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THE ESSAY (Teacher's copy) A OUTLINE OF AN ESSAY INTRODUCTION Background Information Thesis Statement BODY PARAGRAPH 1 Topic Sentence Support 1 ‘Support 2 ‘Support 3 (Optional) Concluding Sentence (Optional) BODY PARAGRAPH 2 Topic Sentence Support 1 ‘Support 2 Support 3 (Optional) Concluding Sentence (Optional) BODY PARAGRAPH 3 Topic Sentence Support 1 Support 2 Support 3 (Optional) Concluding Sentence (Optional) CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH Restatement or summary of the main points ‘Some suggestions, advice, etc. Final comment on the main topic WHAT IS AN ESSAY? 's piece of writing that usually has five or more paragraphs. An essay is written about one topic that has several main points. The main points are introduced in an introduction paragraph and supported in body paragraphs. The conclusion is the last paragraph, INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH ‘An introduction paragraph is the first paragraph in an essay. It contains two pars. Background information: a few sentences about your subject that catch the attention of your reader. A Thesis Statement: one sentence that tells your reader the main points of your topic and states the overall ‘plan’ of your essay. WHAT IS A THESIS STATEMENT? A thesis statement expresses your opinion about a topic. Itis the basis of the introductory paragraph of your essay. ‘+ It should be a single complete sentence. ° + You must be sure you can support the opinion in your thesis. A thesis statement should + never be an open-ended question + be limited to mentioning only those points you plan to discuss in your essay ‘+ never be so broad that it's difficult to discuss all relevant information ‘+ only present one specific idea; not multiple ideas ‘+ not contain two conflicting ideas B. Write the thesis statement for the topic sentences given. 1. Thesis Statement There are several reasons for a heart attack. First of all, the person may be under stress. Another risk factor is a family history of relatives with heart trouble. ©. The major factor, however, is an unhealthy lifestyle, 2. Thesis Statement: There are some negative and positive reactions to disappointment. One negative reaction to disappointment is depression. ‘Another negative reaction to disappointment is the desire to escape. ©. The positive way to react to disappointment is to use it as a chance for growth. 3. Thesis Statement: Watching television has the value of relaxation and entertainment as well as being educational. a. First of all, watching TV has the value of relaxation, b. In addition to being relaxing , television is entertaining. Most importantly television is educational, BODY PARAGRAPHS ‘The body consists of one or more paragraphs following the introduction. Each paragraph supports the main idea of your essay by breaking it down into smaller ideas or sub- topics. Each body paragraph consists of a ‘topic sentence’ and several ‘supporting sentences’. A ‘conclusion sentence’ draws the paragraph together. Topic Sentence “Thousands of residents rely on the city’s buses, and streetcars to travel throughout this large city, but Metro Transportation System's daily schedules are totally unreliable. A bus or streetcar that should. arrive at 7:45 may net arrive until 8:00 or later. Moreover, It ls not unusual for a bus driver to pass up groups of people waiting for the bus, because he wants to make up for lost time. Unfortunately, people often end up going to work late or missing important appointments. "In order for people to get to their destinations on time, people must allow for waiting time at the bus and Gae stops” (Hogue, A. & Oshima, A., 1991, p. 79). Concluding Sentence ‘Supporting Sentences EXERCISES ON TOPIC SENTENCE AND SUPPORTING SENTENCES TOPIC SENTENCE EXERCISES ‘A. Read each of the following groups of sentences. Choose the most suitable topic sentence for ‘each group from the four suggested topic sentences that follow. i The George Washington Hotel has good rooms, but its restaurant is small and the food is not very good. The Triangle has an excellent restaurant, but is so close to the railroad station that the guests often get very litle sleep. The Lincoln Hotel is in a very quiet neighbourhood, but it has no restaurant and the service is bad. However, the Lake Hotel was builtin a quiet neighbourhood, has a good restaurant, and provides excellent service. The Lake Hotel is a good hotel. My parents prefer the Lake Hotel to the George Washington. The Lake Hotel is the best hotel in town. Weston has four good hotels. apse 2 It has very pleasant rooms and is inexpensive. It has a very good restaurant. There is also a barbershop, magazine counter, and coffee shop in the hotel. In addition, the service of the hotel is excellent in every way. ‘The Lake Hotel is the worst hotel in Weston. The Lake Hotel has the best barbershop in town. The best restaurant in town is in the Lake Hotel. The Lake Hotel is a good hotel. B. Write a topic sentence for each paragraph below. 1. London is a great place to live. Life is very fast and exciting here. | love big parks, the museums, the art galleries and the theatres. | meet lots of interesting people and | can do something different every weekend. | am never bored in London. 2. Large cities have many good opportunities to live in. For one thing, you can never get bored in a large city; there are always films and plays to see, large stores for shopping or at least for window-shopping, ‘Also, large cities provide educational facilities and health care for citizens. Another thing is that if you are in a large city, its not so difficult for you to find a job. 3. Tennis is a great sport for everyone. Many people enjoy tennis; besides they believe that playing tennis keeps them fit. There are hundreds of people who take up this sport after their retirement. Children, too, are keen on tennis, They think it is fun 4. There have been some setbacks in a day. While he was ironing his trousers he burnt them. Then he missed the bus to work and had to take a taxi. When he got to work, his boss reprimanded him saying, “Robert, you are late again!" Towards noon his gitfriend called him and said that she wouldn't see him again. ‘SUPPORTING SENTENCES EXERCISES A. Choose the best supporting statement for the following text. The job of the nurse isn't always enjoyable or easy. They often work at night or at the weekends, too. They usually don't have enough time to spend with their families. ‘a. Nurses have to work long hours. b. Most nurses work in modern hospitals. c. Nurses, together with doctors, help sick people. d. Some hospitals provide accommodation for nurses. B. Write a supporting statement to complete the paragraph. ‘Smoking is a bad habit. Itis a waste of money. If you save the money you spend on cigarettes a month, you can buy something you really need. Besides, it causes important health problems. Cancer, for example is one of the illnesses. C. Write three supporting sentences for e.g.:1 am terrible at doing the laundry. Jloften shrink my favourite shirts because I leave them in the dryer for too long. | forget to separate the coloured clothes from the white ones and sometimes end up with grey .ch of the following topic sentence: underwear. ©. | rarely read the cleaning instruction and have ruined things that should have been dry-cleaned by putting them in the washing machine. Living in Istanbul is expensive Accommodation is expensive, especially in the city centre. Transportation is over charged. Costs of entertainment are high. eges ‘Summer is my favourite season. There is no school. 1 g0 on holiday. I don’t like cold weather. Itis almost impossible to study in my dormitory. I don’t like crowd. There is too much nois I don’t fee! comfortable. Doing exercise is important for good physical and mental health You become stronger. You fee! happy. Your digestive system works better. CONCLUSION PARAGRAPH The conclusion paragraph is the last paragraph in the essay. It completes the essay by summarising or also include an opinion, a prediction, or a solution to repeating the most important ideas. The conclusion ‘a problem, Unfortunate problems” (Hogue, A. & Oshima, A., 1993, p. 79). EXERCISES ON CONCLUSION PARAGRAPH ‘A. Read the paragraph in the box below and choose the best concluding paragraph to it among the following three paragraphs. If you ask average Americans where their language comes from, they will probably say ‘England’. However, English vocabulary has also been influenced by other countries and groups of People. Some words are borrowed from other languages, such as typhoon, which originally came from the Chinese word, ‘tai-fung’, meaning ‘big wind’. Skunk, the name of a small, smelly, black- ‘and-white animal, came to English from a Native American language. African Americans, too, have both contributed new words to English and changed the meanings of some existing words. 1. The British eat many different kinds of food, but the typical diet of many people includes eating a lot of fast food and ready-made dishes. The popularity of hamburger and pizza restaurants has increased greatly ‘over the years. As a result of this diet, many British people have food-related health problems. To create a healthier society, people should lear about eating a good diet and should teach their children to do the same. 2. Clearly, itis difficult to say that there is one type of British food. Every part of the country has its own special dishes based on the produce and tastes of that region. From the Ancient Britons and the Roman, 1 of the UK continues to change with its ‘Saxon and Viking invasions to present-day immigrants, the cui changing population, 3. People who have come from other countries to live in the UK have brought their own traditions and customs with them and added them to British culture. It is possible to find restaurants from all different ethnic backgrounds, especially in larger cities around the country. Immigrants may also ‘maintain their traditions by building places to practice their religion, such as mosques, temples and churches. By continuing to follow some of their customs and beliefs, immigrants can stay in touch with their past while also living a new life in a new country. B. Match each of these introduction thesis statements with its rewritten version for a conclusion, T. People can learn many things by travelling to other countries. b 2. Despite the challenges, being an entrepreneur can offer more benefits than other types of employment. d 3. The fact that larger supermarkets offer cheap prices and a large selection of products makes them the best place for shoppers. a 4. The World Wide Web gives access to a huge ‘amount of knowledge, but users shouldn't believe ‘everything they read there. fF 5. When children are exposed to music and are taught to play instruments such as the piano or violin, there are many positive effects. 6. The sun gives a constant, free supply of clean energy. which more homes should take advantage ofe ‘a. Supermarkets are the best places to buy food because of their convenience and lower prices. b. Travelling abroad is a valuable experience, learning . Learning to play a musical instrument is very beneficial for children. . Creating and owning a business offers more advantages than working as an employee in a company. @. More houses should be adapted fo use solar energy because it is clean and renewable. f. The World Wide Web can be very useful for research, but it also contains a lot of incorrect information, SAMPLE ESSAY 1 FRIENDSHIP What does the word ‘friendship’ mean to you? For some people, friends are just people you go ‘out and have fun with. In my opinion, the ideal friendship is much more than that. Firstly, a true friend should be honest and trustworthy. Without these characteristics, you Cannot have a good relationship with anyone. What is more, both partners in a friendship should have these qualities. A proper friendship is one based on equality. ‘Secondly, it is important to share similar interests with your friend. It would be very difficult to keep a friendship going if the two people had nothing in common. Thirdly, an ideal friend is one who can turn to in times of trouble. Friendship is not only about having a good time, but being able to give or ask for support whenever it is needed. Some of the closest friendships have developed under very difficult circumstances. In conclusion, there are many people who can calla friend, but the qualities friendship is built on trust, shared interests and supporting one another — are harder to find than you can imagine. 4o ‘SAMPLE ESSAY 2 EF atypical acy HOW TO BE HEALTHY Do you find that most magazine articles about health and fitness suggest solutions that are too ‘expensive or difficult for you? There are a number of easy ways to keep fit and stay healthy. To start with, if you are a smoker, you should stop smoking. Smoking is a leading cause of cancer, heart disease and a lot of other health problems. Itis also bad for non-smokers because they have to breathe in other people's smoke. Therefore, if you want to be healthy, you should certainly stop smoking, Furthermore, it is a good idea to get some exercise. You do not need to join a gym to do this. Instead, you can walk quickly around your neighbourhood for thirty minutes, three or four times a week. Allin all, if you do some exercise, you will find that you have much more energy. Finally, you should make sure that you eat healthily, especially if you are overweight. If you eat fatty food less and eat more fruit and vegetables, you will lose weight naturally. As a result, you will be fitter, fee! better and live longer. In conclusion, if you want to have a healthy life, you should stop smoking, get some exercise and improve your diet. | believe nothing is more important than health, do LINKING WORDS Here are some linking words you may use to make your points clear and to make your essay coherent. GIVING EXAMPLES Tor instance Tor example to ilustrate ‘such ‘one example of + Women generally live longer than men. For instance, / For’ example, in the United States life ‘expectancy for women is 75, while it is 73 for men. + Earthquakes can be highly destructive. To illustrate, the earthquake which occurred in Erzincan in 1939 devastated the whole town, killing more than 35,000 people. * Vegetables, such as broccoli, carrots and cauliflower, are good for your health ‘+ There are many problems in poor countries. One example of these is the starving children. ‘SHOWING EMPHASIS in fact, indeed ‘as a matter of fact ‘actually (in fact) clearly above all ‘most importantly certainly * He is quite wealthy. in fact, he is one of the richest men in Turkey. * I didn't actually see her - |just heard her voice. + Sowhat actually happened? + ike reading. As a matter of fact, itis my favourite pastime. + Jack is @ highly talented musician. Indeed, he has an extraordinary gift for music. * She is very intelligent, resourceful and creative, but above all, she is a very kind person. ‘+ There are rules we have to obey when we drive to ensure our safety. For example, we have to be very alert and careful, but most importantly, we simply have fo obey the traffic rules and regulations. if everyone does this, the number of traffic accidents will dectine. + He is very il. He will certainly die if you do not call a doctor. ‘+ Clearly, that cannot be true. Itis an obvious lie. Everyone knows that. REFORMULATION ‘+ Hes conservative. In other words, he is favour of the preserv: n of old institutions in their original form, ‘+ Is there a cheaper solution? To put it in a different way, can you make a cheaper device? AA ADDITION & LINKING ~ and ‘also | f besides ‘moreover Turthermore 7 in addition first, (firstly, /first of all, /to begin with, 7 secondly, (Second, /in the second place,) in the first place, / for one thing thirdly, (third, in the third place,) finally, Vlasly, last ofall, ‘apart from ‘a5 well as ‘+ Aykut plays football. Moreover / Besides / Also, he runs a restaurant. + Nancy writes short stories. In addition, she writes articles for a newspaper. * To prepare his homework, Jack went through various history books. Furthermore, he took notes from several encyclopedias. During her spare time, Kayla practices the piano. In addition, she plays the violin. * [prefer to buy fruits and vegetables in the open market because they are quite cheap there. Besides, they are much fresher than fruits and vegetables sold at the greengrocer's. ‘+ Living in a city offers good job opportunities. Also, it provides good educational opportunities. * Alidoes not have a gift for music. Moreover, he lacks motivation to practice music. Therefore, he ‘can't become a good musician. ‘+ Owing a car has some advantages. First, (Firstly, / First of all, /To begin with,) it gives you + comfort, Secondly, it saves you a lot of time. Thirdly, it gives you great freedom of movement. * Apart from Rover, we are the largest sports car manufacturer. ‘+ As well as the costs, we are concerned by the competition CONCLUSION in summary in brief in short I in conclusion to be brief to sum up allin all ‘+ This is our most disastrous and embarrassing defeat ever; in short, itis a fiasco. ‘+ The system lacked originality, efficiency and ingenuity. In conclusion, it was a complete failure. Ib REASON & RESULT Some people are very stressed Children drink polluted water +80 -Asaresult, - Consequently, - As a consequence, - For this reason, - Therefore, - That's why, they may have health problems. they become ill and die. Stress polluted water can caus is the cause of leads to gives rise to results in is the reason for health problems. death among children, ‘Some people may have health because they are very stressed, problems since they drink polluted water People become ill as because of People have health problems due to stress. Children become il and die as a result of drinking polluted water. as a consequence of CONTRAST although Although my mother is talkative, my father is quiet. - however My mother is talkative. However, my father is quiet onthe other hand | My mother is talkative. On the other hand, my father is quiet. but ‘My mother is talkative, but my father is q yet My mother is talkative, yet my father is quiet. different from | My mother's personality is different from my father's personality unlike Unlike my mother, my father is quiet. > THE ESSAY Introduction General statements and information about the topic Thesis statement: lists the main ideas in the essay Body Paragraphs Support the main ideas of the thesis statement Begin with topic sentences Conclusion Brief summary of main points of the essay jy OPINION ESSAY ‘+ An opinion is what a person thinks about a subject. * When you give your opinion about a subject, you want your reader to agree with you. Therefore, you must give reasons for your opinions. PLAN OF AN OPINION ESSAY INTRODUCTION PARAGRAH Background Information ‘Thesis Statement (Stating Your Opinion) BODY PARAGRAPH 1 Topic Sentence ‘Supporting Sentence 1 ‘Supporting Sentence 2 BODY PARAGRAPH 2 Topic Sentence Supporting Sentence 1 Supporting Sentence 2 BODY PARAGRAPH 3 Topic Sentence ‘Supporting Sentence 1 ‘Supporting Sentence 2 CONCLUSION PARAGRAPH Concluding Sentence Final thought(s) (Suggestions, advice, etc.) AS Read the model essay. THE RIGHT TO DIE : Nowadays, our society faces a difficult problem: the legalization of euthanasia. Euthanasia is a method f causing death painlessly to end suffering. People who are in a comma because of accidents and elderly People who are terminally ill are being kept alive by artificial means. They do not have a chance to recover, but American laws do not allow doctors to end their lives. However, in my opinion, euthanasia should be legalized for several reasons, fecovery. They can never lead normal lives and must be kept alive by life-support machines such as respirators to help them breathe. They are clearly more dead than alive and will never be able to live a Rormal life. For example, after Samuel, an infant, had swallowed a balloon, he stopped breathing, The balloon was removed, but the lack of oxygen had caused brain damage and left in a comma, Samuel could not breathe without the help of respirator; and there was no hope for his recovery. ‘Another reason to support mercy kiling is that medical costs are very high, Today the cost of a hospital room can be $ 1,450 per day, and it does not include the cost of special equipment. The high cost of medical care can cause financial problems for the family. For example, Charles Adkin's eighty-two-year-old wife lived in @ nursing home in a comma. for four years. Since there was no chance for her recovery, Mr. Adkins Fequested that the doctors stop treatment. However, his request was rejected. Soon after she died, Mr. Adkins was billed $ 250,000 for his wife's medical care. The court ordered him to pay the bill. As a result, he had terrible finar ial problems. The nurses and other hospital staff can give the terminally il patient only minimum care. Thus, the family must spend time to care for the special needs of their loved one. For instance, Nancy Cruzan was alive on life-support machine for eight years. She could never recover from her vegetative state. However, during those years, her loving parents visited her regularly. Allin all, because terminally il patients have no chance to recover and to live normal lives, they should be allowed to die with dignity. Therefore, the family should have the right to ask the doctors to turn off the life-support machines or to stop further treatment. When there is no hope for the future, we should not prolong life because itis a tragedy both for the patients and for their loved ones. eb Answer the following questions. 1 Which sentence expresses the writer's opinion about the right to die? In my opinion, euthanasia should be legalized for several reasons. Underline the topic sentences that give reasons in each body paragraphs, and circle the transition signals, What are the two parts of the conclusion? Do you agree or disagree with the writer's final thought? Explain. ANSWERS MAY VARY ice FREQUENTLY USED TRANSITIONAL SIGNALS AND THEIR USE Topi People should live abroad for a while, ‘+ The first (second, third) reason is ‘© The first and the most important reason is . * The second reason is ‘* Another reason is ‘© The final reason is * The final and the most important reason is money. (NOUN) ‘eaming more money. (VERB + ing) that you can eam more money. (CLAUSE) * Inmy opinion, + (firmly) believe that .. + Ido not agree that + My opinion is that + | (definitely) feet / think that .. + It seems / appears to me that + As far as | am concerned, + (completely) agree that + (strongly) disagree that + Itis my (firm) belief / opinion / view that ... + Tomy mind, ... + To my way of thinking, * It strikes me that + There is no doubt that ... people should live abroad for a while. (CLAUSE) XS SAMPLE ESSAY Topic: People should live abroad. Do you agree or: agree? LIVING ABROAD Many people prefer to live in their own countries. However, nowadays more and more people are leaving their country to live abroad. (1) It is an important decision (2) because living away from your country can be a really interesting and unforgettable experience, but at the same time it can be quite challenging for some people. (3) My opinion is that people should live abroad (4) for three reasons. (5) To begin with, you can lear how to adapt yourself to another society and culture. (6) Since you are living in a place with different customs and traditions from yours, you will be able to develop yourself in unknown conditions. (7) Moreover, you can make new friends, learn other points of view, accept different opinions and values and seize by going to different places and meeting new people. (8) Accordingly, you will be able to achieve true knowledge. (9) Another significant reason for living away from home is learning to get responsibility. (10) That is, living on your own, far from your family gives you a lot of experience in organizing your life. (11) Because it is only you but there is no one else to go to school, clean your room, wash your clothes and organise your expenses. It is predictable that you will have a good and strong independent behaviour that grows inside of you. (12) As a consequence, you will become mature and self-confident because you have achieved a lot allalone. (13) The last but not the least reason for living abroad is practising the language. You can leam a foreign language in your own country by means of schools or language institutions. (14) However, learning a new language and practising it all the time is possible only if you live abroad. The learning period will be much shorter. (15) Additionally, due to practising the language with the foreigners in the daily life, you lear the colloquial way of saying lots of things. “What's up?” is one example of colloquial language, which is akind of greeting. (16) Taking all those points into consideration, (17) it is my firm belief that living abroad, at least for a period is a good opportunity. Although it can be hard at the beginning, we have to remember that all changes are difficult, but they are necessary to shape a character. (18) Most important of all, things do not last forever, and we have to make the best out of them, 19 ALTERNATIVES FOR THE NUMBERED EXPRESSIONS 1. Itis a very significant matter / subject 2. as/since 3. _Itis my firm belief that / To my mind / To my way of thinking /It strikes me that / | (definitely) fee! that / As far as | am concerned / It seems to me that for various / several reasons ‘The first and most important reason why / First of all/ Firstly / The main reason is that Because / As Besides / In addition / Additionally / Furthermore / What's more As a result / Consequently / As a consequence / Therefore / Thus ‘The second important reason is 10. n other words / It means / What | mean is that 11. As / Since 12, Consequently / As a result / Thus / Therefore 18. The last important reason is 14.On the contrary / In contrast 15. Besides / In addition / Furthermore / What's more / Moreover 16. In conclusion / To sum up / To conclude / To summarise / All in all 17. | strongly believe that /it is my strong belief that / there is no doubt that 18. Most importantly Senor SAMPLE ESSAY 3 Topic: Should the capital of Turkey be moved from Ankara to Istanbul? ‘THE CAPITAL OF TURKEY 'n most countries of the world the biggest city is the capital city. In England the capital is London, in Russia itis Moscow and in France itis Paris. However, in Turkey the biggest city is Istanbul, but this is not {he capital city. Since 1920, the capital has been Ankara. Many people think that the capital should be moved back to Istanbul. In my opinion the capital should not be moved back to Istanbul due to the cost, the shortage of space and more important priorities. The first reason the capital should not be moved is the enormous cost. All the politicians would have to Sell their houses in Ankara and buy new ones in Istanbul. They would probably choose new, more expensive accommodation and expect the country to pay the difference. In addition, the government buildings would hhave to be moved. Imagine the cost of buying new land and constructing new buildings. After the economic crisis in Turkey, the country cannot afford to pay for unnecessary expenditure like this. Moving politicians’ houses and government buildings would be incredibly expensive. The second reason the capital should not be moved is the shortage of space in Istanbul. Istanbul has a Population of at least 12 million people. You can travel in any direction and see buildings for many kilometers. Sometimes you think the city is never going to end! If the capital was moved to Istanbul, the Sovernment buildings would have to be in the centre of the city. Can you find any empty spaces in the centre of Istanbul? In my opinion, there is not enough space to make Istanbul the capital of Turkey. The third and most important reason the capital should not be moved back to Istanbul is more important Priorties. Most people think there are no major problems with the situation as it is now and so the capital Should remain in Ankara, Turkey has many other problems which are more important, such as the economy and earthquakes. Turkey recently had an economic crisis and many people are still homeless after the last earthquake. In addition, we need to spend money on making buildings stronger in preparation for the next earthquake. As far as | am concerned, the government needs to focus on these problems which are much ‘more important than the location of the capital 'n conclusion, | strongly fee! that the capital of Turkey should stay in Ankara so that the country doesn't waste money and also this will prevent Istanbul from getting more crowded. Besides, there are other huge Problems in Turkey. Can you imagine the chaos of moving the whole government buildings, the houses and the people? We should consider how much money would be wasted. Personally, I believe that instead of Considering the question ofthe capital's location, politicians should concentrate more on the real problems of ‘Turkey, namely improving the economy and preparing for the next earthquake. MM PART B: Complete the essay by writing a suitable thesis statement and a concluding paragraph. Topic: Should alcohol be banned? THE BANNING OF ALCOHOL Some countries of the world encourage while others discourage the drinking of alcohol, Interestingly, in the Vietnam War, the average age of the soldiers was nineteen, and some of these men were allowed to drive tanks, fire heavy weapons etc., but they were not allowed to drink beer until they were twenty one. Because of such laws the issue of drinking alcohol is a very heated and complicated one. | strongly believe that drinking alcohol should be banned for three reasons which | will mention below. ‘The first reason is because if somebody drinks too much of it, then their behaviour can often become destructive. For example, police stations across England are regulary filled with drunken youths who have ‘caused damage to people and / or property on a Friday or Saturday night. ‘Another reason is that there are too many accidents on the roads of most industrialized countries and a ‘major cause is alcohol. Unfortunately, alcohol gives a person the feeling that their driving is better because it usually increases a person's self-confidence. In fact, many tests have proven the opposite even after two ‘small glasses of wine. The third reason is that if somebody drinks too much alcohol, then they have a greater chance of developing many major illnesses later on in life. Alcohol has been shown to damage, in particular, the liver {and the brain if too much of its drunk. {In conclusion, 1 strongly believe that drinking alcohol should be banned so that people do not become destructive. There will be fewer traffic accidents and fewer people will suffer from serious illnesses. Living in an alcohol-free environment will double our quality of life. PART C: Complete the essay by writing a title, background information for the introduction paragraph, and a concluding paragraph. Topic: Why should people go to university? ‘STUDYING AT A UNIVERSITY All around the world there are millions of university students. Also in Turkey, studying at a university is considered as prestigious. On the other hand, some people think that being a university graduate is not a necessity. | firmly believe that people should go to university for several reasons. The first reason why people should go to university is that they can get a diploma and / or a degree. This leads to a respected and well-paid profession. Nowadays unemployment crisis is troubling not only the poor Countries but also the developed western countries. Therefore, people need a diploma if they want to find a job easily. ‘Another important reason is that people want to get more education. University provides a higher level of education since it has all these resources and facilities for people who want to reach knowledge. For example, there are a lot of universities with many books and articles for students. Learning is the key to everything that we want to improve, As a consequence, education helps us widen our understanding and increase our intellectual ability ‘The final reason is that many times studying at a university means living in a city far from home. When 's because they have to live people live away from home to study at a university, they learn new responsi (on their own. What is more, this experience can help them to meet new people, make new friends, and know individuals of great importance. To sum up, it seems to me that people go to university for different reasons. Also, being a university graduate is always beneficial. You should think about the advantages and disadvantages and make your decision about having a degree. PART D: Complete the following essay by writing a title, an introduction paragraph, a body Paragraph and a concluding paragraph. Topic: I's a good idea for young people to live together before getting married. Do you agree? TO LIVE OR NOT TO LIVE TOGETHER Nowadays, more and more people tend to live together day by day. For a couple living together before they get married used to be considered as inappropriate. However, | strongly believe that a woman and a man should live together before getting married for three reasons which I will mention below. To begin with, if a couple live together first, they have to spend much more time with each other than when they are going out together. Therefore, living together gives them the chance to find out what their Partner is really ike as well as whether they get on well with each other when together so much. ‘Another reason for living together first is that you do not have to have close relationships with your partner's family. There are not certain boundaries such as visiting them often or inviting them for a dinner since you and your partner do not have an official relationship. Finally, itis usually much more difficult for a husband and wife to get divorced than itis for an unmarried Couple to split up. Getting divorced is never easy because there are nearly always bitter arguments over who keeps the house, the furniture, the car and, most importantly, the children. On the other hand, itis relatively simple for an unmarried couple to split up since they usually remain financially independent and do not have children. All in all, young people should experience living together for the reasons mentioned above. Getting married is a sort of milestone in someone's life as it brings tremendous changes. Itis always beneficial to play the demo before you purchase the actual game. a4 he sentences in the essay below are in the wrong order. Put them in correct order (1-9) and decide where the essay should be divided into paragraphs. Topic: Too much importance is attached to exams at schools. Do you agree? 2) This is because one is much better at taking exams than the other. b) However, like many other people, I feel that too much importance is given to exams and that itis time to change the way we monitor our children’s development at school ©) As a result, students are often encouraged to learn facts by heart, instead of how to use the information and how to think for themselves. 4) The traditional method of assessing academic progress has always been for students to take exams. ) Apart from this, exam questions often test how much a student has remembered about the things he or she has been taught in the classroom. ) To sum up, in my opinion less importance should be given to exams because they are unfair, because they are often a test of memory and because they can have a negative influence on teaching. 9) Lastly, it seems to me that exams sometimes have a bad effect on teaching, as teachers are usually judged by the exam results oftheir students. h) Firstly, | think that the examination system is unfair because sometimes two students with the same ability in a subject get very different exam results, ') Consequently, they are often more interested in preparing their students for the exams than in making their lessons lively and stimulating. a © eNennona ~ Seo ee so 4 PART F: Complete the essay by writing background information for the introductory paragraph, 2 body paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph. Topic: “Should smoking be banned in public places?” ‘SHOULD SMOKING BE BANNED IN PUBLIC PLACES? ‘Smoking is a common habit in our society. itis a debatable matter whether smoking should be ‘banned in public places. Smokers totally disagree with this idea. Personally, | think smoking should definitely be banned in public places. In the fist place, itis very unpleasant to st ina smoke-fled room, such as a restaurant or cinema, if you fo not yourself smoke. Added to this, smoking can be a serious fire risk, especially in crowded places like discos. Finally, in my opinion, nobody should be asked to risk his health just because of another person's bad habits. Secondly, it is unhealthy for non-smokers. It gives harm to people. Therefore, non-smokers ‘should not be subjected to this disgusting habit. They have a right to breathe fresh alr. That's why, ‘smoking should be banned in public places. Lastly, itis a good idea to prevent young generation from smoking. Since cigarette is widely used in society, the young generation Is under the risks of smoking. It is better to ban smoking in public places so that teenagers will not tend to imitate it. To sum up, smoking gives serious harm to people's health. It affects both smokers and non- ‘smokers in a negative way. itis very unpleasant to risk anyone else's health. In addition to that, an action should be taken to prevent young people from smoking. That's why, | firmly believe that ‘smoking should not be allowed in public places. 2% , | This page fsnitin tae Shorts poste: SUGGESTED ESSAY TOPICS Choose one of the following topics and write an opinion essay. a) b) °) a) e) “School uniforms are the better choice for students." Do you agree? 'n some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are stil students. Do you think this is a good idea? “Friends are the most important to the young.” Do you agree? “The richer you are, the happier you are." Do you agree? “Computers have made life easier." Do you agree? at

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