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NAME: DATE: SCORE: ____/ 68 P

Expected aim: to show my accuracy when reading a whole book by choosing the best alternative, completing
sentences giving synonyms and opposites and making up questions with new lexical items

_______/ 10 p
a F Molly grows up with her mother and father in the bush.
___She grew up in Jigalong____________________________________________________
b T Molly’s mother, Maude, goes with the girls to the Native Settlement.
c T At the Native Settlement, the girls are locked in the dormitory at night.
d T The girls can speak in their own language at the Native Settlement.
e T In the bush the girls met two Mardu men who gave them matches.
f F Molly always told people exactly where they are going.
____ She always lied to them from the place they went to _________
g T A lot of people heard the news about the girls who escaped.
h T Molly and Daisy decided to catch the train and look for their mothers.
i T Molly and Daisy arrived home safely.
j T Gracie is taken back to the Native Settlement.

2. Put the following events from the story in the right order. Number them 1–5.

_______/ 5 p
a 2 Molly decides to escape from the Native Settlement.
b 4 The girls are taken on a long journey by car, train, and ship.
c 3 Gracie leaves the two other girls.
d 5 Molly and Daisy arrive at Jigalong and disappear with their families.
e 1 The girls are taken away from their families at Jigalong.
3. Complete the following sentences. ______/ 10 p

a At the Native Settlement, the girls sleep in . Hard and rigid mattresses....................
b If any children escape from the Native Settlement, Moodoo the tracker … I would catch them and return the
assent to be whipped and locked up............................................ .
c The girls survive by eating … Dry bread and water from puddles that they found
d In the bush, the girls step carefully from stone to stone so they don’t …… In order not to leave their tracks
and so the tracker will not find them ……………………………..
e Gracie leaves Molly and Daisy because she … To be able to see his mother

4. Why did the government send girls like Molly, Gracie, and Daisy to places such
as the Moore River Native Settlement? ______/ 3 p

… Because the government believes that white children are more worthy of education and
"humane" treatment than Aboriginal children. The government wants to assimilate mixed-race
children into Australian society (while keeping them segregated in prison-type schools) and
has created internment camps that will isolate children from their native roots and culture, thus
turning them into servants and slaves.




5. Choose the best answer. ______/30 p

1 The story takes place in _____ Australia.
a Eastern b Western c Northern d Southern

2 In this part of Australia there is _____.

a a hot, dry desert b a big, wide river
c a large, modern town d a strange, wild mountain

3 Molly, Daisy and Gracie grow up with _____ people.

a English b Irish c Aboriginal d white Australian

4 The girls live at the _____ depot.

a Jigalong b Gum Creek c Mundiwindi d Yalgoo

5 When the girls are together they speak the _____ language.
a English b Mardu c Wiluna d Wubin
6 The Australian government decided that children of Aboriginal mothers and white fathers should be
a given some money b left with their families
c taken away from their families d sent to England

7 The girls are taken to the _____ Native Settlement.

a Esperance b Perth c Jigalong d Moore River

8 Life at the Native Settlement is _____.

a easy and comfortable b hard and cruel
c calm and simple d fun and exciting

9 The girls decide to _____ the Native Settlement.

a enjoy b stay at c go back to d escape from

10 The girls want to follow the _____.

a river b railway c rabbit-proof fence d coast

11 Molly’s _____, Maude, is a young Mardu woman who once worked as a domestic servant.
a sister b aunt c mother d grandmother

12 Molly is the _____ of the three half-caste girls at Jigalong.

a oldest b youngest c quietest d shortest

13 Molly’s father is an Englishman who works as an inspector of _____.

a roads b hospitals c schools d the rabbit-proof fence

14 Gracie and Daisy are _____.

a Molly’s aunties b the daughters of Molly’s aunties
c Molly’s grandmothers d Molly’s friends

15 The girls are taken away in a car by _____.

a Miss Evans b Mr Neville
c Granny Frinda d Constable Riggs

16 Martha is _____ to the girls when they arrive at the Native Settlement.
a helpful and friendly b fair but unfriendly
c rough and violent d cruel and unkind

17 Moodoo is a Mardu policeman; he _____ the girls who escape.

a locks up and punishes b tracks and catches
c finds and kills d helps and saves
18 Every night, Miss Evans _____ the girls in the dormitory at the Native Settlement.
a tells a story to b sings to c kisses d locks

19 _____ often complains on the long walk because her legs hurt a lot.
a Molly b Martha c Gracie d Maude

20 Doris, who wrote the story of Rabbit Proof Fence, is Molly’s _____.
a mother b daughter c sister d friend

21 Molly, Gracie and Daisy spend their early life _____.

a near the sea b in the city c in the bush d in a hospital

22 The girls are taken away in a car and then put on a _____ to go to the town of Freemantle.
a bus b train c plane d ship

23 At the Native Settlement, the girls sleep _____.

a in comfortable beds b in hard wooden beds
c on the floor d outside

24 If anybody tries to escape from the Native Settlement, they are _____.
a sent home b sent to bed c locked up and beaten d tied up

25 When the girls leave the Native Settlement, Molly is pleased that the weather is _____.
a rainy b dry c sunny d windy

26 Mrs. Flanagan gives the girls some _____.

a new shoes b warm coats c old hats d clean dresses

27 _____ people know about the girls and their escape from the Native Settlement.
a One or two b Only a few c Some d A lot of

28 The girls walk about _____ kilometres every day.

a five b fifteen c thirty d a hundred

29 At the end of their walk, Molly and Daisy _____.

a arrive home safely b can’t find their families
c become ill d get lost

30 Gracie goes to look for her mother, but in the end she _____.
a walks to Jigalong b gets lost in the desert and becomes ill
c goes to live with her father d is sent back to the Native Settlement
6. Choose the best answer related to the vocabulary. _____/10 p

1 a large, dry area of land in a hot country that has very few plants growing on it
a field b grass c desert d track

2 a room for several people or more to sleep in

a lounge b dormitory c hall d study

3 a soft white powder for making bread

a sand b ice c salt d flour

4 an Australian animal that jumps on its back legs

a kangaroo b rabbit c goanna d lizard

5 when you feel frightened or afraid

a selfish b scared c sick d sincere

6 a place that protects you from weather or danger

a path b fence c store d shelter

7 a deep hole in the ground where people can get water from
a well b river c sink d bucket

8 to chase and kill wild animals or birds

a throw b crouch c hunt d jump

9 a place where a bird keeps its eggs or its babies

a straw b nest c wood d farm

10 cows and bulls that are kept as farm animals

a cattle b sheep c chickens d ducks
´In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It’s not what we
do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently´ - Tony Robbins

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