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Open access Systematic review

BMJ Open Qual: first published as 10.1136/bmjoq-2023-002310 on 10 October 2023. Downloaded from on October 10, 2023 at UFC - Universidade Federal
Factors determining safety culture in
hospitals: a scoping review
Rhanna Emanuela Fontenele Lima de Carvalho ‍ ‍,1 David W Bates,2
Ania Syrowatka,3 Italo Almeida,4 Luana Sousa,5 Jaira Goncalves,5 Natalia Oliveira,5
Milena Gama,5 Ana Paula Alencar5

To cite: Carvalho REFL, ABSTRACT

Objective To evaluate and synthesise the factors
Factors determining safety ⇒ The evaluation of safety culture through question-
determining patient safety culture in hospitals.
culture in hospitals: a scoping naires is an important practice in assessing the
review. BMJ Open Quality
Methods The scoping review protocol was based on the
criteria of the Joanna Briggs Institute. Eligibility criteria quality of care provided to patients; however, the
2023;12:e002310. doi:10.1136/
were as follows: (1) empirical study published in a peer-­ literature has shown that these instruments do not
reviewed journal; (2) used methods or tools to assess, broadly consider the construct of patient safety cul-
► Additional supplemental study or measure safety culture or climate; (3) data ture. Thus, this review was developed to identify the
material is published online only. collected in the hospital setting and (4) studies published most evaluated constructs.
To view, please visit the journal
in English. Relevant literature was located using PubMed, WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS
online (http://​dx.d​ oi.​org/​10.​
1136/b​ mjoq-​2023-0​ 02310).
CINAHL, Web of Science and PsycINFO databases.
⇒ The concepts identified in the assessment of safe-
Quantitative and qualitative analyses were performed
ty culture can be divided into organisational, pro-
using RStudio and the R interface for multidimensional
Received 9 February 2023
fessional, and patient and family participation.
analysis of texts and questionnaires (IRaMuTeQ).

do Ceara. Protected by copyright.

Accepted 9 September 2023 However, these three dimensions were not identified
Results A total of 248 primary studies were included. The
by using the same instrument. Thus, this research
most used instruments for assessing safety culture were
can serve for the development and refinement of
the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (n=104) and
safety culture instruments addressing constructs
the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (n=63). The Maslach
aligned to research in the areas and principles out-
Burnout Inventory (n=13) and Culture Assessment
lined in the WHO’s Global Plan of Action for Patient
Scales based on patient perception (n=9) were used in
Safety 2021–2030.
association with cultural instruments. Sixty-­six articles
were included in the qualitative analysis. In word cloud HOW THIS STUDY MIGHT AFFECT RESEARCH,
and similarity analyses, the words ‘communication’ PRACTICE OR POLICY
© Author(s) (or their and ‘leadership’ were most prominent. Regarding the ⇒ Leaders, organisations and health professionals
employer(s)) 2023. Re-­use descending hierarchical classification analysis, the content about the importance of patient and family partic-
permitted under CC BY-­NC. No was categorised into two main classes, one of which was ipation in patient safety.
commercial re-­use. See rights subdivided into five subclasses: class 1a: job satisfaction ⇒ Rethink the most widely used instruments for the
and permissions. Published by and leadership (15.56%), class 1b: error response
assessment of safety culture.
(22.22%), class 1c: psychological and empowerment ⇒ Consider the inclusion of constructs related to pro-
Health Sciences Centre, nurses (20.00%), class 1d: trust culture (22.22%) and fessionals and the inclusion of the patient and family
Universidade Estadual do Ceará,
class 2: innovation worker (20.00%). in the instruments of evaluation of culture.
Fortaleza, Brazil
2 Conclusion The instruments presented elements that ⇒ Foster the inclusion of the patient and family in their
General Internal Medicine and
Primary Care, Brigham and remained indispensable for assessing the safety culture, own safety.
Women's Hospital, Boston, such as leadership commitment, open communication ⇒ Encourage quantitative and qualitative analyses in
Massachusetts, USA and learning from mistakes. There was also a tendency the literature.
General Internal Medicine for research to assess patient and family engagement,
and Primary Care, Brigham psychological safety, nurses’ engagement in decision-­
and Women's Hospital making and innovation.
Department of Medicine, Boston, In this document, GPAPS describes seven
Massachusetts, USA principles for guiding the development and
Health Sciences Centre, implementation of the actions proposed in
Universidade Estadual do Ceara, INTRODUCTION the global action plan. One of these princi-
Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil The Global Plan of Action for Patient Safety
Health Sciences Centre,
ples is the recommendation of managers to
Universidade Estadual do Ceara
2021–2030 (GPAPS), published by the WHO, assess patient safety culture. According to the
- Campus do Itaperi, Fortaleza, alerts managers, professionals and patients document, a strong safety culture is not only
Ceará, Brazil to the importance of health institutions to essential to reduce harm to the patient but is
strengthen policies and strategies based on also crucial for providing a safe work environ-
Correspondence to
Dr Rhanna Emanuela Fontenele
science and patient experience, with the ment for health professionals.1
Lima de Carvalho; objective of eliminating risks and preventable Additional studies have found benefits of a
​rhanna.​lima@​uece.​br harm to patients and health professionals.1 positive safety culture in health institutions.

Carvalho REFL, et al. BMJ Open Quality 2023;12:e002310. doi:10.1136/bmjoq-2023-002310 1

Open access

BMJ Open Qual: first published as 10.1136/bmjoq-2023-002310 on 10 October 2023. Downloaded from on October 10, 2023 at UFC - Universidade Federal
The relevance of a positive culture can be observed in There are reviews based on instruments for safety
the quality of care provided to the patient, reduction in culture evaluation.11 12 In view of the evolution of the
the number of adverse events, length of hospital stay and global movement for patient safety recently published
mortality, in addition to improving the satisfaction and by the WHO in the GPAPS 2021–2030, there is a need
reduction of stress among professionals.2 3 for reassessment of the factors that can determine the
In the literature, the terms ‘safety culture’ and ‘safety patient safety culture in healthcare institutions. Based
climate’ are used synonymously, although they differ on this need to identify scientifically proven concepts
from a conceptual and methodological standpoint. The that determine the safety culture, this scoping review was
safety climate is conceptualised as the ‘measurable part’ developed.
of culture, the most superficial and visible, based on the A preliminary review was performed in March 2022
attitudes and perceptions of individuals.4 In this study, in PROSPERO, MEDLINE, the Cochrane Database of
the term ‘patient safety culture’ is the product of values, Systematic Reviews and Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI)
attitudes, perceptions, competencies and behavioural Evidence Synthesis. Fifty-­ nine systematic reviews were
patterns of groups and individuals that determine identified in PROSPERO and 12 in JBI Evidence Synthesis,
commitment, style and proficiency in managing patient all referring to safety culture interventions. No reviews
safety in health services,5 as it aligns with the perspective on factors constituting the safety culture were identified.
of organisational culture theory and is the most used The objective of this scoping review was to evaluate and
term in the health context. synthesise the factors determining patient safety culture
Before implementing any action that promotes a safety in hospitals.
culture in an institution, it must first be evaluated and
understood. Each institution is encouraged to find the
best way to assess its safety culture, considering its vision, METHODS
mission and objectives. However, measuring the safety This scoping review was conducted based on the criteria
culture in health institutions using scales is an important outlined by the JBI Scoping Review Methodology Group

do Ceara. Protected by copyright.

tool for assessing the quality of care provided to patients and is reported in accordance with the Preferred Reporting
and can be performed before and after the implementa- Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-­Analyses extension
tion of interventions, such as staff training and activities for Scoping Reviews checklist.13 14 Scoping reviews aim to
that can minimise the stress of professionals. identify and map the breadth of evidence available on
To obtain reliable patient safety culture results through a particular topic, often irrespective of source, whereas
questionnaires, researchers must be sure of the validity systematic reviews aim to answer a specific research ques-
and reliability of the instruments used in their applica- tion by identifying, appraising and synthesising primary
tion. In recent decades, several instruments have been studies using a rigorous methodology. They clarify key
developed to assess patient safety culture. There are those concepts in the literature and identify key characteristics
that are exclusive for application in hospital institutions, related to a concept, including those related to method-
others in out-­of-­hospital environments and instruments ological research.15 The review protocol was registered
that can be used in any context. In the study, 139 publi- on Open Science Framework (OSF) (doi: 10.17605/OSF.
cations were identified using 12 different questionnaires IO/VTB84). OSF is an open source, free software project
as measurement instruments. The most used were the that facilitates open collaboration in scientific research.16
Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPSC), The search question was developed using the JBI PCC
Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ), Patient Safety (Population, Concept and Context) framework. We did
Culture in Healthcare Organisations Survey and the not consider a specific population. The concept was the
Modified Stanford Patient Safety Culture Survey Instru- safety culture/safety climate, and the context was the
ment. It should be noted, however, that among these, hospital setting. Our scoping review question was: What
there was a predominance of the use of the HSOPSC and are the factors determining the culture/patient safety
SAQ to measure patient safety culture.6 climate in hospitals?
The instruments available for this assessment often do We searched for empirical studies published in peer-­
not broadly include the construct of culture of patient reviewed journals that reported on methods or tools
safety, although some elements remain indispensable, used to assess, study or measure safety culture or climate,
such as leadership commitment, transparency, open and where data were collected for the hospital setting, and
respectful communication, learning from mistakes and the papers were published in the English language. Arti-
best practices, and a careful balance between a policy of cles on cross-­ cultural adaptation, those that evaluated
non-­blaming and accountability.7 constructs other than safety climate or culture, and those
The gap with these systematic reviews is the limited that did not clarify the assessment method were excluded.
number of articles that discuss the determinants of safety The review followed the three steps recommended
culture in hospital institutions. Classic studies such as by JBI. The first step was a search of the PubMed and
those by Zohar,8 Guldenmund9 and Cooper,10 which CINAHL databases. In this initial search, an analysis was
carried out revisions to the definition of safety culture, performed of the text words contained in the titles and
cannot keep up with progress and current needs. abstracts of the retrieved articles and the index terms used

2 Carvalho REFL, et al. BMJ Open Quality 2023;12:e002310. doi:10.1136/bmjoq-2023-002310

Open access

BMJ Open Qual: first published as 10.1136/bmjoq-2023-002310 on 10 October 2023. Downloaded from on October 10, 2023 at UFC - Universidade Federal
to describe the articles. The second step was conducted group the words and organise them graphically according
using controlled vocabulary and keywords from four data- to their relevance, the largest being those with the highest
bases: PubMed, CINAHL, Web of Science and PsycINFO. frequency, considering words with a frequency equal to
The search strategies for the PubMed, CINAHL, Web of or greater than 10 and (3) descending hierarchical clas-
Science and PsycINFO databases are presented in online sification to develop a dendrogram showing the classes
supplemental appendix A. In the third step, the refer- that emerged, and the higher the χ², the more the word
ence lists of identified reports and articles were searched is associated with the class, and words with a frequency
for additional sources. No additional references were equal to or greater than the value of the word were not
included in this study. included.
The qualitative synthesis of the study results was
Screening and data abstraction presented in tabular form describing factors identified
The titles and abstracts were imported into the Rayyan through this review related to safety culture and climate,
QCRI online systematic review management programme17 based on the identified culture and domain assessment
and duplicates were removed. Rayyan is a free, online instruments.
application developed by QCRI to assist researchers
with systematic review methodology and meta-­ analysis
projects.18 RESULTS
The eligibility of the articles was determined based Study characteristics
on the inclusion and exclusion criteria described above. At the end of the search for the primary studies, 1864
Titles and abstracts were independently screened for records were identified in the selected databases
relevance by two reviewers (REFLdC, IA, NO, LS, APA (figure 1). After eliminating duplicates (n=446), 1418
and JG). All studies that met the inclusion criteria were references remained (online supplemental appendix C).
considered. No instrument was used to assess the quality The titles and abstracts of these publications were read,
of the studies. Disagreements between the reviewers were and 605 studies were selected for full-­ text review. Of

do Ceara. Protected by copyright.

resolved at a consensus meeting. these, 357 were excluded because they did not meet the
Full texts were evaluated for inclusion by two indepen- eligibility criteria, and the sample comprised 248 primary
dent reviewers (REFLdC, IA, NO and LS), and disagree- studies (figure 1) (online supplemental appendix D).
ments were resolved by reaching consensus. Data from the In the 248 primary studies included in the review, it
primary studies included in the review were extracted by was found that research about the culture of safety was
one reviewer (REFLdC, IA, NO and LS) using an abstrac- conducted on all continents and in 64 different countries,
tion tool developed by the study team. The following with the USA leading the evaluations (n=78), followed by
data were collected: authors, title, study design, year of Brazil (n=22), Saudi Arabia (n=12), China (n=11) and
publication, country of study, instrument(s) used to assess Taiwan (n=10). Regarding the year of publication of
the culture/safety climate and safety culture domains the articles, we found that there was a record of studies
evaluated. published between 1997 and 2022.
The most instruments for assessing safety culture
Data analysis were the HSOPSC (n=104), SAQ (n=63), Safety Climate
A data analysis was performed to assess the constructs that Survey and Safety Organising Scale (n=8) in their orig-
were most frequently mentioned in safety culture assess- inal versions, which evaluate the entire health institution,
ments (online supplemental appendix B). and the versions adapted to the operating room, outpa-
The data were organised by frequency and analysed tient clinic and intensive care unit. The most used instru-
using RStudio Software. R is a free programming language ments in association with culture assessment scales were
that offers various packages related to data quality assess- the Maslach Burnout Inventory/Bargen Burnout Indi-
ment for observational health studies.19 The analysis of cator22 23 (n=13) and Culture Assessment Scales based on
the domains identified in the surveys was performed patient perception (n=9).24 25
using the R interface for multidimensional analysis of Regarding the study type, most studies evaluated safety
texts and questionnaires (IRaMuTeQ) V.0.7 alpha 2.20 culture using a cross-­sectional design (n=233; 94%), nine
This software can be a useful tool for processing data used intervention studies and five used cohort studies.
from qualitative health research.21 There were also eight mixed-­methods studies and four
Initially, in the analysis of the constructs, a figure used qualitative studies that used interview techniques, open-­
as a basis on graph theory (similitude analysis) and a word ended questions, focus groups and brainstorming to
cloud were formed, through which it is possible to iden- assess safety culture.
tify the textual occurrences between the words, helping to The number of domains evaluated by the instruments
identify the structure of the content of a textual corpus. varied from 5 to 12, and the number of items ranged from
Three textual analyses were performed: (1) similitude 9 to 46.
analysis, which makes it possible to identify the occur- An additional 18 safety culture assessment tools have
rences between the words and its result indicates the been developed since 2008. These instruments address
connection between the words; (2) word cloud, in order to factors that influence safety culture aimed at workers,

Carvalho REFL, et al. BMJ Open Quality 2023;12:e002310. doi:10.1136/bmjoq-2023-002310 3

Open access

BMJ Open Qual: first published as 10.1136/bmjoq-2023-002310 on 10 October 2023. Downloaded from on October 10, 2023 at UFC - Universidade Federal
Figure 1 PRISMA, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-­Analyses. do Ceara. Protected by copyright.

organisations, patients and families. Domains such as table 1. Of the 248 articles, 66 included in their texts the
teamwork, communication and management support assessment of safety culture based on other constructs, in
continue to be important factors for assessing safety addition to the domains of the most cited instruments.
culture; however, there is a trend of instruments aimed
at assessing patient and family engagement, psychological
Word cloud
safety of the health team and engagement of nurses in
A similarity analysis (figure 2A) was conducted and it was
decision-­making. Table 1 lists the surveys as well as the
respective domains, number of items and levels of appli- observed that there are two prominent words, ‘commu-
cation of the instrument. nication’ and ‘leadership,’ with which all other words
Online supplemental table 1 are connected, and it should be noted that the words
For the analysis of the constructs, cultural assessment ‘satisfaction,’ ‘engagement,’ ‘nurse,’ ‘psychological,’
surveys were conducted using only the most frequently ‘stress’ and ‘autonomy’ are connected to the word ‘lead-
mentioned instruments described in online supplemental ership’. The word ‘communication’ connects ‘teamwork,’

4 Carvalho REFL, et al. BMJ Open Quality 2023;12:e002310. doi:10.1136/bmjoq-2023-002310

Open access

BMJ Open Qual: first published as 10.1136/bmjoq-2023-002310 on 10 October 2023. Downloaded from on October 10, 2023 at UFC - Universidade Federal
Table 1 Factors identified in the review that make up the safety culture
Factors Definition
 Organisational factors Open communication between patients Refers to the extent to which patients
and families and healthcare teams and families perceive that providers and
healthcare teams shared information and
invited discussion.62
Open communication among Communication openness has been treated
professionals as synonymous with listening, honesty,
frankness, trust, supportiveness, personal
opinions, suggestions and new ideas.63
Leadership The process through which an individual
attempts to intentionally influence another
individual or a group to accomplish a
Teamwork A dynamic process involving two or more
health professionals with complementary
backgrounds and skills, sharing common
health goals and exercising concerted
physical and mental effort in assessing,
planning or evaluating patient care. This
is accomplished through interdependent
collaboration, open communication
and shared decision-­making. This in
turn generates value-­added patient,

do Ceara. Protected by copyright.

organisational and staff outcomes.65
Error notification and learning Report and learn from potentially harmful
errors that were intercepted before harm
was caused and errors that harmed
Innovative climate Innovation climate could be defined
as the shared employee perceptions
that encourage employees to develop
innovative behaviours.67
 Nurse engagement Revealed the participatory role and
valued status of nurses in a broad
hospital context. Nurses were involved in
hospital and nursing department affairs
(internal governance, policy decisions
and committees), had opportunities for
advancement, communicate openly with
a responsive nursing administration and
acknowledged a powerful, visible and
accessible nurse executive.68
 Factors related to professionals Well-­being Job satisfaction and burnout were used as
indicators of work-­related well-­being.42Job
satisfaction is defined by employees’
connection to the organisation’s mission
and whether it is considered a good
place to work. Burn-­out is a syndrome
conceptualised as resulting from chronic
workplace stress that has not been
successfully managed.
 Patient and family participation Patient and family participation This includes the patient and family’s
involvement in decision-­making on
boards or advisory committees at all
levels of healthcare, and involvement in
decision-­making about their own care and

Carvalho REFL, et al. BMJ Open Quality 2023;12:e002310. doi:10.1136/bmjoq-2023-002310 5

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BMJ Open Qual: first published as 10.1136/bmjoq-2023-002310 on 10 October 2023. Downloaded from on October 10, 2023 at UFC - Universidade Federal
Figure 2 Similitude analysis.

‘empowerment,’ ‘learn’ and ‘management,’ ‘feedback,’ nurses and physician comprised 20.00% (f=9 TS) of the
‘punitive’ and ‘trust’. total corpus analysed and consisted of words and radicals

do Ceara. Protected by copyright.

The word cloud allowed confirmation of the most in the interval between χ²=2.47 (conflict) and χ²=17.56
frequently cited words: ‘communication’ (f=23), ‘lead- (psychological). This class was composed of words such
ership’ (f=24), ‘nurse’ (f=19), ‘management’ (f=16), as ‘empowerment’ (χ²=12.66); ‘nurse’ (χ²=9.42); ‘physi-
‘teamwork’ (f=13) and ‘job satisfaction’ (f=12). It should cian’ (χ²=9.42), ‘support’ (χ²=4.75) and ‘interpersonal’
be noted that the words ‘learn’ (f=8), ‘report’ (f=9), (χ²=4.37). Class 1d: Trust culture comprises 22.22%
‘empowerment’ (f=6) and ‘conflict’ (f=6) appeared with (f=10 TS) of the total corpus analysed and included
little expressiveness; however, there was an increase in the words and radicals in the interval χ²=5.85 (report) and
number of studies that associated safety culture with these χ²=15.37 (trust). In addition to these two words, this
constructs (figure 2B). class is composed of the word ‘culture’ (χ²=7.95). Class
2: Innovation worker comprises 20.00% (f=9 TS) of the
Descending hierarchical classification total corpus analysed and consisted of words and radicals
The general corpus consisted of 66 texts separated by 67 in the interval between χ²=17.56 (4 words) and χ²=22.50
text segments (TS), using 45 text segments (67.16%). (innovation). This class was composed of words such as
There were 1159 occurrences, 430 distinct words and 261 ‘worker’ (χ²=17.56), ‘equipment’ (χ²=17.56), ‘availability’
words with a single occurrence. The analysed content was (χ²=17.56) and ‘control’ (χ²=17.56).
categorised into two main classes, one of which was subdi- Based on the results of this review, we constructed a
vided into four classes. Class 1a: job satisfaction and lead- summary of the domains that make up safety culture,
ership (15.56%), class 1b: error response (22.22%), class based on the factors related to organisations in general,
1c: psychological and empowerment nurses (20.00%), health professionals, and patient and family participation
class 1d: trust culture (22.22%) and class 2: innovation (table 1).
worker (20.00%) (figure 3).
Class 1a: Job satisfaction and leadership comprised
15.56% (f=9 TS) of the total corpus analysed. Consisting DISCUSSION
of words and radicals in the interval between χ²=3.41 We investigated, evaluated and synthesised the safety
(communication) and χ²=22.5 (satisfaction). This class also culture factors addressed in assessment instruments in
includes words such as ‘leadership’ (χ²=10.23), ‘quality’ the literature. We found an increasing number of articles
(χ²=8.46) and ‘engagement’ (χ²=6.39). Class 1b: Error published starting in 1999 were observed, a year that was
response comprised 22.22% (f=10 TS) of the total corpus considered a milestone for patient safety due to the To
analysed and included words and radicals in the interval Err and Human report by the American Institute of Medi-
between χ²=3.09 (learn) and χ²=34.17 (error). This class cine.26 This report, in addition to drawing attention to the
is also composed of words such as ‘response’ (χ²=19.69); number of errors that occurred due to avoidable events,
‘punitive’ (χ²=15.37); ‘feedback’ (χ²=14.96), ‘communi- showed the multicausality of these events, presenting
cation’ (χ²=13.39) and ‘openness’ (χ²=10.86), ‘teamwork’ the environmental and individual factors that could be
(χ²=5.85). Class 1c: Psychological and empowerment involved in the error. Several studies began to appear to

6 Carvalho REFL, et al. BMJ Open Quality 2023;12:e002310. doi:10.1136/bmjoq-2023-002310

Open access

BMJ Open Qual: first published as 10.1136/bmjoq-2023-002310 on 10 October 2023. Downloaded from on October 10, 2023 at UFC - Universidade Federal
do Ceara. Protected by copyright.
Figure 3 Descending hierarchical classification analysis.

assess the organisational and individual factors that could available instruments have evaluated tangible concepts of
lead to such events. safety culture and suggested an approach that combines
Since March 1999, it has been observed that the USA different methodologies to assess intangible factors, that
remains at the forefront of research on the development is, factors that are not easily evaluated by questionnaires,
and evaluation of the culture of safety (n=129). However, but which are just as important as measurable constructs.
many other countries have reported and published results For the authors, intangible factors are trust, commitment,
on the assessment of the safety culture of their institu- psychological safety, guilt and shame.12
tions, including Brazil,27–29 Saudi Arabia,30–32 China33–35 Regarding the methodological approach, although
and Taiwan.36 37 Although the assessment of the culture most studies used a cross-­ sectional design, 12 studies
of a particular location, region or country is an area of used a mixed- methods or qualitative approach, showing
interest to local managers and professionals, it has been that researchers have been evaluating the constructs that
observed that these publications have helped refine the permeate safety culture in greater depth. The techniques
instruments for this purpose.38 39 It allows for the compar- used for qualitative analysis included interviews, focus
ison of perceptions among health professionals,40 in groups and brainstorming. To correlate safety culture
addition to allowing systematic literature reviews on the with other concepts, research has been associated with
subject.11 burnout,44–46 patient perception of their safety47 and
The HSOPSC was the most used instrument worldwide teamwork.48
to assess safety culture, followed by the SAQ and the SCS, Such research shows that more than a decade ago,
similar results were reported in the literature.11 41 These factors related to the well-­being of health workers and
instruments have 5–12 domains focused on the organisa- the participation of patients and families may have
tional assessment of patient safety and evaluate domains directly resulted in the institutional safety climate. In
related to teamwork environment, management, commu- 2022, the WHO included as one of the strategic objec-
nication, working conditions, error reporting and job tives to strengthen patient safety in health institutions,
satisfaction, except for the SCORE,42 43 which evaluates the engagement of patients and families at all levels of
burnout climate and personal burnout. This is the only healthcare, ranging from policy development and plan-
instrument that considers, in addition to organisational ning to the supervision of performance, to fully informed
factors, factors related to professionals. consent and shared decision-­making in healthcare.1
Evaluating safety culture is a complex process, and These results can be confirmed by the number of instru-
researchers have drawn attention to the fact that the ments developed since 2008 that assess factors related to

Carvalho REFL, et al. BMJ Open Quality 2023;12:e002310. doi:10.1136/bmjoq-2023-002310 7

Open access

BMJ Open Qual: first published as 10.1136/bmjoq-2023-002310 on 10 October 2023. Downloaded from on October 10, 2023 at UFC - Universidade Federal
the safety culture aimed at health workers, organisations encourages critical thinking, allowing the independent
and the patient and family. In addition to the most eval- analysis of patient conditions, identification of risks and
uated domains, these instruments assess factors related immediate action. It promotes a culture of accountability
to patient and family engagement, the psychological and commitment to patient safety as professionals take
safety of the health team, and nurses’ engagement in responsibility for their practices and outcomes. Finally,
decision-­ making. Lower levels of psychological safety it fosters improved communication and collaboration
and organisational support were significant predictors among healthcare teams by facilitating the expression of
for remaining silent about safety concerns.49 There are concerns, ideas and suggestions, leading to better coor-
positive relationships between quality and a climate of dination, sharing of vital information, and, ultimately,
safety, empowerment and satisfaction with the provision safety patient care.
of care with the culture of safety and empowerment of the Although leadership is the basis for strengthening all
family.50 In addition to the fact that there is already a body other constructs of safety culture, it was observed that
of evidence that the involvement of nurses in decision-­ open communication is a cross-­ cutting factor in this
making is beneficial for patient safety51 52 it can also be process and favours the empowerment of professionals,
said that the involvement of this profession can reduce teamwork and the construction of a reliable environ-
the costs of health institutions.53 ment to talk about errors and learn from them. There are
Regarding the analysis of the data of the identified strong associations between satisfactory communication
constructs, it was observed that two words (‘communi- and aspects of the patient’s safety climate, such as team-
cation’ and ‘leadership’) were more prominent about work and job satisfaction.58
connectivity with other words. The dendrogram confirms Finally, the class 2 ‘innovation worker,’ which in the
the findings in the word cloud and similarity analysis of literature can also be found to be associated with innova-
the constructs extracted from the articles. According tive behaviours and innovation climate, is a novel result
to the research articles, the constructs that form safety among the findings of the present review, since it is a
culture can be divided into two main classes, one of which construct that has been addressed in studies on safety

do Ceara. Protected by copyright.

is subdivided into five: class 1a ‘job satisfaction and lead- culture, but emerged in this study as a preeminent class,
ership,’ class 1b ‘error response,’ class 1c ‘psychological highlighting its importance as a component factor. An
and empowerment nurse,’ class 1d ‘trust culture’ and innovative climate can be defined as shared employee
class 2 ‘innovation worker’. perceptions that encourage employees to develop inno-
Classes 1a–d consist of constructs that have already vative behaviours. Institutions with a good safety climate
been researched and have scientific evidence showing support employees and create a positive attitude towards
their association with a positive safety culture. Institutions innovation.59 60 Organisational climate has a significant
with strengthened and inclusive leadership favour the impact on innovative behaviour and suggests that nursing
autonomy of professionals, improve nurses’ engagement managers should foster innovation through improve-
and consequently increase their satisfaction and the well-­ ments in the organisational climate.37 Initially, the inno-
being of professionals. A study conducted with 451 nurses vation construct was included as one of the climate
from 5 hospitals in Wuhan, China, showed that nurses assessment constructs in the team climate inventory
who were on the front line of COVID-­19 care presented (TCI).61 According to the authors, four theoretical factors
severe psychological distress; however, nurses who had support TCI: vision, participatory safety, task orientation
more inclusive managers showed less psychological and support for innovation. Although the instrument is
distress. Inclusive leaders involved the team in decision-­ considered valid and reliable, further studies are required
making and created work environments that were consid- to strengthen its psychometric properties.61
ered psychologically safe.54 Leadership is identified as a A limitation of this review is the analysis of articles
strong influencing factor for a culture of trust in which in English only, which may have excluded important
professionals can speak openly about mistakes without research in other languages.
guilt or fear, because in trustworthy environments, in
addition to talking about mistakes, there is certainty of
collective learning.55 CONCLUSION
However, research highlights that it is critical to pay The identified instruments presented elements that
attention to the need to train first-­line nursing leaders to remain indispensable for assessing safety culture, such
establish advice in a shared governance structure that can as leadership commitment, open communication and
significantly contribute to the realisation of an improved learning from mistakes. However, there is a trend in
safety culture. Nursing leadership style is perhaps the most research aimed at evaluating patient and family engage-
critical factor in determining the culture and climate that ment, psychological safety, nurses’ engagement in
will be created in a unit and within an organisation.56 57 decision-­
making and innovation. The concepts iden-
The nursing leadership style can promote professional tified in the safety culture assessment can be divided
autonomy by enhancing decision-­making, allowing nurses into organisational, professional, and patient and family
to make timely and accurate judgments based on their participation. However, these three dimensions were
knowledge, which leads to greater patient safety. It also not identified by using the same instrument. Thus, this

8 Carvalho REFL, et al. BMJ Open Quality 2023;12:e002310. doi:10.1136/bmjoq-2023-002310

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