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Q1: Which the the currently accepted best practice method for hashing passwords to hash


a bcrypt()

b None

c None

d encode()

e hash()

f md5()

Q2: Which command can be used to make variables of shell to be made available to sub

a import

b echo

c None

d export

e None

f set

Q3: JavaScript is the same as Java.?

a True

b None

c None

d None

e False

f None
Q4: Suppose you have 3 containers running and out of these, you wish to access one of
them. How do you access a running container??

a $ docker exec it <container id> bash

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

d $ docker exec -it <container id> bash

The correct Answer is: None

f $ docker exec --it <container id>

Q5: Which HTML element defines the title of a document??

a <start>

b None

c <head>

d <title>

e None

f <meta>

Q6: How do you create a cookie in PHP??

a None

b makecookie()

c setcookie()

d None

e createcookie

f getcookie()

Q7: Which of the following function is used to get the size of a file??
a size_file()

The correct Answer is: None

c sizefile()

d file_size()

e filesize()

The correct Answer is: None

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