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HAAI - Human Augmented Artificial Intelligence

Enhancing Cognitive Superiority Of Humanity

A Business unit under Day1

“Consumer data will be the biggest differentiator in the
next two to three years. whoever unlocks the realms of
data and uses it strategically will win”
- Angela Ahrendts, Apple

Why HAAI & What we Offer

• Data is the new
generation oil

• Unforeseen insights
about businesses can • Deep data driven analytics is the

be captured from data differentiating factor between a

successful and struggling company

• Data capturing is cheap but

Qualitative scientific analytics is not

• Our analytics brings that surprise

factor for your customers

Visualize Model

Consume Understand Predict

Increase Sales Enhance Business

How we start?

1.We take care of your big data and analytics needs from start and create defining features for your customers

2.Our big data team will consume your data seamlessly in your central data lake

3.By concept of data democracy you will have access to your data within few clicks (Don’t compare Business Intelligence)

4.We help your business CXO’s and executives to visualise any data in form of traditional charts within a day.

5.We understand your data and business funnel needs

6.We model our deep AI and ML based algorithms, based on your feedback and business needs

7.We predict realtime as well as historical events happening, events such as disinterest, bad user experience, what your users are
trying to search etc..

8.Events that are in the blindspot.

9.We make a product feature out of it, incorporating your existing sales and customer support team if required. Else we love making
everything automated.

10.Your sales, retention and user stickiness values are shooting off the charts now.

Surprise is the greatest gift, which
life Data Science can grant us.
-Boris Pasternak

Technology vendetta

Data Warehouse

Backend, Frontend, API, Frameworks, Languages

Data Visualization

Data Science & Analytics - Realtime Frameworks

Data Science & Analytics - Batch Frameworks

Our offerings & Industry

Machine Intelligence Natural Language Visual
Neural Network Processing Recognition
Machine Learning
Object Recognition Platform
Boosted Classification Text and Speech Analytics
Facial Recognition
Word2Vec Speech Recognition

Deep Learning
Cognitive Learning


We provide AI (Artificial Intelligence) , NLP and Computer Vision as a Service.

We provide cloud infrastructure, algorithms, libraries for creating AI based applications

We help (Market, Scale & Improve your idea) YOU GROW!

Enterprise Consumer Industry Enabling
BI & Analytics Visual Assistants Pharma & Healthcare Software
Recommended Systems Fin-tech Hardware
Security &
Retail & E-Commerce
Surveillance Intelligent Robots
Customer Service

Includes companies developing applications based on artificial intelligence technologies for different verticals

We help (Market, Scale & Improve your idea) YOU GROW!

Case studies


Used combination of Deep Learning, LSTM and Convolutional Neural Network, Random forest classification models
including GPU capabilities to categorise Images with associated metadata tags in fashion and apparels domain


Integrated Rasberry Pi device with that of distributed spark streaming to calculate real time avg. temperature values
as a POC for a particular client in order to be used later for confidential purposes.

Provided energy consumption prediction capabilities of a particular IOT integrated building using cubature Kalman
filter taking historical transactional consumption data as input, in order to off load any peak consumption charges.


Developed algorithm to segregate important business metrics or entities from a big data text corpus of various blog
crawled together from web, which are relevant for the particular client specific domain.
Above functionality helped the client to create automated setup in order to populate his business database which was
to be used later for training ML algorithms.

Developed Neural network and Word2Vec based recommendation Engine in the e-commerce domain


Developed deeply intelligent system to detect emotions and important business related events happening in an
ongoing call between business executive and consumer in order to monitor any red flags relevant to that business.


Provided functionality to detect road bumps, peak traffic time and other relevant functionality taking gps, gyroscopic
and few other inclusive data captured from driver’s device and app.

Few domains on which we have applied data science.

Marketing, E-Commerce, Social Networking, Food Tech, Fin Tech, Automobile

The Pins.


The Founding Team

A perfectionist with a creative bend, Vaibhav likes to push the boundaries to their limits. A sailor gets his thrill
only after he has conquered the storm and so Vaibhav look out for the most challenging problems that are
impacting humanity.

A small-towner with an appetite to experience the whole world, having been away from his hometown since
an age of 13 and camping bases across different cities, he found his love for maths, nature, physics,
entrepreneurship and philosophy during his childhood and graduation. An equally insignificant person to the
vastness surrounding us.

He Joined a high pressure Silicon valley and Data Science based company after graduating from IIT-Delhi.
Been through the corporate ladder of US based retail Giant Target, after getting Acqui-hired from his previous

Vaibhav Coding is his daily need and hence he is now building a disruptive world at HAAI. Has a knack of dissecting
every problem at hand to their root and build a product from there.
Is a people’s person, who likes to believe and bring the best out of his team, making everybody work together
under a shared vision and goal.

Kim co-founded Day1,a Product First Company in the AI First World.
Prior to co-founding Day1, Kim co-founded Hashtaag, a Mobile app development company which is
helping product companies bring ideas to life from 2015 which is currently running at $2.4 Million
USD run rate.

As the Co-founder of Day1, Karthik is responsible for accelerating growth and driving new business
opportunities while understanding and keeping in the forefront, his clients’ vision. His focus is on
guiding end-to-end strategy to advance Day1’s position in high-growth markets across the globe.
Under his leadership, Day1 has up-scaled its operations across geographies and domains - from
concept UI/UX to MVPs to artificial intelligence and wearables, catering to popular serial
entrepreneurs, enterprise segment and other start-ups. To date, Day1 has acquired several top
clients within a short span. As a leader, Karthik brings a rare combination of creative, analytical and
operational skills.
Karthik (Kim)
Co-founder In the past, Karthik has been associated with Sourcebits as Director of Sales and with Picsean Media
as a Sales person for international markets. Karthik worked as a chef for five years before moving to
the BPO sector to learn how international markets operate at scale. He has over 15 + years of
diversified industry experience. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Westin College of Hotel
Management. Apart from exploring his entrepreneurial skills, Karthik is fond of cooking continental
dishes and is a social media enthusiast.

Jay is the CEO/Co-founder at Day1, a Product First Company in the AI First World.
Prior to co-founding Day1,Inc., Jay co-founded Hashtaag a Mobile app development company focusing on
Design driven product engineering competing with some of the Silicon-Valley & New York based start-ups. Jay
also worked with a bay area company which raised a funding of $10 Million from Sequoia & IDG Ventures.
Passionate about building products & helping entrepreneurs ideate the product roadmap has been the core
focus for Jay from day one at Day1,Inc.

Jay’s interest has always been technology since the age of 10. We all know that growing up in India, we didn't
have much access to computers, but Jay was fascinated about video games since the inception of “Road
Rash”. After his Engineering in Information Sciences, he was mentored by Mr. Ram Gopal at Indian Institute of
Science, Bengaluru & his passion moved towards machine learning and cognitive science, an artificial neural
network inspired by biological neural networks which are used to estimate or approximate functions that can
depend on a large number of inputs. After moving out of IISc, He was also working with a Fortune Global 500
company, Huawei (#149) around embedded systems & Virtual Private Networks.
Co-founder Jay has been a thought leader. This helps clients coming to Day1 elevate their vision statements by 2000% as
he’s a perfectionist & go-getter. He has an eye for design & elements of design. He leverages his experiences
to guide the developers when they face technical challenges. Whether it’s flow, algorithms, or architecture, he
knows if it will work. His current mission is to make strategic decisions to take Day1 to the next level.

Apart from the above, Jay’s interest off work is towards networking with new people, gathering with friends &
family, Racing Cars & Playing video games like “need for speed”. friends & family, Racing Cars & Playing

video games like “need for speed”.
The wingmates.

Hadoop HDFS, spark, spark-streaming,
kafka, flume, scala, python, noSQL, cassandra,

Our first Vendetta has 3+ years of experience

Redshift, Tableau, Excel Macros, Advanced SQL queries,
RDMS, Graph DB

This person was chosen out of 42 candidates.

Has 4+ years of experience

AWS suite, cluster management, logging, Devops,
backend spring, rest frameworks, RDMS, Java

This guy is one among the chosen one by our founding team to handle DevOps

Let us Listen to your Problem


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