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History is often understood as a boring and mundane subject but it has been incorporated in

almost each and every subject. When one studies any subject, it is it's history that we first
discuss to move to its modern day connotations and connections. For that matter history
along with all other social sciences brings out an interdisciplinary approach within subjects.
History helps us become well acquainted with our present and our future for all our present
day belief systems and traditions are engrained in the past . Studying history has its own
pros and cons. Without studying one cannot comprehend the present but studying history
also helps us come across the atrocities committed by people of own kind upon their own
ones which can be heart wrenching experience for many . No matter whatever the cause
maybe, such incidents leave a huge impact on people's minds and one such example can
be the Nagasaki Hiroshima bombings in Japan by America . But history is also like a
teaching and guiding mentor whom if we don't listen to , we are bound to make mistakes.

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