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Kabul Times (June 27, 1979, vol. 17, no. 81)

Bakhtar News Agency

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,, • I

m~esrfo~,«defenl:e\'of ghlan; .12600 jeribs~to,'180. '~""'I g

unclied ~'Rana
I, - ~l' ~ ~ ,11Iti1~ l.j I
\ . 'I ' /,:'1\ 't,'\
-, ~
~IIlutliliJ :l"hlle"' "~arrylDg fanulies' "In \;KuodUz, 'and" - -I" (. ' " ,
rough,stteet~~o~ " I ""
rcJp".t174·1.~~ . .....
jil~~·t, I 'I Ord
kh:aqt • ~~ 0 f"f .;,g-
p!lot:os ,iIf. Grebt·Leader. 'of 7099 'de"bs to .426 families' g!~,iJs aqd 1~~(~'A91r'; '~8lU~tij'l.,he\~al~,; n,ot" only,
I!OOple Nbor. Mohammad in 13ndnkhsh!lI1t'pfovincesi glorIous fu!\c\iOr1s" held 'olIF l'\'nect~\'fhe) aspIrations 'of
'Eal'8ki, General 'Secretary .S,milprly 20,86~, .jeribs lhis or.C~sj9111 al "llte" lana' thqo,pl!\>ple'.oflthat country'.
o~ the_Centrat 'Comnlittee wero ,distributed 10 d614 'de' dish Iblltio'l) sit"s;'" ,""-, butl o£:,the,desU"E!s"of ,th~
of,<PDPA and President· of servmg r..:nilics Frldoy In Th'lhe, functions'
" "", .
some peopI e,lo f ' .....g
H h-'st
am an .....-
tbe RevolutlOnaty, CouncIl, 10111 provinclJ.'; • g-ovj)rnors '. wole~wqis and All ,'th~e conspiracies ago
natillhal -red" flags 'and re· _ At th" functIOns hl!ld on heads of 'dem~cratic '18"'d amst the Saur Revolution . ,- ,.
ref,OI Ill. Operalional' gCOI\/?s are unbearable.
v.oli.itional':yl streamers: mar-
clred tlnO\Igh the streets of
tmu] dl!o01 nbutlOo sdes a
nUJ1lb"r of mtelhgenlsla and spoke in de~\'n on the si~. ,. Ch'~Re.i
, . ... MO~CdW, 'June 26, erA·
the related regions lond lat- mlellectuals spoke on tile nlficance of "iSlonca.1 flee- .... ~ ' l ~ I ss).- The 'public of
L • the
el'\ottended functions 'held
00 this occasion at the land
lofty objectlvI's of the !lveat
Sallr Revolullon aImed at
ree no eighl of thl! Revnli,-
honary Coun~ii anp \dis1tri..
Pak foreig~ developmg' cOllntries are
greatly cOn~erned over the
dIStribution SIt.,.. " prosperlly of people and (Cont!n,ued from page U ~I r drAin of national skiUed
hutc<\ I~nd o'l'ner~hip dl}- KABUL, ,June 26, lBakh· ...

At, the functions some consl, uctlOn of a,new sOCIety cuments to desel"Ving pea- es agaiJ)st the Khalqi Re-
volutioA of '¥-ghamst,w on
ar ).- ,Alllihdad Tufan, Dew pol icy. urg" personnel itom tbose (X)U-
n~tles, Pr~v<ja, writes Sun·
Great Leader of the People of Afgham.tan Noor Mohammad Tarah _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..-C ____'
governors, woleswals and m Afghamstan and at the sants goVernor ot Urezgan assu- entallves from different places at the People's House
daN. Ac~rdfng to the data

~ak press' on def~nce'of our R~V.olluti,on

the ,instfllcltons of some Cl}- m'ed his po~ l\ftet [nirl'due.
10noaJistic governmenls.
;r~ne 26, (Bakhtar) ,- of the llitest surveys carr- Afghanistan, First Minister rreceives
lion'with ''tile '&.&il~ of"'dep. Dr.Zearymeets
June 26, (Bakhtar) of Arshed Riayz Loun sa-
Tbe- defen~e of Afllbanlst- Id· We have ties With Afg-
ap's regIme by diftereDt pro hahlstan for the past cen-
In this meetmg Moha·
mma.!! Ajmal Ajad and Ha-
blbul Wahd Zaub, Moh-
I -
, "'t,J1lu: elld,thCl\Federatlon
of, l:he,dilltlhtuu Students m
.. reso\W:lOn strongly dem-
anded ..that the Afghan fu·
artments, ,empfoyees, memo
bers'of KOAY and KOAW
of that pr6vince
New Governor in his sp-
eech outlined the gains of
Shair Mciharnmad 1Oi'an one it!.4 out· by the U.N. Cilhfer-
of' the Balucb' leail:ers In enC:e on Trrade and neve Ie·
an int"l'View, with
Muslim newspaper said'
the pment (U/'olcrAD) , Within
the period of 1960 to 1975,
We welcome tbe revolut- over 1OO,000 skilled' speci·
Great Leader meets USSR sign
accord on
planning course graduates
KABUL, June "7, (Bakh-
lar) - Hahzullah AmID,
PA and PreSident of Ihe Re-
volutIOnary CouncIl of
UN envoy
Ion ot Afghanistan. He alists emiyated from the KABUL, June 27, (Bakh·

tribal elders at
oyessive parlles and poht· tUries But tbe agents of Im- ammad Naween, Kban gltives must return. to tho
'leal Ci~cll!s of Pakistan IS peria1ism are spraYing po- Bahadur, Azer Shalr, MO" elr country. Smee the KhalQI
mvmclble Saur RevolutIOn
and Wlsb~d further cO\lpe-
said tha~ tihe rea¢lonary develOping countries to the cooperation Secretary and Member of
the Pol,lburn of PDPA CC,
Tal akl
Noor Mohammad
was wntmg
tar) -Dr Saleh Mohilmmad
cq,llt!n~illg 'I0d lit sny JUO- IsOn ogamst the revolut- rod Khan and Abdul Kha- government of Afgbarustan
Quarters of Pakistan inter- USA, Britain and Cailada
KABUL, June 27, (Bakh leary, Minister of Agncu
ment we 'm~y, liave opport- ion of Afghamstan and hQ delivered spetthes and rallon 'of employees' and fere In tbe' Internal aff. alone, the newspaper poin- and First MlIllster I ecclved the manifesto of the party Iture and Land Reforms met
has declared general amn· noble people of Urezgan io lar) - Tbe agreemenl per Ihe graduates of Ihe forst he expressed hiS speCial In-
uni!;y we will publish pa- attempt to detenorate our after sheddmg light on tbe 'airs of Afghlmlstan. ts out in an mtemational Theodares, ReSident Rep~
esty earlier, therefore there meeting the lofty obJectiv- "I talnmg to mutual G:oopel a- plnnmng course and heads
rtS of tbese defences toge- I elatIOns wilh Afghanistan objectives of the P/lk-Afg- Item Physicians accounted terest In planned econOJTIY rC'sentatlve of the World

People's House
IS no reason tbat why shoo es of the Great Saur Rev"l· Afghans Who have ,~ for SIXty Pl'r cent of thIS t!on between the Mllllstry of the plannmg departments III AfghanIstan In thiS rna·
ther wilh expreSsion of our while the pOQr a!'d oppress· hamstan f'r1enshlp Society Bank and UN Replesen-
uld these fugiltves remain ution and defence of hom· refuge in the terrltojly"1ii'·:;;r number, and s~ientjsts, eng· of Plaol1lng Affairs of DRA or the Mmlstnes at the St- Illfesto which was carned
\ feelings of humanity for tbe ed people defend Ihe revol- denouneed strongly those m 'Pakistan any longer In and the State COlUmltlee of tatlve for Agnculturc, LI-
",formation 01 Qur readers ';;'tlon of AfghaDistan and ela'nd Pakistan shoUld be ret'Utn- meers and technicians-for '" Palace of the MInistry 10 the first two Issues of veslock and Rural Develop-
spmy pOison agamst Afgh- the- resolution It bas also Plannmg Affairs of the Un
We start from 'Masawat. welcome It "Dlstan and saId that the ed to-their homes about 40 per cent. of rOl elgn Affairs yester- Ihe Khalq periodical the ment In Afghamstan at tcn
bccn added that the presen- Afterwards. ime of the Ion of Soviet Sooaltsl Re- d.oy afternoon whIle DIp aspllahons of the Peoples
,The Masawat dally of Paklstam government did slogans long clappmg and shoulmg pubhes was Signed, )n Mos- a m yesterday Durmg Ih
ce of the Afghan fUgltive 'employees and one of the Merl called on tHe gover· KABUL, June 27, (Bakht- Eng Mohammad SlddlQ Al- Democrallc Party of Afg-
P~klstaJ1 m its_ issue of Ju' lie oxpressed sabsfacllon not want to carry the of the revolubonary slog 'S meelll1g talks were beld
nl' 2( wqtes: . and appreC18tlOn for the elechons It JS afraid of e1.
IS not only a pmch on the
economy of PakIstan but
reSIdents of that provinee nment of Pakistan taking Landless ar) - The Great Leader of
the people of Afgbamstan
The Great Leader of the
people of Afghan,stan after ails some persons from am-
cow last Monday; emyar, minIster of plann· hal1lstan about tbe econo· over Improvement af con-
In tbe lr\bal meetinll of accord reached for the unI- ectlOns Therefore ID order on behalf of others prOmis- mto abeount the: nadonal Tbe Informatilln Deparl IIIg affairs was also pi esent mlc progress of the country dition of hvestock project
also severely threatens na- ed every readmess for sae· Noor Moham.mad Tarakl, responding to the piOUS fee- ong the audience In the)r ment of the Mllqstry of Fo
mterests of Pakistan aod was well reflected of Herat provUlCC
tbe free froitt of Lahore ty of action between nat-
h'i.Ja \1./fdC-1" Ithe leadershIp IOnal Progress Party of
to divert attention of the
people from elechons It
honal sovereignly and ter· rif,ce to defend the country 'the sItuation on the bordo receive land General Secretary of the hogs of enthus18sm of the
audience With speCIal Sino-
speeches thanked the gre· reign Aff",rs reported thaI
at and beloved leader of the agreement was Signed Upon arnval at the hall Tbe full text of the spee-
ritonal mtegrlty of that co· and bigh gains of Revolut- ers, It should cbange its Central CommIttee of the of the Stor Palace the I h of Haflzullah Amm waS
tribal frce front and
KIsam Mazdoor Party.
the carries out propaganda 'Ill-
mnst Afgbanlstan.
untry ion present foreign poliCy'.
, PROVINCES. ~Bakht<>r) People's Dem,oqa·tJc Par' enty and kIndness dehve- Ihe people of Afghanistan for Democrahc Repuijhc
I u'St MInIster was waI1T1ly broadcast over radJo at 9 00 Outgoing DPRK
More decyi ved- . - In view of the cbam br- ty of Afgbamstan and l'r-
eSldent of tbe Revolution-
red a comprehenSIVe and
lOUSing speech
fon receiving tbem Insplte
of hIS busY lime
of AfghaDlstan by Dr Shah we1comed by the audlence P m last night
eaking deoree no. eIght and Wah. depuly mmlslel and
LIkeWise the Jang dally With expreSS.1On of enthUSia- The functlon ended at envoy honored
compatriots m its Issue of June 24 ab-
-ol..t the hostile attitude of
Pashtun students publ ication on Afghanistan m contmuation of distnbu,
tlon of 18lld to landless al)d ,
ary Counci,l receIVed at tlte
People's House yeste~day The Bakhtar reporter ad-
ds tbat after the speech of
They "aid that they were
prepared to safeguard the
sacred land of Afghamstan
minister of pubhc health
and for the Umon of Soviet
sm and shouting of revolu-
tIonary slogans.
4 00 I' m yesterday even·
mg WI th long clapping and
petty land boldmg f'l1mh- afternoon the ulamas, eld· Soclahst Repubhcs by N KABUL, June 27, (Bakh·
PakIstan towards Afghan· KABUL, June 26. (Bakh. opagallon to divert tbe me· and providmg shelter to coodemning these black m· the geDius leader of the and aonibllate the enemies Haflzullah AmID, First ('x preSSion of enthUSiasm
es lO,976 jerlbs of land we- ers and represel)tatlves of K Balbakov, dep~ty chal'- tar) -On behalf of Shah
relurn horne lstan writes tar) - Tbe cenqal opgan of
Pahstun Students Federat·
ntalitles to ottler directIon
After the VictOry of the
these rebels is m Itself con- tTlgues of woJ'ld imperlal- re gIven to 757 landless and 'the noble compatnots of people of Afghlll;nstan Noor of the people of Afghamst-
an m whatever gUIse they
man of the Counc.l of MI'
M Inlster dehvered a schol-
,Illy and ilnalyllcill speech
<lnll sholltlng of revolution-
01 y slogans.
Mohammad Dosl, fll sl d,'-
JALALABAD, June 24 trary to the spmt of goodn' ,sm and theIr lack~ys. petty land holding famlhes Charmang Saldan, Saldan- Mohammad Tarakl, Gener- msters and Chairman of the puty foreign mUlIster for
(Bakhtar) In pursuance of The different' pohtical Ion Carfleti an article 00 khal<jl revolutton 1J;t our elghbourhn\!Ss and leave al Secretary of the PDPA may appear sheddmg Itght 00 variOUS After the rousmg and re-
m seven prOVInce. June 25 shah, ManollY, Azgher, Ke- State Committee for Plan· pohtlcal affairS a farewell
DRA's government stateme· partIes of Pesbawar have relations between Pakistan great neighbOUrIng country apart practical aSs.Jstance CC and PreSident of RC The text of the speech aspects of drafling and un· volutIOnary sp~ech of the
It IS worth nolicinlr tbat rkanl, Hashem. ,HelaJ Kh- DIng AffairS of SovIet Un- party was held 111 honour
establIshed an lISs0clat,on and Afghamstan whOSe t&:- of Afghamstao, ali react,o- and eooperation WIth them W111 be carri~d later. plementlng the five r,rst Mimster, tbe Mlms-
nt for offering general am·
III the nartle of Paklslan-
in spIte of repeated clSI' Bakhtar correspondents ad, Gul Abad, Cbame .lOa, whICh was applauded With ,on of Kim Ryogan, ambassa-
nesty to those of our comp- xt IS as follows' naries, feudals, the SO call- loS of the ruling class of yea I economiC and so- ler of Planning Affairs DIp-
J'lfghamsta,n lTiendshlp report from prOVInces tb· Kamangan, ehenAt' ReI, dor of the Democratic Peo-
atii1itS who, have bee" dece- ed peers and mullahs ha- The claIm of Pakistan tb· the Palustani government cl811 developmenL [plan of Ellg Mohammad Slddlq AI-
Oman, Joro Babera lind ple's Repubhc of Korea 10
ived, ,by the enemIes of Af-
ghanistan and have gone ab-
Society Hablb<\1 Wnlld
known as Wl1Z1f was elect~
The 31 yelUS old hlst~ry
of PakIstan IS wItness tbat
ve escaped to PakIstan and
gathered aroun<\ themsel-
at except fOOd and shelt.
er no otber assiStanee has
arms and ammunihQn are
being distributed among
at thousands of our noble
people mcludmg workers,
peasants, members of peas-
Durmg th!S, meetmll Dlp-
Am in addresses' J auzjan, Kunar patriots the counlry
In IllS lousmg speech the
cmyar In a long speech said'
I sJncerely promIse you
Kabul at the lecept,on hall
of Ihe Mmlstry of Foreign
road a number' of them also ed as p,resldent and Murad wbenever pakIstan faces ves In order, to fulf)! their been gIVen to these fugit- tbe tribes, whether the gov· PART I power of workers and pea- Flrsl MlDlslr said When the Great Comrade, dlstmg-
lints assIstance funds, me· Eng. Sayed Daoud Taroon, Hahzullah Amm, Secre- Affairs yesterday noon
reurned to Nangarhar last Khan as the vIce-Preside- an economiC, pohtlcal and shameful goals, Theil' fo- ,ves ;s an open lie The Today the city of Kabul sants, 'he power of laDou· the G, eal Leader of the U1shed teacher, the best ca-
I'rnment of Pakisbln can mbers of agrlcu'\ure ser- chief aide de camp of tbe tary and member of the Po-' The reception was atten-
nt t Azershalf as secretanr, sooal crISIS, the ruhng cla- Ilowers, in Pakistan ,name· conscious Pashtun and rers and farmers and the people of AfghaDlstan Ge dre of PDPA, the loyal stud-
Khan Bahadul, JOInt secr· sses With all power and, me- Iy the so cailed PIOUS pe-
claim thllt thIS has not be' vices cooperatives m~mb­ President of the Revolut- htburo of the Central Com- IS full of the revolutIOnary
net al Secretary of the Cen-
ded by Abdul Haddl Muka-
Bakhtar rorrespondent Baluchl people are witness en done on their mstruc& ers of CDR, KOAY, while Ionary CounCli and aclmg mittee of the People's De· air whlch represents the power of the people Today 1'lIt of the Great Leader of mel, deputy foreign mlnlS-
reports f,om that .provmce etary and Nurul-Aleem .os ans available always used ople and the ruling class that 111 addition to wen Kabul does not possess tbat tral Commlltee of the PD- the people of Afghamstan.
Ion If It IS so, then where carfYing the pbotos of bel- PreSIdent (of the offIce of mocratlc Party of Afghal1ls Ler for adnumstratlOn, Dr
Press SecretaJ)' of thiS agamst the people try to by C1j~iltl rg StO~les Ilnd ju·
that while commll for .regIs,
society divert the attenhon of the dlleme'lf-t ,ot JnfJdehty and
org""i!¥'d military train- IS the source of these 8I11IS oved le\lder of tbe people of the Revolullonary CouncI) tan and First M mister de- Mild tremor aLmosphere of mastership d II ect commander of the Mohammad Akbar Mehr,
tratlOll at the Education
Department of that provmce
people towards the nelgh- a\he~m "IYjant. til provoke
mg a considerable amount
of ,arm and ammumtion
and whether the Pakistani
army after supreSslng the
Afghanistan, red nallonal was also present hvered a most sensatIOnal whIch prevailed before the
Great Saur Revolullon_ To-
New Indian gl eat Saur RevolutIon :and
the First Mmlster of the
chief de cabmet of the MI-
they, were warmly welcomed ,In a meeting willch wa~ bourmg countries Today too Ibe people agaUlst Afgh. are beIng proVIded to the peopll' of the country has
flag$. and revolutlonary
streamers, traversed the
Bqkhtar adds that when
tbe prideful leader of the
and revolutionary speech
before the elders, scholars
rocks Kabul day It has an honoured and fll st state of tbe Ivorkers,
nister of Foreign Affairs.
Mohammad Wall Mandozal,
h~ld at the QfflC~ of th,e wlu\!), !lIe rulmg ellass, the- anlstan an<\ by false r~Q'
by the concerned offiCIal.
lIJld employees of tire depar-
Na,llOnal Progress Pllrty on Ir rel'lllpuq I'eactloqary lac- urs Iry to attract the sYm'
fugttlvea and Pakisl'aol s0-
ldiers. are' kept on
nllt been trylOg now to CJ:e-
ate new dangers fo~ the
streets of tbe provmces people of Afghanistan Noor and representatives or the
KABUL, June 27, (Bakh-
tar) -A mild tl eroor roe--
prIdeful atmosphere which
warmly and smcerely wel-
envoy arnves "Jld peasants of Afghanls-
Ian Ihat we will Implement
chIef of the Prolocol of 1111'
the Ol'caSlOn of the estab- keys and the explOIting c1. and later attended funcr! Mohammad Taraki, Presl' centre and wo)eswalls of MInistry of Foreign Affairs,
tment and a large number pathy and asslstance of tri- the Afghan borders world peace and tbe eXIst- ked Kabul al 7 354 a m yes· comes you toilmg people, the first five year p1an of
lishment of Ih,s SOCIety asses are J unable ~o adnun- bes 100 Ions held on the occasion dent of the PDPA CC, and t be provinces of J auzJan KABUL June 27 (Bakh some high rankmg offiCials
of. ofalalabad CitIzens ance of Pakistan. This has Presldeot of RC arnved at lerday U'he seISmologIcal you brave and dear pat· DRA pnor to ItS set tIme of that ffillllstry, Alexander
Ihe members of the Nat- lster and COntrol the Wishes , We have asked the at the sIte of land dlstnb- and Kunar at the Stor Pa- tar) -Jd~kal an SlI1gh TCJa
Our noble patriots whIle been repeated so many the garden of the People's statIOn of the FaC1llty 01 flats m thiS histOrical City, Puzanov, Soviet Ambassad
Ional Democratic Party. of our people, Ihey bave Ilovernml'nt of
The so caJled fugitives Pakistan ution lace, Mmlstry of Foreign ambassador deSignate of
shakmg hands With theIr br· tlmes House he WI>S welcomed bY Engmeel mg. of Kabul Um 111 thiS revolutionary clLy When Ihe People's Democ- or 10 Kabul and deao of
Nahonal Unity, and Peop- been trymg With all the,r are fact whal is the .,m bebind thiS
saboteurs aga- Affalfs Followmg IS the 1\
the Repubhc of India to
others expressed theIr patr- In the functIOns speeches the above mentioned audi- verslty pm pOinted Its epi- and 10 thls centre of great I allc Parly 01 Afgbanlstan the diplomatiC corps. soml'
les Party had also partIcI- sources of publiCity and pro duel polley Is 'Jt not that
mst their own government text of the speech AI ghul1lstan arnved here
IotiC sentJments and exures· were dehvered by governo- ence WIth long clappmg and center 111 northeastern palL honours of Afghamslan triumphed the great Saur members ot the Korean
pated Pakistan bY' violating the We ask all compatnolts, rs, woleswals and heads of Esteemed and brave dear of Kabul 330 kms from yesterday to assume hiS post
smg thanks for the kmdn· shoutmg of revolutionary At Kabul Inlernatlonal Air RevolutIOn under Ihe lead- embassy
pronclple of international students, ."'olars, jb\II"DS- land operallonal groups on fellow countrymen, the centr e of the station I have lhe honoUi today ership of the Great Leader
ess. of the Great Leader of pOI I, deputy etuer of pi 0- The term of offlcc of Kim
detente w~nls to start war IlSts, workers, peasants, the 'Importance of Implem· You are today In the ca- The Quake was recorded to welcome you m thiS ho- of Ihe people of Afgbanlst-
the people of Afghamstan, Ryogan as ambassador ot
Noor Mohammad Tarakl,
agamst Afghanistan en the members of pm18ment and entation of democratie land
order of ImpelJalism so tbat otber toiling people
Pak magazi ne pItal of a country where all three at Mercall scale at <I noured CIty, Ih,s cradle of locol of Ihe Mmlstry of Fo-
Il'lgn Affall sand sonw an and dnect command of the Democratic People's
General Secretary of tbe tbat reforms At the end of the the pohlJcal, econonucal and deptb of 85 \un No report the revolution, the city of yOll It was faced wl1.h great
she IS able to fight with if any attack is made on founelions the land owner· members of the Indian Em- Repubhc of Korea to Ka-
cultural authoflties are in of damag(' has been receiv- Kabul economIc difficulties But
Ceptral Committee of
PUPA and PreSIdent of. the
the khalqi forces of Paah· the Democratic Republic of shIp documents SIgned 'by on Afghan the hands of your sons, br· ed (Conlmued on page 2) IJclSSY welcomed him
(Contmued on page 4)
bul ended recenlly
Revolutionary Counctl expr- tun and Baluchl wbo hsve Afgbaplstan froll\ our SOIl the Great Leader of I" the others and lhe relatIves of
developed new determinat- will Afghanistan remain people of Afghamst,n we-
[' essed their every backmg
for the khalqi state and exp-
Ion apd spirit io them and stlent and will our PI!Op1e re handed over to them I fugitives you tOIlers of Afgharustan
Your presence an the cen-
ressed their every readmess also to IIvold the poslllve remam quiet and lfiSPect The deservers upon rete- tre of a country which IS
for ehmlnatlon of the ene- effect of th~ revolutionary this event Tben you must IVlng the land owne"hlp. June 27, (BakMar) - The cons,dered as the heart of
reforms of Afghanistan ov- make proper asse:;sm- doeuments by chantmll of weekly View Pomt Maga· :ASia, 10 Ihe cradle of Ihe
mies of the people of Afgh·
er our people and m this ent regardmg their role m slogans expressed their pa- zme of Pakistan In Its rec- Greal Saur RevolutIOn, Ihe
anlstan and the enemIes of
way cool down the sentlm· tbis stage at the present trIOtiC sentiments to their ent Issue wrotes on Afghan- prideful Clly of Kabul, has
the mvlncible Saur Revolu-
ents of the people which moment neither Islam is 6eloved leader and Istan.
Bakhtar report adds that b,ave been roused against i
t~reatened Innr any relig- khalQI state and expressed
the ruling explOltIve class- ious war IS viSIble as reac- thell' all
The Execullve Committ-
a different colour and dIg-
I1Ity Today there eXIsts nol
after reglslerlng, whIle ace· out cooperatIon ee of Fl'lendshlp Society of hel e the kmd of atmos'
es as a result of pohtlcal, 1I0pary elements want to and selflessness for realls~·
ompamed by a large numb-
eD oL noble people of Jalala- economic and soci8'\ stagn· create. I lion of gams of great Saur
Pak,stan and Afghamsl!ln
In a resolution has served
phere which eXisted wheo
you were to come before
ation. Revolution. one year and two months
bad, tbey left for home WIth a notice on gOvernment or
The ruling elass and. tbe Imperllillsm and the ela- The loformahon Depar' Pakistan on poSSible elash and four days
plellllure, "
. J'eactjonary ~ellglous elem- sses re'lated to it ,ate endan· tment of the Mimstry' of
between Afghanistan and
, ents, and agents of Imperia· g~red, because the class AgrIculture and land Ref·
Hem on the basis of the w~r among' ilJlpui\\lIsts, orD\S said that 4020 jenbs
PakIStan and has demanded
1hat the government press
mstrltedon of Impe",alism capitalists, feudals, usurers were given to 335 deservlnll should be stopped from pro KABUL, June 27. (Bakh·
have been trying to sabot, and rehlpllus el!>ment5 on fanubes -in Herat,
475 ovocative propaganda ag- lar) --Pohanwal - Abdurra·
age the, r~volution of Afg· one h""d and th~ tOlling jeribs to 19 deservers 10 amst revo!uhonary gover~ shld Jahh, mll1lster of ed-
, a;.
\(~ , J banistan bpt we have fIrm people OIl the pther
belie~ that tbe toiUng pea- been ,c;ontinuinll, We
has . Badghis; 1716 jeribs to 143
as~ deservers in Fanab; 480
nment of Afgbanlstan.
The'revolutlon of I Afgh·
ucallOn met UNDP ReSId-
ent Representallve In Ka· ,
~¢1ear throughout the c!lu, pIe of 'A~llhanistan by all .,_ ou~ ~ople. so tbat by; util· jenbS to 40 deservers In bul EvlogUi Bones Durmg
anisian is overwhelmmgly
ntl)' dul'lll& the ne,,! 24: hn; I' kinds of sacrifices win ising, tileir eX~J'jences ta- SamallSan, 660 ll'nbs to 20 supported by the people of thiS meetmg views Wei e ex-
Ufl~ll~~dlng;Kabul,., Pust. ,
st , s ,),n WJlIe parlji, expee. .;
foil. sul:h black mtr,gues ke deciSIOns on the Issue. of
deservers m Baghlan 1175 Afghanistan whlcb is an m- changed over partICIpatIOn
world imwr1alism, • Qur ' jeri~_ to 100 desenrers In of UNESCO m concevned
tid~ ,_ , 1 " ~ ~ dlcation of qualitatIve chll- Haflzullah Amm, Secretary and Member of the PQhlburo of PDPA CC and F,rst Mllustel addlcssmg Ibe gl a duales of {lrsl plannmg
• • \ j
awakened people too alonlJ
• •
Moba~ad Nask ,Kban Kund'uZ_ 2450 jeribs to 100 projects, of tbe Mmlstry ot
~ ,'ltu~e., M/I)C....~ '/"~"~1I~r.¥,;l~l£:fi-eiQrlly.\york done last Friday' by wor~eh alid ~mnlo. ~
nge m tbe life of brother
.c. ';t: • ...VI) F'e :t,·~l\:I ,.,,~~ ",.. 't:o 4 f'l '..; l' I II' F ;vith I!ll tile ~pleq pf the Ml\I!c\gklpll\, ZhAA Balllch· deservers in Takhtar prov- (Continued on Page 4) Education. course,
, ~L ' • ye s·o I actory. world have been .trongly istan. Inl:es,
.\ '

,-~ --
-- ,---~ ... ~ -_,,---..-, ..... ""'""
... .. ~...., ..._._ ....
JUNE 'J:T , 1979 ,

distFibution, census in prov.irtcs'

More than 166,02 JetibS allves 24/;,116 kgs M ferbl.
< atland were disftlbuted to BY OUR OWN REPORTER Izer and IIfs 705,600 in loa-
FROM BAGHLAN ns were gIVen td 1424 mem
of Doshi bers of the cooperatives Li·
chmmatlon of the llOternaJ kewlse In Dos!lJ. woleswah,
and fore,gn enemies of mcludlDll Kblnjan and Ta
the people of Afgb.amsla/1 lah and Barfak dlstrJcts, 19
lind by chanting of slogans ass,stance funds with
of long L,ve Noor Moba 3562 members were open
$peakmg further he said IIlmlld Torok., Long L,ve ed and the partICIpants de
thaI accord,ng to the land our Khalql state, welcom pOSIted afs 332 195 as the
reforms program more th ed the Implementation of Ir membersh,p fees
lin 32,000 Jenbs of land democratic land reforms 1n ~.

WIll be d,strlJ>uted to 2000 the benefIt of tolhng peo - Potnltmg to propagallion-

landless and petly land pIe of hteracy ,n that wolesw
holdmg famlltes and KochIs The source added as a ah the source added that
10 DoshI woleswah and an- rosult of the Implementat So far 30 hteracy courseS
other 1616 deservtng faml ,un of the cham breakmg have been opened ID Khm
hes wtll receIve land m decree no SIX of the Jan and 20 m Tala Bal:fak
dIfferent parts of that pro nevolu honary CounCIl dIStrICts and mOre than
vince more than 230 peasants we- 2241 persons have regIster
I e freed [rom the burden of cd theIr names m the cou
SImIlarly m KhtOjan diS- usury and mortgage of rses A number of patriotic
tnct 583 landless and ~ feudal which bcneflt mte'1hgentsla and teachers
tty land holdmg faml l 109 them afs 3556000 of tbat area volunteered to
les fecelve land fr teach the courses
ee of charge and After the vlotory o[ the
the d,strlbut'on of land great Sour Revolution SIX SImilarly the work on
contmues there agncuHure cOop'Crotlve we Implcme-ntntlOn of comple
re opencd In different par tc cCnsus prOject IS In fuII
'Phe democral1C land re- ts of DOshi woleswall of swmg and so far offtcials
PrIdefully we defm
forms In DoshI woleswal< whIch three are in tlte ce of census department Itave
ed and analysed thIS of llaghlon provInce beg oter twp III Tala and Bar corned out dJrect mtervle
"ar before our toilmg peo an four montbs ago and fak and one in KhmJan wo ws w,tlt 3312 famlltes ,n
pIe and we WIll do so agam
We WlII not gIve a verdIct
KUNDUZ June 26 (Bak It wllI be completed dur leswah The cooperatlv, s
I,ave 1801 members
dIfferent pa, ts of that "0
hter) - More than Afs 426 InR ne"t month Icswalo and have f,lled up
of mfldehty to anyone who SImIlarly during the last
000 were donated by Qayu tho standard questIOnnaIres
conSIders hImself a Mus m. Ltd Rahml Ltd HumId Elxpoundmg on the bre- year throush these cooper
hm We are haVIng a class ak up of lFFljfated and dry
Ltd Khulml Ltd. and some
confrontabon Our tOlhng firmed land m Dosbl wol
people our totlmg Muslims
noble and patrlobc people . . . . ."&. . . . . .Wt_~~"
•I Needed
of Kunduz provmce to the eswah the source saId that
have not done anythmg Chambers of Commerce and there are 17 980 jenbs of
wrong They are proud Industries of that provmce m'lgated and (lry farmed
that they are not oppress' for the RevolutIOn Commit lalld ,n Do.h, woleswah
ve agamst anyone they tees for Defence of Revol 6706 Jenbs of Irngated aod Central Authonty fOl Wutel Supply and Sewe-
do not explOIt anyone th utlOn 384 jenbs o[ dry farmed II rage needs the supply und super VISion of installatIOn
ey do not take any Illegal land 10 Kb10Jan and 4131 Z1 Ten deep well vertIcal turbm, pumps dual drive
share from any body s rIght Hassangul Wafa Kar Jenbs of IrrIgated and 10 dumts electllc motors diesel engmes and anciliancs
And any body who bves And by standmg fIrm for ger secretary of 80 jenbs dry farmed land IItools and spare parts
lIke paras,tes bY oppressmg \ theIr legitimate nghts attac the provJnClal COITumttee m Tala and Barfak dlstrl B,d documents can be obtamed only from the Au
and explOIting the blood ked by the oppressIve agg and governor of Kunduz ex ct The Production of ea thonty of Fore,gn Procurement Department Block
values and frUIts of the co- rE"SSIOn of the parasitic opp.- pressed hIS gratItude on th,s ch jenbs of Imgated land • 22 Kabul on payment of Afs 5000 or eqUIvalent

Reallsmg the cause and as

pI ratIOns of the people of
untry s t01lers IS consIdered
a bIg enemy of the tOIlers
of all the natlOl,lalthes Wr;
We wllJ pndefully stand
before our compatnots With
pride we Will give account
ressors and pndefully they patnotJc conatJOn reaches to 90 seers and of
dry farmed land 70 seers 1 (approxImately US$120)
Sealed offers WIll be recClvcd upto noon
IIt,me September 30 1979 A tendcr depoSit 10 the a
beheve that the brotherl , of the posItion of tOllmg lIaunt of fIve percent of tht lot II l< nc!rr Pfl~ shall
thIs land the work hood and equal,ty of the Mushms of whIch we our 1 he source added that
upon dlstrtbutlon of land daccompany each tender
ers peasants mtellectuals tOIlers of all the nahonah selves are a part And 10 ~ 1 he project 1S bemg fmanced by the GovcrnmC'nt
and other tOIlers and pro 10 landless and petty land
ties of our country are on any deahng takmg place dof the Democrat,c Republic of AfghaDlslall With Ihe
gresslVe mmded people unde~ the hght of the pnn
holdmg famlhes Ih DOsh.
are now m the posltlOn to
the opposIte pole of the en
enlles of our people. The Clples of tbe sacred rehg
woteswah the nobic people 1J asslstanre of the credIt of At 836 from the worldl
of th It area by hoidmg fu Bank tenders will only be accepted f,om mcmber
These vOices of reaction and Invade the enemies of enemIes of our people from IOn of Islam we are really
nChons and meetings ass II countnes of the World Bank and SWltzcrland
,mperlahsm are trymg th,s land wherever they
mIght be and those who
whatever natlOnahly lItat to reply for an account In
erted theIr patwiotic sent i4 (27) 3-3
to even convert the ,dea
of those who have been mIght help them The pe
they maybe whether Pash
toon or T8jek Uzbek or
front of our people we are
ready to g,ve any account
lments and dedicatIOn for ,g ..
wItness to the whole sc At any rate thIS manner of ople here have great fa. Turkman Hazara Or Ba that they WIsh to TIlls,s
ene They have seen th the BBC and other medIa th m theIr beloved lead louch Or NUFlstaOl they are the propagandas of our en +.+.+.++.++.*+.***¥+.+*++++++++~++++++¥~
at a number of mercena
files of the reactionary
and rehglOus fanatIcs of
Iran w,th the arms and
of lmperlahsm IS not new
to us They have done
thIS repeatedly m the
past and they are repeat
Noor Mohammad
General Secre
tary of the PDPA CC and
PresIdent of the RC who
all the enemIes of t/1e gr
eat tOIlers of all our nall
onahlles All thl' toilers of
all the natlonal.t,es of Af
emues the enenues of the
Great Saur Revolution
the en'lmles of our tOIling
people who Say that IMld

am'nlumtIons given to th 109 It agaIn and agam has arisen from amongst ghamstan are m the same ehty bas CQnJe to Afghan + Afghan Construchon UDlt has receIved an offer for Economy /Dcluxe sild ~
em by foreIgn sources We just let them bark the people of thIS country class defence Ime agamst IStan that In Afg/1anlStan + JOg doors and wmdows and fixed glazmg for ItS projects it:-
started thelF treacherous but we carTy out our ob-- and now hold the power the mternal and external there IS a war between +. Local and foreIgn ftrrns who wlllmg to supply tbeabove matenals should ~
acbon wlthm a hm,ted ar Jp.~lve which IS the con WIth all righteousness for class enenues and they mo- Islam and mfldehly There + submIt theIr sealed offers before August 27 1979 to' ACUK s F'orel~n 'I;!
ea of Kabul whIch IS Ch strhcllon of a blossommg the benefit of the people ve forward together IS no questIOn of war betw.... + Purchasmg Department m Puhcharkhl SpeCIfIcatIons can be obtalOM [or Ars 'It;'
endawal hut due to cons society m which no exp of th,s land een mfldelity and Islam m + 1000 from the above departmeot (128) 3-1. I
We are proud that today
we are totally confident of
Afgharostan but thIS IS the
war of tOIlers and parasItes
A Glance at Kabul Press our natIOnal cultural deve
lopment Today every na Today WIth pnde we say
'" • • • • • • • • • •_ _H(t• • •_ _ _._ _ • • • •_ ..

DA SAUR ENQELAB dUring the rule of the Na Mustafa Baryal Jahad 1U llonahly of our beloved co that we are at war a war : AFGHAN NENDARI PRESENTS
Ed,torlally <lOmment~nl1 der-Daoud dynasty suffer
on the latest meetmg of cd a lot and they did not
Ilts arllcle dIscusses
mam factors behmd the en
the untry can proudly hear tbe
vo.ces of patrlollsm m th
agamst the paraslllc oppres
SOrli We toppled over the
We conSCiously rely on
the Counctl of Mmlsters of enjOY even the baSIC needs
the DRA under the ch",rm of hfe
nittY of the world ,mperla
hsm and reactIon WIth our
your consCIOUS realisation elr own nahanai languages
from the radIO and televl
paras,tes and the oppressors
But we have not yet va I '-'K'l' ~ ,J,r<J-:
~'4"'rk ~Jl .."
on your consCJous support
ansh,p of the Great Leader
of the people of Afghan The paper further POmts
great Saur Revolulton
The paper on ,ts youth
With patnotlc sensations .. slon they can reflect theIr
good desIres m theIr own
mshed tbe,r remnants We
are at a war at which we ! ,*~j~

I ~~y
and we proudly approach
Istan Noor Mobammad out that m order to provIde page carnes Some artIcles to you You and we are pro languages Perlod,cals are are gomg to eradicate the
Tarakl the da,ly m ,ts yeS our people the baSIC needs 011 the revolutIOnary dulIes
udly gO\llg forward to build prmted m our nallonal Ian last vestiges of the reglple 1l1'0
terday's ISsue polOts out of life at the earhest poss .1IId responslb",tles of the guages The sons of the of cruel oppressors and ,
a new and honourable soc
that the CouncIl of Mmls 1ble lime -(lur khalq, state youth m a socIety proud totIers of AfghanIS explOIters the regime of 1-' '"
,ety m Afgbamstan We are !"~~
te.. after detailed dISCUSS
Ions over Important ISSU
has gIven prtonty to thIS
problem m the programs
The dally Ams m an ed
proud of our class consel
ous stflnd and posltlon We
tan Ci!I1 learn m the schools
m theIr own mother ton
parasItes m Afghamstan
We are proud of thIS war
es approved the prop\lsal of and wlthm thIS sbort per- .tonal pubhshed m ,ts last Some tImes they appeared gues And this process 's \
the Mmlstry of Justice per lOd of tune Important steps Monda,y s Issue whIle discu m your clothes but never
are based on a knowledge
rapIdly groWlng and such
whIch shows the success of
tammg to regulatIOns on have been taken sSlng the sbameful acts of dId they bave to serve you the workmg classes We opportunIties are increas
private practIce of medIcal Here tbe paper refers to Imperlahsm through the fa Tbey were trymg to prov have chosen the workers mgly available and they can
practitIoner L,kewlse the the speecb
meelmg appl Dved the prop- Amm FlFst Mm.ster and
osa1 of the Mmlstry regar
dlllg the charter of
of HaflZllllah

MmIster of ForelKD Affa

the 11 s who wh,le meebng WI
nahc leaders of Iran and
the, eactlOnary clFeles of
PakIstan pomts out that Sl
nce the tOlhng people of
Ide theIr own means of mel
ry makmg and pleasures fr
om the frUIt of your lab
our That IS why they kept
way of thlOkmg as the bea
con of our way We are ba
sed on an IdeOlogy whIch
defends the mterests of the
see more every day that
their vOices are heard In
thelF nallonal languages
and there IS a great poss.
coopel atlve for thc provl
SlOn of shelter 10 47 chap-
th elders of the couptry has
saId thnt now everythmg
belongs to Our tOlhng peo
the region and the world
have hatred towards explOl
tahon and Imperlahsm due
away from you and were
always 10 search of plans to
prevent you from recogms
tOIlers We have established
a regime of the peasants
blhly for the promotIon and
development of our natlO
nal languages m Afghams
Milh Bus Company needs the fl1llowmg matenals
5030 Mobil 011 fIlters Needed
and farmers m Afghamstan _ \l570 DIesel fIlter
The paper opmes that pIe and everythmg 's be to theIr barbarous acts mg t(lem Apparent1:( they we have estabhshed the pe. tan We are proud that from BuslOessmen local and foreIgn firms who can su!>" Afghan Nendarl needs 42 It~ms local mUSIC mstru
all our tolllOg people are Ing assessed on the basIS of therefore Impenahsm now saId such thmgs as they oples regime the regIme the pomt of vIew of rehg ply sllould subm,t thelr offers untd August 21 1979 ments and Jazz
a\V8I e of the fact that aft the mterest of the people compels the to1l1ng people wanted you to accept But wmoh belongs to yOu toilers Ion Our word and Our ac- te> the Supply SectIOn Local and foreIgn firms and lIldlvlduals who wlsb
er the VICtOry of the great Eng Naqlbullah Sahak of Iran and PakIstan to ag today our pride hes m this of the country and 's fOF tIOn according to the prm L st and speciftcations can be seen and secunhes to plovlde the mentIOned Items ou blddmg baSIS should
Saur RevolutIOn on the m an article publlsbed On ree Wlth ,ts explolt~hve po that we should know you you toilers and represents clples of our sacred re!lg , (124) 3---3 subnllt theIr apphcatlOns to the ServIce Department of
baSIS of the hlstoncal man the same page of the paper hc,es through the fanatIC from near and to have clo- m the best way aU the m IOn can be evaluated by ____
=:reqUIre':, u nWm neFa na Un.n Afghan Nendarl and be pI csent on July 1st near
,festo of the PDPA the wlnle d,scusSlng the history leaders of fran and the se talks WIth ,you so that terests of you toilers 'If the all the totlers of Our belov the PUI chasmg committee List and speCifications can
vangullrd of the workers of - of the glonous Saur Rev reactionary CIrcles of Pak you recogOl"", us and to country Fa. thIS reaSQn we e() muntry Not only you be seen F (7) 3-,)
the country. pubhshed m olution and ItS lffiPOttl\l1t ,stan g,ve a verdict consCIously have estabJlshed a\l our so- can evaluate ,t but It 's thc
the hrst and second Issues gains menhons that thIS and sClentif,cally about us CIal contacts and aq,our so- duty of you patrIots to eva NOTICE
of the Khalq penodlcal our khll1q\ revolut,on enjoys full The reactIOnary radIO and about our services So CIal serv.ces before the peo- luate all our words and
khalql state IS based on the s'91'it9P.< 'and backing of all sta'tiops of the regIon wh that you may ludge It for ple and the collntry on actions m the hght of your Remesh Chanda son of Pant Kar an Indian natIOnal ~
same sp,rlt as 1t has been the ,~dl!6llr6. who are ready
mentioned clearly m the to ~ce themselves\ for
BasIC LlDes of the Revolu
tlonary Duhes of the Gov
the ca~ pf theIr country
dnll to 4e(ellt the enemIes
,ch are m tbe service of
Imperiahsm by poisonous
prol,'l'llIlnda and baseless ae-
cusahons want to dlFect
yourselves We beheve th
at the role of these perso
nahties will bave a poslhve
effect wben ,t emerges and
SCIentifIC baSIs wliJch shows
the lR~rests of workers and
tOIlers, hghts the way of
workers, peaspilts and oth
best sacred values and see
which one of our words or
actIons do not really, accord
WIth your good and sacred
wants to sell hIS Volks Wagon car Wlth number plate
318 and engme number 058443 to Mrs Alia daughter
o[ Mohammad Nabl reSIdent of Farah
IndIVIduals and offIces who have any dealmg WIth
Mllhe Bus needs thefollowmg OIls for the year
el nment of tile DRA ,t IS lof ~e.r ,l;~l}',rW and khalq,} ~tlie tOlhng people of th~ develops WIth the power of er tOIlers to lIuccess ,fbls deSIres or If they are aga the car should rome Wlthm three days from apperance 1359
because our tolhng people" re~ ~1t" , ~(eontJnue<!.. <It}, page 4)T fulh ;uPport of our tOIling IS our class nature whICh mst them We are ready to of thIs advertlsment to Kabul Traffle MobIl OJ! for summer season 175900 hter
o lP,l!ople In every country and hes m sohdar,tY WIth you reply Wlth responslb,hty be- (129) 2--"1 MobIl 011 for wlllter season 83000 hte,
'In every sOClel:Y. the ro1e; tOIling people of our coun fore any cr,tiClsm that you D. .a •••• ·!... Grease for base 13918 htel
try From the natIOnal po dear compatrIOts may have G, cascr grease 33870 hler
lUt of v,ew we do not de~
narrow mmdedly on natl
onhshc baSIS We do not al
low any body to be based
on the bas.s of the f.rm pll
lars of the sacred rehglOn
of Islam or your sacred tra
dltJons, we wIll give acca
Needed C I 011 39650 hter
Francel CI OIl 1400 !Iter
Dynamo grease 15 kIlo
CIrculatIOn grease 30 kilo

on natIOnal pFlvilege We unts to YOU WIth respons,bl M,mstry of Commurucahons needs 37 Balance two V,cume brake 1500 hter
are proud that m AfgbanlS hly, we WIll take practical klllo gram scales for post section Local and foreIgn f,rms who are wllhng 10 supply
tan reahstically an atmosph steps w,th resllons.bil'ly to IndIVIduals, local and forelgh fIFnts who should subm,'" theIr offers unbl August 20' 1979
,FOREIGN ere of equahly and frater correct all our 'lrrors We al'e wJlhng to supply should submJt thelr the Supply SectIon of Mil he Bus Depal tment Timmg everyday from 5 pm at Kabul Nendan
Yearly mty of all national,tles of never favour or allow the offers unlll August 28 1979t\l the ForeIgn Supply and 30 TIckets are aV81lable at the Kabul N'lndaFl from
List and speclflcatJons can be ~en and ,securities
Half YearlY Afghamstan has prevailed
W~ are proud that today in
superlOFlly of one rehglOn
(Continued on page 3)
Procurement SectIon

::;ecurlt,es are reqUIred

, , (130).2-1
. '!I e requn ed
(125) :>-2 At the end of the show Mllhe Bus IS at your serv

.......................................................... ~
F (6) 10-3
, •
~ ------ ---... ......... .~

-:--'--._----- .

" " -
" 1358, S H.

-R. Amin addresses

.ve 'joined Bajawor patriots'
KABUL, June 28, (Bakh.
tar) -Haflzullah AlWn, Se-
sons and ptit the name Peo-
ple's Democratic Party of
cretary and member of the Afghamstan on It And now

ecou,ntrY Pollthuro of PDPA CC and
Fll"st Mmlster whIle recelv-
mg the representatives of
we have the honour that tho
IS Great Leader of Afgha'
mstan has been the Gene-
\ I I •

would hear from this part

of regIOn. J Other revolutl-,
onS would be brought about
ghamstan arc deCIsively
determined to wipe them
out; they never let those
ye accomphshed
, .
, so far
OTie of the great step that
we have recently taken he·
les ..nd problems They m
deed tendered all sacrIfice
and everybody saw It Now
the noble people of BaJawor
m a scholarly and valuable
speech said
Our·toilers got uruted
ral Secretary smce the es·
tabhshment of the Central
CommIttee of the PDPA
We have the honour that
re wliieh is indeed worth these armed forces are also and estabhshed the party he IS the beloved leader of
,here I' I wolve~ among themselves to
The great Saur Revolqtl· keep thelll destftute, slender la\lpJ,'ecHIl\ion 10 qensus taj- valourously safeguardmg under the gUIdance and tra- all the people of Afghamsi'
On changed' radICally the king census taKing IS un- and plotectmg every part mmg of theIr heloved leader, tan and that Comrade Noor
and unfortunlote. Durmg
derway in, Afghan-and every pIece of the the Great Leader of the Mohammad rrarakJ, Presld·
socIetY of Afghamstan ,and th,s one year or 14 months
istan for • the fll'St
sil,l of theIr coun- people of Afgharustan They ent of the Revolutionary
wIll do • so in the future we h'ave Iwd down the foun-
tllne. ThIs census takmg try and Will repulse any ralhed theIr brothers and Council of the Democratic
and wIll open liP the way dation of a prosperous so- Repubhc of Afgharustan to-
for establishment of such a cIety and WIll do so agam. will in fact eluCldatc and aggressIOn to be unleashed
day also gUides us all
society where everybody
would be happy and pros-
rhe people of Afghamstan
carryon the constructIOn of
make it clear !low many
people would be living I m
from any d,rection
should do so because our
Hashemi in
, perous, where no hody would their new society WIth all Afghamstan, now many Khalql armeel forces have Haflzullah Amm, FIrst
The functions were add- MInister received a number
ressed by governors wol- exploIt others, I e nobody
agam. would eat the flesh .and
valour because their suc- people are old and how ma-
ny are chIldren Yes It wo-
accomphshed the great mI-
SSion assigned to them un-
Mazari Sharif of ulamas, eldcrs and rep-
esw,als heads of land oper- cess and vIctOrIes lie In the I esentatlves of the noble
ational groups. In their sp- blood of others Here, eve- • accomplishment of such con- uld fmd out all' thcse We der the dIrectIOn of the par- MAZAR-I SHARIF, June people of BaJawor tnbes at
KABUL, June 27, (Bakh- The Deputy M,mster of would prepare all our future ty and that was stagmg of 28, (Bakhtar) -
eeche~ they underlined the
rybody would work and eat structive works Pohanwal the Sior Palace of th" MI-
tAr) - The agreement per· InformatIon and Culture plans and future actiVities the revolutlon Now their Mansour Hashemi, minister
benefit of democratic land the outcome of his work The people of AfghanIS' IJIstry of Forclgn Afftlll;s at
taming to the ron,truchon spoke on the develppment second mission 15 greater
reforms m the mterests of hImself Here no encroach- tan have Jomed hands In on the baSIS of the results of water and power mspee- 10 00 am yesterday
of the compressor proiect and evolution of Farhangl than the fll"st one They are tcd the electnc substatJOns
the tOlhng peasants and ment will be made on the construction of the country of thIS census takmg and When Haflwllah Amm,
of Khwala Gogerdak at the Khallq (peoples culture), thus proceed aheadmtssloned now to safegu· 01 Malan Shanf yesterday
con gratul ateq those peas- poor people under dIfferent because Afghamstan IS tho Fllst MlnlslCI arnved at
COBt of 11,815,800 Tubles and congratulated the suc- ard bravely theIr land and
ant Who became owners of pretentlOns and the people elrs and they are from Af- confidently the hall of the Stor Palace
and the agreement on ext- cess of graduates of the GENEVA, June f6, (AFP)
land free of charge Bakh- would no more be kept des- ghamstan When I mentIOn their revolution and bUild Th.. MInister of Water the aud'ence stood up and
ensIon of the project of 53 COll.n;e: He ilio thanked the - The Uruted NatIOns di- Il'he enemIes Of the great theIr socIety Wlthm the fra-
tar reports add that the des- htute as was the order of AfghanIStan I mean all you and Power explained the warmly welcome hIm WIth
km, long gas pipe line from lecturers for theIr efforts sarmament, eOlllffilttee yes- Saur RevolutIOn dId not mework of peace and secu· saC! cd oblectlves of the gr- t'xpreSSlOn of warm cnthu-
ervers upon recellflng the the day m Afghamstan un- the people of thIs land The
Afghnonistan to Soviet Un- m suC04!!5sful completIOn of terday called On Vietnam have a place here mdeed Iity m AfghanIStan
land ownership document._ til recently happmess and prospenty of eat Saur RevolutIOn and Slasm and feelings of sm
IOn whIch IS bemg fmanced
fifty percent by the SovIet by shoutmg- of slogans of,
the course to lake part In discussiOnS
on secure guarantees off-
From now on we will DC all of you are linked-up
As I said earhet they went
to other places to throw ro-
Of course. thiSI' mdeed dl ew the attentIOn of the centy, long c1appmg and
Long live and healthy he A source of the FarhanSI ver allow the tyrants to WIth thIS land Your dISCO- not only the honour of the concerned offiCIals towar shoutmg of revolutionary
Umon under Its techDleal ered to non-nuclear stat- cks, to fire bullets and stru-
the Great Leader of the Khalq Department of the remam as wlthm the people mfort or, God forbid, your al mcd £01 ces but IS also the ds Ihell dutIes slogans
and economiC cooperalon es against any nuclear ggle agamst us But theIr
people of Afgbanistan, VIC- M,Dlstry of InformatIOn and because the people of Af- mIsery are related With us honour of all tbe people of
at the cost of 7,264903 rubI- threat of such at:tlick. attempts and efforts arc Afghanistan The armed
es were signed at the Nat- tonous be PDPA, aloft be Culture sBld the month- We have everytbmg m co· futile and useless We say The Bakhtar reporter ad- At thiS lime two persons
Ional OIl Rlmpany y~ter­ our red natIonal flag, dea- long course was attblded
A U N commumqu'e rele-
ased here saId V,etnam as-
Population census welcomed mmon We welcome one that the people of Afghan-
forces of AfghaOistan con ds that durmg this VISIt the from among the audience
A view of th'e meetlDg held on the occasIon of mdepen dence day of South Africa day hetwel!n two countries. th to the enemies of great by techmcal personnel of another here With all dehght stltute a small part of the (oncerncd offiCials provld- on beltall of vanous tnbal
ked to sub""t Its Views to Istan are like a great ocean
by peace and sohdanty org amsatJon' of Afghamstan
The agreeJllents were sig- Saur Revolution and
peoPle of Afghamstan asse-
the the Department of which 24 the 3~members eommltt- in grand meetings, marches and wdl do so agam ThiS great ocean cannot be
people of Afghanistan Th
IS part IS also the sons
('d u{'cessary mformatlon people of Bajawor prC'scnt·
of to the MInister of Water cd a bouquet of flower to
ned In the presence of received certificates ee As a result of this revo- contammated by dogs ThIS
.rted their patr~otlc sentI- PROVINCES, June 28, thonties to make preparatI- the p"ople and mOve on th- and Power the First Mll1Ister
A Glance at Kabul Press Eng AbdUl Kafi Rasuli, De-
puty mlnlster of IIlmes by
Dip Bng Gulnllwaz, pres-
Jt1ents for defence of !Jome-
land and gams of great
The lecturers came from
Kabul Umverslty, SCience
Academy of AfghanIStan
The commlitee's 40th se-
at IS reServed for Chma (Bakhtar) -To welcome the
begmnmg and Implement-
on for thIS national project
and make efforts for ItS
lutIOn we WIped out all th
Ose who sucked the blood
of the people and acted ag-
revolutIOn WIll forge ahead
and WJll gIVe no opportUnl
eir I command and accor·
dmg to what IS In theIr 111 rhe Mmlster of Water
Haflzullah Amm, after
rcspondmg to the warm fce·
whIch has never occupIed ty to any enemY to obstruct
Co"tlOued frOm page ~ Imlnated from the surface leal examination" diSCUSS· Ident of the Nahonal Oil Saur Revolution and Mlmstry of EducatIOn It so far atIOn of most important pro- Implementation amst the people and cover- It It WJll carry out Jts tasks terest and Power arrlvcd 10 Ma· hngs of the audience dehv-
regIOn towards roads choo· of thiS SOil Th." [01 e the es the grave responsibilitIes Company and Anatoh Cho- Ject of Democratic Repub· They added that m the ed theIr faces WIth colour- m the best manner zaf! Shanf at 11 45 am ered a scholarly and valua-
Under the atmosphere of
~en by London and PariS mtereferehce of IInpenall- of our tOllers m the light gonov, econo""c counsellor IIc of Mghamstan, that IS past despotiC regimes, not ful masks and robbed the Our brave artned forces peace and securtty our sta· and met Abdul Abad Wolesl, ble speech which lasted two
based on colomallsm Of sm through fanatiC leaders of our khalql revolutJon of the Soviet Embassy m the cOlDplete population cen- even least attentIon was pockets of the people under ushered m the great Saur te accomphshes good tasks sec' etary of the proVInCIal hours
course these desparate eff- of Iran and the reactionary and state Kabul - sus ID the country which IS paid to thiS and all their varIous pretentlons They Revolution and the great Sa- whIch are Ieally unpreced· committee and governor of
orts of these fanalle lead- E:lrc'1es of Palustan 111 our NITO .In an article publls~ contmumg successfully thr- so called programs, m vIew have no more room here Balkh provmce, members The text of the speech
On the ,hasts of these ur event under the directIOn ented m the hIstory As I
ers of Iran and internal affairs IS not acc- hed on the Sll/l1e page of oughout AfghanJstan, gr- of lack of reliable statistics Therefore, those who. used of their party _They trIUm- have ropeatedly saId these of the provmClal commlt- of Haflzullah Amm, FIrst
Idental but IS the resultant the paper discusses the sc- al*em~\I' 1he eoll$.ruct. tce and preSidents of var- MInister which was applau-
the reactionary eIre and meetmgs were held by on populatlOD, were faded to hve on the blood of oth- phed the revolutIOn and dIS- tasks are very great and
les of PakIstan m the Imp- of the cunmng tacttcs of lenllfic and practical asp- IOn work o~ these two pr- IOUS departments of the ded WIth long c1appmg and
a great number of our com· and dId not lead to any fru- ers cannot live here mdeed charged theIr duty These very heavy and the state
lementatJon of the Imperi- ImpertalIsm, says the paper eels of the PDPA, the vang- oJects whJch takes place nn province shoutmg of revolutionary
patrIOts m a number of pro- Itful results Now With the However, the absolute ma- were really the sons of has accomplished them m
alIstic plans m the regIOn The paper alter further uard of the workers of the turn key baSIS Will be eOIll- slogans was broadcast over
vmces yesterday attention of our Khalql sta- JorIty, 99 per cent, of the Afghanistan and the pnde a perIod of one and half ye-
explammg the pomt ment pleted wlthm 18 months I adlO last evemng
is mostly referred to
people and countr~ I' hlch
IOns that the log"cal ,maly-
country 10 the IlSht of tbe
speech of 'our Great Leader from th~ 51!!'tung of the ago
At the meetmgs some of
the scholars and mtellect-
te, thIS Important natJOnat
project IS forgmg ahead su-
people of Afghamstan are of the people of Afghams- ar and It IS mdeed unprec>- WB loan At the end of the speech
working hard here and are tan It were these sons of edented III the world that •
has been workmg for the sis of such exceSSive nets Noor Mohammad Tarakl reement and WIll be deliver- of FIrst MInister one of the
ual. explwned the maID cessfully WIth the patnotlc determmed to make theIr the Pl'ople of Afghamstan such wid~ and vast stcps are
ed to t/le MInistry of Mm-
downfall of Impeqallsm e\,-
ery no" and then so that
of r ght and left agalOst our
great SaUT Revolution duo
Ghulam MuhalUddin
reSIdent of Balkh prnvmcc
es and industrIes
objectives of thIS national
cooperatIOn of our toilmg ('ountry prosperous You see who tned to resolve and, taken forward by a people documents members of the audience m
a speech thanked the FIrst
people and It IS pretty cer· how large measures we ha· overcome all the dIfficult· (Contmued on page 4)
It should be cOlllpletely 01 ,mg the past few , months In an mtervlew has expre- The speakers at the-roee- tam that at the end Of ,thIS Mlmster for recclvmg them
10 our country reveals the ssed hIS allpreelalJon for Deservers tmgs, ~xplamlDg the lofty inked in N.Y. and talkmg to them 10 an
Nutrition f2.ct that such acts Will be·
ar no frUIts for Imup.rIahsm
the progresSIve and revolu-
ttonary meaSUTes taken so
objectiVes of great Saur
Revolution In ensurmg the
census, dependable statis-
tics m the country WIll be
Afgbanistan rejects .China's protest KABUL June 28, (Bakht-
atmosphere of SInCCfJty and
and ItS lackeys far by our khalql state to- receive land welfare and comfort of our KABUL, June 28, (Bakh· they also say that antl·Af- of AfghaOlstan yesterday .. ) - The Information De-
We sec by our own cyes
semi nar ends wards development
Sangshlkan In hIS article prospenty of the country
ZARANJ, June 27, (Ba-I
tOlhng people, said our
Khalql state, after the VIe-
The meetmgs were held
m Villages of HaJI Shur,
tar) -According to a report
reachmg here from the Em-
ghanlstan's revolutIOn ele· and WIth the followlDg ex
ments arc tramed and eq- planatIOn the protest of th
partment of the MIDlStry
of Foreign affaU's reported In practice, he said, that Pa~
pubUshed on thIS pa~e of and Improvement of the khtar)~ne hundred and tOl y of the Irreversible Saur Mlkh Jalal, SheIkh Jalal, bassy of the Democrattc Re- UIpped by Chma and sent .at country was described that the dOcuments perlal- klstam mll1tJamen are m-
KABUL, June 27, (Ba-
1(htar) -The nutntlOn se-
the paper enh tied "1Jn the IIvlDg c0J,1dltio\,s of , our fourteen deservmg peasants R..volutlDn, has and IS tak- Kok Chmar, and Daulat Sh· public of Afgharustan m Pe- to Afghamstan Therefore unwarranted and was str· O)ng to the 17,600, 000 doll- sllgated against the Islannc
I1llnar for nurses (If the he-
path of a great and hi.tol- tOllmg people of Laghman proVInce who 10 g nwnerous measures to- ah of Pule Khumn, Villa- kmg a high offICIal of tbe the Chinese government ongly rejected ars credIt for the tltird ph- state of Afghanistan and
have hee" gIVen land In wards ensurmg the mte- ges of Dahan Tughak and Chmese Mlrustry of ForClgn protests to Afghams- Long before the ofhclal ase of the HIgj,Iway MalOt- the people of Afghamstan
altb centres of Kabul and
provlDces of the country
Pak press on Afghan fugitives Nemrol arnved 10 ZaranJ, rest of OUr toders Howev- Baghlan of DoshI woleswah, AffaIrs recently told the ch- tan agamst thJS ac- authOrities of the Dcmocra enance project and also the and unleash aggressIOn ag-
centre of that provmce at er. 10 order to Jmplement Dare Suf VIllages, and also arge d'affaIres of the Af- cusatIOn He added, "We tic Republic of Afghanistan documents regardll1g the amst them
which was held at the Pub- ghan Embassy that It has have never SBld anythmg ab- had mentIoned about the 16,500,000 dollars credIt re- At the end he expressed
lic Health Insbtute two (Contmu~d from page 1\ rbed wIres Mal Ishaq st- 5 I' 01 yesterday and was the useful plans and pro- Asban, Habld and Choryan
warmly welcomed by the grams of the state m a so- villages of Khost-Flreng wo- been for several months out Afghamstan and are m- IOterference of ChlOa In I ated to the agnculture and
the full and dec,slve supp-
weeks ago, ended yester- people m that country In rongly condemned the est-
the resolution anxiety IS ellr abhshment of rehef cOlllm- noble people of ZaranJ city und manner, It 1$ essenttal leswah, Dahan Khula, Da- that the leaders of Afgha- terested m contlnumg our the mternal affa'rs of out R<>ral Delve1lopm~t ProJe- ort of the valourous trlbeg
pressed that the actiVIties Ittees by poht,cal react- to have dependable popu- han Safld VIllages of Pule nistan and also the newspa- fnendshlp With Afgharust- country and the and ct here were SIgned recently of BaJawor to the revoluti-
_ Dr Mohammad Asslf, Pr- The function held at the lahon census In the coun· Khumn, Yakwau Lang, Wa- pers and RadIO-TV of Af- an" armmg of reactionary des 10 Washmgton between the
on of Afghamstan and the
agamst the khalql state of IOnary Circles of Pakistan PreSIdent of Nahonal
eSIdent of the Public Heal-
Afghamstan IS an attempt to for Afghan fugItives MUnlc,pahty Hotel here Petroleum Companf and charge d'affaires of USSR slgnmg tlY In view of thiS, our re.- hyan and LaJgali VIllages of ghamstan accuse dIrectly The Charge d'Affaires of erters and the enemlcs of Charge d' AffaIrs of the em- Khalql state and exp-
the agreement
th Institute at ihe end of
dl vert the public nplnlon was attended by Shamsudd' volutionary state, m the fll"st KhenJ8n, Doshi woleswah and mdlrectly the People's the Chmese Embassy III our revolution a great nu· bassy of DRA and the ressed their readi-
the ceremony dehvered a
of Pakistan from Internal Chowdhry Asghar Kha- 10 Shams, secretary of pro- months after the vIctory of of Baghlan, and some wo- Republlc of China of Interf- Kabul was summoned to the mbcl of news agencies ilnd concerned sources of the ness for every saCrifice for
speec/t regarding the 1m vmclat committee and go great Saur Revolution, m~ leswalls In Faryab and Ku· errmg m the mternal aff MlOlstry of ForeIgn Affairs newspapers of the world World Bank the purpose of ehmmatlng
problems of Pakistan dim chaIrman of NatIOnal the enenues of the people of
portance of convening such
seminars. ProgressIve PanJab has vernor of Nemroz, meI;llbers
of provJnClal committee,
Acts of reactionary elements condemned structed the concerned au- ndul provmces aIrs of Afghamstan and of the Democratic Repubhc (Contmued on I' 4)
-------"--'--- Afghamstan
r The same magaZine m said that the rulers of Pak-
1 t. The semmar which conll for defencc of revolution
anothef report says that Istan do not want to trans· KABUL, June 26, (Bakht· people of AfghaDlstan Noor
n,ued for two weeks dISCUS-
Mal. [shaq, Chairman of fer the power an'" authorIty students, teachers and hu~­ ItS enemies, the people nf
sed nutntlqn as a problem ar) - For SupportlDg and Mohammad Tarakl, and eh-
Ma~door Oa'an Party ,n to the people and that IS dreds of noble people to Afghamstan struggle contin-
I of public health m Afgha- backmg Our khalql state, ga- nunatlOn of the enemies of
a speech has demanded that welcome their bJother com- ua\ly for their full eradlcat-
'\, ,
I· ni~tan,
, nutl Itlon 111 pregn·
the Afghan fug"hves sho-
w"y the leaders of reactIon-
ary parties are aSSIgned to patnots from Lagbman ms of IrreverSIble SaUT Rev the people and the enenues
Jon and deCISIvely ehounate
II . . l\I1t mothers and lack of provmce olutlon condemnmg the of the great Saur Revolutl.
uld be kept under control Issue statements In support those elements who are ag-
nutrltlon and thyrOid dls- ommous acts of the reactio- on
10 camps surrounded by ba- of Afghan fug"l1ves. alDst the great Saur Revo-
e,uses m Afghanistan ancl nary elements and tpe arm- rI'hey later held grand lution and those who act ag-
The function(began WIth
their, eatment ed ~ggresSlon of the Pakist- meetmgs on the occasion In
the playmg of natIOnal an- amst the mterests of the
'" them Afterwards, the Sec-
am ffiJhtlamen agamst our which a number ot Intelbge- tOllmg people of Afghams-
sacred SOIl and the mterfe- ntsla delivered speeches tan
retary of ,Provlnclal Com
rence and treacherous agg- The speakers dlsclosmg
mlttee and Governor of Representmg the valoro-
reSSIOns of the narrow-mm- the OffilnoUS acts of the rea-
Nemrol spoke on decree us people they pledged the-
ded rehglous fanatICS of ctionary CIrcles of Pakistan
number eIght of the Revolu- Ir every selflessness and sa-
II an m the mternal affaIrs and the narrow-mmded crIfIce for safeguardmg the
tionary CounCIl of DRA
of our beloved country, ma- rehglous fanatlCS of Iran wa-
and free dlstrlhutlOn of land sacred country and defendI-
rchcs and meetlOgs were r rned these enenues of the
to landless and land hungry ng the gams of the great
\leld by our noble and pat. people of AfghanIstan that
peasants and WIShed thenl Saur Revolution
nohc people 11'1 the center these dIsgraced reactIOnari-
happy and prosperous hfe Bakhtar correspondents
and some provinces es and lackeys and obedient report that yesterday's me-
The functIOn ended am-
Id expressIon of revolutIOn- Our vahant people caITY- slaves of Impenallsm should etmgs m the center took pl-
ary sentiments and contlJl- mg the photos of the Great know that the patnotlc and ace by the workers and em-
ued cJappmg Leader of the People Noor vahant people of AfghaDls- ployees of the Mlrustry of
Mohammad Tarakl, General tan until theIr last drop of PUblic Health, the teachers, ~
Secretary of the Central Co- blood do not let the aggre- students and ertlfloyees of
KABUL, June 27, (Ba- mmlt~ee of the PDPA and ssors and explOlters_tn put Bakhtlaran, Khll'aJa ehasht \
khtar) - A trade delegatIOn PresIdent of the Revolutio- In practice thetI" ommous ana Pwmonar pnmarY sch·
headed, by Mohammad Is- nary CounCIl, red natIOnal and defiled goals th<lt IS the 0015 and the noble peasants
h,lq Mlskmmal, PreSident flags and rev\llutionary slo- explOItation and colomzatl- and workers of Deh Yahya
of the Export PromotIOn gans wbJle ",archmg 1n the on of the tOllmg people of Bakhtlaran, commumcatlons
Department of the Mmlstry streets contmually shouted Afghamstan. Now our zeal- forces, no 52 and Deb Yah-

, ,
speech at the end of
" ,
of Commerce left for Soviet
Unjon yesterday afternoon
to participate m the mter-
natIOnal exhIbItion of Mos-
slogans for further vlctones ous people have reCllgnlzed ya school and also m diffe-
of our khalql state under theIr fnends and enemies rent parts of Kunduz, Takh-
the leadership of the PDPA WIth full conSCIousness
and ~he wIse dIrectIVes of
tar, Ghazru, Nlmroz, Zabul,
Reahzmg the reactIOnary Parwan, Pakthia jlJld Balkh
the great teacher of ,the and impenallstic nature of provinces.
.. •
Haflzullah Amm, Secretary and member of the Pollt buro of the PDPA CC, F,rst Muuster and MlblStet of FOlelgn Affairs
ferenwarts of our country at the Stor Palace of ForeIgn AffaIrs Mmlstry.
lecel~mg a 11umber of ooble people, WId representatives from dif-

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