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They are everywhere and belong to the world we live in. Almost 8 out of
10 are Matrix people (or Agent Smith from the Matrix movie) and are a
direct result of the Collective Unconscious and the Holographic
projection from the Moon.

They look real without being it and you can meet them on the street, talk
to them without realizing anything.

So… what points should we look for if we want to discover Agent Smiths

• "AS" are reaction machines and masters of imitation and camouflage.

"AS" manages to interfere by doing a very good job imitating the
behaviors and emotions of those who possess the Spirit. They say what
they think is coincidentally just what you want to hear and they do most
of what they say and do as a Spirit person.

• They are one-dimensional / very without substance. They show us the

wide variety of qualities and the spark of personality and emotion that
they have as a "normal" person. Their conversation is also somewhat
one-dimensional, it only revolves around issues related to the control
system, always on the materialistic side. There is a lack of depth in
hidden or spiritual themes in them and in the things they say and do.

- Which means their job is to help you stay within the limits of the matrix
or control system. That is why they tend to ridicule, deny, make you
doubt, insult those who go against the grain and those who have
"undesirable" views that challenge the common thinking of those who
belong to and praise the system. They attack groups and knowledge
systems that challenge the control system.
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Here is a referral form to show how a human spirit can be found

interacting with an organic portal or Agent Smith (AS) on a daily basis in
the real world.

Organic portals, or AS, seem to easily insert themselves into important

positions in the family nucleus around those who have Spirit, to act as a
vector of sabotage.

• Family intrusion, drama, and fights designed to drain your energy and
distract you from your most important personal interests.

This also arises from chance in the most uncomfortable moments, which
makes you uncomfortable just when you are "achieving something" or in
the middle of something important; This is an example of
hyperdimensional / collective mind coordination in action.

In all situations in life, but more clearly in the workplace, there is the
phenomenon "Spiritually born people who are attracted to other
spiritually born people."

This is where spiritual people, no matter how different their ages,

nationalities, or backgrounds are, are attracted to each other. In the
workplace, they unknowingly take sides, while spiritless people, or AS,
stand aside and become friends, colleagues or allies, supporting one
another. The ASs meet on the opposite side. There is always a
continuous battle between the two, while the two sides are "peasants" in
a game that they do not even understand.

It should be noted that SAs simply perform their work, which is the
harvesting of human energy, a task that is easier to achieve by draining,
absorbing, storing, harassing people, their potential through physical
proximity and emotional manipulation, they are very good at it.
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Because they are "Agents" of the control system, they can easily be
programmed to distract and sabotage selected Spiritual Humans, whom
hyperdimensional forces (the Matrix) consider threatening.

This is because the AS have little awareness even of their own free will
and because they do not reincarnate individually, but in groups, it means
that they do not have a "Higher Self", or the divine spark or light and
therefore, they do not have a life plan that limits their actions. These
creatures are completely manipulated by the dark and serve defending
the Deep State.

Therefore, the need to identify SAs, not to label them for entertainment
or prejudice, but as something practical to protect us from the loss of our
own energy with delays, stumbles and all kinds of problems that they
generate. These things can be avoided by applying knowledge.
However, the knowledge of the phenomenon of AS, serves to stop the
wear and tear of rationalizing its behavior under the assumption that we
are all equal.

Normally, many of us have asked ourselves the question "How can this
person be or do such a thing?"

Knowing what its nature is, answer the question itself. Many people who
have abusive friends or spouses for many years cling to the idea that
they can change and hope they will change or think that with enough
time, energy and patience they can change.

While spiritually free people can abuse others through their choice, "AS"
is offensive and uses others because of their condition. It is useless to
hope that they can change or to be taught or to believe that they will
change for the better.
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Looking for "sociopathic" behavior in the traditional sense of the word is

neither helpful nor sufficient.

To better understand SAs, you must first understand what their purpose
is. The main functions of an AS are one or all of the following

• Deviate from your life goal, get distracted, deceive yourself and
sabotage everything about you.

These are the three main purposes of any AS. Although the same also
has some limits as to how far they can go.

There are unique qualities in spirited people, unique qualities in AS, and
qualities that are shared by both groups.

Every observation you make about them will automatically increase the
probability in both directions. At some point, you should clearly see what
the case is.

While spiritually drunk people can do just about anything an AS can do,
(aside from collectively synchronous abilities, such as the spinal brain,
AS cannot perfectly mimic everything that spiritual people do). His
abilities are stopped against a very sharp barrier, one that becomes
astonishing and alarming when scanned and observed. Most
importantly, these obstacles are fixed, which means that they do not
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significantly over time.

For example, while stubborn people may repeat mistakes due to

stubbornness or confusion, even if the mistake keeps repeating itself as
a broken bond and people seem impossibly incapable of learning any life
lessons or changing their behavior, then this is precisely it. a crucial
feature of AS.

In general, ASs are ...

Stagnant, incapable of personal development without spirituality, they

can only learn new tricks and perfect their methods. But they cannot be
permanently changed in a fundamental way. Each change is usually
superficial and happens quickly, they can usually turn 180 degrees to
make you believe in something, but their personality reverts to the
previous behavior just as quickly. (Like the promises of drug addicts).

• They are predictable. This is because they are limited in what they can
do and say and how far they can go. This predictability becomes even
clearer after you have identified someone as AS and recognize that they
are farmers that the control system can handle easily and at will.

• They have a collective or hive-minded personality, which explains their

synchronous actions and why they can be so easily manipulated by the
control system or the matrix, either individually or as a group. This
manipulation often manifests itself in the form of interruptions,
inconveniences, and drama that serve to distract and blur you.

• They are very skilled manipulators and also controllers in general. This
is linked to the fact that they are masters of imitation. It is how they
survive and move and how they manage to put the veil over the eyes of
those who have Spirit. They say what they think you want to hear, and
sometimes they change their approach when the current one doesn't
work. They make 180 degree turns in the process and many of them lie
to you, seduce you and manipulate you to get what they want.
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They also tend to play on your fears, hopes, and weaknesses ... no
matter what path they have to take to get what they or the Matrix want.

• Programmed to stay within the control system pattern.

All of these tactics will help you stay within the parameters of the Matrix
control system. When a spirit being does not gain the support and
approval of other awakened spirit beings and cannot find others around
him who are like you, they may eventually have a dominant effect and
make him shut up and walk away confused. They can even make you
start to doubt yourself and change yourself. And that is what the System
of Control and Darkness imposed on true beings wants.

• How they are programmed to stay within the control system pattern. -
means that your job is to help him stay within the framework of the
Matrix. That is why they tend to ridicule, deny, cast doubt, insult and
humiliate those who go against the grain and those who have
"undesirable" views that challenge the common thinking of those who
belong to and praise the system. They attack groups and knowledge
systems that challenge the control system.



This is the first and best choice for control system interruptions, as family
is our closest connection and source of constant contact. We constantly
tolerate dubious behaviors that direct us from the family in a way that we
would never take from others, because it has been imposed on us that
we must accept, tolerate and help the family union. Over and over again,
many people forgive and forget, act like mops, and will be subjected to
verbal, emotional, and physical abuse from those who supposedly love
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• An abusive relative / grandparent / guardian / child / grandchild /

husband / wife / brother. Someone who creates disorder in the mind in
the form of addiction, emotional isolation, mind games, or creates a
chaotic and unstable living environment. (Think of alcoholism, drug
abuse, parents who abandon their children, children who have to be
taken from their homes and placed in the care of others or for adoption,
a dating couple, abandonment, sexual abuse, abandonment , etc.) All
these types of situations serve to inhibit the process of a being that
causes a wide range of personality disorders. In spiritual children who
grow up in these circumstances, later in life, when the child grows up, he
lacks the skills to deal with people, relationships, conflicts, and life in
general. Sometimes they grow just to continue the chain of dysfunction.

And this acts as the ultimate weapon to sabotage a stored person. In

their twisted beliefs you can read: "Grab them and make them ours while
they are still young ..."

• A family member who always imposes or overwhelms you, regardless

of your space or your personal agenda or life goals. Example: Using
their services and help, often having to ask for a loan that they do not
pay back, you need to save yourself from any trouble. Maybe a family
member who helps you through life is a burden or someone who never
seems to get along and needs constant help or support.

It may be the person in your family who is holding you back from
accomplishing something, be it a short-term goal or a long-term goal. All
this translates into a loss of vital energy, which occurs gradually in
personal time, effort and money. An interesting fact to keep in mind is
how this is achieved: it is usually through debt. Being the ones who do
you wrong or if it is your own self-imposed guilt by a sense of "duty",
because they are "family", it is guilt.
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• A family member who seems to want to hurt and run you over, criticizes
your life and how you do things and makes you feel bad in many ways.
Perhaps there are insults in disguise, from time to time they attack you
orally. This is your way of getting energy.


Employees who disagree? ... Take a closer look ... chances are high that
it is between a worker who shows "human" qualities in a viable being,
and another who does not display the same qualities and who acts
unstable or strange or troublesome. In many workplaces, an "us versus
them" situation occurs ... and no one acknowledges it because this is an
unfamiliar topic that cannot be discussed among spiritless artificial

Some possible behaviors of an AS that can occur in the workplace are:

• Those who get in the way by doing their hard work.

• Promote gossip, say negative things and create drama among

employees to feed themselves. They betray from behind, not from in

• He's the one who always tries to get you in trouble with your bosses.
They can act like everything is fine and then turn around and complain
about you, stab you in the back, and damage your work. ("He Plays Both
Sides", which is all about being manipulative, a notoriously organic
feature of Portal AS). If the person in question turns out to be an AS, it is
even worse when he is faced with this.

They refuse to admit that there was something wrong with what they did.
They can't "figure out" what the problem is and then they just turn to you.
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Of course, there are also spiritless people who have fun countering
others, and that is why the above qualities are shared a bit, but while
spiritual people do it for entertainment or power, AS does it as a form of
survival and normal functioning of his being.

Their lack of empathy and not recognizing how they act indicates which
side they belong to.

It should also be noted that AS unfortunately seems to occupy many

powers and powers in the workplace. Usually they are the ones in
charge. They are the boss we can't beat or please, no matter how hard
we try and they stop kicking us.

They are the ones who make plays and often form the rules and compile
the structure of how things "should be".

It is often an unbearable structure for those who have the Spirit. In a

workplace where an AS dominates the roles of power and authority,
ordinary spirit beings will be shaken, transformed into a miserable
"farmer" for an organic portal to feed.

• Focus on the lack of reciprocity in terms of friendship:

In a primary focus, you can say that you are there for them, but they are
not there for you. And when they do something for you, it's like a lever to
manipulate even more, they make you feel like you've been given the
sky and all the stars.

• These demands temporarily occur only at the most inopportune times,

when something is more disturbing than you are trying to achieve or
when you are trying to stay put, meaning a deliberate disturbance to
keep you distracted and confused by everything EXCEPT what you
should do ...
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As a secondary category of the social circle are romantic relationships.

Many of the characteristics of an AS found within the circle of friends can
also be applied to the boyfriend / girlfriend in question.

Additional AS characteristics that may be specific to the relationship


• In their normal lives, repeatedly lying and cheating, often treacherous,

is normal. It seems they don't care and they hurt you.

• Physical, emotional and verbal abuse.

• No loyalty: they will set you back in an instant, without regret or guilt.
They will hide loyalty if it benefits them.

• Use you. They use you as a place to use you, for security, money or
things, with little or no reciprocity.

• They try to change you so that you are more in line with the ideals of
the control system. Also, they may try to deviate from your activities,
interests, etc. and criticize things that have significant or spiritual
meaning to you. They are saboteurs in your life. And this can be in many

They can isolate you from your friends and family, damage your career,
prevent you from reaching your goals, put you in difficult positions; And
in the case of an AS woman, it can catch her with an unwanted
pregnancy, usually after making sure she was using birth control.

LOVE AND SEX is the best way to manipulate, empty and control the
matrix of limitation.

• Conditional love: they only love you or want to be with you if you meet
certain requirements or expectations. His "love" for you only works if you
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meet these requirements and conditions. Requirements for all your time
and energy.

• They are not there for you emotionally, they constantly disappoint you

look bad, even if they can trust you.

• Another thing to note is that these boyfriends or girlfriends usually

appear in your life at important moments, perhaps when you are about to
wake up from what the control system is or are making positive changes
... for yourself.

So hey, there they are, temporarily injected into the movie to distract you
and get you out of the way. But despite all these things, they manage to
keep you close. How? Well, because it is calculated that they do NOT
act that way all the time. They also know how to include good behavior
and charm to manipulate you into staying close by forgiving them and
giving them a second chance.

IN AN ARGUMENT: The most important thing to remember when it

comes to debating with an AS is that for them the argument is not
necessarily created to win, but to "suck energy."

• You can't win an argument with an AS because they don't care and
ignore the rules. They use logical errors, this feature is essential and
cannot be emphasized enough; AS's don't seem to make any logic at all.
What they say and do has no meaning. They can twist your words and
distort what they have, what they say, deny what they said or did,
sometimes a few moments after they said or did!

• They fight in thoughtless circles, shooting at all your weak spots,

aiming for what hurts the most, using low-hitting tactics, and pushing you
endlessly in the process. They may have trouble keeping the thread,
because there is no central point for them, because again, it is not about
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winning but about "draining their energy". Another related tactic they can
use is to divert the conversation and focus their attacks on you, some of

your shortcomings or past mistakes, even if they have nothing to do with

the topic at hand. This is just to distract you from the central thread and
get you in trouble. And when all is said and done, you will never solve
the problem. All you do is feed them while you leave and you feel
frustrated, hurt, and angry.

• They will be immune to these feelings of frustration, hurt, and anger

and will eventually bring up another topic asking if you want to eat or

Regardless of their reaction, you can be sure that it will be

anything but concern or compassion. They cannot feel anxiety or

experience genuine empathy.

A potential AS in a fight who doesn't win his way "brings out his
fireworks" to try to milk the desired response of guilt and feelings of
helplessness and helplessness.

They may even shed tears, but AS is cold and calculating and anything
but compassionate and genuine.

So don't be fooled, an AS can definitely mimic the "pain" of a fight, so if

you are in a fight with someone who may be an AS, the trick is to pay
attention to the details. Is the feeling real or just a manipulative
maneuver? Their "feelings", if they try to hide that they have them, will
always be very exaggerated or too imperfect, without reaching the
sincerity of a human soul. They will also be inconsistent and will change
too suddenly from one "feeling" to another.
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• They cannot hear or see your point of view. In fact, they don't care what
you think, feel, or believe. They are not interested in putting themselves
in your shoes or understanding your situation. This is related to their
inability to empathize and feel true emotions. Which means that they are

not interested in a solution to the problem. When it comes to an AS, they

have no problem ... you have the problem. And nothing you say or do
will convince them otherwise. Because once again it would require
empathy and the ability to see a different point of view and as we know
they do not have these skills.

They "project". Projection is something that an AS is known for. They

always accuse others of doing the same things they are guilty of. But
good luck trying to point this out to them ... because you will never teach
them to admit it, even when confronted directly with this.

• Many people have the ability to change for the worse with you in an
instant, turn away from someone who was your good friend in a minute,
and suddenly they become rude and even disgusting. It's the kind of
situation that leaves a person shocked and frustrated, in awe of what's
going on, where did that come from?

An AS shows almost a split personality during these moments, where

their relationship is completely ruined. Because it's your time to

eat! "Power shake for Agent Smith".

• They have very strange ways of ending a fight. Whichever they

choose, it usually means a lack of resolution. They may suddenly end
the conversation and walk away, leaving the other person frustrated.

Or they can "resolve" the conflict through charm, manipulation, or

distraction. Originally ... this can deceive and calm a spiritual person,
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until the same spiritual person stops and thinks after a while about this
and says, "wait a minute ..." (realizing that the problem was never really
solved, but just put it aside for the moment so as not to give yourself a
chance to resolve the situation).

I hope this document helps you to realize the true proportions that less
than 20% of the population is exposed to, that is, Starseeds, since they
were born, or other people who come to Earth in adulthood and often ,
for long periods of time, such as Walk-in or Step-In, which only appear
anytime, anywhere, for short periods of time.

Anyway, good advice is to be on your guard and listen more than talk.
Ask more than speak, on any subject. They AS are everywhere and they
are testing you!

Focus on what you really want and move forward step by step. Then all
of a sudden, you've already arrived!

Jörgen Hofh

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