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Topics Covered in MATLAB Basics Sessions on 2nd, 3rd & 9th Dec.

2023 By Sanju

1. Introduction to MATLAB & Simulink

2. Introduction to MATLAB Interface
3. Basic MATLAB operators
4. Basic MATLAB Commands
a. input output
b. user defined inputs
c. Formatted outputs
d. Difining Array
e. Extracting data from array
f. Comments
g. clear, clear all, close all, clc commands
h. Trigonometric functions in MATLAB
i. Plotting and annotation
j. Looping statements & indexing
k. help, doc and open commands
l. conditional statements
m. switch case
n. creating user defined functions
5. Solving ordinary differentioal equatons using MATLAB (ODE45)
a. First oder ODE
b. Second order ODE
6. Introduction to SMD system
7. Various responses of SMD system
a. Unforced response
b. forced response
c. undamped response zeta = 0
d. underdamped response 0 < zeta < 1
e. critically Damped response zeta = 1
f. over damped response zeta > 1
8. Introduction to state space representation
9. Introduction to Transfer functions
10. Calculating TF of SMD system
11. State space representation of SMD system
12. Mathematical modeling of SMD system using Simulink
13. Transfer function based modeling of SMD system using Simulink
14. Basics of Feedback control technique (PID controller)
15. Designing PID controller for SMD system (By pole placement technique)
16. Designing PID controller for SMD system (Using PID tuner app)

Todays Session 10th Dec. 2023

17. Revison/ Q&A /

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