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Course: English Speaking and Listening_1st term_2023-2024

Topics and questions for reference


Work in pair. Each of you should ask your partner at least 3 questions from the list below . Ask follow-up
questions and try to develop your conversation naturally.

Both of your accuracy and fluency will be assessed.

1. What is the name of your neighborhood?

2. How would you describe your neighborhood? (quiet, busy, rural, etc.)
3. What are some of the main attractions or landmarks in your neighborhood?
4. Do you feel safe walking alone in your neighborhood day or night?
5. What are your favorite places to go in your neighborhood? (parks, cafes, shops)
6. How long have you lived in your current neighborhood?
7. What cultural or ethnic groups are represented in your neighborhood?
8. What transportation options are available? (public transit, walking, biking)
9. How close are shops and services? Can you walk to what you need?
10. What type of housing dominates - detached homes, apartments, condos?
11. What amenities are in your neighborhood - libraries, community centers, pools?
12. Do you know and interact with your neighbors? How often?
13. What do you like most about living in your neighborhood?
14. If you could change one thing, what would you change?
15. Overall, how satisfied are you with your neighborhood as a place to live?


Work in pair. Each of you should ask your partner at least 3 questions from the list below . Ask follow-up
questions and try to develop your conversation naturally.

Both of your accuracy and fluency will be assessed.

1. Do you have any siblings? If so, how many?

2. What is your relationship like with your siblings?
3. What do you like to do together as a family?
4. Who do you live with currently - just parents, extended family?
5. What responsibilities do you have at home?
6. What chores or tasks are you expected to help with?
7. How do you usually spend your weekends as a family?
8. What family traditions or customs are important to you?
9. Who is the strictest parent and why?
10. How do you communicate with your parents - talking, texting, apps?
11. What qualities do you admire most about your parents?
12. Do you have any children now or want them in the future?
13. What kind of parent do you think you will be?
14. How involved are grandparents in family life?

Course: English Speaking and Listening_1st term_2023-2024
Topics and questions for reference

15. What makes your family unique or different from others?


Work in pair. Each of you should ask your partner at least 3 questions from the list below . Ask follow-up
questions and try to develop your conversation naturally.

Both of your accuracy and fluency will be assessed.

1. What genres of music do you like to listen to?

2. Who are your favorite musicians/bands?
3. Do you play any musical instruments? If so, which ones?
4. How long have you been playing? Do you take lessons?
5. Do you enjoy singing or performing music?
6. How often do you listen to music? What situations?
7. What is the last concert you attended? How was it?
8. Do you share music preferences with family/friends?
9. How does music make you feel? What emotions?
10. What is the role or importance of music in your life?
11. Does music help you be more productive or relaxed?
12. Do you make playlists? For what moods/activities?
13. What music do you like dancing to?
14. How has your music taste changed over the years?
15. What is one song that’s meaningful to you and why?


Work in pair. Each of you should ask your partner at least 3 questions from the list below . Ask follow-up
questions and try to develop your conversation naturally.

Both of your accuracy and fluency will be assessed.

1. What science subjects do you find most interesting?

2. Do you enjoy learning about new scientific discoveries?
3. What recent scientific advancement has most improved people's lives?
4. How has technology changed the way you live and learn?
5. What mobile apps or devices could you not live without?
6. Do you worry about how much time you spend on screens?
7. Are there any technologies you wish existed?
8. Do you follow any scientists or engineers as role models?
9. How can science help address global problems like climate change?
10. What challenges does the growth of AI and robotics present?
11. Do you believe in space exploration and colonization?

Course: English Speaking and Listening_1st term_2023-2024
Topics and questions for reference

12. Is there too much focus on STEM subjects in schools?

13. Are you interested in a future career in STEM? What field interests you most?
14. How can more people, especially young people, get engaged with science?
15. What role should scientists play in influencing policy and public opinion?


Work in pair. Each of you should ask your partner at least 3 questions from the list below . Ask follow-up
questions and try to develop your conversation naturally.

Both of your accuracy and fluency will be assessed.

1. How do you usually keep track of your expenses and budget?

2. Do you spend more or save more of what you earn?
3. What are your biggest monthly expenses?
4. How often do you treat yourself to small purchases?
5. Do you set financial goals for yourself? What are they?
6. What is the most expensive item you've ever purchased?
7. How important is saving for retirement/the future to you?
8. What kinds of accounts do you have (savings, checking, investments)?
9. How do you decide what to buy - based on price, brand, reviews?
10. Do you make a budget or spending plan before big purchases?
11. How do you pay for things - mainly cash, credit card, debit?
12. Do you track your spending and where your money goes?
13. What are your spending habits like - frugal, impulsive, planned?
14. How does your income/spending compare to friends/family?
15. What financial areas do you think you need to improve?


Work in pair. Each of you should ask your partner at least 3 questions from the list below . Ask follow-up
questions and try to develop your conversation naturally.

Both of your accuracy and fluency will be assessed.

1. What is your favorite type of animal and why?

2. Do you have any pets? What kind and what are their names?
3. How did you choose your pet(s)?
4. What responsibilities do you have for taking care of your pet?
5. Have you ever volunteered or worked with animals? Where?
6. What is one interesting animal fact you know?

Course: English Speaking and Listening_1st term_2023-2024
Topics and questions for reference

7. Which animal would you most like as a pet but can't/won't have?
8. What animals scare or concern you the most?
9. How can people better protect endangered species?
10. What animal portraits or wildlife images inspire you?
11. Have you visited a local animal shelter or wildlife refuge?
12. Should wild animals be kept in zoos or preserved in nature reserves?
13. What role do pets play in people's mental and physical wellbeing?
14. How can human activities be made safer for birds and other wildlife?
15. If you could be any animal for a day, what would you choose?


Work in pair. Each of you should ask your partner at least 3 questions from the list below . Ask follow-up
questions and try to develop your conversation naturally.

Both of your accuracy and fluency will be assessed.

1. What is your short-term goal for the next year?

2. What is your long-term goal for the next 5-10 years?
3. What steps will you take to achieve your goals?
4. What education or training do you need?
5. What resources/support will help you?
6. How will you balance goals with other responsibilities?
7. Do your goals involve career, relationships, hobbies etc.?
8. What's the most important goal for you right now?
9. How will you know when you've achieved your goals?
10. What might stop you from achieving your goals?
11. Are your goals challenging or realistic?
12. How motivated do you feel about your goals?
13. Will achieving your goals make you happy? Why?
14. Have your goals changed over time? Why?
15. How can family/friends support you in achieving your goals?


Work in pair. Each of you should ask your partner at least 3 questions from the list below . Ask follow-up
questions and try to develop your conversation naturally.

Both of your accuracy and fluency will be assessed.

1. What things in life make you the happiest?

Course: English Speaking and Listening_1st term_2023-2024
Topics and questions for reference

2. How would you define happiness - is it a feeling, state of mind, both?

3. Do you consider yourself a happy person in general? Why or why not?
4. What role do friends and family play in your happiness?
5. What role does your job/career or education play in happiness?
6. How important is money/wealth to your happiness?
7. How does living in your city/country impact your happiness?
8. What role do hobbies and activities play in your happiness?
9. How does your overall health and well-being impact happiness?
10. Do you think happiness is something you choose or are born with?
11. How do you cope with sadness, stress or difficult times?
12. Do you set specific goals to increase your happiness? What are they?
13. How do you think your happiness will change as you age?
14. What role does community and helping others play in happiness?
15. If you had three top tips for happiness, what would they be?

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