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Nucleic Acids: Genetic Information

Nucleic acids are biological macromolecules essential for the storage and transmission of genetic
information. There are two main types: DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid).DNA
(Deoxyribonucleic Acid):Structure: DNA has a double-helix structure, composed of two long strands of
nucleotides running in opposite directions. Each nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a sugar
molecule (deoxyribose), and one of four nitrogenous bases: adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and
guanine (G).Base Pairing: A pairs with T, and C pairs with G, forming complementary base pairs. This
complementary pairing is crucial for the accurate transmission of genetic information during cell division
and DNA replication.

RNA (Ribonucleic Acid):Structure: RNA is typically single-stranded and has a similar structure to DNA
but with ribose sugar instead of deoxyribose. The nitrogenous bases in RNA include adenine (A), uracil
(U), cytosine (C), and guanine (G).

Types of RNA:

Messenger RNA (mRNA): Carries genetic information from DNA to the ribosomes for protein synthesis.

Transfer RNA (tRNA): Transfers amino acids to the ribosomes during protein synthesis.

Ribosomal RNA (rRNA): A structural component of ribosomes, where protein synthesis occurs.


DNA: Stores genetic information and serves as the blueprint for building and maintaining an organism.

RNA: Plays a crucial role in protein synthesis, translating the genetic instructions from DNA into
functional proteins.

Replication and Transcription:

DNA Replication: The process of copying DNA to ensure genetic continuity during cell division.

Transcription: The synthesis of RNA from a DNA template, specifically creating mRNA for protein

In summary, nucleic acids are fundamental to the continuity of life, storing and transmitting genetic
information that guides the development, functioning, and maintenance of living organisms.

Glycine is an amino acid, a compound that your body uses to create protein. While your body does
naturally produce glycine, it is also available through protein-rich foods, particularly meat. Glycine can
also be found as a dietary supplement in capsule form or as a powder that can be added to various

1. Needed to Produce a Powerful Antioxidant

Glycine is one of three amino acids that your body uses to make glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that
helps protect your cells against oxidative damage caused by free radicals, which are thought to underlie
many diseases (1Trusted Source).

Without enough glycine, your body produces less glutathione, which could negatively affect how your
body handles oxidative stress over time (2Trusted Source, 3Trusted Source).

In addition, because glutathione levels naturally decline with age, ensuring that you get enough
glycine as you get older may benefit your health.

2. A Component of Creatine

Glycine is also one of three amino acids that your body uses to make a compound called
creatine.Creatine provides your muscles with energy to perform quick, short bursts of activity, such as
weightlifting and sprinting.When combined with resistance training, supplementing with creatine has
been shown to increase muscle size, strength and power (4Trusted Source, 5Trusted Source, 6Trusted
Source).It has also been studied for its beneficial effects on bone health, brain function and neurological
conditions like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease (7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source, 9Trusted
Source).While your body naturally creates creatine and it can be obtained through your diet, getting too
little glycine may reduce how much you produce.

. The Main Amino Acid in Collagen

Collagen is a structural protein that contains high amounts of glycine. In fact, every third to fourth amino
acid in collagen is glycine (11Trusted Source).Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. It
provides strength for your muscles, skin, cartilage, blood, bones and ligaments.

4. May Improve Sleep Quality

Many people struggle to get a good night’s rest, either because they have trouble falling or staying
asleep.While there are several ways you can improve your sleep quality, such as not drinking caffeinated
beverages late in the day or avoiding bright screens a few hours before bedtime, glycine may also
help.This amino acid has a calming effect on your brain and could help you fall and stay asleep by
lowering your core body temperature (15Trusted Source, 16Trusted Source).

Research in people with sleep issues has shown that taking 3 grams of glycine before bed decreases
how long it takes to fall asleep, enhances sleep quality, lessens daytime sleepiness and improves
cognition (17, 18).For this reason, glycine may be a good alternative to prescription sleeping pills for
improving sleep quality at night and tiredness during the day.


may promote sleep and enhance the quality of your sleep through its calming

effects on the brain and its ability to lower core body temperature.

5. May Protect Your Liver From Alcohol-Induced Damage

Too much alcohol can have damaging effects on your body, especially your liver.

There are three primary types of alcohol-induced liver damage (19Trusted Source):

Fatty liver: A buildup of fat

inside your liver, increasing its size.

Alcoholic hepatitis: Caused by

inflammation of the liver resulting from long-term, excessive drinking.

Alcoholic cirrhosis: The final phase of alcoholic

liver disease, occurring when the liver cells are damaged and replaced by

scar tissue.

Interestingly, research suggests that glycine may reduce the harmful effects of alcohol on your liver by
preventing inflammation.

It has been shown to reduce concentrations of alcohol in the blood of alcohol-fed rats by stimulating the
metabolism of alcohol in the stomach rather than the liver, which prevented the development of fatty
liver and alcoholic cirrhosis (20Trusted Source).

What’s more, glycine may also help reverse liver damage caused by excessive

Types of amino acid


This an amino acid that plays several important roles in the body. It's involved in the production of
neurotransmitters like dopamine and adrenaline, and it's also involved in the production of melanin,
which gives skin and hair their color. Additionally, it's a precursor to the thyroid hormones T3 and T4. So
as you can see, it's a pretty important amino acid!

Lysine is an essential amino acid. The human body cannot make lysine, so it must be eaten in the diet.
Sources include meat, fish, dairy, and eggs. Lysine is a building block for making proteins in the body. It
might also prevent the herpes virus from growing.

Aspartic acid serves as an amino acid with various functions in biological systems:
1. **Protein Building:** Aspartic acid is one of the 20 amino acids that make up proteins in living
organisms. It contributes to the structure of proteins and is involved in peptide bond formation.

2. **Neurotransmitter Precursor:** Aspartic acid plays a role in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, such
as N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), which is important for brain function and synaptic transmission.

3. **Energy Production:** It can be converted to oxaloacetate, a key component in the citric acid cycle
(Krebs cycle) which is involved in the production of energy in cells.

4. **Urea Cycle:** Aspartic acid is part of the urea cycle, a process in the liver that helps eliminate
ammonia from the body, contributing to nitrogen metabolism.

5. **Cell Signaling:** It is involved in cell signaling pathways and can act as a signaling molecule in
certain metabolic processes.


is an essential amino acid, meaning that the human body cannot synthesize it on its own and must
obtain it from the diet. It plays a crucial role in various biological processes, serving as a building block
for proteins and participating in the synthesis of important molecules.

Here are some key points about tryptophan:

Amino Acid Role: Tryptophan is one of the 20 standard amino acids that make up proteins. Proteins are
essential for the structure and function of cells, tissues, and organs in the human body.

Precursor to Serotonin: Tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter that contributes to

the regulation of mood, sleep, and appetite. Consequently, tryptophan intake is sometimes associated
with mood and sleep regulation.

Dietary Sources: Dietary sources of tryptophan include protein-rich foods such as poultry, meat, fish,
eggs, dairy products, nuts, and seeds. Additionally, it can be found in some plant-based sources like

Niacin Synthesis: In the body, tryptophan can be converted into niacin (vitamin B3), which is essential
for various physiological functions, including energy metabolism and the maintenance of skin health.

Health Implications: Tryptophan supplementation is sometimes used for specific health purposes, such
as managing certain mood disorders. However, it's important to note that the impact of tryptophan on
mood is influenced by various factors, and supplementation should be approached with caution.

Tryptophan in Protein Synthesis: In the process of protein synthesis, the genetic code in DNA instructs
cells to assemble amino acids into specific sequences. Tryptophan, with its unique chemical structure,
contributes to the diversity of protein structures and functions.
Overall, tryptophan is a multifaceted amino acid with critical roles in both protein synthesis and the
synthesis of biologically active molecules, making it essential for the overall health and functioning of
the human body.


- Biosynthesis of protein

-plays an important role in plant nitrogen assimilation and distribution

-Balances nervous system functions

- it's a supplemental nutrition that helps in the treatment of dietary deficiency or imbalance

- it is needed in making a certain molecule that transmits signals in the brain (a neurotransmitters)

Lastly which is by the side though, asparagines are common sites for the attachment of carbohydrates in


is an amino acid that plays a crucial role in protein synthesis and structure. It helps form disulfide
bonds, which contribute to the stability and shape of proteins. Cysteine also acts as an antioxidant and is
involved in various metabolic processes in the body.

Cysteine it is a key component of many proteins, including collagen, which is the main component of
connective tissue, and keratin, which is found in hair, skin, and nails. It also helps to stabilize proteins by
forming disulfide bonds, which are links between two cysteine molecules. Cysteine can also form
glutathione, which is an important antioxidant that helps to protect cells from damage caused by free


is a dietary essential amino acid because it cannot be synthesized in humans. The WHO/FAO
requirement for adults for histidine is 10 mg · kg body weight-1 · d-1. Histidine is required for synthesis
of proteins. It plays particularly important roles in the active site of enzymes, such as serine proteases
(e.g., trypsin) where it is a member of the catalytic triad. Excess histidine may be converted to trans-
urocanate by histidine ammonia lyase (histidase) in liver and skin. UV light in skin converts the trans
form to cis-urocanate which plays an important protective role in skin. Liver is capable of complete
catabolism of histidine by a pathway which requires folic acid for the last step, in which glutamate
formiminotransferase converts the intermediate N-formiminoglutamate to glutamate, 5,10 methenyl-
tetrahydrofolate, and ammonia. Inborn errors have been recognized in all of the catabolic enzymes of
histidine. Histidine is required as a precursor of carnosine in human muscle and parts of the brain where
carnosine appears to play an important role as a buffer and antioxidant. It is synthesized in the tissue by
carnosine synthase from histidine and β-alanine, at the expense of ATP hydrolysis. Histidine can be
decarboxylated to histamine by histidine decarboxylase. This reaction occurs in the enterochromaffin-
like cells of the stomach, in the mast cells of the immune system, and in various regions of the brain
where histamine may serve as a neurotransmitter.


It is an amino acid that is found in proteins. It is a non-polar amino acid with a benzene ring structure,
which gives it a hydrophobic nature and makes it more likely to be found in hydrophobic regions of

Phenylalanine plays an important role in the regulation of protein folding and stability. It is also
involved in the production of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, which are important for brain
function.Due to its hydrophobic nature, phenylalanine is often found in proteins with important
biological functions that require stability and protection from water. It is also involved in the formation
of beta-sheet structures, which are common in proteins with important biological functions such as
enzymes and structural proteins.

Phenylalanine has a number of uses, functions, and benefits in various fields:

1. Medicine: Phenylalanine is used in the treatment of certain medical conditions such as Parkinson's
disease, where it is converted into dopamine in the brain.

2. Nutrition: Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid that is found in proteins and is important for the
growth and repair of tissues in the body.

3. Cosmetics: Phenylalanine is used in cosmetics to improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of

4. Food industry: Phenylalanine is used in the production of many different types of food products,
including meat, dairy, and baked goods.

5. Pharmaceuticals: Phenylalanine is used in the production of many different pharmaceuticals, including

antihistamines and pain relievers.

Some of the potential benefits of phenylalanine include:

1. Improved mood: Phenylalanine has been shown to increase levels of dopamine in the brain, which
can improve mood and reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.

2. Improved memory: Some studies have suggested that phenylalanine may help to improve memory
and cognitive function.

3. Improved skin health: Phenylalanine is often used in cosmetics to improve skin texture and reduce the
appearance of wrinkles.

4. Improved athletic performance: Phenylalanine has been shown to improve athletic performance by
increasing the production of dopamine in the brain.

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