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ReEd 1 - Initium Fidei : An Introduction to

Doing Catholic Theology Religious Education

1 is the introductory course of the Theology
Program. It introduces students to the basics
of theology at the college level in today’s
Philippines. Theology is a journey of
faithseeking understanding. It is
undertaken to answer the fundamental
questions of the meaning and purpose of
human existence in the light of the rich
sources of the Catholic faith, Sacred
scripture, Sacred Tradition, and Human
Experience. This ongoing search is carried
out in the context of the Philippines today, Augustinian recollects
dialoguing with the individual stories of the 1. We are heart: We, the Augustinian Recollects wish to
faith of each of our students be heart, we live in community of brothers the love of
Augustinian recollects 2. We are fire: an ardent passion inherited from the
charism of St. Augustine
The University of San Jose-Recoletos is 3. We are commitment: We are service, sacrifice,
founded and administered by the apostolate, passion, ministry and cross.
Order of Augustinian Recollects - A 4. We are search: formation is a strong point within the
charism of the orders: the search for god
religious order is a group of men (women)
A religious order has its own "charisms" or
who dedicate themselves in the service to
trademarks which makes their group distinct
God, to the church and to the people. to other congregations.
1. Interiority / Contemplative- knowing God
The Augustinian Recollects belong the
by knowing more about ourselves
Order of the Augustinian Recollects - Demonstrate personal relationship with Christ
(OAR), who, living the fraternal life in through search for truth in prayers and
community, desire to follow Christ, chaste, introspection.
poor and obedient. - Live a life animated by prayer and immerse
actively and holistically in different spiritual and
The Augustinian Recollects of today are heirs liturgical activities in the community and in the
to a forn of life first initiated by St. family.
2. Communitarian - To be in One Heart and
Augustine (354-430) The Order came
One Mind intent upon God
into being in the 16th century (Dec. 5, - Show love and concern for family, church and
1588) when a group of Augustinian society by building friendship and solidarity
Religious, under the impulse of the Holy - Apply the Augustinian meaning and implications
Spirit, discovered among themselves a of friendship and communion in community life
collective charism by which they sought to 3. Apostolic- service to the Church and the
live a life of renewed fervor and of new
- Imbibe the joy of the Gospel and express it in
norms at the service of the Church. apostolic activities through community service,
care of environment, interfaith and intercultural
dialogue and other sustainable initiatives.
4. Marian
- Emulate Mary as model of faith, humility and
- Show and practice filial devotion to the Blessed
Virgin Mary through Marian devotional and
liturgical activities.
St. Augustine's Spirituality which inspires the MEANING
Recollect Augustinian Charism describe in Theo = God Logos = Study
the four Characters (Contemplative, Hindrances to our search for meaning and
Communitarian, Apostolic, Marian) has purpose:
become the basis of the Philosophy of 1) Skepticism - doubt as to the truth of
Education of the Recoletos educational something; theory that certain
system with Caritas et Scientia, i.e., to knowledge is impossible.
educate the mind and the heart. 2) Indifference – lack of interest to
AUGUSTINIAN VALUES 3) Cynicism – a belief of a person that is
motivated by his/her desire
* Interiority - Interiority is the process of 4) “POST-TRUTH ERA”
entering into our inner self in order to 5) Trolling - kind of political activity that
discover God. is marked by a refusal to participate in
the kind of productive exchange of
* Truth - To live the Augustinian value of
ideas that marks democratic politics.
truth means to be able to reject relativism
and to acknowledge that there is one truth, Theology presents a way to search for the
Jesus Christ who sheds light in the life of meaning and
every man. Purpose grounded on God’s certainty.
* Freedom - It is not doing what we want
Theological enterprise is an opportunity
but Freedom to do good and avoid evil.
for people, especially the youth, to
* • Communitarian - "The common good understand life, faith, and reality.
first before one's own and not one's own
before the common good." Both individualism and exclusivism are
signs of the trend for more privatistic
* • Friendship - Authentic friendship must tendencies that can become hindrances to an
be Sincere, Strong and Spiritual. Friendship authentic search for meaning and purpose in
must lead to God. the world.
* • Solidarity and Justice - - Solidarity and Recourse from privatism?
Justice should be manifestations of our just INTERIORTIY - Introspection and
love of God and of neighbor. self-understanding will be an avenue
to witness the presence of the Divine
INSPIRE! = Integrity, Nationalism, Service,
in our lives
Pioneerism, Interiority, Reliability, Excellence
i. For believers, theology acts as
VISION/MISSION USJR faithseeking understanding (Latin:
To become a premier Gospel Institution Fides quaerens intellectum)
ii. For nonbelievers, theology is a form
CRE Vision/Mission of appreciation of the capacity of
-To transform students to become mature ax human beings to acquire faith. And in
Christians/disciples thru Information- no way is It is by no means a form
Formation - Transformation to Share and of indoctrination or an attempt to
Live Jesus in our life" convert people to Christianity or
Tatak Recoleto- is a brand of Education
inspired by the charism and spirituality of St. YOUTH - as Essential Audience of Theology
Augustine, that is, to be in One Heart and Direction, commitment, call — these are
One Mind intent upon God. all within the vision of the Christian faith.
Theology is therefore scientia Dei in as
much as it is a rational participation in the Spirituality is "the experience of conscious
knowledge that God has of himself and of all involvement in the project of life-integration
things. As scientia Dei, theology aims to through self-transcendence toward the
understand in a rational and systematic ultimate value one perceives."
manner the saving truth of God. Christian
Spirituality is “the lived experience
THEOLOGY Of Christian faith.”
•as an Endeavor for
•ALL People Augustinian Spirituality as Pattern

LESSON 2 A CONVERSATION BETWEEN The Three Principles of Augustinian

SPIRITUALITY AND THEOLOGY 1. Veritas (Truth) - Veritas refers to
the pursuit and adherence to truth.
Spirituality refers to the logic, character, or Augustine believed that the ultimate
consistent quality of a person’s or a group’s truth is found in God, and the search
pattern of living insofar as it is measured for truth is a fundamental aspect of
before some kind of ultimate reality the human journey.
2. Unitas (Unity) - Unitas emphasizes the
Three ways people view unity or oneness of God and the
the relationship between spirituality and interconnectedness of all creation. Augustine
religion as: believed that all things find their ultimate
purpose and fulfillment in God, and this unity
1. "strangers to the banquet of is a source of profound spiritual meaning.
transcendence who never actually meet or 3. Caritas (Love) - Caritas, often
converse" translated as "charity" or "love," holds
2. "rivals, if not enemies, vying for the a central place in Augustine's writings
allegiance of the serious seekers and spirituality. Augustine famously
3. partners, two dimensions of a single said, "Love, and do what you will,"
enterprise highlighting the transformative power
of divine love.
These phrases reflect different
attitudes and relationships people may "You can be spiritual but not
have regarding spirituality and religion. Religious"


as Life Integration set of beliefs and focus on spiritual
SPIRITUALITY VS. RELIGION rituals that claim to things and the
get a person in the spiritual world instead
Religion refers to a set of beliefs, values, right relationship with of physical things.
and practices that together identify what God.
institutional personal,
ultimate reality is and help establish the
involves a group of It connotes an
relationship that obtains between this
people brought experience of
ultimate reality and the practitioners. together by their connection to
common faith or something larger than
Religion becomes that which aids people in beliefs about the you; living everyday
developing spirituality within its defined divine. Religion aims life in a reverent and
beliefs and practices, and in doing so, to build one's sacred manner.
according to that religion's tradition, a character
person can grow closer and closer to the institutionalized concentrates more on
ultimate value or reality. system of religious each person's
On Religion AND Spirituality attitudes, beliefs, and individual soul.

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