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Clinical Therapeutics/Volume 43, Number 9, 2021

Review Articles
Novel and Emerging Electrophysiological Biomarkers
of Diabetic Neuropathy and Painful Diabetic
Anne Marshall, BSc1,2 ; Uazman Alam, PhD2,3 ; Andreas Themistocleous, PhD4,5 ;
Nigel Calcutt, PhD6 ; and Andrew Marshall1,7,8
Musculoskeletal Biology, Institute of Life Course and Medical Sciences, University of
Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom; 2 Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology and
Gastroenterology, School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health,
University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom; 3 Cardiovascular and Metabolic
Medicine, Institute of Life Course and Medical Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool,
United Kingdom; 4 Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford,
Oxford, United Kingdom; 5 Brain Function Research Group, School of Physiology, Faculty of
Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa; 6 Department
of Pathology, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California; 7 Department of
Clinical Neurophysiology, The Walton Centre, Liverpool, United Kingdom; and 8 Division of
Neuroscience and Experimental Psychology, School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Biology,
Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
ABSTRACT neurophysiological methods with potential to act as
Purpose: Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) is biomarkers for the diagnosis and monitoring of DPN
the most common complication of diabetes. Small as well as putative future roles as predictors of response
and large peripheral nerve fibers can be involved in to antineuropathic pain medication in pDPN. Nerve
DPN. Large nerve fiber damage causes paresthesia, conduction studies only detect large fiber damage and
sensory loss, and muscle weakness, and small nerve do not capture pathology or dysfunction of small fibers.
fiber damage is associated with pain, anesthesia, foot Because small nerve fiber damage is prominent in DPN,
ulcer, and autonomic symptoms. Treatments for DPN additional biomarkers of small nerve fiber function
and painful DPN (pDPN) pose considerable challenges are needed. Activation of peripheral nociceptor fibers
due to the lack of effective therapies. To meet these using laser, heat, or targeted electrical stimuli can
challenges, there is a major need to develop biomarkers generate pain-related evoked potentials, which are
that can reliably diagnose and monitor progression of an objective neurophysiological measure of damage
nerve damage and, for pDPN, facilitate personalized along the small fiber pathways. Assessment of nerve
treatment based on underlying pain mechanisms. excitability, which provides a surrogate of axonal
Methods: This study involved a comprehensive properties, may detect alterations in function before
literature review, incorporating article searches in abnormalities are detected by nerve conduction studies.
electronic databases (Google Scholar, PubMed, and Microneurography and rate-dependent depression of
OVID) and reference lists of relevant articles with the the Hoffmann-reflex can be used to dissect underlying
authors’ substantial expertise in DPN. This review pain-generating mechanisms arising from the periphery
considered seminal and novel research and summarizes
emerging biomarkers of DPN and pDPN that are based
Accepted for publication March 27, 2021
on neurophysiological methods.
Findings: From the evidence gathered from 145 0149-2918/$ - see front matter
papers, this submission describes emerging clinical © 2021 Elsevier Inc.

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and spinal cord, respectively. Their role in informing therapeutic benefit.14 There is a major unmet need
mechanistic-based treatment of pDPN as well as for the development of reliable biomarkers that: (1)
facilitating clinical trials design is discussed. capture the onset and progression of DPN; (2) inform
Implications: The neurophysiological methods dis- mechanistic-based drug discovery; and (3) facilitate
cussed, although currently not practical for use in individualized treatment of neuropathic pain in pDPN.
busy outpatient settings, detect small fiber and early The purpose of the present narrative review was
large fiber damage in DPN as well as disclosing to discuss emerging neurophysiological biomarkers
dominant pain mechanisms in pDPN. They are suited of human DPN and pDPN. Clinical neurophysiology
as diagnostic and predictive biomarkers as well as end is a medical specialty in which the recording of
points in mechanistic clinical trials of DPN and pDPN. spontaneous or evoked bioelectrical activity is used to
(Clin Ther. 2021;43:1441–1456.) © 2021 Elsevier Inc. investigate function of the brain, spinal cord, spinal
nerve roots, peripheral nerves, and muscle. Clini-
INTRODUCTION cal neurophysiology departments may also perform
Peripheral neuropathy is the most common compli- quantitative sensory testing (QST), such as thermal
cation of both type 1 (T1DM) and type 2 diabetes threshold analysis, but this review is restricted to
(T2DM), with more than one half of all patients electrophysiological investigations according to the
developing nerve dysfunction in their lifetime.1 Both definition noted (details about QST are given else-
chronic and acute diabetic neuropathies are seen, but where15–17 ). Investigations of the autonomic nervous
distal length-dependent symmetrical polyneuropathy is system, including cardiac autonomic testing and sweat
the most common and generally referred to as diabetic responses, are also not discussed (reviews are presented
peripheral neuropathy (DPN). DPN is the primary elsewhere18–20 ).
cause of diabetic foot disease, including ulceration
and nontraumatic amputations.2 In addition, up to MATERIALS AND METHODS
one third of patients with diabetes have neuropathic A comprehensive literature review was undertaken, in-
pain (painful diabetic neuropathy (pDPN),1 ,3–5 which cluding article searches in multiple electronic databases
often leads to sleep disturbance, poor quality of (Google Scholar, PubMed, and OVID) using key
life, anxiety/depression, and unemployment.6–9 Data words (eg, diabetic neuropathy, neuropathic pain, pain
suggest that 10-year mortality is higher in patients with biomarkers) and reference lists of relevant articles
severe chronic pain.10 with the authors’ substantial expertise in DPN. This
Currently, there are no US Food and Drug review considered seminal and novel research and
Administration–approved disease-modifying therapies summarizes emerging biomarkers of DPN and pDPN
for diabetic neuropathy. Many clinical trials of drugs that are based on neurophysiological methods. Articles
targeting presumptive mechanisms of DPN, including published from inception of databases to December
aldose reductase inhibitors, protein kinase C inhibitors, 2020 were identified. Data from articles that were not
and benfotiamine, have failed at Phase III of devel- relevant to the aim of the study were excluded from the
opment. Potential reasons for these failures include review.
the use of subjective or insensitive end points such as
physician-based clinical scores and use of biomarkers RESULTS
that only report function of large myelinated nerve In total, 145 papers were cited in the final manuscript.
fibers.11 ,12 Consequently, there is a lack of disease- An evaluation of selected articles was undertaken, and
modifying medication. Beyond glycemic control and relevant data were included in the current review.
modulation of cardiometabolic risk factors, the only Authors excluded studies that were not relevant to the
option is pain management. Unfortunately, pharmaco- aims and ethos of the manuscript under the guidance
logic treatments for pDPN are inconsistently effective. of the senior author (A.M.).
In patients with pDPN treated with monotherapy, A biomarker is defined by the National Institutes of
50% pain relief in 50% of cases is considered a Health as “a characteristic that is objectively measured
favorable outcome.13 Treatment strategies typically and evaluated as an indicator of normal biological
involve a trial-and-error approach of prescribing anti- processes, pathogenic processes, or pharmacological
neuropathic pain medications, which have inconsistent responses to a therapeutic intervention.”21 According

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to this definition, biomarkers can have a wide range perception and laser evoked potentials are tests of
of complexity ranging from very simple clinical tests small fiber function. The current preferred biomarkers
(eg, deep tendon reflex) or noninvasive diagnostic of large fiber neuropathy are nerve conduction
investigations (eg, heart rate variability to detect studies (NCS) and quantitative assessment of vibration
cardiac autonomic neuropathy) through to complex perception.
laboratory or invasive evaluation (eg, skin biopsy, The current prevailing view is that small fiber
microneurography). deficits can be detected before objective large fiber
The US Food and Drug Administration22 and involvement. This is primarily based on cross-sectional
European Medicines Agency23 define several categories studies of patients with diabetes or prediabetes that
of biomarkers, including susceptibility/risk, diagnostic, show small fiber abnormalities in a proportion of
prognostic, predictive, enrichment, monitoring, and patients with normal NCS and in the large majority
surrogate end points. The precise characteristics of of those with abnormal NCS parameters.30–36 Fur-
an ideal biomarker depend on its context of use24 thermore, normalization of hyperglycemia (diabetes
but in general terms they include the following: (1) remission) or intensive treatment of hyperglycemia
being scalable and easy to use (eg, be simple, cost- with continuous subcutaneous insulin are associated
effective, minimally invasive); (2) have high sensitivity with early improvements in measures of small, but
(ie, high true-positive rate) and specificity (ie, high true- not large, fiber neuropathy in severe DPN.37–40 For
negative rate); and (3) have a high predictability (ie, a example, in severe DPN, although motor nerve
strong indicator of the condition or of a response to a conduction velocity did eventually increase 36 months
particular treatment). after simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplant,
For DPN, the major purposes of biomarkers are to: this lagged behind improvements in SFN detected by
(1) act as a diagnostic biomarker to identify individuals using CCM.37 These findings indicate that biomarkers
with the biologically defined disorder (eg, large and/or of SFN are, in general, more sensitive at detecting
small fiber DPN); (2) monitor the change in degree of early neuropathy or the earliest signs of repair in
the disorder over time; and (3) act as an indicator of DPN. However, in mild to moderate DPN, short-
drug efficacy in clinical trials. Although detection of term modest improvements in glycemic control and
potentially fully reversible changes in nerve function serum triglyceride levels had an independent, additive,
may theoretically be possible (as discussed in the Nerve and durable effect on restoration of nerve function
Excitability Testing section), in general, this requires with improvement in lower limb electrophysiological
the detection of nerve pathology or surrogates thereof. parameters.41
It is therefore important that a diagnostic biomarker Relatively large cross-sectional studies of patients
can reliably and reproducibly detect the earliest signs with DPN show that abnormalities of small and large
or the earliest changes of the severity/extent of DPN. fibers frequently co-exist.42 ,43 For example, Ziegler
The earliest clinical manifestations of DPN are et al,42 in a study of recently diagnosed T2DM found
typically sensory symptoms or signs in the extremities. that although CCM and IENFD detected small nerve
This sensory predominant phenotype is associated with fiber loss, there was a reduction in NCS parameters
pathologic alterations in all major classes of sensory in a subpopulation suggestive of large fiber disease.
fibers: large myelinated fibers, as well as small thinly Furthermore, a recent study of 133 patients with
myelinated A-delta and unmyelinated C-fibers.25–29 T2DM and DPN participants were subclassified into
Therefore, DPN is a mixed large fiber neuropathy large, small, or mixed neuropathy on the basis of
and small fiber neuropathy (SFN). Because small and NCS and IENFD findings.43 The majority (74%) had
large fiber deficits are detected by using different evidence of mixed large and small fiber involvement,
methodologies, there are distinct biomarkers of small although a significant minority had evidence of isolated
and of large fiber neuropathy. Biomarkers of somatic large or small fiber DPN. Other studies that stratify
SFN include skin biopsy for quantification of intra- patients based on clinical scales show that NCS and
epidermal nerve fiber density (IENFD) and corneal con- measures of SFN such as QST, CCM, and IENFD
focal microscopy (CCM) with quantification of corneal all progressively decline with increasing severity of
innervation, both of which provide information on clinical neuropathy.44–46 Although these studies imply
small fiber structure, whereas QST of thermal or pain that small and large fiber pathology develop in parallel,

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longitudinal investigations are needed before inferences Conduction velocity, which is measured by using
can be made regarding the natural history of peripheral single and 2-site stimulation for sensory and motor
nerve pathology. A recent multicenter longitudinal nerves, respectively, is affected by several factors such
study of DPN which assessed large and small fibers as axonal atrophy, internodal distance, and nodal
showed that more rapid deterioration in SFN (loss membrane functions, although it is typically regarded
of ≥6% of nerve fiber length/year detected by using as a biomarker of demyelination. NCS are routine
CCM) is associated with a greater deterioration of procedures and, in skilled hands, provide objective data
NCS parameters (peroneal motor conduction velocity that can be compared with local normative ranges.51
and amplitude).47 However, the converse (ie, whether Although NCS are widely available, they are most
greater deterioration in NCS was associated with more often used for the assessment of atypical clinical
rapid small fiber abnormalities) was not addressed. presentations. A number of point-of-care NCS devices
Therefore, the concomitant use of biomarkers of both that may facilitate screening of large fiber neuropathy
large fiber neuropathy and SFN for DPN represents an in the clinic setting are available. One such device,
appropriate strategy. DPNCheck (NeuroMetrix, Waltham, Massachusetts),
Recent data suggest a greater degree of SFN which measures sural nerve sensory nerve action
(detected by using IENFD and CCM) in patients with potential amplitude and velocity, has been validated
pDPN compared with those with equivalent large fiber for use in DPN.52 In controlled settings performed
neuropathy but no pain.45 ,48 ,49 However, the findings by trained nontechnical individuals, it can be rapidly
in the literature are mixed. For example, other recent performed (<5 minutes) and shows 95% sensitivity
large-scale cross-sectional studies report no difference and 71% specificity for DPN detection compared
in structural or functional small fiber deficits between with conventional NCS53 and 84% sensitivity and
painless DPN and pDPN50 or equivalent prevalence 68% specificity compared with composite clinical
of neuropathic pain in patients with evidence of scores.53 ,54
small fiber, large fiber, or mixed small and large fiber NCS have been historically considered a gold
polyneuropathy.43 Whether interventions that prevent standard for the diagnosis of DPN. Confirmed DPN
or reverse small fiber loss in diabetes can affect the pain is defined as clinical symptom(s) and/or sign(s) of
phenotype remains to be determined. neuropathy and an abnormal nerve conduction or
The role of biomarkers of pDPN is somewhat adequate small fiber measure if NCS are normal,
different from that for DPN. A biomarker of pain per as classified by using the updated Toronto consen-
se is not particularly useful because this information sus guidelines.55 This definition is often used as
can be detected, and indeed quantified, by asking an inclusion criterion and/or end point in clinical
the patient directly. A more useful biomarker would trials. NCS findings correlate well with clinical56
detect a particular pain phenotype or underlying and pathologic/morphologic57 measures of severity
pathophysiological mechanism that can be used of neuropathy. Furthermore, they have prognostic
to predict an individual’s benefit from particular significance: slowing of motor nerve conduction
treatments, to enrich patient populations for clinical velocity is predictive of foot ulceration and death in
trials or, potentially, to predict the risk of developing DPN.58 However, NCS have significant limitations.
pain. Neurophysiology departments often have normative
reference ranges based on healthy individuals, but
NERVE CONDUCTION STUDIES: A GOLD performance standards for NCS are not uniform.
STANDARD BIOMARKER WITH LIMITATIONS Reference ranges ideally should be standardized
NCS have long been used as diagnostic, staging, and for methodology, age, and for sensory conduction
prognostic biomarkers for DPN. The investigation especially (because of lower signal-to-noise ratio)
involves supramaximal transcutaneous stimulation of and potentially other technical factors such as body
defined upper and lower limb peripheral nerves. mass index.59 Furthermore, reference ranges based on
Recordings are also taken noninvasively with surface populations of healthy individuals can be broad. For
electrodes. Motor and sensory fiber function can example, a sural sensory amplitude of ≥4 microvolts
be assessed separately. Measurement of response might be considered normal by some reference ranges60
amplitude serves as a correlate of axonal loss. but would be highly abnormal for an individual with a

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not uncommonly encountered premorbid value of >20 by using a laser or a brief thermal stimulus, although
microvolts. Therefore, detection of early neuropathy stimulus paradigms using pinpricks or specialized
may require serial studies to investigate declining surface electrodes have also been used.
parameters originally within the “normal” range, Laser evoked potentials (LEPs) are considered to
which will limit segregation of patients for clinical represent the most reliable neurophysiological method
trials based on inclusion criteria requiring “abnormal” to assess nociceptor pathways.63 ,64 The cortical
NCS. waveforms generated are termed the N1 and N2/P2
The major shortcoming of NCS is that they assess complex. Attenuated, delayed, or absent LEPs to
large myelinated fibers only. It is not possible to stimulation of a pathologically involved region such
transcutaneously record from thinly myelinated (Aδ) as the foot in distal symmetrical polyneuropathy can
fibers, which mediate nociception and cold sensation, provide objective evidence of a loss-of-function lesion
or unmyelinated (C) fibers, which mediate warm and affecting the A-delta nociceptive pathways. In a group
nociceptive sensation. Therefore, an insensitivity to of 45 patients with diabetes and varying degrees
detecting changes in small nerve fibers, potentially of DPN, the most frequent LEP abnormalities were
the most sensitive method for detecting DPN onset attenuated or absent cortical waveforms. The degree
and progression, combined with questionable repro- of LEP abnormality correlated with the degree of
ducibility and lack of measurement standardization NCS abnormality, suggesting that large and small
across centers,61 limit the use of NCS as a standalone fiber dysfunction occurs in parallel.65 Using carefully
biomarker of DPN. There is a remarkable paucity collected age- and site-related normative data, LEPS
of studies that directly compare the ability of small showed 78% sensitivity and 81% specificity for
and large fiber biomarkers to detect DPN. One the diagnosis of SFN in patients with DPN and
reason for this is that NCS are often used as a normal NCS compared with the current gold standard
criterion for diagnosis of neuropathy and thus form diagnostic, IENFD.66 Similar sensitivity and specificity
the gold standard against which the sensitivity and were documented in a large study of 164 patients
specificity of other methods are compared. Studies that with clinical evidence of SFN and normal NCS;
have compared the diagnostic capability of NCS and ˜20% of the patients had pDPN. LEP abnormalities
SFN biomarkers in DPN used relatively crude and had sensitivity and specificity of 66% and 89% for
subjective clinical criteria as a benchmark for neu- detecting SFN compared with diagnostic criteria of ≥2
ropathy diagnosis and stratification.44 Nevertheless, abnormal results from a battery of 6 investigations
these studies indicate that NCS parameters such as (LEP, QST, cardiac autonomic tests, electrodermal
sural nerve conduction velocity perform with more-or- skin conductance, quantitative sweat testing, and
less equivalent sensitivity and specificity as structural IENFD).67 LEP amplitudes have also been shown to
and functional measures of SFN. Although NCS are be attenuated in patients with diabetes of >10 years’
established as a biomarker of large fiber neuropathy in duration and asymptomatic “pure” SFN diagnosed by
DPN, large-scale studies involving detailed neuropathy using IENFD,68 and they show greater attenuation
phenotyping indicate that they do not differentiate in those with neuropathic pain.69 Although this
between pDPN and painless DPN.50 ,62 suggests a greater small fiber burden in painful
neuropathy, it is important to emphasize that LEPs
EMERGING NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL primarily demonstrate a lesion affecting small (A-
BIOMARKERS OF DPN delta) fiber pathways rather than providing evidence
Pain-related Evoked Potentials of hyperalgesia or pain mechanisms. However, there
Pain-related evoked potentials involve the recording are some data suggesting that differential involvement
of cortical activity through scalp electrodes in response of LEPs is associated with that particular symptom of
to selective stimulation of nociceptive skin afferents pDPN. For example, in a recent study of 133 patients
(Figure 1). Distinct waveforms can be obtained for with T2DM and DPN, subclassified into myelinated
A-delta and C-fiber stimulation, but for the purposes versus SFN versus mixed on the basis of NCS and
of clinical evaluation only assessment of A-delta abnormal IENFD, the presence of burning pain was
waveforms is currently believed to be reliable.63 ,64 associated a greater loss of LEP amplitude, whereas
Nociceptor stimulation is most commonly delivered

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Figure 1. Schematic showing established and emerging biomarkers of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) and
painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy (pDPN). H-Reflex = Hoffmann reflex; RDD = rate-dependent

allodynia showed a tendency for preservation of LEP of rise in temperature to ensure rapid, synchronous
amplitudes.43 activation of thermal sensitive nociceptors. N1/P1
LEPs are noninvasive, relatively rapid to perform, cortical waveforms are generated that reflect activation
and are an objective neurophysiological biomarker of A-delta nociceptors. Although CHEPs are a potential
for SFN. Indeed, in patients with painful sensory biomarker of SFN in DM, this has been addressed in
neuropathy, LEP amplitudes positively correlate with few studies. Two small-scale investigations involving
IENFD.70 However, LEPs have several drawbacks as ˜30 patients with T2DM have shown that CHEP
a biomarker. The technique is expensive, not widely amplitudes are reduced compared with healthy control
available, and certain safety measures (eg, wearing of subjects and correlate with other biomarkers of SFN
eye protection) are required during the investigation. (QST, autonomic function tests, and IENFD) and
LEPs also habituate, and the waveform amplitudes large fiber neuropathy.72 ,73 CHEPs are noninvasive
are dependent on the participants’ attention.71 Because and do not have safety issues as with LEPs. However,
LEPs assesses the whole neuraxis through the spinotha- they require specialized equipment and are subject to
lamic tracts, the method does not distinguish between significant habituation effects.71 Both CHEPs and LEPs
central and peripheral nervous system pathology. are unlikely to be used in a busy clinic setting.
The principles of contact heat evoked potentials Intra-epidermal electrical evoked potentials (IEEPs)
(CHEPs) are similar to those of LEPs. Stimuli are are performed by using specialized electrodes that
delivered with a Peltier thermode, with a rapid rate deliver a high current density to epidermal fibers.

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Longer stimulus durations preferentially stimulate affects nerve excitability. For example, the alterations
nociceptors. IEEPs offer the advantage of not requiring in NET seen in individuals with diabetes and no
a specialized stimulator device such as a laser or neuropathy can be reversed by improvements in
thermode. They are noninvasive and easy to perform. glycemic control,82–85 an effect attributed to reversal of
However, this method is currently experimental, with hyperglycemia-induced suppression of nodal persistent
few studies that address the use of IEEPs in DM sodium channels.86 Underlining the potential of NET
and none that compare their use with other SFN to detect changes after intervention, parallel im-
biomarkers. Using a concentric planar electrode in provements in nodal sodium currents and conduction
patients with DPN and normal NCS, IEEP cortical velocity were shown in a small open clinical trial
waveforms were shown to be delayed and of lower with the aldose reductase inhibitor epalrestat in mild
amplitude relative to those of healthy volunteers. In to moderate DPN.87 Evidence of sodium channel
patients with neuropathic symptoms, 95% showed at dysfunction detected using NET has also been linked
least one abnormal finding (greater than the maximum to painful symptoms in diabetic and other forms of
latency and less than the minimal amplitude of neuropathy.88 ,89
recordings in healthy volunteers).74 NET is not widely available and requires specialist
equipment and software. There are no clinically
Nerve Excitability Testing relevant normative ranges and, although alterations
The properties of human peripheral nerve axons can in NET can be shown despite normal NCS, it has
be assessed noninvasively by using nerve excitability yet to be validated as a biomarker for either DPN or
testing (NET).75 NET is performed in a similar pDPN. As with NCS, it does not provide information
manner to NCS but uses submaximal as well as about the status of small nerve fibers. However, it
supra-maximal stimulation according to standard- is a useful, noninvasive method to explore disease
ized excitability protocols (stimulus–response curve, pathophysiology and may prove a useful biomarker
strength–duration properties, threshold electrotonus when assessing response to treatment for DPN or
and the current/threshold relationship, and the recov- pDPN such as in trials of therapeutic agents that act
ery cycle) to obtain a reflection of firing threshold on voltage-gated ion channels.
(Figure 1).75–77 The results provide a surrogate of ion
channel and axonal membrane potential properties at
the stimulation site. Although motor axons are more Neuropathic Pain in Diabetes
commonly investigated, because recordings are more A major unmet need for patients with pDPN is the
stable and less affected by artifact, sensory nerves can ability to predict whether a particular drug is likely to
also be assessed. NET has the advantage in that it be efficacious. A more “personalized” and mechanis-
assesses functional measures which may occur before tically based approach to identify the pain generator
pathologic axonal or demyelinating features and their or modulatory site(s) would enable greater selectivity
NCS corollary become evident. and targeting of drug therapy, which would limit side
In patients with T1DM or T2DM, alterations in effects and improve overall efficacy.90 Neuropathic
excitability, including features compatible with sodium pain drugs work in specific locations, as defined by
channel dysfunction, have been reported in association the receptors that they target. For instance, gabapentin
with subclinical neuropathy.78–80 These alterations and pregabalin exert their analgesic effect through
progress with increasing neuropathy severity and high-affinity binding and modulation of the calcium
are seen in patients with normal NCS, raising channel α 2 -δ proteins in the dorsal root ganglion.91 In
the possibility that NET could provide a window contrast, duloxetine relieves neuropathic pain through
of opportunity to detect abnormalities before they inhibition of serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake,
become irreversible.79 The types of alteration are which enhances descending inhibition of pain.92–94
different between sensory and motor axons and occur Consequently, prescribing drugs that target peripheral
at an earlier stage in sensory nerves.81 nerves when the pain is being generated or modulated
Evidence in individuals with diabetes and no in the central nervous system (CNS) is likely to
neuropathy as well as those with “mild to moderate” fail. The following sections address neurophysio-
neuropathy indicate that glycemic control significantly logical methods that are potential biomarkers of

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peripheral and centrally generated/modulated pain in direct evidence of nociceptor hyperexcitability might be
pDPN. obtained by using neuropathic pain phenotyping, either
based on detailed symptom-based questionnaires108 or
Peripherally Driven Neuropathic Pain and standardized QST.15 ,50 ,109 However, most patients with
Nociceptor Hyperexcitability pDPN show a loss of function on QST rather than
Small fiber damage95–97 has been proposed to cause evidence of nociceptor hyperexcitability, and there is
hyperexcitability of nociceptor afferents leading to no clear correlation between positive symptoms for
abnormal spontaneous activity and sensitization of hyperexcitability such as allodynia on questionnaires
peripheral endings. These features could contribute and QST/clinical findings.50 The only method that
to spontaneous pain and hyperalgesia or could can directly detect nociceptor hyperexcitability is
drive central sensitization.95 Major determinants of microneurography.
nociceptor excitability are ion channel and axonal
membrane potential properties.95 ,96 ,98 Microneurography
In support of the nociceptor hyperexcitability Microneurography involves insertion of a fine tung-
hypothesis, it has been suggested that gain-of-function sten electrode into a peripheral nerve. For evaluation of
variants of genes that encode voltage-gated sodium peripheral neuropathy, this typically involves recording
channels which cause very rare Mendelian pain disor- from the peroneal or superficial peroneal nerves. The
ders may play a role in common acquired neuropathic electrode is micromanipulated to enable recording of
pain disorders such as pDPN. For example, rare unmyelinated fibers (Figure 1). A typical paradigm
SCN9A variants, defined as minor allele frequency involves stimulation of the cutaneous receptive field(s)
of <1% in the general population, are associated of the unmyelinated fibers by using electrical stimuli.
with pDPN99–101 and idiopathic SFN.102 However, in Using this method, several C-fibers can be recorded
a cohort of participants with painful and painless at one time. A raster plot is generated showing
polyneuropathy, analysis of low-frequency variants in action potentials time-locked to the electrical stimulus
sodium channels, defined as minor allele frequency with latencies appropriate for the slow conduction
of <5% in the general population, did not associate velocity of C fibers. This enables differentiation of
with neuropathic pain.103 Therefore, in certain well- nociceptor subtypes (eg, polymodal nociceptors vs
defined clinical contexts, such as pDPN or SFN, rare silent nociceptors).110 ,111 Normally, there is a stable
sodium channel variants may act as risk factors for the baseline latency to low-frequency stimulation of the
development of neuropathic pain. receptive field, but when a fiber is spontaneously
The identification of clinically relevant sodium active an irregular “saw-tooth” baseline is seen.112–117
channel variants offers the potential for personalized Assessment of “abnormal” sensitivity to cutaneous
and more effective treatment.104 ,105 Lacosamide targets applied mechanical and thermal stimuli can also be
and suppresses activity of voltage-gated sodium recorded.112 ,118 The method can therefore provide
channels, including Nav1.7.106 Lacosamide has limited evidence of both spontaneous activity and sensitiza-
efficacy when used in unselected patients with pDPN107 tion. Patients with painful peripheral neuropathy have
but shows efficacy in alleviating pain in patients been shown to have abnormal hyperexcitability of
with Nav1.7 mutation–related SFN.104 Although nociceptor fibers.113 ,117 ,119–121
careful patient selection using molecular genetics can Microneurographic studies in DPN have shown
aid treatment,105 clinically relevant sodium channel variable findings. In patients with documented large
variants in pDPN are currently identified in only a fiber neuropathy, one study found an altered dis-
small minority of patients. With more specific sodium tribution of nociceptor subtypes with a higher
channel blockers on the horizon, the identification of proportion of mechanically insensitive to mechanically
pDPN with nociceptor hyperexcitability pDPN is a sensitive C-nociceptors, as well as evidence of loss of
priority. mechanical sensitivity in normally sensitive fibers.122
NET has shown evidence of Na+ channel dys- Although a small proportion of nociceptor fibers were
function that associates with pDPN.88 However, this spontaneously active, this did not significantly differ
method assesses large myelinated fibers and cannot between pDPN and DPN. Other studies have shown a
detect dysfunction in A-delta or C-fiber nociceptors. In- higher proportion of hyperexcitable nociceptor fibers

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in patients with pDPN.117 ,120 For example, Serra The inhibitory neurotransmitters γ aminobutyric
et al117 reported spontaneous activity in 57% of 109 acid (GABA) and glycine, active through local
recorded nociceptor fibers in patients with pDPN but inhibitory interneurons, play critical roles in regulating
of undefined neuropathy severity. Although this study spinal nociceptive processing. In animal models,
did not use a DPN group without pain, the rates of pharmacologic or genetic interventions that enhance
spontaneous activity (˜5%) were higher than in age- or diminish spinal inhibition result in decreased and
matched healthy individuals. increased behavioral indices of pain, respectively.129–132
Although microneurography is an invaluable tool In diabetic rodents, spinal inhibitory processes are
for investigating the presence of nociceptor hyper- dysfunctional. Allodynia in the streptozotocin (STZ)-
excitability, its use as a biomarker is limited. The rat model of T1DM is driven by spinal disinhi-
technique is invasive, albeit minimally so, and time- bition in which GABA, acting via spinal GABA-A
consuming for both the patient and investigator. receptors, is no longer inhibitory and becomes pro-
Furthermore, it requires specialist equipment and nociceptive.133 ,134 The mechanism involves downreg-
highly trained operators, and at present is performed ulation of the postsynaptic chloride pump KCC2,
only in a limited number of centers worldwide. which alters the chloride equilibrium potential that
These factors significantly affect the availability and dictates the direction of ion flow through the GABA-
cost-effectiveness of microneurography. Also, age and A receptor. Accordingly, spinal GABA-A blockade,
potentially disease-specific definitions of normative and which under normal circumstances is pro-nociceptive,
abnormal data are needed so that its sensitivity and reverses allodynia in STZ-rats.133
predictive value can be determined, and it can be
established as a clinical tool. A further drawback is HOFFMANN-REFLEX RATE-DEPENDENT
that each session may yield only small numbers of DEPRESSION: A BIOMARKER OF SPINAL
nociceptor recordings that are suitable for analysis. For GABAERGIC INHIBITORY FUNCTION
example, in one study, only 1 to 3 suitable nociceptor The Hoffmann-reflex (H-reflex) is regarded as an
fibers were recorded per session.117 This limits electrophysiological corollary of the mechanically
diagnostic applicability and capacity for monitoring elicited deep tendon reflex.135 The H-reflex arc
interventions on an individual level. It is not known comprises Ia afferent fibers, derived from muscle
how microneurography compares with the indirect, but spindles, forming strong monosynaptic connections
considerably more widely available, QST techniques with alpha motor neurons within the spinal cord.
in identifying patients with hyperexcitable nociceptors. Although originally considered a monosynaptic trans-
Furthermore, the relationship between abnormalities spinal reflex,136 it is now accepted that the reflex
detected by microneurography and structural changes mechanism additionally involves both monosynaptic
of small fibers in the skin is unknown. The method heteronymous and oligosynaptic connections.137 The
is potentially of use in clinical trials, especially those H-reflex is measured in humans using a simple
with a focus on underlying pain mechanisms, in which modification of traditional NCS. The stimulation
patients with and without evidence of hyperexcitability protocol evokes 2 waveforms: a direct nerve to muscle
can be segregated.115 ,117 M wave and a longer latency trans-spinally mediated
H wave (Figures 1 and 2). Rate-dependent depression
(RDD) is the measure of the change in amplitude of the
Spinal Inhibitory Dysfunction in pDPN H-wave component over consecutive stimulations. In
There is increasing recognition that changes in normal rats, RDD is driven via activation of inhibitory
the spinal cord123 and brain124–126 may generate and spinal GABA-A receptors.133 Loss of RDD occurs
modulate neuropathic pain in patients with diabetes. in both humans and animals after disinhibition of
Multiple pathophysiological changes can occur in sensory processing caused by spinal cord injury, and in
the CNS as a result of peripheral nervous system rats this is linked to reduced spinal KCC2 expression
pathology.127 ,128 These secondary CNS changes can and subsequent loss of GABAergic inhibition.138–141
inappropriately amplify or fail to suppress incoming STZ-rats exhibiting behavioral indices of neuropathic
signals from the periphery, a mechanism of pain called pain and reduced spinal KCC2 also exhibit loss
disinhibition. of RDD.133 ,134 Spinal GABA-A blockade, which

September 2021 1449

Clinical Therapeutics

Figure 2. Representative electromyogram traces showing M and H waves in response to 3 consecutive

stimulations at 1 Hz frequency in a patient with painless (upper triplicate) and painful (lower triplicate)
diabetic neuropathy. The H-wave amplitude declines in the traces from the patient with painless
neuropathy and illustrates rate-dependent depression. DPN = diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

in control animals impairs RDD,133 paradoxically control and severity of large fiber neuropathy and
restores RDD as well as reverses allodynia.133 Loss SFN. Loss of RDD correlated with pain sever-
of RDD can be used as a biomarker to separate rats ity, indicating that more severe pain is associated
with behavioral markers of neuropathic pain caused with the loss of RDD and, by inference, spinal
by spinal disinhibition from rats with similar behav- disinhibition.
ioral manifestations that are of peripheral origin.134 Expanding these data from patients with T1DM,
Intriguingly, the selective serotonin and norepinephrine we have recently shown that, similar to findings in
reuptake inhibitor duloxetine, acting via spinal 5HT2A the Zucker Diabetic Fatty rat model of T2DM,143
receptors, not only alleviates behavioral indices of pain impaired RDD is also seen in patients with T2DM
in STZ-rats142 but also restores RDD via a similar and pDPN (unpublished observations, Marshall 2020).
mechanism.143 Importantly, not all subjects with pDPN had impaired
There is preclinical evidence that loss of RDD RDD (defined as a H3:H1 ratio >2 × SD of
and indices of neuropathic pain share a common control group mean). This supports the hypothesis that
pathogenic mechanism involving spinal KCC2 deple- impaired RDD may serve as a clinical biomarker in a
tion and disinhibition caused by inversion of GABA- subset of patients in whom pain arises primarily from
A receptor function and exhibit common responses to spinal disinhibition. Approximately 60% of patients
spinally acting analgesics outside the root pathogenic with diabetes will develop neuropathy, approximately
mechanism. This evidence supports the concept that one third of those will develop pDPN, and, from
RDD status may be a viable biomarker for both our exploratory studies, 40% of those will exhibit
identifying the dominant generator site in individual RDD deficits.143 ,144 This heterogeneity could plausibly
patients with pDPN and for predicting efficacy of be used to enable definition of abnormal values for
therapeutic strategies that alleviate spinal disinhibition. predicting response to spinally acting drugs. It is
Our research has previously measured the magni- important to acknowledge that a proportion of patients
tude of RDD in patients with T1DM and painful in these studies were taking prescribed antineuropathic
or painless neuropathy and age-matched healthy pain medication and that therapeutic responses were
control subjects.143 There was loss of RDD in not studied in a systematic manner. Similarly, whether
patients with pDPN compared with both healthy antineuropathic pain medication affects or normalizes
control subjects and patients with painless DPN RDD either in a general or drug-specific manner is
(Figure 2). These findings were independent of glycemic unknown.

1450 Volume 43 Number 9

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potentially as widely available as current NCS. One individual patients on the basis of pain mechanisms.
drawback is that the H-reflex can be absent or
difficult to elicit with increasing severity of DPN113 CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
or in patients with co-existing S1 radiculopathy. The authors have indicated that they have no conflicts
This may limit the use of RDD as a biomarker in of interest regarding the content of this article.
patients with severe neuropathy. Further larger scale
studies controlling for the use of antineuropathic pain
medication which systematically assess therapeutic This study was supported by American Diabetes As-
response are also required to determine the sensitivity sociation Award 1-17-ICTS-062 (Andrew G Marshall
and predictive value of RDD, both as a biomarker of PhD and Nigel Calcutt PhD).
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Address correspondence to: Andrew Marshall, University Hospital Liver-

pool, Institute of Life Course and Medical Sciences, University of Liverpool,
Liverpool, United Kingdom. E-mail:

1456 Volume 43 Number 9

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