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Affiliated to

SAL Engineering & Technical Institute

A Report on

FoodXPress (Canteen Management System)

Under the Subject of

Design Engineering II A (3150001)

B. E. III, Semester-V
Computer Engineering

Submitted By:

Sr. No Enrollment No Student Name

1 221263107034 Sarthak B Ravat
2 221263107022 Omkumar Patel
3 221263107010 Ridham Kansara
4 221263107001 Siddharth Annavarapu

Prof. Krupa Suthar

Internal Guide
Dr. Ajay N. Upadhyaya
Head of the Department
Academic Year (2023-24)

Affiliated to

SAL Engineering & Technical Institute

This is to certify that the project report on FoodXpress(Canteen Management)
System Submitted by:

Sr. Enrollment No Name

1 221263107034 Sarthak B Ravat
2 221263107022 Omkumar Patel
3 221263107010 Ridham Kansara
4 221263107001 Siddharth Annavarapu

As fulfillment of the requirement for the award B.E. in Computer Engineering

Department Semester 5th at SAL Engineering & Technical Institute is the record
of work that has been successfully and satisfactorily completed under supervision
and guidance during the academic year 2023-24.

Prof. Krupa Suthar Prof. Madhuri Parekh

Internal Guide Head of the Department


The Project “FoodXpress - Canteen Management System” enables the end

users to register online, read and select the food from e-menu card and order
food online by just selecting the food that the user wants to have using an
android application. The results after selecting the food from the E-menu card
will directly appear on the screen near the Chef who is going to cook the food
for you. The system is a combination of Android as well as Web Application.
By using this application, the work of the waiter is reduced, and we can also
say that the work is nullified. The benefit of this is that if there is a rush in
the Canteen then there will be chances that the waiters will be unavailable,
and the users can directly order the food from the chef online by using this
application. The user will have a username and a password, by using which
they can login into the system. This implies that the customer is a regular user
of the Canteen.

The manual system involves paperwork in the form of maintaining

various files and manuals. Maintaining critical information in the files and
manuals is full of risk and a tedious process. Including a framework showing
how to apply Internet technology progressively as skills and confidence
grow, the project demonstrates the route from adapting materials to
developing an online environment.

Nowadays people don’t have much time to spend in the canteen just there
and waiting for the waiter to take their order. Many customers visit the
canteen in their lunch break and recess, so they have limited time to eat and
return to their respective offices and colleges. So, this software helps them to
save time and order food whenever they want without calling the waiter again
and again.


Figure No Figure Description Page No

2.3 AEIOU Canvas 8
2.4 Empathy Canvas 8
2.5 Mind mapping 10
3.1 Ideation Canvas (people) 11
3.2 Ideation Canvas (Activity) 11
3.3 Ideation Canvas (Situation & location) 12
3.4 Ideation Canvas (Props) 13
3.5 Ideation Canvas (Image) 14
4.2 PDC (purpose) 15
4.3 PDC (people) 15
4.4 PDC (Product Experience) 16
4.5 PDC (Product Functions) 16
4.6 PDC (Product Features) 17
4.7 PDC (Components) 17
4.8 PDC (Customer Revalidation) 18
4.9 PDC (Reject, Redesign, Retain) 18
5.1 Theory / Methods 20
5.2 Applicable Standard Principles 20
5.3 Software/ Tools /Skills 20
5.4 Components /Strength 20
6.2 Modal/Prototyping 23-24
Appendix - III Monthly Assessment Report 29

No Chapter Title Page No
Chapter 1 Introduction 7
1.1 Design Thinking 7
1.2 Importance of design thinking 7
1.3 Learning tools and assignments 7
1.4 The idea to make a project 7

Chapter 2 Empathy Mapping 8-10

2.1 Why this domain 8
2.2 Observation 8
2.3 AEIOU Canvas 8
2.4 Empathy Canvas 9
2.5 Mind mapping 10
2.6 Conclusion of empathy mapping 10

Chapter 3 Ideation Canvas 11-14

3.1 Ideation Canvas (people) 11
3.2 Ideation Canvas (Activity) 11
3.3 Ideation Canvas (Situation & location) 12
3.4 Ideation Canvas (Props) 13
3.5 Ideation Canvas (Image) 14

Chapter 4 Product Development Canvas 15-19

4.1 Final Problem statement 15
4.2 PDC (purpose) 15
4.3 PDC (people) 15
4.4 PDC (Product Experience) 16
4.5 PDC (Product Functions) 16
4.6 PDC (Product Features) 17
4.7 PDC (Components) 17
4.8 PDC (Customer Revalidation) 18
4.9 PDC (Reject, Redesign, Retain) 18
4.10 PDC (Explanation) 19
4.11 PDC (Feedback) 19
4.12 PDC (Revalidation) 19

Chapter 5 Learning Need Matrix 20

5.1 Theory / Methods 20
5.2 Applicable Standard Principles 20
5.3 Software/ Tools /Skills 20

5.4 Components /Strength 20

Chapter 6 Prototype 21
6.1 Algorithm/Flowchart 21-23
6.2 Modal/Prototyping 23-24

Chapter 7 Enhancements 25
7.1 Future Enhancements 25

Chapter 8 Conclusion 26
8.1 Conclusion 26

Appendix - I Prior Art Search 27

Appendix - II Rough Proofs 28
Appendix - III Monthly Assessment Report 29-34

Chapter 1
1.1 Design Thinking
Design thinking is an extension of innovation that allows you to design solutions for end
users with a single problem statement in mind it not only imparts skill but can help advance
your career.

1.2Importance of design thinking

It can transform how your organisation develops products, services, processes, and
strategies. It brings together the desirability from the customer’s perspective with what is
technologically feasible and economically viable. It also provides various opportunities for
people who are not trained as designers to utilise creative tools so that they can tackle a
vast range of problems/challenges.

1.3Learning tools and assignments

Learning Tools:
• Choose a programming language and IDE.
• Learn about databases and SQL.
• Use version control (e.g., Git).
• Learn web development tools if needed (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, frameworks).
• Study security, UI/UX design, and documentation tools.
• Define system requirements.
• Design the database schema.
• Create user interface designs.
• Divide coding tasks (authentication, menu management, etc.).
• Plan testing (unit, integration, user acceptance).
• Document the project (requirements, manuals, technical documentation)

1.4 The idea to make a project

Develop a Canteen Management System to efficiently manage canteen operations,
including menu management, order processing, payment tracking, and user
authentication, while ensuring security and a user-friendly interface.

Chapter 2
Empathy Mapping
2.1: Why this domain
Selecting the domain of a Canteen Management System is a practical choice due to its real-
world applicability, offering opportunities for learning and problem-solving in software
development. It addresses the need for streamlining canteen operations, making it relevant and
potentially integratable in various settings, including schools, offices, and institutions.

2.2 Observation
Observation in hospital management system is below
• Customer ordering behavior.
• Menu popularity trends.
• Peak ordering times.
• Inventory usage and restocking needs.
• Payment methods used by customers.
• User login and authentication patterns.
2.3 AEIOU Canvas:

2.4: Empathy Canvas:

2.5 Mind Mapping:

2.6 Conclusion of Empathy mapping:
The conclusion of empathy mapping involves synthesizing the gathered insights to better
understand the user's perspective and needs. This process allows for the development of more
user-centered solutions and enhances the overall user experience. Empathy mapping provides
valuable insights for designing products, services, or systems that truly resonate with the
intended audience, leading to improved user satisfaction and engagement.

Chapter 3
Ideation Canvas
3.1 Ideation Canvas (people):
• Teachers
• Students
• Employees
• Canteen Staff
• Parents
• Outsiders

3.2 Ideation Canvas (Activity):

• Sign up
• Login
• Ordering Food
• Paying for Food
• Admin Login
• Getting info about menu, sales and special events
• Rating services
• Review/Feedback
• Guest Login for Outsiders
• Checking payment for Food
• Updating menu according to availability

3.3 Ideation Canvas (Situation & Location):
• When a student wants to pay online for food
• When canteen staff need to track and manage food orders, inventory and payment
• When students need to know about canteen menu
• To analyze data on food orders and payments
• To manage payments and financial transaction
• When canteen staff want to update the menu based on availability
• When students want to pre-order food in advance to reduce wait time
• To get feedback

3.4 Ideation Canvas (Props):
• Physical Kiosks
• Online Platform
• Online Tracking
• Digital Payments
• Inventory Management

3.5 Ideation Canvas (Image):

Chapter 4
Product Development Canvas
4.1 Final Problem Statement:
Inefficient canteen operations, including menu management, order processing, and payment
tracking, require an automated Canteen Management System to streamline processes and
enhance the user experience.

4.2 PDC (Purpose):

4.3 PDC (People):

• Outsiders
• Teachers
• Parents
• Students
• Employees

• Canteen Staff

4.4 PDC (Product Experience):

• Satisfied
• Meet the expectations
• Helpful
• Accurate
• Smooth & Efficient
• Impressed

4.5 PDC (Product Functions):

• Online ordering

• Secure
• Online payment
• Menu management
• Online updation
• Time saving

4.6 PDC (Product Features):

• Online platform
• Rating system
• Order tracking
• Order history
• Review / Feedback

4.7 PDC (Components):

• Laptop
• Mobile
• Web browsers
• Internet
• User interface

4.8 PDC (Customer Revalidation):

4.9 PDC (Reject, Redesign, Retain):

4.10 PDC (Explanation):
➢ In our Canteen Management System, we've developed a solution to address various
issues. Users can order meals in advance, access a detailed menu on laptops and mobile
devices, manage orders efficiently, and choose from multiple payment options,
including UPI apps, cards, or in-person payments. E-bill generation adds convenience,
making the canteen experience user-friendly and efficient.

4.11 PDC (Feedback):

➢ Users may comment on the system's ease of use, suggesting improvements to make
navigation and order placement more intuitive.

4.12 PDC (Revalidation):

➢ Easy to use
➢ Time Efficient
➢ Certified
➢ One hand operating system

Chapter 5
Learning Need Matrix

Chapter 6

6.1 Algorithm / Flowchart:

• Use case diagram

• Data Flow Diagram
• DFD Level-0

• DFD Level-1

• DFD Level – 2

Login to Check
system Accessibility

6.2 Modal / Prototyping:

Chapter 7
7.1 Feature Enhancements:

• Improved security: The system could be integrated with security cameras and other
security measures to ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff.
• Expanded payment options: In addition to accepting cash, the system could allow for
digital payments through various methods such as debit cards, credit cards, mobile
wallets, and more.
• Enhanced accuracy and efficiency: The system could be designed to minimize errors
and delays, allowing for a smooth and efficient process for both students and staff.
• Advanced reporting and analytics: The system could generate detailed reports and
analytics to help the canteen management team track sales and trends, identify areas for
improvement, and make informed decisions.
• Integration with other systems: The system could be connected to other systems such
as the college's student database, allowing for seamless and personalized experiences
for students.
• Improved customer experience: The system could be designed to provide a more
convenient, personalized, and enjoyable experience for students, such as through
personalized recommendations or the ability to pre-order meals.

Chapter 8

❖ Conclusion:
Team members have acquired a sound understanding of database design and PHP
coding throughout the software development lifecycle. The database structure is robust
and adaptable, facilitating seamless incorporation of future enhancements. The Canteen
Management System proves to be an efficient solution, saving time by enabling
advanced ordering and reducing manual administrative workload for canteen staff.
With this system, canteens can maintain comprehensive records of customer orders,
providing valuable insights. The development of this project has provided invaluable
experience in real-time software development processes, enhancing our skills and
understanding of practical application development.
❖ Reference:

❖ Coding:

❖ App Reference:

Appendix - I Prior Art Search
A prior art search was conducted to identify existing solutions and technologies related to the
Canteen Management System. The purpose of this search was to determine the uniqueness and
novelty of our project. The following sources and findings were considered during the search:
• Literature Review: Reviewed academic papers, articles, and books related to
canteen management and similar systems to understand the existing state of the
• Patent Databases: Searched patent databases to identify any patents related to
canteen management or similar systems to ensure that our project does not infringe
on existing patents.
• Online Resources: Scoured online resources, including websites, forums, and
blogs, to identify any open-source or commercial solutions that are similar to our
Canteen Management System.
• Competitor Analysis: Analyzed existing canteen management systems and
software solutions offered by competitors in the market to gain insights into their
features and functionalities.
• User Feedback: Gathered feedback from potential users and stakeholders to
understand their experiences with existing canteen management systems and
identify areas for improvement.

Appendix - II Rough Proofs
This section provides a collection of preliminary proofs and evidence related to the
development of the Canteen Management System. These rough proofs may include early
design sketches, initial system architecture diagrams, prototype screenshots, and other
documentation that demonstrate the early stages of the project. The purpose of these rough
proofs is to document the evolution of the system's development and serve as a reference for
the project's progress over time.

Appendix - III Monthly Assessment Report


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