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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI-Western Visayas

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics

1st Quarter Examination

Name: ________________________________ Strand & Year Level: _____________ Score _____

I. Multiple Choice. Read the following statements/questions below and write your answer on the
space provided before the number.

____ 1. UCSP is a multidisciplinary course that integrates and combines the contents, methods
and theories of the following EXCEPT:
a. Mathematics b. Anthropology c. Sociology d. Political Science

____ 2. The following are examples of culture EXCEPT:

a. Kissing the hands of the elders. c. Greeting to the visitors.
b. Eating pizzas on the cafeterias. d. Putting ashes on feet after the

____ 3. Mano or Pagmamano is an honoring gesture used in Filipino culture as a way of

requesting a blessing from the elders. Why do Filipinos need to do this act of
a. It is a sign of respect to the elders. c. It is a command from their
b. It is what they have seen from others d. They just really appreciate their

____ 4. Which of the following are examples of Social difference?

a. Poor and rich men c. the brother and sister
b. Tenants and slaves d. the father and mother

____ 5. Culture is generally defined as a people’s way of life; and this culture varies from society
to society. Naturally, this happened because…
a. there is a great variation on the behavior of human groups.
b. there is a difference on the use of languages.
c. there is quite a number of political systems that dictate the people when and how to
d. There is a religion which guides the people on the right norms.

____ 6. It is a large group of people living together in an organized way.

a. Culture b. Society c. Political Science d. Anthropology

____ 7. This means a complex whole that includes habits and capabilities acquired by man in the
a. Politics b. Sociology c. Culture d. Society

____ 8. Culture is learned. How can this statement be true?

a. An individual can choose his birth culture.
b. An individual doesn’t need to immense on his culture.
c. An individual has natural knowledge of his culture the time he is born.
d. An individual can acquire the contents of culture on his everyday living.

____ 9. It is occasionally called Politology, a science which deals with systems of governance
and the analysis of political activities, political thoughts, associated constitutions and
political behavior.
a. Sociology b. Anthropology c. Political Science d. Culture

____ 10. Jose comes from a fishing community all his life. Today, he is given a chance to visit the
place of his uncle Tony who lives in a highly-urbanized city. Jose demonstrates curiosity
in knowing the culture of such a place by doing the following, except:
a. Spending most of his time
b. Reading books and other materials which tell about the city.
c. Going to bars and clubs with his cousin and friends
d. Visiting the houses of their neighbors and exchanging discourse with them.

____ 11. Political Science aims to:

a. describes the ancestors through time and space in relation to its environmental, social
relations and culture.
b. study human society and relationships
c. study the diversity and similarity of the way a person live and make connection as a
social and cultural being.
d. understand how power is gained and employed in achieving social justice

____ 12. The goal of this discipline is to understand the origin of human evolution and the
diverse forms of its existence throughout time.
a. Anthropology b. Political Science c. Sociology d. History

____ 13. A person or practitioner who studies Anthropology.

a. Sociologist b. Psychologist c. Anthropologist d. Archaeologist

____ 14. It is the study of human relationships and institutions?

a. Sociology b. Anthropology c. Political Science d. History

____ 15. Cultural relativism shows a sense of understanding for different cultures and it treats
the uniqueness of these cultures with utmost respect. Consequently, it results to:

a. mitigates ethnocentrism c. aggravate ethnocentrism

b. mitigates xenocentrism d. intensify xenocentrism

____ 16. It sees social life as a competition, and focuses on the distribution of resources, power,
and inequality.
a. Theoretical perspective c. Cultural perspectives
b. Conflict Perspectives d. Functionalist perspectives

____ 17. It is an organized group of people that shares a common interest or goals.
a. Family b. Society c. Political Science d. Culture

____ 18. All statements below describe what a society is, except:
a. governs the people in a territory c. composed of interconnected people
b. same territory, language, culture d. purpose is for collective survival

____ 19. What refers to a lifelong social experience by which people develop their human
potential and learn culture?
a. Culture b. Society c. Enculturation d. Socialization

____ 20. Artifacts are anything that was the result of human activity. They are used mainly in
in order to:
a. learns the historical development of a certain place or locality.
b. determine the geographical features of a particular areas.
c. learn how people lived in specific time and places.
d. determine the historical value of a certain place.

____ 21. These are shared rules of conduct that determine specific behavior among society
a. values b. symbol c. norms d. language

____ 22. These are shared ideas, norms, and principles that provide members of the society the
standards that pertain to what is right or wrong, good or bad, desirable or undesirable.
a. values b. language c. norms d. symbol

____ 23. Which of the following is the best definition of cultural relativism?
a. A cultural group’s desire to pass on its values to the next generation.
b. Refers to not judging a culture to our own standards of what is right or wrong
c. Measuring which culture are related to others
d. all of the above

____ 24. What is Ethnocentrism?

a. Judging other culture solely by the values and standards of one’s own culture.
b. judging another culture solely by the values and standards of another culture,
c. having no concept of right or wrong
d. both b and c.

____ 25. Dr. Edwards is known as a strong advocate of inclusive citizenship, and he has to
manifest the following, except;
a. He considers all inhabitants, whether permanent or temporary as citizens and are
treated equal.
b. He carries a policy of non-isolation thereby providing access to everyone regardless of
gender, race, religion, and social society.
c. He gives all citizen a strong sense that they are members of the overall society.
d. He declares non-participation of all non-residents of the community.

____ 26. Which of the following is not a claim of a cultural relativist?

a. The moral code of a society determines what is right within that society.
b. Different societies have different moral code.
c. It is good to judge the conduct of other societies.
d. There is no objective standard that can be used to judge one society as better that

____ 27. It is used to analyze and explain objects of social study, and facilitate organizing
sociological knowledge.
a. Theoretical perspective c. Cultural perspectives
b. Conflict Perspectives d. Functionalist perspectives
____ 28. It is something made or given shape by humans, such as a tool or a work of art,
especially an object or archaeological interest.
a. heritage b. antique c. artifacts d. art

____ 29. This tools were developed by Homo Neanderthals.

a. Mousterian Tools b. Oldowon Tools c. Acheulian Tools d. Knife

____ 30. Evolution of human became an important concern in the emergence of different
societies. How does the first human different from any other hominid species?
a. They used tools. c. They used and controlled fire
b. They had large brains d. They used symbolic thought

____ 31. Which of the following types of societies came first?

a. Hunting and gathering societies c. Agricultural societies
b. Industrial Societies d. Pastoral societies

____ 32. This type pf society uses technological advances to cultivate crops
especially grains like wheat, rice and corn.
a. Agricultural Society c. Pastoral Society
b. Horticultural Society d. Industrial Society

____ 33. As a student, which of the following is the best thing to do with our archaeological sites
and artifacts?
a. Visit the places even if it is dangerous.
b. Promote in the social media that they are unreal
c. prepare a poster for them and sell at a low-cost
d. Share and be proud about the artifacts and the sites

____ 34. Where can we find the Angono Petroglyphs which is known as the oldest known work of
art in the Philippines?
a. Batangas b. Cavite c. Rizal d. Quezon

____ 35. Which of the following is true of socialization?

a. Early childhood is the period of the most intense and the most crucial socialization.
b. Socialization continues until we are adults and then usually stops because we have
learned our culture by that time.
c. All cultures use the same techniques to socialize to their children.
d. None of the above.

____ 36. It consists of the roles and statuses that an individual learns as a child.
a. Roles b. Identity Formation c. Primary Identity d. Nature

____ 37. It is an individual’s position in his or her society, which carries with it is a set of defined
rights and obligations.
a. Gender b. Status c. Nurture d. Social

____ 38. Which of the following is NOT included in the four categories of norms?
a. History b. Cultural Variations c. Exceptionality d. all of these

____ 39. The sets of expectations from people who occupy a particular status.
a. Folkways b. Deviance c. Nature d. Roles

____ 40. It is the act of following the roles and goals of one’s society.
a. Conformity b. Identity Formation c. Mores d. Status

____ 41. It is the act of violating the prescribed social norms.

a. Deviance b. Sanctions c. Social Control d. Identity

____ 42. Which among the following are mostly involved in socialization?
a. Adults 40 years old and above c. politicians
b. Pets and owner d. All human beings

____ 43. This agent of socialization is responsible for the primary socialization of an individual.
a. School b. Religion c. Family d. Peer

____ 44. It refers to a thing that a person learns and shares in society
a. Enculturation b. Society c. Socialization d. Culture

____ 45. It refers to the socialization that occurs during the earliest life of an individual.
a. Secondary socialization c. adult socialization
b. primary socialization d. resocialization
____ 46. It is made up of people who are similar in age and social status and share similar
a. school b. workplace c. peer group d. family

____ 47. When does socialization begin?

a. after death b. during adulthood c. from birth d. during adolescence

____ 48. Which of the following is usually learned through socialization process?
a. Roles we have at home c. Society’s norm
b. language of our community d. all of the stated

____ 49. Which of the following is not an agent of socialization?

a. Mass media b. pets c. peer groups d. Family

____ 50. It refers to interrelating with others, like peers, family and schoolmates.
a. socializing b. socialization c. society d. enculturation

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