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Al Safi International School Grade Nine Second Term 2023-2024

Grammar homework sheet “Adverbs” Answer key

Ex. 1: Underline the adverbs in the following sentences and write their types.
1- You sometimes see this kind of violence on television. frequency
2- The dog sat lazily in the shade of the tree. manner
3- It is totally wrong to go for a walk. degree
4- The girl is standing there. place
5- He will fix the car today. time
6- The man grumbled loudly while cleaning the table. manner
7- I often visit my grandparents. frequency
8- It is extremely hot today. _ degree
9- Please wait patiently. manner
10- The technician fixed the problem easily. Degree/ manner
11- They serve hot pan cakes there. place

Ex. 2: Circle the adverbs in the following sentences and write what they modify.
1- There it sits patiently, waiting to gobble up unsuspecting flying objects. sits
2- This is how the black holes form: a new star changes slowly. changes
3- A large star uses up its supply of hydrogen more quickly than a small star. uses
4- When its hydrogen is almost gone, a star becomes a red giant. Is gone
5- A star the size of our sun will finally become a small, hot, white dwarf. Will
6- It may then become a supernova. become
7- A supernova is an extremely large exploding star. large

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