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Videbeck PrepU Chapter 21: Somatic Symptom Illnesses

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A client has been diagnosed with somatic symptom disorder. The
client's assessment reveals high levels of anxiety. Which would Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
the nurse expect to be prescribed?
A client is admitted to a mental health unit because the client was
found trying to inject diluted feces into the client's hospitalized
Factitious disorder imposed on another
child's intravenous line. The client has a history of similar attempts
of harming the child. The nurse would most likely suspect what?
The nurse is teaching basic physical exercises and meditation
techniques to a client recently diagnosed with conversion disor- The exercises may help the client manage stress underlying the
der. What outcome does the nurse expect from teaching the client disorder
these exercises? Choose the best answer.
Which occurs when an individual intentionally produces illness
symptoms to avoid work?
A client complains of severe low back pain that began shortly
after the death of the client's mother 2 years ago. No physical
cause has been found to account for the pain. The client has
been largely responsible for the care of four younger siblings Somatic complaints due to anxiety related to life stressors
because the client's father spends much of the week out of town
on work-related business. Based on the client's symptoms, which
nursing diagnosis is most appropriate for the client at this time?
A nurse is reviewing the medical history of a client diagnosed with
somatic symptom disorder. Which would the nurse expect to find Depression
as a comorbid condition?
Which would be most important for a nurse to do when caring for
Develop a sound, positive nurse-client relationship
a client with somatic symptom disorder?
Clients from which continent or country may have symptoms of
somatization disorder that include the nondelusional sensation of Africa
worms in the head or ants under the skin?
A parent brings a teenaged child, who is complaining of having
a severe headache, to the clinic. The teenager is groaning with
pain. During assessment, the client asks the nurse for a note to
The client's symptoms disappeared after getting the medical note.
excuse the absence from school. After further assessment, the
nurse suspects that the client is malingering. What leads the nurse
to come to this conclusion? Choose the best answer.
The primary factor that differentiates somatization disorders from Somatization disorders affect multiple organ systems, whereas
conversion disorders is what? conversion disorders usually involve only one system.
After teaching a group of nursing students about somatic symp-
tom disorder, the instructor determines that additional education The client usually thinks anxiety is behind the symptoms.
is needed when the students identify which as true?
Which is the name given to a direct internal benefit that being sick
Primary gain
provides, such as relief from anxiety?
The nurse is seeing a Chinese client who reports chronic pain that
radiates to the lower back. The client reports the pain has been
unresolved with analgesia, physical therapy and therapeutic mas- "You must be so frustrated with this unexplained pain. Do you have
sage. The client's diagnostic imaging reports are all unremark- other stresses in your life too?
able. Which statement by the nurse would be the most supportive
response to this client?
When assessing a client with somatic symptom disorder, which Reports of physical symptoms do not have a demonstrable or-
would the nurse most likely note? ganic basis to fully account for them.
Have a history of going to many different providers without satis-
Clients with a somatization disorder typically do what?
A client is admitted to the mental health unit because the client
was found trying to inject diluted feces into the client's hospitalized
Munchausen's syndrome by proxy
child's intravenous line. The client has a history of similar attempts
of harming the child. The nurse would most likely suspect what?

Videbeck PrepU Chapter 21: Somatic Symptom Illnesses
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Medications have been tried for somatic symptom disorder. Which
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
drugs have been shown to be effective in some cases?
The nurse is assessing a client who has been unable to speak
after witnessing a murder. The assessment and subsequent test-
The client may be attempting to block the witnessed event to
ing reveal no physical abnormality that may cause speech impair-
reduce anxiety.
ment. What is the most likely cause of this speech impairment in
the client?
The nurse is educating the spouse of a client with a somatic
Empathize about physical discomfort but encourage indepen-
symptom disorder about how to best help the client. Which strat-
egy should the nurse suggest?
In which disorder is the individual motivated solely by the desire
Factitious disorder
to become a health care client?
While assessing a client thought to have a factitious disorder, a
nurse asks the client to describe when the client felt nurtured as "The only time I ever felt loved was when I was sick enough to miss
a child. Which response would the nurse interpret as supporting school."
the client's diagnosis?
A nurse is preparing to interview a client diagnosed with somatic
symptom disorder. The nurse anticipates that the client will most Rapidly changing moods during the interview
likely exhibit what?
The nurse is assessing a client who reports severe chest pain. The
client appears worried and frightened. Further assessment and
laboratory testing does not reveal any abnormalities. The nurse
The client may be malingering.
observes that in the absence of any medical personnel, the client
watches TV, is relaxed, and speaks to a friend on the phone in a
normal tone of voice. What should the nurse suspect in this case?
Which characteristic differentiates conversion disorder from ma- Conversion disorder is an unconscious process, while malingering
lingering disorder? disorder is a deliberate fabrication of symptoms.
The primary reason for considering cultural issues when caring Somatization disorders differ in type and frequency of symptoms
for the client with somatization disorders is what? and depend on the culture in which they are expressed.
When describing the major difference between somatic symptom In somatic symptom disorder, clients are not consciously aware
disorder and factitious disorders, which would the nurse include? that needs are being met through physical complaints.
A nurse is conducting an inservice presentation for a group of
newly hired mental health nurses. Which would the nurse most
Laboratory and diagnostic test results are usually negative.
likely include when describing conversion disorder (functional
neurologic symptom disorder)?
The la belle indifference occurs in which somatoform disorder? Conversion disorder
A client developed conversion blindness after witnessing the
The client's blindness is a reaction to the trauma of losing the twin
death of the client's twin in a car accident. When teaching the
and has no physiologic basis.
client's parent about the client's illness, the nurse explains what?
The nurse is providing care to a client with somatic symptoms
disorder. The client has been prescribed escitalopram one week
ago. The client reports experiencing nausea after starting the
To monitor the nausea using a daily journal for one week
medication and describes it as "worse than what the average
person would have." Which intervention should the nurse recom-
mend for this client?
During a client interview, the nurse determines that the client has
a fear of developing a serious illness based on a misinterpretation
Illness anxiety disorder
of body sensation. The nurse identifies this as being characteristic
of what?


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