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Ultrasound Elastographic Measurement

of Sciatic Nerve Displacement and
Shear Strain During Active and Passive
Knee Extension
Richard Ellis, PhD , Maheswaran Rohan, PhD, James Fox, PhD, Juvena Hitt, BSc, Helene Langevin, MD,
Sharon Henry, PT, PhD

There is current need for objective measures of sciatic nerve mobility in patients
with sciatic-type pain. The objective of the study was to assess the feasibility and reli-
ability of ultrasound elastography to quantify sciatic nerve displacement and shear
strain at the sciatic nerve–hamstring muscle interface during active and passive knee
extension-flexion exercises performed while sitting in healthy people. Ultrasound
Received September 5, 2017, from the Depart- elastography showed excellent intrarater within-session reliability for assessing sciatic
ment of Physiotherapy, School of Clinical Scien- nerve displacement and sciatic nerve–hamstring muscle interface shear strain during
ces, Faculty of Health and Environmental active knee extension-flexion exercises. These findings will inform similar future
Sciences (R.E.), Health and Rehabilitation work conducted in patients with sciatic-type pain.
Research Institute, School of Clinical Sciences
(R.E), and Department of Biostatistics and Epi- Key Words—peripheral nerve; peripheral nerve biomechanics; sciatic nerve;
demiology, Faculty of Health and Environmen- sciatic nerve displacement; shear strain; ultrasound elastography
tal Sciences (M.R.), Auckland University of
Technology, Auckland, New Zealand; Depart-
ment of Neurological Sciences, University of Ver-
mont College of Medicine, Burlington, Vermont

USA (J.F., H.L.); Department of Medicine, ciatica is characterized by radicular pain that radiates into the
University of Vermont Larner College of Medi- leg and is a common variant of low-back pain.1 Approximately
cine, Burlington, Vermont USA (J.H.); Osher 70% of the population have low-back pain at some point in
Center for Integrative Medicine, Division of Pre- their lives.2 An estimated 25%3 to 60%1 of cases of low-back pain
ventive Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hos-
pital, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
have associated sciatica. Although the most common cause for nerve-
Massachusetts USA (H.L.); and Department of related low-back or leg pain is from lumbar nerve root compression
Rehabilitation Science, University of Vermont or irritation,4 other less well-understood etiologies, such as deep glu-
College of Nursing and Health Science, Burling- teal syndrome (including sciatic nerve entrapment),5,6 could account
ton, Vermont USA (S.H.). Manuscript for a substantial subset of patients with nerve-related leg pain or
accepted for publication November 24, 2017.
sciatica-type pain. In conditions such as deep gluteal syndrome, it has
We thank Lindsey Tulipani, MS, DPT,
for providing assistance with testing and partici- been postulated that fibrosis and entrapment of the sciatic nerve at
pant recruitment and Monkia Kessling for pro- the muscular interfaces of either the gluteal or hamstring muscles
viding the illustrations for Figures 1 and 2. may be key etiologic factors.5,6 However, there is currently a lack of
Address correspondence to Richard Ellis, objective methods that can accurately assess the impact of peripheral
PhD, Department of Physiotherapy, School of nerve irritation through these muscular interfaces.
Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Health and
Environmental Sciences, Auckland University of
As the body moves, peripheral nerves are constantly being
Technology, Private Bag 92006, Auckland exposed to mechanical forces and stress from the surrounding tis-
1020, New Zealand. sues that they come into contact with. These surrounding tissues,
E-mail: otherwise known as the “mechanical interface,”7,8 are varied and
can include tissues such as bone, muscle, fascia, ligament, interverte-
EMG, electromyographic; RF, radiofrequency; bral disk, etc. For nerves to maintain optimal impulse conduction,
ROI, region of interest; US, ultrasound intraneural blood flow, and axoplasmic flow, they must be able to
independently move in response to these interfacing tissues to dissi-
doi:10.1002/jum.14560 pate mechanical forces.9,10

C 2018 by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine | J Ultrasound Med 2018; 00:00–00 | 0278-4297 |
Ellis et al—Quantification of Sciatic Nerve Displacement and Shear Strain

There are several clinical conditions in which the mechanical interface (ie, connective tissues, muscles,
movement of nerves against their mechanical interface is etc) surrounding the nerve of interest. There are very
impaired. For example, there is compelling evidence that few studies that have looked at the biomechanical inter-
impaired nerve excursion is a fundamental etiologic fac- action at the interface between peripheral nerves and
tor in compressive and entrapment peripheral neuropa- their surrounding tissues. Liao et al16 examined median
thies such as carpal tunnel syndrome,11–13 lumbo-sacral nerve, flexor tendon, and flexor retinaculum displace-
nerve root adhesion,14,15 and deep gluteal syndrome ment and strain (axial and shear strain) using US imag-
(including sciatic nerve entrapment).5,6 Furthermore, ing. One of key findings of that research was the
aberrant relationships between the peripheral nerve and significant decrease in shear strain between the median
its mechanical interface will impose mechanical stress nerve and flexor retinaculum in people with carpal tun-
on nerves.16 Several examples have been reported, nel syndrome compared to controls.16 Liao et al16 postu-
including fibrosis (or scar tissue) formation between lated that this decrease in shear strain was due to a
the nerve and surrounding muscles,5,6,17,18 increased decrease in median nerve displacement in people with
protective muscle spasms in the presence of neural carpal tunnel syndrome.
pain,19–21 and an impaired ratio of flexor tendon excur- A further use of US imaging has been to use US
sion to median nerve excursion for people with carpal elastographic techniques to examine biomechanical fea-
tunnel syndrome.11,16,22 tures such as shear strain and passive stiffness of different
An important mechanical interface for the sciatic tissues.30 In the basic elastographic method, cross-
nerve is that of the hamstring muscles. It has been sug- correlations of individual voxels between successive US
gested that nerve mechanics may be altered depending frames are used to calculate displacement in the axial
on muscle activity, which may be in response to a disor- (along the US beam) and lateral (perpendicular to the
der or pain.23 In vivo research that examined the electro- US beam) directions.31,32 This technique (using lateral
myographic (EMG) activity of the gluteal and hamstring cross-correlations) has been previously adapted to mea-
muscles showed significantly earlier onset of EMG activ- sure shear strain between 2 adjacent regions of interest
ity during the straight-leg raise test for participants with (ROIs) within the thoracolumbar fascia in the low
lumbar spine–related leg pain (radicular pain) compared back33 but so far has not been applied to measure the
to healthy participants.20 The interpretation from these motion of a nerve relative to surrounding tissue. Shear
authors was that this earlier onset of hamstring and glu- wave elastography has also been used to examine sci-
teal EMG activity in the pain group indicated protective atic,34 median,30,35 and tibial30 nerve passive stiffness in
muscle contraction due to increased neural mechanosen- response to different limb movements and postures.
sitivity.20 Although not directly examined within this A greater knowledge of the biomechanical influence
study, the possibility remains that muscle contraction that surrounding tissues have on nerve excursion is criti-
(generally or as a protective response) may have an cal to better understand the pathogenesis of compressive
influence on nerve mechanics,20,23 in this instance the and entrapment neuropathies. Furthermore, therapeutic
sciatic nerve, due to increased extrinsic pressures placed interventions such as neural mobilization have been
on it from contracting muscles. advocated to improve nerve excursion for several condi-
The use of ultrasound (US) imaging to examine tions such as nerve-related low-back and leg pain and
peripheral nerve mechanics is becoming increasingly nerve-related neck and arm pain.36 The design and
popular. From in vivo research using US imaging, it is implementation of neural mobilization exercises would
clear that nerves can move independently from their sur- be greatly enhanced with an advanced understanding of
rounding interfacing tissues.16,24 Furthermore, studies the influence that the surrounding interfacing tissues
that have examined nerve excursion in response to active have on nerve mechanics. The primary aim of this study
joint movements25–27 and functional, weight-bearing was to assess the reliability of quantifying sciatic nerve–
movements28,29 have also shown independent nerve hamstring muscle interface shear strain and sciatic nerve
movement. The common feature across most studies displacement using US elastographic techniques similar
that have used US imaging to assess nerve movement to those used in our previous study.33 The secondary
has been the examination of nerve movement in isola- aim was to compare active and passive knee flexion-
tion, without examining the potential influence of the extension exercises, used to induce movement of the

2 J Ultrasound Med 2018; 00:00–00

Ellis et al—Quantification of Sciatic Nerve Displacement and Shear Strain

sciatic nerve, for the outcome measures of sciatic nerve– approved by the University of Vermont Institutional
hamstring muscle interface shear strain and sciatic nerve Review Board (Committee on Human Research in the
displacement in healthy people, with the ultimate goal of Medical Sciences No. 15-063) and was conducted in
applying these measurements to patients with lumbar compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
spine–related leg pain.

Materials and Methods Testing Procedure

The leg that was tested was randomly chosen by rolling
Participant Recruitment a 6-sided die (even numbers, right leg; odd numbers, left
Healthy participants between the ages of 18 and 65 years leg). There were 2 exercise conditions performed in a
were recruited for this study. Participants were recruited standard order: (1) upright sitting with passive knee
by advertisements and notices placed at the University extension/flexion; and (2) upright sitting with active
of Vermont within the College of Nursing and Health knee extension/flexion.
Sciences. The knee joint range of movement was standar-
Participants were excluded from the study if they dized for both exercise conditions, from 80 8 flexion to
had current lumbar spine pain or lumbar spine–related 20 8 flexion (knee extension) and back again (knee flex-
leg pain (ie, sciatica) or had a history of surgery to the ion) from 20 8 flexion to 80 8 flexion. This cycle of move-
lumbar spine, thigh, or hip regions. On recruitment into ment occurred over 9 seconds: 4 seconds to extend the
the study, each participant was provided with a research knee, a 1-second pause at 20 8, and 4 seconds to flex the
information and summary sheet. The researchers pro- knee (Figure 1). The movement cycle was performed in
vided a verbal summary of the protocol and answered time with a metronome for consistent timing and
any remaining questions. All participants provided standardization.
informed and written consent. After written consent to During the active condition, the participants moved
participate in this study was received, the following base- their own knees. During the passive condition, a research
line demographic details were recorded from all partici- assistant moved the participants’ knees for them. Before
pants: sex, age, height, weight, and body mass index. the start of each of the new conditions (active versus
Ethical approval for this research was sought from and passive), there were up to 2 familiarization trials so that

Figure 1. Timing and phases of test movements.

J Ultrasound Med 2018; 00:00–00 3

Ellis et al—Quantification of Sciatic Nerve Displacement and Shear Strain

the participants and research assistant could become condition, it was not anticipated that there would be any
synchronous with the metronome beat. relevant EMG activity. Considering that the hamstrings
are not responsible for knee extension, it was also antici-
Participant Setup pated that there would be no relevant EMG activity of
Participants were seated upright over the end of a plinth, the hamstrings during the active exercise condition.
with their spines resting against a rigid back support For each participant, the area of skin where the elec-
(Figure 2). Both the left and right thighs were sup- trodes were placed was prepared by initially shaving the
ported, with the posterior knees resting over a foam sup-
skin, then abrading the skin lightly, and finally cleaning
port. This held the knees in the starting position of 80 8
the skin with isopropyl alcohol. This preparation was
flexion and maintained the posterior thigh unsupported
used to facilitate the best conditions for conductance of
to allow US imaging. For the leg that was randomized
electrical signals between the skin and EMG electrodes.
for testing, the knee was extended passively to 20 8
Two wireless EMG electrodes were placed (with adhe-
extension. At this point, the position of the distal aspect
of the first toe was marked against an upright ruler. This sive strips) parallel to the muscle fibers over the muscle
mark was used as a target by the researcher and partici- belly of the medial and lateral hamstring muscles respec-
pant for standardization during both the passive and tively. Electromyographic data were recorded from
active movements. Trigno surface electrodes (Delsys, Inc, Natick, MA)
The ankle and foot of the tested leg were secured in through Nexus software (Vicon, Denver, CO).
a rigid foot/ankle orthosis, which held the ankle joint in The EMG signals were collected over a 15-second
neutral (plantargrade). This standardized foot/ankle period divided into 5 epochs (Figure 1): a 5-second
position was used to ensure that there was no contribu- baseline period (phase 1), 4 seconds during the knee
tion from ankle joint movement to sciatic nerve excur- extension phase (phase 2), a 1-second pause, 4 seconds
sion, via the tibial nerve, during the respective exercises. during the knee flexion phase (phase 3), and a final 3-
second period on completion of the exercise (phase 4).
Electromyographic Measures Electromyographic signals were collected at a sampling
Surface EMG recordings were taken to quantify the rate of 1000 Hz and were bandpass filtered at 30 to
activity of the lateral and medial hamstring muscles. As 200 Hz with a Butterworth filter.
the hamstring muscles are a substantial mechanical inter-
face for the sciatic nerve, it was important to monitor
the activity of the hamstrings during both active and pas- Ultrasound Imaging Procedure
B-mode US imaging with a Terason 3000 US machine
sive exercise conditions. During the passive exercise
(Teratech Corporation, Burlington, MA) equipped with
Figure 2. Participant setup. a 10-MHz (12L5) linear array transducer was used to
collect all of the raw radiofrequency (RF) US signals. A
small amount of water-soluble gel was used as a coupling
medium. The US transducer was held by hand, with
light contact made against the skin, using the minimum
amount of pressure that ensured contact of the trans-
ducer with the skin. The location used for all US imaging
of the sciatic nerve was the posterior midthigh, at or
immediately distal to halfway between the gluteal and
popliteal creases. This location has been successfully
used in previous studies that have quantified sciatic
nerve movement.37–39 Care was taken to correctly iden-
tify the sciatic nerve and not the free tendon of the
biceps femoris. The free tendon of the biceps femoris is
found more distal to the midthigh location used in this
study, located at a distance of approximately 70% to
80% of the length of the biceps femoris muscle.40,41

4 J Ultrasound Med 2018; 00:00–00

Ellis et al—Quantification of Sciatic Nerve Displacement and Shear Strain

Three separate US cine loops were recorded for each 9- matched with the axial location of the ROI used to calcu-
second trial at a sampling rate of 20 Hz. late the lateral displacement. Thus, the axial location of
The location of the sciatic nerve was visualized ini- the ROI was adjusted from its starting position to com-
tially in the transverse plane at the posterior midthigh pensate for the axial displacement of the tissue before
location (Figure 3). Once located, the EMG sensors determining the lateral displacement (perpendicular to
were secured in place (see above). This action allowed the US beam) at each time point using the same cross-
for placement of the EMG electrodes slightly proximal correlation technique. Analyses of tissue displacement
to the midthigh location to keep them clear from the US and shear strain were conducted in response to the fol-
transducer and related coupling gel. lowing conditions: (1) as the knee extended from 80 8
All US cine loops were visually inspected for image flexion to 20 8 flexion (phase 2, knee extension); and (2)
quality. For a cine loop to be selected, the sciatic nerve as the knee flexed from 20 8 flexion to 80 8 flexion (phase
must have remained clearly visible in the field of view 3, knee flexion; Figure 1).
during the entire 9-second trial. Those trials in which
the sciatic nerve was not clearly visualized through the 9- Measurement of Tissue Displacement
second capture period were excluded from analysis. Tissue displacement was calculated within a 10 3 25-
mm ROI centered within the sciatic nerve in both axial
Ultrasound Cine Loop Analysis and lateral directions relative to the US beam: either
An offline analysis of the US cine loops was used to along or perpendicular to the US beam, respectively.
quantify the sciatic nerve–hamstring muscle interactions. While centered within the sciatic nerve, this 10 3 25-
The “raw” US RF data were processed by a custom pro- mm ROI overlapped the sciatic nerve–hamstring muscle
gram33 written in MATLAB (The MathWorks, Natick, interface. On B-mode US imaging, peripheral nerves are
MA). From the RF data, tissue displacements between identified in the longitudinal plane as tubular structures
successive US frames (equivalent to the RF data acquired delineated by 2 hyperechoic borders, consistent with the
at this specific time point) were estimated by cross- external epineurium.42,43 The superficial sciatic nerve–
correlation techniques31–33 with a 1-mm window incre- hamstring muscle interface (superficial epineurial border
mented with a 90% overlap. This technique analyzes the of the sciatic nerve in contact with the adjacent ham-
RF data for both axial (parallel to the US beam) and lat- string muscle) was used as a standardized location from
eral (perpendicular to the US beam) displacements which to calculate relative displacement and shear strain
by correlating the position of individual voxels respec- between the 2 interfacing tissues. This superficial inter-
tively along and across lines of US data using a cross- face was chosen for 2 reasons. First, the thickness of the
correlation. The axial displacement measure is time sciatic nerve can vary considerably between individuals.

Figure 3. Ultrasound appearance of the sciatic nerve in the longitudinal plane (A) and transverse plane (B).

J Ultrasound Med 2018; 00:00–00 5

Ellis et al—Quantification of Sciatic Nerve Displacement and Shear Strain

From observations made during this study, sciatic nerve nerve–hamstring muscle interface and was expressed as
thickness ranged from 4.0 to 8.1mm. Furthermore, US a percentage.
identification of the superficial epineurial border is more
consistent because of the potential decrease in resolution Correction for Axial Tissue Displacement
clarity that can be apparent when viewing the deeper At the region of the posterior midthigh, the movement
epineurial border. of the sciatic nerve is predominantly in a longitudinal
direction38 (lateral displacement perpendicular to the
US beam). However, a small amount of superficial-deep
Quantification of Sciatic Nerve–Hamstring Muscle movement of the sciatic nerve will also occur38 (axial dis-
Interface Shear Strain placement along the US beam). To correct for this axial
Shear strain represents the percentage of shear deforma- displacement, an automated tracking system was used,
tion between, in this instance, the sciatic nerve and ham- as within the MATLAB program.33 This system deter-
string muscle. The calculation of shear strain between mined the axial displacement of the ROIs between each
these adjacent tissue layers allows an assessment of rela- successive frame. The location of the ROIs at each time
tive motion between these layers. point was then offset according to the mean axial dis-
For the purpose of calculating shear strain between placement of the ROIs relative to the start position,
nerve and muscle, 2 bands of tissue (sub-ROIs, each therefore allowing this correction for the final lateral dis-
3 3 10 mm) were identified: (1) within the hamstring placement calculation.33
muscles, immediately above the superficial epineurial
layer (superficial ROI); and (2) within the sciatic nerve, Statistical Methods
immediately below the superficial epineurial layer (deep Four primary outcome measures were assessed during
ROI; Figure 4). both active and passive exercise conditions: (1) sciatic
Shear strain between the sub-ROIs was calculated nerve–hamstring muscle interface shear strain (percent)
by methods previously reported.33 The absolute differ- during knee extension; (2) sciatic nerve–hamstring mus-
ence in lateral displacement between the superficial ROI cle interface shear strain (percent) during knee flexion;
(hamstrings) and deep ROI (sciatic nerve), divided by (3) sciatic nerve displacement (millimeters) during knee
the vertical distance (3 mm) between the centers of the extension; and (4) sciatic nerve displacement (milli-
2 sub-ROIs, accounted for the shear strain at the sciatic meters) during knee flexion.
All statistical analyses were conducted with R ver-
Figure 4. Placement of ROIs. sion 3.2.4 statistical software (R Core Team, Vienna,
Austria).44 Participant demographic characteristics and
anthropometric measures (sex, age, height, weight, and
body mass index) were reported as mean 6 standard
deviation or frequency. The raw data for all primary out-
come measures (see above) versus the 2 exercise condi-
tions (passive and active knee movements) were
presented graphically. A Shapiro-Wilk test was used to
examine the data for normality. Statistical significance
was defined as P < .05.
To determine the test-retest reliability of all primary
outcome measurements with 2 exercise conditions, 2-
way mixed intraclass correlation coefficients with 95%
confidence intervals were calculated. Hallgren45 and Cic-
chetti46 discussed the strength of agreement based on
intraclass correlation coefficient values, with “perfect”
agreement for 1, “excellent” for values between 0.75 and
1, “good” for values between 0.6 and 0.74, “fair” for val-
ues between 0.4 and 0.59, “poor” for values of less than

6 J Ultrasound Med 2018; 00:00–00

Ellis et al—Quantification of Sciatic Nerve Displacement and Shear Strain

0.4, 0 indicating only random agreement, and negative measuring shear strain and sciatic nerve displacement
indicating systematic disagreement. was fair aside from measurement of sciatic nerve dis-
On confirming data normality, the nlme package47 placement during flexion, which was excellent. These
was used in the R statistical software to perform a linear results are matched with Figure 5.
mixed-effects model. To compare the EMG data during Table 2 gives means and standard deviations for all
the passive and active exercise conditions, a repeated- primary outcome measures for both exercise conditions
measures analysis of variance was performed, with the plus P values obtained from the linear mixed model. No
results presented graphically with P values. To investi- significant differences in sciatic nerve–hamstring muscle
gate the relationship between the primary measurements interface shear strain and sciatic nerve displacement
and exercise conditions of active and passive knee move- were seen between the active and passive exercise condi-
ments, a linear mixed-effects model was used. As they tions (Table 2 and Figure 6).
were fixed effects, the testing conditions (active and pas- A repeated analysis of variance was performed to
sive exercises) were entered into the model with the examine the EMG data, for the lateral and medial ham-
addition of random effects for subjects into the model, string muscles, across the 4 phases for both active and
which treated the trials as nested within subjects. passive exercise conditions (Figure 7). There was no sig-
nificant difference in the level of EMG activation for any
Results of the exercise conditions across the 4 EMG phases.
This finding indicates that the EMG activities for both
Twelve healthy participants (2 male and 10 female; the active and passive exercises, for both the medial and
mean age, 23.9 6 4.74 years) volunteered for this cross- lateral hamstring muscles, were similar throughout the
sectional observational laboratory study. Two partici- knee flexion and extension movements.
pants were excluded from the study (both female), as
the US footage was poor quality, which did not allow an Discussion
analysis. The most common cause of poor image quality
was movement of the sciatic nerve in the coronal plane, The influence that adjacent tissues have on peripheral
which took the nerve beyond the field of view of the nerve mechanics may play an important role in under-
transducer. The remaining 10 participants (2 male and 8 standing clinical pathologic conditions, such as
female; age, 24 6 5 years; height, 169 6 7 cm; weight, entrapment neuropathies, in which peripheral nerve
65 6 9 kg; body mass index, 23 6 3 kg/m2) completed biomechanics are believed to be adversely affected.
the full study protocol. For clinical conditions such as deep gluteal syndrome,
Figure 5 shows all 4 primary outcome measures ver- irritation of the sciatic nerve against the interfacing
sus testing conditions. It displays the variability between tissues of the gluteal or hamstring muscles may be an
subjects and variation between trials within subjects. etiologic factor.5,6 To our knowledge, this work was
However, no considerable difference between testing the first study to specifically examine the relationship
conditions of active and passive movements was found between the sciatic nerve and its interface with the
with respect to all outcome measures. hamstring muscles by assessing interface shear strain
After the Shapiro-Wilk test, it was apparent that data using US elastographic techniques.
for sciatic nerve displacement during both knee flexion Another feature of this study was the use of both
and extension exercises, for this sample, were normally active and passive exercise conditions to induce periph-
distributed. Furthermore, sciatic nerve–hamstring muscle eral nerve excursion. Most previously reported studies
interface shear strain during knee flexion and extension, that used US imaging to assess peripheral nerve mechan-
in a log scale, was normally distributed (P > .05). ics used passive movements. The ability to assess the
The reliability of measuring all primary outcomes influence of both active and passive exercises holds clini-
with exercise conditions ranged from excellent to fair cal value. For example, many therapeutic techniques,
(Table 1). For the active exercise condition, the reliabil- such as neural mobilization exercises, are performed
ity for measuring shear strain and sciatic nerve displace- either passively or actively. For patients to use neural
ment, during both flexion and extension, was excellent. mobilization exercises outside the clinical setting, the
For the passive exercise condition, the reliability of exercises are often performed actively. Furthermore,

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Ellis et al—Quantification of Sciatic Nerve Displacement and Shear Strain

active exercises afford patients more control, which better for the active compared to the passive exercise
allows them greater control over potential provocative conditions.
movements. The findings of this study showed that The intrarater within-session reliability of using US
the reliability of measuring the primary outcomes was elastography to assess the 2 primary outcome measures

Figure 5. Primary outcome measures.

8 J Ultrasound Med 2018; 00:00–00

Ellis et al—Quantification of Sciatic Nerve Displacement and Shear Strain

was excellent to fair. These levels of reliability are similar Likewise, there were no significant differences seen in
to those from other studies that used US elastography to longitudinal sciatic nerve displacement between the
examine mechanical interface shear strain16 and longitu- active versus passive exercise. Shear strain was gener-
dinal sciatic nerve displacement.38,39,48 ally greater during the knee flexion (73% active and
With regard to sciatic nerve–hamstring muscle inter- 81% passive) compared to knee extension (60% active
face shear strain, there was no significant difference seen and 63% passive). Unsurprisingly, a similar trend was
between the active versus passive exercise conditions. seen for longitudinal sciatic nerve displacement, with

Table 1. Intraclass Correlation Coefficient Values of All Primary Outcomes With 95% Confidence Interval for Each Testing Condition
Sciatic Nerve Sciatic Nerve
Shear Strain: Shear Strain: Displacement: Displacement:
Condition Flexion Extension Flexion Extension

Passive knee movement 0.70 (0.14, 0.92) 0.52 (20.52, 0.88) 0.83 (0.5, 0.96) 0.64 (20.14, 0.9)
Active knee movement 0.84 (0.48, 0.96) 0.81 (0.32, 0.96) 0.79 (0.25,0.96) 0.89 (0.66, 0.98)

Figure 6. Means of outcome measures with 95% confidence intervals (CI) by knee movements (active and passive).

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Ellis et al—Quantification of Sciatic Nerve Displacement and Shear Strain

greater movement during knee flexion (5.38 mm active of the active test condition was expected to be quiet.
and 4.68 mm passive) compared to knee extension Furthermore, as gravity is the primary force in lowering
(4.52 mm active and 4.34 mm passive). the lower leg and foot as the knee flexes after extension
The use of hamstring EMG was deliberate to assess (in sitting), the EMG activity of the hamstrings was also
the relevant muscle activity during the active and passive expected to be quiet. This expectation was the case, as
exercise conditions. As the hamstring muscles do not seen with no differences in EMG signals between the
perform knee extension, EMG activity during this part active and passive exercise conditions compared to the

Table 2. Values for Sciatic Nerve–Hamstring Muscle Interface Shear Strain and Sciatic Nerve Displacement
Outcome Active Knee Movement Passive Knee Movement P

Shear strain: flexion, % 73.06 6 41.45 80.92 6 43.37 .13

Shear strain: extension, % 59.84 6 32.24 63.26 6 40.29 .70
Sciatic nerve displacement: flexion, mm 5.38 6 2.20 4.68 6 3.14 .07
Sciatic nerve displacement: extension, mm 4.52 6 2.63 4.34 6 2.81 .69

Figure 7. Lateral (L) and medial (M) hamstring muscle EMG data.

10 J Ultrasound Med 2018; 00:00–00

Ellis et al—Quantification of Sciatic Nerve Displacement and Shear Strain

respective baseline period. This finding aligned with the difference between active and passive knee extension-
fact that no difference in sciatic nerve–hamstring muscle flexion exercises, performed while sitting, with regard to
interface shear strain was seen between the active and sciatic nerve–hamstring muscle interface shear strain and
passive exercise conditions, indicating that the active sciatic nerve displacement. An examination of these bio-
hamstring contraction was not a factor and did not influ- mechanical features in clinical populations may provide
ence the primary outcomes. a deeper understanding of etiologic factors in conditions
The participants in this study were healthy individu- such as entrapment neuropathies and, furthermore, for
als. It has been previously reported that hamstring EMG the design of therapeutic exercises to influence nerve
activity increased during a straight-leg raise in people mechanics.
with lumbar-related leg pain compared to healthy con-
trol participants.20 A future extension of this study would
be to replicate the study design, using US elastography
combined with EMG, to ascertain whether the nerve-
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