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Name of the School (where the action research was conducted):

Government Higher Secondary School Kot Najibullah

Overall background of the participants of the project; area / school: (socio-economic status,
occupation / profession – earning trends of majority of the parents, literacy rate, academic
quality, and any other special trait of the community where the school is situated) (10 marks)
Overall background of the participants of the project

The students of grade 10th as well as teachers were the participants of the current
research. The teachers were focused during the research because they play their role in
developing tolerance among the students. In school, the teacher mostly plays active roles in
co-curricular activities of students that help the students in developing certain skills.
Moreover, the students targeted in the current research because the students involve in
number of co-curricular activities. The literature suggested that the students who involve
themselves in co-curricular activities can enhance life or soft skills i.e. tolerance. Moreover,
the positive role of teachers also determines students’ personality. The behaviour of teachers
also reflects the good environment in the classroom.
The population of the study comprised of secondary school male teachers as well as
students of grade 10th in district Haripur. Moreover, all the male and teachers at secondary
level in district Haripur are considered as the population of the study. Moreover, the grade
10th students also considered as the population of the study.
The sample of the study comprised of 10 teachers from the secondary schools at
District Haripur. Moreover, the 50 students of grade 10 th taken as the sample of the study.
The sample taken from the population of the study using convenient sampling technique due
to have shortage of time and ease of access to the participants of the study.
Area / School
Government Higher Secondary school kot Najibullah is located at Taxila-Haripur Rd, distract
Haripur. It is the famous school of Haripur established in 19 th century. This school is located
at Urban area of distrct Haripur. 2100 students are enrolled in this school. The literacy rate of
GHSS Kot is about 67%.
Socio-Economic Status

People of kot Najibullah are hard worker. Students belonged from educational background.
during data collection I asked a question about students socio-economic status majority of the
students answered that they have strong economic status and their parents were engaged in
private business
Occupation / Profession

The earning trend of people of kot janibullah Haripur was through private business. Some of
students responded that their parents are working in Private sector, Some students responded
that their father is government officer, few of them told that their father is a property dealer
and few told that their father is labour at Hattar factory.

Literacy Rate

The overall literacy rate of government higher secondary school kot Najibullah was about
67%. But the overall literacy rate of Haripur is The literacy rate in the Haripur district is 53.7%,
substantially higher than the literacy rate in the region of Hazara, which is 35.2%. The female literacy
rate is only 37.4% compared to male literacy of 63.6%, and urban literacy rate of 69.7% is
significantly higher than the rural rate of 51.4%

Theme: __Developing Soft Skills among the Students_______________________________

Sub-theme: __ Interpersonal Skills______________________________________________
Topic: “The Role of Co-Curricular Activity in developing tolerance among secondary level
1. Why did you select this specific sub-theme and topic? Relate it to your experience /
problem in your classroom / institution. (10 marks)
(Give the background and rationale of the study)
Ans. Background
There are a number of co-curricular activities carried out in schools. These include
sports, music, speech, drama, debate where young people learn lifelong lessons as important
as those taught in the classroom. These activities have their own contributions in both social
and academic development of learners. A number of studies have been conducted on the
influence of co-curricular activities on in the teaching and learning process. For instance,
Russel, Peter, Donald and Robert (2010) carried out a study on co-curricular involvement in
high schools. The study was limited to influence of activities on student’s behaviour. Another
study by Davalos, Shavez and Guardiola (2009) examined the effects of co-curricular
activities on dropout rates in Mexican-American youths. The study showed that co-curricular
activities helped to increase enrollment among the Mexican-American youths as compared to
those who were not involved in the activities. From the previous studies, it is evident co-
curriculum activities play a critical role not only in increasing enrollment but also enhancing
academic performance and building character (Bush, 2003).
Despite the fact that the place of co-curricular activities in teaching and learning process is
undoubtedly well grounded, more emphasis in Kenya’s education system has generally been
given to the regular curriculum aspect of education, which puts more stress on academic
performance forgetting the role of co-curricular activities in students’ social development.
Owing to the existing gaps associated with the overemphasis of curriculum activities at the
expense of the co-curricular students’ engagement in Kenya’s schools, this study intended to
examine the role of co-curricular activities in social development of students.
The study sought to establish the role of co-curricular activities in students’ social
Development among students. This was based on the understanding that the co-curriculum
aspect of the education prepares and moulds the student to be holistic. However, more
emphasis has generally been given to the regular curriculum aspect, which results to the
students’ inability to link the excellence in academic performance to the active participation
in co-curriculum (Rashid & Sasidhar, 2005).
Students’ achievement is measured through marks, grades, percentage etc. There are
two types of students’ development. One is academic which is related to the academic
performance or activities. Another developmental aspect is non-scholastic which is related to
the overall performance or activities like physical, social, moral, spiritual etc. We can call it
the holistic development of an individual which led towards the personal grooming of the
students. Researcher is motivated towards this study because he wanted to investigate
whether these activities play any role in learning of students as these activities are included in
our educational curriculum.
A Co-Curricular activity can be defined as "any activity inside or outside of
classroom. Most of these activities are basically financed by school and these are helpful in
the moral and character building of students and in other words their personal grooming. The
main aim of education is to make all-round development of a child. It also facilitates in
achieving academic and non-academic goals. Education plays the fundamental role in making
man as Social intellectual and culturally well-developed animal. Co-curricular activities are
different like sports, games, art and cultural competition debates etc. All these activities
facilitate students to bring forth their hidden abilities and talent. These activities are
providing a platform to students. When students get involved in these activities he/she
learned a lot. These activities enable him to face different challenges of life intellectually and
Rational of the Study
The rational of the study statement helps the subject assess the importance of the
study relative to individual values. The statement includes not only the immediate purpose of
the study, but also any larger, eventual purpose.
The purpose of the study portion of the consent form should not reflect a potential
benefit to the subject or be directed toward the subject in any way.
If the study involves deception or the withholding of information as a necessary and
justifiable research strategy, the Purpose of the Study statement should be written in such a
way whereby the least possible deception and/or withholding of information occurs.
The main purpose of this particular research is to examine the role of co-curricular activity in
developing tolerance among secondary level students. For this reason, the research objective
was established to find out the answers through scientific method using statistical tools.
2. What was your discussion with your colleague / friend / senior teacher or supervisor
regarding the problem? (05 marks)
(Provide your discussion with your colleague or supervisor for better understanding of the
problem and alternate solutions)
Discussion with supervisor regarding the problem
This research work was completed due to guidance of hourable supervisor. when I was
working on my research i discussed many points with my supervisor. I was confused about
my topic but my respected supervisor corrected my topic and helped me in data collection.
During discussion, I asked that why co-curricular activities are important? he answered that
Co-curricular activities are good for improving students learning experience at school which
improves their attendance at school and increases participation rate by students in co-
curricular activities. ... This helps students develop leadership skills, team integrity and
coordination skills. I again asked question about tolerance, he further replied that co-
curricular activities contributed towards students' social development in a number of ways:
instilling discipline, building tolerance, enhancing co-operation, creating a sense of
responsibility, improving in judgment, accepting defeat and improving moral values. during
viva, supervisors also asked from about my sample and population of the study. I answered
that The sample of the study comprised of 10 teachers from the secondary schools at District
Haripur. Moreover, the 50 students of grade 10 th taken as the sample of the study. another
questions was asked by supervisor about my research design. I answered my study was
quantitative and I used survey research design.
Discussion with friend and colleague regarding the problem
In workshops, My friends and colleague were discussing their topics on of them asked
that how can we obtain objectives, I explained that the objective of each person depends upon
the topic of the study. I also explained that both qualitiative and quantitative study have
different kinds of objects. one of my friend asked about my objectives, I share my objectives
with her and she match with her own study. From my colleague, a girl asked about the
procedure of my study. I told that For this purpose, two questionnaires one for teachers and
one for students were used to achieve the desired objectives of the study. The survey research
design was used and identifies two variables of the study. The data collected from the
teachers and students and entered in excel and SPSS for further process. The data analyzed in
SPSS and found the results using statistical formulas. another friend asked about my tool. I
replied that The two questionnaires developed as the tools of the study. The related literature
of the role of co-curricular activity in developing tolerance among secondary level students
emphasizes to use questionnaires. The questionnaires were developed from the reviewing of
literature. The teachers’ questionnaire consists of nine (09) statements having five point
Likert scale from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree to find out the tolerance among
students. Moreover, a co-curricular activities questionnaire for students used in the current
research having eleven (11) statements with open ended scale.
3. What did you find about the problem in the existing literature (books / articles /
websites)? (10 marks)
(Explore books and online resources to know what and how has been already done regarding
this problem)
The foremost aim of education is to bring change, in other words we can say change
in behavior and attitude. Co-Curricular or extracurricular activities play a very significant
role in this regard. Drum (1977) stated that the development process of students’ personality
involves changes towards complexity in the result of maturity in their lives. They are active
in academic association, social, religious and sports during studying at school. Ferron (1975)
and Bergencico &Vicomi (2013) stated that students’ involvement in co-curricular activities
is the most recreational and positive which guarantees academic success. It helps in
confidence building.
Rubin, R. S (2002) mentioned that the success of any organization depends upon high
intellectual skills. Those students who are involved in co-curricular activities are more active
than other class fellows. Wilson, N. (2009) supported that students who actively participate in
CCAs generally get advantages like educational attainments, highest test scores, social
interaction skills, confidence building and helps in developing a moral sense.
Co-curricular activities provide self-discipline and personal development. It is clear
that those students who are not involved in these activities did not perform better than those
who are participating in them (Hansen,.2003). Co-curricular activities should be emphasized
because they influence students’ grades. It demonstrates very significant improvements in the
subject of physics (Adeyemo, 2010).
The activities of students should be enjoyable and develop valuable skills. It helps
them in determining their goal for future; social interaction develops decisive skills and
teaches them co-ordination. Students who participate in such activities are able to develop
different learning skill among them like these activities improve their language skills,
coordination, develop honesty, patience and problem solving skills. So every student must be
encouraged to take part in these activities. There is a dire need not only for the teachers but
also for parents to encourage their children to take part in their favorite activities. It might
help students to bring forth their abilities and talent in front of others (Daniel Nessan, 2009).
Shehu (2001) described the fact that co-curricular activities play significant role in preparing
students to face the upcoming challenges of life. By letting those involved in activities may
help in increasing enrolment. These co-curricular activities help Indian (rural) students to
perform better in the subject of mathematics, thus these activities play positive role in
academic achievement(Chudgar, Chandra, Iyengar, & Shanker, 2015).
Students’ involvement in co-curricular activities helps in their cognitive development. Such
activities are organized for learners which broaden their insight, develop their personality and
make them able to choose their activities or what they want to learn. Co-curricular activities
play a vital role in the development of personality of secondary school students. It is
important to involve students in these activities for the achievement of curricular goals. It is
curriculum with the help of which educational goal and objectives can be achieved. Present
definition of curriculum is extensive than of past. Presently, all activities (inside or outside
the school) which are organized and financed by school, are consider the part of curriculum.
These activities are helpful in providing opportunities to students to bring forth their hidden
talents. Results of study showed that schools are conscious about the importance of co-
curricular activities and are interested in organizing these activities. Students are taking part
in these activities and also enjoying them.
Christopher (1998) described that co-curricular activity help in developing students’ behavior
and gives them awareness of establishing justice among students and also gives them grounds
for practicing inside and outside the school. Behavior of those students who are involved in
these activities is totally different from other students. These changes in their behavior are
due to their heritage. Students’ parents might have such characteristics in their personality so
students have adopt these qualities from them. But we cannot deny the influence of social
environment in building personality of students.
Good education is a golden opportunity for everyone. By good education we mean
learning of new things. Now-a-days students’ only concentrate on their academic
achievement. Presently, co-curricular activities are helpful in achieving their goal. Guest and
Schneider (2008) recorded that there is a strong bond between the co-curricular and academic
performances of learners. Nonis, S. A., & Hudson, (2010) in their study sum up that how
much time you will spend on work it will increase your performance. Therefore, student’s
involvement in co-curricular activities will be effective in their personality development in
such a way that they can handle the difficult situation in future.
National Longitudinal Study found in a research that involvement of students in
activities improves their achievement in any aspect whether academic or their personal
grooming. Co-curricular activities prepare students for future and create positive qualities in
their behavior. Although these activities are not a part of core curriculum but these are most
important because they play a vital role in molding younger’s personality in such a way that
they are able to handle and face every situation in their lives. These activities are designed by
school keeping in view their purpose and involve students in them for their holistic
Vanzile-Tamsen and Bissonnette (2008) described in their research that these
activities have many advantages. Students become aware of these benefits that if they want to
be successful in future then they have to be involve in these activities and these activities
make them able to take admission in graduation or helpful in getting suitable jobs. These
activities make students able to think critically so participation is necessary. Students become
aware of how to manage time for all activities.
Kariyana et al. (2012) stated in his research study about the positive attitude of the
educators towards students’ involvement in co-curricular activities. Supervision of parents
and counseling of teachers have a positive effect on the overall performance of students.
Hussain, C. A. (2010). Previous researches revealed that student’s participation and their
interest in these activities play a vital role in their mental development. Astin, A. W. (2011).
Students get opportunities to involve in these co-curricular activities in school and in
this way they are able to select activities for them according to their interest for enjoyment
and also for learning. When they are involved in these activities it is necessary for them to
organize and manage these activities in school. Student’s personality development and their
overall achievement is the motto of educational program. Student’s knowledge, skills,
attitude and their academic performance is affected by students’ active participation in these
co-curricular activities. So it is necessary to give students awareness about the importance of
these activities.
The constructivist theory of learning by Jean Piaget (1896-1980) and Vygotsky
(1896-1834) applied as a theoretical framework for this research study. The constructivist
laid stress on the active role of learner and teacher in building understanding and giving sense
of information. The knowledge or information is provided to students by involving them in
negotiation. Here transmission of knowledge is avoided. This approach is student centered
where teacher just play a role of facilitator and guider while the action is done by students
(i.e. foregrounding the student teacher’s own efforts to understand). Here students have to
deal with complicated real-life situations. It is also obvious that social constructivist learning
does not aim at individual learning. Here different individual and group activities enhance
new strategies and information of learners. According to social constructivists learning is a
source of developing different abilities among students with the help of co-curricular
activities. Social constructivist’s shared two main ideas (1) learners construct their own
knowledge (2) and social interaction is important in the construction of knowledge. It is quite
clear that co-curricular activities are helpful in the construction of knowledge, developing
learners’ abilities and in building their personality. So there is a dire need to understand the
role of co-curricular activities for making the learning process better.
4. What were the major variables / construct of your project? Give definitions /
description from literature. (05 marks)
A variable is defined as anything that has a quantity or quality that varies. The
dependent variable is the variable a researcher is interested in. An independent variable is
a variable believed to affect the dependent variable. Confounding variables are defined as
interference caused by another variable. The topic of my research work was” The Role of Co-
Curricular Activity in developing tolerance among secondary level students”. here are the
variables of my research were:

1. Co-Curricular Activity
2. Tolerance
Co-Curricular Activity

A Co-Curricular activity can be defined as "any activity inside or outside of

classroom. Most of these activities are basically financed by school and these are helpful in
the moral and character building of students and in other words their personal grooming. The
main aim of education is to make all-round development of a child. It also facilitates in
achieving academic and non-academic goals. Education plays the fundamental role in making
man as Social intellectual and culturally well-developed animal. Co-curricular activities are
different like sports, games, art and cultural competition debates etc. All these activities
facilitate students to bring forth their hidden abilities and talent. These activities are
providing a platform to students. When students get involved in these activities he/she
learned a lot. These activities enable him to face different challenges of life intellectually and
wisely. (Astin,2011).

According to Vanzile-Tamsen and Bissonnette (2008) tolerance, according to

educators, is about more than simply accepting something – it's about instilling certain
values. When it comes to integrating tolerance into the education system, it's about helping
students think differently
5. What did you want to achieve in this research project? (05 marks)
(Objective / purpose of the study; what was the critical question that was tried to be
answered in this project)
Ans. Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study statement helps the subject assess the importance of the
study relative to individual values. The statement includes not only the immediate purpose of
the study, but also any larger, eventual purpose.
The purpose of the study portion of the consent form should not reflect a potential
benefit to the subject or be directed toward the subject in any way.
If the study involves deception or the withholding of information as a necessary and
justifiable research strategy, the Purpose of the Study statement should be written in such a
way whereby the least possible deception and/or withholding of information occurs.
The main purpose of this particular research is to examine the role of co-curricular
activity in developing tolerance among secondary level students. For this reason, the research
objective was established to find out the answers through scientific method using statistical
tools. The main objectives of the study were:
Objectives of the Study
i. To know the kinds of co-curricular activities held in the school
ii. To identify the impact of role of co-curricular on the tolerance of 10th grade students
Research Questions
Q1. What kinds of co-curricular activities held in the school?
Q2. What is the impact of role of co-curricular on the tolerance of 10th grade students?
6. Who were the participants in your project? (05 marks)
(Give details of the individuals or groups who were focused in this project e.g. the early-
grade students whose handwriting in Urdu was not good or the students of class VIII who did
not have good communication skills)
Ans. The students of grade 10th as well as teachers were the participants of the current
research. The teachers were focused during the research because they play their role in
developing tolerance among the students. In school, the teacher mostly plays active roles in
co-curricular activities of students that help the students in developing certain skills.
Moreover, the students targeted in the current research because the students involve in
number of co-curricular activities. The literature suggested that the students who involve
themselves in co-curricular activities can enhance life or soft skills i.e. tolerance. Moreover,
the positive role of teachers also determines students’ personality. The behaviour of teachers
also reflects the good environment in the classroom.
The population of the study comprised of secondary school male teachers as well as
students of grade 10th in district Haripur. Moreover, all the male and teachers at secondary
level in district Haripur are considered as the population of the study. Moreover, the grade
10th students also considered as the population of the study.
The sample of the study comprised of 10 teachers from the secondary schools at
District Haripur. Moreover, the 50 students of grade 10 th taken as the sample of the study.
The sample taken from the population of the study using convenient sampling technique due
to have shortage of time and ease of access to the participants of the study.
7. How did you try to solve the problem? (10 marks)
(Narrate the process step-wise. Procedure of intervention and data collection)
Ans. Research Design
A research design is the set of methods and procedures used in collecting and
analyzing measures of the variables specified in the problem research. The function of a
research design is to ensure that the evidence obtained enables you to effectively address the
research problem logically and as unambiguously as possible.
The current research focused to use quantitative method and survey research design.
For this purpose, two questionnaires were developed based on review of literature. The role
of co-curricular activities is an independent variable of the study while tolerance is the
dependent variable of the study. These two variables were studied using questionnaire to
determine the role of teachers.
Data Collection
The data collected from the teachers and students using questionnaires. The researcher
personally collected the data from participants of the research. The collected data saved in the
form of Likert scale.
Data Analysis
The data afterwards entered in Excel sheet for further process. In addition, the data
interpreted in SPSS and analyzed in the light of the objectives of the study. The descriptive
statistics was used to identify the kinds of co-curricular activities, and regression used to find
out the impact of independent variable to the dependent variable of the study.
The study focused to examine the role of co-curricular activity in developing
tolerance among secondary level students. For this purpose, two questionnaires one for
teachers and one for students were used to achieve the desired objectives of the study. The
survey research design was used and identifies two variables of the study. The data collected
from the teachers and students and entered in excel and SPSS for further process. The data
analyzed in SPSS and found the results using statistical formulas.
8. What kind of instrument was used to collect the data? How was the instrument
developed? (05 marks)
(For example: observation, rating scale, interview, student work, portfolio, test, etc.)
Ans. The topic of current research recommended using survey research design. The two
questionnaires developed as the tools of the study. The related literature of the role of co-
curricular activity in developing tolerance among secondary level students emphasizes to use
questionnaires. The questionnaires were developed from the reviewing of literature. The
teachers’ questionnaire consists of nine (09) statements having five point Likert scale from
Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree to find out the tolerance among students. Moreover, a
co-curricular activities questionnaire for students used in the current research having eleven
(11) statements with open ended scale (Appendix-A).
These two questionnaires contained a section of demographic information about the
respondents. The second section contained the statements to identify the role of co-curricular
activity in developing tolerance among students. The tools used to collect the relevant data
from the teachers and students. Most importantly, the data recorded in the Excel sheets for
further process.
9. What were the findings and conclusion?
(Provide instruments and analysis as appendix) (10 marks)
Data Analysis and Findings
1. The table 1 showed that 12 (24%) of students participate three times in a week in
school activities. Moreover, in pro-social activities participation, Volunteering 5
(10%), Masjid 22 (44%), Quran Study 14 (28%), Youth Group 0 (0.00%), Girl Guides
0 (0.00%), Boy Scouts 7 (14%), Cadets 2 (4%), and Other 0 (0.00%) (Appendix –B
Table 1).
2. The table 2 depicted that 14 (28%) of students participates in sports seven times in a
week. Moreover, participation in sports, Cricket 17 (34%), Martial Arts 0 (0.00%),
Basketball 6 (12%), Baseball 5 (10%), Swimming 2 (4%), Volleyball 4 (8%), Track
and Field 1 (2%), Gymnastics 0 (0.00%), Hockey 1 (2%), Rugby 0 (0.00%), Football
9 (18%), Speed Skating 0 (0.00), Figure Skating 0 (0.00%), Badminton 5 (10%),
Curling 0 (0.00%), Golf 0 (0.00%), Tennis 0 (0.00%), and Other 0 (0.00%).
(Appendix – B Table 2).
3. The table 3 showed that 16 (32%) of students participate in clubs activities one time
in a week. Furthermore, Student Government 5 (10%), Pep Club 0 (0.00%), Chess
Club 12 (24%), Peer-Tutoring 1 (2%), After-School Clubs 20 (40%), Debate 10
(20%), Public Speaking 2 (4%), Other 0 (0.00%) (Appendix – B Table 3).
4. The table 4 showed that 35 (70%) of the students participate in school activities one
time in a week. In addition, Science Club 30 (60%), Math Club 4 (8%), English
Literature Club 9 (18%), Second Languages, 2 (4%), Enrichment Programs, 5 (10%),
and Other 0 (0.00%) (Appendix –B Table 4)
5. The table 5 depicted the relationship between regresser and regressed. Table 5
depicted the value of coefficient of multiple determination is 0.965 which showed
strong relationship between independent and dependent variable. The value of R 2
illustrated 0.897(89.7%) of variation explained by the independent variable to the
dependent variable. Moreover, adjusted R2 showed model fit that was 0.835(83.5%).
In addition, p value showed the significant level of overall model that is p = 0.000 <
(0.05) (Appendix –B Table 5).
The following conclusion can be made based on results and findings of the study:
1. It was concluded that most of the students at secondary level do actively participate in
co-curricular activities because these activities grasp the attention and enjoyment for
the students. Moreover, these activities involve physical activities that also enjoyable
for the students (Finding 1-4).
2. It was also concluded that co-curricular activities has positive significant impact on
the tolerance of the students as showed by the table 5 because of the activities make
the students tolerant as these activities teach them tolerance.
1. It is recommended that all the schools irrespective of their public and private status
should arrange to provide co-curricular activities to their students as it may increase
their tolerance level.
2. School should provide proper periods for such activities in their time tables and at
least three periods per weeks for such activities should be reserved.
3. Efforts should be made to provide all activities suiting to the choice or attitude of the
student. All the students should be given equal opportunities to participate in such
10. Summary of the Project (05 marks)
(What and how was the research conducted – main objective, process and findings)
Ans. The topic of the research “the role of co-curricular activity in developing tolerance
among secondary level students”. The objectives of the study were (i) to know the kinds of
co-curricular activities held in the school (ii) to identify the impact of role of co-curricular on
the tolerance of 10th grade students and research question of the study were (i) what kinds of
co-curricular activities held in the school? (ii) what is the impact of role of co-curricular on
the tolerance of 10th grade students? The research study used quantitative method and survey
research design. The population of the study comprised of secondary school teachers and 10 th
grade students in district Haripur. The sample of the study comprised of 10 teachers from the
secondary schools and 50 10th grade students at District Haripur using convenient sampling
technique. The two questionnaires with five point Likert scale from Strongly Agree to
Strongly disagree were used as tools of the study. The questionnaires were developed from
the reviewing of literature. Afterwards, the data was collected from the respondents. After
data collection, the data was entered in Excel and interpreted in SPSS for further analysis.
Afterwards, the results came into the light. The results showed that most of the students
participate in different kinds of co-curricular activities in a week. So it is concluded that most
of the students at secondary level do actively participate in co-curricular activities because
these activities grasp the attention and enjoyment for the students. Moreover, these activities
involve physical activities that also enjoyable for the students. Therefore, it is recommended
that all the schools irrespective of their public and private status should arrange to provide co-
curricular activities to their students as it may increase their tolerance level.
11. How do you feel about this practice? What have you learnt? (Self-reflection) (10
I feel very confident after completed my research work. This project helped to learned
that how research can be conducted. it also helped me that how a person deal with the
problem in a systematic. The topic of my research was the Role of Co-Curricular Activity in
developing tolerance among secondary level students. After completing this research work, I
learned that any activity inside or outside of classroom. Most of these activities are basically
financed by school and these are helpful in the moral and character building of students and
in other words their personal grooming. The main aim of education is to make all-round
development of a child. It also facilitates in achieving academic and non-academic goals. I
leaned that Students’ involvement in co-curricular activities helps in their cognitive
development. Such activities are organized for learners which broaden their insight, develop
their personality and make them able to choose their activities or what they want to learn. I
leaned that it is the way of Self-learning, it provide us deeper understanding of the subject.,
this helps us to finding out important things connected to the topic of also helps us
to finding out the fallacies that exist related to the topic of research. it is the way to
Understanding the media biases surrounding the subject. it provide guidance about False
claims around the subject. Research gives us the ability to form a stance on the subject and
take helps one find flaws in other people's research (secondary sources) so that you
can add to it. It also helps us to connect with the nature, habitat, ecosystem, connectors of the expands our views about individuals related to the subject being researched.
Co-curricular activities play a vital role in the development of personality of
secondary school students. It is important to involve students in these activities for the
achievement of curricular goals. It is curriculum with the help of which educational goal and
objectives can be achieved. Present definition of curriculum is extensive than of past. I also
learned that co-curricular activities contributed towards students' social development in a
number of ways: instilling discipline, building tolerance, enhancing co-operation, creating a
sense of responsibility, improving in judgment, accepting defeat and improving moral values.

12. What has it added to your professional skills as a teacher? (05 marks)
The co-curricular activity help in developing students’ behavior and gives them
awareness of establishing justice among students and also gives them grounds for practicing
inside and outside the school. Behavior of those students who are involved in these activities
is totally different from other students. These changes in their behavior are due to their
heritage. Students’ parents might have such characteristics in their personality so students
have adopt these qualities from them. From my research I concluded that most of the students
at secondary level do actively participate in co-curricular activities because these activities
grasp the attention and enjoyment for the students. Moreover, these activities involve
physical activities that also enjoyable for the students. I want to add that all the schools
irrespective of their public and private status should arrange to provide co-curricular activities
to their students as it may increase their tolerance level. co-curricular activities has positive
significant impact on the tolerance of the students as showed by the table 5 because of the
activities make the students tolerant as these activities teach them tolerance. I also want to
add that all the schools irrespective of their public and private status should arrange to
provide co-curricular activities to their students as it may increase their tolerance level.
School should provide proper periods for such activities in their time tables and at least three
periods per weeks for such activities should be reserved. Efforts should be made to provide
all activities suiting to the choice or attitude of the student. All the students should be given
equal opportunities to participate in such activities.
13. List the works you cited in your project (follow the APA manual – 6th Edition). (05
Bush, J.M. (2003). The effect of extracurricular activities on school
dropout. Honors Projects. Paper 16. Retrieved from
Davalos, D.B., Chavez, E.L., & Guardiola, R.J. (1999). The effects of
extracurricular activity, ethnic identification, and
perception of school on student dropout rates. Hispanic
Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 21, 61-77.
Poon, P. & Spence, J.C. (1997). Alberta Schools’ Athletic Association Student
Survey. Alberta Schools’ Athletic Association. Retrieved April 15 2009
Rashid, A., Sitra, A., Medan, T., Sasidhar, B. (2005). Teachers’ perception
on the effectiveness of co-curricular activities: A case study of Malaysian
schools. Retrieved from
Russell, N.C., Peter, C., Donald, F.D.& Robert, C.R.
(2000). Extracurricular involvement in high school produces honesty and fair
play needed to prevent delinquency and crime. Education. Chula Vista.
Adeyemo, S. A. (2010). The relationship between students’ participation in school based
extracurricular activities and their achievement in physics. International Journal of
Science and Technology Education Research, 1(6), pp. 111-117, November, 2010.

Christopher (1998) Sports and Self-Confidence Relationship. Retrieved May 16,2003 from Cocurriculum/departments.html.

Daniel Nesan, (2009). (Malaysia) Co –Curricular Activities: Debate Base Retrieved from Wilson, N. (2009). Impact
of extracurricular activities on students. University of Wiscons in Stout.

Target Study. (2015, January 19). Retrieved from


Arora, D., from activities-for-

students Retrieved at January 18, 2016

VanZile-Tamsen, C., & Bissonnette, K. (2008). EnrichingEducationalActivities. Retrieved from


Hidi, S. (2010). An interest researcher's perspective: The effects of extrinsic and intrinsic factors on
motivation. In C. Sansone & J. M. Harackiewicz (Eds.), Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation:
The search for optimal motivation and performance (pp. pp. 311-342)). San Diego, CA:
Academic Press.

Kariyana, I. et al. (2012). The Influence of Learners’ Participation in School Co- curricular Activities on
Academic Performance: Assessment of Educators’ Perceptions. The Social Science Journal.
33 (2).

Anderman, L. H. (2008). Academic and social perceptions as predictors of change in middle school.
Journal of Experimental Education, 72(1), 5-22.

Hussain, C. A. (2010). Effect of Guidance Services on Study Attitudes, Study Habits and Academic
Achievement of Secondary School Students. Bulletin of Education and Research, vol.28, No.
1 (35-45).

Astin, A. W. (2011). Student Involvement: A Developmental Theory.

Laguador, J. M. (2013). Developing students’ attitude leading towards a life-changing career.
Educational Research International, 1(3), 28-33.



Name: __________________________________ Class: _____________________

Roll No: ________________________________ Age: ______________________

School: ____________________________________________________________________

1. In general, how many times per week do you participate in extracurricular

Please circle one: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 or more
2. Please indicate the types of pro-social activities, if any, in which you participate?
Volunteering Masjid
Quran Study Youth Group
Girl Guides Boy Scouts
Cadets Other
3. How many times per week, if any, do you participate in sports?
Please circle one: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 or more
4. Please indicate the types of sports, if any, in which you participate?
Basketball Football
Swimming Baseball
Track and Field Volleyball
Hockey Gymnastics
Football Rugby
Figure Skating Speed Skating
Curling Badminton
Tennis Golf
Martial Arts Other
5. How many times per week, if any, do you participate in academic clubs?
Please circle one: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 or more
6. Please indicate the types of school involvement activities, if any, in which you
Student Government Pep Club
Chess Club Peer Tutoring
After-School Clubs Debate
Public Speaking Other
7. How many times per week, if any, do you participate in school involvement
Please circle one: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 or more
8. Please indicate the types of academic clubs, if any, in which you participate?
Science Club Math Club
English Literature Club Second Languages
Enrichment Programs Other

Name: ___________________________________ Designation: _______________

Academic Qual: ___________________________ Prof Qual: _________________

School Name: _____________________________

SDA = Strongly Disagree

DA = Disagree
N = Neutral
A = Agree
SA = Strongly Agree

S# Statements SDA DA N A SA
1 Students in our school get along well.
Students choose to interact primarily with people most like
Students in my school know how to report harassment or
racial abuse to school officials.
Students in my school would feel comfortable reporting
harassment or racial abuse to school officials.
Teachers in my school actively work to create a safe and
welcoming environment for every student.
6 Every student in my school feels like he or she belongs here.
My school creates opportunities for students to get to know
each other.
At my school, teachers, administrators, staff, students and
parents listen to one other.
9 I look forward to coming to this school in the morning.

Table 1

N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Activities Per Week 50 4 9 12 10 12 2 0

Types of pro-social activities participation

Volunteering 5 (10%) Masjid 22 (44%)
Quran Study 14 (28%) Youth Group 0 (0.00%)
Girl Guides 0 (0.00%) Boy Scouts 7 (14%)
Cadets 2 (4%) Other 0 (0.00%)

Table 2
N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Per week Participation in Sports 50 2 5 4 9 12 4 14

4. Please indicate the types of sports, if any, in which you participate?

Cricket 17 (34%) Martial Arts 0 (0.00%)
Basketball 6 (12%) Baseball 5 (10%)
Swimming 2 (4%) Volleyball 4 (8%)
Track and Field 1 (2%) Gymnastics 0 (0.00%)
Hockey 1 (2%) Rugby 0 (0.00%)
Football 9 (18%) Speed Skating 0 (0.00)
Figure Skating 0 (0.00%) Badminton 5 (10%)
Curling 0 (0.00%) Golf 0 (0.00%)
Tennis 0 (0.00%) Other 0 (0.00%)
Table 3
N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Per week Participation in Clubs 50 16 19 5 7 2 1 0

6. Please indicate the types of school involvement activities, if any, in which you
Student Government 5 (10%) Pep Club 0 (0.00%)
Chess Club 12 (24%) Peer-Tutoring 1 (2%)
After-School Clubs 20 (40%) Debate 10 (20%)
Public Speaking 2 (4%) Other 0 (0.00%)

Table 4

N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Per week Participation in School
50 35 9 4 2 0 0 0

8. Please indicate the types of academic clubs, if any, in which you participate?
Science Club 30 (60%) Math Club 4 (8%)
English Literature Club 9 (18%) Second Languages 2 (4%)
Enrichment Programs 5 (10%) Other 0 (0.00%)

Table 5

Model Summary of Regression Analysis of strength of relationship between model and

dependent variable (Significance Level)
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate Sig.

1 .965a .897 .835 .022341 0.000

a. Predictors: (Constant), Co-Curricular Activities

Sig. 0.000 < .05

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