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"Idea of freedom in liberalism is only a negative freedom.

It means that liberals

defend only 'freedom from', and not 'freedom for'. But negative freedom has
content only when you compare liberalism with non-liberal system. In the
Modernity, those are totalitarian regimes of communism or fascism. In that
case, liberalism is working, because the negative freedom is a freedom from
totalitarian regime. So it is something real. But when all those totalitarian
regimes were defeated by liberalism, there was only one ideology which
prevailed on the global scale. And in that situation, the limits of liberalism
appeared, because the freedom in liberalism is real only compared to
communism or fascism. When liberalism is compared to itself, it begins to
manifest its totalitarian nature. Because now liberalism gives you a freedom to
be liberal, but it takes off a freedom to be illiberal. In a liberal society you can
be a right-wing liberal or a left-wing liberal, but you cannot be illiberal. This
totalitarian nature of liberalism appeared after the triumph of liberalism. And
we should deal with this status quo, not project the shadows of the past, not
compare liberalism with communism or fascism. That all belongs to the past.
The most dangerous enemy of the freedom now is the negative freedom of
totalitarian liberalism." (Aleksandr Dugin)

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