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1. Write a C# program to determine the day of the week 10 days after the current date.

Expected Output :

Today: Monday

The day of the week 10 days after today: Thursday


2. Write a program in C# to create a function for the sum of two numbers and reuse by calling it from
main method.

Expected Output :

Function to calculate the sum of two numbers:


Enter the first number: 2

Enter the second number: 5

The sum of these two numbers: 7


3. Write a program in C# to create a function to input a string and count the number of spaces within the

Expected Output :

Function to count number of spaces in a string:


Please input a string: This is ITPEC June Intake.

"This is ITPEC June Intake." contains 4 spaces

4. Write a program in C# Sharp to calculate the sum of elements in an array.

Expected Output:

Function: Calculate the sum of the elements in an array:


Input 5 elements in the array:

element - 0 : 1

element - 1 : 2

element - 2 : 3

element - 3 : 4

element - 4 : 5

The sum of the elements of the array is 15

5. Write a C# program to create a function to swap two integer numbers.

Expected Output:

Function: To swap the values of two integer numbers:


Enter the 1st number: 45

Enter the 2nd number: 65

After swapping,

The 1st number: 65

The 2nd number: 45

6. Write a C# program to create a function to display the n number Fibonacci sequence.

Expected Output:

Function: To display the n number Fibonacci series:


Input number of Fibonacci Series : 10

The Fibonacci series of 10 numbers is :

0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34


7. Write a C# program to compute the sum of two given integers.

If two values are the same, return the triple of their sum. Otherwise, return their differences value.

Expected Output:

Enter First value : 2

Enter Second value : 2

Output: (2+2)*3 = 12


Enter First value : 3

Enter Second value :2

Output: (3-2) = 1


8. Write a C# program to check whether the given integer must be between 20 and 100.

Expected Output:

Input an integer: 15


Input an integer: 80


9. Write a C# program to print odd numbers from 1 to 99 as console output. Prints one number per line.
The sample output as follows:

Expected Output:

Odd numbers from 1 to 99. Prints one number per line.






10. Write a C# program to compute the total sum of each integer's digit value.

Expected Output:

Input a number (only integer): 12

The total sum of each integer's digit value: 3


11. Write a C# program to reverse the words of a sentence without using Reverse () Method.

Expected Output:

Original String: Order reversed

Reverse String: reversed Order

12. Write a C# program to find the largest and lowest values from three integer values.

Expected Output:

Input first integer: 1

Input second integer: 2

Input third integer: 3

Largest of three: 3

Lowest of three : 1


13. Write a C# program to create a string where the first 4 characters are in lower case.

If the string is less than 4 characters, make the whole string in upper case.

Expected Output:

Input a string: itpec


14. Write a C# Sharp program to read 10 numbers and find their average and sum.

Expected Output:

Read 10 numbers and calculate sum and average:


Input the 10 numbers:

Number-1 :2

Number-2 :4

Number-3 :6

Number-4 :8

Number-5 :10

Number-6 :12

Number-7 :14

Number-8 :16
Number-9 :18

Number-10 :20

The sum of 10 numbers is: 110

The Average is: 11


15. Write a program in C# Sharp to display a right-angle triangle with an asterisk.

The pattern like:




Expected Output:

Display the pattern like right-angle using asterisk:


Input number of rows: 10










17. Write a program in C# Sharp to display a pattern like a right-angle triangle with a number.

The pattern like:




Expected Output:

Display the pattern as right-angle triangle using number:


Input number of rows: 5






18. Write a C# Sharp program to display an alphabet pattern like P with an asterisk.

Expected Output:

Display the pattern like 'P' with an asterisk:



* *

* *


19. Write a C Sharp program to display an alphabet pattern like ‘Z’ with an asterisk.

Expected Output:

Display the pattern like 'Z' with an asterisk:





20. Write a C# program to output the name and age attributes of the Student class with data hiding
(encapsulation) feature and the sample output in console as follows:

Expected Output:

Sample Output:

Name: James

Age: 21


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