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Without love and hatred

The Giver is a book written by American writer Lois Lowry, who was
born in 1937 in Hawaii. The first edition of this book is from the year 1993.
It is set in a "utopian" society, but it feels rather like a dystopia. The main
character of this book is Jonas, a boy about 12 years old, who can see
"different" and he was chosen as receiver of memory because of his
talent. Jonas wanted to bring those memories back to people so they can
feel love again.
At first, the story of the book is unclear which may seem like it isn't
good, but because of it the book is as exciting as it is but also it isn't that
long, so you can't be bored.
The beginning of the book is too long but as you can see "everything
bad is good for something".
I think that the book is well written and it has a good plot. Also there
are good descriptions in the book. Just I was hoping for something that it
will happen after the ending of this book. All in all, I like this book and I
will recommend it to everybody.

Jan Kolář IV.A8

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