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Korea and Argentina are two countries that have undergone significant economic

transformations over the past few decades. Both countries have struggled with high
levels of poverty in the past, but have made strides in combatting poverty through
various policies and initiatives. This essay will explore the approaches taken by Korea
and Argentina in addressing poverty and the effectiveness of these measures.

Korea is a country that has experienced remarkable economic growth over the past few
decades. From a war-torn country in the 1950s, Korea has emerged as a global
economic powerhouse. One of the key factors behind Korea's success has been its focus
on education. The country has invested heavily in education, with an emphasis on
science and technology, which has helped to create a highly skilled workforce.

Another factor that has contributed to Korea's success in combatting poverty is its focus
on exports. Korea has developed a strong export-oriented economy, with a focus on
industries such as electronics and automobiles. This has helped to create jobs and
generate wealth, which has been used to fund social programs aimed at reducing

In addition to its focus on education and exports, Korea has implemented various
policies aimed at reducing poverty. One such policy is the National Basic Livelihood
Security System, which provides financial assistance to low-income households. The
government also offers tax incentives to companies that create jobs in low-income

Argentina, on the other hand, has struggled with poverty for many years. The country
has a history of economic instability, with high inflation and frequent devaluations of the
currency. These factors have made it difficult for the government to implement effective
poverty reduction policies.

Despite these challenges, Argentina has implemented a number of policies aimed at

reducing poverty. One such policy is the Universal Child Allowance, which provides
financial assistance to families with children. The government has also implemented a
minimum wage law, which sets a minimum wage for all workers.

Another initiative taken by Argentina is the development of cooperatives, which are

businesses owned and operated by their members. These cooperatives have helped to
create jobs and generate income in low-income areas.

Despite the efforts of the government, poverty remains a significant issue in Argentina.
One of the key challenges is the high level of informal employment, which makes it
difficult to implement policies aimed at reducing poverty.
In conclusion, Korea and Argentina have taken different approaches to combatting
poverty. Korea has focused on education, exports, and social programs, while Argentina
has implemented policies such as the
Poverty is a complex issue that affects millions of people around the world. Despite being a
developed country, South Korea still faces poverty-related problems, especially among older adults
and low-income families. Similarly, Argentina has a high poverty rate that affects a significant portion
of its population. In this essay, we will explore the poverty-related challenges in Korea and Argentina
and the measures taken to combat them.

Korea has made remarkable progress in reducing poverty over the past few decades. The country's
poverty rate has dropped from 33.2% in 2000 to 12.3% in 2019 (Korea Herald, 2020). However,
poverty remains a significant challenge, particularly among older adults. According to the Korea
Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 49.6% of older adults in Korea live below the poverty line
(Korea Herald, 2021). This is primarily due to a lack of social security benefits for this demographic.
To address this issue, the Korean government has implemented various policies, including the Basic
Livelihood Security System and the National Pension Scheme, which provide financial support to
low-income households and older adults (Korea Herald, 2021).

Similarly, Argentina has also been grappling with poverty-related challenges for decades. In 2020,
the poverty rate in Argentina was estimated to be around 40%, with around 10 million people living
in poverty (Buenos Aires Times, 2021). The country's poverty rate is primarily driven by a lack of
employment opportunities and a weak social safety net. To combat poverty, the Argentine
government has launched several programs, including the Plan Argentina contra el Hambre
(Argentina Against Hunger Plan), which aims to provide food assistance to vulnerable households,
and the Potenciar Trabajo program, which provides job training and employment opportunities for
unemployed individuals (Buenos Aires Times, 2021).

In addition to government-led initiatives, civil society organizations have played a critical role in
combatting poverty in both countries. In Korea, organizations like the Community Chest of Korea
and the Korea Food Bank Foundation have been providing food, financial assistance, and social
services to vulnerable populations (Korea Herald, 2021). In Argentina, organizations like Caritas
Argentina and the Red Solidaria have been working to provide food, clothing, and housing to those
in need (Buenos Aires Times, 2021).

In conclusion, poverty is a significant challenge in both Korea and Argentina, but both countries have
taken steps to combat it. The Korean government's policies, including the Basic Livelihood Security
System and the National Pension Scheme, have helped reduce poverty rates, while civil society
organizations have also played a crucial role in providing assistance to vulnerable populations.
Similarly, the Argentine government's Plan Argentina contra el Hambre and Potenciar Trabajo
program have provided crucial support to low-income households and unemployed individuals. With
continued efforts from both the government and civil society, we can hope to see a reduction in
poverty rates in both countries in the coming years.

1. Korea Herald. (2020, July 6). S. Korea's poverty rate down, but challenges remain: report.
2. Korea Herald. (2021, March 2). Half of Korea's elderly live below poverty line: survey.
3. Buenos Aires Times. (2021, March 9). Government announces new measures to combat poverty in

Poverty is a significant issue in many countries around the world, and

Argentina and Korea are no exception. Both countries have made strides in
combating poverty, but there is still much work to be done. In this essay, we
will explore strategies to combat poverty in these two countries, drawing on
examples from successful poverty reduction programs and policies.

One effective strategy for combatting poverty is investing in education. In

Korea, education is highly valued, and the country has one of the highest
literacy rates in the world. However, there is still a significant gap between the
educational opportunities available to low-income students and those
available to their more affluent peers. To address this issue, the Korean
government has implemented various policies, such as providing subsidies for
private tutoring and increasing the number of scholarships available to low-
income students (OECD, 2019). By investing in education, Korea is helping to
create a more equal society and reduce poverty in the long term.

Similarly, Argentina has also recognized the importance of education in

combatting poverty. The country has implemented various programs to
increase access to education, such as the National Plan for Higher Education,
which aims to provide free higher education to all Argentinians (World Bank,
2019). This program has helped to increase the number of low-income
students attending university, thereby increasing their chances of finding
higher-paying jobs and reducing their risk of falling into poverty.

Another strategy for combatting poverty is investing in social safety nets. In

Korea, the Basic Livelihood Security System provides financial support to low-
income households, while the National Pension Scheme provides a safety net
for older adults who may be at risk of falling into poverty (Korea Herald, 2021).
These programs have been effective in reducing poverty rates in Korea.
Similarly, Argentina has implemented several programs to provide social
assistance to vulnerable populations. The Plan Argentina contra el Hambre, for
example, provides food assistance to low-income households, while the
Potenciar Trabajo program provides job training and employment
opportunities for unemployed individuals (Buenos Aires Times, 2021). By
providing these social safety nets, Argentina is helping to reduce poverty rates
and improve the lives of its citizens.

Finally, a crucial strategy for combatting poverty is promoting economic

growth. In both Korea and Argentina, economic growth has been a key driver
of poverty reduction. By promoting trade and investment, both countries have
been able to create jobs and increase the income of their citizens (World Bank,
2021). This, in turn, has helped to reduce poverty rates and improve the
standard of living for their citizens.

In conclusion, there are various strategies that countries can use to combat
poverty, and Argentina and Korea have implemented several effective
programs and policies. By investing in education, social safety nets, and
economic growth, both countries have been able to reduce poverty rates and
improve the lives of their citizens. However, there is still much work to be
done, and continued efforts are needed to ensure that all citizens have access
to the opportunities and resources they need to thrive.


1. OECD. (2019). Education in Korea.

2. World Bank. (2019). Argentina: Education for All.
3. Korea Herald. (2021, March 2). Half of Korea's elderly live below poverty line:
4. Buenos Aires Times. (2021, March 9). Government announces new measures to
combat poverty in Argentina.
Regenerate response
Combatting poverty is a complex issue that requires a comprehensive approach that
takes into account the specific context of each country. In the case of Korea and
Argentina, there are some sources of poverty that are common and others that are
specific to each country.

Some of the common sources of poverty in Korea and Argentina include:

1. Inequality: Both countries have high levels of income inequality, which is a significant
factor contributing to poverty. This inequality can be caused by a range of factors, such
as unequal access to education, healthcare, and job opportunities.
2. Unemployment: High levels of unemployment can lead to poverty, as individuals and
families may struggle to make ends meet without a steady source of income. In both
Korea and Argentina, there are significant numbers of unemployed people, particularly
among young people.
3. Informal economy: In many developing countries, including Argentina and Korea, a large
portion of the economy operates outside the formal sector. Workers in the informal
economy often have low wages, no job security, and limited access to social protection,
which can contribute to poverty.
4. Access to basic services: Access to basic services, such as healthcare, education, and
housing, can also contribute to poverty. In both Korea and Argentina, there are
significant disparities in access to these services, particularly among marginalized

Some specific sources of poverty in Korea include:

1. Aging population: Korea has one of the fastest-aging populations in the world, which
can place a strain on social welfare programs and contribute to poverty among older
2. Regional disparities: There are significant disparities in economic development between
urban and rural areas in Korea, which can lead to poverty in rural areas.
3. Low wages: Despite being a developed country, many workers in Korea earn low wages,
particularly in industries such as retail and services.

Some specific sources of poverty in Argentina include:

1. Economic instability: Argentina has a history of economic instability, which can lead to
high inflation rates, unemployment, and poverty.
2. Rural poverty: Rural areas in Argentina often have limited access to basic services, such
as healthcare and education, which can contribute to poverty.
3. Informal settlements: In Argentina, there are significant numbers of people living in
informal settlements, which often lack access to basic services and can be vulnerable to

To combat poverty in Korea and Argentina, it is important to take a comprehensive

approach that addresses these common and specific sources of poverty. This could
include measures such as investing in education and healthcare, improving access to
formal employment, implementing social protection programs, and addressing
inequalities in access to basic services. It is also essential to involve marginalized
communities in the design and implementation of poverty reduction programs to
ensure that their needs and perspectives are taken into account.

Poverty is a global issue that affects millions of people in various countries, regardless of
their level of economic development. While it is a challenging problem to tackle, there
are countries that have made significant strides in combatting poverty, such as Korea
and Argentina. These countries have implemented policies and programs that have
helped to reduce poverty rates, and serve as examples for other nations to follow.

South Korea, a country in East Asia, has been able to achieve remarkable economic
growth over the past few decades, which has helped to reduce poverty rates in the
country. According to the World Bank, the poverty rate in South Korea decreased from
49.6% in 1961 to 1.0% in 2019. One of the main factors contributing to this achievement
is the country's focus on education. South Korea invests heavily in education, with an
emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. This has
enabled the country to develop a highly skilled workforce that is competitive on a global
scale. As a result, South Korea has been able to attract foreign investment, which has
created job opportunities and contributed to economic growth.

Another factor contributing to the reduction in poverty in South Korea is the country's
social welfare system. The government provides various forms of assistance to low-
income households, including cash transfers, housing subsidies, and health insurance.
The social welfare system is funded by taxes, and the government has also implemented
policies to ensure that the wealthy contribute more to the system than the poor. For
example, the country has a progressive income tax system, where those with higher
incomes are taxed at a higher rate.

Argentina, a country in South America, has also made significant progress in combatting
poverty. According to the World Bank, the poverty rate in Argentina decreased from
26.9% in 2017 to 17.9% in 2019. One of the main factors contributing to this reduction is
the country's social protection programs. Argentina has implemented various social
programs that provide assistance to vulnerable populations, including cash transfers,
food subsidies, and access to health care. These programs are targeted towards those
living in poverty and have been effective in reducing inequality.

Another factor contributing to the reduction of poverty in Argentina is the country's

emphasis on job creation. The government has implemented policies that encourage
investment in various sectors of the economy, including agriculture, energy, and
manufacturing. These policies have resulted in job creation, which has helped to reduce
unemployment rates and increase household incomes. In addition, the government has
implemented policies to support small and medium-sized enterprises, which are often
the main drivers of job creation in the country.

In conclusion, Korea and Argentina are two examples of countries that have been able
to make significant progress in combatting poverty. Both countries have implemented
policies and programs that have helped to reduce poverty rates and improve the
standard of living for their citizens. These policies have included investments in
education, social welfare systems, social protection programs, and job creation. While
poverty remains a global challenge, the experiences of Korea and Argentina provide
valuable lessons for other countries seeking to address this issue.


1. World Bank (2021). Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines (% of population).
Retrieved from
2. Park, Y., & Kim, J. (2018). The role of education in reducing poverty and inequality: The
case of South Korea. Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, 5(3), 508-522.
3. Kessler, M., & Fruttero, A. (2019). Argentina's social protection system: Current status
and future directions. World Bank Group. Retrieved from

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