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Four princesses sat on their thrones.

Aleeya : Can't wait!

Munira : For what?

Sumayyah : Tell us!

Irene : Yes sis!

Aleeya : Can't WAIT to be a queen!

Munirah : Why?

Sumayyah : Boring!

Irene : Yawn!

Aleeya : As queen, I can rule!

Munira : So much works!

Sumayyah : Lazy!

Irene : More toys?

Aleeya : I can rule everyone!

Aleeya stands up and start to walk around.

Aleeya : If I’m a queen…

Munira : You can get me more clothes.

Sumayyah : NO! MORE FOR ME!

Irene : NO! MORE FOR ME!

Munira, Sumayyah and Irene start to bicker.


Munira, Sumayyah and Irene : Selfish!

Aleeya : I don't care! Maid! Bring me food!

Maids enter with some food.

Aleeya : That's it?

Munira : More!

Sumayyah : We are hungry!

Irene : More!

They ate some of the food, and threw it away.

Aleeya, Munira, Sumayyah and Irene : Euww…

The Sultan and Queen enter.

Aleeya : Daddy, I need a new tiara!

Munira : Daddy, I need a new ring!

Sumayyah : Daddy, I want a new necklace!

Irene : Daddy, new toy!

Sultan : OK, my daughters.

Queen : Too much! They just got them yesterday.

Sultan : Don't worry. We are rich!

Queen : You spoiled them! If only they are excited about their class too.

Ustaz, Ustazah and their daughters enter.

Ustaz, Ustazah and their daughters : Assamulaikum.

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