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Light Bulb coding challenge

Design and develop a RESTful spring boot app to manage the state of a group of lightbulbs. A
lightbulb has the following properties:

1. Unique ID
2. State
3. Colour

The properties of a lightbulb must be persisted between runs of the spring boot app using

The RESTful application should have the following operations:

1. Display all lightbulbs and their properties

2. Display a single lightbulb using ID
3. Adding a light bulb
4. Changing the state / colour of a lightbulb by ID
5. Changing the state/colour of all lightbulbs
6. Deleting a lightbulb by ID

*Don’t forget unit tests*


Create a Kubernetes deployment for the application. Create a service for the application.

Provide source code including README with instructions for building and running the application in
ZIP file.

Suppose we want to persist the state of light .bulbs between runs, how would you do this?

How would you test the application?

After the code is completed what steps would you take to get the application running in a k8s

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