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Universidad de las Americas

Name: Alexander Cahueñas

UniConnect: Your academic network on Discord

Contemporary education has been significantly transformed by the incorporation of technologies
that facilitate interaction and collaborative learning. In this context, I have turned my attention to
the creation and collaboration in a Discord group, a platform that has proven to be an efficient
and dynamic space for the collective construction of knowledge.

The Discord group that I have contributed to develop consists of three fundamental elements that
structure in an integral way the educational experience: the information channel, the text
channels and the voice channels. In the information channel, a warm written welcome has been
implemented, accompanied by the rules of the group, thus establishing an environment
conducive to positive, respectful and productive learning.

The text channel, on the other hand, stands as a central core for written communication. An
artificial intelligence-driven welcome has been integrated, an innovation that adds a personalized
touch when welcoming new group members. In addition, a general chat has been set up for
participants to ask questions related to the subjects or the functioning of the group. There are also
two key chats: "Homework Help" and "Session Planning". These channels allow the creation of
interactive sessions, offering the possibility of requesting academic help or coordinating specific
times to receive support. This structure ensures that meetings are effective, focused and benefit
all participants.

In the study materials channel, a space has been implemented where participants can share files,
PDFs or books related to the subjects. This resource seeks to provide students with additional
tools for orientation and in-depth understanding of study topics, thus encouraging self-directed
and enriched learning.

Finally, the voice channel emerges as an essential component for interactivity. This space enables
participants to connect, dialogue and help each other in a more direct way. Personally, I have
contributed by providing academic support through interactive sessions via this channel, where I
have been able to explain concepts in detail and provide comprehensive support to students
seeking to improve their skills in specific subjects.
Evidence of the classes with the participants:

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