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Deleverkhanova L. K., TerSu
The article deals with the problem of translating and using foreign language
inclusions in the sphere of gastronomic tourism in English, Russian and Uzbek
languages as a result of cross-cultural communications.
Keywords: cross-cultural communications. term, gastronomic tourism,
foreign language inclusions, adaptation.
Introduction. The article emphasizes the increased interest of researchers in
the implementation of the basics of intercultural communication in the educational
process, the development of a multilingual personality. The study of foreign
language inclusions as a feature of a modern linguistic personality is possible with
the involvement of online media materials in Russian, English and Uzbek.
A large number of inclusions and realities distinguish the tourism sector,
give it a special specificity.
The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a decree "On measures
to ensure the accelerated development of the tourism industry of the Republic of
Uzbekistan". According to this decree, tourism is given the status of a strategic
sector of the economy1. The main attention is paid to turning it into a powerful
sphere of sustainable growth of the state economy, effective use of the tourism
potential of the regions, increasing the impact of tourism on improving the
standard of living and prosperity of the population.
Uzbekistan has a huge potential in the tourism industry. There are about
7,000 historical sites in the country, most of which are included in the UNESCO
World Heritage List. Despite the huge potential, the tourist infrastructure of
Uzbekistan does not meet modern requirements. Contribution tatThe share of

Закон Республики Узбекистан № ЗРУ-576 от 29 октября 2019 года «О науке и научной деятельности»
tourism in the country's GDP, the service sector of the tourism industry, and the
provision of employment do not correspond to the global average.
In the given research work the following methods used: the descriptive
method, the comparison method, the method of interpreting concepts, the method
of cross-cultural analysis.
Gastronomic tourism is a new direction in the development of world
tourism, which can be one of the possible directions for the preservation and
development of the economy, cultural heritage and a factor of territory
Results and Discussion. In researcher E. L. Dracheva’s article
"Gastronomic tourism: current trends and prospects” it should be noted that
"gastronomic tourism as an independent direction of tourism began to develop
relatively recently. There are several definitions that allow you to refer trips to this
type of tourism. In the specialized literature, there are such concepts as: «culinary
tourism» - culinary tourism, «food tourism» - food tourism, «gastronomic
tourism» - gastronomic tourism. Food, tasting, culinary, food, wine, beer, etc. these
are all types of gastronomic tourism"2.
As the author states: "For the first time, the term «culinary tourism» It was
introduced in 1998 by an associate professor of Folk Culture at Bowling Green
University, Ohio (USA) by L. Long to express the idea that people learn about
other cultures through local food. Gastronomic tourism - tourism when tourists and
visitors who plan to partially or completely taste the cuisine of a certain area or
carry out activities related to gastronomy visit certain destinations" 3.
Thus, based on the opinion of the above-mentioned author, we agree that
"gastronomic tourism is a trip to get acquainted with the national cuisine of the
country, the peculiarities of the production and preparation of products and dishes,
as well as training and improving the level of professional knowledge. Today, it is
gastronomic tourism that has become one of the fastest growing innovative areas
of tourism. Tourism is subject to the process of globalization, including the
See there
Schengen Agreement. People are looking for travel experiences based on regional
characteristics and culture. Gastronomic tourism can also be considered as a
branch of tourism aimed at developing and promoting food and beverages as
tourist attraction facilities.
So, as the purpose of our article is to analyze foreign-language inclusions in
the field of gastronomic tourism, the following examples were highlighted:
In English language: “The traditional bread that is made in Surkhandarya
and Kashkadarya provinces today and called tegirmon non (mill bread) is baked
of stiff dough made of coarse flour – a recipe that originates from those distant
times and make it possible to store the bread for weeks.”; “Katyk – the local
yoghurt – is very thick and thus similar to another local dairy product, suzma, as
all the whey is removed from it during the preparation.”; “The melted fat and
meat juice that trickled down into the bowl formed a separate dish – a nourishing
broth known today as tandyr shurva….”4;
In Russian: “остромодные заведениях под названием raw bar (ро-бар), в
которых препарируют сырую рыбу”5; “Заказ принесли быстро, и внешний
вид "bowl” а нас не разочаровал; «Используют green egg как на
открытом…..»; «Во Франции, кстати, придя в ресторан, вы попросите
«карту», и выбрать что-то из нее будет называться à la carte…»; «… set
вошел в мировую ресторанную моду»6;
In Uzbek language: «Ozarbayjondagi Amerika
taomlari McDonald's va Starbucks kabi dunyoga mashhur tez ovqatlanish
tarmoqlari tomonidan taqdim etilgan. Ozarbayjonliklar
orasida Steaks va BBQs ham juda mashhur»; «Bundan tashqari, Ozarbayjon
restoranlarida tacos, nachos, burritos, shuningdek, tekila....»7;

Conclusion. The study of foreign language inclusions in published and
electronic texts in the field of tourism, their features and specifics in Uzbek
linguistics, is connected both with the internal needs of the Uzbek language and
with external ones, which are expressed in strengthening intercultural ties between
Uzbekistan and foreign countries. In modern Uzbekistan, special attention is paid
to the development of the Uzbek language as the state language, as well as other
foreign languages.
Thus, the analysis of foreign language inclusions showed that the usage of
foreign language inclusions in the field of gastronomic tourism is associated with
the need to designate natural, cultural or other objects related to history, and is also
the result of cross-cultural communications.


1. Закон Республики Узбекистан № ЗРУ-576 от 29 октября 2019 года «О

науке и научной деятельности»

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