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Suspects and Detectives Prompt Cards

Jenny – Personal Assistant You have worked with the mayor for 5 years.
For 3 of those years, you have been stealing
money from the town's accounts. Last week, the
mayor found out and fired you, you now have no
job and no training for anything else. He told
people that you had been fired, but not why.
You were angry with him, but you are
devastated that he is dead. He was a fair and
honest man, you did not kill him.

Leslie – Life Partner You have been married to the mayor for 10
years, and you loved each other very much.
Sometimes you argued, but you always made
peace in the end and the arguments were never
about anything important.
But he didn't know that you have gambling debts
from the casino, the police have this
information. They also know that the mayor had
a life insurance policy, and that you get the
money now that he is dead.

Gerry – Ex Business Partner A few days ago, the mayor called you to say that
he had fired his personal assistant. He wanted to
talk to you about why, but he was murdered
before you could meet. The circumstances sound
You and the mayor had a fight a few years ago,
because you had a company together and he
didn't pay you the money he owed you. You
needed that money, you have four children and
an expensive wife.

Freya – Best Friend A few months ago you gave the mayor a present,
a beautiful painting of the city! He put it in his
office. However, last week you discovered some
pictures of the mayor on holiday in Italy with
some of your other friends. You had not been
You went to his office angry, demanding that he
tell you why he hadn't told you about the
holiday. He admitted that he didn't like being
friends with you, and that he had found other
friends that he wanted to spend time with.
You can't believe that he would say that, he is
your best friend! So in a jealous rage, you took
the letter opening knife from the desk, and
stabbed him 3 times. Then you stole the painting
back from the office, and ran home.

Detectives You have been working on cases like these for

years, you know every trick that a suspect will
use to lie to you. Be careful when questioning
these people, they might not be telling you the
whole truth! Here is what you know about each

Jenny - Personal Assistant

Jenny has worked with the mayor for five years,
and seemed to be a good employee. But last
week she was fired, the mayor didn't give a
reason but the circumstances seem suspicious to

Leslie - Life Partner

Leslie and the mayor were married for 10 long
years. Their neighbours and friends say that they
had a happy, healthy relationship. But what they
don't know is that Leslie has debts from the
casino, and she gets the money from the Mayor's
life insurance policy.

Gerry - Ex Business Partner

Gerry seems to be nice person. But he has been
arrested before, because he started a fight in a
local bar. He is a large man with big muscles and
he is quite scary!
The Mayor owed Gerry some money, quite a lot
of money. He never paid it back. Gerry was
angry about this because he has a wife and four
children, so needs the cash!

Freya - Best Friend

Freya has been The Mayor's best friend for
many years. But you know that in recent
months, they haven't been spending a lot of time
together, and that the Mayor wasn't very
interested in the friendship anymore. Last month
he went on holiday to Italy with other friends,
and didn't invite her! It was Freya who gave the
Mayor the painting that was stolen.

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