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Course prepared by:

Mme Basma Ben Brahim Ben Fadhel

Warming up :

What is leadership? Who are the most influential and famous world leader in history?

DO leaders born leaders or they acquire leadership by time?

What traits do you think should be used in selecting our society’s leader?

While the term "leader" was noted as early as the 1300s and conceptualized even before
biblical times, the term leadership has been in existence only since the late 1700s (Stogdill,

Key words:

Great man, behaviorist , ,psychometric, effective leader, situational


The leadership theories have the main objective of generating awareness and
augmenting one’s understanding in terms of areas, which are necessary in being informative
in terms of roles and responsibilities of the leaders. The main objective of leadership theories
is to make provision of knowledge in terms of qualities of leaders. The first theory is the trait
theory. This theory focuses upon the personality traits that the leaders need to have. The
second theory is the behavior theory, which puts emphasis upon the behavior and conduct of
the leaders. They not only need to pay attention towards encouraging appropriate behavior
among the employees, but they also need to ensure, they conduct themselves in an
appropriate manner as well. The third theory is the contingency model. This has been evolved
not only to conduct an analysis in terms of deficiencies and limitations, but also identify the
leadership style, which is regarded to be of utmost significance for leadership (Chapter – I.
Leadership Concept and Theories, n.d.). The fourth theory is, transaction theory of
leadership. In this theory, the information that is highlighted is, leaders guide and motivate
their subordinates to achieve the desired goals. The fifth theory is, transformational theory. In
this theory, the information that is stated is, the leaders pay attention to the developmental
needs of the subordinates (Unit 5. Theories of Leadership, n.d.). These theories are stated as
Trait Theory
Leadership is regarded as the matter of personality and behavior. The leaders need to
take into account these factors in an efficient manner. The leaders need to bring about
improvements in these traits throughout their jobs. The research studies in terms of trait
theory has been conducted by various researchers. Ordway Tead has identified ten qualities of
the leaders. These are, physical and nervous energy, sense of purpose and direction,
enthusiasm, friendliness and affection, integrity, technical mastery, decisiveness, technical
skills and faith. Chester I. Barnard has indicated two aspects of leadership skills. These are,
instructing the subordinates in terms of performance of their job duties. They need to make
use of technologies, knowledge, skills, perception and imagination. Another area is individual
superiority in determination, persistence, endurance and courage. Henry Fayol classifies the
leadership qualities as, health and physical fitness, intelligence and mutual robustness, moral
qualities, and knowledge and abilities to carry out the managerial functions of planning,
organizing, directing, controlling, coordinating and leading (Chapter – I. Leadership Concept
and Theories, n.d.).
George R. Terry have taken into account the leadership qualities as, energy, both
psychological and physical, emotional stability, knowledge in terms of human relations,
empathy, objectivity, personal motivation, communication skills, teaching ability and social
skills and technical competence. The leadership qualities that have been classified by Stogdill
are, physical characteristics, which include the weight, height, age and personal appearance;
social background, which include, educational qualifications, skills, abilities, social status and
mobility; intelligence includes, technical mastery, decisiveness, technical skills and
determination; personality traits include, moral qualities, knowledge, integrity, self-assurance
and needs in terms of which control is exercised; tasks-related characteristics, i.e. high need
for achievements and generation of desired outcomes, initiative and high task orientation and
social characteristics. It needs to be ensured, communication takes place among individuals in
an appropriate manner. In both these forms of communication, the leaders need to make sure
that they influence the performance of their subordinates positively (Chapter – I. Leadership
Concept and Theories, n.d.).
Keith Davis have taken into account the leadership qualities as, intelligence, social
maturity and breadth, inner motivation and achievement drives and attitude of human
relations (Chapter – I. Leadership Concept and Theories, n.d.). Intelligence takes into
account, practical mastery, purposefulness, technical skills and determination of the essential
talents, expertize and abilities. Furthermore, the leaders need to make wise judgments and
decisions. Social maturity is depicted, when the leaders are understanding in nature and learn
to cope with stressful situations in a satisfactory manner. Leaders need to have a tendency to
be emotionally mature and have a comprehensive range of interests. The reason being, they
need to pay attention towards number of areas within the organizations. The leaders not only
motivate the employees towards the implementation of their job duties in an effective
manner, but they need to motivate themselves as well. One of the important motivational
factor is desired outcomes and acquisition of respect, appreciation and reverence. The attitude
of human relations focus upon understanding the problems of others, developing mutual
understanding and working in coordination and integration with each other. Therefore, on the
basis of these research studies, the individuals are able to augment their understanding in
terms of qualities of leadership.
Leadership puts emphasis upon formation of terms and relationships between
individuals. The leaders need to depict trustworthiness, straightforwardness and righteousness
in terms of their subordinates as well as regarding job duties. The leaders need to work
diligently and conscientiously towards modifying their measures and approaches, primarily in
terms of leading to effective functioning of the organizations. Due to variation in skills
required, roles played and tasks and job duties performed, the leaders need to make use of
their skills in an efficient manner. Another aspect, which needs to be taken into account in
this theory is the skills, which need to be possessed by the leaders. These are, time
management skills, technical skills, communication skills, analytical skills, problem solving
skills, critical thinking skills, conflict resolution methods, decision making skills, work ethics
and presentation skills. The leaders need to make use of these skills on regular basis. When
there are occurrence of changes, then the implementation of skills in an effective manner will
enable the leaders to carry out their job duties well.
The leaders need to be creative in the implementation of job duties in a well-ordered
manner and in achieving the desired goals and objectives. When they are creative, they will
be well-aware in terms of modern, technical, scientific, and innovative methods in the
implementation of job duties in a well-organized manner and achieving organizational goals.
The leaders not only need to be creative in the implementation of their job duties, but they
also need to be creative in managing the human resources and preventing the occurrence of
conflicting situations and disagreements. The leaders and the subordinates need to work in
collaboration and integration with each other. Hence, they need to make provision of support
and assistance to them that is required in generating the desired outcomes. The leaders need
to understand and motivate both individuals and groups. The leaders need to be ambitious
and achievement-oriented. When they are ambitious and achievement-oriented, they will be
able to contribute well towards leading to effective growth and progression of the
organization and the members.
The human resources are the part of leadership effectiveness. The generation of
information in terms of management and up-gradation of human resources are regarded as
indispensable in achieving organizational goals as well as in augmenting the overall structure
of the organization. Within the organization, the important factors that need to be taken into
account are, developing a learning climate, designing training programs, transmitting the
necessary information and experience, evaluating the results, providing career counselling,
enriching organizational culture, promoting organizational change, implementing modern and
innovative teaching-learning methods, teaching-learning materials and instructional strategies
in the training and development programs and formulating rules and laws (Chapter – I.
Leadership Concept and Theories, n.d.). Therefore, it can be stated after conducting research
on trait theory, when the leaders are well-aware in terms of these factors and put them into
operation in an effectual manner, they are able to contribute well towards enriching their
qualities and in leading to effective growth and progression of the organization and human
Behavior Theory
It is evident that the leaders did not seem to have any distinguished traits or
characteristics. The research studies have been conducted on the behavior of the leaders,
which would enable them to carry out their job duties well and enhance their effectiveness.
Understanding, representing and dealing the behavior of the leaders is a problem. The
question in terms of which still the individuals are perplexed are, what are the factors, which
the leaders need to undertake in augmenting their behavior. Leadership in general is enough
to accommodate number of meanings, which are specific to serve as an operationalization of
the organizational structure. Within organizations, communication takes place among
individuals in a formal as well as in an informal manner. In both these forms of
communication, the leaders need to make sure that they influence the behavior of their
subordinates. When the leaders are generous and possess an approachable nature and an
amiable attitude, they ensure, they create pleasant and cordial terms and relationships with
the subordinates. When the subordinates will form the viewpoint that leaders treat them like
family, they will develop motivation towards the implementation of tasks and activities
(Chapter – I. Leadership Concept and Theories, n.d.).
In accordance to the behavioral approach to leadership, anyone who puts into
operation appropriate behavioral traits can be a good leader. Leadership puts emphasis upon
formation of sociable terms and relationships between individuals. The leaders need to depict
reliability, honesty, directness and morality in terms of their subordinates as well as within the
course of implementation of job duties and in leading to up-gradation of organizational
structure. The leaders need to work meticulously and assiduously towards modifying their
measures and approaches, primarily in terms of leading to operative functioning of the
organizations. Due to the competencies required, roles played and activities and job duties
performed, the leaders need to make use of their skills in an efficacious manner. Another
aspect, which needs to be taken into account in this theory is the behavior traits, which need
to be possessed by the leaders. These need to be appropriate in terms of time management,
use of technologies, communicating, analyzing, providing solutions to problems, thinking
critically, managing conflicts and disputes, making wise decisions, work ethics and
presentation skills. The leaders need to make use of the appropriate behavioral traits
throughout their jobs. When transformations are taking place, then the implementation of
behavioral traits in a useful manner will enable the leaders to carry out their job duties well.
The leaders need to be ingenious in the implementation of job duties in a well-
organized manner and in achieving the desired goals and objectives. When they are artistic
and imaginative, they will be well-aware in terms of modern, technical, scientific, and
pioneering methods in the implementation of job duties in an efficient manner and achieving
organizational goals. The leaders not only need to be innovative in the implementation of
their job duties, but they also need to be inspired in managing the human resources and
preventing the occurrence of conflicting situations and disagreements in terms of any areas.
The leaders and the subordinates need to work in cooperation and integration with each other.
Hence, they need to make provision of support and assistance from them that is required in
generating the desired outcomes and promoting well-being. The leaders need to understand
the issues and concerns and motivate both individuals and groups. Within the organizations,
tasks and activities are carried out by the members on an individual basis as well as in groups.
The leaders need to be determined and achievement-oriented. The implementation of these
behavioral traits will enable the leaders to contribute well towards leading to operative
growth and progression of the organization and the members.
The human resources are the integral part of the organization and in promoting
leadership effectiveness and appropriate behavioral traits (Chapter 4. Leadership Theories
and Models, n.d.). The generation of information in terms of administration, management and
enrichment of human resource are regarded as indispensable in achieving organizational
goals as well as in augmenting the overall structure of the organization. In this theory, in
achieving organizational goals, the important factors that need to be taken into account by the
leaders are, developing an erudition environment, designing training and development
programs for well-being of employees, providing the necessary information and experience,
evaluating the outcomes obtained, providing counselling and guidance services to the
employees, enriching organizational culture, promoting changes within the organizations,
implementing modern, scientific, technical and innovative teaching-learning methods,
teaching-learning materials and instructional strategies in the training and development
programs, job duties and in formulating measures, procedures, rules and laws. Therefore,
when the leaders are well-aware in terms of these factors and put them into operation in an
effectual manner, they are able to contribute in a well-ordered manner towards enriching their
potentials and in leading to effective growth and progression of the organization and human
Within the organizations, the employees normally form the viewpoint that they should
be allowed to express their ideas and perspectives in terms of various aspects of the
organization. In other words, there should be prevalence of democratic style of leadership
(Chapter 3. Leadership Theories and Styles, 2018). In the behavior theory, there are
prevalence of three styles of leadership, i.e. democratic, autocratic and laissez-faire. The
leaders need to be well-aware in terms of their job duties and responsibilities. In most cases,
the job duties and responsibilities of the leaders are tedious and demanding. But when they
are well-aware in terms of approaches and strategies, they are able to put them into operation
in a well-organized manner and generate the desired outcomes. The leaders need to take into
consideration various factors to carry out their job duties well. These factors include,
inculcating the traits of diligence, resourcefulness and conscientiousness, understanding
needs and requirements of the subordinates, implementing skills and abilities in an
appropriate manner, depicting efficiency and making provision of various types of
technologies, resources, materials, tools, facilities and amenities, so the leaders as well as the
employees feel comfortable within the working environment. Therefore, it can be stated,
behavior theories are indispensable, which need to be understood by the leaders in all types of
The leadership theories have the main objective of generating awareness and
augmenting one’s understanding in terms of areas, which are necessary in being informative
in terms of roles and responsibilities of the leaders. The main objective of leadership theories
is to make provision of knowledge in terms of qualities of leaders. The first theory is the trait
theory. This theory focuses upon the personality traits that the leaders need to have. The
second theory is the behavior theory, which puts emphasis upon the behavior and conduct of
the leaders. They not only need to pay attention towards encouraging appropriate behavior
among the employees, but they also need to ensure, they conduct themselves in an
appropriate manner as well. The third theory is the contingency model. This has been evolved
not only to conduct an analysis in terms of deficiencies and limitations, but also identify the
leadership style, which is regarded to be of utmost significance for leadership (Chapter – I.
Leadership Concept and Theories, n.d.). The fourth theory is, transaction theory of
leadership. In this theory, the information that is highlighted is, leaders guide and motivate
their subordinates to achieve the desired goals. The fifth theory is, transformational theory. In
this theory, the information that is stated is, the leaders pay attention to the developmental
needs of the subordinates (Unit 5. Theories of Leadership, n.d.). These theories are stated as
Trait Theory
Leadership is regarded as the matter of personality and behavior. The leaders need to
take into account these factors in an efficient manner. The leaders need to bring about
improvements in these traits throughout their jobs. The research studies in terms of trait
theory has been conducted by various researchers. Ordway Tead has identified ten qualities of
the leaders. These are, physical and nervous energy, sense of purpose and direction,
enthusiasm, friendliness and affection, integrity, technical mastery, decisiveness, technical
skills and faith. Chester I. Barnard has indicated two aspects of leadership skills. These are,
instructing the subordinates in terms of performance of their job duties. They need to make
use of technologies, knowledge, skills, perception and imagination. Another area is individual
superiority in determination, persistence, endurance and courage. Henry Fayol classifies the
leadership qualities as, health and physical fitness, intelligence and mutual robustness, moral
qualities, and knowledge and abilities to carry out the managerial functions of planning,
organizing, directing, controlling, coordinating and leading (Chapter – I. Leadership Concept
and Theories, n.d.).
George R. Terry have taken into account the leadership qualities as, energy, both
psychological and physical, emotional stability, knowledge in terms of human relations,
empathy, objectivity, personal motivation, communication skills, teaching ability and social
skills and technical competence. The leadership qualities that have been classified by Stogdill
are, physical characteristics, which include the weight, height, age and personal appearance;
social background, which include, educational qualifications, skills, abilities, social status and
mobility; intelligence includes, technical mastery, decisiveness, technical skills and
determination; personality traits include, moral qualities, knowledge, integrity, self-assurance
and needs in terms of which control is exercised; tasks-related characteristics, i.e. high need
for achievements and generation of desired outcomes, initiative and high task orientation and
social characteristics. It needs to be ensured, communication takes place among individuals in
an appropriate manner. In both these forms of communication, the leaders need to make sure
that they influence the performance of their subordinates positively (Chapter – I. Leadership
Concept and Theories, n.d.).
Keith Davis have taken into account the leadership qualities as, intelligence, social
maturity and breadth, inner motivation and achievement drives and attitude of human
relations (Chapter – I. Leadership Concept and Theories, n.d.). Intelligence takes into
account, practical mastery, purposefulness, technical skills and determination of the essential
talents, expertize and abilities. Furthermore, the leaders need to make wise judgments and
decisions. Social maturity is depicted, when the leaders are understanding in nature and learn
to cope with stressful situations in a satisfactory manner. Leaders need to have a tendency to
be emotionally mature and have a comprehensive range of interests. The reason being, they
need to pay attention towards number of areas within the organizations. The leaders not only
motivate the employees towards the implementation of their job duties in an effective
manner, but they need to motivate themselves as well. One of the important motivational
factor is desired outcomes and acquisition of respect, appreciation and reverence. The attitude
of human relations focus upon understanding the problems of others, developing mutual
understanding and working in coordination and integration with each other. Therefore, on the
basis of these research studies, the individuals are able to augment their understanding in
terms of qualities of leadership.
Leadership puts emphasis upon formation of terms and relationships between
individuals. The leaders need to depict trustworthiness, straightforwardness and righteousness
in terms of their subordinates as well as regarding job duties. The leaders need to work
diligently and conscientiously towards modifying their measures and approaches, primarily in
terms of leading to effective functioning of the organizations. Due to variation in skills
required, roles played and tasks and job duties performed, the leaders need to make use of
their skills in an efficient manner. Another aspect, which needs to be taken into account in
this theory is the skills, which need to be possessed by the leaders. These are, time
management skills, technical skills, communication skills, analytical skills, problem solving
skills, critical thinking skills, conflict resolution methods, decision making skills, work ethics
and presentation skills. The leaders need to make use of these skills on regular basis. When
there are occurrence of changes, then the implementation of skills in an effective manner will
enable the leaders to carry out their job duties well.
The leaders need to be creative in the implementation of job duties in a well-ordered
manner and in achieving the desired goals and objectives. When they are creative, they will
be well-aware in terms of modern, technical, scientific, and innovative methods in the
implementation of job duties in a well-organized manner and achieving organizational goals.
The leaders not only need to be creative in the implementation of their job duties, but they
also need to be creative in managing the human resources and preventing the occurrence of
conflicting situations and disagreements. The leaders and the subordinates need to work in
collaboration and integration with each other. Hence, they need to make provision of support
and assistance to them that is required in generating the desired outcomes. The leaders need
to understand and motivate both individuals and groups. The leaders need to be ambitious
and achievement-oriented. When they are ambitious and achievement-oriented, they will be
able to contribute well towards leading to effective growth and progression of the
organization and the members.
The human resources are the part of leadership effectiveness. The generation of
information in terms of management and up-gradation of human resources are regarded as
indispensable in achieving organizational goals as well as in augmenting the overall structure
of the organization. Within the organization, the important factors that need to be taken into
account are, developing a learning climate, designing training programs, transmitting the
necessary information and experience, evaluating the results, providing career counselling,
enriching organizational culture, promoting organizational change, implementing modern and
innovative teaching-learning methods, teaching-learning materials and instructional strategies
in the training and development programs and formulating rules and laws (Chapter – I.
Leadership Concept and Theories, n.d.). Therefore, it can be stated after conducting research
on trait theory, when the leaders are well-aware in terms of these factors and put them into
operation in an effectual manner, they are able to contribute well towards enriching their
qualities and in leading to effective growth and progression of the organization and human
Behavior Theory
It is evident that the leaders did not seem to have any distinguished traits or
characteristics. The research studies have been conducted on the behavior of the leaders,
which would enable them to carry out their job duties well and enhance their effectiveness.
Understanding, representing and dealing the behavior of the leaders is a problem. The
question in terms of which still the individuals are perplexed are, what are the factors, which
the leaders need to undertake in augmenting their behavior. Leadership in general is enough
to accommodate number of meanings, which are specific to serve as an operationalization of
the organizational structure. Within organizations, communication takes place among
individuals in a formal as well as in an informal manner. In both these forms of
communication, the leaders need to make sure that they influence the behavior of their
subordinates. When the leaders are generous and possess an approachable nature and an
amiable attitude, they ensure, they create pleasant and cordial terms and relationships with
the subordinates. When the subordinates will form the viewpoint that leaders treat them like
family, they will develop motivation towards the implementation of tasks and activities
(Chapter – I. Leadership Concept and Theories, n.d.).
In accordance to the behavioral approach to leadership, anyone who puts into
operation appropriate behavioral traits can be a good leader. Leadership puts emphasis upon
formation of sociable terms and relationships between individuals. The leaders need to depict
reliability, honesty, directness and morality in terms of their subordinates as well as within the
course of implementation of job duties and in leading to up-gradation of organizational
structure. The leaders need to work meticulously and assiduously towards modifying their
measures and approaches, primarily in terms of leading to operative functioning of the
organizations. Due to the competencies required, roles played and activities and job duties
performed, the leaders need to make use of their skills in an efficacious manner. Another
aspect, which needs to be taken into account in this theory is the behavior traits, which need
to be possessed by the leaders. These need to be appropriate in terms of time management,
use of technologies, communicating, analyzing, providing solutions to problems, thinking
critically, managing conflicts and disputes, making wise decisions, work ethics and
presentation skills. The leaders need to make use of the appropriate behavioral traits
throughout their jobs. When transformations are taking place, then the implementation of
behavioral traits in a useful manner will enable the leaders to carry out their job duties well.
The leaders need to be ingenious in the implementation of job duties in a well-
organized manner and in achieving the desired goals and objectives. When they are artistic
and imaginative, they will be well-aware in terms of modern, technical, scientific, and
pioneering methods in the implementation of job duties in an efficient manner and achieving
organizational goals. The leaders not only need to be innovative in the implementation of
their job duties, but they also need to be inspired in managing the human resources and
preventing the occurrence of conflicting situations and disagreements in terms of any areas.
The leaders and the subordinates need to work in cooperation and integration with each other.
Hence, they need to make provision of support and assistance from them that is required in
generating the desired outcomes and promoting well-being. The leaders need to understand
the issues and concerns and motivate both individuals and groups. Within the organizations,
tasks and activities are carried out by the members on an individual basis as well as in groups.
The leaders need to be determined and achievement-oriented. The implementation of these
behavioral traits will enable the leaders to contribute well towards leading to operative
growth and progression of the organization and the members.
The human resources are the integral part of the organization and in promoting
leadership effectiveness and appropriate behavioral traits (Chapter 4. Leadership Theories
and Models, n.d.). The generation of information in terms of administration, management and
enrichment of human resource are regarded as indispensable in achieving organizational
goals as well as in augmenting the overall structure of the organization. In this theory, in
achieving organizational goals, the important factors that need to be taken into account by the
leaders are, developing an erudition environment, designing training and development
programs for well-being of employees, providing the necessary information and experience,
evaluating the outcomes obtained, providing counselling and guidance services to the
employees, enriching organizational culture, promoting changes within the organizations,
implementing modern, scientific, technical and innovative teaching-learning methods,
teaching-learning materials and instructional strategies in the training and development
programs, job duties and in formulating measures, procedures, rules and laws. Therefore,
when the leaders are well-aware in terms of these factors and put them into operation in an
effectual manner, they are able to contribute in a well-ordered manner towards enriching their
potentials and in leading to effective growth and progression of the organization and human
Within the organizations, the employees normally form the viewpoint that they should
be allowed to express their ideas and perspectives in terms of various aspects of the
organization. In other words, there should be prevalence of democratic style of leadership
(Chapter 3. Leadership Theories and Styles, 2018). In the behavior theory, there are
prevalence of three styles of leadership, i.e. democratic, autocratic and laissez-faire. The
leaders need to be well-aware in terms of their job duties and responsibilities. In most cases,
the job duties and responsibilities of the leaders are tedious and demanding. But when they
are well-aware in terms of approaches and strategies, they are able to put them into operation
in a well-organized manner and generate the desired outcomes. The leaders need to take into
consideration various factors to carry out their job duties well. These factors include,
inculcating the traits of diligence, resourcefulness and conscientiousness, understanding
needs and requirements of the subordinates, implementing skills and abilities in an
appropriate manner, depicting efficiency and making provision of various types of
technologies, resources, materials, tools, facilities and amenities, so the leaders as well as the
employees feel comfortable within the working environment. Therefore, it can be stated,
behavior theories are indispensable, which need to be understood by the leaders in all types of
The leadership theories have the main objective of generating awareness and
augmenting one’s understanding in terms of areas, which are necessary in being informative
in terms of roles and responsibilities of the leaders. The main objective of leadership theories
is to make provision of knowledge in terms of qualities of leaders. The first theory is the trait
theory. This theory focuses upon the personality traits that the leaders need to have. The
second theory is the behavior theory, which puts emphasis upon the behavior and conduct of
the leaders. They not only need to pay attention towards encouraging appropriate behavior
among the employees, but they also need to ensure, they conduct themselves in an
appropriate manner as well. The third theory is the contingency model. This has been evolved
not only to conduct an analysis in terms of deficiencies and limitations, but also identify the
leadership style, which is regarded to be of utmost significance for leadership (Chapter – I.
Leadership Concept and Theories, n.d.). The fourth theory is, transaction theory of
leadership. In this theory, the information that is highlighted is, leaders guide and motivate
their subordinates to achieve the desired goals. The fifth theory is, transformational theory. In
this theory, the information that is stated is, the leaders pay attention to the developmental
needs of the subordinates (Unit 5. Theories of Leadership, n.d.). These theories are stated as
Trait Theory
Leadership is regarded as the matter of personality and behavior. The leaders need to
take into account these factors in an efficient manner. The leaders need to bring about
improvements in these traits throughout their jobs. The research studies in terms of trait
theory has been conducted by various researchers. Ordway Tead has identified ten qualities of
the leaders. These are, physical and nervous energy, sense of purpose and direction,
enthusiasm, friendliness and affection, integrity, technical mastery, decisiveness, technical
skills and faith. Chester I. Barnard has indicated two aspects of leadership skills. These are,
instructing the subordinates in terms of performance of their job duties. They need to make
use of technologies, knowledge, skills, perception and imagination. Another area is individual
superiority in determination, persistence, endurance and courage. Henry Fayol classifies the
leadership qualities as, health and physical fitness, intelligence and mutual robustness, moral
qualities, and knowledge and abilities to carry out the managerial functions of planning,
organizing, directing, controlling, coordinating and leading (Chapter – I. Leadership Concept
and Theories, n.d.).
George R. Terry have taken into account the leadership qualities as, energy, both
psychological and physical, emotional stability, knowledge in terms of human relations,
empathy, objectivity, personal motivation, communication skills, teaching ability and social
skills and technical competence. The leadership qualities that have been classified by Stogdill
are, physical characteristics, which include the weight, height, age and personal appearance;
social background, which include, educational qualifications, skills, abilities, social status and
mobility; intelligence includes, technical mastery, decisiveness, technical skills and
determination; personality traits include, moral qualities, knowledge, integrity, self-assurance
and needs in terms of which control is exercised; tasks-related characteristics, i.e. high need
for achievements and generation of desired outcomes, initiative and high task orientation and
social characteristics. It needs to be ensured, communication takes place among individuals in
an appropriate manner. In both these forms of communication, the leaders need to make sure
that they influence the performance of their subordinates positively (Chapter – I. Leadership
Concept and Theories, n.d.).
Keith Davis have taken into account the leadership qualities as, intelligence, social
maturity and breadth, inner motivation and achievement drives and attitude of human
relations (Chapter – I. Leadership Concept and Theories, n.d.). Intelligence takes into
account, practical mastery, purposefulness, technical skills and determination of the essential
talents, expertize and abilities. Furthermore, the leaders need to make wise judgments and
decisions. Social maturity is depicted, when the leaders are understanding in nature and learn
to cope with stressful situations in a satisfactory manner. Leaders need to have a tendency to
be emotionally mature and have a comprehensive range of interests. The reason being, they
need to pay attention towards number of areas within the organizations. The leaders not only
motivate the employees towards the implementation of their job duties in an effective
manner, but they need to motivate themselves as well. One of the important motivational
factor is desired outcomes and acquisition of respect, appreciation and reverence. The attitude
of human relations focus upon understanding the problems of others, developing mutual
understanding and working in coordination and integration with each other. Therefore, on the
basis of these research studies, the individuals are able to augment their understanding in
terms of qualities of leadership.
Leadership puts emphasis upon formation of terms and relationships between
individuals. The leaders need to depict trustworthiness, straightforwardness and righteousness
in terms of their subordinates as well as regarding job duties. The leaders need to work
diligently and conscientiously towards modifying their measures and approaches, primarily in
terms of leading to effective functioning of the organizations. Due to variation in skills
required, roles played and tasks and job duties performed, the leaders need to make use of
their skills in an efficient manner. Another aspect, which needs to be taken into account in
this theory is the skills, which need to be possessed by the leaders. These are, time
management skills, technical skills, communication skills, analytical skills, problem solving
skills, critical thinking skills, conflict resolution methods, decision making skills, work ethics
and presentation skills. The leaders need to make use of these skills on regular basis. When
there are occurrence of changes, then the implementation of skills in an effective manner will
enable the leaders to carry out their job duties well.
The leaders need to be creative in the implementation of job duties in a well-ordered
manner and in achieving the desired goals and objectives. When they are creative, they will
be well-aware in terms of modern, technical, scientific, and innovative methods in the
implementation of job duties in a well-organized manner and achieving organizational goals.
The leaders not only need to be creative in the implementation of their job duties, but they
also need to be creative in managing the human resources and preventing the occurrence of
conflicting situations and disagreements. The leaders and the subordinates need to work in
collaboration and integration with each other. Hence, they need to make provision of support
and assistance to them that is required in generating the desired outcomes. The leaders need
to understand and motivate both individuals and groups. The leaders need to be ambitious
and achievement-oriented. When they are ambitious and achievement-oriented, they will be
able to contribute well towards leading to effective growth and progression of the
organization and the members.
The human resources are the part of leadership effectiveness. The generation of
information in terms of management and up-gradation of human resources are regarded as
indispensable in achieving organizational goals as well as in augmenting the overall structure
of the organization. Within the organization, the important factors that need to be taken into
account are, developing a learning climate, designing training programs, transmitting the
necessary information and experience, evaluating the results, providing career counselling,
enriching organizational culture, promoting organizational change, implementing modern and
innovative teaching-learning methods, teaching-learning materials and instructional strategies
in the training and development programs and formulating rules and laws (Chapter – I.
Leadership Concept and Theories, n.d.). Therefore, it can be stated after conducting research
on trait theory, when the leaders are well-aware in terms of these factors and put them into
operation in an effectual manner, they are able to contribute well towards enriching their
qualities and in leading to effective growth and progression of the organization and human
Behavior Theory
It is evident that the leaders did not seem to have any distinguished traits or
characteristics. The research studies have been conducted on the behavior of the leaders,
which would enable them to carry out their job duties well and enhance their effectiveness.
Understanding, representing and dealing the behavior of the leaders is a problem. The
question in terms of which still the individuals are perplexed are, what are the factors, which
the leaders need to undertake in augmenting their behavior. Leadership in general is enough
to accommodate number of meanings, which are specific to serve as an operationalization of
the organizational structure. Within organizations, communication takes place among
individuals in a formal as well as in an informal manner. In both these forms of
communication, the leaders need to make sure that they influence the behavior of their
subordinates. When the leaders are generous and possess an approachable nature and an
amiable attitude, they ensure, they create pleasant and cordial terms and relationships with
the subordinates. When the subordinates will form the viewpoint that leaders treat them like
family, they will develop motivation towards the implementation of tasks and activities
(Chapter – I. Leadership Concept and Theories, n.d.).
In accordance to the behavioral approach to leadership, anyone who puts into
operation appropriate behavioral traits can be a good leader. Leadership puts emphasis upon
formation of sociable terms and relationships between individuals. The leaders need to depict
reliability, honesty, directness and morality in terms of their subordinates as well as within the
course of implementation of job duties and in leading to up-gradation of organizational
structure. The leaders need to work meticulously and assiduously towards modifying their
measures and approaches, primarily in terms of leading to operative functioning of the
organizations. Due to the competencies required, roles played and activities and job duties
performed, the leaders need to make use of their skills in an efficacious manner. Another
aspect, which needs to be taken into account in this theory is the behavior traits, which need
to be possessed by the leaders. These need to be appropriate in terms of time management,
use of technologies, communicating, analyzing, providing solutions to problems, thinking
critically, managing conflicts and disputes, making wise decisions, work ethics and
presentation skills. The leaders need to make use of the appropriate behavioral traits
throughout their jobs. When transformations are taking place, then the implementation of
behavioral traits in a useful manner will enable the leaders to carry out their job duties well.
The leaders need to be ingenious in the implementation of job duties in a well-
organized manner and in achieving the desired goals and objectives. When they are artistic
and imaginative, they will be well-aware in terms of modern, technical, scientific, and
pioneering methods in the implementation of job duties in an efficient manner and achieving
organizational goals. The leaders not only need to be innovative in the implementation of
their job duties, but they also need to be inspired in managing the human resources and
preventing the occurrence of conflicting situations and disagreements in terms of any areas.
The leaders and the subordinates need to work in cooperation and integration with each other.
Hence, they need to make provision of support and assistance from them that is required in
generating the desired outcomes and promoting well-being. The leaders need to understand
the issues and concerns and motivate both individuals and groups. Within the organizations,
tasks and activities are carried out by the members on an individual basis as well as in groups.
The leaders need to be determined and achievement-oriented. The implementation of these
behavioral traits will enable the leaders to contribute well towards leading to operative
growth and progression of the organization and the members.
The human resources are the integral part of the organization and in promoting
leadership effectiveness and appropriate behavioral traits (Chapter 4. Leadership Theories
and Models, n.d.). The generation of information in terms of administration, management and
enrichment of human resource are regarded as indispensable in achieving organizational
goals as well as in augmenting the overall structure of the organization. In this theory, in
achieving organizational goals, the important factors that need to be taken into account by the
leaders are, developing an erudition environment, designing training and development
programs for well-being of employees, providing the necessary information and experience,
evaluating the outcomes obtained, providing counselling and guidance services to the
employees, enriching organizational culture, promoting changes within the organizations,
implementing modern, scientific, technical and innovative teaching-learning methods,
teaching-learning materials and instructional strategies in the training and development
programs, job duties and in formulating measures, procedures, rules and laws. Therefore,
when the leaders are well-aware in terms of these factors and put them into operation in an
effectual manner, they are able to contribute in a well-ordered manner towards enriching their
potentials and in leading to effective growth and progression of the organization and human
Within the organizations, the employees normally form the viewpoint that they should
be allowed to express their ideas and perspectives in terms of various aspects of the
organization. In other words, there should be prevalence of democratic style of leadership
(Chapter 3. Leadership Theories and Styles, 2018). In the behavior theory, there are
prevalence of three styles of leadership, i.e. democratic, autocratic and laissez-faire. The
leaders need to be well-aware in terms of their job duties and responsibilities. In most cases,
the job duties and responsibilities of the leaders are tedious and demanding. But when they
are well-aware in terms of approaches and strategies, they are able to put them into operation
in a well-organized manner and generate the desired outcomes. The leaders need to take into
consideration various factors to carry out their job duties well. These factors include,
inculcating the traits of diligence, resourcefulness and conscientiousness, understanding
needs and requirements of the subordinates, implementing skills and abilities in an
appropriate manner, depicting efficiency and making provision of various types of
technologies, resources, materials, tools, facilities and amenities, so the leaders as well as the
employees feel comfortable within the working environment. Therefore, it can be stated,
behavior theories are indispensable, which need to be understood by the leaders in all types of
Leadership is one of the most complex and multidimensional phenomena. It has been studied
extensively over the years and has taken on greater importance than ever before in today’s
fast-paced and increasingly globalised world. Nonetheless, leadership continues to generate
captivating and confusing debate due to the complexity of the subject. Researchers have
proposed many different definitions and theories of leadership. Stogdill defines it as ‘an
influencing process aimed at goal achievement’, focusing on leadership as a process directed
at influencing a specific group of people to meet a stated objective. Kouzes and Posner
similarly believe that ‘leadership is the art of mobilising others to want to struggle for the
shared aspirations’ and Maxwell states that leadership is simply influence.Yet there is no one
definition or particular leadership approach that is considered universal and efforts continue in
trying to identify what makes an effective leader.

The present study traces the historical evolution of the main leadership theories and reviews
the progress that has been made over the years. It explores four main eras in leadership
theory: trait, behavioural, situational and new leadership. In the 19th century, research on
leadership was focused on the innate characteristics of a leader and on identifying the
personality traits and other qualities of effective leaders. The core belief of the Great Man
theory is that leaders are born, not made or trained. In other words only a few, very rare,
individuals possess the unique characteristics to be effective leaders and attain greatness by
divine design. Examples were often drawn from popular historical figures such as Julius
Caesar, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln and Napoleon Bonaparte. It was believed that
these individuals were natural born leaders with innate characteristics of leadership, which
enabled them to lead individuals while they shape the pages of history.

However, a consistent set of traits was not produced and by 1950, it appeared that there was
little advantage in continuing with this approach and hence it was abandoned. Today,
psychometric tools are an example of trait theory principles in action and are often used in
staff recruitment. These tools highlight key personality traits and are used for personal
performance and team development.

Behavioural theory evolved from trait theories and asserts that leaders are largely made, rather
than born and that particular behaviours can be learnt to ensure effective leadership. It puts
emphasis on the actual behaviour of the leader and not on their traits or characteristics, but it
largely ignores the situation and environment of the leader. Research in this area resulted in
different patterns of behaviour being grouped together and labelled as styles.This became a
prevalent approach within management training perhaps the best known being Blake and
Mouton’s Managerial Grid.Today, this theory is exemplified in the numerous leadership-
training programmes, which involve the development of leadership skills and behaviours, thus
supporting the belief that leadership is largely learnt.

It was later recognised that the environment plays a significant role in the leader-follower
dynamic and this belief dominated the situational era. As the name suggests, the situational
era is focused on leadership in particular situations, rather than on the traits or the behaviours.
This implies that leaders must be able to assess the context in which they operate and then
decide what style will ‘fit’ the situation best. Because the best style is dependent on the
situation, this approach is known as the contingency theory of leadership.

Fred Fiedler developed one of the first contingency theories of leadership. His theory focuses
on the importance of context in effective leadership and supports the belief that there is no
one best set of leadership traits or behaviours. However, Fiedler asserst that because a leader’s
style is fixed, they should be put into situations that best match their style. In other words,
effectiveness as a leader is determined by how well their leadership style matches a particular

For the first time, it was recognised that focusing on one aspect or dimension of leadership
cannot address all the complexity of the phenomenon.In a world that has become more
complex and challenging, a need emerged for leadership theories that support circumstances
of rapid change, disruptive technological innovation and increasing globalisation. This led to
the new leadership era, moving away from the above-mentioned traditional theories of
leadership, which define leadership as a unidirectional, top-down influencing process,
drawing a distinct line between leaders and followers. Instead, the focus became on the
complex interactions among the leader, the followers, the situation and the system as a whole,
with particular attention dedicated to the latent leadership capacities of followers. The above-
mentioned context encouraged the popularity and adoption of two leadership theories:
transformational and transactional theories, and also gave rise to approaches such as the Lean
strategy and agile methodology to help deal with the fast pace of change and increasing
complexity of the challenges faced.

Reading comprehension
1/ Give a title to the text


2/What do u think about Stogill definition on leadership, do you think he is for or against the
trait -based theory?


3/What does the power of the word influence according to John Maxwell ?


4/What is the contribution of Black and Mouton in leadership?


5/Explain in your own words what does the author mean by this sentence “which define
leadership as a unidirectional, top-down influencing process.“


Find words in the text that mean the same as


Angelic/celestial=………………………… devine

Adherent/partisan=…………………….. follower

Probability=……………………………… contingency


Epoch /age=…………………………….era

Put the right information in the right column

New leadership/Transformational/ Focus on the actions and skills of leaders /Focus on

leadership as a cost–benefit exchange/ Focus on identifying traits and characteristics of
effective leaders /Great man trait/1940s-1950s/Focus on leaders adapting their style taking
into account the environment/Transactional/1960s/Focus on an inspirational style pushing
followers to higher and higher levels of achievement

Era Period Theory Description

1840s 1930s–1940s

Behavioural Behavioural

Situational Contingent and




Keys take away:

Great Man Theory (1840 onwards) The focus here is on leader as hero, as described by
Thomas Carlyle in 1840. Herbert Spencer (a fellow Victorian) later expressed a contrasting
view that heroic leaders are the product of their time and its prevailing social conditions.
Although Carlyle is credited with initiating this phase of theorising, many before him wrote
that a leader was born, not made. Plato, Aristotle – and even Machiavelli – each contributed
to this way of thinking. Though the historic timeline consistently plants the Great Man
Theory in the 19th century, we can see its deep roots present in many of today’s practical
assumptions about leadership. While there are minor adjustments, the heroic leader remains
rooted in individualistic cultures. Iconic figures continue to capture our imagination,
whether they be Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, or Nelson Mandela; Jack Welch,
Steve Jobs, or Elon Musk; Albert Einstein, or Stephen Hawking.

the historical evolution of leadership theory includes four main eras: trait, behavioural,
situational and new leadership. The focus was initially on natural born leaders and
identifying the traits of the effective leader. Behavioural leadership then followed and
focused on the actions of a leader. The situational and contingent theories in turn assert that
the best leadership style is the one that best fits a given context. These traditional leadership
theories offered part of the answer to the leadership puzzle but none had all the answer.
These were then followed by the new leadership theories, which are inclusive of additional
factors, generally adopt a more systemic approach to leadership and take into account the
multifaceted and complex nature of our modern world and the importance of followership
in effective leadership.
Correction of first course
While the term "leader" was noted as early as the 1300s and conceptualized even
before biblical times, the term leadership has been in existence only since the late
1700s (Stogdill, 1974).
Are Leaders Born or Trained? For decades, people have been trying to figure out
whether great leaders are born with innate leadership skills or if you can develop
people into leaders. Recent scientific studies suggest that leadership is 30% genetic
and 70% learned. These findings propose that leaders are made not born.

Great leaders don’t just ride waves, they make them.” W. Bennis

The ability to influence a group towards the achievement of goals.

1/Leadership, both as a research area and as a practical skill,

encompasses the ability of an individual, group, or organization to
"lead", influence, or guide other individuals, teams, or entire
2/Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
 Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)
 Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
 Martin Luther King Jr (1929-1968)
 Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
 Mother Teresa (1910-1997)
 Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
 George Washington (1732- 1799)
3/ Leadership is an ongoing process of social influence and inspiration to bring out the best
of every individual and make the most of them. As any process it is nurtured through hard
effort, determination, confidence, trial and error, and, above all, experience
 4/ Vision. ...
 Inspiration. ...
 Strategic & Critical Thinking. ...
 Interpersonal Communication. ...
 Authenticity & Self-Awareness. ...
 Open-Mindedness & Creativity. ...
 Flexibility. ...
 Responsibility & Dependability.

1/Title:leadership evolution
2/the process (act) of influencing the activities of an organized
group in its efforts toward goal setting and goal achievement". This
was perhaps the first effort to point out that leadership was not a
mere individual trait but a process of influence upon others.( He
argued that a successful leader's characteristics must be relevant to the demands of
the leadership situation, this is, the specific challenges faced and the abilities, hopes,
values and concerns of the followers. Stogdill found there wasn't much agreement on
the key traits.
3/Great leaders know that leadership is not about authority or a title. It is about
influence, nothing more and nothing less. (John Maxwell) The ability to influence
those around to reach above & beyond what they think is possible is what makes
great leaders. Influence as a competency refers to the ability to have a positive
impact on others, to persuade or convince them to gain their support. With the
Influence competency, you're persuasive and engaging, and you can build buy-in
from key people.

4/ The Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid is a mental framework and graphic that
can be used to help leaders identify their own leadership style and the style of their
subordinates. The x-axis of the grid measures a leader's concern for production. The
y-axis of the grid measures a leader's concern for people.

3/Rs:Influence determines the effectiveness of a leader. Effective leadership is not

determined by a title or tenure, but by how much influence the leader has with others.
The ability to influence others will determine success or failure for the leader and the
5/Explain in your own words what does the author mean by this sentence “which define leadership
as a unidirectional, top-down influencing process.“


Find words in the text that mean the same as


Angelic/celestial=………………………… devine

Adherent/partisan=…………………….. follower

Probability=……………………………… contingency


Epoch /age=…………………………….era

Put the right information in the right column

Put the words in the right blank there is an extra word.

Poductivity/adjust/ subordinates /outcome/ retention / state/disenfranchise/

transition/typically/Comprehensive/ subsequent/ commanding

Applying leadership style effectively to a situation involves … Comprehensive ………..

initial assessment, consideration of alternatives and actions, and an evaluation of the…
outcome………... Effective leaders learn from their mistakes and ……adjust………….their
style in …subsequent…………….occasions. For example, during a ……
transition…………… a new way of working, an effective leader …
typically……....chooses a visionary style to enthusiastically communicate the future state,
describe the need for change and motivate …subordinates……………….to follow his
example. Using a …commanding………………style in this instance tends to ……
desenfranchise…………employees and contribute to low morale, decreased …
productivity……………….and poor employee …retention…………….rates

Effective leadership in health services ……has…….already …been……extensively (study)

studied……….in the literature, especially during the last decades . Several (society) …
societal…………challenges ( reveal) … have revealed…………..the urgent need for effective
leadership styles in health and social services. Nevertheless, studies that use (quantity) …
quantitive ……………data or assess the impact of leadership in health care quality
measures( neglect)…are neglected……………, while most studies (adopt) have
adopted………a qualitative approach. The present literature review attempted (fill)…to
fill……… this gap, while it managed to identify the most recent publications to assess the
correlation between leadership styles with healthcare quality measures. Therefore, leadership
is considered a core element for a (good) well………-coordinated and integrated provision of
care, both from the patients and healthcare( profession)…professionals…………….. It is
essential regardless of where care is delivered (e.g., clinics or inpatient units, long-term care
units, or home care facilities), especially for those who are directly involved with patients for
long periods of time

No business can function(with- without –within)leadership, but you need(much- more –

many)than just seniority or an(execute-executed- executive) title to be a leader.
Leaders(exists-existed- exist) at every level,(provides- providing-provided) guidance,
motivation, and clarity, and inspiring confidence among(these-that- those) around them –
whether they are(followed- follow-following) employees or not.
How you impact those around you and how your actions affect the(succeed- success –
successful)of your company or division (depends-depend- depending)on your leadership
style. It’s true there are born leaders, but any person can grow into a leader by (embrace-
embracing-embraced) the lessons(teach- taught –teached)by leaders in their lives and
looking inward to see how their behavior impacts those around them. Good leaders also learn
what they can do to continually refine their leadership style.


Grid management:
What are the 5 leadership styles within the
leadership grid?
Each corner of the leadership grid's four quadrants represents a
different leadership style. These four styles, plus the style in the
middle of the grid, make up the five leadership styles, which are:

1. Impoverished management

Impoverished management represents the lower left side of the

leadership grid. In this management style, the manager has little
concern for results or their employees. This typically leads to
outcomes such as a lack of team motivation or ineffective working
systems. Impoverished management is often the result of a manager
who focuses more on preserving their role within the organization,
rather than focusing on others or taking actions to improve the

Related: What is Situational Leadership? Definitions, Pros, Cons and


2. Produce-or-perish management

The produce-or-perish management style represents the lower right

side of the leadership grid. With this style of management, the
manager focuses on receiving the best results for the organization
with little regard for their employees. Common traits of a produce-or-
perish management style include strict work rules and managers
who don't consult with others. As a result, produce-or-perish
management styles rarely have high team morale, making it difficult
to achieve long-term results.

Related: 10 Effective Leadership Skills To Lead a Team

3. Country club management

On the top left side of the leadership grid, you have country club
management. This leadership style is so-called because it focuses
mostly on ensuring happy employees rather than business results. In
a country club management atmosphere, you might find a relaxed
and fun workplace with less-than-ideal productivity. Country club
management often develops when the manager believes ensuring all
employees are happy and secure results in the best outcome for the

Related: Leadership Philosophy: What It is and How To Create One

4. Team management

Team management represents the top right side of the leadership

grid and is the most effective management style. With this style, the
manager focuses equally on achieving the best results and ensuring
their team members are happy within their positions. Managers work
to motivate their employees to be productive, while still creating an
enjoyable work environment. One way managers do this is by
involving their employees in decision-making and helping everyone
feel like they're part of the team.

Related: 7 Types of Management Styles for Effective Leadership

5. Middle-of-the-road management

At the center of the grid, you find the middle-of-the-road

management style. With this style, the manager tries to balance
both production results and employee happiness but doesn't fully
reach either goal. This often occurs when the manager doesn't
properly motivate their team or makes compromises that don't
benefit the business. As a result, the manager doesn't achieve
maximum productivity or team performance.

A to their definitions in B.
augmenting one’s understanding in terms of areas, which are necessary in being informative
in terms of roles and responsibilities of the leaders. The main objective of leadership theories
is to make provision of knowledge in terms of qualities of leaders. The first theory is the trait
theory. This theory focuses upon the personality traits that the leaders need to have. The
second theory is the behavior theory, which puts emphasis upon the behavior and conduct of
the leaders. They not only need to pay attention towards encouraging appropriate behavior
among the employees, but they also need to ensure, they conduct themselves in an
appropriate manner as well. The third theory is the contingency model. This has been evolved
not only to conduct an analysis in terms of deficiencies and limitations, but also identify the
leadership style, which is regarded to be of utmost significance for leadership (Chapter – I.
Leadership Concept and Theories, n.d.). The fourth theory is, transaction theory of
leadership. In this theory, the information that is highlighted is, leaders guide and motivate
their subordinates to achieve the desired goals. The fifth theory is, transformational theory. In
this theory, the information that is stated is, the leaders pay attention to the developmental
needs of the subordinates (Unit 5. Theories of Leadership, n.d.). These theories are stated as
Trait Theory
Leadership is regarded as the matter of personality and behavior. The leaders need to
take into account these factors in an efficient manner. The leaders need to bring about
improvements in these traits throughout their jobs. The research studies in terms of trait
theory has been conducted by various researchers. Ordway Tead has identified ten qualities of
the leaders. These are, physical and nervous energy, sense of purpose and direction,
enthusiasm, friendliness and affection, integrity, technical mastery, decisiveness, technical
skills and faith. Chester I. Barnard has indicated two aspects of leadership skills. These are,
instructing the subordinates in terms of performance of their job duties. They need to make
use of technologies, knowledge, skills, perception and imagination. Another area is individual
superiority in determination, persistence, endurance and courage. Henry Fayol classifies the
leadership qualities as, health and physical fitness, intelligence and mutual robustness, moral
qualities, and knowledge and abilities to carry out the managerial functions of planning,
organizing, directing, controlling, coordinating and leading (Chapter – I. Leadership Concept
and Theories, n.d.).
George R. Terry have taken into account the leadership qualities as, energy, both
psychological and physical, emotional stability, knowledge in terms of human relations,
empathy, objectivity, personal motivation, communication skills, teaching ability and social
skills and technical competence. The leadership qualities that have been classified by Stogdill
are, physical characteristics, which include the weight, height, age and personal appearance;
social background, which include, educational qualifications, skills, abilities, social status and
mobility; intelligence includes, technical mastery, decisiveness, technical skills and
determination; personality traits include, moral qualities, knowledge, integrity, self-assurance
and needs in terms of which control is exercised; tasks-related characteristics, i.e. high need
for achievements and generation of desired outcomes, initiative and high task orientation and
social characteristics. It needs to be ensured, communication takes place among individuals in
an appropriate manner. In both these forms of communication, the leaders need to make sure
that they influence the performance of their subordinates positively (Chapter – I. Leadership
Concept and Theories, n.d.).
Keith Davis have taken into account the leadership qualities as, intelligence, social
maturity and breadth, inner motivation and achievement drives and attitude of human
relations (Chapter – I. Leadership Concept and Theories, n.d.). Intelligence takes into
account, practical mastery, purposefulness, technical skills and determination of the essential
talents, expertize and abilities. Furthermore, the leaders need to make wise judgments and
decisions. Social maturity is depicted, when the leaders are understanding in nature and learn
to cope with stressful situations in a satisfactory manner. Leaders need to have a tendency to
be emotionally mature and have a comprehensive range of interests. The reason being, they
need to pay attention towards number of areas within the organizations. The leaders not only
motivate the employees towards the implementation of their job duties in an effective
manner, but they need to motivate themselves as well. One of the important motivational
factor is desired outcomes and acquisition of respect, appreciation and reverence. The attitude
of human relations focus upon understanding the problems of others, developing mutual
understanding and working in coordination and integration with each other. Therefore, on the
basis of these research studies, the individuals are able to augment their understanding in
terms of qualities of leadership.
Leadership puts emphasis upon formation of terms and relationships between
individuals. The leaders need to depict trustworthiness, straightforwardness and righteousness
in terms of their subordinates as well as regarding job duties. The leaders need to work
diligently and conscientiously towards modifying their measures and approaches, primarily in
terms of leading to effective functioning of the organizations. Due to variation in skills
required, roles played and tasks and job duties performed, the leaders need to make use of
their skills in an efficient manner. Another aspect, which needs to be taken into account in
this theory is the skills, which need to be possessed by the leaders. These are, time
management skills, technical skills, communication skills, analytical skills, problem solving
skills, critical thinking skills, conflict resolution methods, decision making skills, work ethics
and presentation skills. The leaders need to make use of these skills on regular basis. When
there are occurrence of changes, then the implementation of skills in an effective manner will
enable the leaders to carry out their job duties well.
The leaders need to be creative in the implementation of job duties in a well-ordered
manner and in achieving the desired goals and objectives. When they are creative, they will
be well-aware in terms of modern, technical, scientific, and innovative methods in the
implementation of job duties in a well-organized manner and achieving organizational goals.
The leaders not only need to be creative in the implementation of their job duties, but they
also need to be creative in managing the human resources and preventing the occurrence of
conflicting situations and disagreements. The leaders and the subordinates need to work in
collaboration and integration with each other. Hence, they need to make provision of support
and assistance to them that is required in generating the desired outcomes. The leaders need
to understand and motivate both individuals and groups. The leaders need to be ambitious
and achievement-oriented. When they are ambitious and achievement-oriented, they will be
able to contribute well towards leading to effective growth and progression of the
organization and the members.
The human resources are the part of leadership effectiveness. The generation of
information in terms of management and up-gradation of human resources are regarded as
indispensable in achieving organizational goals as well as in augmenting the overall structure
of the organization. Within the organization, the important factors that need to be taken into
account are, developing a learning climate, designing training programs, transmitting the
necessary information and experience, evaluating the results, providing career counselling,
enriching organizational culture, promoting organizational change, implementing modern and
innovative teaching-learning methods, teaching-learning materials and instructional strategies
in the training and development programs and formulating rules and laws (Chapter – I.
Leadership Concept and Theories, n.d.). Therefore, it can be stated after conducting research
on trait theory, when the leaders are well-aware in terms of these factors and put them into
operation in an effectual manner, they are able to contribute well towards enriching their
qualities and in leading to effective growth and progression of the organization and human
Behavior Theory
It is evident that the leaders did not seem to have any distinguished traits or
characteristics. The research studies have been conducted on the behavior of the leaders,
which would enable them to carry out their job duties well and enhance their effectiveness.
Understanding, representing and dealing the behavior of the leaders is a problem. The
question in terms of which still the individuals are perplexed are, what are the factors, which
the leaders need to undertake in augmenting their behavior. Leadership in general is enough
to accommodate number of meanings, which are specific to serve as an operationalization of
the organizational structure. Within organizations, communication takes place among
individuals in a formal as well as in an informal manner. In both these forms of
communication, the leaders need to make sure that they influence the behavior of their
subordinates. When the leaders are generous and possess an approachable nature and an
amiable attitude, they ensure, they create pleasant and cordial terms and relationships with
the subordinates. When the subordinates will form the viewpoint that leaders treat them like
family, they will develop motivation towards the implementation of tasks and activities
(Chapter – I. Leadership Concept and Theories, n.d.).
In accordance to the behavioral approach to leadership, anyone who puts into
operation appropriate behavioral traits can be a good leader. Leadership puts emphasis upon
formation of sociable terms and relationships between individuals. The leaders need to depict
reliability, honesty, directness and morality in terms of their subordinates as well as within the
course of implementation of job duties and in leading to up-gradation of organizational
structure. The leaders need to work meticulously and assiduously towards modifying their
measures and approaches, primarily in terms of leading to operative functioning of the
organizations. Due to the competencies required, roles played and activities and job duties
performed, the leaders need to make use of their skills in an efficacious manner. Another
aspect, which needs to be taken into account in this theory is the behavior traits, which need
to be possessed by the leaders. These need to be appropriate in terms of time management,
use of technologies, communicating, analyzing, providing solutions to problems, thinking
critically, managing conflicts and disputes, making wise decisions, work ethics and
presentation skills. The leaders need to make use of the appropriate behavioral traits
throughout their jobs. When transformations are taking place, then the implementation of
behavioral traits in a useful manner will enable the leaders to carry out their job duties well.
The leaders need to be ingenious in the implementation of job duties in a well-
organized manner and in achieving the desired goals and objectives. When they are artistic
and imaginative, they will be well-aware in terms of modern, technical, scientific, and
pioneering methods in the implementation of job duties in an efficient manner and achieving
organizational goals. The leaders not only need to be innovative in the implementation of
their job duties, but they also need to be inspired in managing the human resources and
preventing the occurrence of conflicting situations and disagreements in terms of any areas.
The leaders and the subordinates need to work in cooperation and integration with each other.
Hence, they need to make provision of support and assistance from them that is required in
generating the desired outcomes and promoting well-being. The leaders need to understand
the issues and concerns and motivate both individuals and groups. Within the organizations,
tasks and activities are carried out by the members on an individual basis as well as in groups.
The leaders need to be determined and achievement-oriented. The implementation of these
behavioral traits will enable the leaders to contribute well towards leading to operative
growth and progression of the organization and the members.
The human resources are the integral part of the organization and in promoting
leadership effectiveness and appropriate behavioral traits (Chapter 4. Leadership Theories
and Models, n.d.). The generation of information in terms of administration, management and
enrichment of human resource are regarded as indispensable in achieving organizational
goals as well as in augmenting the overall structure of the organization. In this theory, in
achieving organizational goals, the important factors that need to be taken into account by the
leaders are, developing an erudition environment, designing training and development
programs for well-being of employees, providing the necessary information and experience,
evaluating the outcomes obtained, providing counselling and guidance services to the
employees, enriching organizational culture, promoting changes within the organizations,
implementing modern, scientific, technical and innovative teaching-learning methods,
teaching-learning materials and instructional strategies in the training and development
programs, job duties and in formulating measures, procedures, rules and laws. Therefore,
when the leaders are well-aware in terms of these factors and put them into operation in an
effectual manner, they are able to contribute in a well-ordered manner towards enriching their
potentials and in leading to effective growth and progression of the organization and human
Within the organizations, the employees normally form the viewpoint that they should
be allowed to express their ideas and perspectives in terms of various aspects of the
organization. In other words, there should be prevalence of democratic style of leadership
(Chapter 3. Leadership Theories and Styles, 2018). In the behavior theory, there are
prevalence of three styles of leadership, i.e. democratic, autocratic and laissez-faire. The
leaders need to be well-aware in terms of their job duties and responsibilities. In most cases,
the job duties and responsibilities of the leaders are tedious and demanding. But when they
are well-aware in terms of approaches and strategies, they are able to put them into operation
in a well-organized manner and generate the desired outcomes. The leaders need to take into
consideration various factors to carry out their job duties well. These factors include,
inculcating the traits of diligence, resourcefulness and conscientiousness, understanding
needs and requirements of the subordinates, implementing skills and abilities in an
appropriate manner, depicting efficiency and making provision of various types of
technologies, resources, materials, tools, facilities and amenities, so the leaders as well as the
employees feel comfortable within the working environment. Therefore, it can be stated,
behavior theories are indispensable, which need to be understood by the leaders in all types of

Mach the titles in column A to their definitions in column B


1-Supportive Leadership : a-In today’s global scenario, Leaders keep

themselves updated and aware of the
1/ Match titles in column different cultures around the world, and uses
2-Directive Leadership: this knowledge to lead culturally diverse
b-leaders use their position to exercise
3-Achievement-oriented Leadership: power and strict control over the
subordinates. The subordinates have to be in
complete discipline and are promoted on the
4-Participative or Democratic Leadership: basis of their capability to comply with the
rules and regulations of the organisation.
5Autocratic or Authoritative Leadership c-Leaders invite opinions and suggestions
from the subordinates while making
6-Strategic Leadership: d-has an extraordinary and powerful
personality and acts as a role model for his
7-Charismatic Leadership: followers who follow him blindly.
e-communicates his vision for the
8-Laissez-faire or Delegative Leadership: organisation to his followers and
intellectually influences them to become
9-Transformational Leadership self-driven towards the shared vision
f-initiates a revolutionary change in the
10- Transactional Leadership: behaviour, perception and attitude of the
subordinates. They motivate and inspire the
11-Coaching Leadership: subordinates to develop their own skills to
perform better and ultimately accomplish
12-Cross-cultural Leadership: the vision of the organisation.
g-Leaders are more attentive towards the
13-Visionary Leadership: welfare and individual needs of the
14-Bureaucratic Leadership: h-Leaders have the complete hold over the
subordinates and do not entertain opinions,
suggestions, questions and complains. They
take all the decisions solely without the
participation of subordinates.
i-Leaders believe in motivating subordinates
through rewards and incentives and
discouraging them through punishments.
J-Leaders are lenient and assign authority
and responsibility to the subordinates. The
subordinates are free to work as they like to
and take their own decisions with the
minimal interference of the management.
k- Leaders usually set challenging goals for
the subordinates, expecting their constant
improvement in performance. They have
confidence that the subordinates will
perform excellently.
l-leaders frame a set of strategies towards
their vision and motivate subordinates to
accomplish that vision.
m-Leaders establish the standards of
performance for the subordinates and expect
them to adhere to the rules and regulations.
n-is well experienced in his role and is
focussed on the long-term growth of his

1+g/ 2+m 3+k 4+c 5+H 6+ L 7+ d 8+J 9+f 10+ i 11+n 12+ A/ 13+e 14+ B

1-Participative or Democratic Leadership:

a-leaders use their position to exercise
power and strict control over the
2-Autocratic or Authoritative Leadership subordinates. The subordinates have to
be in complete discipline and are
promoted on the basis of their capability
3-Strategic Leadership: to comply with the rules and regulations
of the organisation.
b-Leaders invite opinions and
4-Charismatic Leadership: suggestions from the subordinates while
making decisions.
c-has an extraordinary and powerful
5-Laissez-faire or Delegative Leadership: personality and acts as a role model for
his followers who follow him blindly.
d-communicates his vision for the
6-Transformational Leadership organisation to his followers and
intellectually influences them to become
self-driven towards the shared vision
7-Transactional Leadership: e-initiates a revolutionary change in the
behaviour, perception and attitude of the
subordinates. They motivate and inspire
the subordinates to develop their own
8-Coaching Leadership: skills to perform better and ultimately
accomplish the vision of
the organisation.
9-Visionary Leadership: f-Leaders have the complete hold over
the subordinates and do not entertain
opinions, suggestions, questions and
10-Bureaucratic Leadership: complains. They take all the decisions
solely without the participation of
g-Leaders believe in motivating
subordinates through rewards and incentives
and discouraging them through
h-Leaders are lenient and assign authority
and responsibility to the subordinates. The
subordinates are free to work as they like to
and take their own decisions with the
minimal interference of the management.
i- leaders frame a set of strategies towards
their vision and motivate subordinates to
accomplish that vision.
j-is well experienced in his role and is
focussed on the long-term growth of his
1=b 2+f 3+I 4+C 5+H 6+ E 7+G 8+j 9+d 10+a

2/Much sentence parts in column A with their completions in B to get a coherent

paragraph.The parts in A are in the correct order.

2/Much sentence parts in column A with their completions in B to get a coherent

paragraph.The parts in A are in the correct order.

1/The focus here a-the heroic leader remains rooted in
2/ Herbert Spencer later expressed a individualistic cultures.
contrasting view
3/ Although Carlyle is credited with b-many before him wrote that a leader was
initiating this phase of theorising, born, not made.
4/ Plato, Aristotle and even Machiavelli c-each contributed to this way of thinking.
5/ Though the historic timeline consistently d- that heroic leaders are the product of their
plants the Great Man Theory in the 19th time and its prevailing social conditions.
century, e-we can see its deep roots present in many
6/ While there are minor adjustments, of today’s practical assumptions about
7/Iconic figures continue to capture our leadership
imagination, f-whether they be Abraham Lincoln,
Winston Churchill, or Nelson Mandela; Jack
Welch, Steve Jobs, or Elon Musk; Albert
Einstein, or Stephen HCCawking.
g-is on leader as hero, described by Thomas
Carlyle in 1840

1+G 2+D 3+B 4+C 5+E 6+A 7+F

Great Man Theory (1840 onwards) The focus here is on leader as hero, as described by Thomas
Carlyle in 1840. Herbert Spencer (a fellow Victorian) later expressed a contrasting view that heroic
leaders are the product of their time and its prevailing social conditions. Although Carlyle is
credited with initiating this phase of theorising, many before him wrote that a leader was born,
not made. Plato, Aristotle – and even Machiavelli – each contributed to this way of thinking.
Though the historic timeline consistently plants the Great Man Theory in the 19th century, we can
see its deep roots present in many of today’s practical assumptions about leadership. While there
are minor adjustments, the heroic leader remains rooted in individualistic cultures. Iconic figures
continue to capture our imagination, whether they be Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, or
Nelson Mandela; Jack Welch, Steve Jobs, or Elon Musk; Albert Einstein, or Stephen Hawking.

the historical evolution of leadership theory includes four main eras: trait, behavioural, situational
and new leadership. The focus was initially on natural born leaders and identifying the traits of the
effective leader. Behavioural leadership then followed and focused on the actions of a leader. The
situational and contingent theories in turn assert that the best leadership style is the one that best
fits a given context. These traditional leadership theories offered part of the answer to the
leadership puzzle but none had all the answer. These were then followed by the new leadership
theories, which are inclusive of additional factors, generally adopt a more systemic approach to
leadership and take into account the multifaceted and complex nature of our modern world and
the importance of followership in effective leadership.

3/In each line there is a mistake correct it in the provided space

the historical evolution of leadership theory include four main eras: trait, a…S

behavioural situational and new leadership. The focus was initially in b…ON

natural born leaders and identifying the traits of the effect leader. c…EFFEC

Behavioural leadership then followed and focus on the actions of a dED……..

leader.The situational and contingent theories in turn asserts that the best e…S

leadership style are the one that better fits a given context. These f is
leadership theories offered part from the answer to the leadership puzzle
but none had all the answer. These were than followed by the new
I which
leadership theories, who are inclusive of additional factors, generally
K more
adopt a much systemic approach to leadership and take into account the
L nature
multifaceted and complex natural of our modern world and the M followerhip

importance of felowership in effect leadership.

Future perfect:
The future perfect refers to a completed action in the future. It is used:
• to express an action that will have happened before a specific time in the future
The leader of our new corporation will have been here for six months on June 23rd .
• With a time expression using by + a point in future time.
Our board of directors will have finished their work by next week.
To make negative sentences in future perfect tense, we follow the following format.

Subject + will + not + have + Past Participle of verb + Object (if any)

For example,

The team workers will not have eaten their lunch during the break.

We will not have finished the whole work if we do not speed up.

Elina and Helen will not have studied hard before the final exams approach.

How to ask questions in the future perfect tense?

In order to ask questions in perfect future tense, we follow the following format.

Will + subject + have + past participle + object (if any)

For example,

Will the subordinators have reached the headquarter before their manager do?

Future Perfect Continuous

will/shall have been + present participle
Use the future perfect continuous to emphasise how long something has been in progress by a
particular time in the future. It is often used with a for time phrase to denote a period of time.
Note that the activity is not necessarily over; it may be ongoing.
By May 2012, I will have been working in this office for twelve years.
I'll take the interview on 1 Jully. By then, I will have been living in England for two weeks.
Put the right form of the verb

Based on correct sales trends (reach) ………………our sales objectives before the end of this
month. If sales continue at this rate, then by the end of the quarter we (beat )…………..our
sales targets by close to 10%. On the down side, we (increase)…………….. production to
meet demand, meaning by the end of the quarter we (go)……………. over budget on our
labour cost predictions."

Based on correct sales trends we will have reached our sales objectives before the
end of this month. If sales continue at this rate, then by the end of the quarter we
will have beaten our sales targets by close to 10%. On the down side, we will
have to increase production to meet demand, meaning by the end of the quarter we

will have gone over budget on our labour cost predictions."

 James will have been teaching at the university for more than a year
by the time he leaves for Asia.

Warming up:

It is said that leadership and management are two sides of the same coin.

what do you think?

Key words:

Day today operation/planning/ subordinates /leading/inspiration/


The argument on he concept of leadership and management in institutions have
been in existence for decades .Turning to etymology is of little help. ‘Manage’ comes from
Italian maneggiare, which means to handle or lead a horse. ‘Lead’ comes from the Old
English lædan, which means to guide or carry through. Essentially, their etymological and
lexical meanings are largely the same. The only way to really differentiate between
leadership and management then is to define the two roles in the context of their role within a
business, their psyches, and what they bring to an organization. Experts in the field have
noticed that the underlying processes in both leadership and management have not
significantly changed in recent years. The dynamics of the globalization of economies
however, have made them become much more complex in relation to the 21st century
organizational activities. Though they are usually used interchangeably, Leaders and
managers are two different procedures which complement each other .

Leadership and management have several connections in relation to their differences.

the definition of leadership include the leader’s ability in social influence and his effort in
setting a goal, whiles management focuses on processes involved in achieving those
organizational goals. Leaders take the responsibility of having a vision of what is achievable
in an organization and then convey it to workers in order to carve out processes for achieving
the set vision. Their efforts also include motivating workers as well as negotiating for the
necessary resources in achieving their target. Managers on the other hand make sure the
available limited resources are utilized well to get the best results.

Some may think that every manager is a leader but this is not the case because some managers
do not exhibit leadership skills and likewise some leaders also lead in an organization without
managerial position. This has created a continuous theoretical confusion on the differences
between leadership and management. Some scholars are of the view that leadership and
management do relate but they are not synonymous to each other. Others to some extent even
view them as two opposite concepts such that a strong leader cannot function as a good
manager and vice versa.

In a landmark paper published in 1999 entitled ‘Managers and Leaders: Are They Different’,
Abraham Zaleznik, a former professor at Harvard Business School, argued that the traditional
conception of management creating and following processes meant to maximize efficiency
and delegate authority is about maintaining the path of the organization and about handling the
day-to-day operations of the organization. – disregarded critical aspects of leadership, including
vision, inspiration and passion. Leaders, Zaleznik argued, are more like artists than managers.
While managers concern themselves with creating structures and order, leaders embrace
chaos and throw themselves into the deep end.

As an example, consider the late Steve Jobs and Tim Cook, the current CEO of Apple.Steve
Jobs was a polarizing figure, a visionary who lead Apple from the depths of bankruptcy to
become the most valuable company in the world. Although he was crowned the ‘CEO of the
Decade’, Jobs’ primary role within Apple was to be a leader, not a manager. He was the
consummate artist-capitalist, leading his flock with visionary zeal.
The day to day running of Apple was handled by a team of expert managers lead by Tim
Cook. Tim’s role prior to becoming the CEO was Chief of Operations. It was Cook’s laser
sharp focus on operations that enabled Apple to fine tune its supply chain and negotiate
profitable margins from vendors. Apple owes its success as much to Jobs and his iconic
product vision, as to Cook and his operations and strategic innovations.

I/Reading comprehension

These statements are false correct them with details from the text

a/every manager is undoubtedly a leader Although managers are responsible for planning,
coordinating, and organizing tasks and activities within an organization, their role certainly
demands leadership skills. While a manager is a job title, a leader is a state of being.


b/According to Zaleznik point of view there is no difference between leadership and


Though they are usually used interchangeably, Leaders and managers are two different
procedures which complement each other .

Some may think that every manager is a leader but this is not the case because some managers
do not exhibit leadership skills and likewise some leaders also lead in an organization without
managerial position


1/What are the major characteristics of the leadership ?

, including vision, inspiration and passion. Leaders, Zaleznik argued, are more like artists than


2/what type of leader do you think Steve Jobs was?

He was the consummate artist-capitalist, leading his flock with visionary zeal.


3/Do you think Tim Cook follow the same steps as Steve Jobs to achieve success in Apple.

Apple owes its success as much to Jobs and his iconic product vision, as to Cook and his
operations and strategic innovations.


Find words in the text that mean the same as



3/very famous…………..iconic




7+ Group =flock


9/be indebted=…owes…….

Fill in the blank with the right word there is one extra word

Strategy/ value / assets/ global/ strengths/achieved/ deal/committed/ impressive/

“It's an honour to take the helm at Anglo American,” Cynthia Carroll said of her appointment.
“Anglo American has a unique collection of assets………, skilled and dedicated people,
financial and technical lstrenghs…………, and a strong underpinning of values and sense of
responsibility. A great deal………has been achieved in recent years and the company is on
the course to realise the next stage of its strategy…………..of becoming a focused mining
group and global……leader in the metals and mining industry. It has an…impressive……….
project pipeline and enormous potential for growth and value……….creation. I look forward
to building on this work and am …committed…………to working with Anglo's many
talented and committed individuals around the world to realise the Company's full potential.”

Put the right form or tense

An organization that is established as an instrument or means for(achieve)…achieving………

defined objectives has been referred to as a formal organization. Its
design( specify)specifies…………. how goals are subdivided and reflected in subdivisions of
the organization. Divisions, departments, sections, positions, jobs, and tasks make up this
work structure. Thus, the formal organization (expect) is expected……………to behave
impersonally in regard to relationships with clients or with its members. According to Weber's
definition, entry and subsequent advancement is by merit or seniority. Each
employee( receive)…receives…...... a salary and enjoys a degree of tenure that safeguards
him from the arbitrary influence of superiors or of( power)…powerful……… clients. The
(high) higher………….his position in the hierarchy, the greater his presumed( expert)…
expertise………. in adjudicating problems that may arise in the course of the work( carry)
carried……….. out at lower levels of the organization. It is this( bureaucrate)bureaucratic
………….. structure that forms the basis for the appointment of heads or chiefs of( administer
)…administrative…………… subdivisions in the organization and endows them with the
authority attached to their position.

Circle the right option

(Entrepreneur, entrepreneurial,entrepreneurs)…………….leadership is imperative for

(molding, molded, mold)……………. a group of people(for,with, into)……….. a team,
shaping them into a force that serves as a (sustainable,sustains,sustainability)………………
business advantage. Effective leaders have an (inspire, inspired, inspiring vision)…………….
Foresight and change anticipation in (there, their, this)………… hallmark. Leaders
(know,known;knows)……….. how to make people function in a (collaboration,
collaborated,collaborative)……………… fashion, and how to motivate them to excel their

1/A company form of business organisation is a-the company remains in existence.

known as a Joint Stock Company.
b-law and can be dissolved only by law.
2/ The business is thus established by
c-separate from its members.
3/ Those who contribute capital
d-and it is divided into a number of units called
4/Joint Stock Company has a legal existence shares.

5/ This implies that even if its members die, e-which is a voluntary association of persons
who usually contribute capital to carry on a
6/The total capital of a joint stock company is particular type of business.
called share capital
f-become members of the company.

1+E 2+B 3+F 4+C 5+A 6+D

In each line there is a mistake correct it in the provided space:

As a leader, Bezos display excellent communication skills. He has a…displays……..

demonstrated these skills with motivating and inspiring his team to b…by

chare his vision and dedicate their time and effort towards actualize c…actualizing……..
Toma, and AndriÈ explain that leaders which utilize
transformational e…have…….

leadership must had good communication skills since their f…relies……..

effectiveness rely on their ability to inspire and motivate others. g…requires……

Another key that Bezos acquire is the ability to influence others. h…influence…..

Taylor defines influencing skills as having a superior ability to duce I thoughts……..

a change for behavior, attitude, thinks, and mastery to accommodate j…founded…..

proponents’ wishes. Notably, Bezos found Amazon in 1995, in the k rented……..

garage of his rent home. Less than two decades later, the l…has grown…..

grow into the most valuable brand and has more than 750,000

Phrasel verb:
Back Up something is to make a copy of information on a computer (for example, files and
programmes) so that you do not lose it.
Bail Out somebody or something is to help a person or business in difficulty (especially
financial difficulties).
Bring Forward something is to change its date or time so that it happens earlier than
Bring Off something is to succeed in achieving something difficult
Burn Out is to become extremely tired or ill because of too much work or stress.
Cash Up is to count all the money taken by a shop or business at the end of the working day.
UK and Australian English.
Close Down something , e.g. a business or factory, is to close it permanently so that it stops
doing business.
Contract Out something is to arrange for another company to do some work instead of your
Draw Up Tsomething is to prepare a document or plan.
Drum Up something is to try and increase interest in something, or support for something.
Fall Through If a business deal or an arrangement falls through it does not happen
Fill in for somebody is to do their work because they are away
Lay Off If a business lays off workers it stops employing them because there is no more work
for them to do.
Measure Up is to be good enough; to have the necessary abilities, skills or qualities.
Pick Up If something picks up, it increases or improves after a slow start or a bad period.
Pull out something means to withdraw from an agreement, or stop taking part in an activity.
Run Buy something by someone is to tell them something so that they can consider it and
give their opinion.
To sign up is to agree to do something, or to take part in something, by signing one's name
To step down is to leave your job (usually an important job or position), especially so that
someone else can do it
To step up something (or step something up) is to do more of an activity, work harder at it, or
increase the level or strength of something in order to improve a situation.
To take over something is to get control of a company.
Or to start doing something that someone else was responsible for before you
Let’s practice
Choose the right phrasal verb from the above examples :

We haven't had a customer for an hour. Let's …cash up…………………. and go home.
They have……brought………. my interview ……up…………. to tomorrow!
He is unemployed because the factory where he worked has……closed down……………….
I've …drawn up…………….an employment contract for you to sign.
They are threatening to …pull out………….of the deal if you don’t sign the documents today.
We drummed up lots of new customers with our special offers.
Our government has …contracted out……………………. hospital cleaning services to the
private sector.
Plans to build a new superstore in the town have ……fallen through………………..
Politicians are confident that economic growth is …picking up………………….
Janet is ill. I need someone to …fill in…………….. for her.
Your ideas for the business are very interesting; I’ll ……run… them by…… my boss.
Your new Manager has promised to increase turnover by 40%. Do you really think he can …
bring…… it …off..?
She had a very stressful job and was…burnt out……………..within a year.
Many companies …laid off…………………workers during the recession.
The airline was taken over……………….. by its shareholders.
We lost all our work because we didn’t back ……. it …up…..

Leadership challenges in the V.U.C.A world

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot
learn, unlearn, and relearn.” –Alvin Toffler

Ps:In our fast-paced, ever-evolving world, the quest for knowledge

has become more crucial than ever before. However, learning alone
is no longer enough. To truly thrive and succeed, we must also be
willing to unlearn outdated beliefs and perspectives and embrace
the process of relearning.

Bob Johanson dans son livre de 2007 ‘Get There Early: Sensing the
Future to Compete in the Present’.

Business is all about risk taking and managing uncertainties and turbulence

Mr. Spock once said: “Change is the essential process of all

existence.” As the world shifts and grows all around us, this quote
seems all the more relevant.

Warming up:
What is VUCA? How can leaders adopt to the fast-paced transformations of the VUCA

Can leader’s old models and styles be effective in the 21 st Century?

Key Words:

VUCA/ unpredictable/proactive/agile/disruption/FUD/mitigation/BANI/


The VUCA World is considerably impacting work across governments, sectors, industries, businesses

and organizations right from multi-national companies, public sector corporations, small and medium

enterprises . The affect is seen in changing business models, organizational designs, structures and

performance. The volatility and uncertainty in the business environment has confronted leaders with

difficulty in predicting future competitive conditions. The complexity and ambiguity in understanding

technological advances, customer markets and digital media have complicated strategy formulation

and implementation that appear to be an exercise in futility. Leadership is not only increasingly

challenged in conducting business but also being probed the way they lead their human resources

and companies towards sustainability.

The modern world has ushered in the Fourth Industrial Revolution - one of progressive, cutting-

edge technologies. Therefore, the focus is on how to assess strategies which leaders can adopt

proactively to encounter this fast paced transformations and technological disruptions in the VUCA


Alibaba and Tencent are already providing worldwide competition in game changing technologies of

Artificial Intelligence, Drone technology, robotics and project to become world leaders in AI by 2030.

The acronym VUCA - Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity is being used much too

frequently to describe our current world. It was originally used in the American Military to define

extremely complicated positions in Iraq and Afghanistan. The competencies, skills and knowledge of

corporate leaders, once winning fortune have unexpectedly become bare minimum requirements to
succeed in the business world. This much talked about catchphrase discussed by today’s leaders in

annual meetings describes current business affairs. Any efforts to analyze and formulate future

strategy and plans to respond to changing environment are rendered useless in VUCA condition.

Transforming Business Models In today’s business scenario, VUCA is not voluntary and neither is it

avoidable. Its impact is tremendous, altering rules of carrying out business. In recent times, highly

successful business painstakingly built over time, Nokia had to sell their mobile division to Microsoft

due to their inability to adapt to Smartphone technology. Kodak could not survive in this turbulent

environment as it did not evolve to digital technology although it invented the digital camera but did

not pursue its own innovation. Therefore, in 2012, Kodak a company worth $28 billion market

capitalization with 95,000 employees went bankrupt while Instagram, a digital photo-sharing app, at

the time was a startup with 13 employees, was acquired by Facebook for $1 billion.

VUCA has greatly affected rules of conducting business, ascertaining leader’s expertise to manage

human capital, technology and lead organizations successfully. VUCA needs leaders to unfreeze

traditional functioning philosophy, learn to think futuristically and adapt new competencies. It’s

becoming important for organizations to identify competencies and knowledge suitable for surviving

in the VUCA world and developing their leaders accordingly. Ten years ago, disruption meant

bringing a product or service in the market that people needed but did not have, finding a way to

produce it with higher quality and lower costs than the competitors. This entailed hiring hundreds of

employees, requiring large physical space to put them in and waiting years for hard work to pay off in


Today, digital technologies are developing at exponential rates of change; the landscape of 21st-

century business has taken on a dramatically different look and feel. The structure of organizations is

changing. Instead of thousands of employees and large physical plants, modern start-ups are small

organizations focused on information technologies. They dematerialize what was once physical and

create new products and revenue streams in months, sometimes weeks. It no longer takes a huge

corporation to have a huge impact. Technology is disrupting traditional industrial processes, and they

are never going back.

This disruption is filled with opportunity for forward-looking, progressive entrepreneurs. The

potential for entrepreneurs to disrupt industries and companies, who unexpectedly go extinct, has

never been greater. Powerful technologies that were once only available to huge organizations and

governments are becoming more accessible and affordable thanks to digitization. Anything that

becomes digitized grows exponentially as digital information is easy to access, share and distribute

spreading at the speed of the internet. The technological progression has been leading to enormous

upheaval and opportunity.

Reading comprehension

VUCA is an acronym coined in 1987, based on the leadership theories of Warren

Bennis and Burt Nanus, to describe or to reflect on the volatility, uncertainty,
complexity and ambiguity of general conditions and situations.

The best leadership style in a VUCA world is adaptive leadership. It involves being
flexible, agile, and responsive to navigate uncertainty, inspire innovation, and lead
through change effectively.

What are the steps that leader can take to meet the VUCA challenge?

Be direct in complex situations=transparency in inforpation communicated and received will gain

mutual trust and collaborative efforts

Be reliable in volatile situations= follow through on what is said and agreed to will accelerate positive

momentum, be understandable in ambiguous situations = clarity in perpose, direction, and

responsibilities will empower others, be trustworthy in certain situations)= invest in people, keep

teems engaged, involve partners, seek to understand, speak to be understood, act with respect


To navigate VUCA times successfully, leaders need to be alert and

open to changing their tactics and plans. They should be flexible to
shifting tangentially from the original approach when needed.
Awareness of external factors influencing the business is essential
for leaders to adjust the course and pace internally.

Correct those false information

Nowadays the structure of the organizations is stagnant

encounter this fast paced transformations and technological disruptions in the VUCA environment.

According to the author traditional industrial processes are coming back soon

they’re never going back.

Digitization is negatively affecting new businesses

The technological progression has been leading to enormous upheaval and opportunity .

4/ Competencies, skills and knowledge are paramount for the success of any corporate

leaders in the VUCA world.

The competencies, skills and knowledge of corporate leaders, once winning fortune have

unexpectedly become bare minimum requirements to succeed in the business world.

Find in the text words that means the same as





Match words in column A with their definition in B

Volatilility a-is unclear and the present future is uncertain .

Uncertainty b-there is a lack of clarity or awareness about situations.

Complexity c-many different, interconnected factors come into play, with the
potential to cause chaos and confusion.
d-hange is rapid and unpredictable in its nature and extent.

1+ D /2+A /3+ C 4+B

From the old VUCA acronym, guess the positive VUCA Prime


1/Volatile a-

2/Uncertain b-

3/Complex c-

4/Ambiguous d-
Volatile= the speed of change in an industry, market or world exp: cash transaction to cashless POS

QR transfers; uncertain= the covid pandemic unpredictable, the present is unclear n the future is

uncertain, complex=many different,unterconnected factors come into play, with the potential to

cause chaos and confusion, ambiguous= there is a luck of clarity or awareness about situations

VISION +Accept and embrace change/UNDERSTANDING = review and evaluate your

performance/CLARITY =communicate clearly with people/AGILITY= promote

flexibility,adaptability,and agilitity

Fill in the blanks

organizational long-term gradually unpredictable emphasize competencies courageously

approach nutshell effective

Being a leader in the VUCA world means having to realize that rigid LONG
TERM…………..planning does not always make sense. For many projects as well as
departments, an agile approach is more …EFFECTIVE………: Following the agile mindset,
more space should be created for COURAGously……………testing new ideas. And more
emphasize…………….should be put on “learning while doing.”

In a nutshell…………our world has become more VUCA than it was before. To gain a
competitive advantage in this…UNPREdectible…………….., quickly changing business
environment, business leaders should commit themselves to work on their NOPA…
competencies……………... They should create the right networks and use their power. They
should create an…ORGANIZ…………. climate of openness rather than punishing mistakes.
They should gradually……………allow employees to take more and more responsibility and
thus allow them to participate. And they should apply an agile…approach…………, wherever
it makes sense.

Circle the right option

Today’s VUCA world is rife with ‘wicked ‘problems that necessitate finding solutions by

networks of public, private and non-profit organizations. Such a world demands that leaders

(develop,development,developing) the capabilities to mobilize individuals, organizations,

and networks(includes, including,included) those beyond national boundaries to formulate

and enact specific prescriptions.(increased,increase, increasingly) management

professionals are being seen as(influencing, influencers,influence) and ‘public leaders’

shaping and influencing debates in the public sphere. The focus has shifted to how leaders

representing(corporation, corporate, corporated) and non-profit organizations contribute to

the broader public interest (to , with,for) the larger social welfare.

Put the words in the right form or tense

Agility( mean)…s………. the cyclic back-and-forth between( plann)…ing……… and

implementation that is, between “reflect” and “act.” Each mini-test is reflected. Each

intermediate result (analyze)…………., and on this (base)basis……… the next test balloon

or the next step is developed. The agile procedure in iterative loops explicitly includes the

(possible)…ity……….. that a decision( make)…making……….. is revised and a path taken

is completely abandoned or at least corrected. This permanent readjustment promotes (adapt)

……adaptability………, self-responsibility, and reaction speed of all ( employ)…

ees……… and thus of the entire company. Through high agility, organizations can adapt

to(change)…ing………….circumstances and volatile customer needs more quickly, giving

them a massive (compete)…etive…………advantage over their( compete)…



Match sentences in column A to that of B to get a cohertabilityent paragraphe


1/In an attempt to enhance work a-in training highly specialized experts

and overburdening managers with
quality, leadership roles.

b-leading to a
2/However, this strategy often results
convoluted organizational structure.
c-companies fragment activities into
3/This added complexity doesn’t finer tasks.
always translate to proportional

1+C 2+A 3+B

In each line there is a mistake underline it and correct it in the provided space

Telecommunications, marked by volatile chifts, reflects the

essence of VUCA. Rapid technology advancements render
1+ devices and services obsoleete at an unprecedented pace.
As c…………

exemplified by samsung’s experience, the fluctuating

smartphone market and evolve technologies like 5G influence
profitability. Samsung, a dominant player in memorial chips,
smartphones, and TVs, faced a significative profitable decline

due to falling chip prices, illustrate the impact of volatile on g……….

market leaders.


FUD+fear=uncertainty =doubt/OODA=observe=orient=decide=act
Telecommunications, marked by volatile shifts, reflects the essence of VUCA.
Rapid technological advancements render devices and services obsolete at an
unprecedented pace. As exemplified by Samsung’s experience, the fluctuating
smartphone market and evolving technologies like 5G influence profitability.
Samsung, a dominant player in memory chips, smartphones, and TVs, faced a
significant profit decline due to falling volving-g chip prices, illustrating the impact
of volatility on market leaders.

In an attempt to enhance work quality, companies fragment activities into finer

tasks. However, this strategy often results in training highly specialized experts and
overburdening managers with leadership roles. This added complexity doesn’t
always translate to proportional effectiveness, leading to a
convoluted organizational structure.
 Businesses seeking to boost sales broaden their service offerings and
expand product variety. Unfortunately, each product’s individual
planning, development, and marketing contribute to elevated product
 Endeavours to accelerate work pace and meet tighter deadlines can
inadvertently sideline standards and meticulous planning, ultimately
elevating the intricacy of operational processes.

For succeeding in this VUCA world, organizations must be adaptive and agile focusing on following

parameters: 1. Create an environment of openness that values innovation, diverse perspectives, and

experimentation. 2. Identify weak indicators that forecast shifts in customer loyalty or opportunities

enabled by new technology 3. Conduct interactive dialogues that put new ideas into context of the

company’s work and translate new information into differentiating capabilities 4. Explore business

challenges to find the learning gaps for individuals, teams, and the organization’s practices,

processes, and systems

The business world has changed dramatically over the past few decades, and we
now live in a connected society where change can be fast-paced, constant and

Rapid advances in technology created an environment where the internet,

smartphones, and social media are ubiquitous, and global events such as the
2008 financial crisis, the COVID pandemic, and, most recently, conflict in
Ukraine, have increased the sense of turbulence, danger and unpredictability.

A state of flux has replaced the sense of certainty, stability and familiarity that
people were used to. This type of environment can be described using the
"VUCA" acronym, which stands for "Volatile," "Uncertain," "Complex," and

Using VUCA can help leaders manage the ever-changing modern business

What is the best leadership style in a VUCA world?

How does adaptive leadership help in a VUCA world?
Adaptive leadership helps in a VUCA world by enabling leaders to quickly adapt to changing
circumstances, make informed decisions, inspire resilience, encourage creativity, and foster a
culture of continuous learning and innovation.

Key Takeaways

 Agility and responsiveness: In a VUCA world, the best leadership entails

making quick decisions, being adaptable, and having the flexibility to
change course when necessary.
 Good emotional management, relationship-building, and support during
times of ambiguity and uncertainty are all traits of good leaders.
 Strategic and visionary thinking: Leaders should motivate followers,
provide a clear direction, and think strategically to foresee upcoming
obstacles and seize new chances.

The subjunctive mood expresses hypothetical ideas or desires and
reflects a subjective attitude toward the statement. It conveys
hypothetical situations and expresses a wish, demand, or suggestion. In
simple terms, it describes actions that have not happened.

Here are a few examples of sentences in the subjunctive mood:

 If I were the leader, I would address the agricultural

problem. (hypothetical situation)
 Hannah wishes she were a leader. (wish)
 I demand that he be present at the meeting. (demand)
 The team leader suggests that his collegues take a
break. (suggestion)

 Subjunctive Mood Rules

 The verbs in the subjunctive mood deviate from the regular
tenses rule. In the sentence, “It is recommended that the
management review its quarterly budget,” the main verb is in
its base form instead of the third-person singular present tense

Verbs that attract Subjunctive mood :

suggest, insist, command, wish recommend, ask, order,and demand

Adjectives that attract Subjunctive mood :

important, necessary, essential, imperative, and crucial

Turn to the subjunctive

We are successful in this business.

I wish that they……be……. successful in this business.

Japan’s market has very sophisticated goods

I wish that Japan’s market ……have……very sophisticated goods

The candidates have complicated assignments

The supervisors request the candidates don’t……have….. complicated assignments
The boss was remorseful of his mistake.

If I …were….. the boss, I …would be………….. remorseful for my actions.

It is necessary for the growth of the country that the

government provide quality education to the people.

Locate the error in each sentence,correct it, and rewrite the sentence correctly.

My boss demands that I’m on time everyday.

Did you propose the project completion date to be moved up?
When will their boss request that they will hand in the final draft?
Did I hear your coworker say that it is necessary that visitors will sign in.

Digital leader
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that
survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”

Warming up :
Who is digital leader?
What are the skills required for a digital leader?
What are the most known digital leader’s roles?
Pioneering /energizing / millennial /adaptable / Gen Z /digital literacy/
In the age of digital transformation, technology has become an integral part of the workplace.
The hybrid office and the growing Gen Z workforce are changing the
way organizations function, and leaders must adapt to keep up. The requirements for leaders
in a digital work environment are different and new, and it is important for HR and L&D
managers to understand what it takes to succeed in this new era of leadership. Let’s explore
the topic of leadership in the digital age, its challenges, and the skills that leaders need to
leadership development in the digital age is about “equipping leaders with the digital skills
and knowledge they need to lead their teams effectively in a digital world.” This means
introducing them to new technologies, such as data analytics, artificial intelligence, and
automation, and showing them the way to improve business operations. It also means
teaching them how to manage remote teams, work collaboratively, and communicate
effectively in a digital environment.

As organizations continue to embrace digital transformation, the role of a leader is changing.

In the past, leadership was about giving orders and making decisions. In the digital age,
however, leaders need to be more collaborative and inclusive. They need to create a culture of
innovation and encourage their teams to experiment and take risks. They also need to be
flexible and adaptable, able to change course quickly when new technologies or market
conditions emerge.

Steve Denning, suggests that the new leadership style in the digital age is about creating a
sense of purpose and meaning for employees. He writes, “Leaders need to be storytellers,
inspirig their teams with a compelling vision and narrative that aligns with the organizatinon’s
goals and values.” This is especially important for the Gen Z workforce, who value
meaningful work and purpose-driven careers.

Why should leaders focus on this group? because Gen Z and millennials combined are the
largest, most diverse media user in history and they are part of the digital revolution. In order
to succeed in a digital world, companies need to find ways to implement strategies to be
aligned with the needs of these digital generations. Leadership in the digital age comes with
its own set of challenges. One of the biggest challenges is managing a hybrid workforce. With
more people working from home or remote locations, leaders need to find new ways to keep
their teams engaged and productive. This requires new communication strategies and tools,
such as video conferencing, project management software, and collaboration platforms. It also
requires leaders to be more empathetic and understanding, as their team members may be
dealing with personal or family issues that impact their work. .

Finally, it’s important to remember that leadership in the digital age is not just the
responsibility of the top executives. Every employee can be a leader in their own right, and
it’s important to create a culture of leadership throughout the organization. By empowering
employees at all levels to take ownership and leadership over their work, organizations can
drive innovation and growth from the ground up.
The future of work is digital, and leaders who are prepared to embrace this change and lead
their teams effectively will be the ones who succeed. The digital age provides an opportunity
for leaders to create more meaningful and purpose-driven work for their employees, as well as
drive innovation and growth for their organizations. By investing in leadership development
in the digital age, organizations can position themselves for success in the years to come.

Reading comprehension

1/Correct these false statement.

a-Autocratic model is so successful in the digital era


b-Managing team work in the digital age is an easy task.


c-Top executives are the only responsible leadership in the digital era .


2/Explain in your own words “inspiring their teams with a compelling vision”
3/Find words in the text that mean the same as:

b-Prosper =…………………….. thrive

d-Come out=……………….emerge

A digital leader is a leader that is proactive about exploring how

information technology (IT) can help their organisation become
more responsive to their customers' needs, deliver better products
and services (or deliver them differently) and adapt to a changing

 Think Strategically to Build Digital Vision and Strategy. ...

 Communicate Clearly to Realize Projects. ...
 Be Flexible in Managing Innovation. ...
 Make Quality Decisions About Technology. ...
 Know Your People and Manage Wisely.

2. .

4/Put the words in the right tense or form

A region’s competitiveness is manifested in the commercial success or( fail) …………of its
companies. In essence, (improve)……… competitiveness means increasing productivity.
European competitiveness and productivity (grow)……… have been deeply linked to the
ability to promote innovation and use new technologies that are capable of
transforming( produce) …………….sectors and companies. In recent years, however,
European investments (to move)……………further and further away from the countries that
lead (technology) ………………innovation. Both GDP per capita and labour productivity in
the Eurozone have increased more slowly than in the US. According to a study by the
McKinsey Global Institute, between 2014 and 2019 European companies (grow) ………on
average 40%( slow)…….. than their US peers and invested 40% less in Research and
Development (R&D). As a result, Europe’s ability to lead the world economy (weak)
………………………..and this trend clearly needs to be reverted.
Failure-improving-growth-productive-have moved-technological-grew-slower-has

5/Fill in the blanks with the right word

gap / seek /hires./ inclinations / mind-set/ agenda /widely/ requisite/ hurdle/

The digital talent gap is……………… recognized as a critical challenge for companies
……………transformation. PwC’s most recent Digital IQ study found that the lack of
properly skilled teams was considered the number one …………to achieving expected results
from digital technology investments. In another telling finding, the survey revealed that 46
percent of CDOs are external ………….Bridging the talent requires companies to identify the
types of skills they need and those they lack, and to create a talent strategy that will ensure
that their people can put the digital ………..into practice. This will include some combination
of training and hiring, as well as bringing the skills in-house through acquisition. Leaders will
also need to be aware of cultural ………………to keep things the way they’ve always been a
…………that can slow adoption of new digital initiatives.

The digital talent gap is widely recognized as a critical challenge for companies seek in
transformation. PwC’s most recent Digital IQ study found that the lack of properly skilled
teams was considered the number one hurdle to achieving expected results from digital
technology investments. In another telling finding, the survey revealed that 46 percent of
CDOs are external hires.

Bridging the talent gap requires companies to identify the types of skills they need and those
they lack, and to create a talent strategy that will ensure that their people can put the digital
agenda into practice. This will include some combination of training and hiring, as well as
bringing the requisite skills in-house through acquisition. Leaders will also need to be aware
of cultural inclinations to keep things the way they’ve always been — a mind-set that can
slow adoption of new digital initiatives.

Circle the right option

Ambracing change can mean(adopted, adoption, adopting )new technology—71% of digital-

ready CIOs strongly (agrees,agree,agreed) that they’re responsible for driving the adoption of
(disrupting,disruptive,disrupt) technologies like cloud, mobile, and analytics—but it might
also refer more(broad, broadly, broadness) to changing established processes, team structure,
or expectations. In Leading Edge Forum, Michael Leckie writes, “Will your leaders embrace
the potentially radical shift in what your company is and(do, did does), and will they thrive in
the ambiguity that exists in between? Will they be bold enough to force clarity and put the
real problems on the table? Do they have the capabilities and skills to lead in the new culture
that you are asking them to build? And, finally: Will they be willing to drive change(in, with,
by )starting with the changes they have to make themselves and modeling these for
their(following, followers,flowers)?”



1/ Successfully driving a digital a-disrupting the way companies develop and

transformation at your organization sell their products or services.

2/ Innovative digital technologies like b-“digital leader” at your organization

chatbots and AI that deliver real-time data capable of driving this kind of
insights are rapidly transformation.

3/ Organizations that stay ahead of this c-will be the ones that capture higher profits
digital revolution and market share.

4/However, you’ll need a new kind of d-requires rethinking your leadership talent.
1+D 2+A 3+C 4+B

In every line there is a mistake correct it in the space provided

This openness to learning and discovry is essential in today’s world of a…………

work since laeders face many challenges that they’ve likely never b………..

encountered before, and new technology developments are changing c…………

the very nature at work itself. In an HR Times article, Hatfield and Roesch d………..

write, “Our research show that the most valuable learning happens in e……….

actual business situations that inquire leaders to stretch, and in f………..

workplaces that support leadership develop objectives.” g………

A=discovery-b=leaders –c=technological –d=of- e=shows-f=require-g=development

1/A digital leader is a leader that is proactive about exploring how information
technology (IT) can help their organisation become more responsive to their
customers' needs, deliver better products and services (or deliver them differently)
and adapt to a changing environment.

 2/ Digital Vision. Technology is a constantly evolving and dynamic thing! ...

 Advocacy Abilities. Often, the core values that are necessary for any leader will
remain the same, regardless of the era. ...
 Communication. ...
 Adaptability. ...
 Understanding.
1. 3/ A creative disrupter. The digital leader keeps a pulse on trends that are applicable
to the business, both short- and long-term. ...
2. A customer champion. The digital leader has deep insight into the organization's
customers. ...
3. A risk taker. ...
4. A change agent. ...
5. A determined leader.

1/, the role of a leader is changing. In the past, leadership was about giving orders and
making decisions. In the digital age, however, leaders need to be more collaborative and
inclusive. They need to create a culture of innovation and encourage their teams to experiment
and take risks. They also need to be flexible and adaptable, able to change course quickly
when new technologies or market conditions emerge.

2/ Leadership in the digital age comes with its own set of challenges.

3/ is not just the responsibility of the top executives. Every employee can be a leader in their
own right, and it’s important to create a culture of leadership throughout the organization

4/ Creating a compelling vision for a team means understanding

their needs, aligning the vision with the organization's goals and
painting a clear picture of the future. It's about engaging with the
team, defining a meaningful purpose, articulating the vision vividly,
and communicating it with clarity and enthusiasm

Ps:Course to give in the class to master

Unbridled Leaders understand that our world has never been more
interconnected, nor our fates more intertwined. The complexity and
uncertainty of twenty-first-century business environments call into
question the effectiveness of traditional, hierarchical approaches to
leadership. It is time to reimagine leadership for the complex,
uncertain, connected world we live in today. We are living in a VUCA
World (Volatile, Complex, Uncertain, and Ambiguous) and these
dimensions are fundamentally changing the way we need to lead.

So let's examine each dimension of VUCA and what it means to us.

Volatility: We don't know when or how contagious the next

mutation of the Covid virus will affect us. We must prepare for
droughts, floods, and fires being caused by global warming. We
must also prepare for economic slowdowns and rapid increases in

Volatility occurs when we can't answer the when or how

much questions
Uncertainty: We don’t actually know how our customer’s needs will
change, moment to moment. We don’t know how learning will be
reinvented to address environmental or travel concerns. We don’t
know how competitors are going to pivot. It is vital to create diverse
networks of intelligence to achieve a depth of understanding.

Uncertainty pervades when we don't know what is about

to happen
Complexity: There are multiple forces outside of our control, some
visible and some invisible that are affecting the outcome of events.
Cause and effect relationships are unclear. Look for emerging
patterns that bring clarity to what is happening and what is actually
influencing the outcomes. Those who have the most clarity have the
most influence.

Complexity occurs when the cause and effect variables are

separated by time.
Ambiguity: We are not sure how the market or customers will
respond to new products or services. The name of the game is
experimentation, and course correction based on feedback.

Ambiguity exists when there is lack of understanding as

to why something is happening and what it means.
So in a VUCA world the question leaders need to wrestle with is
what is in our control.

The Antidote: VUCA Prime

Bob Johansen in his book Full-Spectrum Thinking provides a

solution to the VUCA dilemma which he refers to as VUCA Prime
and it reveals the actions you need to take to mitigate each aspect
of VUCA. In effect VUCA Prime is the antidote to the uncertainty we
are all facing.

He suggests that in order to mitigate volatility you need to yield to

vision. Uncertainty yields to understanding, complexity yields to
clarity and ambiguity yields to agility.

With this in mind Unbridled Leaders ensure that they always have a
really clear vision and purpose. They know why they are doing what
they are doing and where they are going. They have a clear GPS for
their business. They then gain an understanding on what the various
dynamics might be for their market. In my case will learning and
development training be in person, online or a hybrid version and
they make plans to respond to the different permutations. This
becomes simple when you have absolute clarity on what the core
capability or USP of your business, which in my case is experiential
learning and helping leaders navigate change by creating highly
engaged teams. And once leaders understand this they are in the
position to adopt an agile strategy that enables them to change tact
depending on the external conditions.

When Unbridled Leaders take this approach they are able to feel
more in control of what is happening and so can develop a sound
business strategy despite the prevailing VUCA conditions, which
could derail their original plans. They are able to guide their teams
through the uncertainty by creating sense of what is happening, so
that the team can discover this new landscape together. And by
continuing to move forward leaders ensures that the business does
not stand still but continues to evolve and thrive rather than just

Uncertainty is where possibility lives

And whilst many leaders might rue the VUCA world in which we
live Unbridled Leaders embrace this uncertainty as they know this is
where the possibility lies. Unbridled Leaders have the ability to
reframe the uncertainty and embrace not knowing. After all not
knowing is so much more interesting that being attached to answers
that might be wrong because quite frankly in a VUCA world no-one
has all the answers. And if everyone is clear and certain then nothing
has changed.

Unbridled Leaders recognise that the confusion that ensues is a sign

of progress as confusion and curiosity are the precursors to
achieving clarity. So their role is to lead their team through this
confusion so they can achieve clarity and move forward with intent.

Course 5 leadership sustainability

What is Sustainability leadership?
why is sustainability important in leadership?
What are the most important principles of sustainability leadership?
What are the 6R’s of sustainability?
leadership sustainability; sustainable development; TBL. conscious leadership; global
mindset; ethics for sustainability

Sustainable leadership can foster long-term relations with multiple stakeholders by

valuing their interests and engagement. Leaders can have sustainable corporate
development after implementing these behaviours: promoting the organisation’s
vision. Operationalising corporate social responsibility (CSR)

6R’s:rethink, refuse, reduce, reuse, repair and recycle.

TBL+ In economics, the triple bottom line (TBL) maintains that companies should commit to
focusing as much on social and environmental concerns as they do on profits. TBL theory
posits that instead of one bottom line, there should be three: profit, people, and the planet.

Reading Comprehension
Correct these false statement with information from the text
1/Some multinationals hardly make ends meet.
Many organizations, some with revenues greater than the GDP of entire nations, are becoming
increasingly international in terms of various businesses,
2/The depletion of natural resources will by no mean affect the future generation
we are currently using 50% more natural resources yearly than the Earth can replenish
and 30% of the world’s population lack clean water and basic hygiene. This trend has serious
consequences as it is estimated that if we continue with “business as usual” we will require
the resources of 2.9 planets to survive in 2050.


3/The drawbacks of TBD adaptation outweighs its advantages

, but nevertheless can be a source of competitive advantage as they are difficult to imitate

4/What are the most emergent practices that leaders should held for a better sustainability
we also propose that the development of spiritual capabilities is a particularly important
aspect ,as these reflect an emerging consciousness by leaders who are choosing to live their
lives and lead their organizations in ways that account for their impact on the earth, society,
and the health of local and global economies

5/ Find in the text words or expression nearly mean as:
a-Comprehensive/embracing§1………… encompassing
b-Break into pieces §1……………fragmented
e-Feeling §5……………sentient
f-Difficult to comprehend§5……………abstruse
6/What do the underlined words refer to?
b-“this” (§5 ) ………………sustainable leadership behavior
c-“that”(§6 )…………….. the economic, social, and environmental outcomes
Fill in the blanks
Fill in the blanks
detrimental /emphasis / undeniable/ ecological/ discarded/ self-transcendence/ broadest /whereby/

These two qualities of spirituality, self-transcendence and interconnectedness, are also inherent
to sustainability. Sustainability is most widely defined as a state of existence whereby social well-being
and quality of life is maintained without degrading the ecological systems upon which present and
future life depend . In tandem, sustainability and sustainable development seek a balance among
competing economic, environmental, and societal forces, with emphasis on the connections among
economic and social equity, and environmental quality. People and the Earth’s resources are not just
factors of production to be used and then discarded as waste when they become economically
useless . One term for this balanced emphasis that has seen wide acceptance is the triple bottom
line .
Finding a balance among contradictory demands for economically, socially, and environmentally
sustainable solutions is an undeniable leadership challenge that calls for a personal ethic that reaches
beyond self-interest . In its broadest sense, all approaches to sustainability assume the fundamental
dignity of human beings, other sentient beings, and the environment requiring mutual respect, caring,
and love ; that no human is entitled to diminish the well-being of another and that no generation has
the right to take actions detrimental to the generations to come. Leopold believed that giving an ethical
stand to nature requires a more spiritual view of our relationships with one another as well as to
nature. Pruzan and Pruzan-Mikkelsen , in interviews of spiritually motivated executives, found they
were most inspired by spiritual qualities such as love, caring for others, purpose, compassion, divinity,
and service

THE right tense

Paul Polman is a distinguished, executive level sustainability leader and former CEO of
Unilever, a 60 billion Euro International consumer goods company. When he became CEO
his ecocentric mindset played a role in challenging the status quo with respect to corporate
reporting. Despite considerable resistance, Polman stopped quarterly reporting to investors, as
he believed it encouraged short-term thinking and decision-making. He stated that “we needed
to remove the temptation to work
only toward the next set of numbers... Better decisions are being made. We have moved
to a more mature dialogue with our investor base”

Choose the right option

Dr Ken Blanchard, the co-developer of the(wide- widely-widen)………………used

Situational Leadership Model (remind-reminded-reminds )……………us that “the key to
successful leadership is influence, not authority”. This is(particular-particularize- particularly)
……………… the case (of-from-for)…………. sustainability leaders(gave- given-give)
……………. the need to exercise influence across boundaries (where-when-what)…………
the leader often(had-have- has )…………no authority over the people or groups they
are(seek-sought- seeking )……………to influence. When I think of(impact- impactful –
impacted)…………….sustainability leaders like Sir David Attenborough, Greta Thunberg
what strikes me the most is their ability to influence large and diverse groups of people
without any authority.

Sustained success requires a differentiated approach that reflects the competitive identity of the
organization. The organizational identity is understood as the character, profile, or personality of an
organization (Anttila and Jussila, 2014). The internal context of an organization consists of values,
culture, knowledge, and operational performance (Ibid.). Especially the business processes have the
main role in the internal context. Also, QM and QA have the same foundation. Management of an
organization consists of operational and strategic responsibilities (Figure 1), which are very different
managerial areas and based on different foundations. model has proved useful for managing a
comprehensive system of business processes

1+…e… 2+…a… 3+…d…. 4+…c……… 5+…f……. 6+……b…

Though the concept of sustainable development originally included a clear social

mandate, for two decades this human dimension has been neglected amidst abbreviated
references to sustainability that have focused on bio-physical environmental issues, or been
subsumed within a discourse that conflated ‘development’ and ‘economic growth’. The
widespread failure of this approach to generate meaningful change has led to renewed
interest in the concept of ‘social sustainability’ and aspects thereof.

Artificial intelligence has made significant advancements in recent
years, leading to the development of advanced language models like
Chat GPT. Chat GPT, now powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4 architecture,
is a sophisticated language model that has garnered attention in
various industries, including content writing. This article explores
the pros and cons of using Chat GPT for content writing, highlighting
its potential benefits and limitations.

What is Chat GPT?

Chat GPT is an artificial intelligence language model developed
by OpenAI. It utilizes deep learning techniques to generate human-
like text based on the input provided by the user. This language
model has been trained on a vast amount of data and can understand
and produce text in a conversational manner.

The Pros of Using Chat GPT for Content


Increased Efficiency
One of the significant advantages of using Chat GPT for content
writing is the potential for increased efficiency. Chat GPT can
generate text quickly, saving valuable time for content creators. It
can assist with tasks such as generating article outlines, providing
topic suggestions, or even writing paragraphs based on given
prompts. This accelerated content creation process can particularly
benefit writers facing tight deadlines.

Enhanced Creativity

Chat GPT’s ability to generate text in a conversational style can help

content writers unlock their creativity. It can provide fresh
perspectives, offer unique sentence structures, and suggest
alternative word choices. This feature allows writers to explore new
ideas and experiment with different writing styles, ultimately
enhancing the quality and originality of their content.

Language Assistance and Expansion

For non-native English speakers or writers seeking assistance with

language-related issues, Chat GPT can be an invaluable tool. It can
help identify and correct grammar mistakes, improve sentence
structure, and offer more concise and impactful phrasing
suggestions. Content creators can rely on Chat GPT’s language
assistance to enhance the overall clarity and professionalism of their

Topic Research and Content Generation

Chat GPT’s vast knowledge base can aid in topic research and
generation. Content writers can receive a wealth of information on
specific subjects by inputting relevant keywords or queries. This
feature can serve as a valuable starting point for research, providing
insights and ideas that can be further developed into comprehensive
articles. Chat GPT’s ability to generate coherent text also ensures
that the research is presented in a structured and engaging manner.

ced Creativity

Chat GPT’s ability to generate text in a conversational style can help

content writers unlock their creativity. It can provide fresh
perspectives, offer unique sentence structures, and suggest
alternative word choices. This feature allows writers to explore new
ideas and experiment with different writing styles, ultimately
enhancing the quality and originality of their content.

Language Assistance and Expansion

For non-native English speakers or writers seeking assistance with

language-related issues, Chat GPT can be an invaluable tool. It can
help identify and correct grammar mistakes, improve sentence
structure, and offer more concise and impactful phrasing
suggestions. Content creators can rely on Chat GPT’s language
assistance to enhance the overall clarity and professionalism of their

Topic Research and Content Generation

Chat GPT’s vast knowledge base can aid in topic research and
generation. Content writers can receive a wealth of information on
specific subjects by inputting relevant keywords or queries. This
feature can serve as a valuable starting point for research, providing
insights and ideas that can be further developed into comprehensive
articles. Chat GPT’s ability to generate coherent text also ensures
that the research is presented in a structured and engaging manner.

Multilingual Capabilities

Chat GPT supports multiple languages, making it a versatile tool for

content creators in different linguistic contexts. Whether it’s writing
articles in English, Spanish, French, or any other supported
language, Chat GPT can assist in generating text with fluency and
accuracy. This multilingual capability broadens the reach of content
writers and allows them to cater to diverse audiences.

The Cons of Using Chat GPT for Content


Lack of Human Creativity and Emotional Intelligence

While Chat GPT can offer creative suggestions, it lacks the depth of
human creativity and emotional intelligence. It is still an artificial
intelligence tool and may struggle to produce content with the same
level of nuance, empathy, and originality as a human writer. Human
creativity and emotional understanding are vital elements that may
be missed when relying solely on Chat GPT for content creation.

Potential Quality and Accuracy Issues

As with any AI writing tool, there is a risk of quality and accuracy

issues when using Chat GPT. While it excels in generating text, it
may occasionally produce inaccurate or nonsensical sentences.
Content writers must carefully review and edit the generated text to
ensure it aligns with their desired standards of quality and accuracy.

Ethical Concerns

The use of Chat GPT raises ethical concerns related to originality and
plagiarism. While the model generates text based on its training
data, content creators must ensure the content produced using Chat
GPT is unique and not copied from other sources. Ethical content
writing practices should be followed, and proper attribution must be
given where necessary.

Dependency on Technology

Relying solely on Chat GPT for content writing can lead to a

dependency on technology. Content writers may become overly
reliant on the model, diminishing their writing skills and inhibiting
their ability to think critically and creatively. It is essential to strike a
balance between utilizing AI tools and nurturing one’s writing

Limited Contextual Understanding

Chat GPT’s understanding of context is primarily based on patterns

in the training data it has been exposed to. While it can generate
coherent text, it may struggle to comprehend nuanced or specific
contexts. Content creators must ensure that the generated content
aligns with the intended context and does not convey unintended
FAQs About Using Chat GPT For Content

Q: Can Chat GPT completely replace human content


A: While Chat GPT can assist with content writing tasks, it cannot
entirely replace expert content writers (at least for now). Human
creativity, emotional intelligence, and critical thinking are essential
elements that contribute to high-quality content.

Q: Does using Chat GPT guarantee plagiarism-free


A: No, using Chat GPT does not guarantee plagiarism-free content.

Content creators must ensure the generated content is unique and
attributed adequately if any external sources are referenced.

Q: Are there any privacy concerns associated with

using Chat GPT?

A: Chat GPT does not store personal data or retain user-specific

information. However, reviewing and understanding the privacy
policies of the platform or service used to access Chat GPT is always

Q: Can Chat GPT help with content localization in

multiple languages?

A: Chat GPT’s multilingual capabilities make it worthwhile for

content localization. It can generate text in various languages,
assisting content creators in reaching a broader audience.
Q: How can content creators overcome Chat GPT’s

A: Content creators can overcome Chat GPT’s limitations by auditing

and carefully editing and, if needed reviewing the generated content
carefully, maintaining their writing skills, and using Chat GPT as a
tool rather than relying on it exclusively.

Chat GPT offers numerous benefits for content writing, including
increased efficiency, enhanced creativity, language assistance, and
extensive knowledge of various topics. However, it is crucial to
acknowledge its limitations, such as the lack of human creativity,
potential quality issues, ethical concerns, dependency on technology,
and limited contextual understanding. Content writers should
leverage Chat GPT as a valuable tool while maintaining their writing
skills and critically reviewing the generated content.

Note: Chat GPT or any other Generative AI tools for content

writing comes with their advantages and limitations. While Chat
GPT can assist in generating the content, it is essential to exercise
caution and review the output to ensure accuracy, quality, and
alignment with your specific requirements. The responsibility for
verifying and editing the generated content lies with the user. If you
are looking for high-quality content to help you achieve your
business goals, you should choose a reputed content writing agency.
Top content writing agencies will have a team of experienced and
skilled writers who can create content tailored to your specific needs.

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