thc casc, ・ ng,forthey cxpressly app.Led d

~△ -!・ 3 In vlew。
f thls uncertain3

.-Diect`'iII Only be covcred in ou|
Wi・ O召 丿Bz‘ ″Vzt s(1879)
o″ ‘ 12 Ch D 31 There arethree waysinwhich anea

・ at con11non law by IOng usc sin
・ underthe doct。
Mr 、7hccldon and r BurrOw・ s acquircd ne oflostrnod(
adi Oln1ng pleccs of land rr i-

・underthe P留
sa1△ 1c vcndor. Mr Btlrro△
vs ptlrcllascd his land ancr lVIr W/hccldon sc彬p″ 。″彳c莎 F831
nghts hc cl△ j()ycd ()、 ・Cr ˉ so
S land wOuld havc had tO -:
.cfore loOking atthcse tI・
icd `Vhccklon lla`、 三
rescl飞 by c Co111111(-)n vcndor Ir V△1ecldon
t1△ .・ ee rnet1△ 。
cticd and 11is wifc, N..∶

in11critcd the land、 put up a

hoarding that OlDstrtlctcd thc light pa``∶ ` =rescnptive use,、 vhich is c。
∶1= i^~△ 1rnonlaw,the doctnnc oflostrn。
svorks11op On Burro`/s’ land Ⅸ̀ Btlrro、 vs clain1cd

that a right .Ir

11r1 his % Vour by ir11plicd rcse1vation
li~3.7,1 Prescnptive 1Jse

・clairnant byprcscnption Inust bc al
NIr fnght’ Or,in Othcrˉ
Burroˉ 环/s 、vas
not cntitlcd tO a right tO ligllt by iinplication w-ords,the usc I・ .
vcnclor had failed tO rcsc1飞 rc cxprcssly Thc =ropc1・lygrantcdt。 hiFn,The usernus
a rigllt tO light 1 his salc Of the iCΠnission.^dso,the exercisc of thl
SC1飞 ・

1c1△ 1 lancl tO Mr 、 11cclclon. and

wOuld bc tO dcrogate ion1 his
it ^.nat玩
A.Ir Wr11ccldon tO 刂ll consututc sufscicnt c。
1ply a right 1n the ali)scnce Of an express lon thc naturc ofthe use,~fori1△ntii
lilniratior ~「
f`・ ay
is rarely continuously exerc“
It 1s intercsting to 11Otc `:^1ent owncr that a continuous rigl
R..Ir Burro``s n1ay、 t11at
vcll llavc StiCCccClcd 1ril[
acqtlircd his lanc1 ar rhc san1c dine
as A.Ir Ⅵ F()r rllc rulc 11△
″ Bz/`饬。〃/s has bec11 appliccl `11cclclon,
tO sin1ultancOus clispOsals 37 =3.7,2 con△ mon Law

12,3,7 P”csc`巾 ″。″ 「∶s``'cFF estab1Ished that prcscnpti。

:osehOld c。 ntex・ t and is tInus unavaⅡ
^^Duld havc t。 al

thc acqtlisition of an Casc11ncnt by
lS bc establishcd since t1n
1ong usc If a right 11a` ∶^~in1~n10n law to be 1189,a date clearIy
exerc1scd fc)r a stlFFicienr pcr10d
Of tin△ e thc la、 厂 111 prcsulne thc
original grant Of tha rigllt as an LIc)wevcr ``・
casc111c)nt 【
prcscrlption can be appllecl 11△
it 1S tlnccrtain t\^ li 3.7,3 LOstM。 dern Grant
HOng KOng, S11△ Cc an cstablis11cd kat、 ∷Ⅰ
p1・ cscription at
con11△ 1O1△ la ′1S [hat
the right 11△ tlst be accltlircd lDv a fcc 了1)Overco1・ nc the prOble1△
Of thc do1△ 11nant land
0TV11 c1・ `、
agalnst the fce si1△ 1~ple owncr Of 1s of cstablisll」
tl△ e sc1飞 1cnt -iults evolvcd the ncti。
A leaschold 0、 1cr who cxerc1scs a

right oVcr thc land Of anothcr

V1・ n。 f a lost grant
TrDvides thatiflong usc c。
prescribc nghts for hilnsclf but only uld be estabL
C)11 bchalf Of the fee sinlplc
C)wˉ n cr t「 untis prcsu1・ 11edtohave bccnFnadethal
land. It was fc)r this rcasOn that a right to light arls1ng by prcscr1puon ^cannot bc produccd.亻
Cicctccl 5△
K勿 彻一 1.e ncu。 n is s(
s乃 饣 P″ 刀莎 g P印ss. 38 This ・


ever bcen
clccision has :Dutted by ev1dcnce that nO such gran
criticised, 39 ancl subscqucntly ∫’
` `绍
thc court ‘7`'7tg K乙″‘
/″ ~″ r″
1∶ r・ 1
f △odcrn grant has,in England,n。
61乃 o/~`,(∶ y)40 rcftlscct tO disl△ 11ss totally
thc pOssibility that a right by appl
tion 111ight arlsc 1r1 HOng KOng, 41 Cleady the drancrs Of t11c -r切 ,″ c″ r

Cap 88,
sc`,zz....’ 勿 ″ (JIc`/'o勿
[1916]2 ch 12o 11 6o in the schcdule to cap 88

Scc Ite1・
HKLR 2o8 SCC Chcshire airld Burn,Ⅸ
Kncebonc(1977)7 HKIJ 373 。dc11】 Law of Rcal]

C14dl cd)51亻 and M・cgarry&wadc,The


(1989)~Hct HcA N。 A2o91 of 1989, La`-

sons Ltd,198亻 at869 f。

Scc also贺 B幽 A怎 zJ~s勿 notcd in No仗
r fuithcr dctail
0n Kyshe;Ⅱ 彡
s莎 ov q/・ r`,eI勿 z‘
勿 夕/刀黑z`s6・ 61o C1881)6 App cas i40
~Kio″g(Vˉ ctch an.|d ``os夕
Lcc I・ iong Kong 1971)at 51o Q'Ⅱ °,皙

肠 加`'°
″” 1・ f``ze彻 /sz助 ” 杨 刀 [1971]2 QB 52
Ensfi..” .f召 Ⅳ7s
,1・ CsClVatiOn tlnclcr tllc R11e ln ll

∷ is′ 】z‘ zzr(9石‘
)111t at isstlc in tl△
c casc '`7Cc9 12 t11Ougllt prcscriptic)n1△ acl sO111c cff℃ ct in IIOng
t fo1・ t11cy cxprcssly
`/`7‘ applicd the F9`'()sCrFpr`。
i rn vicw。 】
c产 J(sJPlntO F1()ng Kong
f tllis tlnccrtainty stirrouncling prcscrlptioll t11is cliffictllt
tCt sVill only bc c。 vc1・
B〃 邵0zt s(1879) 12 Cll r)31 eCl in()utlinc,4・
ic arc tllrcc waysin whic11an casen△
cnt n△ ay bc acquircd IDy prcscr1ption∶
) -∷
[Co1m~1uon law冫 by long usc sincc tilne in11ncn1Orial∶
l1 -inclcr thc d。
′‘ ctrinc Ofl。 st 1~()dern granti and
′tlui1ccl acljoining r)iCccs of la11℃
∶∶ t -indcr the``?sc`^`”
工 |!|.
-~`CCl llis lancl aftcr NIr`X``hcelc1()ll ` 〃O″ 月c`zs`;2.
∶ |∷
`Itir)11・ s lanCl\v()tllCl llavc llacl to i-~ ~ i.".
i lrc IOOking attl△
csc tl△ ree l△ lcthocls it 1s 1・
∶\ll`\llcclcl(〉 n clicd and llis\、 ˉ △
cccssar\-to look attllc nattlrc c)f
ifc ~II scriptivc use, 、、rhic11 1s c。
j∶ 、 ∶ !llg tllat()l)strtlctcCl tI1c ligllt ID.′ ′~_ 1n111On to prcscril)tion -lletllc1ˉ
ln1On lalv,thedoctrincoflost1noclerngrant.Ortllc P`t,sc`ˉ tlnClcr tllc
J II I3】 汀 roX`・ s clainlcd t11at a rigllttc)∶
∶ 〃,'/0``△ cr z♂ t;2
-∶ IIn
∶ = ."v1.
-′ 71 Prescriptivc LJsc

tllatllc cxcrciscd thc usc tls

|gllt・ ()r,in othc1・

ar呼 ttolightbyimplication.△ `厂
v()rCls,tIˉ 1c tisc Ilas l)ccn cxcrcisccl as iftt rig11t11ad bcc11
冫rc.ssly a rightto lightin his sale Oftheqd■
!)crly grantccltO I1ilu,T11cuscn1ustthusnotbcinsccrctorbyfc)rcc c)r`・
lulssion AlsO,tl△ c cxcrCise of the rig11t 1D1ust IDe continuotls,111t11Oug11itI△
ln甲 ltγ °uld bet。 dcrOgatc from 1△ 1sgid■ rtt△vill c。1△ stitute sufficient cc)ntintlity for tl)csc lDtlrposCs、
11nc absencc of an expressli血
tatim~H ln t11c naturc c)ftllc tlsc,~R)1ˉ
i11stancc,、 、
丙ill dc~pcnd
.c llavc alrcady sccn thattl rig11t
^vay is rarcly co1△
tintl。 usl1・ cixcrCiscd It nlust,11c)△
1cnt O、 v1△ er tllat a co11tinL10t1s 1ˉ
vevcr,lDc clcar t。

BurrOws111ay、 vellhavc succeeded 1g1^lt is l)c|ing asscrtcd
le as MrWheeldon,forthc rule in W
・ ~D72 cOn1111c)n△ asv
;Ⅱ nultaneous disposals,37
′iCll cstablisIlccl that prcscripti()n atc()11111no1△
1a`ˉ lnas lDo l)lacc i11 tllc
,、 c11。 ld c()ntcxt ancl is tlltIs unavailablc 11△
lulcl llavc t。 1i。 ng Kong.In ar1)-c\Cnt,usc
′Ctt、 be cstablishcd sincc tilue ilu111el110rlal~、
∶∶ cluc11tl)vlong usc,Ifa rig11tl1~∷ 、111c11
i)ln10n la・ :to lDc 1189,a date clcarly inappropriarc t()FF()ng K。1s tal(cn at
- ’[lillC.tllc la、 、

.i xVill l)rcst1111c ˉ ngl

~.′ t^illCllr I-I。

、・cVcr,it is L】 nc・ crttlin ˉ
′ 1 ~3,73 LOst卜 Ⅰodcrn Grant
∶ (】 (()11羊 g,sincc a1n cstal)lis11ccl lc.~∶
∶∶|人 :igllt1uustlDc acqtlirccl bv a lt c` -
|()VcrCo1nc t11c problc1△
` △ ˉ 1s()f cstablishing usc s1ncc tin1c lnan1cln()ria1,thc
C●cc sinllDlc(i)飞 \:nC1・ ()fr11c sc1飞 — ttrts eVolvccl the nct1。
ic∶ ~
ˉ′~i 1・ tllt()vc1・ n。 f a lost grtu△ tin t11c latc 18tll ccntury,Thc F1cti。
[llc lallcl()fan()tllci -- )vicles t11at if lon~g use coulcl bc cstal)lis11cd f(DJ・ n
ll i、 Cllalf()1ˉ rllc 1ˉcc sillaplc(D、
\-11 ci^ ^ ~ˇ lllt is prcstllneCI to l△
2o vcars or111Orc、 a forn△ al
・ ave bccn n1adctl△ atsL1bscquc11rlvl△
=!ll t()ligllt arisillg l)vI)rcscrilDr∶
ˉ- tia11not l)c pr()ducccl∷ J5・ as bccn lc)st.sO t11at
^I``i.″ rllc ncti。
S Tlns clcclsi。
1)IL` ^.)tlttcd l)v evidcnce t11at n()stlc11n grant`as
is so`.cll111acle,|()Prcscriptio1△
cstablls11cd t11at it can】

0t lDc
-i′ `丫'ss-′
tll l山 cc()urr1n F,‘ )clern grant has,in Englanc1,no applicatio11``ir11 rcspcct Of lcascll()lcl
by lost
/`7(g~A・ 1zr‘ /`7一 乃r-j` -【

lx)、 s11)ilitv tilat t1 1・ igllt lD)-I・ .-` -

i.~ri\rhc clraRcrs c-)f1hc.typ/`cc-

Cap 88,

scc Itc111 6o in thc schcdule to cap 88

sCC Chcshire and Burn,Modcrn Law of Real Propcrb`,∶

C14th cd)514 and iⅦ cgar1、 Buttcr环 严
。1ths,Lond。 n,1988 at
&wadc,Thc La玑 `of Real Propcrty(5th ed)stcvcns and
SOns Ltd,1984 at 869 f。
r furthcr detail

11r1NOnon Kyshc:Ff彡 E)勿 /`o刀 ″ 月 勿g笏s8Go C1881)6 App

。 e助 ″ 。 cas 740

71)at 51o,
')pF功 rf 7・b乃 9‘7)义lr/`7e饵 夕打 z莎 ‘
/″ Alo`'`7・ 7勿

29∶ z
〃@∧ /CK(9Ⅳ c LAⅣ D EAly

land 47 T11is exclusion has been questioncd,48thus thcre is a poss珈

p唧 iption叩 ostmodcmirTtC° uld be applied in Hong KO鸭 .泸 Ιlxp`饣 ss c`z/`″

△c extent and nature of an cxpressl

12374 .P箔 召sc纠!p历 。陶
:WOrds ofthc gnnt,A right may be
魔 lll △1-be cxercised at any tirne and in ar
he act、vas intended to rcFnove thc difficulties of the other R】
由出■■■ int1s restr1ctcd in thc tirncs Orthc Ina
prescription,but unfoⅡ unatcly it was so pOO” ~.喟■
dr破 cd that it臭

thc acquisition ofa right to11刂 汪■

stancc,a r1ght ofway1nay be restnc1
cornplicatcs the position.The act treats
p e np on dffe en yfron|1 hea qu ono ohc gh byprescrl甚 u■ ■ ■ | crciscd only dunng the daylight ho

V可herc thcre is difficulty in c。
TOunding circun△ stanccs atthe t1△
G)Easements o herthan a righ to ligh .h
t the terlns Of the grant・
1△ (

吼111 not
rurr1stanccs whcre thc cxtent ofthe
T11e actnrstsceksto assistintheproofofaclaimatcommonlaworud■
n1the tcrFns Ofthe grant,52
modcmgrantbyprovidingthatausefor20yearsormoreca1△ notbedeng■
by evidcnce showing thatthe use did nOt sta筑 until after 1 189.secod目 ■
■ An example Ofthe courtlooking l
act introduces a statutow pcriod of prcscription of 40 years,whchl确 ■■ lstruc the tcnns Ofthe grantis foun

dependentuponcommonlawprescriptionorlostmodemgra1△ t.Ncved嘁 ■ ■
usc fo“ O years must still be‘ as ■■
prow咽 ■
of right’ and will not assistin t11e le猫 Ⅱ
contcxt,A use fOr 4o years咖 11 not be dcfeated unlcssit can bc c■ ∠″ ・
7纫 ″〃s抄 勿 〃″‘ ,`c乃
D`。 cc^~
7・ 7・ 9

the nght was enjOycd as a result ofa w血 en pcmission gkcn either申 ■■ `.:冫
`ps“ [1975]1珥
oratthc sta丘 Ofthe peood,oran oral pemission givcn beforc but no呐 ■■
the pe。 od Inthe case ofthe 2o~ycarperiod,a pemission~whether明 汪■ CTs
Or oral~g1ven cither before or during the period of use wm bc%taL|■ J■
periodsofusemustinbothcascsbcimmcd1atelybefo1et11eactioncom正 ■ e plaintiffsold soFl△ eland to thc defen

and must not havc been intcrrupted,savethattheactprovidcsthatndu■ 田口■ ■ i churchyard,but-玑 .7as sOld subjectto
is deemedto bc anintermption unlessithas been submittedtO Oracqui(叫 ■ hc churchwas bya path,part of-R11icl
in by thc don1inant o,vnerfor1110rethanaycar ■■
iIII dc up ofsand and graveland c。

(b)mghttolight E
cther thc right。 f、 vay ovcr the patl

The acquisition of a oghttO light by prescription isrnorc gcncrously扛 DGMENT

by the act,There is only onc statuto〃 period of p∞
scription Of 2o闭
毗ichwillgk。 seto aoghtdcemed‘ absolutcandindefeasible.Furthemg■ e right of way was a nght on fO。
t on11
a grant of‘ a right of、
the use nccd notbe a use as ofrightand,morcimpo△ antly,inthe Hong啊 vay’ ,but the p
context,it appcars thatthe use n△ ay bc rnaintaincd by a tenant both aig叫 □■ tated thatit cOuld not have bcen intc1

a landlord,proWded thatlandlord is not the CrOM,and against a盂
tenant,whethcr ofthe sarne or diffcrentlandIOrd. d■
1■ 1■ 1■ 1
Whcre thc c。 urt cannot f1nd a clear a1
n1thc tcr1△ 1s ofthc grant and the surrc
111struc the grant against thc grantor,
12。 唾 Extent of(Jse
The extcnt ofan exprcss grantis not c(
'Γ C11ghtwas Onginallyintcnded atthe tIn△
hc nattlre a11d cx-tcnt of an cascnlcnt`ˉ ill dcpc1△ .llctllcr it is c∶
d Or1、 、 1c~∶
ention tO that effect.An。
cxprcssly()1ˉ 1111I)11cclly,
ftcn~quoted c
″c″勿″泸″i0治 s`沙 o`△ ・
・ ・W″ 汝‘
饣 z莎 ″,53`l△ e1
′′ ^召
加′ ″^(1834)1 Cr M&R211∶ ′ 1uinant
`,`功 tencn△ ent、
l干 ″o`7 zⅡ ilF夕 加[189313 Ch 18(anc1 Ⅰ 'E夕
vas a private dTveⅡ i
‘,C17‘ yt9、 ,

r19o1]1I(L3△ 57 `夕
sincss purposcs`l△ en the housc、
Scc Dclancy(1958)74L(Q!R82
vas c
scction 2 oftl c n-,sc`巾 ″。″△c/1832
scction・ +Ibid
51 灭Ⅰeg``e″ H`770r[1965]1 QB 334
Scct10n 3 Ibicl
[1913]1 ch 113
四⒕SEJi1.・ rE`v⒎ s
JI1△ tlCstioned|18 thus t11crc is a pc・
£xp`6s c7昭 ″产||i||

△1Int c。 uld bc applicd in「 IOng K(∶ ∶

~CXtcnt and nature Of an exprcss cascluc1△

t、 vill clcpcncl prl111tlrllv tlpon
ords Oft11c grant-A light11η ay lDc gcncral、 ˉ
--be cxcrciscd at any tilllc and in anv`・
`ˉ 111c11、 111c。 11fcl a r1gllt tl△
・t11C dif(1ctllt1cs of′ `・
1 I`辶
t11c ()r11ci ˉ ∷ ayl or lr 111ay lDc 11111ItcCl、 ˉ
、llcre tl△ c

~ˉ i ls rCstrictcd in thc ti1ncs Orthc n△

[ 、as sc) pOOrlv draftcd t11j∶

- .I屮 anncrin`・ h1ch lt11na、 ˉ
bc cxcrcl、 ccl FO1ˉ
lnce,a r1ght。 f、 vaˉ y1△ 1ay bc rcstrictcd to passagc lD\-fc)。
~`i ti Cats tllc aCquisirion c)fa1・ ˉ t()111\ˉ o1ˉ
1g11∶ ~ .I||| ~lClscd onlv cluring t1△ c daylight llotlrs 111aV lDe
t.tCCluisiti()11c)f otllc1ˉ 1・ igllts b)-lγ t`-・ I t\11crc thcrc is difhculty in construing t11c tcrlus of tllc: gra11t tlle

∶()uncli1△ g circu111star1ccs at t11c tin△
1n a right to light49 e ofthc grantlua\-ass1st Constrtlct1c)11
∶t11c tcn1△ s Of t11c grant
、vill nc)t bc ctlt d。 x\-1△ b)- t11c stlrrOtlncii11g
-tuη -stances\vllcrc tl△ c cxtcl△
lt iDrOc)f of a clair11 at co111111()n laV` i- t ofthc casclllcllt Can bc aclcqtlatcl\-clcri11ccl
i11 thc tcrnls ofthc grant,52
I-~I`C for 2o vcars c)rln1Orc cannotl`c-=
AL1 cxan1plc Of t11c court look11△
g to tllc stlrroul△ ding circtllusta11ccs t()
~∶ `c CliCl ll()t start tIntll ttrtc1・ 1⊥ 89 sc` 一 ∶
lstruc thc tcrn1s Of the grantis 1()tlnd ini
I)rcsCript1On()f1o ycars、 、
`| ()l′ \-il∶ -

∶t`CrilD[io1△ OrlOstl△ 1()dcr1△ glu11t,`c・

..— —
` i rigllt・ andˉ
∶ 卢
∶ `rill not assist in t11c ir~、
1,rlDc clcfcatecl tlnlcss it can bc p∶ ˉˉ 7潋sDzr`γ 夕 ′ps“ 饣
c乃 D/。 c‘ Ps‘ r″ BO夕 ‘

`/`77z/` '/・ ″夕 C`‘r`^乃 ‘

A・ 0,2丿
^ i tt\\1・ =- `7‘
`'〃 `7ce″
irtcn 1Dcr111issi()n glvcn cltiltI-- [1975]1 、7LR 468
△tl lDcrn1issi()11 givclllDelk)re l)tlt 11
∶~ .. CTS
-tl lDcr1()cl、 :1 pcrluissi()n-、 v11ct11r-
∶_|△ li11g tllc 1)cri()cl(j〉 士tlse la-ill l)ci~- I
ˉ t plaintiffs()ld s()l11C land to t11c defcnclant,Tlne lanct surrotlndcd a c11urc11
∶i1|tIl)cCliFltcl、 ・
bc1()rctllc acti()n ccl∶ 1 ^^- ~

ˉ tl c11urcl△ yard,btlt△ \ras solcl stlbicct tc)a rigllt of`avt。

c`l `tl`c tllat t11c act l)rovidcs tl⒈ thc cllurc11.Acccss
●∶ -

i^C``it lkts lDccn stlblnittccltO(,1ˉ
lllc c1111rc11、 、as b)raI)atl1.IDart of、
-r11cll x\-as O1nl、

ttc-~- . fotlrfcct.slx i nc11cs、 vidc,
ˉtllttn -tlc tlr)Ofsand and gravcl a11d co、 ・
l ∶
廴 L1 Ⅴcar sll crcc1-`-itll lca、 es T11c qtlcstio11 arOsc of
lctllcr t11c rigl△
t()f、vav ovcr tIne path T\-as oln R)ot(D111、 -()r cxtendcd tO


ˉ・ c.sCr△ ˉ
l)∶ )t1c)111s111()rC gc11cr()tl`i i-ˉ
∶ ~~i~|l飞 l)c r1()cl c)1・ cscril)ti()11()⒈
l)1・ L
-lc rig11t Of、 vay、 、as a rigllt on fOOt。
--diD`(~〉 lurcanclinclc1。 asiblc・ - nly.'r11c gra1.t、 飞ˉ
as cxprcsscd nlercly

,「 tnti△」
`a grant of(a right of、 、ay’

-i~ir人 l il)()rc i1ulDOrtttr1tlv.i11t11c Fl(-J∶ ,but thc p11ysict11 charactcristics Of thc path

ˉi`c illainlainccll)\・ -tratcd thatit could not11avc lDcen intcndcd RD1ˉ
1 tt tcnant ID()tli__ \ˉ c111Clcs,
-l`llot r11c cr。 、 ・
、n.11ncl agai11、 〔J∶ -

△`!、 nt lai)cl l()rc1

lnCrC L11c c()urt canllot hncl a clcar Ft11sˉ
tllcir task of c。
c1・ ll△
)1η t11c tcr111s Of t11c grant ancl t11c stlrrotlncling
`・ l△
,lnstrtlc tllt:grant。 lust
】gainstthc grantor
T・ 1△ c cxtcnt()far)cxprcss grantis nor c。
nr1ncd t。 t11c purposes1()r`・
c r1gllt、vas()riginallyintc1△ hic11
lment wi11 dcpend on whethcritis ct△ dcdatthctin1coft11cgraF1t,tlr11css t11erc is a clcar
月 lcnrion~t()t11at crrect,l`1△
Oftcn-cltlotCd cxlt1111DlC is pr()v1clccl bv tlne case()f
乃欣?z・ C`衫 7″ ‘ 、
、ˉ ’
lnInant tc△ 1cn1c11t、
lV′乃O夕 扌o″ ″ J...Fi勿 p`er18931 3 Ch钅
8;and vas `DO`^``‘
a privatc`53
whcrc all()usc、
rightc)f way grantcd w11cn tllc
as llclcl to cxtcncl to \・
ls11ncss I)tlrposcs、 \・ 11cn t1△ c110usc、 vas convc1tcclto a 11Otc1,
〓 △

KOg暂 ″爿

'[1965]1 QB 334
[1913]1 ch`72°113

ffoⅣ C`Κ ‘
,Ⅳ c Ij4Ⅳ D EAlV

HOwever,while a change ofuse ofthe dOminanttencment may△

the burden placcd on the scMcntlandit must notlcad to such anin吲 ,3
月召陶e″ 勿s
in use as`7ˉ Ould unreasonablyinte1・ fcre`/iththc nghts。
fothcrs,Foring口 口g■
沙勿 ″扬 ″耐 亻where agoculturalland was conve芷
in乃 ′ .^Drlually an agg。

ed to a cara、 ・ eved party,whethl

for 2oo caravans,the court d.ecided the hcreased.use was excessiviie山 △iustified intqrferencc with an ca
thegeneraltcmsOfthegrant ButinHongKongtheincrcaseduseofau Icessive usc,、 hll seck redrcss byo1
ofway rcsuhng from the redeyelopment of a singlc residencc into花 1^`rayofda11.agcs,Injunction,ordec
was not cOnsidcrcd exccsshe.55 △■
J■ oc actionablc1trnust be substanual
T1△ erightmustbe usedforthe c句 Oy111ent ofthe dominanttenement叫 」v takc action ifan Obstacle irnped(
the use of a nght of way for the purposc of acccss to land a的
oinhg日 ■■
■ additiOn to the nonn|a1111ethods。
dominanttenemcntis precluded,56 irnerrnay abate thc intcrferencc hirf
But,unlesstherc are express wordsto the contra1),thC rightmaybe叫 习■ lllust cxerc1se abate1△
ent cautious
by a叩 One expressly or implicdly autho。
sed tO use it,provided th由 ■ ticc to the scrvicnt
。wner, and
accommodates thc dominanttenemcnt.T1△ 刂 ■ ncccssary da111age,58
favour Of a don1inanttenernent on which a
us a suggestion that a理
busincssis conducted lslL“叩叫■
tO the Owners Ofthe bushess and cxcludcstheircustomersis unacceptau|III■■■■
-~日 ■■■

2,5 Tern・ Ⅱnation of Easeinents

12亻 2F勿 %p″ 扬 (乃 勹免绍莎
-sI 罗,`z〃 乃
Animpliedgrantislimitedtothepurposeforwhichitwasuscdatthe0■ Ⅱ `.rcr0`z6)/・ `77P
the right arose T1△ us a right ofway ofnecess” ■ a pr。 pc唧 for agrimh△ Cascnlents in【 ・
IOng Kong n1t⒈ stIDc g

purpOses would nOt e救 cnd to acccss tO a faCtO〃 ^crallv lDc F。
thatthc dominant m△ r t11c sh。 rtcr oftllc tcrIll
maywish to crect On theland.M increascin useis not prccluded,how刂 ■ ∶
ninant tt11d sc1・
、1c11t land-At tllc c11c
unless it is so excessive as to posc an unrcasonable inte1・
fercnce w抽 I钮
■ `∶ antcd,ir will sinlply cxp1rc b、
11ghts Of others cntitlcd to thc grant,

■■■ statutorv rcnc△ val。
cfrlt∶ c

-ii,thc gra1.t lnay tllsO rI)c

dcc111cd t(ii[

B″ 刀夕 )‘
s Bo‘/`'〃 F`G`‘
11965]clD 587 -:2 乙 7″
`^乃 ``z‘ `、 ”
FACTs =rc r11ust bc divcrsityofOˉ 、
vncrs11i1D。 f∶
△n cascluentto ansc,、
ˉ 刀lcrc t11e O`..
h18亻 7 tl△ c mIwaycompa呷 1aid a忱 钛dutcutofdle accessto sone日 亡lllCnrs bcc。 111cs vcstcd in thc sa111c r、


cKcept by way of a crossng that№ d becn c()nstructcd” ■ ∶
∶11Ction ofthc cascn1cnt-`:111 bc IDc.rr1j
c()mpan、 .F。 r manyycarsthe nclds n`crc uscd”
创口■ the】

butthe n△ ullbcrs llad grom细 bstantlau、

αlllapc阝 and Gl⒓ ˇ
n.IDutthc casclucnt`.11 111crcl\-bc、

d由 c涮 way companyt叫

f mCc啷 .The tspondcm d啷 d m eas习 ■ ilessee tlndcr a sh。
111c vcstcclin[11c-

llcasc-人 I1
rtcr teri△

a11tland、 vill bcsus~pcnclcd dtlr1∶
illc lcascs Of tlle dc)11111.ant tu△
cl scl△ -∶


vc ifthe lcasc()fcit11cr t11c sc1、
^^lrcs sO thattllc o、 ,・
1c11[(∶ )∶
v1ˉ 1erShip(Df eacll tc-r
111c plant研sad血 dcdulatthc fielcls∞ uld bc uscdforc猛
va“ ,but山
thc incrcasc n usc was unacccptable,1△
c co1rt of^ppeaI d1d not印
刂■ ~:3 Pe/c夕 sc
ricasc 111av lDc cxprcss。
r in1pliccl _\ll i
lutIIst bc b)rdced,60 alt11。

[1968] l\Ⅹ iiLIR 589 ugh cqtli[\∶ l1-


lF″/ˉ 晶 /f″ ″ 严 ″“9″ 幻.Hc`″ 勿 Ps I盯 [1966j HKLR 399

`a)I″L1cll 127 ).ro(△
!V勿 夕 笏 ,。 勿
Co夕 I历

Ff〃 F7`,〃 .e`(・ 19o5)7亻 e1g Bze勿 c乃 勿 gD,ef″

子 `r`、 Scc s 15 cl乃 。勿.,``ze勿 `9,莎
lr,c,渤 。〃se 3 60£ /山 )K`|`*`‘ ``刀 rD0勿 ses O.石 z彦 /刀 勿刀ce cap钅
:`z/1/[197o]]、 △R1185 O巧〃饣 勿ce Cap 150, o and(
294 sccu。``勿
n4。 fthe Co`7″ q,.`历 刀c`刀g夕
。pe″ )Jo
r ri`l、 辶
i oF rllc d()n1inant tcnc111cllt∶ 1~
i^∶ ℃∶ 1t lanc1,it 1ntlst nc)tlcad tO st1ci^-^
- ip 2‘ ,```e‘ es

∶ltCrfC1・ c xvit11 t11c rigllts Ofot11c1ˉ i 1 ˉ `多

∶tllrural land、 、 1.lllv cln aggricvcd party、

∫as convcrtcclt()~`~ ・ 、
vllethcr 11c bc tt c1O111illa11[。
=∶ ~
、Vn C1ˉ clailuing thc
J~∶ ticcl tllc 1ncrcasccl tlsc x、 ras cx(c`` `∶ 1⒈ lcc1.illtcrfcrencc、 、ith~an~casc111cnt()1ˉ
∶ a sc1飞 ˉicn[ 。、 、ˉ
11Cr Clail△ 1ing
I 3`ltin I1c)ng1<Ong thc il△ crcascci~`Ⅰ ``ive usc,、 ill scck rcdrcsslDy onc c)frllc usualluctllocis~actt。
.yofda1△ 1~agcs,i1△ n citllcr
-ic・ .-cl()1Dnlcnt Of a singlc rcsiclc11ˇ
- ^-
∶ Jtlnction)()rdcclaratio11 Btltinordcrl(Dr til11 111rerlcrcncc
-~tCtionableit111ustbcstlbstantial Forinstancc tllccloF11111ant(D\、
1ilc cnioV11ncn-tc)ft11c don△ tlkc action ifan c)bstaclc inlr)Cdcs thc rctlsO11al)lc cxcrc1sc c)f11is rigllts
in c1・ ca r1
i1△ anttcrl[∶ - 1-
ilc ptlrp()sc()f aCCcss to lanCl t、 j - ・ J1tlo11 t。 t11e11~()r1na11△
1cthods Ofsccking rcclrcss b、 -actlo11 Lt CloI1unant
tctl(i =rlnay al)atc thc intcrfcrc1△ cc 1111△ 1sclf lDv rc111()、 -ing t11c olDstrtlction Btlt
r```\ˉ (DrCls t()t11c c()ntrary,t11c r1gllt i1-- -1・ ∶
~lst cXcrCisc abatcnlcnt caut1Ouslv。
l lnd slloulcllllakc surc:[llat 11c gi\ˉ

∶culy atltllorisc(l to tlsc it,pr。 vicic~--i・ c to t11c scrvicnt OT、 ・ ci s
ncr, and catlscs tlle lcast clisrupti()n tt11ci rlo
∶∶I1C111Cnt ・
Cˉ 「11us a stlggcstion[11j∶ ~- =ˉ 、cssa1・ 3..r dan1agc.58
`Inicil a lDusincss is conduc[c~~ ` |

1~l cri`・ tcltlclcstl)cir ctlstO111Crs is ulltit~~

~5 Tcrr1Ination of Easerncnts

ˉ(⊥ 岁 匆77``c″o″
)’ (,/・

∶1c iDull)()sc l〈 )r Which it was usccl`∶ - |il
ˉ rtlscFncnts in I・ 1。
jl t)l llCCcssity tc)a propcrty Fo1ˉ ng KOng 111tlstlDc granted fo1・
.~∶ .ii a ter1n of ycars,wl△ ich、
~`0CsS t()tl ilCtO1ˉ v t11at tllc cton11I1~∶ ˉ
- |・ crallv l,c for t11c sl△ ()rtcr oftllc rcrn1s crcatccl by thc cro-、 vlll
ˉ vn lcascs()f tl△ c

△∶illCrCasc ill tlsc is 1)()tF)rCcltlc1c(1 - lli11a1△ t ancl sc1、,ic1△ tlanc1 At t11c cind of tllc tcrl11 For、
′ ..rhich t11c eascnlcnt

∶Ⅱ`C ttll tlnrClts()ntlblc intcrfcrcllct- l`| --tlntcd,ir、 ill si1.1ply cxplrc l)y cfF1~tlcIjon oftinac~alt11()tlgl1ˉ
w・ hcre thcrc
-.∶ 1〔 t11 Or extcnsion ofthc cro、
`tattlrory rcncˉ vn lcasc tcrn1。 f tllc sc1飞
J,thc gra11t 11△ ay`「111sO l)c cleclllcd t。 `icnt
cont111tlc s^J
∷∷ ∷∷●∷
∷ ∷

|∷ ∷ ∷ |∷

rss r1 965j cl1 587

-F2 C切 tl)¢ O“ )`7绡 乃p

=rc r11tlst bc clivcrsity of()w1・ △

crs11ilD Oftllc dolllinant and scl飞
~tn casc1m~cir1t to arisc,・ lc11t tc11cr1n cnr
、 hcrc t1△ c(D、 vncrs11ip ofthc c1o1111nttlnt llllcl se1飞


山da“ ackthatcutofthcacccsstosOIIle0J C111cnts bccc)n△ cs vestcd ill t11c sa1△

1c IDcrson,t11c easc111clnt`111 ccasc Tl△
that had been constmcted by the∶ 洒
llCtion oftllc cascnlent△ c
、J .vvn,butthc casc11△
vi11 1)c pc1△ nanent、
v11erc O`-11crsllilD vcstS in tI1c
aeld~s wcrc usecl by campcrs and-cara△
■■口■ entTvil1111crcly lDc stls~pcnclcd、
1bstantiallv and the railwav con△ panviL】 司
i icnttellelllenrs bcc。 vhcrc tllc clon1111antan~d
日日■■ rnc vested ln the san1c lcsscc.lDc tlltlt a cro、

△1c res。 ondCnt claimca an造 aseI.lm门 .tlcsscc undcr a sllc)rtcr te1△
11 1casc,nt1△ v easc111cnt attac・

n lcssec
lcasc。 f
~iJO111inantland、 vill bc stlspcndedduring thcpcri。
cl。 fc()L11111On o、 Vncrship
lllc lcascs()fthc d()111inant ancl sc1飞
^ivc iftl△ `icnt tcnclncnts.・ 「hc casc111cnt、
c lcasc()f cit1△ cr t11c sc1ˉ vill
vicnt or d。 11.intlnrtcnclncntis assigr1cd or
p1rcs sO tllat thc OTvncrs1△
ip of each tcnc111catis()ncc agait)sc1Daratc
℃lqs,co望 d bC uscd forcaravans,butcl由 《

ptabie,Thc cOu丘 OfAppcal did not印 ~53 `c/‘ 9‘
icleasc 1△ 1ay lDe cxprcss()r illlplicd,An cxprcss rclcasc、

,111tIst lDe lDy cleccl,60 althc)tlgll cqtliry 1△

t。 be cffcctivc at
1ay rccog111sc a rclcasc
cFFcctcd bv
Fo(£ ∶
s莎勿 歹[1966]IIKLR 399 岬‘
″ ″£〃 ・
″乃e`・ ・
'es z莎 `。 ``(Jb l
sccs15 c)。
ig B/O〃 c乃 g
p/e″ 刀 (3・ f△ ″ ?`s′9``z召 Cb I'‘ /r19271 Ac 226 at 245
″″7 ze夕 ses `・

C,)'‘ ‘ Cap亻 0a ncis
``'`g `″

歹[197o]1、7LR 1185 0四‘
/`2〃 ・
O CaD ``7cc
7 1\‘ 丿
″‘D` ze历
ses‘ 丑Υ莎
7・ D)∶
150 `l″ 'ro`77`、 e刀 s'o`彦 ,
Scction 1 ofthc C1-,″ ″c,,‘ 7″ c``召 ″″〃尸
/″ 亿″
`cc cap 219


lcssformalmcans,AnimpliedrclcascmayarisebythedeemedabandorⅢ Ⅱ
Ofthc。 ght.T1△ e merefailureto cxcrcisc an casemcntis notdecisivc evi曲叫■ 3 Cl`'/s/`````〃 〃s
11onlycOnstitutc abandOn血 entfitis cxphc叫Ⅱ
`)'刀 `廴
Only On the assumption thatthe dominant ownerintendcd to give up|1■■ ~custornary nght is a nght that i
nght.The point is clearly illustratcd by: jstoma1△ `nghts differ from easen
■■ ∶1inanttcncl1|1ent;andtheydlffcr1

1rnited to a particular cornn△

∶common law a customav五
`lf(,o`‘9z`″ 〃″.lso″ C1 824)3B&c332 ght
~1SOnablc,and continuous.lJndcr
・nsidercd ancientifit has bccn eni
∶山in li、 1ng memory,unlcss there
lplication ofsuch a testin IIOng Ko
Tllc p1ant1ff cnJoym a nghtt。 hg1】 tto cc山 mwndows HcdcmoWd■ any custoli11aly nghts ItInight be泛
wan in whch thc whd。 ws wcre sitlla腔 d and iebmtthe wau蹈
w血 do而 s FOu砣 ecn yca阝 later d△c defcndant crectcd a bullding旧 =tcrr1torythc application ofthcEn£
wOum腕 ve。 bs⑾ Ⅱd由 c nght t。 thc。Id w血 doⅦ subscqleIm日 dthatcustO1n.shouldbeacceptedfil
plaⅡ △
t1仟 nla(cancw w1ndow whcre onc d伍
c oId wh面 wshad b∝ o闸
■ l
thc tcrritory,IIO、 vever,the qucsti(

■ `・
Tcrritones,whcrc thc quesdor

cerncd by chinese custornaryla、 ˉ


o,4 S茁 夕r″ 莎 E伤 sc`1・ 7饣 e勾 莎
3'′ s

an Ⅱltc1】 t1on to abandon d△

idn。 us ul ph・ nt1ff
e r1ght,
s n。 n・ sC d mon二
,臼 I■ scn△ cnts rnay be created by statutc.
:E勿 c`″ c勿 Ab勿 o`^乃 6拗 /zrro?E夕 5

|crcatiOn by statute Of certain casc刀
12.6E贺 emer△ ts and s血 ar Rights ' ln clectricity nctwork by thc po、 ˉ

荔袱描 bidisinguishedtomanumbCr。 f。 hersimilarr1ghts蜇 Ⅱ 6,5 P伊 ^6,乃 莎

1261N吻 乃

宫s i profltis a nghtt。
iˉ the servienttcncn△
cnt,ˉ 、厂
hilst an casei
takc sO1ine part oft

``侈 ihc servienttcncn△ cntin sornc way.A
Natural rights exist as a natural incident to the ownership of land.10口 profit 1nay exist in gross、 ・
11creas a
eascmcnts they arisc autOmatically,as an incident of ownership,E2m|叫 ■ -∶ r11inantteneI|11ent.In the light。
fthe dl
ofnatural oghtsinclude thc r1ghtto suppo皮 ■■ iDng Kong,pronts are n。
erectcd on theland)andtherighttOsurfacewaternOwingthrougha调 q■ tc。 niln1or11y

channe1,Butthe law has notrccognised a rightto light as`hthin the g口日■ 26,6 zrce绍 ces
Of natural rights A。 ghttO light can only bc acqu屺 ■■■ |

d as an caseme口 LIIII C11Cc ConFcrS a l)crlnissioll tc)1Dcril∶


1262 .P汤 c JP纟

`IDass Licc1|△ ccs anCl casc1△
1cnrs tllLi`i∶

iCr,fO1・ t11cv nccd nOt c。 1.R)1ˉ ln t\-.∶
public righF,as their namc implics,arc cxcrc立 lll .111incd ca11jcri11tl△
is cllaptcr A llcc1η
sable by anyone.Eh1■ 人t
caser11ents they are not appurtcnant to any do111inant tcnen△
ent.CoⅡ ■
■■ ~iit ncecl not bc appurtcna1)tto()1・
public rights includc the right to usc the public highway,to use na呐 口■
■ :∶ 1Cc rnaV bc c1・ catcd Tvith t11c1111111111tII1

watcrs,and fish in the sea;but thcsc rights arc frequently rcgul妞 d■ ■ ∶

`r atla、
be CrCatccl b、 7dccd 1\11 ctil`c∶

ordinance.Forinstancc thc righttO usc thc public highwayforthe pu甲 刂■ dlDablc()f binding r11ircl partics,x\ˉ
itcdbytheP笏 沙 刂■ ∶
11crc lDcrsonal rights tllar`11I n。
r 】
erO笛 口口■■■ ccting tllird partlcs

``c Om溺 '加

Cap 245. section 13A`lez‘ ∶
7z9'`彡 /r)幻 es O'歹
,″ 夕刀ce CaD 9:
296 Cap 357
:Icaseruayansebythc deer1△ cdabarl

~)3 clF./s`(``77‘
R农 乃莎
:xerc1sc an easer11cntis not dccls1ve 'γ
〉rllvconstitutc abandonn△ entifitise
-dstOn△ a1△ rig11t is a rigl△
t that is cnjoveci lD\ˉ Lt partic tlla1・

te do1111nant。 、.`ncr 1ntended to gll co111111tlnity.

`[O111ary 1・ igl△ ts diffcr fiOIn ease11△
ated bv∶ cnts ln-tllat tllc\-tlrC 1n()t tlttaCllccl to a
-11111anttcncn△ cnti and thcydifferFiO111IDublic r1gllts in t11artllc】
~~IT TiiT T T T=ˉ ∶
illitcd tc)a lDFlrtictllar con1111tln1ty ancl not clli(-)\-cCl lD、 1ˉ cnio\-111C11t
tllc l)tlbllc L1t la1 gc.
~()1nnlon la、 ..r a custO111aly right ctln arisc Onl)-lf it 1s.】
-.`′ ``f(1824)3B&C332 `onablc,and c()ntint.lous,LI1△ der tllc c(D11u11()111a` ol′
1n C lc11[ ccltaln,
Ellglttilcl a 11gllr i、
lsiderccl ancic11tif it 11as bccn c11i。
ved slllc・c1189()1・ it lnas IDccil c1nloVcd
i1】 n living lnc111Orv,tlnlcss therc is c、
1clcncc t11at lt tlro、 c。 lnc1ˉ
1139 -A11
iillcation(-)fsuc11 a tcstin I-】 Ong Ko11g t、 -OLllci clcttrl、
ightto certain windows,He dern( rtllc Out[llc cx1`tc1n CC
-d1V Ctlsto11△ a1)7 rig11tS It 111igllt lDe L11gucd t11at l11[llc 11gllt()f r11c 111sLc)i飞
tre situatcd and rebuilt the玩 ra [crlitOrytheapplicationoftIlcEnglJs11con1111()n la`rtllc 1s inaplDr()1DriatC
r thc defendant ercctcd a bund1 ~i[I1at ctlstO1△ △s110uld lDc acceI)ted ifit11as bcc1△
rht to thc old、 vindoˉ cxCrC1scd sincc cstablis11111c11t
ws,subseql lilc|tcrritO1△ ・H(D`・
cvcr,t11c qtlcstion is tlnlikcly to arisc sincc lat1cl iln t11c
hcre one ofthc old windOws had J△
I1crc the questic)n of ctlstO1η
-is 1norc 11kclv to arisc|、
- ^crncd by chincsc custOrnary la`iratllcrthan the Eng11sh con11uon la、 is


-.)△ 57夕 o`V∠ 勿sc`77P″ 扌


lotjustthc plaintiff’ s non-use,detⅪ 曰 `c1ncnts n△ ay be crcatccl by stattltc,In Iˉ

IOngl《 Ong\、 c llave,rk)r cxanlplc,
,c″ /c勿 10砌

″攻 ,u`£ 钮 O`″ P`z/、 丿0`扔 ・ 7″

=£ '11`0/z‘ ris扔
cc)“ whicl△ pcrn△
r crcatio1△ by stattlte()f ccrta11△ `ˉ its
cascluc1△ us nccessa1飞`7‘`R)1ˉ
tllc cstablis1△ 111cnt
~111 ClcCtriciry nct、
・Rigl△ts `()rk lDv rlle 1)()`・ er co】

~● .5 P“

∶∶llu it ntlnlli)crofotl)c1・ si111ila1ˉ r∶ ~

Drofit ls a ngl△ tro takc s。
nlc 1i)art oft11c naturaliproducc,s()11.or 111il△
-11c sc13`icnttcne111cnr,vvhilst an easc1△ erals
^11c sclvlcnttcnclmcntit1 so111c、 1ent nlcrclv cc)nfcrs tt1ˉ
1ghtto tllc|tlsc

ay~A ftIrt11cr distinction 11cs in tllc fac・
氓 pr。 nt rnay exist in gross、 vhercas an cascll△ t tllat
△cident to the o、 vnership of land ■ cnt n△
tlst bc attacllcd to a
n1inanttcnenlent In thc liglltt)fthc dcclining i111p()rtancc Ofag1・
yi as an incident of ownership.∶ E 11g KO1△ g,proflts 1culturc in
ttrc not co111nlonlv cncountcrcd
o sur%ce waternOwingthrougha ~r),6 £
gnised a right to light as withi11:山 `cc。 ``ces

n only be acquircd as an easen△ iCC1△ Cc Confcrs 1】
.pcrn△ ission tc)1Dc11Or111 a11 act tllat`・
ould。 tl△ erT\itse bc a
1DrlSS,Liccnccs ancl casc1△ 1cnts t1111s()VcrlalD.lDtlt tllc tllnbit()f liccnccs is
-`lcr、 r()rthcv nced not c。 nf()rr11 Tvit11 tlle charactcrist1cs of casc1ncnts
△ll)111△ cdcarlierinthiscl△
apter A~licc1△ cc 111ay cxtc1nd to a rigl△
ics、 arc excrcisablc by anyone tiit nccd notl)c apl)tIrtcna nt to c)r accor111110datc a clor11intlnt t()foccupation
ntto any do11△ inant tener∶ ncnt~C tncc rnay bc crcatcd、 vith tl△ c11△
inin1tln1 OfF0rnlality、 、
sc thc public higl△ 、ray,to use 1△ vllcrcas an casc111cnt
~ist at laⅥ
`bc crcatcd by dccc1,An casc1ncnt crcatcs 1111 1ntcrCstin land t11at

ese rights are frequent灯 mgd .ttpablc Of bincling third partics.`/11crcas a licencc falls、
lusc the public highwayfort1△ ep vit11in thc sID11crc
tucrc pcrsonal rights tllarˉ
()t)in thc norlnal cotirsc,bc calDablc c)f
slm△ itedbythePz`汐 cO饩 溺er(9'1'j ccting tllird partics, `1111△

Scction 13 1\L″ ‘
yt'`″ ^`/。
‘C” z//``‘ 7``cO Cap 9:
Ca1)357 `γ

@Ⅳ G Kr9Ⅳ G rHⅣ D乙 4” 9


1267 6’ (,z)‘ ’ r``港

13 Leasehold c。 v(
A covenanr asccts the manncr
t、 「ic11 an 0`V11c1ˉ of land
1a y usc
land V`.7 hereas a positivc casclucnt

grants the clO111inant OT\.rnCr

cxcrcisablc C)Vcr sOlllcOnC else 13.1 Introduction
land A ncgativc easc111c1△ however
a closcr resenlblancc tO

covenants lDcca use it als。 11upcdes

a sc1、 厂1c11t ^I「
frcc C111 oy1△ cnt Of his o、vncrship e havc IOOked atthe typc of
Of lanc1, Ncgativc eascnlcnts a1・ c
to a s1nall nt11111)cr Of cxisting rases and shortcrtenη
rights while covcnants providcd ˉ |lcases lr
lancl 1ay CoVcr a
rangc Of activitics (DOvcnttnrs and hich these c。 venants 1nay aff(
`ridc casen1cnts
si1△ ilarity 1 t11cir nccd for tWo △ls lcase,on thc。
tencn△ cnts tO St1 pport and
lDcar tlk- ne hand,and(
C()vcnants arc crcattlrcs Of cqt11ty ∶
△s rcversion,On thc Other.
and 111ust be crcatcd byagrccl.lent
Eascl△ lcnts, On
the other hand, n1av cXist at la as wcll as equ1tv
be crcarcd cxprcssly or inlplicdl y.
11ˉ 1

13,1,1 彳s怨 绍陶召绍莎

Tˉ hcrc a lease Or a lcaseh。
ld r(
-tssor,as t11c casc 111ay・
rurpOscs,drops out。
f thc pict
rropcr・ .His ass1gnce steps 1-nt(
~∶ 1iccting the land:it is thc partiel

i31.1.1 .人 ss1gnrnent ofthe Lca5

Csscc、 Vla()disposes Ofl)1s lct】

-lllc rcn1111e cnj。 、c
ys to the IDtlrc・ i1.
Jiong Kc)11g,、 .、 ,・
hatis1・ cF辶 rrccltc)i
-∶ in thar is l)cing assigncd lD\ˉ
`iatlcc)an。 、
vncr,△ vho holcls tt(
ri・ c arc 65 ycars still to 1ˉ
-`lcltlc of11is cr()、
L11△ `-ij
.n lcasc t。
tln c Fl
tile land,T11c assignn1cnt of s11(D∶

c lcascs Tvill cOntain a co、 ・

r 1.J 2 Assignr△ 1cnt c)f tlle Lcasci

ia1△ cll。 rd 11.ay als。 wish t。

-cs not arise in t1△ clispo1
c casc OfH。 11g K(
iro`・ n lesscc.vho p1・
illcsc circun△ stanccs,h。 Ids his cr(
.j sllorr-rcrn△
lcasc l△ c1△as gra1△
ll assign 11is cr0、 ..rn leasc ter111,\、

∶ 11 thc l)cnef】 [。
f the s11。 rt~tcr111 1c
c ass1g111△ 1cnt of a leasch。

lcl tc1・
-1)ictCCl in the folI。 ・
、ing`厂 aVi


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