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Good morning engineer and classmates, on this occasion we will talk about Technological

(technologicol)Processes in the Chemical Industry industrie: Tools and Equipment.(ekuipment

As the first point of the presentation, we will talk about

Chemical engineering is a branch brench of engineering that combines(combains) principles

principol of chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology(baioligs) and economics to efficiently
(efishintlie use, produce, design disaing), transport and transform energy and materials. Basically,
it involves applying scientific and engineering principles to solve problems related rileitep to the
production and use of chemicals, materials and

Chemical engineers work in various industries, including petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, food

and beverage baborech, materials, and environmental engineering. They play a crucial role in the
development and optimization of processes for the large-scale production of chemicals and
materials, ensuring efficiency, safety and sustainability.

Chemical engineering deals with a wide waid range rench of processes and activities related to the
use, production and transformation of chemicals, materials and energy. Here are some key areas
that chemical engineering covers:

Design and optimization of processes for the large-scale production of chemical products. This
includes developing efficient and cost-effective methods for manufacturing various products.

Study the principles of fluid flow, heat transfer, and mass transfer to understand and optimize the
movement of materials within processes and systems.

Understand and optimize chemical reactions to achieve the desired results in terms of yield,
selectivity(selactivity) and efficiency.eficienci

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