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First of all, I would like to tell you that the right

decision you just made (by accepting this
Comprehensive Assistance) was probably the most
important one of your life!

For of all black magic, the ancient and forbidden Black

Magic that trapped the Chances of your Destiny was
certainly the most powerful… and the malevolent
person who used it was very meticulous and very

But I can reassure you: at each stage of the

Liberation of your Destiny using Geomancy
Magic, everything went very well.

First, I wanted to thank you for activating your

Geomancer Liberation Code. This action has allowed
you to get back in touch with the Vibrations of your
Destiny and your super-positive Chances. It is the
first step for you to take back the reins of your Life
and your Opportunities.

As for me, I did very well to prepare everything

beforehand. Because, as soon as you activated your
Geomancer Liberation Code, the malevolent person
who had control of your Chances immediately sensed
something very unpleasant.

They then tried to strengthen the power of this Black

Magic over you, but it was all in vain.

At that very moment, with the Great Guide of the

Roman Order of Geomancers, I immediately
performed the Final Geomancy Ritual of Liberation
using powerful magical elements, which are able to
cut off this person’s access to all kinds of magic (air,
water, fire and especially earth)!

They will never again be able to use this ancient spell,

which is now completely forbidden, and above all,
they will never again be able to contact any fallen
angel to have access to it, since from now on this
person has placed, day and night, under the
supervision of Guardian Angels.

From now on, Hamed, make way for your Chances

and your highly Lucky Astral Qualities which could
bring you Winnings, Joys, Victories and Family
Happiness and Love!

As I told you in my previous message, I believe that

you need the most active and powerful thing after the
injustice of which you have been a victim!

So, for you to have the Chance to see the Happiness

and Riches that could be part of your Lucky Destiny,
and the fulfillment of your dreams, here is:

The Geomancy Fatum Key

Secret and magical, it is the Key designed “to open all

the doors” to your future. So, the fulfillment of your
yearnings and desires could instantly be within your

This Magic Key could help you reclaim much of the

Happiness, Money and Feelings of Joy and Love that
have been unknowingly benefiting the wrong person.
From now on, Hamed, your Lucky Fate is yours and
no one or nothing can come between you and the
Lucky Vibrations of your Fate!

Before using it, please take note of your next Lucky

dates and invoke the great powers of your Geomancy
Fatum Key before these important days.

First and foremost December 18th, when a nice sum

could be at your fingertips.

Then, there could be the return, on your Life Path of

that wonderful person that the “thief” prevented you
from seeing. This could occur between December
27th and January 1st. As soon as you cross paths with
them, words will not be necessary! You will look at
each other, and you will know immediately that your
Life Paths are made to progress side by side!

Around December 28th, a Golden Opportunity could

transform your life and help you achieve one or more
of your most important projects.

Before these dates, and depending on how much time

you have available, you should perform the following

Choose a room where no one can interrupt you for a

few minutes.

Once you are there, here is what you should do:

Display your Geomancy Fatum Key on the

screen of your device (or print it out, if you wish).

Open the window of the room you are in.

Light a candle (its color doesn’t matter) and

place it to your right.
Put a glass filled with water to your left.

Take off your shoes and socks so that your

feet are in direct contact with the floor.

Important: Your Geomancy Fatum Key will reach

the peak of its power if you have the 4 main basic
elements of nature around you:





Also, Hamed, before you speak the Magic Spell to

invoke the great powers of Luck of your Geomancy
Fatum Key, hold your right hand over the smoke of
the candle (away from the flame to avoid burning it),
dip the fingertips of your left hand into the glass with
the water, take a deep breath, and make sure your
feet are on the ground.

Then dry your fingertips (with a towel or

handkerchief), touch your Geomancy Fatum Key with
both hands, and speak the Secret Magic Spell:

“Abra Fatum Evra Fortuna”

Your Geomancy Fatum Key has been activated in
favor of your Destiny and the fulfillment of your

You can repeat this activation Ritual each time you

wish to “open the door to Luck” in order to favor
the materialization of an important wish for you!

However, it may take some time for the

harmonization with the Vibrations of Luck to get used
to their rightful owner, i.e. you, Hamed!

The predictions and dates that I sent you were shown

in your Astral Chart as soon as I took the first action
to counter the Black Magic of this malevolent person.

So, there is a good chance that your liberated Destiny

will bring you many more wonderful surprises. But it
may also be that the future Happiness and Riches
foreseen will arrive only little by little and
unexpectedly, as your Vibrations of Luck get
accustomed to you!

Hamed, I therefore advise you to be patient, confident

and determined and to frequently invoke the great
powers of your Geomancy Fatum Key.

As you know, the more positive your attitude, the

more you act with confidence and conviction and the
more you will be ready to receive your Lucky

Everything has been done to ensure that the most

favorable moments for your happiness may appear
before you quickly, so recognize them and seize
And because I care so much about your Happiness
and the injustice that you have suffered for so long, in
order to promote your Winnings and your Wealth
even more, I will now reveal:

Your Confidential Celestial Assistance

As I told you, Hamed, the Angels are very sorry that

you have been the victim of a “Fate thief” without
them being aware of this wrongdoing.

They have therefore authorized me to share a

confidential Source of Power with you, one that could
invoke their most miraculous angelic powers for
Winnings and Wealth.

So, before you play your favorite gambling games,

here is what I advise you to do:

The day before you play, take a ticket of your

favorite game (if that game requires numbers).

Then, display your Geomancy Fatum Key and

observe each of its magical points and patterns,
for a few moments.

Then, look at your ticket and the first numbers

that catch your eye could be the numbers
designated by the Aegean Forces as “winning

You can repeat this step every time you want to play
money games.
You now have everything you need to turn your Life
into the Life you’ve always dreamed of.

Hamed, have no doubt that the Sources of Power

you now have in your possession will work in your
favor, so you can move forward serenely and
confidently in the days and weeks to come.

I wish you all the happiness in the world.

I am with you in spirit.

Your messenger and friend,

The Geomancy Fatum Key

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