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DURATION 60 minutes
SECTION A : MCQs ( 0.8x20=16marks )
1. The following is not a friction clutch. 6. The following type of spring(s) is (are)
A. Fluid clutch employed in the pressure plate.
B. Centrifugal clutch A. Coil springs
C. Cone clutch B. Diaphragm type conical spring
D. Disc clutch C. Both a and b
2. The following is known as positive D. None of the above
clutch. 7. The following is an automatic clutch
A. Single plate clutch which is controlled by engine speed.
B. Cone clutch A. Cone clutch
C. Dog clutch B. Centrifugal clutch
D. Centrifugal clutch C. Fluid clutch
3. The torque which a clutch can D. Disc clutch
transmit, depends upon the 8. The following is also known as
A. Coefficient of friction flywheel or coupling.
B. Spring force A. Centrifugal clutch
C. Contact surfaces B. Fluid clutch
D. All of the above C. Cone clutch
4. In disc clutch, the clutch disc acts as D. All of the above
a. 9. Clutch and friction linings are------to
A. Driving member the clutch pedal.
B. Driven member A. Riveted
C. Neutral member B. Welded
D. Any of the above C. Bolted
5. In disc clutch, engine flywheel acts as D. Any of the above
a. 10. The following is (are) the type(s) of
A. Driving plate clutch linings.
B. Driven plate A. Solid woven
C. Pressure plate B. Molded type
D. None of the above C. Laminated
D. All of the above

11-In Disc clutch, engine flywheel acts as a C. pressure plate,

A. Driving plate, D. none of the above

B. driven plate, 12-The following type of spring(s) is (are)

employed in the pressure plate

p. 1
A. Coil springs, D. Multi plate dry weight clutch

B. Diaphragm type conical spring, 17. What is the type of clutch?

C. both (A) and (B),

D. none of these

13. clutch is usually designed to transmit

maximum torque which is

A. Equal to the maximum engine torque A .Cone clutch,

B. 80 percent of the maximum engine torque B. single plate clutch with coil spring,

C. 150 percent of the maximum engine torque C. Diaphragm clutch,

D. none of these D. Multi plate dry weight clutch

14. Free pedal

edal play in car clutches is about 18. What is the type of clutch?

A. 3 mm

B. 30 mm

C. 60 mm
A .Cone clutch,
D. 100 mm
B. single plate clutch with coil spring,
15. What is the type of clutch?
C. Diaphragm clutch,

D. Multi plate dry weight clutch

19. What is noise free clutch?

A .Cone clutch,
A .Cone clutch,
B. single plate clutch with coil spring,
B. single plate clutch with coil spring,
C. Diaphragm clutch,
C. Diaphragm clutch,
D. Multi plate dry weight clutch
D. Multi plate dry weight clutch
20. What is the advantage of dog clutch?
16. What is the type of clutch?
A. No possibility of slip,

B. more frictional area,

C. less pedal force to operate.

D. Easy maintenance and repair.

A .Cone clutch,

B. single plate clutch with coil spring,

C. Diaphragm clutch,

p. 2

1. A multiple disc clutch transmits 50kw of power at 1400 rev/min. Axial

intensity of pressure not to exceed 0.15N/mm², and the coefficient of the
friction surfaces is 0.12. The inner radius of the discs is 80mm, and is
0.7 times the outer radius. Assume uniform wear condition
i. Determine the number of disc required to transmit the given power

p. 3

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