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Unit - I Short:

1. Define HTML.
2. What is a Form in HTML?
3. Write short notes on <img> tag with attributes.
4. What is the use of Anchor tag?
5. Explain types of lists in HTML.

Unit - I Long:
1. Explain in detail about Web Designing Principles.
2. What is a form? Explain <form> and <input> tags used in HTML.
3. What is a table? Explain the attributes of <table> in HTML.
4. Explain in detail about frames in HTML with examples.

Unit - II Short:
1. Write the differences between HTML and DHTML.
2. What is Cascading Style Sheets(CSS)? List types of Style Sheets.
3. Explain filters and transitions for creating multimedia effects.

Unit - II Long:
1. Explain briefly the differences between HTML and DHTML.
2. What is CSS? Explain the different types of CSS.
3. Explain style classes with examples.
4. Explain the concept of Filters and Transitions.

Unit - III Short:

1. What is Client side Java Script?
2. Define functions in Java Script?
3. Explain about DOM.

Unit - III Long:

1. Explain the data types supported by Java Script.
2. Explain the usage of Looping statements in Java Script along with syntax and examples.
3. Explain in detail how Java Script supports functions.
4. What is an array? Explain how to create an array and how to add and access elements.
5. Explain in detail about Math object in Java Script.

Unit - IV Short:
1. Write short notes on Event and Event handlers in Java Script.
2. Explain onClick event.
3. Explain onDragDrop event.
4. Explain onLoad event.
5. Explain onDblClick event.

Unit - IV Long:
1. Explain in detail about onError with a suitable program.
2. Explain about Keyboard related events.
3. Explain various Mouse Events with examples.
4. Discuss in brief about onResize and onSelect.
5. Discuss in brief about onSubmit and onUnload.

Unit - V Short:
1. Write short note on importance of XML.
2. Advantages of XML DOM.
3. What is XSL?

Unit - V Long:
1. Explain in detail about syntax and rules for creating XML document.
2. Explain about XML – Style sheets.
3. Explain in detail about XML-DOM.
4. Explain in detail about X-Query (XML Query)

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