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Toea Adrian-Ionut

Scholarship for a better future

Even if we are talking about present, past or future, there is no secret that education is that element
which helps us develop new industries, societies, and more than that, a better world. The education
starts with those little children who play in the kindergarten nowadays and they will probably lead
the world in the near future.
So, the education, even if we will accept it or not, is the foundation of the tomorrow days. That
being said the access to education is the most important aspect. Scholarships give students the
biggest opportunity of their lives. It is of no importance if they are people with exceptional
academic performance, members of low-income families or even foreign exchange students, all of
them should get a scholarship to hone their education. But, in my point of view the ones that need
the most a scholarship are members of low-income families and foreign exchange students, and I
will explain you why I consider that so in a moment.
Firs of all, let’s talk about members of low-income families. Students that live in a world that is
more and more connected to technology, have to be more and more connected to education too. If
we think that every human have the right to free education, scholarship represents a big advantage
for those who does not have that chance to get it properly. Many members of those low-income
families have a great potential to do something with their lives, maybe they have big dreams but
they are unfortunately held on by their misfortune which they have been doomed forever at their
birth. I am sure that many of them are workaholic persons or maybe they have that workaholic spirit
but they haven’t found it out yet, because they haven’t had the chance to. That is why I consider
members of low-income families suitable for receiving a scholarship. We are able to change that
doomed destiny!
The second group of people, foreign exchange students, should receive a scholarship in our country
because of various reasons, but I consider that there are two big reasons to do so. The former is that
we need to make them eager to study in our country, to make them feel welcomed here because
doing so we have the possibility to bring about their cultural experience in our country. The latter is
that they can create lifelong friendships and they may intrigue our students to go abroad for their
studies, improving the intercultural experience and education. I’m sure that neither of them would
not turn down such an offer, more over than that they would put in for such an occasion.
In conclusion, I go with members of low-income families and foreign exchange students. The
former have a great potential to do something, but maybe they haven’t had the occasion to do so
yet, and I am sure that many of them won’t lie down on the job. The latter should be welcomed in
our country, because they have a great capacity to improve our cultural level. If we want this things
take shape we need to make them want to come back.

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