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Date: Max. Marks: 80

Subject: English Core (Code- 301) Time: 3 hours


Reading Comprehension - Unseen Passages

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. (12 Marks)
(i) Ans: B. Internal combustion engine and manned flight
(ii) Ans: A) Theory of Relativity
(iii) Ans: The passage provides historical information about the early 20th century, the scientific advancements
of the time, and the background of Robert Oppenheimer. At certain points in the passage, there is a reflective
tone, especially when discussing the irony of Robert Oppenheimer's life and the contrast between his values and
the consequences of his work.
(iv) Ans: Without rejecting their Jewishness they chose to shape their identity within a uniquely American
offshoot of Judaism—the Ethical Culture Society—that celebrated rationalism and a progressive brand of secular

(v) Ans: Despite Oppenheimer's upbringing and values that championed rationality, social justice, and science for
the betterment of humanity, his work ultimately led to the creation of a weapon that caused mass death and
destruction. This profound contrast between his intentions and the real- world impact of his scientific endeavors
is the essence of the irony highlighted in the statement.

(vi) Ans: B. "One Giant Leap for Mankind: The Apollo Moon Landing"
(vii) Ans: advocating for a government that aligns with science and applied technology to usher in an
enlightened new Progressive Era. Theodore Roosevelt, as mentioned in the passage, used the "bully pulpit
of the White House" to argue that good government, in collaboration with science and technology, could
bring about positive social and political change.
(viii) Ans: A. Herald a new age of intellect
(ix) Ans: Odyssey
(i) Ans: Generation Alpha is defined by its birth years, which are from 2010 to 2025. This generation is
characterized by being younger than 14 years old, being the first to grow up in a world marked by
digitalization, influencing family purchase decisions from a young age, and having a high level of
optimism, collaborative values, and social and environmental awareness.

(ii) Ans: Gen Alpha is expected to have a 16% longer life expectancy than the Millennials.
(iii) Ans: The statement, "I have more confidence and belief in the reliability, effectiveness, and
honesty of technology and established organizations such as government bodies, corporations,
schools, and other institutions," is likely to be made by a member of Generation Alpha.
(iv) Ans: The parameter on values suggests that Gen Alpha is more likely to be collaborative and
value inclusivity, in contrast to Gen Z, which tends to be more independent and values
(v) Ans: A. Pessimistic
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(vi) Ans : Generation Alpha is expected to have a 16% longer life expectancy than Millennials for a
couple of reasons: First, advancements in healthcare and access to healthier living conditions
may contribute to a longer life. It could be inferred that a more digitally connected and informed
world may lead to healthier lifestyle choices.
(vii) Ans: C. "Generation Alpha: A Tech-Savvy and Growing Force Shaping the Future
(viii) Ans: False. The passage does not provide information on the highest number of Gen Alpha
being born in the United States, but it does mention that the highest number of Gen Alpha is born
in countries like India, China, and Indonesia.


3. Attempt any ONE of two, in about 50 words. [4]

Answers A → Correct format ( as listed) → Drawing attention—students → Mentioning the event
→ Giving details -D,T,V → Inviting volunteers → Line with reference to the undersigned
Correct format ( as listed) Drawing attention—residents → Stating the information → Giving details →
Sharing awaited news → Line with reference to the undersigned

(Format includes : Name of Organisation, Notice , Date , Heading , Signature Name of the issuing
authority, Designation)

4. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below in about 50 words. [4]
A. Ans : Card type-formal invite →
a single sentence presentation in third person/end line punctuations skipped → Use the simple
present tense → answers the questions who, whom, when, where, what time and for what →
includes name and address of the organiser /host and name/s of special invitees (if any) → No

Layout usually pertains to the following—

→ Name of host /hosts → Formal standard expression-cordial → Purpose of invitation → Date
/time of event → Venue (address) → Name of special guest (if any) → RSVP → Contact detail/
B. Letter type-informal reply.
The following points may be included :
Reference to invitation – acceptance on behalf of your grandfather – confirmation of date, time, venue – comment
on the dietary restrictions of the grandfather, hence not able to stay back for the dinner.

5. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below in about 120-150 words. [5]
A. Ans: Letter of job application (including CV) - Formal letter type
 Content → Covering Letter → Reference to the advertisement → Conveying suitability for the
position → Submission of application Bio data as separate enclosure → Profile of self →
Educational and Professional Qualifications → Achievements → Work experience → Salary
expectation → Skills/interests → References Any other relevant information

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B. Ans: Letter to the Editor - Formal letter type
 In particular, the regularity and intensity of these demonstrations on our highways are a cause of concern.
 Firstly, these demonstrations result in the obstruction of traffic flow, which leads to massive
delays for commuters, workers, job seekers and students trying to reach their destinations in a
timely manner.
 This disruption can have a domino effect, causing inconvenience, frustration, and loss of
 Furthermore, public demonstrations on highways pose a safety risk, not only to the participants
but also to other road users.
 The congested roadways can lead to accidents and medical emergencies, which may have grave
 Law enforcement agencies can work to ensure that these designated areas are accessible and
secure for peaceful demonstrations.
 While acknowledging the importance of freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, we must
also acknowledge the need to strike a balance between exercising these rights and ensuring the
well-being of our society.
 Encouraging a more organized and less disruptive approach to public demonstrations will allow
our citizens to enjoy their rights without undue interference with their daily routines. Encourage a
more responsible and considerate approach to public demonstrations for the betterment of our
 (Any other relevant points to be accepted)

6. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below in 120-150 words. [5]
A. Answer: Article :
 Format – 1 Content -2 Organization -1 Accuracy of spelling and grammar -1
 College life, for many, represents the epitome of independence and freedom.
 It's a time to make new friends, explore new horizons, and immerse oneself in academic pursuits. But is it a
carefree existence devoid of responsibilities, or is it the commencement of diligent preparations for a
promising career? In my perspective, it's a delicate balance between both.
 The prospect of college life undoubtedly brings with it a sense of liberation.
 No longer bound by the strict schedules and assignments of school, college offers the freedom to design
our own timetables and choose our areas of study.
 There's a carefree element to it, as we can attend classes without the immediate pressure of completing
assigned homework by the next day.
 However, it's essential to recognize that this newfound liberty comes with a certain level of responsibility.
 College life marks the transition from adolescence to adulthood, and with it comes the expectation of
increased responsibility.
 We must take charge of our academic path, ensuring that we select courses aligning with our career
aspirations. It's a period for self-discovery and honing our skills, making choices that will have a profound
impact on our future.
 In college, we're given the space to explore our interests and passions, but this exploration must go hand-in-
hand with a sense of commitment and dedication.
 In essence, it's a time to prepare for a brilliant career by actively engaging in our studies and co-curricular
activities. While there may not be daily homework assignments, the workload can be overwhelming,
requiring us to manage our time effectively.
 Moreover, college life isn't just about academics. It's a holistic experience that involves developing life skills,
building social connections, and participating in extracurricular activities. These aspects are equally
important in shaping our personalities and preparing us for the challenges of the real world.
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 College life is indeed a unique phase where we can enjoy freedom while shouldering the responsibility of
charting our own path.
 It's not just about escaping homework but embracing the opportunity to gain knowledge, develop character,
and prepare for a successful future.
(Any other relevant points to be accepted - Intro- Reasons- Conclusion)
B. Answer – Report for a school magazine:
Format • Headline & By line • Paragraphing organisation (Introductory paragraph + one or two paragraphs
including event details + Concluding paragraph inclusive of feedback of the participants.
The following points may be included :
 Who? How many?
 Where and when?
 What and How? Why?
 What did those present think?
 Diverse Panel of Media Professionals: The programme featured a panel of media professionals
who represented a wide spectrum of media fields, including print journalism, broadcast media,
digital media, public relations, advertising, and more. Their collective experience and expertise
provided a comprehensive view of the media industry.
 Insights into Media Careers: Each professional shared their personal journey, career challenges,
and successes. They emphasized the ever-changing nature of the industry and the need to adapt
to new technologies and trends. The speakers also discussed the essential skills and qualities
required for success in their respective fields.
 Interactive Q&A Sessions: Attendees had the opportunity to engage in interactive question- and-
answer sessions with the panelists. This allowed for a more personalized understanding of
career options and guidance for aspiring media professionals.
 Networking Opportunities: The programme encouraged networking among attendees, enabling
the exchange of ideas and the formation of valuable connections in the media industry.
 Inspiration and Motivation: The event served as a source of inspiration for attendees,
motivating them to pursue their dreams in the media sector. The success stories shared by the
professionals were particularly motivating.
 Future Trends: The panelists discussed emerging trends in media, such as the impact of social
media, data journalism, and the growing importance of multimedia content. This information
was crucial for understanding the evolving landscape of the industry.
 (Any other relevant points to be accepted)


7. Read the given extracts to attempt the questions with reference to context. Attempt ANY ONE of the
two extracts given. (6 Marks)
A. A Thing of Beauty
(i) (B) When a great man dies, for years the light he leaves behind him, lies on the paths of men.
(ii) (A) 1, 4 and 5
(iii) (C) 1 and 4
(iv) All classical stories of the mighty/noble / ancestors – stories of greatness/bravery that inspire/motivate us
(v) aabbcc
(vi) Cooling covert against the hot season


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B. A Roadside Stand
(i) sophisticated city dwellers in their vehicles.
(ii) angry/annoyed/irritated/cross/exasperated / (Any other relevant answer to be accepted)
(iii) The people are preoccupied only by the thoughts of their lives and nothing else.
(iv) B. aesthetic
(v) B. transferred epithet; flower of cities
(vi ) B. 2, 3

8. Attempt ANY ONE of the two extracts given. (4 Marks) –

A. The Tiger King
(i) C. My alarm clock yells at me every morning until I get out of bed.
(ii) Desperate/worried/despairing (Any other relevant answer to be accepted)
(iii) refused to get out of the car/refused to obey command
(iv) King, happy and excited to have reached goal of hundred tigers, need not fear death /It signifies the
tiger's death and the Maharaja's satisfaction with the outcome.
B. A Journey to the end of the Earth
(i) Tishani Doshi, from Madras, Russian research vessel — the Akademik Shokalskiy visited Antarctica -
intrepid / adventurous / enthusiastic / observant
(ii) providing them with inspiring educational opportunities which will help them foster a new understanding
and respect for our planet/ High school students are at an age when they are eager to learn and are more
receptive to absorbing and acting on educational experiences, aligning with the program's goals.
(iii) Not giving back in terms of policy change/undoing the harm/trying ways to mitigate the ill effects of
man’s misdeeds / only taking the opportunity to visit the place nothing more – not taking the lessons
forward and learning from them.
(iv) C . Vivek invests in eco-friendly cosmetics that are packaged in plastic containers.

9. Read the given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the two given. (6 Marks)
A. The Last Lesson
(i) C. Sadness and Despair
(ii) The impending departure of M. Hamel affects the speaker deeply because it marks the end of their
opportunity to learn French from a dedicated teacher. It illustrates one of the themes of the lesson,
procrastination/ highlighting the importance of seizing educational opportunities.
(iii) The phrase "My books that had seemed such a nuisance a while ago, so heavy to carry"
signifies the speaker's change in perspective from seeing their books as burdensome to valuing
them as sources of knowledge and as a result his feelings of regret.
(iv) C. They realize that they should have valued education more, and this realization deepens their
appreciation for learning.
(v) The references to seeking bird's eggs and going sliding on the Saar symbolize the carefree and playful
activities of childhood.
(vi) Announcement, only German to be taught in schools, no more French, last day for French
B. Going Places
(i) C. He is dismissive and questions the story.
(ii) D. 3, 5
(iii) Danny Casey, prodigy, famous football player, everyone’s favourite
(iv) strained/distant/cold / (Any other relevant answer to be accepted)
(v) Yes, set out to meet Danny Casey, set herself up for disappointment/sadness as it was only an imaginary
(vi) Wants validation/ someone on her side / someone to believe her
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10. Answer any FIVE of the following six questions in about 40-50 words. (5x2 Marks)
(i) Gandhiji meant that he must not set a bad example by breaking the law, by refusing to comply with the
eviction order, at the same time he must also render humanitarian and national service for which he had
come to Champaran.
(ii) Douglas was not sure that all the terror had left. So he went to Lake Wentworth in New Hampshire, dived
off a dock at Triggs Island, and swam two miles across the lake to Stamp Act Island. He swam the crawl,
breast stroke, side stroke, and back stroke. Only once did the terror return. When he was in the middle of the
lake, he put his face under and saw nothing but bottomless water. The old sensation returned in miniature.
(iii) The story challenges conventional notions of identity and social status by illustrating how a tramp, initially
seen as an outsider, can be reevaluated and embraced as part of a family based on his actions and
character rather than his social status.
(iv) The contrast between the peaceful sleep of the mother and the speaker's emotional turbulence
serves as a powerful literary device that underscores the emotional complexities and universal
themes of ageing, love, and the fragility of human existence. (Any other relevant points to be
(v) Mukund Padmanabhan’s qualities of empathy and effective listening contribute to a successful and
meaningful interview that allows the interviewee to share his experiences and emotions openly. He
would only ask the kinds of questions that every reader needs to hear from a novelist. He also
ensures that the interviewee (Umberto) is not irritated or offended by any of his questions and that
he never touches any of the interviewee's sensitive life These reflect Mukund Padmanabhan's skill
as an interviewer in creating a supportive and engaging environment for the interviewee.
(vi) The role of make-up department of the Gemini Studios was to make the actors look presentable in the movies.
It was an example of national integration. According to the author, this is so because people from different
regions and religious groups worked together in the same department.
The department was headed by a Bengali who was succeeded by a Maharashtrian. The other helpers included
a Dharwar Kannadiga, an Andhra, a Madras Indian Christian, an Anglo-Burmese and the local Tamils.

11. Answer any TWO of the following three questions in about 40-50 words. (2x2=4marks)
(i) The statement "Where there is oppression, there will be resistance" is profoundly reflected in the story "We Too
are Human Beings" by Bama, which is a narrative that vividly portrays the lives of marginalized and
oppressed individuals. Education is depicted as a powerful tool of resistance in the story. Bama’s pursuit of
education and her determination to overcome the obstacles she faces demonstrate resistance against the
oppression that seeks to keep Dalits uneducated and economically disadvantaged.
(ii) Derry's mother is deeply concerned about his safety and well-being. She warns him to be careful
when he wants to go out to the garden to help Mr.Lamb. This concern reflects her protective
instincts as a mother. She is keen to ensure that Derry is making friends who won't hurt him,
showing her protective nature.
(iii) Sadao's father embodies the Japanese cultural values of duty and honour. Despite the fact that Sadao
has been living in America and has become accustomed to Western ways, his father insists on
following traditional Japanese customs. Sadao's father is depicted as a traditional figure of authority
in the family. The story also highlights the cultural tensions that arise when Sadao's Western
education and values clash with his father's adherence to traditional Japanese ways, including his
choosing a wife. (Any1 point)
12. Answer any ONE of the following two questions, in about 120-150 words.
A. Deep Water and My Mother at Sixty - Six
 The fear of death through drowning drives the protagonist to avoid activities involving water and
restrict his own freedom.
 The fear becomes overwhelming, leading the protagonist to withdraw from social and romantic
 Despite the similarity in fear, the impact on the protagonist in 'Deep Water' is one of isolation,
restriction, and missed opportunities.

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 Fights against it and wins – confident and determined.
 The poem "My Mother at Sixty-Six" reflects on the fear of losing a loved one and the impending
reality of death.
 The poet's fear revolves around the mortality of her aging mother and the fear of being left alone.
 The fear creates a deeply emotional connection as the poet observes her mother's vulnerability
and contemplates her mortality.
 Despite the similarity in fear, the impact on the poet in 'My Mother at Sixty-Six' is one of
emotional distress, reflection, and appreciation of life's fleeting nature.
 Accepting
B. A Thing of Beauty and Keeping Quiet – Written in the form of a dialogue between Pablo
Neruda and Keats. The following points may be included :
 power of beauty to provide solace and inspiration in life
 in a world filled with suffering and pain, the presence of beauty can bring joy and a sense of
connection to something greater.
 the importance of appreciating and valuing beauty in all its forms.
"Keeping Quiet" by Neruda:
 Uses elements of nature to provide analogy, examples and symbols to teach us silence
 to reflect on the fast-paced nature of modern life and the value of silence and introspection
 encourages individuals to pause and connect with themselves and others, suggesting that
silence can foster understanding and unity.
 collectively staying quiet for a moment, people can break free from their routines and find a
deeper meaning in life.
 Overall, both poems explore different perspectives on finding meaning and connection in life.
While Keats focuses on the power of beauty, Neruda emphasizes the importance of
introspection and stillness. Despite their differences, both works convey the idea that there is a
deeper significance to be found beyond the surface of everyday existence.
(Any other relevant points to be accepted)
13. Answer any ONE of the following two questions in about 120-150 words
A. The Tiger King (The following points may be included in the informal letter)
My sincerest greetings to his majesty, I am Rajan, a subject of your kingdom, and I am writing to you
today because your relentless killing of tigers in our forests has pained me deeply. Animals feel pain and
have a right to live just like you and I do, your majesty. God has created us all as equals, so how can one
species kill another for no real scientific reason? I know that you have been doing this because of the
astrologer's prophecy. However, I urge you to look to your rational side that had claimed, as an infant,
that everyone must die one day. I must ask you this, then: does it matter how we die? If we must all meet
our end one day, wouldn't you rather enjoy the time you have on earth, live meaningfully and
compassionately, instead of worrying about a future where you are dead? I hope that you will, as our
king, do right by all living creatures. Your loyal subject, Rajan
(Any other relevant points to be accepted)
B. Memories of Childhood – Written in the form of a dialogue between Zitkala-Sa and Bama.
 Both of them faced discrimination; Zitkala-Sa was discriminated against because of cultural
differences while Bama faced discrimination due to her caste.
 Zitkala-sa rebelled and refused to get her hair cut. She put up a strong fight, though had to give
in finally. Bama was enraged and wanted to go and touch the packet of vadai to teach a lesson
to the landlord. But was guided by her elder brother to calm down. He showed her the path
overcome discrimination.
 Both of them worked hard to excel in education.
 Both succeeded as writers among other things; They have written much against discrimination
and evils of oppression, thus continuing the fight for justice for their communities. ( any
relevant point)

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