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Bapsi Sidhwa's "Ice Candy Man" is a seminal work of fiction that explores the complexities of
gender, identity, and power within the framework of a turbulent historical and social
backdrop. In this assignment, you are tasked with analyzing the novel from a feminist
perspective. You will critically examine the female characters, their struggles, relationships,
and the societal constraints they face in order to explore the feminist themes within the


Introduction: Provide your argument and introduce the concept of feminism in literature.

Feminist Critique of Female Characters: Choose at least two significant female characters
from the novel (such as Lenny, Ayah, Shanta, or Godmother) and thoroughly analyze their
roles and experiences within the story.

Examine how these characters are depicted in terms of agency, independence, and how they
navigate the patriarchal society. Do they challenge or conform to societal expectations?

Intersections of Gender and Other Identities: Discuss how issues of class, religion, and
ethnicity intersect with gender in the novel. How do these intersections impact the female
characters' experiences and opportunities?

The Role of Male Characters: Analyze the male characters in the novel, such as the Ice
Candy Man, as well as other significant male figures. How do they contribute to the feminist
discourse in the story? Are there examples of male allies or oppressive figures?

Historical and Cultural Context: Examine how the historical and cultural context of Partition-
era India-Pakistan plays a significant role in shaping the feminist themes in the novel. How
does the political turmoil and societal changes impact the lives of the female characters?

Conclusion: Summarize your findings and the significance of feminist themes in "Ice Candy
Man." Discuss the broader implications of the novel's portrayal of women's experiences in
the historical and cultural context.

References: Include a list of academic sources and literary analyses that you consulted while
working on this assignment.

Word Limit: 1000 words/ 2 sides of one page (excluding references).

Note: Be sure to support your analysis with specific examples from the novel and engage
with relevant feminist literary criticism to substantiate your arguments. This assignment
requires critical thinking and a deep understanding of both the novel and feminist theory.

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