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1 in mediā Rōmā est mōns nōtissimus, quī Capitōlium 3 aliquandō pompae splendidae per forum 4 prope medium forum est templum
appellātur. dūcuntur. Vestae, ubi ignis sacer ā Virginibus
Vestālibus cūrātur.
in summō Capitōliō stat templum, ubi deus Iuppiter adōrātur.

2 sub Capitōliō iacet Forum Rōmānum. 5 in extrēmō foro stant Rōstra, ubi ōrātiōnēs 6 prope Rōstra est carcer, ubi captīvī
forum ab ingentī multitūdine cīvium cotīdiē complētur. apud populum habentur. populī Rōmānī custōdiuntur.
aliī negōtium agunt; aliī in porticibus stant et ab amīcīs
salūtantur; aliī per forum in lectīcīs feruntur. ubīque magnus
strepitus audītur.

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serēnō: serēnus calm, clear
nox fulgēbant: fulgēre shine
paulō ante hōram prīmam, fabrī labōre cōnfectī arcum
perfēcērunt. paulīsper urbs silēbat.
paulīsper for a short time
silēbat: silēre be silent
tempus time
I Rōmae at Rome
quiēs rest
ūnus faber tamen, domum per forum rediēns, subitō trīstēs
fēminārum duārum clāmōrēs audīvit. duae enim captīvae,
15 dolōre: dolor grief
affectae: affectus affected,
domibus: domus house, home magnō dolōre affectae, in carcere cantābant: overcome
nox erat. lūna stēllaeque in caelō serēnō fulgēbant. tempus erat carmina: carmen song 'mī Deus! mī Deus! respice mē! quārē mē dēseruistī?' respice: respicere look at, look
quō hominēs quiēscere solent. Rōmae tamen nūlla erat quiēs, altīs: altus high upon
nūllum silentium. īnsulīs: īnsula block of flats quārē? why?
magnīs in domibus, ubi dīvitēs habitābant, cēnae splendidae famē: famēs hunger
cōnsūmēbantur. cibus sūmptuōsus ā servīs offerēbātur; vīnum 5 cōnfectī: cōnfectus worn out,
optimum ab ancillīs fundēbātur; carmina ā citharoedīs exhausted
perītissimīs cantābantur. patrōnōs: patrōnus patron
in altīs autem īnsulīs, nūllae cēnae splendidae arcus arch
cōnsūmēbantur, nūllī citharoedī audiēbantur. ibi pauperēs, famē Viā Sacrā: Via Sacra the Sacred
paene cōnfectī, vītam miserrimam agēbant. aliī ad patrōnōs 10 Way (road running through
epistulās scrībēbant ut auxilium eōrum peterent, aliī scelera the Forum)
committere parābant. polyspaston crane
prope forum magnus strepitus audiēbātur. nam arcus fabrī: faber craftsman,
magnificus in Viā Sacrā exstruēbātur. ingēns polyspaston arcuī workman
imminēbat. fabrī, quī arcum exstruēbant, dīligentissimē 15 figūrās: figūra figure, shape
labōrābant. aliī figūrās in arcū sculpēbant; aliī titulum in sculpēbant: sculpere carve
fronte arcūs īnscrībēbant; aliī marmor ad summum arcum titulum: titulus inscription
tollēbant. omnēs strēnuē labōrābant ut arcum ante lūcem fronte: frōns front
perficerent. nam Imperātor Domitiānus hunc arcum frātrī Titō īnscrībēbant: īnscrībere write,
postrīdiē dēdicāre volēbat. Titum vīvum ōderat; sed Titum 20 inscribe
mortuum honōrāre cupiēbat. Domitiānus enim populum marmor marble
Rōmānum, quī Titum maximē dīlēxerat, nunc sibi favēre ante before
volēbat. lūcem: lūx light, daylight
perficerent: perficere finish
II dēdicāre dedicate

praeerat huic operī Quīntus Haterius Latrōniānus, redēmptor operī: opus work, construction
nōtissimus. eā nocte ipse fabrōs furēns incitābat. aderat quoque redēmptor contractor, builder
Gāius Salvius Līberālis, Hateriī patrōnus, quī eum invicem invicem in turn
incitābat ut opus ante lūcem perficeret. anxius enim erat Salvius
quod Imperātōrī persuāserat ut Haterium operī praeficeret. hic 5
igitur fabrīs, quamquam omnīnō fessī erant, identidem identidem repeatedly
imperāvit nē labōre dēsisterent.
Glitus, magister fabrōrum, Haterium lēnīre temptābat. lēnīre soothe, calm down
'ecce, domine!' inquit. 'fabrī iam arcum paene perfēcērunt.
ultimae litterae titulī nunc īnscrībuntur; ultimae figūrae 10 ultimae: ultimus last
sculpuntur; ultimae marmoris massae ad summum arcum litterae: littera letter
tolluntur.' massae: massa block
'ecce, domine! fabrī iam
arcum paene perfēcērunt.'

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'nōs Iūdaeī contrā Rōmānōs trēs annōs rebellāvimus. annō 20 Beelzebub Beelzebub, devil
Masada Iūdaeae: Iūdaeus Jewish
superstitēs: superstes
quārtō iste Beelzebub, Titus, urbem Ierosolymam expugnāvit.
numquam ego spectāculum terribilius vīdī: ubīque aedificia
Ierosolymam: Ierosolyma
survivor flammīs cōnsūmēbantur; ubīque virī, fēminae, līberī expugnāvit: expugnāre storm,
rebellāverant: rebellāre rebel, occīdēbantur; Templum ipsum ā mīlitibus dīripiēbātur; tōta take by storm
I revolt urbs ēvertēbātur. in illā clāde periērunt multa mīlia Iūdaeōrum; 25 circiter about
lūgēbant: lūgēre lament, sed circiter mīlle superstites, duce Eleazārō, rūpem Masadam duce: dux leader
ex carcere, ubi captīvī custōdiēbantur, trīstēs clāmōrēs mourn, grieve occupāvērunt. tū, Simōn, illō tempore vix quīnque annōs nātus rūpem: rūpēs rock, crag
audiēbantur. duae enim fēminae Iūdaeae, superstitēs eōrum quī altera … altera one … the other erās. praerupta: praeruptus sheer,
contrā Rōmānōs rebellāverant, fortūnam suam lūgēbant. altera … annōs nāta …years old 'rūpēs Masada est alta et praerupta, prope lacum Asphaltītēn steep
erat anus septuāgintā annōrum, altera mātrōna trīgintā annōs ūnā cum together with sita. ibi nōs, mūnītiōnibus undique dēfēnsī, Rōmānīs diū 30 lacum Asphaltītēn: lacus
nāta. ūnā cum eīs in carcere erant quīnque līberī, quōrum Simōn 5 nātū maximus eldest resistēbāmus. intereā dux hostium, Lūcius Flāvius Silva, rūpem Asphaltītēs Lake Asphaltites
nātū maximus sōlācium mātrī et aviae ferre temptābat. aviae: avia grandmother castellīs multīs circumvēnit. deinde mīlitēs, iussū Silvae, (the Dead Sea)
'māter, nōlī lūgēre! decōrum est Iūdaeīs fortitūdinem in rēbus rēbus adversīs: rēs adversae ingentem aggerem usque ad summam rūpem exstrūxērunt. mūnītiōnibus: mūnītiō
adversīs praestāre.' misfortune postrēmō aggerem ascendērunt, magnamque partem defense, fortification
māter fīlium amplexa, praestāre show, display mūnītiōnum ignī dēlēvērunt. tandem, cum nox appropinquāret, 35 undique on all sides
'melius erat', inquit, 'cum patre vestrō perīre abhinc annōs 10 amplexa: amplexus having Silva mīlitēs ad castra redūxit ut proximum diem victōriamque castellīs: castellum fort
novem. cūr tum ā morte abhorruī? cūr vōs servāvī? embraced exspectārent.' iussū Silvae at Silva’s order
Simōn, hīs verbīs commōtus, mātrem rogāvit quō modō abhinc ago aggerem: agger ramp, mound
periisset pater atque quārē rem prius nōn nārrāvisset. eam ōrāvit abhorruī: abhorrēre shrink usque ad right up to
ut omnia explicāret. sed tantus erat dolor mātris ut prīmō nihil
dīcere posset. mox, cum sē collēgisset, ad līberōs conversa, 15
exemplum example
II ignī, abl: ignis fire

'dē morte patris vestrī', inquit, 'prius nārrāre nōlēbam nē vōs imitātī: imitātus having
quoque perīrētis, exemplum eius imitātī. nunc tamen audeō imitated 'illā nocte Eleazārus Iūdaeīs cōnsilium dīrum prōposuit.
vōbīs tōtam rem patefacere quod nōs omnēs crās moritūrī crās tomorrow '"magnō in discrīmine sumus", inquit. "nōs Iūdaeī, Deō discrīmine: discrīmen crisis
sumus. cōnfīsī, Rōmānīs adhūc resistimus; nunc illī nōs in servitūtem cōnfīsī: cōnfīsus having
trahere parant. nūlla spēs salūtis nōbīs ostenditur. nōnne melius trusted, having put trust
est perīre quam Rōmānīs cēdere? ego ipse mortem meā manū 5 servitūtem: servitūs slavery
īnflīctam accipiō, servitūtem spernō." īnflīctam: īnflīgere inflict
'hīs verbīs Eleazārus tantum ardōrem in Iūdaeīs excitāvit ut ardōrem: ardor spirit,
ad mortem statim festīnārent. virī uxōrēs līberōsque amplexī enthusiasm
occīdērunt. cum hanc dīram et saevam rem cōnfēcissent, decem
eōrum sorte ductī cēterōs interfēcērunt. tum ūnus ex illīs, sorte 10 sorte ductī chosen by lot
invicem ductus, postquam novem reliquōs interfēcit, sē ipsum reliquōs: reliquus remaining
gladiō trānsfīxit.' trānsfīxit: trānsfīgere stab
'quō modō nōs ipsī effūgimus?' rogāvit Simōn.
'ego Eleazārō pārēre nōn potuī', respondit māter. 'vōbīscum subterrāneō: subterrāneus
in locō subterrāneō latēbam.” 15 underground
'ignāva!' clāmāvit Simōn. 'ego mortem haudquāquam timeō. haudquāquam not at all
ego, patris exemplī memor, eandem fortitūdinem praestāre memor remembering, mindful of
volō.' eandem the same
The rock of Masada, showing the Roman siege ramp built on the west (left) side.

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About the language 1: passive verbs arcus Titi

1 In Book 1, you met sentences like these: I
puer clāmōrem audit. ancilla vīnum fundēbat. postrīdiē māne ingēns Rōmānōrum multitūdō ad arcum Titī
A boy hears the shout. A slave-girl was pouring wine. undique conveniēbat. diēs fēstus ab omnibus cīvibus undique from all sides
celebrābātur. Imperātor Domitiānus eō diē frātrī Titō arcum
The words in bold type are active forms of the verb. dēdicātūrus erat. iussū Imperātōris pompa magnifica tōtam per dēdicātūrus going to dedicate
urbem dūcēbātur. 5
2 In Stage 29, you have met sentences like these: multae sellae ā servīs prope arcum pōnēbantur. illūc multī
clāmor ā puerō audītur. vīnum ab ancillā fundēbātur. senātōrēs, spē favōris Domitiānī, conveniēbant. inter eōs Salvius, favōris: favor favour
The shout is heard by a boy. Wine was being poured by a slave-girl. togam splendidam gerēns, locum quaerēbat ubi cōnspicuus cōnspicuus conspicuous, easily
esset. inter equitēs, quī post senātōrēs stābant, aderat Haterius seen
The words in bold type are passive forms of the verb. ipse. favōrem Imperātōris avidē spērābat, et in animō volvēbat 10 equitēs equites (well-to-do men
quandō ā Salviō praemium prōmissum acceptūrus esset. ranking below senators)
3 Compare the following active and passive forms: āra ingēns, prō arcū exstrūcta, ā servīs flōribus ōrnābātur. quandō when
circum āram stābant vīgintī sacerdōtēs. aderant quoque acceptūrus going to receive
present tense haruspicēs quī exta victimārum īnspicerent. exta entrails
present active present passive intereā pompa lentē per Viam Sacram dūcēbātur. prīmā in 15
portat portātur parte incēdēbant tubicinēs, tubās īnflantēs. post eōs vēnērunt incēdēbant: incēdere march,
s/he carries, s/he is carrying s/he is carried, or s/he is being carried iuvenēs, quī trīgintā taurōs corōnīs ōrnātōs ad sacrificium stride
portant portantur dūcēbant. tum multī servī, quī gāzam Iūdaeōrum portābant, gāzam: gāza treasure
they carry, they are carrying they are carried, or they are being carried prīmam pompae partem claudēbant. huius gāzae pars claudēbant: claudere
pretiōsissima erat mēnsa sacra, tubae, candēlābrum, quae omnia 20 conclude, complete
imperfect tense aurea erant.
imperfect active imperfect passive septem captīvī Iūdaeī, quī mediā in pompā incēdēbant, ā
portābat portābātur spectātōribus vehementer dērīdēbantur. quīnque līberī, serēnō
s/he was carrying s/he was being carried vultū incēdentēs, clāmōrēs et contumēliās neglegēbant, sed duae vultū: vultus expression, face
portābant portābantur fēminae plūrimīs lacrimīs spectātōrēs ōrābant ut līberīs 25
they were carrying they were being carried parcerent.
post captīvōs vēnit Domitiānus ipse, currū magnificō vectus. currū: currus chariot
4 Further examples of the present passive: post Imperātōrem ībant ambō cōnsulēs, quōrum alter erat L. vectus: vehere carry
Flāvius Silva. magistrātūs nōbilissimī effigiem Titī in umerīs cōnsulēs: cōnsul consul (senior
a cēna nostra ā coquō nunc parātur. portābant. ā mīlitibus pompa claudēbātur. 30 magistrate)
b multa scelera in hāc urbe cotīdiē committuntur. magistrātūs: magistrātus
c laudantur; dūcitur; rogātur; mittuntur. magistrate (elected official of
Further examples of the imperfect passive: Roman government

d candidātī ab amīcīs salūtābantur.

e fābula ab āctōribus in theātrō agēbātur.
f audiēbantur; laudābātur; necābantur; tenēbātur.

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II Questions
When you have read this part of the story, answer the questions on
the next page. Marks
1 What was Domitian’s purpose when he left his chariot (lines 1–2)? 1
ad arcum pompa pervēnit. Domitiānus, ē currū ēgressus ut
2 What did he do next (line 2)? 1
sacrificium faceret, senātōrēs equitēsque salūtāvit. tum oculōs in
arcum ipsum convertit. admīrātiōne affectus, Imperātor Salvium admīrātiōne: admīrātiō 3 admīrātiōne (line 3). What caused this feeling? What did it prompt
ad sē arcessītum valdē laudāvit. eī imperāvit ut Hateriō grātiās admiration the emperor to do? 1+2
ageret. inde ad āram prōgressus, cultrum cēpit quō victimam 5 inde then 4 What order did the emperor give to Salvius? 1
sacrificāret. servus eī iugulum taurī obtulit. deinde Domitiānus cultrum: culter knife 5 Why do you think the emperor did not wish to meet Haterius personally? 1
victimam sacrificāvit, haec locūtus: 6 inde … obtulit (lines 5–6). Describe how the victim was to be sacrificed. 1
'tibi, dīve Tite, haec victima nunc sacrificātur; tibi hic arcus dīve: dīvus god 7 To whom were the emperor’s words addressed (lines 8–9)? 1
dēdicātur; tibi grātiae maximae ā populō Rōmānō aguntur.' 8 What three points did he make in his speech (lines 8–9)? 3
subitō, dum Rōmānī oculōs in sacrificium intentē dēfīgunt, 10 dum while 9 subitō … prōsiluit (lines 10–11). Why did Simon’s action at first pass unnoticed? 1
Simōn occāsiōnem nactus prōsiluit. mediōs in sacerdōtēs irrūpit; dēfīgunt: dēfīgere fix 10 mediōs in sacerdōtēs irrūpit (line 11). Why did he do this? 1
cultrum rapuit. omnēs spectātōrēs immōtī stābant, audāciā eius occāsiōnem: occāsiō 11 Write down the Latin phrase that explains the reaction of the spectators
attonitī. Domitiānus, pavōre commōtus, pedem rettulit. nōn opportunity (lines 12–13). 1
Imperātōrem tamen Simōn petīvit. cultrum in manū tenēns nactus having seized
12 Why do you think Domitian was pavōre commōtus (line 13)? 1
clāmāvit, 15 prōsiluit: prōsilīre leap
'nōs, quī superstitēs Iūdaeōrum rebellantium sumus, forward, jump 13 mātrem … interfēcit (lines 18–20). Describe Simon’s actions. 3
Rōmānīs servīre nōlumus. mortem obīre mālumus.' pavōre: pavor panic 14 Describe Simon’s death (lines 20–1). 2
haec locūtus, facinus dīrum commīsit. mātrem et aviam pedem rettulit: pedem referre 15 Look back at lines 16–21. In what ways did Simon’s words and actions copy
amplexus cultrō statim occīdit. tum frātrēs, haudquāquam step back those of Eleazarus at Masada (Masada II, lines 2–12)? 2+2
resistentēs, eōdem modō interfēcit. postrēmō magnā vōce 20 servīre serve (as a slave)
populum Rōmānum dētestātus sē ipsum cultrō trānsfīxit. mālumus: mālle prefer 25
eōdem modō in the same way
dētestātus having cursed

Carving on the arch of Titus, showing the treasures of the Temple at Jerusalem carried in triumph through the
streets of Rome.

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About the language 2: more about purpose clauses Word patterns: compound verbs 1
1 In Stage 26, you met purpose clauses used with ut: 1 Study the following verbs and their translations:

senex īnsidiās parāvit ut fūrēs caperet. currere dēcurrere excurrere recurrere

The old man set a trap in order that he might catch the thieves.. to run to run down to run out to run back
Or, in more natural English:
The old man set a trap to catch the thieves. iacere dēicere ēicere reicere
to throw to throw down to throw out to throw back
2 In Stage 29, you have met purpose clauses used with forms of the relative pronoun quī:
2 Verbs may have their meaning extended by placing dē, ex or re at the
fēmina servum mīsit quī cibum emeret. beginning of the word. Such verbs are known as compound verbs.
The woman sent a slave who was to buy food.
Or, in more natural English: 3 Using the pattern above, complete the following table:
The woman sent a slave to buy food.
trahere dētrahere extrahere retrahere
You have also met purpose clauses used with ubi: to pull, drag ........... ........... ...........

locum quaerēbāmus ubi stārēmus. cadere dēcidere excidere recidere

We were looking for a place where we might stand. to fall ........... ........... ...........
Or, in more natural English:
mittere ........... ēmittere ...........
We were looking for a place to stand.
to send ........... ........... ...........
3 Further examples:
4 Complete the following sentences with the correct compound verb. Then
a sacerdōs haruspicem arcessīvit quī victimam īnspiceret. translate the sentences.
b lībertus dōnum quaerēbat quod patrōnum dēlectāret.
c Haterius quīnque fabrōs ēlēgit quī figūrās in arcū sculperent. dēpōnerent ēdūcēbantur revēnērunt
d domum emere volēbam ubi fīlius meus habitāret.
e senātor gemmam pretiōsam ēmit quam uxōrī daret. a fabrī, postquam domum . . . . . . . . . . , diū dormīvērunt.
f fēminae līberīque locum invēnērunt ubi latērent. b lēgātus hostibus imperāvit ut arma . . . . . . . . . . .
c mīlitēs ē castrīs . . . . . . . . . . ut rūpem Masadam oppugnārent.

5 Explain the connection between the following Latin verbs and the English
verbs derived from them.

dēpōnere depose ērumpere erupt retinēre retain

dēspicere despise ēicere eject referre refer

The Emperor Titus was enormously

popular but reigned only three years.

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Practising the language d The woman, sitting in prison, told a sad story.
fēmina in carcerem sedēns fābulam trīstis nārrat
1 Complete each sentence with the right form of the imperfect subjunctive, using the fēminae in carcere sedentem fābulae trīstem nārrāvit
verb in brackets. Then translate the sentence. e We saw the altar, decorated with flowers.
āram flōrī ōrnāta vīdī
For example: Domitiānus ad āram prōcessit ut victimam . . . . . . . . . . .(sacrificāre)
ārās flōribus ōrnātam vīdimus
Answer: Domitiānus ad āram prōcessit ut victimam sacrificāret.
f They killed the sleeping prisoners with swords.
Domitian advanced to the altar in order to sacrifice the victim.
captīvī dormientem gladiōs occīdērunt
The forms of the imperfect subjunctive are given on p. 128. captīvōs dormientēs gladiīs occīdit
a equitēs īnsidiās parāvērunt ut ducem hostium . . . . . . . . . . . (capere)
b ad forum contendēbāmus ut pompam . . . . . . . . . . . (spectāre)
c barbarī facēs in manibus tenēbant ut templum . . . . . . . . . . . (incendere)
d extrā carcerem stābam ut captīvōs . . . . . . . . . . . (custōdīre)
e Haterī, quam strēnuē labōrāvistī ut arcum . . . . . . . . . . ! (perficere)
f rūpem Masadam occupāvimus ut Rōmānīs . . . . . . . . . . .(resistere)

2 Complete each sentence with the most suitable participle from the lists below,
using the correct form. Then translate the sentence. Do not use any participle
more than once.

dūcēns labōrāns sedēns incēdēns clāmāns

dūcentem labōrantem sedentem incēdentem clāmantem
dūcentēs labōrantēs sedentēs incēdentēs clāmantēs

a videō Salvium prope arcum . . . . . . . . . . .

b fabrī, in Viā Sacrā . . . . . . . . . . , valdē dēfessī erant.
c nōnne audīs puerōs . . . . . . . . . . ?
d iuvenis, victimam . . . . . . . . . . , ārae appropinquāvit.
e spectātōrēs captīvōs, per viās . . . . . . . . . . , dērīdēbant.

3 Translate each English sentence into Latin by selecting correctly from the list of Latin words.

a The citizens, having been delighted by the show, applauded.

cīvis spectāculum dēlectātī plaudunt
cīvēs spectāculō dēlectātus plausērunt
b I recognised the slave-girl who was pouring the wine.
ancilla quī vīnum fundēbat agnōvī
ancillam quae vīnō fundēbant agnōvit
c Having returned to the bank of the river, the soldiers halted.
ad rīpam flūmine regressī mīlitēs cōnstitērunt
ad rīpās flūminis regressōs mīlitum cōnstiterant The arch of Titus, looking
towards the Forum.

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The Roman Forum

The Forum of Rome (Forum Rōmānum) was not only the
social and commercial centre of the city; it was the centre of the
whole empire. To symbolise this, the Emperor Augustus placed
a golden milestone (mīliārium aureum) in the Forum to mark
the starting-point of the roads that radiated from the city to all
the corners of the empire.
The ordinary people of Rome came in great numbers to the
Forum, sometimes to visit its temples and public buildings,
sometimes to listen to speeches or watch a procession, and
sometimes just to meet their friends and stroll about, pausing at
times to gossip, listen to an argument, or bargain with a passing
In the basilicae (3, 7), lawyers pleaded their cases in front of
large and often noisy audiences, and merchants and bankers
negotiated their business deals. Senators made their way to the
cūria or senate-house (8) to conduct the affairs of government
under the leadership of the emperor. Sometimes a funeral
procession wound its way through the Forum, accompanied by
noisy lamentations and loud music; sometimes the crowd was
forced to make way for a wealthy noble as he was carried
through the Forum in a litter by his slaves and escorted by a
long line of citizens.

Above: The Forum Romanum seen from Right: A reconstruction of the

the Palatine Hill. Forum looking the opposite
1, 2 Columns belonging to the way to the photograph,
temples of Vespasian and Saturn; toward the Palatine Hill:
3 Corner of the Basilica Iulia; The Forum Romanum seen from
4 Base and three columns of the the Palatine Hill.
temple of Castor and Pollux; 6 Temple of Julius Caesar;
5 Remains of the temple of Vesta; 9 Arch of Augustus;
6 Foundations of the temple of 4 Temple of Castor and
Julius Caesar; Pollux;
7 A white archway leading into the 3 Basilica Iulia.
Basilica Aemilia; The columns with statues on top
8 Curia. Near it is the arch of were built in the fourth century AD.
Severus built in the third
century AD.

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The Forum lay on low ground between two of Rome’s hills, the Dacians. But none of these other forums replaced the Forum
Capitoline and the Palatine. On the Capitoline at the western end of the Romanum as the political, religious and social heart of the city. If
Forum stood the temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, the centre of the one Roman said to another, ‘I’ll meet you in the Forum,’ he meant
Roman state religion. This was where the emperor came to pray for the the Forum Romanum.
continued safety of the Roman people; and this was where the consuls
took their solemn vows on January 1st each year at the beginning of
their consulship. On the Palatine stood the emperor’s residence. In the
The Jews and the Romans
time of Augustus, this had been a relatively modest house; later
emperors built palaces of steadily increasing splendour. Judaea, now part of modern Israel, became a Roman province
Near the foot of the Capitoline stood the Rostra, a platform from The prison. Once a cistern for early in the first century AD. The Jews were a fiercely independent
which public speeches were made to the people. It took its name from storing water, this cell was entered people and sometimes were unwilling to tolerate Roman rule. In
the rōstra (ships’ prows) which had been captured in a sea battle early through a hole in the roof. particular, they could be angered by what they saw as a lack of
in Rome’s history and were used to decorate it. One of the most famous respect shown by the Romans for their religion. The Romans, in
speeches made from the Rostra was Mark Antony’s speech over the turn, could not understand a people who insisted that there was
body of Julius Caesar in 44 BC. The listening crowds were so carried only one true God and who could not acknowledge the claims of
away by Antony’s words and so angry at Caesar’s murder that they any other religion. The situation was made worse by the
incompetence of Roman governors and quarrelling among Above:A synagogue at Masada.
rioted, seized the body, and burned it in the Forum. A temple was later
built in Caesar’s memory at the eastern end of the Forum (6), on the different sections of the Jewish population.
In AD 66 a serious rebellion broke out, which raged for four Below: A room in a Roman-style
spot where his body had been burned.
years before it ended with the capture of Jerusalem by Titus, son bath house at Masada, showing
Not far from the Rostra was the prison. Prisoners of war, like the
of the Emperor Vespasian. His soldiers slaughtered an enormous some of the hypocaust pillars and
seven Jews in the stories of this Stage, were held in this prison before
number of Jews; they sacked the city and destroyed the Temple, wall flue bricks.
being led in a triumphal procession through the streets of Rome.
Afterwards they were taken back to the prison and killed. the Jews’ most sacred shrine. In an attempt to prevent any future
Just outside the Forum, near the temple of deified Julius Caesar, was rebellion, many of the survivors were driven out of the country
The Temple of Vesta. and scattered. Titus returned to Rome with prisoners and the
a small round building with a cone-shaped roof. This was the temple of
Vesta (5), where the Vestal Virgins tended the sacred fire which Temple treasure to celebrate a triumph with his father.
symbolised the prosperity of Rome and was never allowed to go out. However, Jewish resistance had not completely ended. A group
Through the Forum ran the Sacred Way (Via Sacra), which provided of fervent patriots, the Zealots, led by Eleazar ben Ya’ir, had
an avenue for religious or triumphal processions. When the Romans established themselves at Masada, a fortress on a high flat-topped
celebrated a victory in war, the triumphal procession passed through the hill near the Dead Sea. From this base they harassed the Roman
city and ended by travelling along the Sacred Way towards the temple of occupation forces for two years until in AD 72 the commander of
Jupiter on the Capitol, where the victorious general gave thanks. The the Tenth Legion, Flavius Silva, determined to wipe them out.
story on pp. 9-10 describes a similar occasion: the dedication of the arch The story of the last days of Masada which is told on pp. 6-7 is
of Titus by the Emperor Domitian in AD 81. On this occasion, the based on the account given by the historian Josephus. He may
procession would have followed the Sacred Way eastwards out of the have talked to eye-witnesses and may even have questioned the
Forum, up a gentle slope to the site of the arch itself. The arch two women and the children who had hidden underground and
commemorated the victory of Domitian’s brother Titus over the Jewish who subsequently surrendered to the Roman soldiers.
people. In 1963–5 the site of Masada was excavated by a team of
The Forum Romanum was not the only forum in the city. By the time archaeologists led by Yigael Yadin. They have brought to light
of the events of this Stage, three other forums had been built by Julius much evidence of the last days of Eleazar and his companions.
Caesar, Augustus and Vespasian; later, two more were added by the One of the most exciting finds was a group of eleven small
Emperors Nerva and Trajan. The most splendid of these was Trajan’s pottery fragments, each bearing a single name, and unlike any
forum, which contained the famous column commemorating Trajan’s The Sacred Way leading up to others found on the site. One has ‘ben Ya’ir’ written on it and it is
victories over the the arch of Titus.

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thought that this may refer to Eleazar. It is tempting to connect

the fragments to the lots that were drawn by the Jewish
defenders, but there is no firm evidence to support this.
Titus succeeded Vespasian as emperor in AD 79 but died
three years later. To commemorate his brother’s victory over the
Jews, Domitian dedicated a triumphal arch in the Forum some
time after his death. The story about the procession is fictitious
(nothing is known about the fate of Simon and his family), but it
is possible that the temple treasures, which are shown on the
arch, were again paraded through the streets of Rome. They
remained in Rome until the city was sacked by the Vandals in
the fifth century. What happened to them after that remains a

Above: A piece of pottery with

the name ben Ya᾽ir.
Below: Silva's headquarters camp,
one of five Roman camps
surrounding the rock.

The rock of Masada seen from the north. The Roman ramp can be clearly seen rising
from the right. The western palace on the right of the ramp and the northern palace on
the left were built by Herod the Great a century before the Roman siege in AD 72–3.

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Vocabulary checklist 29
aliī … aliī some … others
ascendō, ascendere, ascendī climb, rise
audācia, audāciae, f. boldness, audacity
captīvus, captīvī prisoner, captive
circumveniō, circumvenīre,
circumvēnī, circumventus surround
dēfendō, dēfendere, dēfendī,
dēfēnsus defend
dīrus, dīra, dīrum dreadful
dolor, dolōris, m. grief, pain
incēdō, incēdere, incessī march, stride
līberī, līberōrum children
lūx, lūcis light, daylight
mālō, mālle, māluī prefer
ōdī I hate
perficiō, perficere, perfēcī,
perfectus finish
populus, populī, m. people
prius earlier
salūs, salūtis, f. safety, health
scelus, sceleris, n. crime
spernō, spernere, sprēvī, sprētus despise, reject
ubīque everywhere
vester, vestra, vestrum your (plural)
vīvus, vīva, vīvum alive, living

A coin (much enlarged), issued

in AD 71, of the Emperor
Vespasian celebrating the
defeat of the Jews.
A victorious prince stands to
the left of the palm. A Jewish
captive sits on the right.

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1 Haterius: quam fēlīx sum!

heri arcus meus ab Imperātōre dēdicātus est.
heri praemium ingēns mihi ā Salviō prōmissum est.
hodiē praemium exspectō …

2 Haterius: anxius sum.

arcus meus nūper ab Imperātōre laudātus est.
nūllum tamen praemium adhūc mihi ā Salviō
missum est.
num ego ā Salviō dēceptus sum?
cotīdiē cīvēs ad arcum conveniēbant ut figūrās in eō sculptās īnspicerent. minimē! Salvius vir probus est …

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dignitās Vitellia:
mihi identidem prōmīsit, fidem nōn servāvit.
nōlī dēspērāre, mī Haterī! cōnsilium optimum
fidem … servāvit: fidem
servāre keep a promise, keep
When you have read this story, answer the questions at the end. habeō. invītā Salvium ad āream tuam! ostentā eī 45 faith
polyspaston tuum! nihil maius nec mīrābilius āream: ārea builder's yard
cīvēs Rōmānī, postquam arcus ab Imperātōre dēdicātus est, umquam anteā factum est. deinde Salvium ostentā: ostentāre show off,
quattuor diēs fēstōs celebrāvērunt. cotīdiē ad arcum admīrātiōne affectum rogā dē sacerdōtiō. display
conveniēbant ut figūrās in eō sculptās īnspicerent. plūrimī nec nor
clientēs domum Salviī veniēbant quī grātulātiōnēs eī facerent. clientēs: cliēns client
Salvius ipse summō gaudiō affectus est quod Imperātor arcum 5 grātulātiōnēs: grātulātiō
Hateriī magnopere laudāverat. congratulation Questions
apud Haterium tamen nūllae grātulantium vōcēs audītae gaudiō: gaudium joy
sunt. neque clientēs neque amīcī admissī sunt. Haterius, īrā grātulantium: grātulāns Marks
commōtus, sōlus domī manēbat. adeō saeviēbat ut dormīre nōn congratulating 1 How long was the holiday which followed the dedication of the arch? 1
posset. quattuor diēs noctēsque vigilābat. quīntō diē uxor, 10 vigilābat: vigilāre stay awake 2 Describe the scene at the arch during the holiday (lines 2–3). 2
Vitellia nōmine, quae nesciēbat quārē Haterius adeō īrātus esset, quīntō: quīntus fifth 3 Why did Salvius’ clients come to his house? 1
eum mollīre temptābat. ingressa hortum, ubi Haterius hūc illūc hūc illūc here and there, up and 4 Salvius … gaudiō affectus est (line 5). What was the reason for this? 1
ambulābat, eum anxia interrogāvit. down 5 What happened to Haterius’ friends and clients (line 8)? 1
Vitellia: cūr tam vehementer saevīs, mī Haterī? et amīcōs et 6 Haterius’ feelings were very different from those of Salvius. Pick out a
clientēs, quī vēnērunt ut tē salūtārent, domō abēgistī. 15 abēgistī: abigere drive away Latin phrase or verb that tells you how he was feeling (lines 8–10). 1
neque ūnum verbum mihi hōs quattuor diēs dīxistī. 7 How did Vitellia behave towards her husband (lines 10–12)? 1
sine dubiō, ut istum arcum cōnficerēs, nimis 8 What did she think was the matter with Haterius (lines 17–18)? 1
labōrāvistī, neglegēns valētūdinis tuae. nunc necesse valētūdinis: valētūdō health 9 What remedy did she suggest? 1
est tibi quiēscere. 10 In what way did Haterius think he had been deceived (lines 23–6)? 3
Haterius: quō modō ego, tantam iniūriam passus, quiēscere 20 11 Vitellia urged Haterius to be content with his achievements. Give two that she
possum? mentioned. 2
Vitellia: verba tua nōn intellegō. quis tibi iniūriam intulit? 12 dīvitiās nōn cūrō (line 31). What did Haterius really want? 1
Haterius: ego ā Salviō, quī mihi favēre solēbat, omnīnō 13 uxōrem nōbilissimā gente nātam habēs (lines 35–6). Explain how Vitellia’s
dēceptus sum. prō omnibus meīs labōribus ingēns family connections have brought Haterius special benefits. 3
praemium mihi ā Salviō prōmissum est. nūllum 25 14 What particular honour did Haterius want to receive first?
praemium tamen, nē grātiās quidem, accēpī. nē … quidem not even What did he hope it would lead to (lines 39–42)? 2
Vitellia: contentus estō, mī Haterī! redēmptor nōtissimus es, estō! be! 15 What actions did Vitellia suggest to Haterius? How did she think her plan
cuius arcus ab Imperātōre ipsō nūper laudātus est. would help Haterius to get what he wanted (lines 45–8)? 2+2
multa aedificia pūblica exstrūxistī, unde magnās pūblica: pūblicus public
dīvitiās comparāvistī. 30 dīvitiās: dīvitiae riches 25
Haterius: dīvitiās nōn cūrō. in hāc urbe sunt plūrimī
redēmptōrēs quī opēs maximās comparāvērunt.
mihi autem nōn dīvitiae sed dignitās est cūrae. est cūrae is a matter of concern
Vitellia: dignitās tua amplissima est. nam nōn modo amplissima: amplissimus
dītissimus es sed etiam uxōrem nōbilissimā gente 35 very great
nātam habēs. Rūfilla, soror mea, uxor est Salviī quī dītissimus: dīves rich
tibi semper fāvit et saepe tē Imperātōrī
commendāvit. quid aliud ā Salviō accipere cupis? commendāvit: commendāre
Haterius: volō ad summōs honōrēs pervenīre. prīmum recommend
sacerdōs esse cupiō; multī enim virī, sacerdōtēs ab 40 cōnsulātum: cōnsulātus
Imperātōre creātī, posteā ad cōnsulātum consulship (rank of consul)
pervēnērunt. sed Salvius, quamquam sacerdōtium sacerdōtium priesthood

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About the language 1: perfect passive tense polyspaston

1 In this Stage, you have met the perfect passive. Compare it with the perfect active: I
perfect active perfect passive postrīdiē Haterius Salvium ad āream suam dūxit ut polyspaston
senex fūrem accūsāvit. fūr ā sene accūsātus est. eī ostentāret. ibi sedēbat ōtiōsus Glitus, magister fabrōrum. quī
The old man has accused the thief. The thief has been accused by the old man. cum dominum appropinquantem cōnspexisset, celeriter surrēxit
Or, Or, fabrōsque dīligentius labōrāre iussit.
The old man accused the thief. The thief was accused by the old man. dīligentius more diligently,
tōta ārea strepitū labōrantium plēna erat. columnae ex 5 harder
Rōmānī hostēs superāvērunt. hostēs ā Rōmānīs superātī sunt. marmore pretiōsissimō secābantur; laterēs saxaque in āream laterēs: later brick
The Romans have overcome the The enemy have been overcome by the portābantur; ingentēs marmoris massae in plaustra pōnēbantur.
enemy. Romans. Haterius, cum fabrōs labōre occupātōs vīdisset, Salvium ad
Or, Or, aliam āreae partem dūxit. ibi stābat ingēns polyspaston quod ā
The Romans overcame the enemy. The enemy were overcome by the Romans.
fabrīs parātum erat. in tignō polyspastī sēdēs fīxa erat. tum 10 tignō: tignum beam
Haterius ad Salvium versus, sēdēs seat
2 The forms of the perfect passive are as follows:
'mī Salvī', inquit, 'nōnne mīrābile est polyspaston? hoc tibi fīxa erat: fīgere fix, fasten
tālem urbis prōspectum praebēre potest quālem paucī umquam tālem … quālem such … as
portātus sum I have been carried, or I was carried vīdērunt. placetne tibi?' prōspectum: prōspectus view
portātus es you (s.) have been carried, or you were carried Salvius, ubi sēdem in tignō fīxam vīdit, palluit. sed, quia fabrī 15 quia because
portātus est he has been carried, or he was carried oculōs in eum dēfīxōs habēbant, timōrem dissimulāns in sēdem timōrem: timor fear
cōnsēdit. iuxtā eum Haterius quoque cōnsēdit. tum fabrīs dissimulāns: dissimulāre
imperāvit ut fūnēs, quī ad tignum adligātī erant, summīs vīribus conceal, hide
portātī sumus we have been carried, or we were carried
traherent. deinde tignum lentē ad caelum tollēbātur. Salvius, iuxtā next to
portātī estis you (pl.) have been carried, or you were carried
pavōre paene cōnfectus, clausīs oculīs ad sēdem haerēbat. 20 fūnēs: fūnis rope
portātī sunt they have been carried, or they were carried
tandem oculōs aperuit. adligātī erant: adligāre tie
3 Notice that each form of the perfect passive is made up of two words: vīribus: vīrēs strength

a a perfect passive participle (e.g. portātus) in either a singular or a plural form;

b a form of the present tense of sum.

4 Further examples:
a arcus ab Imperātōre dēdicātus est.
b multī nūntiī ad urbem missī sunt.
c dux hostium ā mīlitibus captus est.
d cūr ad vīllam nōn invītātī estis?
e ā Salviō dēceptus sum.
f audītus est; monitī sumus; laudātus es; interfectī sunt.

5 If inventus est means he was found, what do you think inventa est means?

Haterius and his crane.

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II These two portraits, from the tomb

of the Haterii, could represent
Salvius: (spectāculō attonitus) dī immortālēs! tōtam urbem Haterius and his wife.
vidēre possum. ecce templum Iovis! ecce flūmen! Iovis: Iuppiter Jupiter (god of
ecce amphitheātrum Flāvium et arcus novus! quam the sky, greatest of Roman
in sōle fulget! Imperātor, simulatque illum arcum gods)
vīdit, summā admīrātiōne affectus est. mihi 5 amphitheātrum Flāvium
imperāvit ut grātiās suās tibi agerem. Flavian amphitheater (now
Haterius: magnopere gaudeō quod opus meum ab Imperātōre known as the Colosseum)
laudātum est. sed praemium illud quod tū mihi nōndum not yet
prōmīsistī nōndum accēpī. agellum: agellus small plot of
Salvius: (vōce blandā) dē sacerdōtiō tuō, Imperātōrem iam 10 land
saepe cōnsuluī, et respōnsum eius etiam nunc quendam: quīdam one, a About the language 2: pluperfect passive tense
exspectō. aliquid tamen tibi intereā offerre possum. certain
agellum quendam possideō, quī prope sepulcra sepulcra: sepulcrum tomb 1 You have now met the pluperfect passive. Compare it with the pluperfect active:
Metellōrum et Scīpiōnum situs est. tūne hunc Metellōrum: Metellī the pluperfect active pluperfect passive
agellum emere velīs? 15 Metelli (famous Roman servus dominum vulnerāverat. dominus ā servō vulnerātus erat.
Haterius: (magnō gaudiō affectus) ita vērō, in illō agellō, prope family) A slave had wounded the master. The master had been wounded by a slave.
sepulcra gentium nōbilissimārum, ego quoque Scīpiōnum: Scīpiōnēs the
sepulcrum splendidum mihi meīsque exstruere Scipiones (famous Roman 2 The forms of the pluperfect passive are as follows:
velim, figūrīs operum meōrum ōrnātum; ita enim family)
nōmen factaque mea posterīs trādere possum. prō 20 meīs: meī my family
agellō tuō igitur sēstertium vīciēns tibi offerō. facta: factum deed, achievement portātus eram I had been carried
Salvius: (rīdēns, quod agellus eī grātīs ab Imperātōre datus erat) posterīs: posterī future portātus erās you (s.) had been carried
agellus multō plūris est, sed quia patrōnus sum tuus generations, posterity portātus erat he had been carried
tibi faveō. mē iuvat igitur sēstertium tantum trīciēns sēstertium vīciēns two million
ā tē accipere. placetne tibi? 25 sesterces
Haterius: mihi valdē placet. multō plūris est is worth much portātī erāmus we had been carried
more portātī erātis you (pl.) had been carried
Haterius fabrīs imperāvit ut tignum lentē dēmitterent. ambō humum mē iuvat it pleases me portātī erant they had been carried
rediērunt, alter spē immortālitātis dēlectātus, alter praesentī pecūniā sēstertium … trīciēns three
contentus. million sesterces Each form of the pluperfect passive is made up of a perfect passive participle (e.g.
humum to the ground portātus) and a form of the imperfect tense of sum (e.g. erat).
immortālitātis: immortālitās
immortality 3 Further examples:
praesentī: praesēns present,
ready a Simōn ā mātre servātus erat.
b custōdēs circum carcerem positī erant.
c dīligenter labōrāre iussī erātis.
d ā mīlitibus Rōmānīs superātī erāmus.
e fēmina ā fīliō vituperāta erat.
f pūnīta erat; pūnītae erant; missus eram; audītae erāmus; victus erās.

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Word patterns: adjectives and nouns Practising the language

1 Study the forms and meanings of the following adjectives and nouns: 1 Translate the following sentences. After each one state whether the verb is
probus honest probitās honesty present or imperfect and whether it is active or passive.
līber free lībertās freedom a populus Rōmānus Titum maximē dīligēbat.
b fabrī ab Hateriō tōtam noctem incitābantur.
gravis heavy, serious gravitās heaviness, seriousness
c hodiē cēna splendida Imperātōrī parātur.
d quattuor diēs ingēns multitūdō viās urbis complēbat.
2 Now complete the table below: e magnus strepitus in āreā audiēbātur.
benignus kind benignitās .......... f pauperēs ā dīvitibus saepe opprimuntur.
līberālis .......... līberālitās generosity
2 Complete each sentence with the right word. Then translate the sentence.
fēlīx lucky, happy fēlīcitās ..........
a mercātor, ē carcere . . . . . . . . . . , magistrātuī grātiās ēgit. (līberātus, līberātī)
celer .......... celeritās speed
b māter, verbīs Eleazārī . . . . . . . . . . , cum līberīs latēbat. (territus, territa)
immortālis .......... immortālitās .......... c Salvius epistulam, ab Imperātōre . . . . . . . . . . , legēbat. (scrīpta, scrīptam)
suāvis .......... .......... .......... d nāvēs, tempestāte paene . . . . . . . . . . , tandem ad portum revēnērunt.
(dēlētus, dēlēta, dēlētae)
3 Give the meaning of the following nouns: e centuriō captīvōs, ā mīlitibus . . . . . . . . . . , in castra dūxit. (custōdītī,
crūdēlitās, tranquillitās, calliditās, paupertās custōdītōs, custōdītīs)

4 How many of the nouns in paragraphs 1-3 can be translated by an English 3 Translate each sentence with the most suitable ending of the pluperfect
derivative ending in -ity or -ty? Use an English dictionary to help you, if subjunctive. Then translate the sentence.
For example: cum hospitēs advēn. . . , coquus cēnam intulit.
This becomes: cum hospitēs advēnissent, coquus cēnam intulit.
When the guests had arrived, the cook brought the dinner in.

The forms of the pluperfect subjunctive are given on p. 128.

a cum servus iānuam aperu. . . , senex intrāvit.

b cum pompam spectāv. . . , ad arcum festīnāvī.
c Imperātor nōs rogāvit num arcum īnspex. . . .
d cum Rōmam vīsitāv. . . , domum rediistis?
e amīcī nōn intellēxērunt cūr Haterium nōn vīd. . . .

A Roman architect or
contractor, holding a measuring
stick. On the right (from top) are
a chisel, a plumb-line, a set-
square and the capital of a
column; on the left, a
stonemason’s hammer.

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Roman builders Haterius’ crane

The various carvings on the family tomb of the Haterii, especially the There is a crane carved on the tomb of Haterius’ family. It
crane, suggest that at least one member of the family was a prosperous consisted of two wooden uprights, forming the jib, fastened
building contractor. His personal names are unknown but in the stories together at the top and splayed apart at the feet. The hoisting
we have called him Quintus Haterius Latronianus. One of his contracts rope ran round two pulleys, one at the top of the jib and one
may have been for a magnificent arch to commemorate the popular at the point where the load was fastened to the rope. After
Emperor Titus who died after only a short reign (AD 79–81). In Stage passing round the pulleys the rope led down to a winding
29, Haterius is imagined as anxiously trying to complete it during the drum, which was turned by a treadmill fixed to the side of the
night before its dedication by the new emperor, Domitian, and in this crane and operated by two or three men inside. Smaller
Stage he is seeking his reward. cranes had, instead of a treadmill, a capstan with projecting
Helped by an architect who provided the design and technical spokes to be turned by hand. This arrangement of pulleys and
advice Haterius would have employed sub-contractors to supply the ropes multiplied the force exerted by human muscles so that
materials and engage the workmen. Most of these were slaves and poor a small crew could raise loads weighing up to eight or nine
free men working as unskilled, occasional labour, but there were also tonnes. To prevent the crane from toppling over, stay-ropes
craftsmen such as carpenters and stonemasons. It was the job of the were stretched out from the jib, also with the help of pulleys,
carpenters to put up a timber framework to give shape and temporary and firmly anchored to the ground.
support to the arches as they were being built (see diagram alongside). Blocks of dressed stone were lifted by man-powered
They also erected the scaffolding and made the timber moulds for cranes like this. These machines were certainly cumbersome,
Wooden 'centring' supporting
shaping concrete. The masons were responsible for quarrying the stone but with a skilled crew in charge they worked well.
the stones of an arch. Once the
and transporting it, often by barge on the river Tiber, to the building- central 'keystone' was in
site in the city before carving the elaborate decoration and preparing
itself and the wood was
the blocks to be lifted into position. The richly carved panels on Titus’ removed.
arch showed the triumphal procession with prisoners and treasure
captured at the sack of Jerusalem in AD 70.
Roman architecture depended on good quality cement. The main
ingredients of this versatile and easily produced material were:
1. lime, made by heating pieces of limestone to a high temperature and
then crushing them to a powder;
2. fine river or quarry sand.
These were combined with water to make a smooth paste. In this
form the cement was an excellent adhesive which could be spread in a
thin layer between bricks or stones, as we do today, and when dry it
held them firmly together.
The Romans also mixed cement with rubble, such as stone
chippings, broken bricks and pieces of tile, to form concrete. Concrete
was commonly used for the inner core of a wall, sandwiched between
the two faces. The advantage of this was that the more expensive
materials, good quality stone or brick, could be reserved for the outer
faces; these were often then covered with plaster and painted in bright
colours. Marble too, in thinly cut plates, was used as a facing material Reconstruction of Haterius' crane.
where cost was no object.

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The Romans discovered a further use of concrete, substituting it

for stone in the building of arches, vaulted ceilings and domes. They Concrete Left: The Romans often built walls out of concrete
sandwiched between two surfaces of brick or small
found that concrete, when shaped into arches, was strong enough to
span large spaces without any additional support from pillars, and The Romans were not the first stones - as we can see at the back of this room in a
that it could carry the weight of a heavy superstructure. They used it, people to make concrete — public baths. In the centre there is a piece of wall
for instance, on the aqueducts that supplied Rome with millions of rubble set in mortar — but they coming towards us, witht he surface stones visible at
litres of fresh water daily; they also used it on the Pantheon, a improved its quality and applied each side of it. These concrete walls would have been
temple whose domed concrete and brick roof (still in good condition it on a grand scale. hidden by marble sheets or painted plaster, so that
today) has a span of 43 metres and rises to the same height above the they looked as rich as the coloured marble columns
floor. Most spectacularly of all, they also used it on the huge Flavian and the mosaic floor.
amphitheatre (known from medieval times as the Colosseum), which
could hold about 50,000 spectators, and may be another of Haterius’
surviving buildings (see opposite page).
Not all buildings, of course, were so well constructed. The
inhabitants of Rome in the first century AD were housed in a vast
number of dwellings, many of them blocks of flats (īnsulae) which
were built cheaply, mainly of brick and timber. They had a
reputation for being rickety and liable to catch fire. To reduce the
danger the Emperor Augustus fixed a limit of 21 metres in height for
these insulae and organised fire brigades. Further regulations
followed the great fire of Rome in the reign of Nero.
However, serious fires continued to break out from time to time.
One occurred in AD 80 and when Domitian became emperor the
following year he continued the programme of repair that Titus had
begun. He restored the spectacular temple of Jupiter Optimus
Maximus on the Capitol which had been badly burned in the fire. He
built more temples, a stadium, a concert hall and even an artificial
lake for sea fights, all no doubt to enhance the influence and majesty
of the emperor.
The boast of Augustus, urbem latericiam accepi, marmoream
reliqui, ‘I found Rome built of brick and left it made of marble’,
was certainly an exaggeration. For the spaces between the marble-
faced public libraries, baths and temples were crammed with the Concrete was used to span large spaces.
homes of ordinary people. Many builders must have spent most of This is the dome of the Pantheon. Top: Concrete was used alongside other building
their time working on these dwellings, described by the poet Juvenal
materials, as in the Colosseum. On the outside the
as ‘propped up with sticks.’ But given the opportunity of a large A Roman trowel from Verulamium
amphitheatre appears to be all stone.Bottom:
contract and a technical challenge, Roman builders made (St Albans) in Britain, left by
Inside we find a mixture of stone walls (A and B),
adventurous use of concrete, cranes and arches; and Domitian, who mistake in some concrete. Many of
was determined to add to the splendours of his capital city, kept walls made of brick-faced concrete (C) and
our modern hand tools have been
concrete vaulting (D).
architects and builders very busy throughout most of his reign. inherited almost unchanged from
those used by Roman craftsmen.

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Vocabulary checklist 30
adhūc up till now
afficiō, afficere, affēcī, affectus affect
affectus, affecta, affectum affected, overcome
ambō, ambae, ambō both
cōnsulō, cōnsulere, cōnsuluī,
cōnsultus consult
dēmittō, dēmittere, dēmīsī,
dēmissus let down, lower
dīves, gen. dīvitis rich
dīvitiae, dīvitiārum riches
gēns, gentis family, tribe
iniūria, iniūriae injustice, injury
magnopere greatly
nātus, nāta, nātum born
nimis too
nōbilis, nōbile noble, of noble birth
omnīnō completely
opus, operis work, construction
pavor, pavōris panic
quārē? why?
saxum, saxī rock
secō, secāre, secuī, sectus cut
sōl, sōlis sun
soror, sorōris sister
timor, timōris fear

Stamp cut from a Roman

brick. Bricks were often
stamped with the date
and place of manufacture.

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1 diēs illūcēscēbat. 2 diē illūcēscente, multī saccāriī in rīpā 5 frūmentō expositō, magister nāvis 6 pecūniā distribūtā, saccāriī ad tabernam
flūminis labōrābant. pecūniam saccāriīs distribuit. proximam festīnāvērunt.

3 saccāriīs labōrantibus, advēnit nāvis. 4 nāve dēligātā, saccāriī frūmentum expōnere 7 tandem sōl occidere coepit.
coepērunt. 8 sōle occidente, saccāriī ā tabernā ēbriī
nautae nāvem dēligāvērunt.
discessērunt, omnī pecūniā cōnsūmptā.

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Īnsula Tiberīna A bird’s-eye view of Rome

adventus illūcēscente: illūcēscere

diē illūcēscente, ingēns Rōmānōrum multitūdō viās urbis dawn, grow bright
complēbat. in rīpīs flūminis Tiberis, ubi multa horrea sita erant, Tiberis river Tiber
frūmentum ē nāvibus ā saccāriīs expōnēbātur. servī, quī ā saccāriīs: saccārius docker,
vēnālīciīs ex Āfricā importātī erant, ē nāvibus dūcēbantur, dock-worker
catēnīs gravibus vīnctī. 5 expōnēbātur: expōnere
ex ūnā nāvium, quae modo ā Graeciā advēnerat, puella unload
pulcherrima exiit. epistulam ad Haterium scrīptam manū catēnīs: catēna chain
tenēbat. sarcinae eius ā servō portābantur, virō quadrāgintā modo just
annōrum. sarcinae bags, luggage
sōle ortō, puella ad Subūram advēnit. multitūdine 10 ortō: ortus having risen
clāmōribusque hominum valdē obstupefacta est. tanta erat Subūram: Subūra the Subura
multitūdō ut puella cum summā difficultāte prōcēderet. (a noisy and crowded district)
undique pauperēs ex īnsulīs exībant ut aquam ē fontibus obstupefacta est:
traherent. dīvitēs ad forum lectīcīs vehēbantur. mendīcī puellam obstupefacere amaze, stun
circumveniēbant, pecūniam postulantēs. nōnnūllī fabrī, puellā 15 lectīcīs: lectīca litter Notice these important features:
vīsā, clāmāre coepērunt; puellam verbīs scurrīlibus mendīcī: mendīcus beggar 1 River Tiber
appellāvērunt. quae tamen, clāmōribus fabrōrum neglēctīs, scurrīlibus: scurrīlis rude, 2 Theatre of Marcellus
vultū serēnō celeriter praeteriit. servum iussit festīnāre nē impudent 3 Circus Maximus, used for chariot racing
domum Hateriī tardius pervenīrent. appellāvērunt: appellāre call 4 The Capitol with the temple of Jupiter the Best and Greatest
eōdem tempore multī clientēs per viās contendēbant ut 20 out to 5 Palatine Hill with the emperor’s palace on it
patrōnōs salūtārent. aliī, scissīs togīs ruptīsque calceīs, per tardius too late 6 Forum Romanum
lutum lentē ībant. eīs difficile erat festīnāre quia lutum erat scissīs: scindere tear 7 An aqueduct
altum, viae angustae, multitūdō dēnsa. aliī, quī nōbilī gente nātī ruptīs: rumpere break, split Colosseum or Flavian Amphitheatre
sunt, celeriter prōcēdēbant quod servī multitūdinem fūstibus lutum mud
9 Subura.
dēmovēbant. clientēs, quī hūc illūc per viās ruēbant, puellae 25 dēmovēbant: dēmovēre move
prōcēdentī obstābant. out of the way The drawing shows Rome as it was in the 4th century AD.

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nōnā hōrā redīre iubentur. nunc autem cēdite aliīs! cēdite

architectō C. Rabīriō Maximō! cēdite T. Claudiō Papīriō!'
dum illī per iānuam intrant, cēterīs nūntiāvit praecō:
'vōs omnēs iubet Haterius tertiā hōrā sē ad forum dēdūcere.' 25 dēdūcere escort
hīs verbīs dictīs, paucōs dēnāriōs in turbam sparsit. clientēs,
nē sportulam āmitterent, dēnāriōs rapere temptāvērunt. inter sē
vehementer certābant. intereā puella immōta stābat, hōc
spectāculō attonita.

1 At what time of day were the clients gathering? 1
2 omnēs … patrōnī favōrem exspectābant (lines 1–2). How is this explained
salūtātiō salūtātiō the morning visit further in the next sentence?
3 Where did the girl stop?
(made by clients to a patron)
I 4 What was puzzling her? 2
5 in līmine appāruit praecō (line 7). Describe the herald’s appearance. 3
When you have read this part of the story, answer the questions at
6 What did the clients do as soon as they saw him (lines 8–9)? 1
the end.
7 What did the clients beg him to do? 1
prīmā hōrā clientēs ante domum Hateriī conveniēbant. omnēs, ante before, in front of 8 Why do you think the herald remained silent at first (lines 10–11)? 1
oculīs in iānuā dēfīxīs, patrōnī favōrem exspectābant. aliī 9 How can you tell that all the clients mentioned in lines 15–16 are Roman
beneficium, aliī sportulam spērābant. puella, servō adstante, in sportulam: sportula handout citizens? How can you tell that none of them is a freedman of Haterius? 2
extrēmā parte multitūdinis cōnstitit; ignāra mōrum (gift of food or money) 10 When they heard their names why do you think the clients came forward
Rōmānōrum, in animō volvēbat cūr tot hominēs illā hōrā ibi 5 extrēmā parte: extrēma pars quickly (lines 17–18)? 1
stārent. edge 11 What did the rest of the clients do? Why? 2+1
iānuā subitō apertā, in līmine appāruit praecō. corpus eius mōrum: mōs custom 12 ad cēnam … Haterius invītat … M. Licinium Prīvātum (lines 20–1).
erat ingēns et obēsum, vultus superbus, oculī malignī. clientēs, līmine: līmen threshold, Suggest a reason why the herald used this particular order of words. 1
praecōne vīsō, clāmāre statim coepērunt. eum identidem doorway 13 paucōs dēnāriōs in turbam sparsit (line 26). Why do you think the herald
ōrāvērunt ut sē ad patrōnum admitteret. ille tamen superbē 10 praecō herald, announcer chose this way of distributing the money? 1
circumspectāvit neque quicquam prīmō dīxit. malignī: malignus spiteful 14 Re-read the last paragraph and write down two Latin adjectives describing
omnibus tandem silentibus, praecō ita coepit: superbē arrogantly the girl’s reaction to the clients’ behaviour. 2
'dominus noster, Quīntus Haterius Latrōniānus, ratiōnēs suās ratiōnēs … subdūcit: ratiōnēs 15 Look back over lines 13–25. Find two examples of tasks that clients have to
subdūcit. iubet igitur trēs cīvēs ratiōnibus testēs subscrībere. subdūcere draw up perform for their patron and one example of a favour done by patrons to
cēdite C. Iūliō Alexandrō, C. Memmiō Prīmō, L. Venūlēiō 15 accounts, write up accounts their clients. 2+1
Aprōniānō.' subscrībere sign
quī igitur, nōminibus suīs audītīs, celeriter prōgressī domum cēdite: cēdere make way 25
intrāvērunt. cēterī autem, oculīs in vultū praecōnis dēfīxīs, spē
favōris manēbant.
'ad cēnam', inquit praecō, 'Haterius invītat L. Volusium 20
Maeciānum et M. Licinium Prīvātum. Maeciānus et Prīvātus

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II About the language 1: ablative absolute

iānuā tandem clausā, abīre clientēs coepērunt, aliī contentī, aliī
spē dēiectī. deinde servō puella imperāvit ut iānuam pulsāret. spē dēiectī disappointed in their 1 Study the following pair of sentences:
praecōnī regressō servus hope mīlitēs discessērunt.
'ecce!' inquit. 'domina mea, Euphrosynē, adest.' The soldiers departed.
'abī, sceleste! nēmō alius hodiē admittitur', respondit praecō 5
superbā vōce. urbe captā, mīlitēs discessērunt.
'sed domina mea est philosopha Graeca doctissima', inquit With the city having been captured, the soldiers departed.
philosopha (female)
servus. 'hūc missa est ā Quīntō Hateriō Chrȳsogonō ipsō, philosopher
Hateriī lībertō, quī Athēnīs habitat.' The phrase in bold type is made up of a noun, urbe, and participle, captā, in
Athēnīs at Athens
'īnsānīvit igitur Chrȳsogonus', respondit praecō. 'odiō sunt 10 the ablative case. Phrases of this kind are known as ablative absolute phrases,
odiō sunt: odiō esse be hateful
omnēs philosophī Hateriō! redeundum vōbīs est Athēnās unde and are very common in Latin.
redeundum vōbīs est you
missī estis.' must return 2 Ablative absolute phrases can be translated in many different ways. For
servus arrogantiā praecōnis īrātus, nihilōminus perstitit. nihilōminus nevertheless instance, the example in paragraph 1 might be translated:
'sed Eryllus', inquit, 'quī est Hateriō arbiter ēlegantiae, perstitit: perstāre persist
epistulam ad Chrȳsogonum scrīpsit in quā eum rogāvit ut 15 arbiter expert, judge When the city had been captured, the soldiers departed.
philosopham hūc mitteret. ergō adsumus!' ēlegantiae: ēlegantia good Or,
hīs verbīs audītīs, praecō, quī Eryllum haudquāquam taste After the city was captured, the soldiers departed.
amābat, magnā vōce ergō therefore
'Eryllus!' inquit. 'quis est Eryllus? meus dominus Haterius 3 Further examples:
est, nōn Eryllus! abī!' 20 a arcū dēdicātō, cīvēs domum rediērunt.
haec locūtus servum in lutum dēpulit, iānuamque clausit. dēpulit: dēpellere push down b pecūniā āmissā, ancilla lacrimāre coepit.
Euphrosynē, simulatque servum humī iacentem vīdit, eius īram c victimīs sacrificātīs, haruspex ōmina nūntiāvit.
lēnīre temptāvit. d duce interfectō, hostēs dēspērābant.
'nōlī', inquit, “mentem tuam vexāre. rēs adversās aequō mentem: mēns mind e mercātor, clāmōribus audītīs, ē lectō perterritus surrēxit.
animō ferre dēbēmus. nōbīs crās reveniendum est.' 25 aequō animō calmly, with a f clientēs, iānuā clausā, invītī discessērunt.
calm mind
4 In each of the examples above, the participle in the ablative absolute phrase is
a perfect passive participle. Ablative absolute phrases can also be formed with
present participles. For example:

omnibus tacentibus, lībertus nōmina recitāvit.

With everyone being quiet, the freedman read out the names.
Or, in more natural English:
When everyone was quiet, the freedman read out the names.

Further examples:

a custōdibus dormientibus, captīvī effūgērunt.

b pompā per viās prōcēdente, spectātōrēs vehementer plausērunt.
c Imperātor, sacerdōtibus adstantibus, precēs dīvō Titō obtulit.

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5 Ablative absolute phrases can also be formed with perfect active participles. For 4 The words in bold type in the following sentences are derived from Latin
example: compound verbs. Explain the link between the Latin verbs and their English
dominō ēgressō, servī garrīre coepērunt. derivatives.
With the master having gone out, the slaves began to chatter. a Salvius was hoping to avert the anger of Haterius.
Or, in more natural English: b Many philosophers are circumspect and consider all possibility seriously.
After the master had gone out, the slaves began to chatter. c An induction period is advisable in nay new job.
Further examples:
a mercātōre profectō, rēs dīra accidit. Practising the language
b nūntiīs ā Britanniā regressīs, imperātor senātōrēs arcessīvit.
c cōnsule haec locūtō, omnēs cīvēs attonitī erant. 1 Complete each sentence with the right form of the verb. Then translate the sentence.
Note that the tense of the verb changes after sentence c.
a ōlim multī leōnēs in Āfricā . . . . . . . . . . . (captus est, captī sunt)
b ecce! ille senex ā latrōnibus . . . . . . . . . . . (vulnerātus est, vulnerātī sunt)
Word patterns: compound verbs 2 c Haterius ā clientibus . . . . . . . . . . .(salūtātus est, salūtātī sunt)
d mīlitēs in ōrdinēs longōs ā centuriōnibus . . . . . . . . . . . (īnstrūctus erat, īnstrūctī erant)
1 Study the following verbs and their translations, and fill in the gaps in the table: e cīvēs spectāculō . . . . . . . . . . . (dēlectātus erat, dēlectātī erant)
f taurus ā sacerdōte . . . . . . . . . . . (ēlēctus erat, ēlēctī erant)
īre abīre circumīre inīre
2 Translate each sentence. Then change the words in bold type from singular to plural.
to go to go away to go around ..........
Use the table of nouns on pp. 114-15 to help you.
dūcere abdūcere .......... .......... a mīles perfidus amīcum dēseruit.
to lead .......... to lead round to lead in b dux virtūtem legiōnis laudāvit.
c Imperātor multōs honōrēs lībertō dedit.
d iūdex epistulam testī trādidit.
ferre auferre circumferre ..........
e poēta librum manū tenuit.
(originally abferre)
f puella, flōre dēlectāta, suāviter rīsit.
to carry, bring to carry away .......... .......... g barbarī vīllam agricolae incendērunt.
h rēx pecūniam mātrī puerī reddidit.
2 Give the meaning of the following compound verbs:
3 Complete each sentence with the most suitable word from the list below. Then translate the
abicere . . . . . . . . . . abesse . . . . . . . . . . āvertere .......... sentence.
circumstāre . . . . . . . . . . circumvenīre . . . . . . . . . . circumspectāre . . . . . . . . . .
portābantur verbīs vītārent adeptī morbō abēgisset
īnfundere . . . . . . . . . . immittere . . . . . . . . . . irrumpere ..........
a puerī in fossam dēsiluērunt ut perīculum . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Translate the following sentences, paying particular attention to the compound verbs: b Haterius, . . . . . . . . . . Salviī dēceptus, cōnsēnsit.
c multae amphorae in triclīnium . . . . . . . . . . .
a fabrī puellam circumvēnērunt, verba scurrīlia clāmantēs.
d senex, . . . . . . . . . . gravī afflīctus, medicum arcessīvit.
b cēnā parātā, servī vīnum in pocula īnfūdērunt.
e praecō, cum Euphrosynēn servumque . . . . . . . . . ., iānuam clausit.
c clientēs, dēnāriīs raptīs, abiērunt ut cibum emerent.
f clientēs, sportulam . . . . . . . . . ., abiērunt.

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About the language 2: nē The city of Rome

1 In Stage 27, you met examples of indirect commands Rome grew up in a very unplanned and unsystematic way, quite
used with ut: different from the neat grid-pattern of other Roman towns. It was
also an extremely crowded city, with a population of approximately
imperāvit nūntiīs ut redīrent.
1,000,000 people crammed into a small area.
He ordered the messengers that they should return.
The city was bounded on the western side by the river Tiber.
Or, in more natural English:
Ships brought goods from the coastal port of Ostia and from the
He ordered the messengers to return.
interior of Italy to the docks and riverside markets. Further upstream,
2 From Stage 29 onwards, you have met examples of beyond the wharves and warehouses, the river was divided for a
indirect commands used with the word nē: short stretch by the Tiber Island (Īnsula Tiberīna,). This elongated
island, shown below and on p. 42, had been built up to look like a
imperāvit nūntiīs nē redīrent.
ship sailing the river, complete with an ornamental prow (rōstrum);
He ordered the messengers that they should not return.
it contained a temple of Aesculapius, the god of healing, to which
Or, in more natural English:
many invalids came in hope of a cure.
He ordered the messengers not to return.

Further examples:
a haruspex iuvenem monuit nē nāvigāret.
b fēminae mīlitēs ōrāvērunt nē līberōs interficerent.
c mercātor amīcō persuāsit nē gemmās vēnderet.
d cūr vōbīs imperāvit nē vīllam intrārētis?

3 You have also met sentences in which nē is used with a

purpose clause: Rome’s docklands.
Above: A wharf with arched
senex pecūniam cēlāvit nē fūrēs eam invenīrent.
chambers for storing goods in
The old man hid the money so that the thieves would
not find it.
Below: A Roman rubbish heap
that still stands 30 metres
The old man hid the money in case the thieves should
find it.
The old man hid the money to prevent the thieves
finding it. Above: The Tiber, looking north,
with the Island, centre, and Roman
Further examples: bridges.
Left: One of the Tiber riverboats,
a per viās celeriter contendēbāmus nē ad arcum
the Isis Giminiana, loading corn at
tardius advenīrēmus.
Ostia to be taken to Rome. Her
b in fossā latēbam nē hostēs mē cōnspicerent.
master, Farnaces, superintends the
c imperātor multum frūmentum ab Aegyptō
measuring of the corn from his
importāvit nē cīvēs famē perīrent.
place at the stern.
d servī ē fundō effūgērunt nē poenās darent.

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Central features of Rome 'We hurry on, but the way is blocked; there is a tidal wave of
(1st century AD). people in front, and we’re pushed and prodded from behind.
One man digs me with his elbow, another with the pole of a
litter; somebody catches me on the head with a plank, and
somebody else with a wine-barrel. My legs are plastered
with mud, large feet trample on me from every side, and a
soldier is sticking the nail of his boot in my toe.'
Many rich and aristocratic Romans settled in the district of the
Esquiline hill, which lay to the east of the Subura. Here they could
enjoy peace and seclusion in huge mansions, surrounded by
colonnaded gardens and landscaped parks which contrasted very
sharply with the Subura’s slums and crowded tenement blocks. In the
stories of Book IV, Haterius’ house, where Euphrosyne’s journey
ended, is imagined as being on the Esquiline.

In the Subura, Euphrosyne

would have passed stalls
selling poultry, rabbits and
In the story on p. 42, Euphrosyne and her slave disembark vegetables (the monkeys
were probably pets, not Two views of a prestigious
near the Tiber Island and then move off north-eastwards. Their
food). There were also shopping development in Rome,
route could have taken them round the lower slopes of the
Capitol and through the Forum Romanum (described in Stage blacksmiths’ shops (below). built by the Emperor Trajan. Most
29), passing the Palatine hill where of the Subura streets were much
the Emperor Domitian had his more ramshackle.
palace. In the large picture, we are
Euphrosyne and her slave inside a shop, looking across the
would then have continued through street towards two more. The one
the Subura, a densely populated opposite has a window above the
district north of the Forum, full of shop doorway to light the shop
shops and large blocks of flats after the shutters were closed; the
(īnsulae). Its inhabitants were shopkeeper would probably live
mostly poor and some very poor there. Above that is the arched
indeed; they included barbers,
support for a balcony belonging to
shoemakers, butchers, weavers,
the flat above – the block is several
blacksmiths, vegetable sellers,
prostitutes and thieves. Several storeys high.
Roman writers refer to the Subura, In the shop on this side we can
and give a vivid impression of its see the groove to hold the shutters,
noise, its dirt and its crowds. The and also two square holes (left) for
following passage from Juvenal the bars that held the shutters in
describes a street which might place.
easily be in the Subura:

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Among the well-known landmarks of Rome were the Circus Maximus

(south of the Palatine), where chariot races were held, the Colosseum (see
p. 37), which lay between the Esquiline and the eastern end of the Sacred
Way, and the Campus Martius on the western side of the city, formerly an
army training area and place for assemblies. It still provided some much
needed open space for the general population, but was increasingly built
upon in the time of the emperors.

People's palaces Above: Here and there in modern

Rome, remains of the ancient
aqueduct system can still be seen,
Left: The interior of the Colosseum. The dwarfing the houses. Compare the
animal cages and machinery below were aqueduct on the right-hand side of
originally hidden by a wooden floor spread the picture on p. 1.
with sand.
Left: An aqueduct approaching
Rome. It carried two water
Below: The Circus Maximus, with
channels, one above the other.
Domitian's palace on the Palatine
overlooking it on the left. You can see the
central 'spine' of the circus round which the
chariots raced - it has a tree planted at the
nearer end.
Crossing the city in various directions were the aqueducts, which
brought water into the city at the rate of 900 million litres a day. The
houses of the rich citizens were usually connected to this supply by
means of pipes which brought water directly into their storage tanks;
the poorer people had to collect their fresh water from public
fountains on street corners. The city also possessed a very advanced
system of drains and sewers: a complicated network of underground
channels carried sewage and waste water from the larger private
houses, public baths, fountains and lavatories to the central drain
(Cloāca Maxima), which emptied into the Tiber.
There were many hazards and discomforts for the inhabitants of
Rome. As we have seen in Stage 30 (p. 36), fires were frequent and
the insulae in the slums were often badly built and liable to collapse.
The overcrowding and congestion in the streets have already been
mentioned above; wheeled traffic was banned from the city centre
during the hours of daylight, but blockages were still caused by the
wagons of builders like Haterius, which were exempt from the ban.
Disease was an ever-present danger in the overcrowded poorer
quarters; crime and violence were commonplace in the unlit streets at
night. Rome was a city of contrasts, in which splendour and squalor
were often found side by side; it could be both an exciting and an
unpleasant place to live.

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Patronage food and wine: a superior quality for themselves and their close
friends, and a poor one for the clients. Some patrons did this to save
The story on pp. 44-6 shows an aspect of Roman society known as money, others to make it clear that they regarded their clients as
patronage, in which a patron (patrōnus) gave help and protection to inferiors.
others less rich or powerful than himself, and they performed various In return for this help a patron would expect his clients not only
services for him in return. to attend the salutatio, but also to perform various tasks and errands
There were many different types of patronage: for example, the for him. For example, he might require some of them to escort him
emperor regularly nominated a senator to be one of the next year’s when he went to the Forum on official business, or to witness the
consuls; a rich businessman would introduce a merchant to some useful
signing of a legal document, or to lead the applause if he made a
contacts; a poet’s patron would arrange for the poet to recite his work to
public speech in court or elsewhere, or to help him at election time.
an audience, or provide him with money or presents, sometimes on a
It seems likely that for many clients their duties were not difficult
very generous scale. In each case, the patron would expect not only
gratitude but service in return. A poet, for example, would praise the but could be very boring and time-consuming.
patron in his poetry; the Romans would regard this not as sickly flattery, Both patrons and clients had something to gain from the system.
but as a normal and proper thing to do. The government did not provide any state assistance, apart from
The letters written by Pliny often give us glimpses of patronage in distributions of free grain or occasionally money to a limited
operation. Once, when Pliny was asked to speak in a case in court, he number of citizens, and so a patron might be a client’s chief means
agreed on condition that a young friend of his, who had plenty of ability of support. The main advantage for the patron was that he was able
but had not yet had any chance to show how good he was, should be to call on the services of his clients when he needed them; and to
allowed to make a speech too. And when Pliny’s friend Erucius stood as have a large number of clients was good for his prestige and status.
an election candidate, Pliny wrote to an influential ex-consul (and no One special type of patron-client relationship (which we shall
doubt to other people too), asking him to support Erucius and persuade see more of in Stage 34) should be mentioned: the relationship
others to do the same. Pliny was also patron of his home town Comum between ex-master and his former slave. When a slave was set free,
in north Italy, and of the little town of Tifernum-on-Tiber. He gave
he automatically became a client of his ex-master, and his ex-
generous gifts of buildings and money to both places.
But the commonest type of patronage was the type illustrated on pp. master became his patron. The word patrōnus is sometimes used
44-6, in which the patron looked after a number of poorer people who with the meaning ‘ex-master’ as well as the meaning ‘patron’.
depended on him for support or employment. They were known as One man could be the patron of another who in turn was the
clients (clientēs). A client was expected to present himself at his patron’s patron of somebody else. The diagram on the right shows how
house each day for the salūtātiō or early morning ceremony of greeting, several people could be lined by patronage.
at which he hoped to receive a gift known as the sportula. In the past, The emperor had no patron. He was the most powerful patron of
the sportula had consisted of a little basket of food, but by Domitian’s all.
time it was normally money; the standard amount was fixed by custom
at 6.25 sesterces. A client was expected to dress formally in a toga for
the salutatio. He also had to address his patron as domine; the poet Just as Pliny was patron of his
Martial complains that when he once forgot to do this, the patron home town, so Holconius Rufus
punished him by giving him no sportula. was patron of Pompeii.
In addition to the sportula, the client might receive help of other
kinds from his patron. His patron might advise him if he was in trouble,
give him occasional presents, perhaps find him employment or speak on
his behalf in court. Occasionally clients might be invited to dinner at
their patron’s house. At these dinners, as we know from the angry
comments of several Roman writers, some patrons served two different
qualities of
The patronage system.

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Vocabulary checklist 31
altus, alta, altum high, deep
ante before, in front of
cōnsistō, cōnsistere, cōnstitī halt, stand one’s ground
dux, ducis leader
frūmentum, frūmentī grain
haudquāquam not at all
īdem, eadem, idem the same
identidem repeatedly
nē that not, so that . . . not
neglegō, neglegere, neglēxī,
neglēctus neglect, ignore, disregard
ōrō, ōrāre, ōrāvī beg
prōgressus, prōgressa,
prōgressum having advanced
rapiō, rapere, rapuī, raptus seize, grab
scindō, scindere, scidī, scissus tear, tear up
spērō, spērāre, spērāvī hope, expect
superbus, superba, superbum arrogant, proud
tempus, temporis time
undique on all sides, from all sides
vehō, vehere, vexī, vectus carry
vinciō, vincīre, vīnxī, vīnctus bind, tie up
volvō, volvere, volvī, volūtus turn, roll
vultus, vultūs expression, face

This large stone disk is the Bocca della

Verità, or Mouth of Truth. It is said
that if you put your hand in the mouth
and tell a lie, the mouth will close and
crush your hand. But originally it was a
Roman sewer cover, probably from the
Cloaca Maxima.

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3 Euphrosynē, septem continuōs diēs ā praecōne

abācta, dēnique in Graeciam redīre cōnstituit.
1 postrīdiē Euphrosynē domum Hateriī
hōc cōnsiliō captō, ad flūmen Tiberim ut nāvem
regressa est. iterum tamen praecō eam verbīs
cōnscenderet profecta est.
dūrīs abēgit.
abācta: abigere drive away
regressa est returned
profecta est set out

2 servus eam hortātus est ut praecōnem dōnīs 4 eōdem diē quō Euphrosynē discēdere cōnstituit,
corrumperet; sed Euphrosynē ab eiusmodī celebrābat Haterius diem nātālem.
ambitiōne abhorruit. grātulātiōnibus clientium acceptīs, ōtiōsus in
hortō sedēbat. subitō Eryllus hortum ingressus
hortātus est urged est.
dōnīs corrumperet: dōnīs corrumpere bribe
eiusmodī of that kind ingressus est entered
ambitiōne: ambitiō bribery, corruption

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Euphrosynē revocāta revocāta: revocāre recall, call

praecō: ignōsce mihi, Euphrosynē doctissima! nōlī
discēdere! necesse est tibi domum Hateriī mēcum
I prōcēdere.
Euphrosynē: cūr mē revocās? odiō sunt omnēs philosophī

Eryllus, cum hortum intrāvisset, Haterium verbīs blandīs adlocūtus adlocūtus est addressed,spoke Hateriō, ut tū ipse dīxistī. Athēnās igitur nunc
est. to redeō. valē!
Eryllus: domine! omnia quae mandāvistī parāta sunt. centum
deinde praecō, effūsīs lacrimīs, eam identidem ōrāvit nē discēderet.
amīcī et clientēs ad cēnam invītātī sunt. iussī
diū Euphrosynē perstitit; dēnique, precibus lacrimīsque eius effūsīs lacrimīs with tears
coquum cibum sūmptuōsum parāre, cellāriumque 5
commōta, domum Hateriī regressa est. 20 pouring out, bursting into
vīnum Falernum veterrimum praebēre. nihil vīnum Falernum Falernian
neglēctum est. tears
wine (a very expensive wine)
Haterius: nōnne petauristāriōs vel saltātrīcēs condūxistī? veterrimum: vetus old
hercle! quam ā petauristāriīs dēlector! petauristāriōs: petauristārius
Eryllus: quid dīcis, domine? hominēs eiusmodī cīvibus 10 acrobat
urbānīs nōn placent. nunc philosophīs favet optimus vel or
quisque. optimus quisque all the best
Haterius: īnsānīs, Erylle! nam philosophī sunt senēs sevērī. nec people (literally each excellent
saltāre nec circulōs trānsilīre possunt. person)
Eryllus: at domine, aliquid melius quam philosophum 15 sevērī: sevērus severe, strict
adeptus sum. mē enim auctōre, philosopha nec … nec neither … nor
quaedam, puella pulcherrima, hūc invītāta est. ā circulōs: circulus hoop
Chrȳsogonō Athēnīs missa est. trānsilīre jump through
Haterius: philosopham mīsit Chrȳsogonus? optimē fēcistī, at but
Erylle! philosopham nē Imperātor quidem habet. sed 20 adeptus sum I have obtained
ubi est haec philosopha quam adeptus es? mē … auctōre at my suggestion
Eryllus: iamdūdum eam anxius exspectō. fortasse iste
praecō, homō summae stultitiae, eam nōn admīsit.
quaedam: quīdam a certain
iamdūdum for a long time cēna Hateriī
Haterius: arcesse hūc praecōnem! nōnā hōrā amīcī clientēsque, quōs Haterius invītāverat ut sēcum

II diem nātālem celebrārent, triclīnium ingrediēbantur. inter eōs

aderant fīliī lībertōrum quī humilī locō nātī magnās opēs adeptī
ingrediēbantur were entering

ubi praecō ingressus est, Haterius rogāvit utrum philosopham utrum … necne whether … or erant. aderant quoque nōnnūllī senātōrēs quī inopiā oppressī inopiā: inopia poverty
abēgisset necne. poenās maximās eī minātus est. praecō, verbīs not favōrem Hateriī petēbant. 5 proximus next to
dominī perterritus, palluit; tōtā rē nārrātā, veniam ōrāvit. proximus Hateriō recumbēbat T. Flāvius Sabīnus cōnsul, vir adloquēbātur was addressing
praecō: domine, ignōsce mihi! nesciēbam quantum tū summae auctōritātis. spē favōris, Haterius Sabīnum blandīs et dentēs: dēns tooth
philosophīs favērēs. illa philosopha, quam ignārus 5 mollibus verbīs adloquēbātur. ipse ānulōs gerēbat aureōs quī spīnā: spīna toothpick
abēgī, ad flūmen profecta est ut nāvem minātus est threatened gemmīs fulgēbant; dentēs spīnā argenteā perfodiēbat. perfodiēbat: perfodere pick
cōnscenderet. ignōsce: ignōscere forgive intereā duo Aethiopes triclīnium ingrediēbantur. lancem 10 lancem: lānx dish
Haterius: abī statim, caudex! festīnā ad Tiberim! nōlī ingentem ferēbant, in quā positus erat aper tōtus. statim coquus, aper boar
umquam revenīre nisi cum philosophā! Euphrosynēn Greek accusative quī Aethiopas in triclīnium secūtus erat, ad lancem prōgressus secāret: secāre carve
domō ēgressus, praecō per viās contendit. ad flūmen cum advēnisset, 10 of Euphrosynē est ut aprum secāret. aprō perītē sectō, multae avēs statim avēs: avis bird
Euphrosynēn in nāvem cōnscēnsūram cōnspexit. magnā vōce eam cōnscēnsūram: cōnscēnsūrus ēvolāvērunt, suāviter pīpiantēs. hospitēs, cum vīdissent quid pīpiantēs: pīpiāre chirp
appellāvit. Euphrosynē, nōmine audītō, cōnstitit. about to go on board
coquus parāvisset, eius artem vehementer laudāvērunt. quā rē 15 titulōs: titulus label
dēlectātus, Haterius servīs imperāvit ut amphorās vīnī Falernī īnfīxī erant: īnfīgere fasten
īnferrent. amphorīs inlātīs, cellārius titulōs quī īnfīxī erant onto

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magnā vōce recitāvit, 'Falernum Hateriānum, vīnum centum Hateriānum: Hateriānus

annōrum!' tum vīnum in pōcula servī īnfundere coepērunt. belonging to Haterius 3 Further examples:
hospitibus laetissimē bibentibus, poposcit Haterius silentium. 20 īnfundere pour into a spectātōrēs dē arcū novō loquēbantur.
rīdēns digitīs concrepuit. signō datō appāruērunt in līmine duo digitīs: digitus finger b captīvus effugere cōnātus est.
tubicinēs. tubās vehementer īnflāvērunt. tum Eryllus concrepuit: concrepāre snap, c sacerdōs ē templō ēgrediēbātur.
Euphrosynēn in triclīnium dūxit. hospitēs, simulatque eam click d fabrī puellam cōnspicātī sunt.
vīdērunt, fōrmam eius valdē admīrātī sunt. fōrmam: fōrma beauty, e sequēbāntur; ingressus est; precātur; regrediuntur; profectī erant; suspicātus
Haterius rīdēns Euphrosynēn rogāvit ut sēcum in lectō 25 appearance erat.
cōnsīderet. deinde hospitēs adlocūtus est. admīrātī sunt admired
'haec puella', inquit glōriāns, 'est philosopha doctissima, glōriāns boasting, boastfully 4 You have already met the perfect participles of several deponent verbs. For example:
nōmine Euphrosynē. iussū meō hūc vēnit Athēnīs, ubi habitant
philosophī nōtissimī. illa nōbīs dīligenter audienda est.' adeptus having obtained
tum ad eam conversus, 30 hortātus having encouraged
'nōbīs placet, mea Euphrosynē', inquit, 'ā tē aliquid regressus having returned
philosophiae discere.'
Compare them with the perfect participles of some ordinary verbs (i.e. verbs
which are not deponent):
About the language 1: deponent verbs deponent regular
adeptus having obtained dēceptus having been deceived
1 Study the following examples:
hortātus having encouraged laudātus having been praised
clientēs pecūniam raperecōnābantur. praecā tandem locūtus est.
regressus having returned missus having been sent
The clients were trying to grab the money. At last the herald spoke.
Notice that:
Notice the form and meaning of the words in bold type. Each verb has a passive the deponent perfect participle has an active meaning;
ending (-bantur, -tus est) but an active meaning (they were trying, he spoke). Verbs of the regular perfect participle has a passive meaning.
this kind are known as deponent verbs.
5 Give the meanings of the following perfect participles from deponent and ordinary
2 Study the following forms of two common deponent verbs: verbs:
present deponent regular
cōnātur s/he tries loquitur s/he speaks
cōnspicātus portātus
cōnāntur they try loquuntur they speak
ingressus iussus
profectus afflīctus
cōnābatur s/he was trying loquēbatur s/he was speaking
cōnābantur they were trying loquēbantur they were speaking locūtus audītus
cōnātus vulnerātus
cōnātus est he (has) tried locūtus est he spoke, he has spoken
cōnāti sunt they (have) tried locūti sunt they spoke, they have spoken
cōnātus erat he had tried locūtus erat he had spoken A model of rich people’s houses
cōnāti erant they had tried locūti erant they had spoken in their parks and gardens.
Haterius would have lived in a
similar mansion.

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philosophia philosophia philosophy

'ēn Rōmānī, dominī orbis terrārum, ventris Venerisque servī!'
quibus verbīs dictīs, ad flūmen Tiberim ut nāvem quaereret
orbis terrārum world
Veneris: Venus Venus
Euphrosynē hospitēs, quī avidē spectābant, sīc adlocūta est: profecta est. (goddess of love)
'prīmum, fābula brevis mihi nārranda est. ōlim fuit homō
pauper quī fundum parvum, uxōrem optimam, līberōs
cārissimōs habēbat. strēnuē in fundō labōrāre solēbat ut sibi
suīsque cibum praebēret.' 5 suīs: suī his family
'scīlicet īnsānus erat', exclāmāvit Apollōnius, quī erat homō scīlicet obviously Questions
ignāvissimus. 'nēmō nisi īnsānus labōrat.'
cui respondit Euphrosynē vōce serēnā, 1 Why was Euphrosyne’s philosophy lecture a failure?
'omnibus autem labōrandum est. etiam eī quī spē favōris 2 Look again at Euphrosyne’s remark “ille pauper … rē vērā fēlīx erat” (lines
cēnās magistrātibus dant, rē vērā labōrant.' 10 rē vērā in fact, truly 28–29). Was Haterius right to suggest that this is a stupid remark? Or does it
quō audītō, Haterius ērubuit; cēterī, verbīs Euphrosynēs Euphrosynēs Greek genitive of have some point?
obstupefactī, tacēbant. deinde Euphrosynē Euphrosynē 3 ēn Rōmānī … servī (line 46). What experiences at Haterius’ dinner party led
'pauper', inquit, 'nec nimium edēbat nec nimium bibēbat. in edēbat: edere eat Euphrosyne to make this comment?
omnibus vītae partibus temperāns esse cōnābātur.' temperāns temperate, self-
L. Baebius Crispus senātor exclāmāvit, 15 controlled
'scīlicet avārus erat! ille pauper nōn laudandus est nōbīs sed
culpandus. Haterius noster tamen maximē laudandus est quod culpandus: culpāre blame
amīcīs sūmptuōsās cēnās semper praebet.' About the language 2: more on gerundives
huic Baebiī sententiae omnēs plausērunt. Haterius, plausū plausū: plausus applause
audītō, oblītus philosophiae servīs imperāvit ut plūs vīnī 20 oblītus having forgotten 1 In Stage 26, you met the gerundive used in sentences like this:
hospitibus offerrent. Euphrosynē tamen haec addidit:
'at pauper multōs cāsūs passus est. uxōrem enim et līberōs cāsūs: cāsus misfortune mihi currendum est.
āmīsit, morbō gravissimō afflīctōs; fundum āmīsit, ā I must run.
mīlitibus dīreptum; postrēmō ipse, inopiā oppressus et in
servitūtem abductus, lībertātem āmīsit. nihilōminus, quia 25 abductus: abdūcere lead away 2 In Stage 32, you have met more sentences containing gerundives. For example:
Stōicus erat, rēs adversās semper aequō animō patiēbātur. Stōicus Stoic (believer in Stoic
tandem senectūte labōribusque cōnfectus, tranquillē mortuus philosophy) mihi fābula nārranda est.
est. ille pauper, quem hominēs miserrimum exīstimābant, rē patiēbātur suffered, endured I must tell a story.
vērā fēlīx erat.' senectūte: senectūs old age
Haterius attonitus 'num fēlīcem eum exīstimās', inquit, 'quī 30 tranquillē peacefully Compare this with another way of expressing the same idea:
tot cāsūs passus est?' exīstimābant: exīstimāre
sed priusquam Euphrosynē eī respondēret, cōnsul think, consider necesse est mihi fābulam nārrāre.
Sabīnus priusquam before
'satis philosophiae!' inquit. 'age, mea Euphrosynē, dā mihi immo or rather 3 Further examples:
ōsculum, immo ōscula multa.' 35
Rabīrius Maximus tamen, quī cum haec audīvisset ēbrius 1 mihi epistula scrībenda est.
surrēxit, 2 tibi testāmentum faciendum est.
'sceleste', inquit, 'nōlī eam tangere!' 3 nōbīs Haterius vīsitandus est.
haec locūtus, pōculum vīnō plēnum in ōs Sabīnī iniēcit. 4 coquō cēna paranda est.
statim rēs ad pugnam vēnit. pōcula iaciēbantur; mēnsae 40 5 mihi dignitās servanda est.
ēvertēbantur; togae scindēbantur. aliī Sabīnō, aliī Rabīriō 6 tibi puella in vīllam admittenda est.
subveniēbant. Haterius hūc illūc currēbat; discordiam discordiam: discordia strife
compōnere frūstrā cōnābātur. compōnere settle
Euphrosynē autem, ad iānuam triclīniī vultū serēnō
prōgressa, hospitēs pugnantēs ita adlocūta est: 45

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Word patterns: verbs and nouns The gender of some of the verbs in bold type is given after the word.

2 a nautae nāvem (f.) . . . . . . . . . . comparāvērunt. (optimus)

1 As you have already seen in Stage 26, some verbs and nouns are closely
b coquus īram dominī . . . . . . . . . . timēbat. (crūdēlis)
connected. Here are further examples:
c mercātor, itinere (n.) . . . . . . . . . . fessus, in rīpā flūminis cōnsēdit. (longus)
verb fourth declension noun d senex testāmentum amīcō . . . . . . . . . . mandāvit. (fidēlis)
lūgēre to lament lūctus grief e centuriō verba uxōris . . . . . . . . . . neglēxit. (īrātus)
metuere to fear metus fear f saxa (n.) . . . . . . . . . . ad arcum ā fabrīs trahēbantur. (gravis)
currere to run cursus track, course g subitō vōcēs mīlitum . . . . . . . . . . audīvimus. (noster)
h Euphrosynē hospitibus . . . . . . . . . . statim respondit. (īnsolēns)
Put the following words into four verb and noun pairs. Then translate them. 3 In each pair of sentences, translate the first sentence; then change it from a
plausus, sonitus, cōnspicere, cantus, sonāre, cantāre, cōnspectus, plaudere. direct command to an indirect command by completing the second sentence
with an imperfect subjunctive. Then translate the second sentence.
2 The following nouns are connected with verbs you already know. Match them
with the correct Enlish translation. For example: pontem incende!
centuriō mīlitī imperāvit ut pontem incender . . . .
Latin: exitus, monitus, cōnsēnsus, reditus
Translated and completed, this becomes:
English: return, way out, agreement, warning.
3 From the box choose the correct Latin words to translate the words in bold type pontem incende!
in the following sentences: Burn the bridge down!
centuriō mīlitī imperāvit ut pontem incenderet.
rīsus rīdēre mōtus adventus advenīre movēre
The centurion ordered the soldier to burn the bridge down.
a The motion of the crane made Salvius feel sick.
b Haterius tried not to smile. The forms of the imperfect subjunctive are given on p. 128.
c the arrival of the emperor was eagerly awaited.
a pecūniam cēlāte!
mercātor amīcōs monuit ut pecūniam cēlār. . . .
b arcum mihi ostende!
puer patrem ōrāvit ut arcum sibi ostender. . . .
c iānuam aperīte!
Practising the language imperātor nōbīs imperāvit ut iānuam aperīr. . . .
d nōlīte redīre!
nūntius barbarīs persuāsit nē redīr. . . .
1 Complete each sentence by describing the word in bold type with the correct
form of the adjective in brackets. Use paragraphs 1 and 2 on p. 116 to help you. In sentences e and f, turn the direct command into an indirect command by
Then translate the sentence. adding the necessary words to the second sentence:

For example: clientēs patrōnum . . . . . . . . . . laudāvērunt. (līberālis) e cēnam optimam parāte!

dominus servīs imperāvit ut . . . . . . . . . . .
Answer: clientēs patrōnum līberālem laudāvērunt. f epistulam scrībe!
The clients praised their generous patron. frāter mihi persuāsit . . . . . . . . . . .

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About the language 3: future participles Roman society

This diagram shows one way of
1 Study the following examples: dividing up Roman soceity:
nunc ego quoque moritūrus sum.
Now I, too, am about to die.
nēmō sciēbat quid Haterius factūrus esset.
Nobody knew what Haterius was going to do.
praecō puellam vīdit, nāvem cōnscēnsūram.
The herald saw the girl about to go on board ship.

The words in bold type are future participles.

2 Further examples:
a nunc ego vōbīs cēnam splendidam datūrus sum. At the top of the pyramid is the emperor. Below him are the men of
b mīlitēs in animō volvēbant quid centuriō dictūrus esset. the senatorial class or senātōrēs. Memberhship of this group was
c hospitēs Haterium rogāvērunt num Euphrosynē saltātūra esset. generally by inheritance (in other words, members’ sons were
d custōdēs fūrēs cēpērunt, pecūniam ablātūrōs. automatically qualified to become members themselves); membership
3 Compare the future participle with the perfect passive participle: could also be given to an individual by the emperor as a special
privilege. A man who was in the senatorial class had the opportunity
perfect passive participle future participle to follow a political career which could lead (if he were good enough
portātus portātūrus or had influence with the emperor) to high positions such as the
having been carried about to carry command of a legion, the consulship, or the governorship of a
province. Both Agricola and Salvius are examples of men who
doctus doctūrus
reached high positions of this kind.
having been taught about to teach
Members of the senatorial class also possessed various privileges
tractus tractūrus to emphasise their status: they wore a broad purple stripe on their
having been dragged about to drag tunics, sat in special places reserved for them at public ceremonies
audītus audītūrus and entertainments, and were eligible for special honours such as
having been heard about to hear certain priesthoods. To retain their membership, however, men of the
senatorial class had to possess 1,000,000 sesterces in money or
property. Occasionally a senatorial family’s wealth dropped below the
1,000,000-sesterce line. When this happened, the members of the
family, like the senators at the party on p. 63, were in danger of being
expelled from the senatorial class by the ‘censors’, who had the job of The Curia or senate house in the
periodically bringing the membership list up to date. Forum Romanum.

Below the senatorial class are the men of the wealthy equestrian class
or equitēs. They were called equites because, according to legend,
wealthy citizens had been recruited by the early kings of

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Rome to form the cavalry in the army. The qualification for membership of
this class was 400,000 sesterces. The equites could follow a career in
Astrology, philosophy and
government if they wished, at a rather humbler level than the senatorial other beliefs
career; they might, for example, command an auxiliary unit in the army or
supervise a province’s financial affairs. If they were exceptionally able or Many Romans were content with the official state religion and its rituals of
lucky, they might rise to the highest positions in an equestrian career, such prayer, divination and sacrifice, described in Stage 23. Some, however,
as the command of the praetorian guard or the governorship of Egypt. Signs found greater satisfaction in other forms of belief, including astrology,
of equestrian status included the wearing of a gold ring, and a narrow stripe philosophy and foreign cults. Many took part in both the state religion and
on the tunic. A number of equites, like Haterius in the stories in Book IV, some other kind of worship, without feeling that there was any conflict
were extremely rich – richer in fact than many senators. Some were offered between the two.
promotion by the emperor into the senatorial class, though not all of them Astrology
chose to accept.
One popular form of belief, which you met
plēbs in Book II, was astrology. Astrologers
Below the equites are the ordinary citizens, or plēbs. As the diagram claimed that the events in a person’s life
indicates, they formed the great mass of the Roman population. Some of were controlled by the stars, and that it was
them earned a reasonably comfortable living as craftsmen or shopkeepers, possible to forecast the future by studying
or ran small businesses. Many depended on casual and irregular the positions and movements of stars and
employment (as porters, for example, or as temporary labourers on building planets. The position of the stars at the time
sites). Others lived in poverty, surviving with the help of their patron or, if of a person’s birth was known as a horoscope
they were resident in Rome, on the public distribution of free grain made by and regarded as particularly important.
the emperor’s officials to some citizens. In general, the plebs were entirely Astrology was officially disapproved of,
excluded from positions of power and prestige. A few, however, through especially if people used it to try to find out
hard work or luck or their patron’s assistance, succeeded in becoming when their relatives or acquaintances were
equites or even (very rarely) reaching the senatorial class. going to die, and from time to time all
astrologers were banished from Rome. (They
were always back again within a few
months.) In particular, it was a serious
offence to enquire about the horoscope of the
emperor. Several emperors, however, were
themselves firm believers in astrology and
kept private astrologers of their own.
A diagram of the heavens, from a
villa at Stabiae, near Pompeii.
A few Romans, especially those who had come into contact with Greek
ideas through education or travel, became interested in philosophy.
Philosophy was concerned with such questions as: ‘What is the world made
of?’ ‘What happens to us after we die?’ ‘What is the right way to live?’ In
Much free grain was distributed particular, a number of Romans were attracted by the philosophy of
to the poor. Here a consignment Stoicism. Stoics believed, like Euphrosyne in the story on pp. 66-7, that the
of grain is being measured. aim in life should be Virtue (right behaviour) rather than Pleasure;

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that a clear conscience, self-reliance and doing one’s duty brought deeper popular in the army. Nevertheless, it was a rather expensive and exclusive
satisfaction than material possessions and self-indulgence. The philosopher religion; those who were initiated seem to have been mainly army officers
Seneca, who taught the Emperor Nero, wrote: (rather than ordinary legionaries) or wealthy businessmen. A number of
Mithraic temples have been discovered, including one in London and
'Virtue is found in temples, in the forum and the senate-house, another at Carrawburgh in Northumberland, close to Hadrian’s Wall.
defending the city walls, covered in dust, burnt by the sun, with Isis-worship and Mithraism both came to Rome from the east, Isis-
hands hardened by toil; Pleasure is found skulking in the worship from Egypt and Mithraism from Persia. From the east, too, came
shadows, lurking in baths and brothels and places which fear the Christianity, which was at first disliked by the Romans and at times was
police, soft, flabby and gutless, soaked in scent and wine, with a fiercely attacked, but eventually became the official religion of the Roman
pale face or painted with cosmetics.' empire. It will be described more fully in Stage 33.
At the time of the stories in Stage 32, the most important Stoic
philosopher in Rome was a Greek named Epictetus. Epictetus had formerly Mithraea
been a slave; the lameness from which he suffered was said to have been
caused by brutal treatment at the hands of his master (the Emperor’s Temples of Mithras were
freedman, Epaphroditus). While still a slave, Epictetus was allowed to constructed to look like caves;
attend philosophy lectures, and when he was freed he became a philosophy the one on the left is in Rome.
teacher himself and attracted large audiences. Banqueting couches line the two
Stoics tended to disapprove of one-man rule, and to prefer the idea of a Euphrosyne is fictional. Most sides and there is a relief
republic. They did not think supreme political power should be passed on philosophers were male, as showing the god slaying the bull.
by inheritance from one ruler to the next, and they thought a ruler should Haterius said in the story. Their Below is an artist's
aim to benefit all his subjects, not just a few. As a result of this, at various portraits show rather forbidding reconstruction of a ceremony in
times during the first century, a number of Roman Stoics challenged the characters, like Chrysippos, one progress
power of the emperor, opposed him in the Senate, or even plotted to kill of the early Stoics, below.
him. Their efforts were unsuccessful, and they were punished by exile or


Some Romans became followers of foreign cults, especially those that

involved dramatic initiation ceremonies or offered hope of life after death.
One such cult was the religion of Isis, whose ritual was described in Stage
19. Another was Mithraism, or Mithras-worship. Mithras was a god of light
and truth, who triumphed over the forces of evil, and promised life after
death to his followers. His powers were summed up in the story of his chief
exploit: the capture and killing of a mighty bull, whose blood had the power
to give new life. There were seven grades of initiation into Mithraism, each
with its own secret ceremony, involving tests and ordeals of various kinds.
Lying in a pit formed part of one ceremony; branding may have formed part
of another.
Mithraism expected high standards of conduct from its followers; it laid
great stress on courage and loyalty, and became

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Vocabulary checklist 32
adversus, adversa, adversum hostile, unfavorable,
rēs adversae misfortune
aequus, aequa, aequum fair, calm
compōnō, compōnere, composuī,
compositus put together, arrange, settle
cōnātus, cōnāta, cōnātum having tried
convertō, convertere, convertī,
conversus turn
effundō, effundere, effūdī,
effūsus pour out
ignōscō, ignōscere, ignōvī forgive
labor, labōris work, labour
lībertās, lībertātis freedom
mēnsa, mēnsae table
nē … quidem not even
nec and not, nor
nec … nec neither … nor
opprimō, opprimere, oppressī,
oppressus crush
ōtiōsus, ōtiōsa, ōtiōsum idle, on holiday
pauper, gen. pauperis poor
profectus, profecta, profectum having set out
quīdam, quaedam, quoddam one, a certain
secūtus, secūta, secūtum having followed
subveniō, subvenīre, subvēnī help, come to help

Mithras slaying the bull,

framed by the zodiac
symbols. A relief from
Roman London.

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1 praecō prīmus: 3 praecō tertius: spectāculum! spectāculum splendidum!

fābula! fābula optima! quīnquāgintā gladiātōrēs in amphitheātrō Flāviō crās pugnābunt.
Paris, pantomīmus nōtissimus, in theātrō crās fābulam aget. multus sanguis fluet.
Myropnous, tībīcen perītissimus, tībiīs cantābit.

in hortō Hateriī fābula agēbātur. Paris, pantomīmus nōtissimus, pantomīmus pantomime actor,
mortem rēgīnae Dīdōnis imitābātur. aderant multī spectātōrēs dancer
quī ā Vitelliā, uxōre Hateriī, invītātī erant. imitābātur was imitating, was
Paris mōtibus ēlegantissimīs aptissimīsque dolōrem rēgīnae miming
morientis imitābātur. cum dēnique quasi mortuus prōcubuisset, 5 mōtibus: mōtus movement
omnēs spectātōrēs admīrātiōne affectī identidem plaudēbant. quasi as if
aliī flōrēs iactābant, aliī Paridem deum appellābant. surrēxit appellābant: appellāre call
Paris ut plausum spectātōrum exciperet.
sed priusquam ille plūra ageret, vir quīdam statūrā brevī statūrā: statūra height
vultūque sevērō prōgressus magnā vōce silentium poposcit. 10
oculīs in eum statim conversīs, spectātōrēs quis esset et quid
vellet rogābant. paucī eum agnōvērunt. Iūdaeus erat, Tychicus
nōmine, cliēns T. Flāviī Clēmentis. Paris ipse fābulā interruptā interruptā: interrumpere
adeō obstupefactus est ut stāret immōtus. omnīnō ignōrābat interrupt
2 praecō secundus:
lūdī! lūdī magnificī! quid Tychicus factūrus esset. 15
duodecim aurīgae in Circō Maximō crās certābunt.
Imperātor ipse victōrī praemium dabit.

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'audīte, ō scelestī!' clāmāvit Tychicus. 'vōs prāvī hunc

hominem tamquam deum adōrātis. sunt tamen nūllī deī praeter
ūnum! ūnus Deus sōlus adōrandus est! hunc Deum vērum quem
praeter except
vērum: vērus true
Christianity originated in the Roman province of Judaea, where
plūrimī ignōrant, nunc vōbīs dēclārō.' dēclārō: dēclārāre declare,
mussitāre coepērunt spectātōrēs. aliī rogāvērunt utrum 20 proclaim Jesus Christ was crucified in about AD 29. It may have reached
Rome during the reign of the Emperor Claudius (AD 41–54). Saint
Tychicus iocōs faceret an īnsānīret; aliī servōs arcessīvērunt quī mussitāre murmur
Paul, who was brought to Rome under arrest in about AD 60, ends
eum ex hortō ēicerent. Tychicus autem perstitit. prophētae: prophēta prophet
one of his letters from Rome by passing on messages of greeting
'Deus, ut prophētae nostrī nōbīs praedīxērunt, homō factus praedīxērunt: praedīcere
from several Christians living in the city, including some who
est et inter nōs habitāvit. aegrōs sānāvit; evangelium foretell, predict
belong to ‘Caesar’s house’ (the household of the emperor).
prōnūntiāvit; vītam aeternam nōbīs pollicitus est. tum in cruce 25 evangelium good news, gospel
The early Christians believed that Jesus not only had risen from
suffīxus, mortuus est et in sepulcrō positus est. sed tertiō diē prōnūntiāvit: prōnūntiāre
the dead and ascended into heaven, but would return again to earth
resurrēxit et vīvus ā discipulīs suīs vīsus est. deinde in caelum proclaim, preach
in the fairly near future, in the way described by Tychicus on page
ascendit, ubi et nunc rēgnat et in perpetuum rēgnābit.' aeternam: aeternus eternal
dum haec Tychicus dēclārat, servī Vitelliae signō datō eum pollicitus est promised 4. The message of Christianity appealed mainly to the poor and
comprehendērunt. domō eum trahēbant magnā vōce 30 cruce: crux cross down-trodden, although it also attracted a few of the wealth and
nobly born.
clāmantem: suffīxus: suffīgere nail, fasten
At first the Romans tended to confuse Christianity with The early Christians sometimes
“mox Dominus noster, rēx glōriae, ad nōs reveniet; ē caelō resurrēxit: resurgere rise again
Judaism. This is not surprising since both religions came from portrayed Christ as a beardless
dēscendet cum sonitū tubārum, magnō numerō angelōrum discipulīs: discipulus disciple,
Judea; also the Christians, like the Jews, believed that there was young man, like some of the Roman
comitante. et vīvōs et mortuōs iūdicābit. nōs Chrīstiānī, sī vītam follower
only one god and refused to acknowledge any other. For this gods. The statue above may show him
pūram vīxerimus et eī crēdiderimus, ad caelum ascendēmus. ibi 35 caelum sky, heaven
reason they were disliked by the Romans; occasionally they were as an adolescent, perhaps debating
semper cum Dominō in pāce aeternā erimus. tū autem, Paris, rēgnat: rēgnāre reign
persecuted. The most famous persecution took place in AD 64 with the priests in the Temple at
fīlius diabolī, nisi vitiīs tuīs dēstiteris, poenās dabis. nūlla erit in perpetuum forever
fuga. nam flammae, ē caelō missae, tē et omnēs scelestōs glōriae: glōria glory under the Emperor Nero, who treated the Christians as scapegoats Jerusalem. The mosaic below, from
dēvorābunt.” angelōrum: angelus angel for the great fire of Rome. They were condemned to be torn to Hinton St Mary in Britain, shows the
pieces by wild beasts, or set alight as human torches. letters X and P behind Christ’s head.
quae cum prōnūntiāvisset, Tychicus multīs verberibus 40 comitante: comitāns
But persecutions like these were not common; the Roman These are the first two letters of
acceptīs domō ēiectus est. spectātōrum plūrimī eum vehementer accompanying
government usually preferred to leave the Christians alone. When 'Christ' in Greek, and were often used
dērīdēbant; paucī tamen, praesertim servī ac lībertī, tacēbant, iūdicābit: iūdicāre judge
Pliny, the Roman governor of Bithynia, asked the Emperor Trajan as a Christian symbol (as on the
quia Chrīstiānī erant ipsī. pūram: pūrus pure
how he ought to deal with people accused of Christianity, Trajan previous page).
erimus shall be
diabolī: diabolus devil
nisi unless
vitiīs: vitium sin ‘They are not to be hunted down: if
verberibus: verber blow they are brought before you and
proved guilty, they must be
punished, but if anyone says that he
is not a Christian and proves it by
saying a prayer to our Roman gods,
he must go free, even if his previous
behaviour has been very

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in aulā Domitiānī
When you have read this part of the story, answer the questions on
the next page.
in scaenā parvā, quae in aulae Domitiānī ātriō exstrūcta erat,
Paris fābulam dē amōre Mārtis et Veneris agēbat. simul pūmiliō, simul at the same time
Myropnous nōmine, tībīcen atque amīcus Paridis, suāviter tībiīs tībīcen pipe player
cantābat. nūllī aderant spectātōrēs nisi Domitia Augusta, uxor tībiīs cantābat: tībiīs cantāre
Imperātōris Domitiānī, quae Paridem inter familiārissimōs suōs 5 play on the pipes
habēbat. oculīs in eō fīxīs fābulam intentē spectābat. tam familiārissimōs: familiāris
mīrābilis, tam perīta ars eius erat ut lacrimās retinēre Domitia close friend
vix posset.
subitō servus, nōmine Olympus, quem Domitia iānuam ātriī
custōdīre iusserat, ingressus est. 10
'domina', inquit, 'ego Epaphrodītum, Augustī lībertum, Augustī lībertum: Augustī
modo cōnspicātus sum trānseuntem āream, decem mīlitibus lībertus freedman of Questions
comitantibus. mox hūc intrābit.' Augustus, freedman of the Marks
quibus verbīs audītīs, Paris ad Domitiam conversus rīsit. emperor
1 in scaenā parvā (line 1). Where had this stage been built? 1
Paris: dēliciae meae! quam fortūnāta es! Epaphrodītus 15
2 What story was Paris performing? 1
ipse, Augustī lībertus, tē vīsitāre cupit.
3 Who was the pipe player supplying the musical accompaniment? Write down
Domitia: (adventū Epaphrodītī commōta) mī Pari, tibi
three things we are told about him. 2
perīculōsum est hīc manēre. odiō es Epaphrodītō! sī
tē apud mē ille invēnerit, poenās certē dabis. iubēbit 4 How many spectators were watching the performance? 1
certē certainly
mīlitēs in carcerem tē conicere. fuge! 20 5 From lines 6–8 pick out:
Paris: cūr fugiendum est? illum psittacum Domitiānī a One group of four words that show Domitia’s attention was focused on
haudquāquam timeō. Paris. 1
Domitia: at ego valdē timeō. nam mihi quoque Epaphrodītus b Another group of words that show she was deeply affected by Paris’ skill
est inimīcus. iussū eius conclāvia mea saepe conclāvia: conclāve room as an actor. 1
īnspiciuntur; epistulae meae leguntur; ancillae meae 25 īnspiciuntur: īnspicere search 6 What had Olympus been ordered to do? 1
cotīdiē interrogantur. potestās eius nōn minor est 7 What news did he bring? 3
quam Imperātōris ipsīus. 8 sī tē … tē conicere (lines 18–20). Explain why Domitia thought it was
Paris: mea columba, dēsine timēre! mē nōn capiet iste dangerous for Paris to stay. 3
homunculus. paulīsper abībō. 9 iussū eius ... interrogantur (lines 24-6). Domitia mentioned three ways in
haec locūtus, columnam proximam celeriter cōnscendit et per 30 compluvium compluvium which Epaphroditus was making life unpleasant for her. What were they? 3
compluvium ēgressus in tēctō sē cēlāvit. Myropnous quoque sē (opening in roof) 10 Where did a Paris and b Myropnous hide? 2
cēlāre cōnstituit. post tapēte quod dē longuriō gravī pendēbat sē tapēte tapestry, wall-hanging 11 While Paris and Myropnous were hiding, where was Domitia? How did she
collocāvit. Domitia contrā, quae quamquam perterrita erat in longuriō: longurius pole try to pretend that everything was normal (lines 33–5)? 1+2
lectō manēbat vultū compositō, Olympō imperāvit ut aliquōs pendēbat: pendēre hang 12 Read lines 14–33 again. What picture have you formed of Paris’ personality?
versūs recitāret. 35 contrā on the other hand Make three different points and refer to these lines to support each of them. 3
compositō: compositus
composed, steady 25

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II About the language 1: future tense

Olympō recitante, ingressus est Epaphrodītus. decem mīlitēs 1 Study the following pair of sentences:
eum comitābantur.
nōlī dēspērāre! amīcus meus tē servābit.
impudēns shameless Don’t give up! My friend will save you.
Epaphrodītus: ubi est iste pantomīmus quem impudēns tū
amās? ubi eum cēlāvistī? servī ad urbem heri iērunt; crās revenient.
Domitia: verba tua nōn intellegō. sōla sum, ut vidēs. hic 5 The slaves went to the city yesterday; they will come back tomorrow.
servus mē versibus dēlectat, nōn Paris. The words in boldface are in the future tense.
Epaphrodītus: (conversus ad mīlitēs) quaerite Paridem! festīnāte!
omnia īnspicite conclāvia! 2 The first and second conjugations form their future tense in the following way:

mīlitēs igitur conclāvia dīligentissimē īnspexērunt, sed frūstrā. first conjugation second conjugation
Paridem nusquam invenīre poterant. 10 portābō I shall carry docēbō I shall teach
portābis you will carry docēbis you will teach
Epaphrodītus: caudicēs! sī Paris effūgerit, vōs poenās dabitis. portābit s/he will carry docēbit s/he will teach
cūr tēctum nōn īnspexistis? ferte scālās! scālās: scālae ladders portābimus we shall carry docēbimus we shall teach
portābitis you will carry docēbitis you will teach
quae cum audīvisset Domitia palluit. Myropnous tamen, quī per portābunt they will carry docēbunt they will teach
tapēte cautē prōspiciēbat, cōnsilium audācissimum cēpit. tapēte 3 The third and fourth conjugations form their future tense in another way:
lēniter manū movēre coepit. mox Epaphrodītus, dum ātrium 15
suspīciōsus circumspectat, mōtum tapētis vīdit. suspīciōsus suspicious third conjugation fourth conjugation
traham I shall drag audiam I shall hear
Epaphrodītus: ecce! movētur tapēte! latebrās Paridis invēnī! latebrās: latebraes hiding-place trahēs you will drag audiēs you will hear
nunc illum capiam. trahet s/he will drag audiet s/he will hear
trahēmus we shall drag audiēmus we shall hear
quibus dictīs, Epaphrodītus ad tapēte cum magnō clāmōre sē sē praecipitāvit: sē trahētis you will drag audiētis you will hear
praecipitāvit. Myropnous haudquāquam perturbātus, ubi 20 praecipitāre hurl oneself trahent they will drag audient they will hear
Epaphrodītus appropinquāvit, tapēte magnā vī dētrāxit. dēcidit perturbātus disturbed, alarmed 4 Further examples:
tapēte, dēcidit longurius. Epaphrodītus, tapētī convolūtus atque dētrāxit: dētrahere pull down
simul longuriō percussus, prōcubuit exanimātus. Myropnous convolūtus: convolvere a crās ad Graeciam nāvigābitis.
exsultāns tībiīs cantāre coepit. entangle b ille mercātor est mendāx; tibi numquam pecūniam reddet.
Domitia, quae sē iam ex pavōre recēperat, ad mīlitēs in 25 c fuge! mīlitēs tē in carcerem conicient!
ātrium cum scālīs regressōs conversa est. eōs iussit d dux noster est vir benignus, quī vōs omnēs līberābit.
Epaphrodītum extrahere. mīlitibus eum extrahentibus e “quid crās faciēs?” “ad theātrum ībō.”
Myropnous assem in labra eius quasi mortuī posuit. dēnique f laudābō; respondēbit; appropinquābunt; rīdēbitis.
assem: as as (small coin)
Paris per compluvium dēspiciēns Epaphrodītō ita valēdīxit: g veniēmus; trādent; dīcam; dormiet.
dēspiciēns: dēspicere look
'hīc iacet Tiberius Claudius Epaphrodītus, Augustī lībertus, 30 down 5 The future tense of sum is as follows:
longuriō strātus.' strātus: sternere lay low,
erō I shall be erimus we shall be
eris you will be eritis you will be
erit s/he will be erunt they will be

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Word patterns: diminutives Practising the language

1 Study the form and meaning of the following nouns: 1 Complete each sentence with the right participle. Then translate the sentence.
homō man homunculus little man a hīs verbīs . . . . . . . . . . , Paris aequō animō respondit. (audītīs, portātīs)
servus slave servulus little slave b signō . . . . . . . . . . , servī Tychicum ēiēcērunt. (victō, datō)
ager field agellus little field c nāve . . . . . . . . . . , mercātor dēspērābat. (āmissā, refectā)
fīlia daughter fīliōla little daughter d clientibus . . . . . . . . . . , praecō iānuam clausit. (dīmissīs, dēpositīs)
The nouns in the right-hand columns above are known as diminutives. e equitibus . . . . . . . . . . , hostēs fūgērunt. (cōnspectīs, dēfēnsīs)
f cēnā . . . . . . . . . . , Haterius amīcōs in triclīnium dūxit. (cōnsūmptā, parātā)
2 Using the information above as a guide, complete the following table:
2 Translate the first sentence of each pair. Then complete the second sentence
corpus body corpusculum .......... with the passive form of the verb to express the same idea. Use the table on
liber book libellus .......... p. 126 to help you. Finally, translate the second sentence.
gladius .......... gladiolus ..........
versus .......... versiculus .......... For example: hospitēs fābulam spectābant.
fābula .......... fābella .......... fābula ā hospitibus . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Here are the diminutives of some familiar words. Give their meanings and the Translated and completed, this becomes:
Latin words from whith they are derived. Use the Vocabulary at the back of
the book to help you if necessary. hospitēs fābulam spectābant.
The guests were watching the play.
vīllula, nāvicula, cēnula, fīliolus, ponticulus.
fābula ā hospitibus spectābātur.
4 Study the following nouns and their diminutives: The play was being watched by the guests.

sporta basket sportula (1) little basket In sentences a–c, the verbs are in the imperfect tense:
(2) gift for clients (named
after the little basket a servī amphorās portābant.
in which it once used to amphorae ā servīs . . . . . . . . . . .
be carried) b Salvius Haterium dēcipiēbat.
cōdex (often (1) piece of wood cōdicillī (1) wooden writing-tablets Haterius ā Salviō . . . . . . . . . . .
spelt caudex) (2) someone (2) codicil (written c barbarī horreum oppugnābant.
with no more instructions added horreum ā barbarīs . . . . . . . . . . .
sense than a to a will) In sentences d-f, the verbs are in the present tense:
piece of wood,
i.e. fool, blockhead d rhētor puerōs docet.
puerī ā rhētore . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Compare these different tupes of diminutives used in English:
e aliquis iānuam aperit.
a small pig is a . . . . . . . . . . a small bus is a . . . . . . . . . . iānua ab aliquō . . . . . . . . . . .
a small owl is an . . . . . . . . . . a short skirt is a . . . . . . . . . . f centuriō mīlitēs cōnsistere iubet.
a short book is a . . . . . . . . . . a small cigar is a . . . . . . . . . . mīlitēs ā centuriōne cōnsistere . . . . . . . . . . .

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About the language 2: future perfect tense Entertainment

1 Study the following example: The theatre
sī tē audīverō, respondēbō.. Throughout the first century AD, the three theatres in Rome regularly
If I hear you, I shall reply. provided popular entertainment at festival time. But there was a change in
the kind of drama presented.
The replying takes place in the future, so Latin uses the future tense The traditional type of tragedy was losing its popularity and being
(respondēbō). The hearing also takes place in the future, but at a different replaced by pantomime. A pantomime had only one actor; he was known
time: hearing comes before replying. To indicate the difference in time, Latin as a pantomīmus (acting everything) because he acted all the parts in the
uses an unusual tense known as the future perfect (audīverō). story, changing his mask as he changed characters. For example, a
pantomimus who was presenting the love-affair of Mars and Venus would
2 Literally audīverō means I shall have heard, but it is often translated by an
take the parts not only of Mars and Venus themselves but also of Helios
English present tense, as in the example above.
the sun-god telling Venus’ husband Vulcan about the affair, Vulcan setting
3 The forms of the future perfect are as follows: a trap for the guilty pair, and the other gods coming one by one to look at
Mars and Venus when they were caught in the act.
portāverō portāverimus The pantomimus did not speak, but danced and mimed rather in the
portāveris portāveritis manner of a modern ballet dancer, and was often accompanied by an
portāverit portāverint orchestra and a chorus who sang the words of the story. The story itself Above: An ivory carving showing
was usually based on Greek myth but sometimes on history. The a pantomime performer with the
4 Further examples:
pantomimus represented the story’s action with graceful movements and masks and props of three
a sī Epaphrodītus nōs cōnspexerit, tē interficiet. gestures; he needed plenty of physical skill and stamina, as well as an characters.
b sī dīligenter quaesīveris, pecūniam inveniēs. attractive appearance and a wide knowledge of literature. One of the most
c sī servī bene labōrāverint, eīs praemium dabō. famous of all pantomimi was the dancer Paris, who appears in the stories Below: Although this picture may
d sī mīlitēs vīderō, fugiam. of Stages 33 and 34. show an actor in tragedy rather
In the same way that pantomimes were replacing tragedies, comedies than pantomime, it gives a good
were being replaced by mimes. A mime was a crude slapstick farce, idea of the flowing robes and the
usually on a theme taken from everyday life. The style of performance was masks Paris wore.
A picture made from pieces
generally obscene or grotesque or both.
of coloured marbles,
showing the procession Chariot-racing
at the start of the chariot
races. The patron of the The most popular form of public entertainment in Rome, however, was
games, perhaps an undoubtedly chariot-racing. Almost everybody, from the emperor
emperor, drives a two- downwards, took an interest in this sport. The Circus Maximus, where the
horse chariot. Behind him most important chariot-racing took place, could hold 250,000 spectators –
are riders in the colours of a far higher capacity than any modern football or baseball stadium. Much
the four teams, red, blue, money changed hands in betting, and each of the rival chariot-teams was
green and white. cheered on by its fans with passionate enthusiasm.
There were four teams (factiōnēs) competing regularly with each other:
green, blue, red and white. Each team consisted of one, two or three
chariots, and the commonest number of horses

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to a chariot was four. A day’s programme normally consisted of

twenty-four races, each lasting seven laps (about 5 miles) and taking
about a quarter of an hour to run. Seven huge eggs of marble or wood
Two scenes at the Circus Maximus
were hoisted high above the central platform (spīna), and every time
the lead chariot completed a lap, one egg was lowered. Likewise seven Study these two pictures
bronze dolphins dived in turn to mark the laps. The charioteer had to of chariot racing.
race at full speed down the length of the circus and then display his
greatest skill at the turning-point (mēta); if he took the bend too slowly In the top picture:
he would be overtaken, and if he took it too fast he might crash. He 1 The charioteer on the left
raced with the reins tied tightly around his body, and in his belt he has fallen from his chariot.
carried a knife; if he crashed, his life might depend on how quickly he Why might this accident
could cut himself free from the wreckage. have happened?
2 What urgent action must
Gladiatorial fights he take now?
3 What is the purpose of
Another centre of entertainment was the Flavian Amphitheatre, later the row of dolphins in the
known as the Colosseum. Up to 50,000 spectators could watch the A 'Thracian' gladiator. His helmet background?
gladiatorial combats and beast-hunts that took place here. is decorated with feathers and a
Occasionally, the arena was filled with water for the representation of griffin’s head.
sea battles. (For information about gladiatorial shows see Book I,
Stage 8, pp. 107-10.)

Private entertainment
In the bottom picture:
Not all entertainment was public. Rich Romans enjoyed presenting
4 It has been suggested that
private shows of various kinds, as in the story on pp. 79-80, where
the charioteer on the left is
Paris performs in Haterius’ garden for Vitellia and her friends. One
reining in the inside horse.
elderly lady, Ummidia Quadratilla, kept her own private troupe of
Why would he do this?
pantomimi. Often entertainment would be presented at a dinner-party.
5 The charioteer on the right
This might consist of dancing-girls, freaks, actors, jugglers, acrobats, a
seems to be whipping up
band of musicians, a novelty like the philosopher Euphrosyne, or a
his team. Why can he now drive
trained slave reciting a poem or other literary work – possibly written
them faster?
by the host, which might sometimes be rather embarrassing for the
guests. The more serious types of entertainment were often put on by
highly educated hosts for equally cultivated and appreciative guests;
but they might sometimes, like Euphrosyne’s philosophy lecture, be
presented by ignorant and uninterested hosts who merely wanted to be
fashionable or were trying to pass themselves off as persons of good Two terracotta plaques
taste and culture. showing chariot racing at
the Circus Maximus.

An acrobat doing a handstand on a


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Vocabulary checklist 33
appellō, appellāre, appellāvī,
appellātus call, call out to
at but
brevis, breve short, brief
coniciō, conicere, coniēcī,
coniectus hurl, throw
contrā against, on the other hand
crās tomorrow
dēcidō, dēcidere, dēcidī fall down
dēscendō, dēscendere, dēscendī come down, go down
ēiciō, ēicere, ēiēcī, ēiectus throw out
et ... et both ... and
excipiō, excipere, excēpī,
exceptus receive
fuga, fugae escape
hīc here
lūdus, lūdī game
moveō, movēre, mōvī, mōtus move
nisi except, unless
numerus, numerī. number
potestās, potestātis power
quia because
reficiō, reficere, refēcī, refectus repair
rēgīna, rēgīnae queen
utrum whether
vērus, vēra, vērum true, real
rē vērā in fact, truly, really

Coin of the Emperor Titus,

celebrating the opening of
the Colosseum.

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ultiō Epaphrodītī Epaphroditus

Epaphrodītus, ā Paride atque Domitiā ēlūsus, eōs ulcīscī ēlūsus: ēlūdere trick, outwit
Epaphroditus was a former slave of the Emperor Nero.
vehementissimē cupiēbat. Imperātor quoque, īrā et suspīciōne ulcīscī to take revenge on
Under Domitian, Epaphroditus’ official title was secretary
commōtus, Epaphrodītum saepe hortābātur ut Paridem suspīciōne: suspīciō suspicion
ā libellīs (in charge of petitions – the word ā has a special
Domitiamque pūnīret. Epaphrodītō tamen difficile erat
meaning in this phrase), which means that he helped the
Domitiam, uxōrem Imperātōris, et Paridem, pantomīmum 5
emperor to deal with the various petitions or requests
nōtissimum, apertē accūsāre. auxilium igitur ab amīcō Salviō
submitted to him by groups and individuals. The
opportunities for bribery are obvious, and imperial
Epaphrodītus 'nōn modo ego', inquit, 'sed etiam Imperātor
freedmen like him were widely unpopular.
Paridem Domitiamque pūnīre cupit. sī mē in hāc rē adiūveris,
The large block of marble below is part of an
magnum praemium tibi dabitur.' 10
inscription honouring him. The top line tells us he is the
Salvius, rē paulīsper cōgitātā, tranquillē respondit:
emperor’s freedman: [A]VG L stands for Augustī
'cōnfīde mihi, amīce; ego tibi rem tōtam administrābō.
lībertus. The bottom line boasts of gold crowns (corōnīs
īnsidiae parābuntur; Domitia et Paris in īnsidiās ēlicientur; ambō ēlicientur: ēlicere lure, entice
aureīs) he has been awarded, possibly as a reward for the
capientur et pūnientur.'
part he played in unmasking a conspiracy against Nero.
'quid Domitiae accidet?' rogāvit Epaphrodītus. 15
When he eventually fell out of favour with Domitian,
'Domitia accūsābitur; damnābitur; fortasse relēgābitur.' relēgābitur: relēgāre exile
he was executed on the grounds that he helped Nero
'et Paris?'
commit suicide twenty-seven years before.
Salvius rīsit.
Epaphroditus wearing the toga, the
mark of a citizen. When he was
freed he gained the right to wear it.
On the table is his pilleus, the cap
of liberty he was given to mark his

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īnsidiae pōcula vīnō optimō plēna erant. quibus vīsīs, ancilla timidā vōce,
'cavendum est nōbīs', inquit. 'aliquid mīrī hīc agitur.'

'fortasse Vitellia morbō affecta est cum cēnāret. sine dubiō cavendum est: cavēre beware
I iam in cubiculō iacet', respondit Domitia, ignāra īnsidiārum mīrī: mīrus extraordinary
quās Salvius parāverat. 25
When you have read this part of the story, answer the questions at
the end.
paucīs post diēbus Domitia ancillam, nōmine Chionēn, ad sē Chionēn Greek accusative of
vocāvit. Chionē
1 What did Domitia tell Chione (lines 3–4)? 2
'epistulam', inquit, 'ā Vitelliā, uxōre Hateriī, missam modo
2 What was said to have happened to Vitellia? 1
accēpī. ēheu! Vitellia in morbum gravem incidit. statim mihi
3 What did Domitia decide must be done at once? 1
vīsitanda est. tē volō omnia parāre.' 5
4 What preparations did Chione make (lines 6–8)? 2+2
tum Chionē, ē cubiculō dominae ēgressa, iussit lectīcam
5 Where were Domitia and her party going? 1
parārī et servōs arcessī. medicum quoque quaesīvit quī parārī to be prepared 6 Why was the journey difficult? 2
medicāmenta quaedam Vitelliae parāret. inde Domitia lectīcā arcessī to be summoned, to be 7 What did Domitia and Chione discover at the entrance? 1
vecta, comitantibus servīs ancillāque, domum Hateriī profecta sent for 8 What happened to the slaves (line 13) 1
est. difficile erat eīs per viās prōgredī, quod nox obscūra erat 10 medicāmenta:
9 ātrium magnificē ōrnātum erat (line 15). In what ways did the atrium look
multumque pluēbat. medicāmentum medicine,
particularly splendid? 2
cum domum Hateriī pervēnissent, iānuam apertam drug 10 What was odd about the atrium and the dining-room? 1
invēnērunt. servīs extrā iānuam relictīs, Domitia cum Chionē
11 Why is the dinner described as sūmptuōsa (line 18)? 2
ingressa est. spectāculum mīrābile eīs ingredientibus obiectum eīs … obiectum est met them, 12 What did Chione say about the situation (line 22)? 2
est. ātrium magnificē ōrnātum erat: ubīque lūcēbant lucernae, 15 was presented to them
13 What explanation did Domitia give? What did she think Vitellia was now
corōnae rosārum dē omnibus columnīs pendēbant. sed omnīnō
doing? 2+1
dēsertum erat ātrium. inde fēminae, triclīnium ingressae, id
14 Which two Latin words show that Domitia was unaware of what was
quoque dēsertum vīdērunt. in mediō tamen cēna sūmptuōsa
going on? 1
posita erat: mēnsae epulīs exquīsītissimīs cumulātae erant, epulīs: epulae dishes
15 What do you think will happen next? 1
cumulātae erant: cumulāre
heap 25

itaque per domum dēsertam, ancillā timidē sequente, Domitia
prōgredī coepit. cum ad cubiculum ubi Vitellia dormīre solēbat
pervēnisset, in līmine cōnstitit. cubiculum erat obscūrum.
Chionēn ad triclīnium remīsit quae lucernam ferret. in silentiō remīsit: remittere send back
noctis diū exspectābat dum redīret ancilla. haec tamen nōn 5 dum until
rediit. tandem Domitia morae impatiēns in cubiculum irrūpit. morae impatiēns impatient at
vacuum erat. tum dēmum pavōre magnō perturbāta est. the delay
tenebrae, silentium, ancillae absentia, haec omnia perīculī vacuum: vacuus empty
indicia esse vidēbantur. scīlicet falsa erat epistula! tum dēmum then at last, only
Domitia ad aulam quam celerrimē regredī cōnstituit 10 then
priusquam aliquid malī sibi accideret. dum per ātrium vacuum absentia absence
fugit, vōce hominis subitō perterrita est. vidēbantur: vidērī seem

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'dēliciae meae, salvē! tūne quoque ad cēnam invītāta es?'

tum vōcem agnōvit.
'mī Pari', inquit, 'īnsidiae, nōn cēna, nōbīs parātae sunt. 15
effugiendum nōbīs est, dum possumus.'

exitium exitium ruin, destruction

Domitiā haec dīcente, Myropnous, quī dominum comitātus erat,
ad iānuam contendit. cautē prōspexit. ecce! via tōta mīlitibus
praetōriānīs plēna erat. neque lectīca, neque ancilla, neque servī praetōriānīs: praetōriānus
usquam vidērī poterant. praetorian (belonging to the
ad ātrium reversus Myropnous 'āctum est dē nōbīs!' 5 emperor’s bodyguard)
exclāmāvit. 'appropinquant praetōriānī! mox hūc ingredientur!' usquam anywhere
hōc tamen cognitō, Paris 'nōlī dēspērāre', inquit. 'cōnsilium reversus: revertī return
habeō. Myropnū, tibi iānua custōdienda est. prohibē mīlitēs āctum est dē nōbīs it’s all over
ingredī. sī mē vel Domitiam in hōc locō cēperint, certē nōs with us, we're done for
interficient. cōnābimur per postīcum ēlābī.' 10 postīcum back gate
Myropnous igitur iānuam claudere contendit. quō factō, ēlābī slip out, escape
sellās ex ātriō, lectōs ē cubiculīs proximīs raptim in faucēs faucēs passage, entrance-way
trahere coepit. brevī ingēns pyra exstrūcta est. pyra pyre
mīlitēs praetōriānī, cum iānuam clausam cōnspexissent,
haesitantēs cōnstitērunt. sed tribūnus, nē Paris et Domitia 15
tandem audīvit Paris sonitum cēterōrum mīlitum domum
effugerent, iānuam effringī iussit. statim iānua secūribus secūribus: secūris axe
irrumpentium. iussū tribūnī flammae celeriter exstīnctae sunt. exstīnctae sunt: exstinguere
pulsābātur. Myropnous ubi sonitum pulsantium audīvit pyram
brevī tōta domus mīlitibus plēna erat. dēnique Paris intellēxit 15 extinguish
incendit. amphoram oleī ē culīnā portāvit quā flammās augēret. oleī: oleum oil
quantō in perīculō esset sed etiam tum haudquāquam
tum pyrā flagrante, amīcōs sequī contendit. flagrante: flagrāre blaze

II mediō in hortō stābat arbor veterrima, quae tēctō domūs

imminēbat. simulatque intrāvērunt mīlitēs hortum, arborem
arbor tree

Paris et Domitia, ubi ad postīcum pervēnērunt, duōs mīlitēs ibi Paris cōnscendit. hinc prōsilīre in tēctum cōnātus est. prōsiluit, 20 prōsilīre jump
positōs invēnērunt. quōs cum vīdissent, quamquam Domitia sed tēgulae tēctī lūbricae erant. paulīsper in margine tēctī stetit; tēgulae: tēgula tile
omnīnō dē salūte dēspērābat, Paris in hōc discrīmine deinde praeceps humum lāpsus est. lūbricae: lūbricus slippery
audācissimum atque callidissimum sē praestitit. nam cēlātā intereā Domitia, quae per postīcum nūllō vidente ēgressa margine: margō edge
haud procul Domitiā, ipse per postīcum audācter prōgressus sē 5 erat, prope vīllam manēbat dum Paris ad sē venīret. lāpsō tamen nūllō (used as ablative of nēmō)
mīlitibus ostendit. tum quasi fugiēns, retrō in hortum cucurrit. retrō back corpore eius, tantus erat fragor ut etiam ad aurēs Domitiae 25 no one
statim clāmāvērunt mīlitēs: 'ecce Paris! Paris effugere advenīret. quae metū āmēns vītaeque suae neglegēns in hortum fragor crash
cōnātur!' reversa est. ubi corpus Paridis humī iacēns vīdit, dolōre cōnfecta āmēns out of her mind, in a
mīlitibus sequentibus, Paris per hortum modo hūc modo illūc modo … modo now … now sē in eum coniēcit eīque ōscula multa dedit. frenzy
ruēbat. post statuās sē cēlābat mīlitēsque vōce blandā dērīdēbat. 10 'valē, dēliciae meae, valē!' cōnfecta: cōnfectus overcome
illī incertī ubi esset pantomīmus, vōcem Paridis circā hortum circā around adiit tribūnus. Domitiam ad aulam dēdūcī iussit. ipse caput 30
sequēbantur. pantomīmī amputātum ad Epaphrodītum rettulit. amputātum: amputāre cut off

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About the language 1: present passive infinitive honōrēs

Salviō aulam intrantī obviam iit Epaphrodītus. cōmiter excēpit.
1 In Stage 13, you met sentences containing infinitives: Epaphrodītus: mī Salvī, quālis artifex es! tuā arte iste artifex artist
currere volō. servī labōrāre nōn possunt. pantomīmus occīsus est. tuā arte Domitia ex
I want to run. The slaves are not able to work. Ītaliā relēgāta est. Imperātor, summō gaudiō
Or, The slaves cannot work. affectus, spectāculum splendidissimum in 5
This kind of infinitive is known in full as the present active infinitive. amphitheātrō Flāviō darī iussit. crās diēs fēstus
ab omnibus cīvibus celebrābitur; puerī
2 In Stage 34, you have met another kind of infinitive:
puellaeque deōrum effigiēs corōnīs flōrum
volō epistulam recitārī Paris invenīrī nōn poterat. ōrnābunt; sacerdōtēs sacrificia offerent; ingēns
I want the letter to be read out. Paris was unable to be found. cīvium multitūdō Imperātōrem ad templum 10
Or, Paris could not be found. Iovis comitābitur, ubi ille dīs immortālibus dīs = deīs: deus god
This infinitive is known as the present passive infinitive. grātiās aget. mox senātōrēs ad cūriam fēstīs cūriam: cūria senate-house
vestīmentīs prōgredientur et Domitiānō
3 Compare the following examples of present active and present passive infinitives:
grātulābuntur. venī mēcum! nōn morandum est morandum est: morārī delay
present active present passive nōbīs. Imperātor enim nōs exspectat. mihi 15
first conjugation portāre to carry portārī to be carried ōrnāmenta praetōria, tibi cōnsulātum prōmīsit. ōrnāmenta praetōria honorary
second conjugation docēre to teach docērī to be taught Salvius: cōnsulātum adipīscar? quam fortūnātus praetorship, honorary rank of
third conjugation trahere to drag trahī to be dragged sum! praetor
fourth conjugation audīre to hear audīrī to be heard Epaphrodītus: venī! Imperātōrī grātiās agere dēbēmus.
4 Further examples of the present passive infinitive:
a volō iānuam aperīrī. Epaphrodītō et Salviō ēgressīs ut Domitiānum salūtārent, ē 20
b dux iussit captīvum līberārī. latebrīs rēpsit Myropnous. nunc dēnique intellēxit quis esset
c fūr capī nōlēbat. auctor exitiī Paridis. lacrimīs effūsīs, indignam amīcī mortem auctor person responsible
d neque Vitellia neque ancilla vidērī poterat. lūgēbat. manibus ad caelum sublātīs nōmen Salviī dētestātus est. indignam: indignus
e Haterius vīnum statim effundī iussit. tum tībiās āmēns frēgit, haec verba locūtus: unworthy, undeserved
'ego numquam iterum tībiīs cantābō priusquam perierit 25 sublātīs (past participle): tollere
5 Deponent verbs form their infinitive in the following way: Salvius.' raise, lift up
first conjugation cōnārī to try priusquam perierit until …
second conjugation pollicērī to promise perishes
third conjugation sequī to follow
fourth conjugation orīrī to rise
Note that the infinitive has a passive ending, but an active meaning.
Further examples:
a tribūnus iussit mīlitēs pantomīmum sequī.
b aegrōtī deam precārī volēbant.
c mercātor tandem proficīscī cōnstituit.
d puerī tam perterritī erant ut loquī nōn possent.
e hostēs ē castrīs ēgredī nōlēbant. Tombstone of a dwarf pipe
player called Myropnous.

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About the language 2: future passive tense Word patterns: compound verbs 3
1 Study the following examples: 1 You are now familiar with the way compound verbs are formed. Here are some
crās nūntiī ad rēgem mittentur. further examples:
Tomorrow messengers will be sent to the king. adīre to go towards advenīre to come towards
cēna sūmptuōsa parābitur. convenīre to come together, meet compōnere to put together, compose
An expensive dinner will be prepared.
The verbs in bold type are passive forms of the future tense. 2 Now complete the following table:
2 Compare the following active and passive forms:
prōpōnere to put forward prōmovēre ..........
future active future passive trānsīre .......... trānscurrere ..........
first conjugation portābit portābitur perrumpere to break through persecāre ..........
s/he will carry s/he will be carried
portābunt portābuntur 3 The words in bold type in the following sentences are derived from Latin compound verbs.
they will carry they will be carried Explain the link between the Latin verbs and their English derivatives.
third conjugation trahet trahētur a At last she got the promotion she deserved.
s/he will drag s/he will be dragged b The television transmitter broke down because of the storm.
trahent trahentur c In many cultures there are festivals to celebrate the advent of spring.
they will drag they will be dragged
4 The meaning of a compound verb is not always obvious, even if you know both its parts.
3 Further examples:
a ingēns praemium victōrī dabitur. For example: perīre to perish; āmittere to lose; condūcere to hire.
b Paris mox capiētur.
c omnēs vīllae dēlēbuntur.
d illī custōdēs quī in statiōne dormīvērunt sevērissimē pūnientur.
e ūnus captīvus līberābitur, cēterī occīdentur.

4 Notice how the future tense of deponent verbs is formed

first conjugation cōnābitur s/he will try

cōnābuntur they will try
third conjugation loquētur s/he will speak
loquentur they will speak
Further examples:
a mīlitēs crās proficīscentur.
b dominus meus, quī stultissimus est, nihil suspicābitur..
c sōl mox oriētur.
d multī senātōrēs Domitiānum ad forum comitābuntur.
e sī inimīcus tuus hoc venēnum cōnsūmpserit, moriētur.

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Practising the language 3 Translate the first sentence of each pair. Then complete the second sentence
with the passive form of the verb. Use the table on p.127 to help you. Finally,
1 Complete each sentence with the right form of the verb. Then translate the translate the second sentence.
For example: centuriō fūrēs vulnerāverat.
a ego vōbīs rem tōtam . . . . . . . . . . . (nārrābō, nārrābimus) fūrēs ā centuriōne . . . . . . . . . . .
b amīcī meī cibum vestīmentaque nōbīs . . . . . . . . . . . (praebēbit,
Translated and completed, this becomes:
c Imperātor spectāculum splendidum in amphitheātrō crās . . . . . . . . . . . centuriō fūrēs vulnerāverat.
(dabunt, dabit) The centurion had wounded the thieves.
d vōs estis fortiōrēs quam illī barbarī; eōs facile . . . . . . . . . . . (superābitis,
fūrēs ā centuriōne vulnerātī erant.
The thieves had been wounded by the centurion.
e tū in vīllā manē; nōs per postīcum . . . . . . . . . . . (effugiam, effugiēmus)
f caudex! mē numquam . . . . . . . . . . . (capiēs, capiētis)
The perfect and pluperfect tenses are both used in this exercise. The verbs in
g ego sum probus; tibi pecūniam . . . . . . . . . . . (reddēmus, reddam)
sentences a–e are all first conjugation like portō.
h fugite! hostēs mox . . . . . . . . . . . (aderunt, aderit)
a coquus cibum parāverat.
2 Translate each English sentence into Latin by selecting correctly from the list cibus ā coquō . . . . . . . . . . .
of Latin words. b mercātor latrōnēs superāverat.
latrōnēs ā mercātōre . . . . . . . . . . .
a Many flowers were being thrown by the spectators. c dominī servōs laudāvērunt.
multa flōris ā spectātōribus iactābant servī ā dominīs . . . . . . . . . . .
multī flōrēs inter spectātōrēs iactābantur d clientēs patrōnum salūtāvērunt.
patrōnus ā clientibus . . . . . . . . . . .
b They warned my friend not to cross the bridge.
e rēx mē ipsum accūsāvit.
amīcum meīs monuerant nē pōns trānsīret
ego ipse ā rēge . . . . . . . . . . .
amīcōs meum monuērunt ut pontem trānsībat f custōs magnum clāmōrem audīvit.
c Having been ordered by the leader, we carried out the body. magnus clāmor ā custōde . . . . . . . . . . .
ad ducem iussus corpus extulī
ā duce iussī corporum extulimus
d We saw the man whose brother you (s.) had arrested.
Left: The consular chair and fasces
hominem quī frāter comprehenderātis vidēmus
which were the symbol of the
hominum cuius frātrem comprehenderās vīdimus consulship as promised to Salvius
e When the soldiers had been drawn up, I gave the centurion a sign. in the story honōrēs. The fasces
mīlitibus īnstrūctīs centuriōnem signum dedī were bundles of rods and axes, to
symbolise the consul’s power to
mīlitēs īnstrūctōs centuriōnī signō dedit
order beatings and executions. They
were carried for him by a procession
of twelve lictors; the statuette on the
right shows one of them.

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Freedmen Augustales
When a slave was set free (manumitted), he ceased to be the property of his
master and became a lībertus instead of a servus. He also, as we have seen To be chosen as an Augustalis,
(pp.56-7), became a cliēns of his ex-master, and his ex-master became his or priest of the emperor, was the
patrōnus. greatest honour open to many
In addition, a freedman became a Roman citizen. He now had three freedmen.
names, of which the first two came from the name of his ex-master. (For Top left: The hall in Herculaneum
example, Tiro, the freedman of Marcus Tullius Cicero, became Marcus where the Augustales would meet to
Tullius Tiro.). As a citizen, he now had the right to vote in elections and to conduct worship and for ceremonial
make a will or business agreement which would be valid in the eyes of the dinners.
law. He could also get married. If he had been living in an unofficial Below left: Part of the inscription from
marriage with a slave-woman, one of his first acts after manumission might a tomb at Pompeii, put up by a
be to save up enough money to buy her out of slavery and marry her freedman for himself and his patroness,
legally. Vesonia. Notice how he must have been
There were some limits to the rights and privileges of a freedman, made an Augustalis after he had had
compared with other Roman citizens. He could not become a senator or the tomb built, because the word has
eques, except by special favour of the emperor (and a freedwoman could been awkwardly squeezed in by a
not become a senator’s wife). He could not serve in the legions, nor stand as different letter-cutter. The honour, when
a candidate in elections. One privilege, however, was available to a it came, was too important to leave out
freedman. He could become one of the six priests (sēvirī Augustālēs) who of Vesonius Phileros’ tomb inscription.
were appointed in many Italian towns to look after the worship of the
deified Emperor Augustus. Like all priesthoods, the priesthood of Augustus
was a position of honour and prestige.
The law laid down certain obligations which a freedman owed to his ex-
master. For example, a freedman was supposed to leave money to his ex- trade or banking. Freedmen who had previously used these skills in their
master in his will (ex-masters did not often insist on this); he was forbidden master’s service could now use them for their own benefit. There was
to do anything that would bring harm to his ex-master; and he had to do a plenty of demand for such services, and not much competition from
certain number of days’ work for his ex-master every year, or pay him a freeborn Romans, who often lacked the necessary skills or regarded such
sum of money instead. It is clear from this that it would often be financially work as below their dignity.
worthwhile for a master to manumit a slave; he would still be able to make It is not surprising, therefore, that many freedmen became rich and
some use of the ex-slave’s services, but would no longer have to provide successful, and a few freedmen became very rich indeed. The Vettii
and pay for his food, clothing and shelter. brothers, who set up their own business in Pompeii and eventually owned
After manumission, a freedman had to put up with a certain amount of one of the most splendid houses in the town, are good examples of such
prejudice from those who despised him for having been a slave. He was successful freedmen. But perhaps the most famous example of a wealthy
also faced with the need to earn a living. His ex-master might help by freedman is a fictitious one: Trimalchio, the vulgar millionaire in
providing money to start a small business, as Quintus did for Clemens in Petronius’ novel Satyrica. The story cēna Hateriī in Stage 32 is partly
Stage 18, or introducing him to potential customers. Many highly skilled or based on Petronius’ account of Trimalchio’s dinner-party.
educated freedmen were quickly able to earn a good living because they Some freedmen continued to live in their ex-master’s household, doing
already possessed some special ability or experience; for example, a the same work that they had done as slaves. One such man was Pliny’s
freedman might already be a skilled craftsman, teacher, musician or talented freedman Zosimus, who was equally skilled at reciting, lyre-
secretary, or be experienced in accountancy, playing and comedy-acting.

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Pliny treated Zosimus with kindness and affection, and when Zosimus titles of the emperor.) One of these men was Epaphroditus, who
fell ill with tuberculosis, Pliny arranged a holiday abroad for him. worked first for Nero and later for Domitian.
Further evidence of friendly relationships between ex-masters and As we have seen, Epaphroditus was the emperor’s secretary ā
freedmen comes from the large number of inscriptions, particularly on libellīs, in charge of petitions. Other freedmen of the emperor were
tombstones, that refer to freedmen and freedwomen. Sometimes, for in charge of correspondence (ab epistulīs) and accounts (ā
example, freedmen set up tombstones in honour of their ex-masters: ratiōnibus). They all worked closely with the emperor in the day-
to-day running of government business.
DM DM = dīs manibus to the Under some emperors, especially Claudius and Nero, these
T. FLAVIO HOMERO T. spirits of the departed freedmen became immensely rich and powerful. They were often
FLAVIVS HYACINTHVS bene merentī: bene merēns bitterly resented by the Roman nobles and senators. This
PATRONO BENE MERENTI well deserving, deserving resentment can be seen very plainly in two letters which Pliny
kindness wrote about Pallas, the secretary ā ratiōnibus of the Emperor
Sometimes ex-masters set up tombstones to their favourite
Claudius. Pallas had been awarded the ōrnāmenta praetōria
(honorary praetorship) like Epaphroditus in the story on p. 101.
DM This means he was given the various privileges normally possessed
IVLIO VITALI by a praetor: special dress, special seat at public ceremonies, special
PATRONVS LIBERTO funeral after death, and so on. Even though this had happened fifty
BENE MERENTI years previously, Pliny is boiling with anger. He describes Pallas as
a furcifer, and much else besides. His outburst shows very clearly
Some ex-masters allowed freedmen and freedwomen to be The Emperor Domitian’s vast
how much ill-feeling could be caused by an emperor’s use of ex-
buried with them in their tombs: slaves as important and powerful assistants in running the empire. palace on the Palatine Hill
overlooking the Circus Maximus.
DM This picture shows part of the
TITVS FLAVIVS EV emperor’s personal quarters,
MOLPVS ET FLAVIA centred on a garden with the
QVINTA SIBI FECE remains of a large fountain.
RVNT ET LIBERTIS LI lībertābus: līberta freedwoman
BERTABVSQVE POS posterīs: posterī future
TERISQVE EORVM generations, descendants

An ex-master might marry his freedwoman:

LIBERTAE IDEM idem et here = and also
ET COIVGI coiugī = coniugī: coniūnx wife
BMF BMF = bene merentī fēcit

A small but very important group of freedmen worked as personal

assistants to the emperor. As slaves, they had been known as servī
Caesaris, and as freedmen they were known as lībertī Augustī.
(‘Caesar’ and ‘Augustus’ were both used as

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Vocabulary checklist 34
accūsō, accūsāre, accūsāvī,
accūsātus accuse
auctor, auctōris creator, originator, person
mē auctōre at my suggestion
dum while, until
frangō, frangere, frēgī, fractus break
gaudium, gaudiī joy
haud not
modo just
priusquam before, until
procul far off
quasi as if
sine without
sonitus, sonitūs sound
vel or
vestīmenta, vestīmentōrum clothes
Deponent verbs
adipīscor, adipīscī, adeptus sum obtain
comitor, comitārī, comitātus sum accompany
cōnor, cōnārī, cōnātus sum try
cōnspicor, cōnspicārī,
cōnspicātus sum catch sight of
ēgredior, ēgredī, ēgressus sum go out
hortor, hortārī, hortātus sum encourage, urge
ingredior, ingredī, ingressus sum enter
loquor, loquī, locūtus sum speak
morior, morī, mortuus sum die
nāscor, nāscī, nātus sum be born
patior, patī, passus sum suffer
precor, precārī, precātus sum pray (to)
proficīscor, proficīscī,
profectus sum set out
prōgredior, prōgredī,
prōgressus sum advance
regredior, regredī, regressus sum go back, return
sequor, sequī, secūtus sum follow
suspicor, suspicārī,
suspicātus sum suspect
An aureus of the Emperor Domitian.
Opposite: A sestertius showing Domitia and her son.

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Part One: About the language 114
Nouns 114
Adjectives 116
Comparatives and superlatives 118
Pronouns I 120
ego, tū, nōs, vōs, sē
Pronouns II 121
hic, ille, ipse, is, īdem
Pronouns III 123

BLANK PAGE quī, quīdam

Deponent verbs
Irregular verbs 132
Uses of the cases 135
Uses of the participle 136
Uses of the subjunctive 138
Longer sentences 140
Numerals 141

Part Two: Vocabulary 142

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Part One: About the language

1 first second third
declension declension declension
f. m. m. n. m. m. m. m. f. n. n.

nominative puella servus puer templum mercātor leō cīvis rēx urbs nōmen tempus nominative
and vocative (voc. serve) and vocative
accusative puellam servum puerum templum mercātōrem leōnem cīvem rēgem urbem nōmen tempus accusative
genitive (of) puellae servī puerī templī mercātōris leōnis cīvis rēgis urbis nōminis temporis genitive (of)
dative (to, for) puellae servō puerō templō mercātōrī leōnī cīvī rēgī urbī nōminī temporī dative (to, for)
ablative (by, with) puellā servō puerō templō mercātōre leōne cīve rēge urbe nōmine tempore ablative (by, with)

nominative puellae servī puerī templa mercātōrēs leōnēs cīvēs rēgēs urbēs nōmina tempora nominative
and vocative and vocative
accusative puellās servōs puerōs templa mercātōrēs leōnēs cīvēs rēgēs urbēs nōmina tempora accusative
genitive (of) puellārum servōrum puerōrum templōrum mercātōrum leōnum cīvium rēgum urbium nōminum temporum genitive (of)
dative (to, for) puellīs servīs puerīs templīs mercātōribus leōnibus cīvibus rēgibus urbibus nōminibus temporibus dative (to, for)
ablative (by, with) puellīs servīs puerīs templīs mercātōribus leōnibus cīvibus rēgibus urbibus nōminibus temporibus ablative (by, with)
fifth 2 For the ways in which the different cases are used, see p. 135.
fourth declension
3 Notice again the way in which the cases of third declension nouns are formed. In particular, compare
m. n. m.
the nominative singular of leō, rēx and nōmenwith the genitive singular. Which of these cases is a
better guide to the way the other cases are formed? Use the Vocabulary on pp.143-59 to find the
nominative manus genū diēs genitive singular of the following nouns; then use the tables here to find their ablative singular and
and vocative plural:
accusative manum genū diem
manūs genūs diēī dux; homō; pēs; difficultās; nox; iter.
genitive (of)
dative (to, for) manuī genū diēī 4 Translate the following pairs of sentences. State the case, number (i.e. singular or plural) and
ablative (by, with) manū genū diē declension of each noun in bold type. Use the table of nouns to help you.

a servī nōmina Graeca habēbant.

nominative manūs genua diēs fēmina pauper erat, sed vītam contentam agēbat.
and vocative b magnus numerus leōnum in arēnam ruit.
accusative manūs genua diēs lībertus coquum iussit cēnam magnificam parāre.
genitive (of) manuum genuum diērum c captīvī, ē carcere ēductī, in pompā incēdēbant.
dative (to, for) manibus genibus diēbus imperātor arcum frātrī dēdicāre cōnstituit.
ablative (by, with) manibus genibus diēbus d multitūdō hominum viās urbis complēbat.
puella, ānulō dēlectāta, iuvenī grātiās ēgit.

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Adjectives 4 With the help of paragraphs 1 and 2 opposite and the table of nouns on pp. 114‒15,
find the Latin for the words in italic type in the following sentences:

1 first and second declension a I took the brave girl to the centurion.
b He was the son of a good king.
c They were attacked by a huge slave.
masculine feminine neuter masculine feminine neuter
d We visited many beautiful cities.
nominative bonus bona bonum pulcher pulchra pulchrum e The walls of the huge temples were built slowly and carefully.
and vocative (voc. bone) f The dancing girl had beautiful hands.
accusative bonum bonam bonum pulchrum pulchram pulchrum
genitive bonī bonae bonī pulchrī pulchrae pulchrī 5 Translate the following sentences. Then change the words in bold type into the plural.
dative bonō bonae bonō pulchrō pulchrae pulchrō You may have to refer to the Vocabulary at the end of the book.
ablative bonō bonā bonō pulchrō pulchrā pulchrō
a pater parvum fīlium ad arcum Titī dūxit.
b senātor fēminae trīstī auxilium dedit.
nominative bonī bonae bona pulchrī pulchrae pulchra c hostēs, mūrō ingentī dēfēnsī, diū resistēbant.
and vocative d omnēs audāciam mīlitis Rōmānī laudāvērunt.
accusative bonōs bonās bona pulchrōs pulchrās pulchra e cīvēs iuvenī callidō praemium obtulērunt.
genitive bonōrum bonārum bonōrum pulchrōrum pulchrārum pulchrōrum f senex sapiēns regī nōn crēdidit.
dative bonīs bonīs bonīs pulchrīs pulchrīs pulchrīs
ablative bonīs bonīs bonīs pulchrīs pulchrīs pulchrīs

2 third declension

masculine neuter masculine neuter

and feminine and feminine
nominative fortis forte ingēns ingēns
and vocative
accusative fortem forte ingentem ingēns
genitive fortis fortis ingentis ingentis
dative fortī fortī ingentī ingentī
ablative fortī fortī ingentī ingentī

nominative fortēs fortia ingentēs ingentia

and vocative
accusative fortēs fortia ingentēs ingentia
genitive fortium fortium ingentium ingentium
dative fortibus fortibus ingentibus ingentibus
ablative fortibus fortibus ingentibus ingentibus

3 Compare the third declension adjectives in paragraph 2 with the third declension adjectives on pp.
114-15. Notice in particular the different form of the ablative singular.

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Comparison of adjectives 3 Study the forms of the comparative adjective longior (longer) and the superlative
adjective longissimus (longest, very long):

1 comparative superlative masculine

longus longior longissimus and feminine neuter masculine feminine neuter
long longer longest, very long nominative longior longius longissimus longissima longissimum
pulcher pulchrior pulcherrimus and vocative (voc. longissime)
beautiful more beautiful most beautiful, very beautiful accusative longiōrem longius longissimum longissimam longissimum
fortis fortior fortissimus genitive longiōris longiōris longissimī longissimae longissimī
brave braver bravest, very brave dative longiōrī longiōrī longissimō longissimae longissimō
fēlīx fēlīcior fēlīcissimus ablative longiōre longiōre longissimō longissimā longissimō
lucky luckier luckiest, very lucky
prūdēns prūdentior prūdentissimus nominative longiōrēs longiōra longissimī longissimae longissima
shrewd shrewder shrewdest, very shrewd and vocative
facilis facilior facillimus accusative longiōrēs longiōra longissimōs longissimās longissima
easy easier easiest, very easy genitive longiōrum longiōrum longissimōrum longissimārum longissimōrum
dative longiōribus longiōribus longissimīs longissimīs longissimīs
2 Irregular forms: ablative longiōribus longiōribus longissimīs longissimīs longissimīs

bonus melior optimus

good better best, very good 4 Compare the endings of longior with those of the third declension nouns mercātor
and tempus on pp. 114 and 115. Notice in particular the nominative and accusative
malus peior pessimus
bad worse worst, very bad forms of the neuter singular.

magnus maior maximus 5 With the help of paragraphs 1‒3 and the table of nouns on pp. 114-115, find the Latin
big bigger biggest, very big for the words in italic type in the following sentences:
parvus minor minimus
a I have never known a longer day.
small smaller smallest, very small
b She sent the worst slaves back to the slave dealer.
multus plūs plūrimus c Better times will come.
much more most, very much d The bravest citizens were fighting the front line.
multī plūrēs plūrimī e We did not visit the biggest temple, as we had seen a more beautiful temple
many more most, very many next to it.
f Most girls did not believe the soldiers’ stories.

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Pronouns I: ego, tū, nōs, vōs, sē Pronouns II: hic, ille, ipse, is, īdem
1 ego and tū (I, you, etc.) 1 hic (this, these, etc.)

nominative ego tū nōs vōs masculine feminine neuter masculine feminine neuter
accusative mē tē nōs vōs nominative hic haec hoc hī hae haec
genitive meī tuī nostrum vestrum accusative hunc hanc hoc hōs hās haec
dative mihi tibi nōbīs vōbīs genitive huius huius huius hōrum hārum hōrum
ablative mē tē nōbīs vōbīs dative huic huic huic hīs hīs hīs
ablative hōc hāc hōc hīs hīs hīs
2 sē (herself, himself, itself, themselves, etc.)
The various forms of hic can also be used to mean he, she, they, etc.:

accusative sē sē hic tamen nihil dīcere poterat.

genitive suī suī He, however, could say nothing.
dative sibi sibi
sē sē 2 ille (that, those, etc.; sometimes used with the meaning he, she, it, etc.)
3 Translate the following sentences:
masculine feminine neuter masculine feminine neuter
a nōs, ā tē monitī, perīculum vītāvimus. nominative ille illa illud illī illae illa
b captīvī, quod nūlla spēs salūtis erat, sē occīdērunt.
accusative illum illam illud illōs illās illa
c vīsne mēcum īre?
d amīcī, quod diūtius manēre nōlēbant, domum sine vōbīs rediērunt. genitive illīus illīus illīus illōrum illārum illōrum
e Salvius, cum ad aulam prōcēderet, multōs servōs sēcum habēbat. dative illī illī illī illīs illīs illīs
f sorōrem rogāvī num stolās novās sibi comparāvisset. ablative illō illā illō illīs illīs illīs

3 ipse (myself, yourself, himself, etc.)

Pick out the pronoun in each sentence and state its case.

masculine feminine neuter masculine feminine neuter

nominative ipse ipsa ipsum ipsī ipsae ipsa
accusative ipsum ipsam ipsum ipsōs ipsās ipsa
genitive ipsīus ipsīus ipsīus ipsōrum ipsārum ipsōrum
dative ipsī ipsī ipsī ipsīs ipsīs ipsīs
ablative ipsō ipsā ipsō ipsīs ipsīs ipsīs

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4 is (he, she, it, etc.) Pronouns III: quī

1 Notice the genitive, dative, and ablative plural of the relative pronoun quī:
masculine feminine neuter masculine feminine neuter
nominative is ea id eī eae ea
accusative eum eam id eōs eās ea masculine feminine neuter masculine feminine neuter
genitive eius eius eius eōrum eārum eōrum nominative quī quae quod quī quae quae
dative eī eī eī eīs eīs eīs accusative quem quam quod quōs quās quae
ablative eō eā eō eīs eīs eīs genitive cuius cuius cuius quōrum quārum quōrum
dative cui cui cui quibus quibus quibus
The forms of is can also be used to mean that, those, etc.: quō quā quō quibus quibus quibus
eā nocte rediit dominus. duōs servōs ēmī, quōrum alter Graecus, alter Aegyptius erat.
That night, the master returned. I bought two slaves, one of whom was a Greek, the other an Egyptian.
nūntiī, quibus mandāta dedimus, heri discessērunt.
5 From Stage 23 on, you have met various forms of the word īdem, meaning the same:
The messengers to whom we gave the instructions departed yesterday.
mīlitēs aedificia, ē quibus hostēs fūgerant, celeriter incendērunt.
masculine feminine neuter masculine feminine neuter The soldiers quickly set fire to the buildings, from which the enemy had fled.
nominative īdem eadem idem eīdem eaedem eadem 2 Notice again the use of quī as a connecting relative to begin a sentence:
accusative eundem eandem idem eōsdem eāsdem eadem lībertus pecūniam custōdiēbat. quem cum cōnspexissent, fūrēs fūgērunt.
genitive eiusdem eiusdem eiusdem eōrundem eārundem eōrundem A freedman was guarding the money. When they had caught sight of him the
dative eīdem eīdem eīdem eīsdem eīsdem eīsdem thieves ran away.
ablative eōdem eādem eōdem eīsdem eīsdem eīsdem centuriō “ad carnificēs dūcite!” inquit. quibus verbīs perterritī, captīvī
Compare the forms of īdem with is in paragraph 4. clāmāre ac lacrimāre coepērunt.
“Take them to the executioners!” said the centurion. Terrified by these words,
With the help of the table above, find the Latin for the words in italic type in the the prisoners began to shout and weep.
following sentences:
3 Sometimes the relative pronoun is used with forms of the pronoun is:
a I heard the same boy again. fēcī id quod iussistī.
b The same women were there. I have done that which you ordered.
c This is the same man’s house. Or, in more natural English, using the word what to translate both Latin words:
d He saw the same girl.
e They were seized by the same soldiers. fēcī id quod iussistī.
f They always visited the same temple. I have done what you ordered.
Further examples:
a id quod Salvius in epistulā scrīpsit falsum est.
b id quod mihi dīxistī vix intellegere possum.
c nūntius ea patefēcit quae apud Britannōs audīverat.
d servus tamen, homō ignāvissimus, id quod dominus iusserat omnīnō neglēxit.
e ea quae fēcistī ab omnibus laudantur.

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Verbs 4 Translate the following examples:

audiēmus; portābit; mittent; aedificābitis; veniam; manēbis.
5 Translate each verb in the list below. Then with the help of paragraph 2 change it
Indicative active into the future tense, keeping the same person and number (i.e. 1st person singular,
etc.). Then translate again.
1 first second third fourth For example: portāmus (we carry) would become portābimus (we shall carry).
conjugation conjugation conjugation conjugation
portātis; docēbam; docēbāmus; trahō; audīs; audiēbat.
I carry, you I teach, you I drag, you I hear, you
6 first second third fourth
carry, etc. teach, etc. drag, etc. hear, etc.
portō doceō trahō audiō conjugation conjugation conjugation conjugation
portās docēs trahis audīs
portat docet trahit audit I (have) I (have) I (have) I (have)
portāmus docēmus trahimus audīmus carried taught dragged heard
portātis docētis trahitis audītis portāvī docuī trāxī audīvī
portant docent trahunt audiunt portāvistī docuistī trāxistī audīvistī
portāvit docuit trāxit audīvit
I was I was I was I was portāvimus docuimus trāximus audīvimus
carrying teaching dragging hearing portāvistis docuistis trāxistis audīvistis
portābam docēbam trahēbam audiēbam portāvērunt docuērunt trāxērunt audīvērunt
portābās docēbās trahēbās audiēbās
portābat docēbat trahēbat audiēbat I had I had I had I had
portābāmus docēbāmus trahēbāmus audiēbāmus carried taught dragged heard
portābātis docēbātis trahēbātis audiēbātis portāveram docueram trāxeram audīveram
portābant docēbant trahēbant audiēbant portāverās docuerās trāxerās audīverās
portāverat docuerat trāxerat audīverat
2 In Stage 33, you met the future tense: portāverāmus docuerāmus trāxerāmus audīverāmus
portāverātis docuerātis trāxerātis audīverātis
I shall carry I shall teach I shall drag I shall hear portāverant docuerant trāxerant audīverant
portābō docēbō traham audiam
portābis docēbis trahēs audiēs 7 In Stage 33, you met the future perfect tense:
portābit docēbit trahet audiet
I shall have I shall have I shall have I shall have
portābimus docēbimus trahēmus audiēmus
carried taught dragged heard
portābitis docēbitis trahētis audiētis
portāverō docuerō trāxerō audīverō
portābunt docēbunt trahent audient
portāveris docueris trāxeris audīveris
Notice again how the first and second conjugations form their future tense in one portāverit docuerit trāxerit audīverit
way, the third and fourth conjugations in another. portāverimus docuerimus trāxerimus audīverimus
portāveritis docueritis trāxeritis audīveritis
3 In paragraph 2, find the Latin for: portāverint docuerint trāxerint audīverint

they will carry; we shall drag; you (s.) will teach; I shall hear; you (pl.) will drag; The future perfect is often translated by an English present tense:
he will carry. sī effūgerō, iter ad vōs faciam.
If I escape, I shall make my way to you.

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Indicative passive 5 In Stage 30, you met the perfect and pluperfect tenses of the passive:

1 In Stage 29, you met the following forms of the passive: first second third fourth
conjugation conjugation conjugation conjugation
first second third fourth
conjugation conjugation conjugation conjugation I have been I have been I have been I have been
carried, I was taught, I was dragged, I was heard, I was
portātur docētur trahitur audītur carried taught dragged heard
s/he is (being) s/he is (being) s/he is (being) s/he is (being) portātus sum doctus sum tractus sum audītus sum
carried taught dragged heard portātus es doctus es tractus es audītus es
portātus est doctus est tractus est audītus est
portantur docentur trahuntur audiuntur portātī sumus doctī sumus tractī sumus audītī sumus
they are they are they are they are portātī estis doctī estis tractī estis audītī estis
(being) carried (being) taught (being) dragged (being) heard portātī sunt doctī sunt tractī sunt audītī sunt
portābātur docēbātur trahēbātur audiēbātur I had been I had been I had been I had been
s/he was (being) s/he was (being) s/he was (being) s/he was (being) carried taught dragged heard
carried taught dragged heard portātus eram doctus eram tractus eram audītus eram
portātus erās doctus erās tractus erās audītus erās
portābantur docēbantur trahēbantur audiēbantur portātus erat doctus erat tractus erat audītus erat
they were they were they were they were portātī erāmus doctī erāmus tractī erāmus audītī erāmus
(being) carried (being) taught (being) dragged (being) heard portātī erātis doctī erātis tractī erātis audītī erātis
2 Translate each verb, then change it from a singular to plural, so that it means they … portātī erant doctī erant tractī erant audītī erant
instead of s/he or it … . Then translate again. 6 Give the meaning of:
audītur; trahēbātur; dūcēbātur; laudātur; custōdiēbātur; dēlētur audītus eram; portātus erat; portātī sunt; doctus sum; tractus es; portātī erāmus.
3 In Stage 34, you met the future tense of the passive: 7 In paragraph 5, find the Latin for:

portābitur docēbitur trahētur audiētur they had been carried; I have been dragged; you (s.) have been taught;
s/he will be s/he will be s/he will be s/he will be he was carried.
carried taught dragged heard
8 Notice again that the two tenses in paragraph 5 are formed with perfect passive
portābuntur docēbuntur trahentur audientur participles, which change their endings to indicate gender (masculine, feminine, and
they will be they will be they will be they will be neuter) and number (singular and plural). For example:
carried taught dragged heard
masculine singular puer ā mīlitibus captus est.
4 The present, imperfect and future tenses above are shown only in the forms of the 3rd person
neuter singular templum ā mīlitibus captum est.
singular and plural. You have not yet met the 1st and 2nd persons (I am carried, you are carried,
feminine singular urbs ā mīlitibus capta est.
feminine plural multae urbēs ā mīlitibus captae sunt.
9 Translate the following examples:

docta est; tractum erat; vocātus sum; custōdītae sunt; missī erāmus; monita erās;
ductī sunt; dēlēta sunt.

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4 carrying teaching dragging hearing

Subjunctive portāns docēns trahēns audiēns
1 first second third fourth Study the forms of the present participle portāns:
conjugation conjugation conjugation conjugation
masculine masculine
portārem docērem traherem audīrem and feminine neuter and feminine neuter
portārēs docērēs traherēs audīrēs portāns portāns portantēs portantia
portāret docēret traheret audīret
and vocative
portārēmus docērēmus traherēmus audīrēmus
portārētis docērētis traherētis audīrētis genitive portantis portantis portantium portantium
portārent docērent traherent audīrent dative portantī portantī portantibus portantibus
accusative portantem portāns portantēs portantia
portāvissem docuissem trāxissem audīvissem ablative portantī portantī portantibus portantibus
portāvissēs docuissēs trāxissēs audīvissēs The ablative singular of present participles sometimes ends in -e, e.g. portante, docente.
portāvisset docuisset trāxisset audīvisset
portāvissēmus docuissēmus trāxissēmus audīvissēmus 5 (having been) (having been) (having been) (having been)
portāvissētis docuissētis trāxissētis audīvissētis
carried taught dragged heard
portāvissent docuissent trāxissent audīvissent
portātus doctus tractus audītus

2 For ways in which the subjunctive is used, see pp. 138‒9. Perfect passive participles change their endings in the same way as bonus
(shown on p. 116).

For examples of perfect active participles, see Deponent verbs, p. 130.

Other forms of the verb
6 about to about to about to about to
1 to carry to teach to drag to hear carry teach drag hear
portāre docēre trahere audīre portātūrus doctūrus tractūrus audītūrus

Future participles change their endings in the same way as bonus.

2 to be carried to be taught to be dragged to be heard For examples of ways in which participles are used, see pp. 136-7.
portārī docērī trahī audīrī
7 portandus docendus trahendus audiendus

Gerundives change their endings in the same way as bonus.

3 carry! teach! drag! hear! Notice again the way in which the gerundive is used:
portā docē trahe audī
nōbīs audiendum est. mihi amphora portanda est.
portāte docēte trahite audīte We must listen. I must carry the wine jar.

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Deponent verbs 4 Give the meaning of:

cōnātus eram; locūtī sumus; ingressī sumus; ingressus erās; profectus es;
1 From Stage 32 on, you have met deponent verbs: profectī erāmus; secūtī sunt; hortātī erātis.

cōnātur s/he tries loquitur s/he speaks 5 Translate each word (or pair of words), then change it from plural to singular, so that it
cōnantur they try loquuntur they speak means he ... instead of they ... . Then translate again.

cōnābātur s/he was trying loquēbātur s/he was speaking loquuntur; cōnātī sunt; profectī sunt; hortantur; sequēbantur; ēgressī erant;
cōnābantur they were trying loquēbantur they were speaking precābuntur; loquentur.

cōnātus sum I (have) tried locūtus sum I spoke, I have spoken 6 Compare the two verbs in paragraphs 1 and 2 with the passive forms of portō and trahō
cōnātus es you (have) tried locūtus es you spoke, you have spoken listed on pp. 126‒127 above.
cōnātus est he (has tried) locūtus est he spoke, he has spoken
cōnātī sumus we (have) tried locūtī sumus we spoke, we have spoken 7 For further practice of deponent verbs, see paragraphs 4-5 on p. 142.
cōnātī estis you (have) tried locūtī estis you spoke, you have spoken
cōnātī sunt they (have) tried locūtī sunt they spoke, they have spoken
cōnātus eram I had tried locūtus eram I had spoken
cōnātus erās you had tried locūtus erās you had spoken
cōnātus erat he had tried locūtus erat he had spoken
cōnātī erāmus we had tried locūtī erāmus we had spoken
cōnātī erātis you had tried locūtī erātis you had spoken
cōnātī erant they had tried locūtī erant they had spoken

cōnātus having tried locūtus having spoken

Perfect active participles change their endings in the same way as bonus (shown on p. 116).

cōnāri to try loquī to speak

2 In Stage 34 you met thefuture tense of deponent verbs:

cōnābitur s/he will try loquētur s/he will speak

cōnābuntur they will try loquentur they will speak

3 The present, imperfect and future tenses above are shown only in the form of the 3rd person
singular and plural. You have not yet met the 1st and 2nd persons (I try, you try,etc.) in the stories
in the Stages

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Irregular verbs 4 I have I have been I have I (have) I (have) I have

been, able, I was gone, wanted brought taken,
I was able I went I took
fuī potuī iī voluī tulī cēpī
fuistī potuistī iistī voluistī tulistī cēpistī
fuit potuit iit voluit tulit cēpit
1 I am I am able I go I want I bring I take fuimus potuimus iimus voluimus tulimus cēpimus
sum possum eō volō ferō capiō fuistis potuistis iitis voluistis tulistis cēpistis
es potes īs vīs fers capis fuērunt potuērunt iērunt voluērunt tulērunt cēpērunt
est potest it vult fert capit
sumus possumus īmus volumus ferimus capimus I had I had been I had I had I had I had
estis potestis ītis vultis fertis capitis been able gone wanted brought taken
sunt possunt eunt volunt ferunt capiunt fueram potueram ieram volueram tulerā, cēperam
fuerās potuerās ierās voluerās tulerās cēperās
I was I was I was I was I was fuerat potuerat ierat voluerat tulerat cēperat
I was
able going wanting bringing taking fuerāmus potuerāmus ierāmus voluerāmus tulerāmus cēperāmus
eram poteram ībam volēbam ferēbam capiēbam fuerātis potuerātis ierātis voluerātis tulerātis cēperātis
erās poterās ībās volēbās ferēbās capiēbās fuerant potuerant ierant voluerant tulerant cēperant
erat poterat ībat volēbat ferēbat capiēbat
erāmus poterāmus ībāmus volēbāmus ferēbāmus capiēbāmus 5 Study the following passive forms of ferō and capiō:
erātis poterātis ībātis volēbātis ferēbātis capiēbātis
erant poterant ībant volēbant ferēbant capiēbant fertur s/he is brought capitur s/he is taken
feruntur they are brought capiuntur they are taken
2 Study the forms of the future tense:
ferēbātur s/he was being brought capiēbātur s/he was being taken
I shall I shall be I shall I shall I shall I shall ferēbantur they were being brought capiēbantur they were being taken
be able go want bring take
erō poterō ībō volam feram capiam lātus sum I have been brought, captus sum I have been taken,
eris poterit ībis volēs ferēs capiēs I was brought I was taken
erit poterit ībit volet feret capiet lātus es you have been brought, captus es you have been taken,
erimus poterimus ībimus volēmus ferēmus capiēmus
you were brought you were taken
eritis poteritis ībitis volētis ferētis capiētis etc. etc.
erunt poterint ībunt volent ferent capient

3 Translate each verb, then change it into the future tense, keeping the same person and lātus eram I had been brought captus eram I had been taken
number (i.e. 1st person singular, etc.). Then translate again. lātus erās you had been brought captus erās; you had been taken
etc. etc.
est; potestis; ībam; vīs; ferunt; capiēbāmus.
lātus having been brought captus having been taken

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6 Give the meaning of: Uses of the cases

captus erat; lātī erant; lātī sunt; captī sumus.
1 nominative
What would be the Latin for the following? captīvus clāmābat. The prisoner was shouting.
he had been brought; he has been taken; we have been brought; they were taken 2 vocative
valē, domine! Good-bye, master!
3 accusative
essem possem īrem vellem ferrem caperem a pontem trānsiimus. We crossed the bridge.
essēs possēs īrēs vellēs ferrēs caperēs b trēs hōrās labōrābam. I was working for three hours.
esset posset īret vellet ferret caperet c per agrōs; ad vīllam. through the fields; to the house
essēmus possēmus īrēmus vellēmus ferrēmus caperēmus d in forum into the forum
essētis possētis īrētis vellētis ferrētis caperētis
4 genitive
essent possent īrent vellent ferrent caperent
a māter puerōrum the mother of the boys
fuissem potuissem iissem voluissem tulissem cēpissem b plūs pecūniae more money
c vir maximae virtūtis a man of very great courage
fuissēs potuissēs iissēs voluissēs tulissēs cēpissēs
fuisset potuisset iisset voluisset tulisset cēpisset 5 dative
fuissēmus potuissēmus iissēmus voluissēmus tulissēmus cēpissēmus a mīlitibus cibum dedimus. We gave food to the soldiers.
fuissētis potuissētis iissētis voluissētis tulissētis cēpissētis b vestrō candidātō nōn faveō. I do not support your candidate.
fuissent potuissent iissent voluissent tulissent cēpissent
6 ablative
Other forms of the verb a spectāculō attonitus astonished by the sight
b senex longā barbā an old man with a long beard
esse posse īre velle ferre capere c nōbilī gente nātus born from a noble family
to be to be able to go to want to bring to take d quārtō diē revēnit. He came back on the fourth day.
e cum amīcīs; ab urbe; in forō with friends; away from the city; in the forum

For examples of ablative absolute phrases, see paragraph 4 on p. 136.

7 Further examples of some of the uses listed above:

a Salvius erat vir summae calliditātis.
b decimā hōrā ex oppidō contendimus.
c uxor imperātōris, in ātrium ingressa, ancillīs fidēlibus grātiās ēgit.
d fabrī, spē praemiī incitātī, arcum ante prīmam lūcem perfēcērunt.
e multōs diēs Haterius ē vīllā discēdere recūsāvit.
f Salvī, cūr cōnsiliīs meīs obstās?
g senātor in lectō manēbat quod nimium cibī cōnsūmpserat.
h lēgātus mīlitibus imperāvit ut hostēs hastīs gladiīsque oppugnārent.

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Uses of the participle 5 From Stage 31 on, you have met examples in which a noun and participle in the
dative case are placed at the beginning of the sentence:

1 In Book III, you saw how a participle changes its endings to agree with the noun it amīcō auxilium petentī multam pecūniam obtulī.
describes. To a friend asking for help I offered a lot of money.
Or, in more natural English:
2 Notice again some of the various ways in which a participle can be translated:
When my friend asked for help I off ered him a lot of money.
fūrēs, canem cōnspicātī, fūgērunt.
The thieves, having caught sight of the dog, ran away. Further examples:
When the thieves caught sight of the dog, they ran away.
a servō haesitantī Vitellia “intrā!” inquit.
On catching sight of the dog, the thieves ran away.
b Hateriō haec rogantī Salvius nihil respondit.
The thieves ran away because they had caught sight of the dog.
c praecōnī regressō senex epistulam trādidit.
d puellae prōcēdentī obstābat ingēns multitūdō clientium.
3 Translate the following examples:

a ingēns multitūdō pompam per Viam Sacram prōcēdentem spectābat.

b custōdēs puerō lacrimantī nihil dīxērunt.
c mīlitēs, ā centuriōnibus iussī, in longīs ōrdinibus stābant.
d mercātor amīcōs, ā Graeciā regressōs, ad cēnam sūmptuōsam invītāvit.
Pick out the noun and participle pair in each sentence, and say whether it is nominative,
accusative, or dative, singular or plural.

4 In Stage 31, you met examples of ablative absolute phrases, consisting of a noun and
participle in the ablative case:

bellō cōnfectō, Agricola ad Ītaliam rediit.

With the war having been finished, Agricola returned to Italy.
Or, in more natural English:
When the war had been finished, Agricola returned to Italy, or,
After finishing the war, Agricola returned to Italy.

Further examples:

a ponte dēlētō, nēmō fl ūmen trānsīre poterat.

b hīs verbīs audītīs, cīvēs plausērunt.
c nāve refectā, mercātor ā Britanniā discessit.
d iuvenēs, togīs dēpositīs, balneum intrāvērunt.
e latrōnēs, omnibus dormientibus, tabernam incendērunt.
f cōnsule ingressō, omnēs senātōrēs surrēxērunt.
g fēle absente, mūrēs lūdere solent.

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Uses of the subjunctive 5 result clause

tam perītus erat faber ut omnēs eum laudārent.

1 with cum (meaning when) The craftsman was so skillful that everyone praised him.

Iūdaeī, cum cōnsilium Eleazārī audīvissent, libenter cōnsēnsērunt. 6 Translate the following examples:
When the Jews had heard Eleazar’s plan, they willingly agreed. a cīvēs Rōmānī templa vīsitābant ut dīs grātiās agerent.
2 indirect question b cum servī vīnum intulissent, Haterius silentium poposcit.
c tanta erat fortitūdō Iūdaeōrum ut perīre potius quam cēdere māllent.
cōnsul nesciēbat quis arcum novum aedificāvisset.
d nēmō sciēbat utrum Haterius an Salvius rem administrāvisset.
The consul did not know who had built the new arch.
e uxor mihi persuāsit nē hoc susciperem.
mē rogāvērunt num satis pecūniae habērem. f extrā carcerem stābant decem mīlitēs quī captīvōs custōdīrent.
They asked me whether I had enough money.
In each sentence, give the reason why a subjunctive is being used.
From Stage 28 on, you have met the words utrum and an in indirect questions:
7 From Stage 33 on, you have met the subjunctive used with priusquam (meaning
incertī erant utrum dux mortuus an vīvus esset. before) and dum (meaning until):
They were unsure whether their leader was dead or alive.
Myropnous iānuam clausit priusquam mīlitēs intrārent.
3 purpose clause
Myropnous shut the door before the soldiers could enter.
ad urbem iter fēcimus ut amphitheātrum vīsitārēmus. exspectābam dum amīcus advenīret.
We traveled to the city in order to visit the amphitheater. I was waiting until my friend should arrive.
In Stage 29, you met purpose clauses used with the relative pronoun quī: Or, in more natural English:
I was waiting for my friend to arrive.
nūntiōs ēmīsit quī prīncipēs ad aulam arcesserent.
He sent out messengers who were to summon the chieftains to the palace.
Or, in more natural English:
He sent out messengers to summon the chieftains to the palace.
From Stage 29 on, you have met purpose clauses used with nē:

centuriō omnēs portās clausit nē captīvī effugerent.

The centurion shut all the gates so that the prisoners would not escape.
4 indirect command

Domitiānus Salviō imperāverat ut rēgnum Cogidubnī occupāret.

Domitian had ordered Salvius to seize Cogidubnus’ kingdom.
From Stage 29 on, you have met indirect commands introduced by nē:

puella agricolam ōrāvit nē equum occīderet.

The girl begged the farmer not to kill the horse.
Haterius ab amīcīs monitus est nē Salviō cōnfīderet.
Haterius was warned by friends not to trust Salvius.

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Longer sentences Numerals

1 Study each sentence and answer the questions that follow it: I ūnus 1 XVI sēdecim 16
II duo 2 XVII septendecim 17
a postquam Haterius fabrōs, quī labōrābant in āreā, dīmīsit, Salvius
negōtium agere coepit. III trēs 3 XVIII duodēvīgintī 18
Where were the craftsmen working? What did Haterius do to them? What did IV quattuor 4 XIX ūndēvīgintī 19
Salvius then do? V quīnque 5 XX vīgintī 20
Now translate the sentence. VI sex 6 XXX trīgintā 30
VII septem 7 XL quadrāgintā 40
b spectātōrēs, cum candēlābrum aureum ē templō Iūdaeōrum raptum
VIII octō 8 L quīnquāgintā 50
cōnspexissent, iterum iterumque plausērunt.
IX novem 9 LX sexāgintā 60
What did the spectators catch sight of? From where had it been seized? What
was the reaction of the spectators? X decem 10 LXX septuāgintā 70
Now translate the sentence. XI ūndecim 11 LXXX octōgintā 80
XII duodecim 12 XC nōnāgintā 90
c fūr, cum verba centuriōnis audīvisset, tantō metū poenārum affectus XIII tredecim 13 C centum 100
est ut pecūniam quam ē tabernā abstulerat, statim abicere cōnstitueret. XIV quattordecim 14 M mīlle 1000
What did the thief hear? How was he affected? What did he decide to do?
XV quīndecim 15 MM duo mīlia 2000
Where had the money come from?
Now translate the sentence.

2 Further examples for study and translation:

a ancillae, quod dominam vehementer clāmantem audīvērunt,

cubiculum eius quam celerrimē petīvērunt.
b equitēs adeō pugnāre cupiēbant ut, simulac dux signum dedit, ē portīs
castrōrum ērumperent.
c postquam cōnsul hanc sententiam dīxit, Domitiānus servō adstantī
imperāvit ut epistulam ab Agricolā nūper missam recitāret.
d cum Haterius sōlus domī manēret, Vitellia eum anxia rogāvit cūr
amīcōs clientēsque admittere nōllet.
e quamquam fēminae Simōnem frātrēsque cēlāvērunt nē perīrent,
Rōmānī eōs comprehēnsōs ad Ītaliam mīsērunt.

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Part Two: Vocabulary Aegyptius, Aegyptia,

a Aegyptium Egyptian
Aegyptus, Aegyptī, f. Egypt
Notes ā, ab + abl.
abdūcō, abdūcere, abdūxī,
from; by * aequus, aequa, aequum
aequō animō
fair, calm
calmly, with a calm mind
abductus lead away aeternus, aeterna, aeternum eternal
* abeō, abīre, abiī go away Aethiopes, Aethiopum, Ethiopians
abhinc ago * afficiō, afficere, affēcī,
1 Nouns, adjectives and most verbs are listed as in the Book III Language Information section. abhorreō, abhorrēre, affectus affect
abhorruī shrink (from) * affectus, affecta, affectum affected, overcome
2 Prepositions used with the ablative, such as ex, are marked + abl.; those used with the accusative, abigō, abigere, abēgī, abāctus drive away afflīgō, afflīgere, afflīxī,
ablātus see auferre afflīctus afflict, hurt
such as per, are marked + acc. bsēns, gen. absentis absent agellus, agellī, m. small plot of land
absentia, absentiae, f. absence ager, agrī, m. field
3 Deponent verbs (met and explained in Stage 32) are listed in the following way: * absum, abesse, āfuī be out, be absent, be away agger, aggeris, m. ramp, mound
* ac and * agitō, agitāre, agitāvī, agitātus chase, hunt
* accidō, accidere, accidī happen * agmen, agminis, n. column (of men), procession
The 1st person singular of the present tense. This always ends in -or, e.g. cōnor (I try). * accipiō, accipere, accēpī, * agnōscō, agnōscere, agnōvī,
The infinitive. This always ends in -ī, e.g. cōnārī (to try). acceptus accept, take in, receive agnitus recognise
* accūsō, accūsāre, accūsāvī, agō, agere, ēgī, āctus do, act
The 1st person singular of the perfect tense, e.g. cōnātus sum (I tried). accūsātus accuse
age! come on!
The meaning. āctor, āctōris, m. actor fābulam agere act a play
* āctus see agō * grātiās agere thank, give thanks
So if the following forms are given: * ad + acc. to, at negōtium agere do business, work
addō, addere, addidī, vītam agere lead a life
additus add * agricola, agricolae, m. farmer
loquor, loquī, locūtus sum speak * adeō so much, so greatly aliquandō sometimes
* adeō, adīre, adiī approach, go up to * aliquis, aliquid someone, something
* adeptus see adipīscor aliquid mīrī something extraordinary
loquor means I speak, loquī means to speak, locūtus sum means I spoke. * adest see adsum * alius, alia, aliud other, another, else
* adhūc up till now * aliī ... aliī some ... others
4 Study the following deponent verbs, listed in the way described in paragraph 3. * adipīscor, adipīscī, * alter, altera, alterum the other, the second
adeptus sum receive, obtain alter ... alter one ... the other
* adiuvō, adiuvāre, adiūvī help * altus, alta, altum high, deep
cōnspicor, cōnspicārī, cōnspicātus sum catch sight of adligō, adligāre, adligāvī, ambitiō, ambitiōnis, f. bribery
ingredior, ingredī, ingressus sum enter adligātus tie * ambō, ambae, ambō both
adloquor, adloquī, * ambulō, ambulāre, ambulāvī walk
lābor, lābī, lāpsus sum fall adlocūtus sum speak to, address āmēns, gen. āmentis out of one's mind, in a frenzy
administrō, administrāre, * amīcus, amīcī, m. friend
administrāvī, * āmittō, āmittere, āmīsī,
Give the meaning of: administrātus look after, manage āmissus lose
admīrātiō, admīrātiōnis, f. admiration * amō, amāre, amāvī, amātus love, like
cōnspicor, ingredī, lāpsus sum, ingredior, cōnspicātus sum, lābī admīror, admīrārī, * amor, amōris, m. love
admīrātus sum admire amphitheātrum,
5 Use the Vocabulary on pp. 143-59 to find the meaning of: admittō, admittere, admīsī, amphitheātrī, n. amphitheatre
admissus admit, let in amphora, amphorae, f. wine-jar
adōrō, adōrāre, adōrāvī, amplector, amplectī,
ēgredior, hortātus sum, pollicērī, sequor, minārī, adeptus sum. adōrātus worship amplexus sum embrace
adstō, adstāre, adstitī stand by amplissimus, amplissima,
6 All words which are given in teh Vocabulary checklists for Stages 1-34 are marked with an * adsum, adesse, adfuī be here, be present amplissimum very great
* adveniō, advenīre, advēnī arrive amputō, amputāre, amputāvī,
asterisk(*). adventus, adventūs, m. arrival amputātus cut off
* adversus, adversa, adversum hostile, unfavourable an or
* rēs adversae misfortune * ancilla, ancillae, f. slave-girl, maid
* aedificium, aedificiī, n. building angelus, angelī, m. angel
* aedificō, aedificāre, angustus, angusta, angustum narrow
aedificāvī, aedificātus build * animus, animī, m. spirit, soul, mind
* aeger, aegra, aegrum sick, ill aequō animō calmly, with a calm mind
aegrōtus, aegrōtī, m. invalid in animō volvere wonder, turn over in the

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* annus, annī, m. year * autem but cāsus, cāsūs, m. misfortune commemorō, commemorāre,
* ante + acc. before, in front of * auxilium, auxiliī, n. help catēna, catēnae, f. chain commemorāvī,
* anteā before avārus, avārī, m. miser caudex, caudicis, m. blockhead, idiot commemorātus talk about, mention, recall
* ānulus, ānulī, m. ring avia, aviae, f. grandmother cautē cautiously commendō, commendāre,
anus, anūs, f. old woman avidē eagerly caveō, cavēre, cāvī beware commendāvī,
anxius, anxia, anxium anxious avis, avis, f. bird * cēdō, cēdere, cessī give in, give way, make way commendātus recommend
aper, aprī, m. boar celebrō, celebrāre, celebrāvī, committō, committere,
* aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, b celebrātus celebrate commīsī, commissus commit, begin
apertus open * celeriter quickly, fast * commodus, commoda,
apertē openly balneum, balneī, n. bath quam celerrimē as quickly as possible commodum convenient
* appāreō, appārēre, appāruī appear barba, barbae, f. beard cellārius, cellāriī, m. steward * commōtus, commōta,
* appellō, appellāre, appellāvī, barbarus, barbarī, m. barbarian * cēlō, cēlāre, cēlāvī, cēlātus hide commōtum
* bellum, bellī, n. war moved, alarmed, excited,
appellātus call, call out to * cēna, cēnae, f. dinner distressed, upset
* appropinquō, appropinquāre, * bellum gerere wage war, campaign * cēnō, cēnāre, cēnāvī dine, have dinner
* bene well * comparō, comparāre,
appropinquāvī approach, come near to * centum a hundred comparāvī, comparātus obtain
aptus, apta, aptum suitable * optimē very well centuriō, centuriōnis, m. centurion
beneficium, beneficiī, n. act of kindness, favour * compleō, complēre,
* apud + acc. among, at the house of * cēpī see capiō complēvī, complētus fill
* aqua, aquae, f. water * benignus, benigna, certē certainly
benignum kind compluvium, compluviī, n. compluvium (opening in roof)
* āra, ārae, f. altar certō, certāre, certāvī compete * compōnō, compōnere,
arbiter, arbitrī, m. expert, judge * bibō, bibere, bibī drink * cēterī, cēterae, cētera, pl. the others, the rest
blandus, blanda, blandum flattering composuī, compositus put together, arrange, settle,
arbor, arboris, f. tree Chrīstiānī, Chrīstiānōrum,
* arcessō, arcessere, arcessīvī, * bonus, bona, bonum good Christians mix, make up
arcessītus summon, send for * melior, melius better * cibus, cibī, m. food compositus, composita,
architectus, architectī, m. builder, architect melius est it would be better circā + acc. around compositum composed, steady
arcus, arcūs, m. arch * optimus, optima, optimum very good, excellent, best circiter + acc. about * comprehendō,
* ardeō, ardēre, arsī burn, be on fire brevī in a short time circulus, circulī, m. hoop comprehendere,
ardor, ardōris, m. spirit, enthusiasm * brevis, breve short, brief * circum + acc. around comprehendī,
ārea, āreae, f. courtyard, builder's yard Britannī, Britannōrum, Britons * circumspectō, circumspectāre, comprehēnsus arrest, seize
arēna, arēnae, f. arena Britannia, Britanniae, f. Britain circumspectāvī look round * cōnātus see cōnor
argenteus, argentea, * circumveniō, circumvenīre, conclāve, conclāvis, n. room
argenteum made of silver c circumvēnī, circumventus surround concrepō, concrepāre,
arma, armōrum, arms, weapons circus, circī, m. circus, stadium concrepuī snap, click
arrogantia, arrogantiae, f. cheek, arrogance C. = Gāius Circus Maximus the Circus Maximus condūcō, condūcere, condūxī,
* caelum, caelī, n. sky, heaven conductus hire
* ars, artis, f. art, skill calceus, calceī, m. shoe (stadium for chariot racing)
artifex, artificis, m. artist, craftsman citharoedus, citharoedī, m. cithara player * cōnficiō, cōnficere, cōnfēcī,
calliditās, calliditātis, f. cleverness, shrewdness cōnfectus finish
as, assis, m. as (small coin) * callidus, callida, callidum clever, cunning, shrewd
* cīvis, cīvis, m.f. citizen
* ascendō, ascendere, ascendī climb, rise clādēs, clādis, f. disaster cōnfectus, cōnfecta,
* at but candēlābrum, candēlābrī, n. lampstand, candelabrum * clāmō, clāmāre, clāmāvī shout cōnfectum
candidātus, candidātī, m. candidate worn out, exhausted,
Athēnae, Athēnārum, Athens * canis, canis, m. dog
* clāmor, clāmōris, m. shout, uproar overcome
Athēnīs at Athens * cantō, cantāre, cantāvī sing, chant
* clārus, clāra, clārum famous, distinguished * cōnfīdō, cōnfīdere trust, put trust
* atque and tībiīs cantāre play on the pipes
* claudō, claudere, clausī, cōnfīsus, cōnfīsa,
ātrium, ātriī, n. atrium, main room, hall * capiō, capere, cēpī, captus take, catch, capture clausus shut, close, block, conclude, cōnfīsum having trusted, having
* attonitus, attonita, attonitum astonished complete
* auctor, auctōris, m. creator, originator, person cōnsilium capere make a plan, have an put trust
idea cliēns, clientis, m. client * coniciō, conicere, coniēcī,
responsible Capitōlium, Capitōliī, n. the Capitol * coepī I began coniectus hurl, throw
* mē auctōre at my suggestion captīva, captīvae, f. (female) prisoner, captive * cōgitō, cōgitāre, cōgitāvī think, consider * cōnor, cōnārī, cōnātus sum try
* auctōritās, auctōritātis, f. authority * captīvus, captīvī, m. prisoner, captive * cognōscō, cognōscere, cōnscendō, cōnscendere,
* audācia, audāciae, f. boldness, audacity * caput, capitis, n. head cognōvī, cognitus get to know, find out cōnscendī
audācter boldly climb on, embark on, go on
* carcer, carceris, m. prison * cōgō, cōgere, coēgī, coāctus force, compel board, mount
* audāx, gen. audācis bold, daring carmen, carminis, n. song colligō, colligere, collēgī,
* audeō, audēre dare * cōnsentiō, cōnsentīre,
carnifex, carnificis, m. executioner collēctus gather, collect, assemble cōnsēnsī agree
* audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītus hear, listen to * cārus, cāra, cārum dear collocō, collocāre, collocāvī,
* auferō, auferre, abstulī, collocātus place, put cōnsīdō, cōnsīdere, cōnsēdī sit down
ablātus take away, steal castellum, castellī, n. fort * cōnsilium, cōnsiliī, n. plan, idea, advice
* castra, castrōrum, camp columba, columbae, f. dove cōnsilium capere make a plan, have an idea
augeō, augēre, auxī, auctus increase columna, columnae, f. pillar, column
* aula, aulae, f. palace * cōnsistō, cōnsistere, stand one's ground, stand
* comes, comitis, m.f. comrade, companion cōnstitī firm, halt, stop
aureus, aurea, aureum gilded, gold-plated, golden, made cōmiter politely, courteously
of gold * comitor, comitārī,
* cōnspiciō, cōnspicere,
aurīga, aurīgae, m. charioteer cōnspexī, cōnspectus catch sight of
comitātus sum accompany * cōnspicor, cōnspicārī,
auris, auris, f. ear comitāns, gen. comitantis accompanying cōnspicātus sum catch sight of

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cōnspicuus, cōnspicua, * dēserō, dēserere, dēseruī, * domina, dominae, f. mistress, madam

cōnspicuum conspicuous, easily seen d dēsertus desert * dominus, dominī, m. master
* cōnstituō, cōnstituere, dēsiliō, dēsilīre, dēsiluī jump down * domus, domūs, f. house, home
cōnstituī, cōnstitūtus decide damnō, damnāre, damnāvī, dēsinō, dēsinere end, cease domī at home
cōnsul, cōnsulis, m. consul (senior magistrate) damnātus condemn dēsistō, dēsistere, dēstitī stop domum redīre return home
cōnsulātus, cōnsulātūs, m. consulship (rank of consul) * dare see dō * dēspērō, dēspērāre, * dōnum, dōnī, n. present, gift
* cōnsulō, cōnsulere, cōnsuluī, * dē + abl. from, down from; about dēspērāvī despair, give up dōnīs corrumpere bribe
cōnsultus consult * dea, deae, f. goddess dēspiciō, dēspicere, dēspexī look down * dormiō, dormīre, dormīvī sleep
* cōnsūmō, cōnsūmere, * dēbeō, dēbēre, dēbuī, dētestor, dētestārī, dubium, dubiī, n. doubt
cōnsūmpsī, cōnsūmptus eat dēbitus owe, ought, should, must dētestātus sum curse * dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductus lead, take
* contendō, contendere, * decem ten dētrahō, dētrahere, dētrāxī, sorte ductus chosen by lot
contendī hurry * dēcidō, dēcidere, dēcidī fall down dētractus pull down * dum while, until
* contentus, contenta, decimus, decima, decimum tenth * deus, deī, m. god * duo, duae, duo two
contentum satisfied * dēcipiō, dēcipere, dēcēpī, dī immortālēs! heavens above! duodecim twelve
continuus, continua, dēceptus deceive, fool dēvorō, dēvorāre, dēvorāvī, * dūrus, dūra, dūrum harsh, hard
continuum continuous, on end dēclārō, dēclārāre, dēclārāvī, dēvorātus devour, eat up * dux, ducis, m. leader
* contrā + acc. (1) against dēclārātus declare, proclaim diabolus, diabolī, m. devil * dūxī see dūcō
* contrā (2) on the other hand * decōrus, decōra, decōrum right, proper * dīcō, dīcere, dīxī, dictus say
contumēlia, contumēliae, f. insult, abuse dedī see dō
dēdicō, dēdicāre, dēdicāvī,
* diēs, diēī, m. day e
* conveniō, convenīre, convēnī come together, gather, meet diēs fēstus, diēī fēstī, m. festival, holiday
* convertō, convertere, dēdicātus dedicate diēs nātālis, * ē, ex + abl. from, out of
convertī, conversus turn dēdūcō, dēdūcere, dēdūxī, diēī nātālis, m. birthday ea, eā, eam see is
convertor, convertī, dēductus escort * difficilis, difficile difficult eādem, eandem the same
conversus sum turn * dēfendō, dēfendere, dēfendī, difficultās, difficultātis, f. difficulty * eās see is
convolvō, convolvere, dēfēnsus defend digitus, digitī, m. finger ēbrius, ēbria, ēbrium drunk
convolvī, convolūtus entangle dēfīgō, dēfīgere, dēfīxī, * dignitās, dignitātis, f. dignity, importance, prestige * ecce! see! look!
* coquō, coquere, coxī, coctus cook dēfīxus fix * dīligenter carefully, diligently edō, edere, ēdī, ēsus eat
* coquus, coquī, m. cook dēiciō, dēicere, dēiēcī, dīligentius more diligently, harder ēdūcō, ēdūcere, ēdūxī,
corōna, corōnae, f. garland, wreath dēiectus throw down, throw dīligō, dīligere, dīlēxī, ēductus lead out
* corpus, corporis, n. body dēiectus, dēiecta, dīlēctus be fond of efferō, efferre, extulī, ēlātus bring out, carry out
corrumpō, corrumpere, dēiectum disappointed dīmittō, dīmittere, dīmīsī, * efficiō, efficere, effēcī,
corrūpī, corruptus corrupt * deinde then dīmissus send away, dismiss effectus carry out, accomplish
dōnīs corrumpere bribe * dēlectō, dēlectāre, dēlectāvī, dīripiō, dīripere, dīripuī, effigiēs, effigiēī, f. image, statue
* cotīdiē every day dēlectātus delight, please dīreptus pull apart, ransack effringō, effringere, effrēgī,
* crās tomorrow * dēleō, dēlēre, dēlēvī, dēlētus destroy * dīrus, dīra, dīrum dreadful effrāctus break down
* crēdō, crēdere, crēdidī trust, believe, have faith in dēliciae, dēliciārum, darling * dīs see deus * effugiō, effugere, effūgī escape
creō, creāre, creāvī, creātus make, create dēligō, dēligāre, dēligāvī, * discēdō, discēdere, discessī depart, leave * effundō, effundere, effūdī,
* crūdēlis, crūdēle cruel dēligātus bind, tie, tie up, moor discipulus, discipulī, m. disciple, follower effūsus pour out
crux, crucis, f. cross * dēmittō, dēmittere, dēmīsī, discō, discere, didicī learn effūsīs lacrimīs with tears pouring out,
* cubiculum, cubiculī, n. bedroom dēmissus let down, lower discordia, discordiae, f. strife bursting into tears
* cucurrī see currō * dēmōnstrō, dēmōnstrāre, discrīmen, discrīminis, n. crisis * ēgī see agō
cui, cuius see quī dēmōnstrāvī, dēmōnstrātus point out, show dissimulō, dissimulāre, * ego, meī I, me
culīna, culīnae, f. kitchen dēmoveō, dēmovēre, dēmōvī, dissimulāvī, dissimulātus conceal, hide * ēgredior, ēgredī, ēgressus sum go out
culpō, culpāre, culpāvī blame dēmōtus dismiss, move out of the way distribuō, distribuere, * ēheu! oh dear! oh no!
culter, cultrī, m. knife dēmum at last distribuī, distribūtus distribute * eī see is
* cum (1) when tum dēmum then at last, only then * diū for a long time * ēiciō, ēicere, ēiēcī, ēiectus throw out
* cum + abl. (2) with dēnārius, dēnāriī, m. a denarius (coin worth four diūtius any longer * eīs, eius see is
cumulō, cumulāre, cumulāvī, sesterces) * dīves, gen. dīvitis rich eiusmodī of that kind
cumulātus heap * dēnique at last, finally dītissimus, dītissima, ēlābor, ēlābī, ēlāpsus sum slip out, escape
* cupiō, cupere, cupīvī want dēns, dentis, m. tooth dītissimum very rich ēlegāns, gen. ēlegantis tasteful, elegant
* cūr? why? dēnsus, dēnsa, dēnsum thick * dīvitiae, dīvitiārum, riches ēlegantia, ēlegantiae, f. good taste, elegance
* cūra, cūrae, f. care dēpellō, dēpellere, dēpulī, dīvus, dīvī, m. god ēliciō, ēlicere, ēlicuī, ēlicitus lure, entice
cūrae esse be a matter of concern dēpulsus drive off, push down * dīxī see dīcō * ēligō, ēligere, ēlēgī, ēlēctus choose
cūria, cūriae, f. senate-house dēpōnō, dēpōnere, dēposuī, * dō, dare, dedī, datus give ēlūdō, ēlūdere, ēlūdī, ēlūsus slip past, trick, outwit
* cūrō, cūrāre, cūrāvī look after, supervise dēpositus put down, take off * poenās dare pay the penalty, be punished * ēmittō, ēmittere, ēmīsī,
* currō, currere, cucurrī run dērīdeō, dērīdēre, dērīsī, * doceō, docēre, docuī, doctus teach ēmissus throw, send out
currus, currūs, m. chariot dērīsus mock, jeer at * doctus, docta, doctum learned, educated, skilful,
* custōdiō, custōdīre, * dēscendō, dēscendere, clever
custōdīvī, custōdītus guard dēscendī come down, go down * doleō, dolēre, doluī hurt, be in pain
* custōs, custōdis, m. guard * dolor, dolōris, m. pain, grief

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* emō, emere, ēmī, ēmptus buy * extrā outside fortūna, fortūnae, f. fortune, luck haereō, haerēre, haesī stick, cling
ēmoveō, ēmovēre, ēmōvī, extrahō, extrahere, extrāxī, fortūnātus, fortūnāta, haesitō, haesitāre, haesitāvī hesitate
ēmōtus move, clear away extractus drag out, pull out, take out fortūnātum lucky haruspex, haruspicis, m. soothsayer
ēn! look! extrēmus, extrēma, extrēmum furthest forum, forī, n. forum, market-place * hasta, hastae, f. spear
ēn Rōmānī! so these are the Romans! extrēma pars edge fossa, fossae, f. ditch Hateriānus, Hateriāna,
* enim for * extulī see efferō fragor, fragōris, m. crash Hateriānum belonging to Haterius
* eō, īre, iī go * frangō, frangere, frēgī, * haud not
obviam īre meet, go to meet f frāctus break * haudquāquam not at all
* eō see is * frāter, frātris, m. brother hercle! by Hercules! good heavens!
eōdem the same * faber, fabrī, m. craftsman, workman frōns, frontis, f. front * heri yesterday
* eōrum, eōs see is * fābula, fābulae, f. story, play * frūmentum, frūmentī, n. grain * hic, haec, hoc this
* epistula, epistulae, f. letter fābulam agere act a play * frūstrā in vain * hīc here
epulae, epulārum, dishes * facēs see fax * fuga, fugae, f. escape hinc from here
* eques, equitis, m. horseman, well-to-do man * facile easily * fugiō, fugere, fūgī run away, flee (from) * hodiē today
ranking below senator * facilis, facile easy * fuī see sum * homō, hominis, m. human being, man
* equus, equī, m. horse facinus, facinoris, n. crime fulgeō, fulgēre, fulsī shine homunculus, homunculī, m. little man
* eram see sum * faciō, facere, fēcī, factus make, do * fundō, fundere, fūdī, fūsus pour * honor, honōris, m. honour, public position
ergō therefore factum, factī, n. deed, achievement * fundus, fundī, m. farm honōrō, honōrāre, honōrāvī,
ērubēscō, ērubēscere, ērubuī blush Falernus, Falerna, fūnis, fūnis, m. rope honōrātus honour
ērumpō, ērumpere, ērūpī break away, break out Falernum Falernian * fūr, fūris, m. thief * hōra, hōrae, f. hour
* est, estō see sum * falsus, falsa, falsum false, untrue, dishonest furēns, gen. furentis furious, in a rage horreum, horreī, n. barn, granary
* et and famēs, famis, f. hunger fūstis, fūstis, m. club, stick * hortor, hortārī, hortātus sum encourage, urge
* et ... et both ... and familiāris, familiāris, m. close friend, relation, relative * hortus, hortī, m. garden
* etiam even, also
faucēs, faucium,
faveō, favēre, fāvī
passage, entrance-way
favour, support
g * hospes, hospitis, m. guest, host
nōn modo ... sed etiam not only ... but also * hostis, hostis, m.f. enemy
* eum see is favor, favōris, m. favour garriō, garrīre, garrīvī chatter, gossip * hūc here, to this place
evangelium, evangeliī, n. good news, gospel fax, facis, f. torch * gaudeō, gaudēre be pleased, rejoice hūc illūc here and there, up and
ēvertō, ēvertere, ēvertī, * fēcī see faciō * gaudium, gaudiī, n. joy down
ēversus overturn fēlēs, fēlis, f. cat gāza, gāzae, f. treasure * huic, huius see hic
ēvolō, ēvolāre, ēvolāvī fly out fēlīx, gen. fēlīcis lucky * gemitus, gemitūs, m. groan humilis, humile low-born, of low class
* ex, ē + abl. from, out of * fēmina, fēminae, f. woman gemma, gemmae, f. gem, jewel humus, humī, f. ground
exanimātus, examināta, * ferō, ferre, tulī, lātus bring, carry * gēns, gentis, f. family, tribe * humī on the ground
exanimātum unconscious * ferōciter fiercely * gerō, gerere, gessī, gestus wear humum to the ground
* excipiō, excipere, excēpī, * ferōx, gen. ferōcis fierce, ferocious * bellum gerere wage war, campaign
exceptus receive *
fessus, fessa, fessum
festīnō, festīnāre, festīnāvī
hurry *
gladiātor, gladiātōris, m.
gladius, gladiī, m.
* excitō, excitāre, excitāvī,
excitātus arouse, wake up fēstus, fēsta, fēstum festival, holiday glōria, glōriae, f. glory * iaceō, iacēre, iacuī lie
* exclāmō, exclāmāre, * fidēlis, fidēle faithful, loyal glōriāns, gen. glōriantis boasting, boastfully * iaciō, iacere, iēcī, iactus throw
exclāmāvī exclaim, shout * fidēs, fideī, f. loyalty, trustworthiness Graecia, Graeciae, f. Greece * iactō, iactāre, iactāvī, iactātus throw
exemplum, exemplī, n. example fidem servāre keep a promise, keep faith Graecus, Graeca, Graecum Greek * iam now
* exeō, exīre, exiī go out fīgō, fīgere, fīxī, fīxus fix, fasten grātiae, grātiārum, thanks iamdūdum for a long time
exīstimō, exīstimāre, figūra, figūrae, f. figure, shape * grātiās agere give thanks, thank * iānua, iānuae, f. door
exīstimāvī, exīstimātus think, consider * fīlia, fīliae, f. daughter grātīs free * ībam see eō
exitium, exitiī, n. ruin, destruction * fīlius, fīliī, m. son grātulātiō, grātulātiōnis, f. congratulate * ibi there
* explicō, explicāre, explicāvī, * fīxus see fīgō grātulor, grātulārī, * id see is
explicātus explain flagrō, flagrāre, flagrāvī blaze grātulātus sum congratulate * īdem, eadem, idem the same
expōnō, expōnere, exposuī, * flamma, flammae, f. flame grātulāns, gen. grātulantis congratulating * identidem repeatedly
expositus unload * flōs, flōris, m. flower * gravis, grave heavy, serious Ierosolyma, Ierosolymae, f. Jerusalem
expugnō, expugnāre, * flūmen, flūminis, n. river * graviter heavily, seriously, soundly * igitur therefore, and so
expugnāvī, expugnātus storm, take by storm * fluō, fluere, flūxī flow * ignārus, ignāra, ignārum not knowing, unaware
exquīsītus, exquīsīta, * fōns, fontis, m. fountain, spring h * ignāvus, ignāva, ignāvum lazy, cowardly
exquīsītum special fōrma, fōrmae, f. beauty, appearance ignis, ignis, m. fire
* fortasse perhaps * habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus have ignōrō, ignōrāre, ignōrāvī not know about
* exspectō, exspectāre, * habitō, habitāre, habitāvī live
exspectāvī, exspectātus wait for * forte by chance * ignōscō, ignōscere, ignōvī forgive
exstinguō, exstinguere, * fortis, forte brave * iī see eō
exstīnxī, exstīnctus extinguish, destroy * fortiter bravely * ille, illa, illud that, he, she
exstruō, exstruere, exstrūxī, fortitūdō, fortitūdinis, f. courage illūc there, to that place
exstrūctus build hūc illūc here and there, up and
exsultō, exsultāre, exsultāvī exult, be triumphant down
exta, extōrum, entrails

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illūcēscō, illūcēscere, illūxī dawn, grow bright īnsolēns, gen. īnsolentis rude, insolent
imitor, imitārī, imitātus sum imitate, mime * īnspiciō, īnspicere, īnspexī, l m
immineō, imminēre, imminuī hang over īnspectus look at, inspect, examine,
immo or rather L. = Lūcius M. = Marcus
search lābor, lābī, lāpsus sum fall magister, magistrī, m. foreman
immortālis, immortāle immortal * īnstruō, īnstruere, īnstrūxī,
dī immortālēs! heavens above! * labor, labōris, m. work, labour magistrātus, magistrātūs, m. magistrate (elected official)
īnstrūctus draw up, set up * labōrō, labōrāre, labōrāvī work magnificē splendidly, magnificently
immortālitās, * īnsula, īnsulae, f. island; block of flats,
immortālitātis, f. immortality labrum, labrī, n. lip magnificus, magnifica,
apartment building * lacrima, lacrimae, f. tear magnificum splendid, magnificent
* immōtus, immōta, immōtum still, motionless * intellegō, intellegere,
impatiēns, gen. impatientis impatient lacrimīs effūsīs with tears pouring out, * magnopere greatly
intellēxī, intellēctus understand bursting into tears * maximē very greatly, very much,
morae impatiēns impatient at the delay * intentē closely, carefully
* impediō, impedīre, * lacrimō, lacrimāre, lacrimāvī weep, cry most of all
* inter + acc. among, between lacus, lacūs, m. lake * magnus, magna, magnum big, large, great
impedīvī, impedītus delay, hinder inter sē among themselves, with
* imperātor, imperātōris, m. emperor laetē happily maior, gen. maiōris bigger, larger, greater
each other * laetus, laeta, laetum happy * maximus, maxima,
* imperium, imperiī, n. empire * intereā meanwhile
* imperō, imperāre, imperāvī order, command lānx, lancis, f. dish maximum very big, very large, very
* interficiō, interficere, * lāpsus see lābor
importō, importāre, interfēcī, interfectus kill great, greatest
importāvī, importātus import latebrae, latebrārum, hiding-place Circus Maximus the Circus Maximus
interrogō, interrogāre, * lateō, latēre, latuī lie hidden
impudēns, gen. impudentis shameless interrogāvī, interrogātus question (stadium for chariot
* in + acc. (1) into, onto later, lateris, m. brick racing)
interrumpō, interrumpere, latrō, latrōnis, m. robber, thug
* in + abl. (2) in, on interrūpī, interruptus interrupt malignus, maligna,
* incēdō, incēdere, incessī march, stride * laudō, laudāre, laudāvī, malignum spiteful
* intrō, intrāre, intrāvī enter laudātus praise
* incendō, incendere, incendī, * intulī see īnferō * mālō, mālle, māluī prefer
incēnsus burn, set on fire, set fire to lectīca, lectīcae, f. litter * malus, mala, malum evil, bad
* inveniō, invenīre, invēnī, * lectus, lectī, m. couch, bed
incertus, incerta, incertum uncertain inventus find peior, gen. peiōris worse
incidō, incidere, incidī fall * lēgātus, lēgātī, m. commander * pessimus, pessima,
invicem in turn * legiō, legiōnis, f. legion
* incipiō, incipere, incēpī, * invītō, invītāre, invītāvī, pessimum worst, very bad
inceptus begin * legō, legere, lēgī, lēctus read * mandātum, mandātī, n. instruction, order
invītātus invite lēniō, lēnīre, lēnīvī, lēnītus soothe, calm down
incitō, incitāre, incitāvī, * invītus, invīta, invītum unwilling, reluctant * mandō, mandāre, mandāvī,
incitātus urge on, encourage lēniter gently mandātus order, entrust, hand over
iocus, iocī, m. joke * lentē slowly
inde then * Iovis see Iuppiter * māne in the morning
indicium, indiciī, n. sign, evidence * leō, leōnis, m. lion * maneō, manēre, mānsī remain, stay
* ipse, ipsa, ipsum himself, herself, itself * libenter gladly
indignus, indigna, indignum unworthy, undeserved * īra, īrae, f. anger * manus, manūs, f. (1) hand
* īnfēlīx, gen. īnfēlīcis unlucky * liber, librī, m. book * manus, manūs, f. (2) band (of men)
* īrātus, īrāta, īrātum angry * līberālis, līberāle generous
* īnferō, īnferre, intulī, inlātus bring in, bring on * īre see eō * mare, maris, n. sea
iniūriam īnferre do an injustice to, bring * līberī, līberōrum, children margō, marginis, m. edge
irrumpō, irrumpere, irrūpī, * līberō, līberāre, līberāvī,
injury to irruptus burst in, burst into * marītus, marītī, m. husband
īnfīgō, īnfīgere, īnfīxī, līberātus free, set free marmor, marmoris, n. marble
* is, ea, id he, she, it * lībertās, lībertātis, f. freedom
īnfīxus fasten onto * iste, ista, istud that Mārs, Mārtis, m. Mars (god of war)
īnflīgō, īnflīgere, īnflīxī, * lībertus, lībertī, m. freedman, ex-slave massa, massae, f. block
* ita in this way Augustī lībertus freedman of Augustus,
īnflīctus inflict * ita vērō yes * māter, mātris, f. mother
īnflō, īnflāre, īnflāvī blow freedman of the emperor mātrōna, mātrōnae, f. lady
Ītalia, Ītaliae, f. Italy līmen, līminis, n. threshold, doorway
īnfundō, īnfundere, īnfūdī, * itaque and so maximē see magnopere
īnfūsus pour into littera, litterae, f. letter * maximus see magnus
* iter, itineris, n. journey, progress * lītus, lītoris, n. sea-shore, shore
* ingēns, gen. ingentis huge * iterum again * mē see ego
* ingredior, ingredī, * locus, locī, m. place medicāmentum,
* iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussus order longurius, longuriī, m. pole
ingressus sum enter Iūdaeī, Iūdaeōrum, Jews medicāmentī, n. ointment, medicine, drug
iniciō, inicere, iniēcī, iniectus throw in longus, longa, longum long medicus, medicī, m. doctor
Iūdaeus, Iūdaea, Iūdaeum Jewish * loquor, loquī, locūtus sum speak
inimīcus, inimīcī, m. enemy * iūdex, iūdicis, m. judge * medius, media, medium middle
* iniūria, iniūriae, f. injustice, injury lūbricus, lūbrica, lūbricum slippery * melior see bonus
iūdicō, iūdicāre, iūdicāvī, * lūcem see lūx
iniūriam īnferre do an injustice to, bring iūdicātus judge memor, gen. memoris remembering, mindful of
injury to lūceō, lūcēre, lūxī shine * mendāx, mendācis, m. liar
iugulum, iugulī, n. throat lucerna, lucernae, f. lamp
* inlātus see īnferō Iuppiter, Iovis, m. Jupiter (god of the sky, mendīcus, mendīcī, m. beggar
inopia, inopiae, f. poverty lūdō, lūdere, lūsī play mēns, mentis, f. mind
greatest of Roman gods) * lūdus, lūdī, m. game
* inquit says, said iussī see iubeō * mēnsa, mēnsae, f. table
īnsāniō, īnsānīre, īnsānīvī be mad, be insane lūgeō, lūgēre, lūxī lament, mourn, grieve * mercātor, mercātōris, m. merchant
* iussum, iussī, n. instruction, order * lūna, lūnae, f. moon
īnsānus, īnsāna, īnsānum mad, crazy iussū Silvae at Silva's order * metus, metūs, m. fear
īnscrībō, īnscrībere, lutum, lutī, n. mud * meus, mea, meum my, mine
iuvat, iuvāre please * lūx, lūcis, f. light, daylight
īnscrīpsī, īnscrīptus write, inscribe mē iuvat it pleases me meī, meōrum, my family
* īnsidiae, īnsidiārum, trap, ambush * iuvenis, iuvenis, m. young man mī Haterī my dear Haterius
iuxtā + acc. next to

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* mihi see ego * numerus, numerī, m. number orior, orīrī, ortus sum rise
* mīles, mīlitis, m. soldier n * numquam never ōrnāmentum, ōrnāmentī, n. ornament, decoration
* mīlle a thousand * nunc now ōrnāmenta praetōria honorary praetorship,
* mīlia thousands nactus, nacta, nactum having seized * nūntiō, nūntiāre, nūntiāvī, honorary rank of
* minimē no, least, very little * nam for nūntiātus announce praetor
minor see parvus * nārrō, nārrāre, nārrāvī, * nūntius, nūntiī, m. messenger, news ōrnātus, ōrnāta, ōrnātum decorated, elaborately
minor, minārī, minātus sum threaten nārrātus tell, relate * nūper recently furnished
* mīrābilis, mīrābile extraordinary, strange, * nāscor, nāscī, nātus sum be born nusquam nowhere * ōrnō, ōrnāre, ōrnāvī, ōrnātus decorate
marvellous nātū maximus eldest * ōrō, ōrāre, ōrāvī beg
mīrus, mīra, mīrum extraordinary trīgintā annōs nātus
(diēs) nātālis, (diēī)
thirty years old o * ortus see orior
* miser, misera, miserum miserable, wretched, sad ōs, ōris, n. face
* mittō, mittere, mīsī, missus send nātālis, m. birthday obeō, obīre, obiī meet, go to meet ōsculum, ōsculī, n. kiss
* modo just, now, only * nātus, nāta, nātum born obēsus, obēsa, obēsum fat * ostendō, ostendere, ostendī,
modo ... modo now ... now * nauta, nautae, m. sailor obiciō, obicere, obiēcī, ostentus show
nōn modo ... sed etiam not only ... but also * nāvigō, nāvigāre, nāvigāvī sail obiectus present ostentō, ostentāre, ostentāvī,
* modus, modī, m. manner, way, kind * nāvis, nāvis, f. ship oblītus, oblīta, oblītum having forgotten ostentātus show off, display
eiusmodī of that kind * nē that ... not, so that ... not obscūrus, obscūra, obscūrum dark, gloomy * ōtiōsus, ōtiōsa, ōtiōsum idle, on holiday
eōdem modō in the same way * nē ... quidem not even * obstō, obstāre, obstitī obstruct, block the way
* quō modō? how? in what way?
nec ... nec
and not, nor
neither ... nor
obstupefaciō, obstupefacere,
obstupefēcī, obstupefactus amaze, stun
molliō, mollīre, mollīvī,
mollītus soothe * necesse necessary * obtulī see offerō * paene nearly, almost
mollis, molle soft, gentle * necō, necāre, necāvī, necātus kill obviam eō, obviam īre, pallēscō, pallēscere, palluī grow pale
* moneō, monēre, monuī, neglegēns, gen. neglegentis careless, taking no notice of obviam iī meet, go to meet pantomīmus, pantomīmī, m. pantomimus, dancer
monitus warn, advise * neglegō, neglegere, neglēxī, occāsiō, occāsiōnis, f. opportunity * parcō, parcere, pepercī spare
* mōns, montis, m. mountain neglēctus neglect, ignore, disregard * occīdō, occīdere, occīdī, * pāreō, pārēre, pāruī obey
mora, morae, f. delay * negōtium, negōtiī, n. business occīsus kill * parō, parāre, parāvī, parātus prepare
* morbus, morbī, m. illness negōtium agere do business, work occidō, occidere, occidī set * pars, partis, f. part
* morior, morī, mortuus sum die * nēmō no one, nobody occupātus, occupāta, extrēma pars edge
moriēns, gen. morientis dying neque and not, nor occupātum busy prīmā in parte in the forefront
* mortuus, mortua, * neque ... neque neither ... nor occupō, occupāre, occupāvī, * parvus, parva, parvum small, little
mortuum dead * nescio, nescīre, nescīvī not know occupātus seize, take over minor, gen. minōris less, smaller
moror, morārī, * nihil nothing octāvus, octāva, octāvum eighth * minimus, minima,
morātus sum delay nihilōminus nevertheless * octō eight minimum very little, least
* mors, mortis, f. death * nimis too * octōgintā eighty * passus see patior
* mortuus see morior * nimium too much * oculus, oculī, m. eye * patefaciō, patefacere,
mōs, mōris, m. custom * nisi except, unless * ōdī I hate patefēcī, patefactus reveal
mōtus, mōtūs, m. movement * nōbilis, nōbile noble, of noble birth odiō sum, odiō esse be hateful * pater, patris, m. father
* moveō, movēre, mōvī, * nōbīs see nōs * offerō, offerre, obtulī, oblātus offer * patior, patī, passus sum suffer, endure
mōtus move * noceō, nocēre, nocuī hurt, harm oleum, oleī, n. oil patrōnus, patrōnī, m. patron
* mox soon * noctis see nox * ōlim once, some time ago * paucī, paucae, pauca few, a few
multitūdō, multitūdinis, f. crowd * nōlō, nōlle, nōluī not want ōmen, ōminis, n. omen (sign from the gods) paulīsper for a short time
multō much nōlī, nōlīte do not, don't * omnīnō completely paulō a little
multum much * nōmen, nōminis, n. name * omnis, omne all * pauper, gen. pauperis poor
* multus, multa, multum much * nōn not omnia all, everything pauper, pauperis, m. a poor man
* multī many * nōnāgintā ninety * opēs, opum, money, wealth * pavor, pavōris, m. panic
* plūrimī, plūrimae, nōndum not yet * oppidum, oppidī, n. town * pāx, pācis, f. peace
plūrima very many * nōnne? surely? * opprimō, opprimere, * pecūnia, pecūniae, f. money
* plūrimus, plūrima, * nōnnūllī, nōnnūllae, oppressī, oppressus crush * pedem see pēs
plūrimum most nōnnūlla some, several * oppugnō, oppugnāre, peior see malus
plūris est is worth more nōnus, nōna, nōnum ninth oppugnāvī, oppugnātus attack pendeō, pendēre, pependī hang
* plūs, gen. plūris more * nōs we, us * optimē see bene * per + acc. through, along
* plūs vīnī more wine * noster, nostra, nostrum our * optimus see bonus percutiō, percutere, percussī,
mūnītiō, mūnītiōnis, f. defence, fortification * nōtus, nōta, nōtum known, well-known, famous * opus, operis, n. work, construction percussus strike
* mūrus, mūrī, m. wall * novem nine ōrātiō, ōrātiōnis, f. speech * pereō, perīre, periī die, perish
mūs, mūris, m.f. mouse * nōvī I know orbis, orbis, m. globe * perficiō, perficere, perfēcī,
mussitō, mussitāre, * novus, nova, novum new orbis terrārum world perfectus finish
mussitāvī murmur * nox, noctis, f. night ōrdō, ōrdinis, m. row, line perfidus, perfida, perfidum treacherous, untrustworthy
nūllus, nūlla, nūllum not any, no perfodiō, perfodere, perfōdī,
* num? (1) surely ... not? perfossus pick (teeth)
* num (2) whether

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perīculōsus, perīculōsa, posterī, posterōrum, future generations, posterity prohibeō, prohibēre, * quīdam, quaedam, quoddam one, a certain
perīculōsum dangerous postīcum, postīcī, n. back gate prohibuī, prohibitus prevent quidem indeed
* perīculum, perīculī, n. danger * postquam after, when * prōmittō, prōmittere, * nē ... quidem not even
periī see pereō postrēmō finally, lastly prōmīsī, prōmissus promise quiēs, quiētis, f. rest
perītē skilfully * postrīdiē on the next day prōnūntiō, prōnūntiāre, quiēscō, quiēscere, quiēvī rest
* perītus, perīta, perītum skilful * postulō, postulāre, postulāvī, prōnūntiāvī, prōnūntiātus proclaim, preach * quīnquāgintā fifty
perpetuus, perpetua, postulātus demand * prope + acc. near * quīnque five
perpetuum perpetual, everlasting * posuī see pōnō prophēta, prophētae, m. prophet quīntus, quīnta, quīntum fifth
in perpetuum for ever * potestās, potestātis, f. power prōpōnō, prōpōnere, * quis? quid? who? what?
perstō, perstāre, perstitī persist potius rather prōposuī, prōpositus propose, put forward quisque, quaeque, quidque each one
* persuādeō, persuādēre * potuī see possum prōsiliō, prōsilīre, prōsiluī leap forward, jump optimus quisque all the best people
persuāsī persuade * praebeō, praebēre, praebuī, prōspectus, prōspectūs, m. view * quō? where? where to?
* perterreō, perterrēre, praebitus offer, provide prōspiciō, prōspicere, * quō modō? how? in what way?
perterruī, perterritus terrify * praeceps, gen. praecipitis headlong prōspexī look out * quod because
perturbō, perturbāre, praecipitō, praecipitāre, * proximus, proxima, * quondam one day, once
perturbāvī, perturbātus disturb, alarm praecipitāvī hurl proximum nearest, next to * quoque also, too
* perveniō, pervenīre, pervēnī reach, arrive at sē praecipitāre hurl oneself prūdēns, gen. prūdentis shrewd, intelligent, sensible * quot? how many?
* pēs, pedis, m. foot, paw praecō, praecōnis, m. herald, announcer psittacus, psittacī, m. parrot
pedem referre step back praedīcō, praedīcere, pūblicus, pūblica, pūblicum public r
* pessimus see malus praedīxī, praedictus foretell, predict * puella, puellae, f. girl
petauristārius, praeficiō, praeficere, * puer, puerī, m. boy * rapiō, rapere, rapuī, raptus seize, grab
petauristāriī, m. acrobat praefēcī, praefectus put in charge * pugna, pugnae, f. fight raptim hastily, quickly
* petō, petere, petīvī, petītus make for, attack; seek, beg for, * praemium, praemiī, n. prize, reward, profit * pugnō, pugnāre, pugnāvī fight ratiōnēs, ratiōnum, accounts
ask for praeruptus, praerupta, * pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum beautiful ratiōnēs subdūcere draw up accounts, write
philosopha, philosophae, f. (female) philosopher praeruptum sheer, steep * pulsō, pulsāre, pulsāvī, up accounts
philosophia, philosophiae, f. philosophy praesēns, gen. praesentis present, ready pulsātus hit, knock at, punch * rē see rēs
philosophus, philosophī, m. philosopher praesertim especially pūmiliō, pūmiliōnis, m. dwarf rebellō, rebellāre, rebellāvī rebel, revolt
pīpiō, pīpiāre, pīpiāvī chirp praestō, praestāre, praestitī show, display * pūniō, pūnīre, pūnīvī, * rēbus see rēs
* placeō, placēre, placuī please, suit praesum, praeesse, praefuī be in charge of pūnītus punish * recipiō, recipere, recēpī,
* plaudō, plaudere, plausī, praeter + acc. except pūrus, pūra, pūrum pure, clean, spotless receptus recover, take back
plausus applaud, clap praetereō, praeterīre, pyra, pyrae, f. pyre sē recipere recover
plaustrum, plaustrī, n. wagon, cart praeteriī go past recitō, recitāre, recitāvī,
plausus, plausūs, m. applause praetōriānus, praetōriānī, m. praetorian (belonging to the q recitātus
recumbō, recumbere, recubuī
lie down, recline
* plēnus, plēna, plēnum full emperor's bodyguard)
pluit, pluere, pluit rain praetōrius, praetōria, * quadrāgintā forty * recūsō, recūsāre, recūsāvī,
* plūrimus, plūs see multus praetōrium praetorian * quaedam see quīdam recūsātus refuse
pōculum, pōculī, n. wine-cup ōrnāmenta praetōria honorary praetorship, * quaerō, quaerere, quaesīvī, * reddō, reddere, reddidī,
* poena, poenae, f. punishment honorary rank of quaesītus search for, look for redditus give back, make
* poenās dare pay the penalty, be punished praetor * quālis, quāle what sort of redēmptor, redēmptōris, m. contractor, builder
* poēta, poētae, m. poet prāvus, prāva, prāvum evil tālis ... quālis such ... as * redeō, redīre, rediī return, go back, come back
polliceor, pollicērī, precēs, precum, prayers * quam (1) how redeundum est vōbīs you must return
pollicitus sum promise * precor, precārī, precātus sum pray (to) quam celerrimē as quickly as possible redūcō, redūcere, redūxī,
polyspaston, polyspastī, n. crane pretiōsus, pretiōsa, pretiōsum expensive, precious * quam (2) than reductus lead back
pompa, pompae, f. procession * pretium, pretiī, n. price * quamquam although * referō, referre, rettulī, relātus bring back, carry, deliver,
* pōnō, pōnere, posuī, positus place, put, put up prīmō first, at first quandō when tell, report
* pōns, pontis, m. bridge prīmum first * quantus, quanta, quantum how big pedem referre step back
* poposcī see poscō * prīmus, prīma, prīmum first * quārē? why? * reficiō, reficere, refēcī,
* populus, populī, m. people prīmā in parte in the forefront quārtus, quārta, quārtum fourth refectus repair
* porta, portae, f. gate * prīnceps, prīncipis, m. chief, chieftain * quasi as if * rēgīna, rēgīnae, f. queen
porticus, porticūs, f. colonnade * prius earlier * quattuor four rēgnō, rēgnāre, rēgnāvī reign
* portō, portāre, portāvī, * priusquam before, until * -que and * rēgnum, rēgnī, n. kingdom
portātus carry * prō + abl. in front of, for, in return for * quendam see quīdam * regredior, regredī,
* portus, portūs, m. harbour probus, proba, probum honest * quī, quae, quod who, which regressus sum go back, return
* poscō, poscere, poposcī demand, ask for * prōcēdō, prōcēdere, prōcessī advance, proceed * quia because relēgō, relēgāre, relēgāvī,
* positus see pōnō * procul far off * quicquam (also spelt quidquam)anything relēgātus exile
possideō, possidēre, possēdī, prōcumbō, prōcumbere, * quid? see quis? * relinquō, relinquere, relīquī,
possessus possess prōcubuī fall down relictus leave
* possum, posse, potuī can, be able * proficīscor, proficīscī,
* post + acc. after, behind profectus sum set out
* posteā afterwards * prōgredior, prōgredī,
prōgressus sum advance

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reliquus, reliqua, reliquum remaining * salūs, salūtis, f. safety, health * sexāgintā sixty * subitō suddenly
* rem see rēs salūtātiō, salūtātiōnis, f. the morning visit * sī if sublātus see tollō
remittō, remittere, remīsī, * salūtō, salūtāre, salūtāvī, sibi see sē subscrībō, subscrībere,
remissus send back salūtātus greet * sīc thus, in this way subscrīpsī, subscrīptus sign
rēpō, rēpere, rēpsī crawl * salvē! hello! * sīcut like subterrāneus, subterrānea,
* rēs, reī, f. thing * sanguis, sanguinis, m. blood * signum, signī, n. sign, seal, signal subterrāneum underground
rem administrāre manage the task sānō, sānāre, sānāvī, sānātus heal, cure silentium, silentiī, n. silence * subveniō, subvenīre,
rem cōgitāre consider the problem * sapiēns, gen. sapientis wise sileō, silēre, siluī be silent subvēnī help, come to help
rem cōnficere finish the job sarcinae, sarcinārum, bags, luggage * silva, silvae, f. wood suffīgō, suffīgere, suffīxī,
rem nārrāre tell the story * satis enough simul at the same time suffīxus nail, fasten
* rēs adversae misfortune * saxum, saxī, n. rock * simulac, simulatque as soon as * sum, esse, fuī be
* rē vērā in fact, truly, really scaena, scaenae, f. stage, scene * sine + abl. without estō! be!
* resistō, resistere, restitī resist scālae, scālārum, ladders situs, sita, situm situated * summus, summa, summum highest, greatest, top
respiciō, respicere, respexī look at, look upon * scelestus, scelesta, scelestum wicked * sōl, sōlis, m. sun sūmptuōsus, sūmptuōsa,
* respondeō, respondēre, * scelus, sceleris, n. crime sōlācium, sōlāciī, n. comfort sūmptuōsum expensive, lavish
respondī reply scīlicet obviously * soleō, solēre be accustomed superbē arrogantly
respōnsum, respōnsī, n. answer * scindō, scindere, scidī, * sollicitus, sollicita, * superbus, superba,
resurgō, resurgere, resurrēxī rise again scissus tear, tear up sollicitum worried, anxious superbum arrogant, proud
retineō, retinēre, retinuī, * scio, scīre, scīvī know * sōlus, sōla, sōlum alone, lonely, only, on one's own* superō, superāre, superāvī,
retentus keep, hold back * scrībō, scrībere, scrīpsī, * sonitus, sonitūs, m. sound superātus overcome, overpower
retrō back scrīptus write * soror, sorōris, f. sister superstes, superstitis, m. survivor
* rettulī see referō sculpō, sculpere, sculpsī, sors, sortis, f. lot * surgō, surgere, surrēxī get up, rise
* reveniō, revenīre, revēnī come back, return sculptus carve sorte ductus chosen by lot suscipiō, suscipere, suscēpī,
revertor, revertī, scurrīlis, scurrīle rude, impudent spargō, spargere, sparsī, susceptus undertake, take on
reversus sum turn back, return * sē himself, herself, themselves sparsus scatter suspīciō, suspīciōnis, f. suspicion
revocō, revocāre, revocāvī, inter sē among themselves, with * spectāculum, spectāculī, n. show, spectacle suspīciōsus, suspīciōsa,
revocātus recall, call back each other spectātor, spectātōris, m. spectator suspīciōsum suspicious
* rēx, rēgis, m. king sēcum with him, with her, with * spectō, spectāre, spectāvī, * suspicor, suspicārī,
rhētor, rhētoris, m. teacher themselves spectātus look at, watch suspicātus sum suspect
* rīdeō, rīdēre, rīsī laugh, smile * secō, secāre, secuī, sectus cut, carve * spernō, spernere, sprēvī, * suus, sua, suum his, her, their, his own, their
rīpa, rīpae, f. river bank secundus, secunda, sprētus despise, reject own
* rogō, rogāre, rogāvī, rogātus ask secundum second * spērō, spērāre, spērāvī hope, expect suī, suōrum, his men, his family
Rōma, Rōmae, f. Rome secūris, secūris, f. axe * spēs, speī, f. hope
Rōmae at Rome * secūtus see sequor spīna, spīnae, f. thorn, toothpick t
Rōmānī, Rōmānōrum, Romans * sed but splendidus, splendida,
Rōmānus, Rōmāna, * sedeō, sedēre, sēdī sit splendidum splendid T. = Titus
Rōmānum Roman sēdēs, sēdis, f. seat sportula, sportulae, f. handout * taberna, tabernae, f. shop, inn
rosa, rosae, f. rose sella, sellae, f. chair * stābam see stō * taceō, tacēre, tacuī be silent, be quiet
rumpō, rumpere, rūpī, ruptus break, split * semper always * statim at once * tacitē quietly, silently
* ruō, ruere, ruī rush * senātor, senātōris, m. senator statiō, statiōnis, f. post * tacitus, tacita, tacitum quiet, silent, in silence
rūpēs, rūpis, f. rock, crag senectus, senectūtis, f. old age statua, statuae, f. statue * tālis, tāle such
* rūrsus again * senex, senis, m. old man statūra, statūrae, f. height tālis ... quālis such ... as
* sententia, sententiae, f. opinion stēlla, stēllae, f. star * tam so
s * sentiō, sentīre, sēnsī, sēnsus feel, notice sternō, sternere, strāvī, * tamen
as, like
* septem seven strātus lay low, flatten
saccārius, saccāriī, m. docker, dock-worker * septuāgintā seventy * stō, stāre, stetī stand * tandem at last
* sacer, sacra, sacrum sacred sepulcrum, sepulcrī, n. tomb Stōicus, Stōicī, m. Stoic (believer in Stoic tangō, tangere, tetigī, tāctus touch
* sacerdōs, sacerdōtis, m.f. priest * sequor, sequī, secūtus sum follow philosophy) tantum only
sacerdōtium, sacerdōtiī, n. priesthood sequēns, gen. sequentis following stola, stolae, f. dress * tantus, tanta, tantum so great, such a great
sacrificium, sacrificiī, n. offering, sacrifice serēnus, serēna, serēnum calm, clear strēnuē hard, energetically tapēte, tapētis, n. tapestry, wall-hanging
sacrificō, sacrificāre, serviō, servīre, servīvī serve (as a slave) strepitus, strepitūs, m. noise, din tardius too late
sacrificāvī, sacrificātus sacrifice servitūs, servitūtis, f. slavery stultitia, stultitiae, f. stupidity taurus, taurī, m. bull
* saepe often * servō, servāre, servāvī, * stultus, stulta, stultum stupid * tē see [tū]
saeviō, saevīre, saeviī be in a rage servātus save, look after, preserve * suāvis, suāve sweet tēctum, tēctī, n. ceiling, roof
* saevus, saeva, saevum savage, cruel fidem servāre keep a promise, keep faith suāviter sweetly tēgula, tēgulae, f. tile
saltātrīx, saltātrīcis, f. dancing-girl * servus, servī, m. slave * sub + abl. under, beneath temperāns, gen. temperantis temperate, self-controlled
saltō, saltāre, saltāvī dance sēstertius, sēstertiī, m. sesterce (coin) subdūcō, subdūcere, tempestās, tempestātis, f. storm
sēstertium vīciēns two million sesterces subdūxī, subductus draw up * templum, templī, n. temple
sevērus, sevēra, sevērum severe, strict ratiōnēs subdūcere draw up accounts, write
* sex six up accounts

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* temptō, temptāre, temptāvī, * ultimus, ultima, ultimum furthest, last * vī see vīs * vīsus see videō
temptātus try ultiō, ultiōnis, f. revenge * via, viae, f. street, way * vīta, vītae, f. life
* tempus, temporis, n. time umerus, umerī, m. shoulder Via Sacra, Viae Sacrae, f. the Sacred Way (road vītam agere lead a life
tenebrae, tenebrārum, darkness * umquam ever running through the vitium, vitiī, n. sin
* teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus hold ūnā cum + abl. together with Forum) * vītō, vītāre, vītāvī, vītātus avoid
* terra, terrae, f. ground, land * unda, undae, f. wave vīciēns sēstertium two million sesterces * vituperō, vituperāre,
orbis terrārum world * unde from where victima, victimae, f. victim vituperāvī, vituperātus blame, curse
* terreō, terrēre, terruī, territus frighten * undique on all sides, from all sides victor, victōris, m. victor, winner * vīvō, vīvere, vīxī live, be alive
terribilis, terribile terrible * ūnus, ūna, ūnum one victōria, victōriae, f. victory * vīvus, vīva, vīvum alive, living
tertius, tertia, tertium third urbānus, urbāna, urbānum smart, fashionable * victus see vincō * vix hardly, scarcely, with difficulty
testāmentum, testāmentī, n. will * urbs, urbis, f. city * videō, vidēre, vīdī, vīsus see * vōbīs see vōs
* testis, testis, m.f. witness usquam anywhere videor, vidērī, vīsus sum seem * vōcem see vōx
theātrum, theātrī, n. theatre usque ad + acc. right up to vigilō, vigilāre, vigilāvī stay awake * vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus call
Tiberis, Tiberis, m. river Tiber * ut (1) as * vīgintī twenty * volō, velle, voluī want
* tibi see tū * ut (2) that, so that, in order that vīlla, vīllae, f. house, villa velim I should like
tībia, tībiae, f. pipe * utrum whether * vinciō, vincīre, vīnxī, vīnctus bind, tie up * volvō, volvere, volvī, volūtus turn, roll
tībiīs cantāre play on the pipes utrum ... an whether ... or * vincō, vincere, vīcī, victus conquer, win, be victorious in animō volvere wonder, turn over in the
tībīcen, tībīcinis, m. pipe player utrum ... necne whether ... or not * vīnum, vīnī, n. wine mind
tignum, tignī, n. beam * uxor, uxōris, f. wife * vir, virī, m. man * vōs you (plural)
* timeō, timēre, timuī be afraid, fear vīrēs, vīrium, strength vōbīscum with you (plural)
timidē nervously, fearfully v virgō, virginis, f. virgin * vōx, vōcis, f. voice
timidus, timida, timidum fearful, frightened * virtūs, virtūtis, f. courage * vulnerō, vulnerāre, vulnerāvī,
* timor, timōris, m. fear vacuus, vacua, vacuum empty vīs, f. force, violence vulnerātus wound, injure
titulus, titulī, m. notice, slogan, inscription, label valdē
* very much, very vīsitō, vīsitāre, vīsitāvī, * vulnus, vulneris, n. wound
* valē goodbye, farewell
toga, togae, f. toga vīsitātus visit * vultus, vultūs, m. expression, face
* tollō, tollere, sustulī, valēdīcō, valēdīcere,
sublātus raise, lift up, hold up valēdīxī say goodbye
* tot so many valētūdō, valētūdinis, f. health
* tōtus, tōta, tōtum whole * vehementer violently, loudly
* trādō, trādere, trādidī, * vehō, vehere, vexī, vectus carry
* vel or
trāditus hand over
* velim, vellem see volō
* trahō, trahere, trāxī, tractus drag
tranquillē peacefully vēnālīcius, vēnālīciī, m. slave-dealer
* trānseō, trānsīre, trānsiī cross * vēndō, vēndere, vēndidī,
trānsfīgō, trānsfīgere, vēnditus sell
* venēnum, venēnī, n. poison
trānsfīxī, trānsfīxus pierce, stab
trānsiliō, trānsilīre, trānsiluī jump through venia, veniae, f. mercy
* trēs, tria three * veniō, venīre, vēnī come
tribūnus, tribūnī, m. tribune (high-ranking officer) venter, ventris, m. stomach
trīciēns sēstertium three million sesterces * ventus, ventī, m. wind
triclīnium, triclīniī, n. dining-room Venus, Veneris, f. Venus (goddess of love)
* trīgintā thirty verber, verberis, n. blow
* trīstis, trīste sad * verberō, verberāre, verberāvī,
* tū, tuī you (singular) verberātus strike, beat
tuba, tubae, f. trumpet * verbum, verbī, n. word
tubicen, tubicinis, m. trumpeter versus, versūs, m. verse. line of poetry
* vertō, vertere, vertī, versus turn
* tum then
tum dēmum then at last, only then vertor, vertī, versus sum turn
* turba, turbae, f. crowd * vērum, vērī, n. truth, the truth
* tūtus, tūta, tūtum safe * vērus, vēra, vērum true, real
* tuus, tua, tuum your (singular), yours * rē vērā in fact, truly, really
* vester, vestra, vestrum your (plural)
u * vestīmenta, vestīmentōrum, clothes
* ubi where, when * vestrum see vōs
* ubīque everywhere vetus, gen. veteris old
ulcīscor, ulcīscī, ultus sum take revenge on * vexō, vexāre, vexāvī, vexātus annoy

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