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Biology Lecture 11/08/23

The end of information for the midterm is where the recorded lecture went up

Probability-type questions in genetics

 Multiplication rules like an “and” rule. X and Y are independent of one another just like
two dice rolling, the numbers are on different die.
o Use the multiplication rule to determine the probability of two or more
independent events that occur together.
o Equation: ½ X ½ = ¼
 How many unique gametes for AaBbCCDdEE?
o If it’s homozygous the probability would be one.
o If it’s heterozygous the probability would be two.
o Aa= 2, Bb= 2, CC= 1, Dd= 2, EE=1. Multiply together.
 The addition rule is like an “or” rule. If either event X or event Y occurs and if they are
mutually exclusive.
o Step 1: figure out genotype combos.
o Step 2: figure out probabilities using the multiplication rule.
o Step 3: add together the individual probabilities to answer the question.

Topic 11 – Chromosomal Genetics

 Chromosome theory of inheritance: genes have specific locations & undergo
independent assortment.
 ZW system in chickens/birds. Women= ZW, men= ZZ
 Bees have haploid and diploid systems, A female lays eggs then men go by and fertilize.
Left unfertilized will become wasps!
o Temperature and environment are important when reproducing.
 Gene dosage: the proper number of genes that is necessary for a proper phenotype.

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