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 Patriarchy is from the Greek word Patriarkhes which means "the rule of the father".
 sexism-prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination based on sex
 Gender pay gap-men earn more that women.
 Feminism is a continuing series of social movements that aim to challenge the patriarchal society
that creates these apparent political structures, beliefs, and practices against women and it demands.
Women Empowerment
1. Women suffrage 6. Right to divorce their husbands
2. Equality in politics and society 7. He right to make decisions on her
3. Reproductive rights pregnancy, Equitable wages
4. Domestic violence 8. Equal employment opportunity
5. Sexual harassment and sexual violence

 Gender studies emerged from the need to analyze how gender, sex, and sexuality impact our lives,
especially how it creates gender inequality.
 Gender studies as an area of knowledge, is about looking into, analyzing, and examining society so
that we notice power relations in the seemingly "simple things”.
 Research Approach- Is the orientation in understanding social realities. This can be Qualitative,
Quantitative or both.
 Qualitative Approach- focuses more on the meaning created and interpretations made by people
about their own personal or vicarious (observed) experience.
✓Ethnography and Ethnomethodology.
 Quantitative approach- focuses more on characterizing a popular (total number of individual in a
group) or a sample (a sub-group with in the population).
✓ Survey
✓ Experiment
 Informed Consent
 Confidentiality and anonymity
 Non-maleficence and Beneficence
 Distributive Justice
 Prepuce - foreskin covering head of penis, removed in male circumcision
 Penis- glans (head), shaft and root. The glans is particularly sensitive to stimulation.
 Corona- rim of glans where it arises from shaft;
 Frenulum- thin strip of skin connecting glans and shaft on underside of penis;
 Scrotum- sac that encloses the two compartments housing the testes;
 Urethral opening- found on head of penis this is the end of tube connected to bladder and
used for urination.
 Corona- rim of glans where it arises from shaft;
 Frenulum- thin strip of skin connecting glans and shaft on underside of penis;
 Scrotum- sac that encloses the two compartments housing the testes;
 Urethral opening- found on head of penis this is the end of tube connected to bladder and used for
 TESTES - produce androgen, particularly large quantities of testosterone
 VAS DEFERENS - travels from testicle toward urethra carrying sperm.
 SEMINAL VESICLES - two glands that produce alkaline fluid rich in fructose sugar,
comprising some 70% of seen volume.
 EJACULATORY DUCTS - connect vas deferens to urethra.
 PROSTATE - gland producing alkaline secretions that account for about 30% of semen
 URETHRA - tube within penis that carries sperm and semen the rest of the way to opening
of the penis
 Ovulation - the process when a mature ovum is released from the ovary and travels to the fallopian
tube for possible fertilization.
 Fertilization - union of the sperm and the ovum.
 Pregnancy - the process when an offspring develops within the mother's womb.
 Reproduction is a fundamental aspect of the intricate relationship between gender and society.
 Puberty is a complex process involving physical, emotional, and hormonal changes.
 Fertilization is the crucial event in human reproduction, marking the joining of a sperm cell from the
male with an egg cell (ovum) from the female.
 Conception, on the other hand, refers to the successful union of an egg and sperm during
 Ovulation is a critical part of the female reproductive cycle.
 PREGNANCY- occurs after sexual intercourse, where a male's penis enters a female's vagina,
ejaculates semen, and sperms swim through the cervix to meet an egg.
 CONTRACEPTION- also known as birth control, to prevent pregnancy through devices,
medications, procedures, or behaviors, allowing women to control their reproductive health and
participate in family planning.
1. Birth control pill
2. Birth control injection
3. Withdrawal Method
4. Intrauterine Device (IUD)
5. Male condom
6. Implantable Hormone Device
7. Calendar Method
8. Sterilization
HEALTH a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity.
HYGEINE refers to behaviors that can improve cleanliness and lead to good health.
SEXUAL HEALTH refers to state of physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being in relation
to sexuality.
REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity in all matters relating to the reproductive system.
Puberty causes all kinds of changes in the adolescent’s body
Oily Hair Sweat and Body Hair
Body Odor Dental Hygiene

 Substance use;  Violence;

 Premarital sex;  Accidents;
 Early child-bearing;  Malnutrition;
 Abortion;  Mental health

Health Risks:
Identified Sexual Risk
- Sexual Experience
-Early Pregnancy
-Sexually Transmitted Inspection or STI
1. Sexual promiscuity 8. Deterioration in hygiene
2. Regular use of drugs and alcohol 9. Oppositional behavior
3. Repeated violation of the law or school 10. Refusal to work / non-compliance
regulations 11. Chronic lateness
4. Running away more than once in three months 12. Falling asleep in class
5. Skipping school more than once in three months 13. Changes in physical appearance
6. Aggressive outburst/impulsiveness 14. Excessive daydreaming
7. Dark drawings or writings

Harmful Practices
1. Marijuana
2. Alcohol
3. Cigarettes
4. Cocaine
5. Heroine
6. Amphetamines
7. Ecstasy
8. Inhalants and Solvent

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