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Assignment 2

Business Ethics Reflection Essay

Harnarine Naraindatt


Business Ethics (57121)


December 31, 2023


Business ethics plays a crucial role in shaping the decision-making process and

overall conduct of organizations in today's global environment. This essay aims to reflect on

two specific issues related to business ethics and explore how this course has influenced my

thinking about these elements. Additionally, the essay will discuss the unexpected learning

outcomes, the application of newfound knowledge in my professional life and how ethical

behavior can enhance an organization's marketplace position from a human resources


Ethical Issues in Business

This course addresses a number of important topics, including the moral conundrum

of corporate social responsibility (CSR). CSR is the term used to describe a business's pledge

to conduct itself in a way that is both environmentally friendly and socially responsible. CSR

has evolved from a theory to a reality, and many now believe that corporations must define

their social roles and conduct their operations in accordance with moral and social principles

(Lichtenstein et al. 2004). Through the course I have come to understand that CSR is not just

a philanthropic act but a moral obligation for businesses to contribute positively to society.

This understanding has challenged my previous perception that profitability should be the

sole focus of organizations. In fact, I now understand how crucial it is to take into account

how business operations affect many stakeholders, such as workers, clients, communities,

and the environment as a whole.

Another ethical issue explored in this course is the concept of ethical leadership. In

today's world, a leader's credibility and ability to have a significant impact on subordinates at

all organizational levels depend heavily on their ethical behavior (Brown et al. 2005, Piccolo
et al. 2010). Ethical leadership entails demonstrating moral behaviors setting a positive

example and making decisions based on ethical principles. I have learned that ethical leaders

prioritize integrity, honesty, transparency and fairness fostering a culture of trust and

accountability within their organizations. This realization has made me question my own

leadership style and the extent to which I incorporate ethical considerations in my decision-

making processes.

Unexpected Learning Outcomes

Throughout this course I have encountered several unexpected learning outcomes that

have broadened my perspective on business ethics. One significant revelation was the

recognition of the interconnectedness between ethical behavior and organizational success. I

used to believe that ethical practices were merely a moral obligation without significant

impact on a company's bottom line. However, I now understand that ethical behavior can

enhance a company's reputation, attract and retain talented employees, build customer loyalty

and ultimately contribute to long-term financial stability.

In addition, I gained knowledge on the significance of moral frameworks for making

decisions, such as the utilitarian and deontological approaches. These frameworks offer

organized approaches for evaluating the possible outcomes and ethical implications of

business actions. This knowledge has equipped me with a more systematic approach to

ethical problem-solving, allowing me to consider various perspectives and make well-

informed choices.
Application in Professional Life

The knowledge gained from this course has immediate practical implications in my

professional life. First and foremost I have realized the significance of ethical leadership and

its impact on cultivating a positive work environment. As I progress in my career I will strive

to embody ethical leadership qualities by demonstrating integrity, promoting fairness and

fostering open communication within my team. By doing so, I aim to create a workplace

culture that values ethical conduct and inspires others to act in an ethical manner.

Furthermore I will incorporate the concept of CSR into my decision-making

processes. Instead of solely focusing on short-term profits, I will consider the broader

implications of my actions on stakeholders and the environment. By integrating CSR

principles into my professional life I hope to contribute to the sustainable development of

organizations and society as a whole.

Improving Marketplace Position from an HR Perspective

Ethical behavior can significantly improve an organization's marketplace position

from a human resources perspective. Leaders in business and human resources can set an

example and implement policies that discourage unethical business practices while increasing

their companies' competitiveness in the market (Vickers, 2005). Firstly, it attracts and retains

top talent who are increasingly seeking employers with strong ethical values. Workers who

work for a company that truly values moral behavior are more likely to be engaged and fully

committed to it. This in turn enhances productivity, reduces turnover and fosters a positive

work environment.

Moreover, ethical behavior positively impacts an organization's reputation among

customers and stakeholders. Consumers are becoming more conscious of the ethical practices
of companies they support. By prioritizing ethical behavior, organizations can build trust and

loyalty with customers gaining a competitive edge in the marketplace. Additionally, ethical

behavior enhances relationships with suppliers, partners and investors leading to mutually

beneficial collaborations and long-term success.


In conclusion, this course on business ethics has greatly influenced my thinking about

CSR and ethical leadership. The unexpected learning outcomes have expanded my

understanding of the interconnectedness between ethical behavior and organizational success.

I can immediately apply the principles of ethical leadership in my professional life by

embodying ethical values and creating a positive work environment. Furthermore,

incorporating CSR principles into my decision-making processes will enable me to contribute

to the sustainable development of organizations. From an HR perspective ethical behavior

improves an organization's marketplace position by attracting top talent and building trust

with customers and stakeholders. By embracing business ethics, organizations can create a

more sustainable and socially responsible future.


Brown ME, Treviño LK, Harrison DA. (2005). Ethical leadership: a social learning

perspective for construct development and testing. Organ. Behav. Hum. Decis. Process.


Lichtenstein, D.R., Drumwright, M.E., and Braig, B.M. (2004). The effect of corporate social

responsibility on customer donations to corporate-supported nonprofits. Journal of

Marketing, 68(4), 16-32.

Piccolo R, Greenbaum R, Den Hartog DN, Folger R. (2010). Task significance and job

autonomy as motivational mechanisms in the ethical leadership process. J. Organ. Behav.


Vickers R. Mark (2005). Business ethics and the HR role: past, present, and future.

Human Resource Planning (Vol. 28, Issue 1)

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