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Unit V RESTful API, Benefits of RESTful APIs, RESTful API client request, RESTful API

authentication methods, Design and deploy a cloud based web-service that uses the REST interface to
respond to queries that require running an analytics job on a large data set which is stored in a
database. The web-services are evaluated through a load generator for a fixed time period (several
hours) by measuring the cost of cloud resources used and their system’s performance (throughput).
RESTful API is an interface that two computer systems use to exchange information securely over the
internet. Most business applications have to communicate with other internal and third-party
applications to perform various tasks. For example, to generate monthly payslips, your internal
accounts system has to share data with your customer's banking system to automate invoicing and
communicate with an internal timesheet application. RESTful APIs support this information exchange
because they follow secure, reliable, and efficient software communication standards.
What is an API?
An application programming interface (API) defines the rules that you must follow to communicate
with other software systems. Developers expose or create APIs so that other applications can
communicate with their applications programmatically. For example, the timesheet application
exposes an API that asks for an employee's full name and a range of dates. When it receives this
information, it internally processes the employee's timesheet and returns the number of hours worked
in that date range.
You can think of a web API as a gateway between clients and resources on the web.
Clients are users who want to access information from the web. The client can be a person or a
software system that uses the API. For example, developers can write programs that access weather
data from a weather system. Or you can access the same data from your browser when you visit the
weather website directly.
Resources are the information that different applications provide to their clients. Resources can be
images, videos, text, numbers, or any type of data. The machine that gives the resource to the client is
also called the server. Organizations use APIs to share resources and provide web services while
maintaining security, control, and authentication. In addition, APIs help them to determine which
clients get access to specific internal resources.
What is REST?
Representational State Transfer (REST) is a software architecture that imposes conditions on how an
API should work. REST was initially created as a guideline to manage communication on a complex
network like the internet. You can use REST-based architecture to support high-performing and
reliable communication at scale. You can easily implement and modify it, bringing visibility and
cross-platform portability to any API system.
API developers can design APIs using several different architectures. APIs that follow the REST
architectural style are called REST APIs. Web services that implement REST architecture are called
RESTful web services. The term RESTful API generally refers to RESTful web APIs. However, you
can use the terms REST API and RESTful API interchangeably.
The following are some of the principles of the REST architectural style:
Uniform interface
The uniform interface is fundamental to the design of any RESTful webservice. It indicates that the
server transfers information in a standard format. The formatted resource is called a representation in
REST. This format can be different from the internal representation of the resource on the server
application. For example, the server can store data as text but send it in an HTML representation
Uniform interface imposes four architectural constraints:

 Requests should identify resources. They do so by using a uniform resource identifier.

 Clients have enough information in the resource representation to modify or delete the
resource if they want to. The server meets this condition by sending metadata that describes
the resource further.

 Clients receive information about how to process the representation further. The server
achieves this by sending self-descriptive messages that contain metadata about how the client
can best use them.

 Clients receive information about all other related resources they need to complete a task. The
server achieves this by sending hyperlinks in the representation so that clients can
dynamically discover more resources.
Statelessness: In REST architecture, statelessness refers to a communication method in which the
server completes every client request independently of all previous requests. Clients can request
resources in any order, and every request is stateless or isolated from other requests. This REST API
design constraint implies that the server can completely understand and fulfill the request every time.
Layered system: In a layered system architecture, the client can connect to other authorized
intermediaries between the client and server, and it will still receive responses from the server.
Servers can also pass on requests to other servers. You can design your RESTful web service to run
on several servers with multiple layers such as security, application, and business logic, working
together to fulfill client requests. These layers remain invisible to the client.
Cacheability: RESTful web services support caching, which is the process of storing some responses
on the client or on an intermediary to improve server response time. For example, suppose that you
visit a website that has common header and footer images on every page. Every time you visit a new
website page, the server must resend the same images. To avoid this, the client caches or stores these
images after the first response and then uses the images directly from the cache. RESTful web
services control caching by using API responses that define themselves as cacheable or noncacheable.
Code on demand: In REST architectural style, servers can temporarily extend or customize client
functionality by transferring software programming code to the client. For example, when you fill a
registration form on any website, your browser immediately highlights any mistakes you make, such
as incorrect phone numbers. It can do this because of the code sent by the server.
What are the benefits of RESTful APIs?
RESTful APIs include the following benefits:
Scalability: Systems that implement REST APIs can scale efficiently because REST optimizes client-
server interactions. Statelessness removes server load because the server does not have to retain past
client request information. Well-managed caching partially or completely eliminates some client-
server interactions. All these features support scalability without causing communication bottlenecks
that reduce performance.
Flexibility: RESTful web services support total client-server separation. They simplify and decouple
various server components so that each part can evolve independently. Platform or technology
changes at the server application do not affect the client application. The ability to layer application
functions increases flexibility even further. For example, developers can make changes to the database
layer without rewriting the application logic.
Independence: REST APIs are independent of the technology used. You can write both client and
server applications in various programming languages without affecting the API design. You can also
change the underlying technology on either side without affecting the communication.
How do RESTful APIs work?
The basic function of a RESTful API is the same as browsing the internet. The client contacts the
server by using the API when it requires a resource. API developers explain how the client should use
the REST API in the server application API documentation. These are the general steps for any REST
API call:

 The client sends a request to the server. The client follows the API documentation to format
the request in a way that the server understands.

 The server authenticates the client and confirms that the client has the right to make that

 The server receives the request and processes it internally.

 The server returns a response to the client. The response contains information that tells the
client whether the request was successful. The response also includes any information that the
client requested.

 The REST API request and response details vary slightly depending on how the API
developers design the API.
What does the RESTful API client request contain?
RESTful APIs require requests to contain the following main components:
Unique resource identifier: The server identifies each resource with unique resource identifiers. For
REST services, the server typically performs resource identification by using a Uniform Resource
Locator (URL). The URL specifies the path to the resource. A URL is similar to the website address
that you enter into your browser to visit any webpage. The URL is also called the request endpoint
and clearly specifies to the server what the client requires.
Method: Developers often implement RESTful APIs by using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP). An HTTP method tells the server what it needs to do to the resource. The following are four
common HTTP methods:
GET: Clients use GET to access resources that are located at the specified URL on the server. They
can cache GET requests and send parameters in the RESTful API request to instruct the server to filter
data before sending.
POST: Clients use POST to send data to the server. They include the data representation with the
request. Sending the same POST request multiple times has the side effect of creating the same
resource multiple times.
PUT: Clients use PUT to update existing resources on the server. Unlike POST, sending the same
PUT request multiple times in a RESTful web service gives the same result.
DELETE: Clients use the DELETE request to remove the resource. A DELETE request can change the
server state. However, if the user does not have appropriate authentication, the request fails.
HTTP headers: Request headers are the metadata exchanged between the client and server. For
instance, the request header indicates the format of the request and response, provides information
about request status, and so on.
Data: REST API requests might include data for the POST, PUT, and other HTTP methods to work
Parameters: RESTful API requests can include parameters that give the server more details about what
needs to be done. The following are some different types of parameters:
Path parameters that specify URL details.
Query parameters that request more information about the resource.
Cookie parameters that authenticate clients quickly.
What are RESTful API authentication methods?
A RESTful web service must authenticate requests before it can send a response. Authentication is the
process of verifying an identity. For example, you can prove your identity by showing an ID card or
driver's license. Similarly, RESTful service clients must prove their identity to the server to establish
RESTful API has four common authentication methods:
HTTP authentication: HTTP defines some authentication schemes that you can use directly when you
are implementing REST API. The following are two of these schemes:
Basic authentication: In basic authentication, the client sends the user name and password in the request
header. It encodes them with base64, which is an encoding technique that converts the pair into a set
of 64 characters for safe transmission.
Bearer authentication: The term bearer authentication refers to the process of giving access control to
the token bearer. The bearer token is typically an encrypted string of characters that the server
generates in response to a login request. The client sends the token in the request headers to access
API keys: API keys are another option for REST API authentication. In this approach, the server
assigns a unique generated value to a first-time client. Whenever the client tries to access resources, it
uses the unique API key to verify itself. API keys are less secure because the client has to transmit the
key, which makes it vulnerable to network theft.
OAuth: OAuth combines passwords and tokens for highly secure login access to any system. The
server first requests a password and then asks for an additional token to complete the authorization
process. It can check the token at any time and also over time with a specific scope and longevity.
What does the RESTful API server response contain?
REST principles require the server response to contain the following main components:
Status line: The status line contains a three-digit status code that communicates request success or
failure. For instance, 2XX codes indicate success, but 4XX and 5XX codes indicate errors. 3XX codes
indicate URL redirection.
The following are some common status codes:
 200: Generic success response

 201: POST method success response

 400: Incorrect request that the server cannot process

 404: Resource not found

Message body: The response body contains the resource representation. The server selects an
appropriate representation format based on what the request headers contain. Clients can request
information in XML or JSON formats, which define how the data is written in plain text. For
example, if the client requests the name and age of a person named John, the server returns a JSON
representation as follows:
'{"name":"John", "age":30}'
The response also contains headers or metadata about the response. They give more context about the
response and include information such as the server, encoding, date, and content type.
How can AWS help you with RESTful API management?
Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish,
maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. Using API Gateway, you can create RESTful APIs
for real-time two-way communication applications:
Using API Gateway, you can:
Provide users with high-speed performance for both API requests and responses.
Authorize access to your APIs with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and Amazon.
Cognito, both of which provide native OAuth support.
Run multiple versions of the same API simultaneously with API Gateway to quickly iterate, test, and
release new versions.
Monitor performance metrics and information about API calls, data latency, and error rates from the
API Gateway.

An installation of Go 1.16 or later. For installation instructions, see Installing Go.

A tool to edit your code. Any text editor you have will work fine.

A command terminal. Go works well using any terminal on Linux and Mac, and on PowerShell or
cmd in Windows.
The curl tool. On Linux and Mac, this should already be installed. On Windows, it’s included on
Windows 10 Insider build 17063 and later. For earlier Windows versions, you might need to install it.
For more, see Tar and Curl Come to Windows.
Design API endpoints
You’ll build an API that provides access to a store selling vintage recordings on vinyl. So you’ll need
to provide endpoints through which a client can get and add albums for users.
When developing an API, you typically begin by designing the endpoints. Your API’s users will have
more success if the endpoints are easy to understand.
Here are the endpoints you’ll create in this tutorial.
GET – Get a list of all albums, returned as JSON.

POST – Add a new album from request data sent as JSON.

GET – Get an album by its ID, returning the album data as JSON.

Next, you’ll create a folder for your code.

Create a folder for your code
To begin, create a project for the code you’ll write.
Open a command prompt and change to your home directory.
On Linux or Mac:
$ cd

On Windows:
C:\> cd %HOMEPATH%

Using the command prompt, create a directory for your code called web-service-gin.
$ mkdir web-service-gin

$ cd web-service-gin

Create a module in which you can manage dependencies.

Run the go mod init command, giving it the path of the module your code will be in.
$ go mod init example/web-service-gin

go: creating new go.mod: module example/web-service-gin

This command creates a go.mod file in which dependencies you add will be listed for tracking. For
more about naming a module with a module path, see Managing dependencies.
Next, you’ll design data structures for handling data.
Create the data
To keep things simple for the tutorial, you’ll store data in memory. A more typical API would interact
with a database.
Note that storing data in memory means that the set of albums will be lost each time you stop the
server, then recreated when you start it.
Write the code
Using your text editor, create a file called main.go in the web-service directory. You’ll write your Go
code in this file.
Into main.go, at the top of the file, paste the following package declaration.
package main

A standalone program (as opposed to a library) is always in package main.

Beneath the package declaration, paste the following declaration of an album struct. You’ll use this to
store album data in memory.
Struct tags such as json:"artist" specify what a field’s name should be when the struct’s contents are
serialized into JSON. Without them, the JSON would use the struct’s capitalized field names – a style
not as common in JSON.
// album represents data about a record album.

type album struct {

ID string `json:"id"`

Title string `json:"title"`

Artist string `json:"artist"`

Price float64 `json:"price"`

Beneath the struct declaration you just added, paste the following slice of album structs containing
data you’ll use to start.
// albums slice to seed record album data.

var albums = []album{

{ID: "1", Title: "Blue Train", Artist: "John Coltrane", Price: 56.99},

{ID: "2", Title: "Jeru", Artist: "Gerry Mulligan", Price: 17.99},

{ID: "3", Title: "Sarah Vaughan and Clifford Brown", Artist: "Sarah Vaughan", Price: 39.99},

Next, you’ll write code to implement your first endpoint.

Write a handler to return all items
When the client makes a request at GET /albums, you want to return all the albums as JSON.
To do this, you’ll write the following:
Logic to prepare a response
Code to map the request path to your logic
Note that this is the reverse of how they’ll be executed at runtime, but you’re adding dependencies
first, then the code that depends on them.
Write the code
Beneath the struct code you added in the preceding section, paste the following code to get the album
This getAlbums function creates JSON from the slice of album structs, writing the JSON into the
// getAlbums responds with the list of all albums as JSON.

func getAlbums(c *gin.Context) {

c.IndentedJSON(http.StatusOK, albums)

In this code, you:

Write a getAlbums function that takes a gin.Context parameter. Note that you could have given this
function any name – neither Gin nor Go require a particular function name format.
gin.Context is the most important part of Gin. It carries request details, validates and serializes JSON,
and more. (Despite the similar name, this is different from Go’s built-in context package.)
Call Context.IndentedJSON to serialize the struct into JSON and add it to the response.
The function’s first argument is the HTTP status code you want to send to the client. Here, you’re
passing the StatusOK constant from the net/http package to indicate 200 OK.
Note that you can replace Context.IndentedJSON with a call to Context.JSON to send more compact
JSON. In practice, the indented form is much easier to work with when debugging and the size
difference is usually small.
Near the top of main.go, just beneath the albums slice declaration, paste the code below to assign the
handler function to an endpoint path.
This sets up an association in which getAlbums handles requests to the /albums endpoint path.
func main() {

router := gin.Default()

router.GET("/albums", getAlbums)


In this code, you:

Initialize a Gin router using Default.
Use the GET function to associate the GET HTTP method and /albums path with a handler function.
Note that you’re passing the name of the getAlbums function. This is different from passing
the result of the function, which you would do by passing getAlbums() (note the parenthesis).
Use the Run function to attach the router to an http.Server and start the server.
Near the top of main.go, just beneath the package declaration, import the packages you’ll need to
support the code you’ve just written.
The first lines of code should look like this:
package main

import (


Save main.go.
Run the code
Begin tracking the Gin module as a dependency.
At the command line, use go get to add the module as a dependency for your
module. Use a dot argument to mean “get dependencies for code in the current directory.”
$ go get .

go get: added v1.7.2

Go resolved and downloaded this dependency to satisfy the import declaration you added in the
previous step.
From the command line in the directory containing main.go, run the code. Use a dot argument to
mean “run code in the current directory.”
$ go run .

Once the code is running, you have a running HTTP server to which you can send requests.
From a new command line window, use curl to make a request to your running web service.
$ curl http://localhost:8080/albums

The command should display the data you seeded the service with.

"id": "1",

"title": "Blue Train",

"artist": "John Coltrane",

"price": 56.99


"id": "2",

"title": "Jeru",

"artist": "Gerry Mulligan",

"price": 17.99


"id": "3",
"title": "Sarah Vaughan and Clifford Brown",

"artist": "Sarah Vaughan",

"price": 39.99

You’ve started an API! In the next section, you’ll create another endpoint with code to handle
a POST request to add an item.
Write a handler to add a new item
When the client makes a POST request at /albums, you want to add the album described in the request
body to the existing albums’ data.
To do this, you’ll write the following:
Logic to add the new album to the existing list.
A bit of code to route the POST request to your logic.
Write the code
Add code to add albums data to the list of albums.
Somewhere after the import statements, paste the following code. (The end of the file is a good place
for this code, but Go doesn’t enforce the order in which you declare functions.)
// postAlbums adds an album from JSON received in the request body.

func postAlbums(c *gin.Context) {

var newAlbum album

// Call BindJSON to bind the received JSON to

// newAlbum.

if err := c.BindJSON(&newAlbum); err != nil {


// Add the new album to the slice.

albums = append(albums, newAlbum)

c.IndentedJSON(http.StatusCreated, newAlbum)

In this code, you:

Use Context.BindJSON to bind the request body to newAlbum.
Append the album struct initialized from the JSON to the albums slice.
Add a 201 status code to the response, along with JSON representing the album you added.
Change your main function so that it includes the router.POST function, as in the following.
func main() {

router := gin.Default()

router.GET("/albums", getAlbums)

router.POST("/albums", postAlbums)


In this code, you:

Associate the POST method at the /albums path with the postAlbums function.
With Gin, you can associate a handler with an HTTP method-and-path combination. In this way, you
can separately route requests sent to a single path based on the method the client is using.
Run the code
If the server is still running from the last section, stop it.
From the command line in the directory containing main.go, run the code.
$ go run .

From a different command line window, use curl to make a request to your running web service.
$ curl http://localhost:8080/albums \

--include \

--header "Content-Type: application/json" \

--request "POST" \

--data '{"id": "4","title": "The Modern Sound of Betty Carter","artist": "Betty Carter","price": 49.99}'

The command should display headers and JSON for the added album.
HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2021 00:34:12 GMT

Content-Length: 116

"id": "4",

"title": "The Modern Sound of Betty Carter",

"artist": "Betty Carter",

"price": 49.99

As in the previous section, use curl to retrieve the full list of albums, which you can use to confirm
that the new album was added.
$ curl http://localhost:8080/albums \

--header "Content-Type: application/json" \

--request "GET"

The command should display the album list.


"id": "1",

"title": "Blue Train",

"artist": "John Coltrane",

"price": 56.99


"id": "2",

"title": "Jeru",

"artist": "Gerry Mulligan",

"price": 17.99


"id": "3",

"title": "Sarah Vaughan and Clifford Brown",

"artist": "Sarah Vaughan",

"price": 39.99


"id": "4",

"title": "The Modern Sound of Betty Carter",

"artist": "Betty Carter",

"price": 49.99

In the next section, you’ll add code to handle a GET for a specific item.
Write a handler to return a specific item
When the client makes a request to GET /albums/[id], you want to return the album whose ID matches
the id path parameter.
To do this, you will:
Add logic to retrieve the requested album.
Map the path to the logic.
Write the code
Beneath the postAlbums function you added in the preceding section, paste the following code to
retrieve a specific album.
This getAlbumByID function will extract the ID in the request path, then locate an album that matches.
// getAlbumByID locates the album whose ID value matches the id

// parameter sent by the client, then returns that album as a response.

func getAlbumByID(c *gin.Context) {

id := c.Param("id")

// Loop over the list of albums, looking for

// an album whose ID value matches the parameter.

for _, a := range albums {

if a.ID == id {

c.IndentedJSON(http.StatusOK, a)


c.IndentedJSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{"message": "album not found"})

In this code, you:

Use Context.Param to retrieve the id path parameter from the URL. When you map this handler to a
path, you’ll include a placeholder for the parameter in the path.
Loop over the album structs in the slice, looking for one whose ID field value matches the id parameter
value. If it’s found, you serialize that album struct to JSON and return it as a response with a 200
OK HTTP code.

As mentioned above, a real-world service would likely use a database query to perform this lookup.
Return an HTTP 404 error with http.StatusNotFound if the album isn’t found.
Finally, change your main so that it includes a new call to router.GET, where the path is
now /albums/:id, as shown in the following example.
func main() {

router := gin.Default()

router.GET("/albums", getAlbums)

router.GET("/albums/:id", getAlbumByID)

router.POST("/albums", postAlbums)


In this code, you:

Associate the /albums/:id path with the getAlbumByID function. In Gin, the colon preceding an item in
the path signifies that the item is a path parameter.
Run the code
If the server is still running from the last section, stop it.
From the command line in the directory containing main.go, run the code to start the server.
$ go run .

From a different command line window, use curl to make a request to your running web service.
$ curl http://localhost:8080/albums/2

The command should display JSON for the album whose ID you used. If the album wasn’t found,
you’ll get JSON with an error message.

"id": "2",

"title": "Jeru",

"artist": "Gerry Mulligan",

"price": 17.99

Completed code
This section contains the code for the application you build with this tutorial.
package main

import (



// album represents data about a record album.

type album struct {

ID string `json:"id"`

Title string `json:"title"`

Artist string `json:"artist"`

Price float64 `json:"price"`

// albums slice to seed record album data.

var albums = []album{

{ID: "1", Title: "Blue Train", Artist: "John Coltrane", Price: 56.99},

{ID: "2", Title: "Jeru", Artist: "Gerry Mulligan", Price: 17.99},

{ID: "3", Title: "Sarah Vaughan and Clifford Brown", Artist: "Sarah Vaughan", Price: 39.99},

func main() {

router := gin.Default()

router.GET("/albums", getAlbums)

router.GET("/albums/:id", getAlbumByID)

router.POST("/albums", postAlbums)


// getAlbums responds with the list of all albums as JSON.

func getAlbums(c *gin.Context) {

c.IndentedJSON(http.StatusOK, albums)

// postAlbums adds an album from JSON received in the request body.

func postAlbums(c *gin.Context) {

var newAlbum album

// Call BindJSON to bind the received JSON to

// newAlbum.

if err := c.BindJSON(&newAlbum); err != nil {


// Add the new album to the slice.

albums = append(albums, newAlbum)

c.IndentedJSON(http.StatusCreated, newAlbum)

// getAlbumByID locates the album whose ID value matches the id

// parameter sent by the client, then returns that album as a response.

func getAlbumByID(c *gin.Context) {

id := c.Param("id")

// Loop through the list of albums, looking for

// an album whose ID value matches the parameter.

for _, a := range albums {

if a.ID == id {

c.IndentedJSON(http.StatusOK, a)


c.IndentedJSON(http.StatusNotFound, gin.H{"message": "album not found"})

Publishing an ASP.NET MVC 4 Application using Web Deploy

This appendix will show you how to create a new web site from the Azure Portal and publish the
application you obtained by following the lab, taking advantage of the Web Deploy publishing feature
provided by Azure.
Task 1 - Creating a New Web Site from the Azure Portal
Go to the Azure Management Portal and sign in using the Microsoft credentials associated with your
With Azure you can host 10 ASP.NET Web Sites for free and then scale as your traffic grows. You
can sign up here.

Log on to Portal

Click New on the command bar.

Creating a new Web Site

Click Compute | Web Site. Then select Quick Create option. Provide an available URL for the new
web site and click Create Web Site.
Azure is the host for a web application running in the cloud that you can control and manage. The
Quick Create option allows you to deploy a completed web application to the Azure from outside the
portal. It does not include steps for setting up a database.
Creating a new Web Site using Quick Create

Wait until the new Web Site is created.

Once the Web Site is created click the link under the URL column. Check that the new Web Site is

Browsing to the new web site

Web site running

Go back to the portal and click the name of the web site under the Name column to display the
management pages.
Opening the Web Site management pages

In the Dashboard page, under the quick glance section, click the Download publish profile link.
The publish profile contains all of the information required to publish a web application to a Azure for
each enabled publication method. The publish profile contains the URLs, user credentials and
database strings required to connect to and authenticate against each of the endpoints for which a
publication method is enabled. Microsoft WebMatrix 2, Microsoft Visual Studio Express for
Web and Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 support reading publish profiles to automate configuration of
these programs for publishing web applications to Azure.

Downloading the Web Site publish profile

Download the publish profile file to a known location. Further in this exercise you will see how to use
this file to publish a web application to Azure from Visual Studio.

Saving the publish profile file

Task 2 - Configuring the Database Server

If your application makes use of SQL Server databases you will need to create a SQL Database
server. If you want to deploy a simple application that does not use SQL Server you might skip this
You will need a SQL Database server for storing the application database. You can view the SQL
Database servers from your subscription in the Azure Management portal at Sql
Databases | Servers | Server's Dashboard. If you do not have a server created, you can create one using
the Add button on the command bar. Take note of the server name and URL, administrator login name
and password, as you will use them in the next tasks. Do not create the database yet, as it will be
created in a later stage.

SQL Database Server Dashboard

In the next task you will test the database connection from Visual Studio, for that reason you need to
include your local IP address in the server's list of Allowed IP Addresses. To do that, click Configure,
select the IP address from Current Client IP Address and paste it on the Start IP Address and End IP
Address text boxes and click the button.
Adding Client IP Address

Once the Client IP Address is added to the allowed IP addresses list, click on Save to confirm the

Confirm Changes

Task 3 - Publishing an ASP.NET MVC 4 Application using Web Deploy

Go back to the ASP.NET MVC 4 solution. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the web site project
and select Publish.
Publishing the web site

Import the publish profile you saved in the first task.

Importing publish profile

Click Validate Connection. Once Validation is complete click Next.

Validation is complete once you see a green checkmark appear next to the Validate Connection
Validating connection

In the Settings page, under the Databases section, click the button next to your database connection's
textbox (i.e. DefaultConnection).

Web deploy configuration

Configure the database connection as follows:

In the Server name type your SQL Database server URL using the tcp: prefix.
In User name type your server administrator login name.
In Password type your server administrator login password.
Type a new database name, for example: MVC4SampleDB.

Configuring destination connection string

Then click OK. When prompted to create the database click Yes.

Creating the database

The connection string you will use to connect to SQL Database in Windows Azure is shown within
Default Connection textbox. Then click Next.
Connection string pointing to SQL Database

In the Preview page, click Publish.

Publishing the web application

Once the publishing process finishes, your default browser will open the published web site.
Application published to Azure

Assignment 5 (CO5 & CO6)

Q.1 Briefly explain RESTful API.
Q.2 Briefly explain Benefits of RESTful APIs.
Q.3 Briefly explain RESTful API authentication methods.
Q.4 Design and Deploy Smart Traffic Management System Application to Cloud using RESTful API.
Submission link:

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