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BUSINESS & SELLING to be in the black, to be in the money

to retail sth = to trade in sth, to sell sth (prowadzić sprzedaż detaliczną) to swell your/sb’s bank balance = to let sb earn
to sell/buy sth in bulk = to sell/buy large quantities of sth (hurtowo) many businesses are springing up = are appearing
the economy is now booming or: is now in recession Money talks = money can get you almost everything
to be in rapport with sb = to be on good terms with sb PROBLEMS AT WORK, MONEY MATTERS & FINANCIAL
to establish good rapport with your workmates / amployees PROBLEMS
to comply with the suggestions/rules/the official policy to evade taxes = unikać płacenia podatków n: tax evasion
to act in compliance with … to be evasive, to give evasive answers = to be reticent, unwilling to
to be savvy = shrewd (przebiegły, inteligentny) speak openly
Where’s your savvy?! - gdzie ty masz głowę?! to get worked up about sth = angry/emotional
to act shrewdly, savvily I don’t mince words = I say what I want
n: shrewdness, savvy it was a bolt from the blue / out of the blue = very sudden &
to drive a hard bargain = to try hard to negotiate the prices / conditions unexpected
in your favour I didn’t see that coming! = I was not expecting that
to seduce your potential customer = to cajole sb into doing sth = to talk to be alarmed, startled
sb into doing sth to be going up a blind alley = to be going nowhere
adj: seductive methods, seductively, n: seduction a dead-end job = ślepy zaułek, sytuacja bez perspektyw
to tell sb that … is all the rage nowadays = is the new black = is a hit, to end up in the lurch = to be left high and dry = to be left helpless
the most popular thing now to be fighting a losing battle
… is the driving force behind sb’s success = the main motivation to blow the whistle = to inform on sb = to report sb/sth to the police/the
to play your cards close to your vest/chest = to act carefully media
= to keep to yourself and be cautious when you deal with others to speak your mind = to say what’s on your mind, to charge ahead
to be at the cutting edge of today’s trends = to be ahead of the curve = … and shit hit the fan = and sth very bad happened
to be extremely progressive, ahead of the rest, ahead of the times to disclose confidential information, to violate the confidentiality
to rely/use your business acumen (experience & business sense) agreement = ujawnić poufne informacje, pogwałcić klauzulę poufności
to have some tricks/ideas up your sleeve to go public with some information = to revel sth to the media
to opt for the idea to… = to go for = to go along with the idea to… = to to spill the beans = wygadać się
choose/support to apply for a loan in the bank
to credit sb for sth = to give sb credit for doing sth important to turn sb/sb’s application down
to refuse sb credit for what they did (uznanie) to take a loan/credit out from the bank
to have deep pockets = to have money to burn, to be well off … and it went downhill from there. = and the situation deteriorated then
to be in sb’s pocket N: deterioration
to appease sb = to calm sb down to get hysterical = to get very agitated = to blow your top
to speak appeasingly sb’s shortcoming, weakness, vice
n: appeasement to be scatty (chaotic) and disorganized
to retract your harsh words / criticism / statement = to take back what to act/buy on impulse , to make an impulse purchase
you said (cofnać) n: retraction to be in the red = to be penniless, out of money
to use a variety of marketing techniques to fall back on your savings = to turn to the money you once managed
to express various shades of joy / excitement (kinds) to save = to resort to your reserves
to induce sb to do sth = to persuade sb to do sth to be in debt, to owe money to sb
to induce the right emotions/feelings in sb = provoke the right to be massively in debt, to be debt-ridden
emotions in sb to pay your debts off = to make good on the loan you got from
to be persuasive, convincing, credible (believable) = to discharge the debt (spłacić)
to be open to various shades of opinion to pay sb off = splacic kogoś
to economize, to practice economy = to lay money aside, to save to go bankrupt, to face bankruptcy, a bankrupt
to be sparing with money, thrift (prudent and wise), frugal an intellectual / mental bankrupt
to act with thrift, frugality = be careful with money, to practice caution to declare yourself insolvent = niewyplacalny
to live sparingly, thriftily, frugally n: insolvency
to boost sales / your efficiency to write that money off = spisać na straty
to give sb a boost / confidence boost to be on slender means = to have little money
… may benefit you in a long run to economise on sth, put money aside/by/away
to have an interest in the company = mieć udziały w to be more economical
to invest in sth, to make an investment to have some reserve for a rainy day / the rainy days
to invest money in stock and bonds (papiery wartościowe) / real estate to have nest egg = sumka na czarną godzinę, zaskórniaki
(nieruchomości) to buy inexpensive, budget goods
a sound investment = bezpieczna inwestycja … is reasonably priced
to confront the issue head-on

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