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Policies Designed for Self-Interested Citizens May

Undermine "The Moral Sentiments": Evidence from

Economic Experiments
Samuel Bowles, et al.
Science 320, 1605 (2008);
DOI: 10.1126/science.1152110

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effects or spillovers), the result of private de-
centralized decision-making will be inefficient
in the sense that by implementing some other
Policies Designed for feasible outcome, at least one individual could
be made better off without anyone being made
Self-Interested Citizens May worse off. These inefficient outcomes are termed
market failures (environmental degradation or

Undermine “The Moral Sentiments”: traffic congestion, for example). They would be
avoided if people were held liable for the costs
that their actions inflict on others (and were re-
Evidence from Economic Experiments compensed for the benefits conferred on others).
What economists call complete contracts do just
Samuel Bowles1,2 this: They eliminate the spillovers, internalizing
the external effects by assigning claims and lia-
High-performance organizations and economies work on the basis not only of material interests but bilities so that each actor “owns” all of the ben-
also of Adam Smith’s “moral sentiments.” Well-designed laws and public policies can harness efits and costs resulting from his or her actions,
self-interest for the common good. However, incentives that appeal to self-interest may fail when including those conferred or imposed on others.

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they undermine the moral values that lead people to act altruistically or in other public-spirited Thus, if contracts were complete, the invisible
ways. Behavioral experiments reviewed here suggest that economic incentives may be hand would work: Self-interested individuals
counterproductive when they signal that selfishness is an appropriate response; constitute a would implement outcomes that are efficient in
learning environment through which over time people come to adopt more self-interested the above sense (9). This is the economic al-
motivations; compromise the individual’s sense of self-determination and thereby degrade intrinsic chemy by which entirely self-regarding individ-
motivations; or convey a message of distrust, disrespect, and unfair intent. Many of these uals are induced to act as if they cared about the
unintended effects of incentives occur because people act not only to acquire economic goods and effects of their actions on others. Prices do the
services but also to constitute themselves as dignified, autonomous, and moral individuals. Good work of morals, recruiting shabby motives to
organizational and institutional design can channel the material interests for the achievement elevated ends. A consequence, according to the
of social goals while also enhancing the contribution of the moral sentiments to the same ends. philosopher David Gauthier, is that if contracts
are complete, “morality has no application to
market interaction under the conditions of perfect
avid Hume (1711–1776), the Scottish to the fine by doubling the fraction of time they competition” (10).

D philosopher and economist, cautioned

legislators that constitutions and public
policies should be designed for “knaves” moti-
arrived late. When after 12 weeks the fine was
revoked, their enhanced tardiness persisted un-
abated. While other interpretations are possible,
Contracts are rarely complete, however, in
part because information about the amount and
quality of the good or service provided is either
vated only by their “private interest” (1). Over the the counterproductive imposition of the fines asymmetric or nonverifiable, that is, it is not
past century, economics, embracing Hume’s illustrate a kind of negative synergy between known to both parties, or even if known it cannot
axiom, has devised ingenious ways that taxes, economic incentives and moral behavior. The fine be used in the courts to enforce a contract. As a
subsidies, tournaments, auctions, and other incen- seems to have undermined the parents’ sense of result, market failures are not confined to the
tives can be structured to induce self-regarding ethical obligation to avoid inconveniencing the well-known cases of environmental spillovers
individuals to act in the common interest when teachers and led them to think of lateness as just but occur in the workaday exchanges essential to
market competition alone would fail to accom- another commodity they could purchase. the functioning of a capitalist economy: labor
plish this (2, 3). This past October, three of its lead- The example points to a shortcoming in the markets and credit markets. Contractual incom-
ing practitioners—Leonid Hurwicz, Eric Maskin, conventional economic approach to policy de- pleteness occurs in these cases because of the
and Roger Myerson—were awarded the Nobel sign: It overlooks the possibility that economic impossibility of writing an enforceable contract
Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for their incentives may diminish ethical or other reasons that specifies that the employee will work hard
work in what is now called mechanism design. for complying with social norms and contributing and well and the fact that credit contracts cannot
Dismissed by some as an arcane branch of ap- to the common good. Where this is the case, the be enforced if the borrower is broke (11). Con-
plied mathematics, the field is, to the contrary, of kinds of incentives stressed by economists may tracts are also incomplete (or nonexistent) in team
immense practical importance for the public have counterproductive effects. (By “incentives” production processes and the voluntary provision
good: the invisible hand needs a helping hand. without adjective, I mean those appealing to self- of public goods such as neighborhood amenities
But what if citizens are not knaves, or at regarding preferences.) or adherence to social norms.
least not all of them, all of the time? In this case, The critical assumption in the conventional The labor and credit market examples share a
policies designed to harness self-interest to pub- approach is not that other-regarding motives are common structure: A principal (the employer or
lic ends may be counterproductive (4, 5). As absent but that policies that appeal to economic the lender) wishes to induce the agent (the em-
Bruno Frey warned, a constitution for knaves self-interest do not affect the salience of ethical, ployee or the borrower) to act in a way beneficial
may produce knaves (6). A real-life experiment altruistic, and other social preferences. According to the principal, but the conflict of interest be-
(7) provides an example. to this view, the effects of material interests and tween the two cannot be resolved by specifying
In Haifa, at six day care centers, a fine was “moral sentiments” on behavior are additive the terms of a complete and enforceable contract.
imposed on parents who were late picking up their rather than interactive. This is called the assump- The de facto terms of the exchange are de-
children at the end of the day. Parents responded tion of separability; a mathematical formulation termined by the strategic interaction among the
is provided in (8). parties, not by the courts. The same problem
Santa Fe Institute, 1399 Hyde Park Road, Santa Fe, NM arises when a farmer pays a share of his crop to
87501, USA. 2Dipartimento di Economia Politica, Universitá Incentives and Market Failures the landowner. The problem common to these
degli Studi di Siena, Siena, Italy. When individuals do not take into account the cases is that the agent does not own the results of
E-mail: effects of their actions on others (called external his or her actions: The lender takes the loss if the SCIENCE VOL 320 20 JUNE 2008 1605

borrower cannot repay because of the agent’s organizations such as the Ford plant depicted in work when simply using market terminology
choice of an overly risky project; the employer Diego Rivera’s mural (Fig. 1) motivate their mem- (“exchange”) to describe an experiment reduces
enjoys most of the benefits of the employee’s hard bers in part by the carrots and sticks of incentives fair-minded behavior (19) or in which market-
work. but also by appealing to other-regarding motives like competition “offers justifications for actions
The task of the mechanism designer is to find such as the desire to do a good job and a sense of that in isolation would be unjustifiable” (20).
a way to assign to each actor the entire benefits reciprocal obligations among members of a firm. The frame-shifting effects of incentives may
and costs (to themselves and to others) of his However, recent advances in experimental eco- occur in cases of government-imposed incen-
actions, thereby providing a surrogate for com- nomics provide convincing evidence that the joint tives, too. Here is an example. Experimental sub-
plete contracts. For example, assigning owner- effect of these two kinds of motivation is not sim- jects whose livelihoods depend on easily depleted
ship of the land to the sharecropper (who would ply the sum of their effects considered separately. forest resources in rural Colombia were asked by
then own the entire crop) would accomplish this. The 41 experiments on which this review is Cardenas and his colleagues to individually and
Replacing sharecropping by a fixed rent that does based [listed with technical details in (17)] show anonymously choose how much to withdraw
not depend on how much is produced would do that the separability assumption commonly fails. from a mutually beneficial common pool analo-
the same. In a few cases, explicit incentives and ethical gous to “the forest” (21). Payoffs were such that
This emphasis on mechanisms to the exclu- motives are complements, the former enhancing the level of withdrawal that maximized the gains
sion of morals is new. Before the advent of eco- the salience of the latter. In most cases, though, of the group as a whole was substantially less than
nomics in the 18th century, it was more common separability fails in the opposite way: Incentives the level that maximized the gains of the indi-
to appeal to civic virtues: fellow feeling toward undermine ethical motives. As is standard in be- vidual acting singly. The experiment thus captured

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one’s neighbors, the work ethic, and the moral havioral economics, most of the experiments were a common market failure in which self-interested
obligation to repay. These motives are hardly ade- played anonymously for real (and often substan- actions by each would overexploit a common
quate to avoid market failures (especially among tial) money stakes. pool resource (the forest) and reduce the well-
strangers in the global marketplace), but morals Four reasons have been suggested for the being of all.
and other-regarding motives are essential to the failure of the separability assumption: incentives Groups of subjects played eight rounds of this
performance of firms, communities, and other in- may frame a decision problem and thereby sug- game without communication, withdrawing on
stitutions. Examples include the payment of taxes gest self-interest as the appropriate behavior, or average amounts that were about midway be-
[in the United States, far in excess of the amounts affect the long-term development of preferences, tween the individually self-interested and the
that would maximize one’s expected income (12)] or compromise the individual’s sense of autono- group-beneficial levels (Fig. 2). Their substantial
and the positive influence of good will toward my, or convey information affecting behavior. deviation from the individually selfish level is a
management on employee effort (13). Behavioral These processes—termed framing, endogenous measure of the subjects’ other-regarding or ethi-
experiments that model the voluntary provision of preferences, overdetermination, and the infor- cal values. The experimenters then changed the
public goods and relationships between principals mation content of incentives, respectively—often rules. In subsequent play, for some groups face-
and agents show that substantial fractions of most work jointly and sometimes with opposite effect. to-face communication was allowed (but there
populations adhere to moral rules, willingly give Experiments illustrating these four explanations was no way to make binding promises). Groups
to others, and punish those who offend standards follow. in this “communication” treatment improved their
of appropriate behavior, even at a cost to them- performance, extracting less from the “forest,”
selves and with no expectation of material reward Framing thereby deviating more from self-interest, and
(14–16). Incentives are part of how a decision situation is gaining higher benefits.
Thus, societies address market failures represented and may signal appropriate behavior The other treatment precluded communica-
through some combination of incentive-based (18), as seems to have been the case for the tion but simulated “government regulation.”
design and other-regarding motives (9). Likewise, Haifa parents, for example. Framing is also at Withdrawals were not to exceed the announced


Fig. 1. Diego Rivera’s mural of factory workers at Ford’s River Rouge assembly ethical motives. Recent behavioral experiments show that organizational strategies
plant (detail). Modern economies require cooperation toward common ends among may backfire if they rely solely on explicit economic incentives and seek to limit the
countless individuals, often occurring as the result of both self-interested and options of group members.

1606 20 JUNE 2008 VOL 320 SCIENCE

group-optimum level, and subjects would be selfish to exploit the civic-minded, then the latter of the groups, consistent with the idea that de-
monitored and fined for overexploitation. The are less likely to be copied. Other effects are less velopmental processes that affect adult behavior
regulation reduced the level of withdrawal that obvious: A competitive market with complete are linked to economic structure. We found that
would be chosen by an entirely selfish individual, contracts leaves little scope for acting on ethical, in anonymous experimental settings, individuals
but the expected fines were such that some over- reciprocal, or generous preferences, even among from the more market-integrated societies were
exploitation of the common pool remained the those so inclined. Moreover, if such markets were, also more fair-minded in that they made more gen-
payoff maximizer’s optimal choice. In this “regu- as Gauthier says, morality-free zones, then noth- erous offers to their experimental partners and more
lation” treatment, subjects initially responded by ing would be lost if people regarded markets as often chose to receive nothing rather than accept an
restricting their withdrawals to close to the group off limits for morality, other than the possibility unfair offer. A plausible explanation is that this kind
optimum, but after two periods their behavior of fair-mindedness is essential
increasingly conformed to self-interest, and for to the exchange process and
Regulation Communication

self-regarding behavior (‘months’)

Average observed deviation from
the last three rounds their choices were almost that in market-oriented socie-
entirely self-interested (Fig. 2), sacrificing only ties individuals engaging in
one-fifth as much individual payoff to protect the mutually beneficial exchanges
“forest” as subjects in the communication treat- 5
with strangers represent mod-
ment. The fine, although insufficient to enforce els of successful behavior who
the social optimum, apparently all but extin- are then copied by others.
guished the subjects’ ethical predispositions that

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in the earlier rounds had induced them to with- 1

draw much less than would maximize their own 0 Where people derive plea-
payoffs. sure from an action per se in
100 the absence of other rewards,
from self-regarding behavior (‘pesos’)
Average income forgone by deviating

Endogenous Preferences 90 the introduction of explicit

Incentives may also induce long-term change in 80 incentives may “overjustify”
motivations. Preferences are endogenous if one’s 70 the activity and reduce the in-
experiences result in durable changes in motiva- 60 dividual’s sense of autonomy.
tions and hence a change in behavior in given The underlying psychological
situations. A number of experiments have doc- mechanism appears to be a fun-
umented durable learning effects (22, 23). In 30
damental desire for “feelings
these experiments, as in the case of the fines for of competence and self-
tardiness at the Haifa day care centers, incentives determination that are associ-
induced more self-interested behavior, even after 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
ated with intrinsically motivated
they were withdrawn. In the public goods exper- Stage I Rounds Stage II behavior” (25). There is a sub-
iment designed by Falkinger et al. (23), subjects stantial empirical literature on
who had experienced an incentive system that Fig. 2. Effects of social preferences with communication or fines. the psychology of intrinsic
was very effective in increasing contributions to Shown are two measures of the salience of social preferences in an ex- motivations (26, 27), as well
the public good later played the same game periment replicating the problem of cooperation to protect an envi- as nonexperimental studies in
without the incentives: They contributed 26 per- ronmental resource (21). The top panel shows the average deviation economics [surveyed in (28)].
cent less than subjects who had not been exposed (in months of exploitation of the forest) from the level that would have Recent experiments by econ-
to the incentives. maximized the individual’s material payoff, given what others in the omists are consistent with
However, experiments of just a few hours group did. For example, in round 1 of stage I, both groups exploited this view.
the forest a little more than 3 months less than would have maximized
duration are unlikely to uncover the causal mech- For example, Falk and
their individual payoffs. Implementing the social optimum would have
anisms at work. This is because adopting new Kosfeld (29) explored the
required deviating about 6-1/2 months from the self-interested re-
preferences is often a slow process more akin to sponse. The second measure is the income foregone by the individual idea that “control aversion”
acquiring an accent than to choosing an action in by withdrawing less from the forest than would have maximized his may be a reason that incen-
a game. The developmental processes involved income. The first eight rounds were the same treatment for both groups tives degrade performance.
typically include population-level effects such as (no communication, no regulation), and there were no significant group Experimental agents in a role
conformism, schooling, religious instruction and differences in behavior by either measure. The groups diverged sharply similar to an employee chose
other forms of socialization that are not readily in Stage II. In the communication treatment, subjects deviated from the a level of production that was
captured in experiments. However, historical, self-interest optimum by an average of 4 or more months (top right), costly to them and beneficial
anthropological, social, psychological, and other more than they had in the absence of communication, and at con- to the principal (the employer).
data (5) show that economic structures affect siderable cost to themselves (bottom right). In the regulation treat- The agent’s choice effectively
parental child-rearing values, personality traits ment, subjects initially conformed closely to the social optimum, but determined the distribution of
rewarded by higher grades in school, and other in successive rounds increasingly acted in an own-payoff-maximizing gains between the two, with
developmental influences. Thus, economies struc- manner. [Used by permission.] the agent’s maximum payoff
tured by differing incentives are likely to produce occurring if he produced noth-
people with differing preferences (24). that the moral dispensations claimed for the ing. Before the agent’s decision, the principal
Incentives change preferences because they marketplace will be generalized to other arenas could elect to leave the choice of the level of
affect key aspects of how we acquire our moti- of life. production completely to the agent’s discretion
vations. These effects include the fact that in- However, markets may have quite the oppo- or impose a lower bound on the agent’s production
centives influence both the range of alternative site developmental impact. Behavior by subjects (three bounds—low, medium, and high—were var-
preferences to which one is exposed and the eco- in experiments among hunter-gatherers, herders, ied by the experimenter across treatments; the
nomic rewards and social status of those with farmers, and others in 15 small-scale societies in principal’s choice was whether or not to impose
preferences different from one’s own (11). For Africa, Asia, and Latin America (24) closely re- it). The principal could infer that a self-regarding
example, if the relevant incentives allow the flected the highly diverse economic livelihoods agent would perform at the lower bound and thus SCIENCE VOL 320 20 JUNE 2008 1607

that imposition of the bound would maximize the vestors who threatened use of the fines. The would otherwise contribute to the performance of
principal’s payoffs. authors’ interpretation is that trusting elicited a the agent often forgo the use of explicit incentives
In the experiment, however, agents chose a positive reciprocal response that was extin- and sanctions even in cases where the latter are
lower level of production when the principal im- guished by the threat of the fine. This was espe- feasible (35). Why then do we ever observe coun-
posed the bound. Apparently anticipating this cially the case when it appeared that the intent of terproductive incentives in practice?
response, fewer than a third of the principals the fine was to impose an unfair outcome. Where An experiment by Fehr and Gächter [reported
opted for its imposition in the medium- or low- the investor announced desired returns that would in (36)] with Swiss students suggests an answer:
bound treatments. The minority of “untrusting” have shared the benefits equally, the use of the Even if incentives reduce the total gains asso-
principals earned on average half of the profits of fines reduced back-transfers by only 8 percent. ciated with a project, their use may give the prin-
those who did not seek to control the agents’ Where the announced desired back-transfer cipal a sufficiently larger slice of the smaller pie
choice in the low-bound treatment, and a third would have allowed the investor to capture most to motivate the principal to use them. The
less in the medium-bound condition. In postplay of the benefits had the trustee complied, however, experiment, similar to the Fehr and Rockenbach
interviews, most agents agreed with the statement the reduction in back-transfers was 38 percent. experiment above, was constructed so that had
that the imposition of the lower bound was a The fact that incentives reveal that the subjects responded optimally on the basis of self-
signal of distrust. principal is untrusting or self-aggrandizing helps regarding preferences, the total surplus (sum of
Control aversion and the desire for self- explain a common pattern of experimental re- payoffs of employer and employee) would have
determination are not the only effects of the prin- sults. Incentives imposed by peers who do not been more than twice as great under the incentive
cipal’s seeking to bound the agent. The imposition stand to benefit personally do not compromise treatment as under the trust treatment. Negative

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of the minimum in this experiment gave the social preferences and are often synergistic with synergy between the incentive and social prefer-
agents remarkably accurate information about the them. An example comes from a public goods ences was so strong, however, that the total
principals’ beliefs concerning the agents: Those experiment in which fellow group members have surplus was much higher in the trust treatment
who imposed the bound had substantially lower the opportunity to reduce their own payoffs in than when incentives were introduced. This was
expectations of the agents. Their consequent at- true even in those cases
tempt to control the agents’ choices induced over where principals offered ex-
half of the agents (in all three treatments) to con- 16 Trust condition actly the kind of contract
- no fine possible
Average back-transfer of trustee

tribute minimally, thereby affirming the princi- 14

that a mechanism designer
Incentive condition
pals’ pessimism. This illustrates our fourth reason - fine not imposed would recommend. Under
that the separability assumption may fail. 12
Incentive condition these “optimal” contracts,
10 - fine imposed profits were more than dou-
Incentives Convey Information 8 ble those in the trust treat-
Principals select incentives based on their own 6
ment, whereas the payoffs
objectives and their beliefs about how well the to employees were less than
agent will perform his task under each possible half. The incentive treat-
incentive. Thus, the incentives selected neces- 2 ment allowed employers to
sarily reveal information about the principal’s 0
0-1 2-4 5-7 8-10
save enough in wage costs
preferences, the nature of the task, and his beliefs Transfer of investor to offset the reductions in
concerning the agent (30, 31). The incentives work effort.
selected may indicate that the principal is seeking Fig. 3. Average trustee’s back-transfer by level of investor’s transfer Thus, one of the reasons
to profit at the expense of the agent, or that the prin- (32). Larger investors’ transfers are reciprocated by larger trustees’ agents respond negatively
cipal believes the agent to be otherwise not com- back-transfers, but the average back-transfer is least when the fine to incentives—that they ben-
mitted to performing well, or that the job is onerous, is imposed and greatest when the fine was available to the investor efit the principal at the agent’s
or, as we have seen, that he does not trust the agent. but was renounced. [Used by permission.] expense—also explains why
This predicament for the principal is nice- incentives may nonetheless
ly illustrated in an experiment by Fehr and order to punish (reduce the payoffs of) others in be used by profit-maximizing principals, de-
Rockenbach (32). German students in the role of their group once each member’s contributions are spite the fact that they shrink the pie. If a mu-
“investor” chose a costly action benefiting the revealed and in which group membership is tually acceptable division of the pie could be
other player, the “trustee,” who, knowing the in- shuffled so that a punisher cannot benefit from decided in advance (and enforced ex post) this
vestor’s choice, could in turn provide a person- the target’s response in subsequent periods. In problem would not arise, but such ex ante
ally costly “back-transfer,” returning a benefit to contrast to the case where punishments are im- agreements are typically not feasible in real
the investor. When the investor transferred money posed by a principal who will benefit at the agent’s economies.
to the trustee, he also specified a desired level of expense if the agent responds positively, here
the back-transfer. The experimenters implemented there is a strong positive response by low con- Why Moral Sentiments and Material
an incentive condition in which the investor had tributors (15). The most plausible explanation of Interests Are Not Separable
the option of declaring that he would impose a the effectiveness of peer punishment is that when According to the conventional economic ap-
fine if the trustee’s back-transfer were less than the punished, those who have contributed less than proach, individuals process raw materials and
desired amount. The investor could also decline others feel shame, which they redress by con- make exchanges so as to get something; the
the use of the fine, the choice of using or declining tributing more subsequently (33). If instead those things acquired do not include one’s moral
the fine option being taken before the trustee’s de- punished experience anger (if they have con- standing or sense of having acted well. Behavior
cision. There was also a “trust” condition in which tributed more than others, for example), contribu- is not only acquisitive, however; it is also
no such incentives were available to the investor. tions may fall, and costly retaliatory punishment constitutive. People act also so as to be or to be-
The use of the fine reduced return transfers, escalations result (34). come a good person or one who is esteemed by
whereas renouncing the fine when it was avail- others. When one’s person itself is the raw
able increased return transfers (Fig. 3). Only one- Why Are Counterproductive Incentives Common? material and its transformation or affirmation is
third of the investors renounced the fine; their We have seen that principals who understand that the objective, the presence of explicit economic
payoffs were 50 per cent greater than the in- incentives may undermine social preferences that incentives may have unintended effects. The

1608 20 JUNE 2008 VOL 320 SCIENCE

individual who would give to charity so as to af- means of affecting citizens’ actions must be 10. D. Gauthier, Morals by Agreement (Clarendon Press,
firm his status as a generous person may find that sought. However, where the effect of incentives Oxford, 1986), p. 93.
11. S. Bowles, Microeconomics: Behavior, Institutions, and
even a small material reward overjustifies his good is merely blunted rather than reversed, surpris- Evolution (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2004).
deed and hence degrades its value as a signal (37). ingly, either greater or lesser use of economic 12. J. Andreoni, B. Erand, J. Feinstein, J. Econ. Lit. 36, 818
Constitutive action appears to be at work also incentives may be optimal (8). If the mechanism (1998).
in the cases where incentives and morals work designer seeks to implement a target level of 13. T. F. Bewley, Why Wages Don’t Fall During a Recession
(Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1999).
synergistically as complements. The rule of law compliance (for example, that a given fraction of 14. E. Fehr, U. Fischbacher, Nature 425, 785 (2003).
and other institutional designs limit the more the population should be inoculated), greater use 15. E. Fehr, S. Gaechter, J. Econ. Perspect. 14, 159 (2000).
extreme forms of antisocial behavior and facili- of the incentive is called for unless alternative 16. H. Gintis, S. Bowles, R. Boyd, E. Fehr, Eds., Moral
tate mutually beneficial interactions beyond the means to the same end are available. However, Sentiments and Material Interests: The Foundations of
Cooperation in Economic Life (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA,
family. This may enhance the salience of social lesser use of the incentive may be optimal in 2005).
preferences by assuring people that those who other cases, as the mechanism designer must 17. Additional information about the studies reviewed here is
conform to moral norms will not be exploited by weigh the value of additional contributions to the available as supporting material on Science Online.
their self-interested fellow citizens. This phenom- public good against the administrative costs, 18. A. Tversky, D. Kahneman, Science 211, 453 (1981).
19. E. Hoffman, K. McCabe, K. Shachat, V. L. Smith, Games
enon may have been at work among the Hokkaido taking account of both the reduced effectiveness
Econ. Behav. 7, 346 (1994).
University subjects who cooperated more in a of the incentive and the fact that it reduces the 20. A. Schotter, A. Weiss, I. Zapater, J. Econ. Behav. Organ.
public goods experiment when assured that others utility that citizens experience from the act of 31, 37 (1996).
who did not cooperate would be punished (38), contributing 21. J. C. Cardenas, J. K. Stranlund, C. E. Willis, World Dev.
28, 1719 (2000).

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despite the fact that this had no effect on the Policy-makers could learn valuable lessons,
22. B. Irlenbusch, D. Sliwka, IZA Discussion paper No. 1758;
subjects’ own material incentives. They apparent- too, from experimental evidence that some (Institute
ly wanted to be cooperative but wished even more mechanisms induce even the civic-minded to for the Study of Labor, Bonn, 2005).
to avoid being the sucker who is exploited by act as if they were selfish. Examples include 23. J. Falkinger, E. Fehr, S. Gaechter, R. Winter-Ebmer,
defectors. Similar synergies occur in natural set- anonymous competitive markets and the public Am. Econ. Rev. 90, 247 (2000).
24. J. Henrich et al., Behav. Brain Sci. 28, 795 (2005).
tings: Social norms support observance of traffic goods game without opportunities for peers to 25. E. L. Deci, Intrinsic Motivation (Plenum, New York,
regulations, but these may unravel in the absence monitor and punish free riders. Other mecha- 1975).
of state-imposed sanctions on flagrant violations. nisms, such as the public goods game with peer 26. J. Cameron, K. Banko, W. D. Pierce, Behav. Anal. 24,
The proximate reasons for nonseparability punishment or opportunities for communication 1 (2001).
27. E. L. Deci, R. Koestner, R. M. Ryan, Psychol. Bull. 125,
may reflect the fact that appeals to self-interest among participants, may induce the self-interested 627 (1999).
and to morality activate different cognitive and to act as if they were civic-minded. Thus, even for 28. B. Frey, R. Jegen, J. Econ. Surv. 15, 589 (2001).
neurological processes, appeals to the former a population with a given distribution of self- 29. A. Falk, M. Kosfeld, Am. Econ. Rev. 96, 1611 (2006).
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