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What is the basic tool that scientists use to understand biology?

A) mathematics

B) deduction

C) induction ✔

D) experiments

E) observation


How does deductive reasoning work?

A) It focuses on how scientists think.

B) It applies general principles to predict specific results. ✔

C) It uses experiments to understand biology.

D) It uses specific observations to construct general principles.

E) It is the reasoning of mathematics and philosophy.


Who accurately estimated the circumference of the earth using deductive reasoning?

A) Francis Bacon

B) Eratosthenes ✔

C) Isaac Newton and Francis Bacon

D) None of the above

E) Isaac Newton


What is inductive reasoning in science?

A) It uses experiments to understand biology.

B) It is the reasoning based on mathematics and philosophy.

C) It focuses on how scientists think.

D) It uses specific observations to construct general scientific principles. ✔

E) It applies general principles to predict specific results.

What is the definition of science according to Webster's Dictionary?

A) Systematized knowledge derived from experiments.

B) Systematized knowledge derived from observation and experiment carried on to determine the
principles underlying what is being studied. ✔

C) The study of biology and other natural sciences.

D) The process of constructing general scientific principles.

E) The reasoning based on mathematics and philosophy.


How did scientists like Francis Bacon and Isaac Newton use inductive reasoning?

A) They used experiments to understand biology.

B) They used specific observations to infer general principles about how the world operates. ✔

C) They employed principles of Euclidean geometry to deduce the circumference of the earth.

D) None of the above

E) They focused on how scientists think.


What is the goal of understanding biology?

A) None of the above

B) All of the above ✔

C) To prevent or cure diseases like cancer and AIDS.

D) To manage the world's resources in a suitable manner.

E) To improve the quality of our lives and those of our children and grandchildren.


Why is biology important in our daily lives?

A) None of the above

B) All of the above ✔

C) It helps us understand the nature of science.

D) It is one of the most successful natural sciences.

E) It explains what our world is like.

Which branch of knowledge uses deductive reasoning to test the validity of general ideas?

A) None of the above

B) Biology

C) Both biology and mathematics

D) Mathematics ✔

E) Philosophy


What is an example of deductive reasoning?

A) Applying general principles to predict specific results. ✔

B) Inferring general principles about how the world operates from specific experiments.

C) Using specific observations to construct general scientific principles.

D) Discovering general principles by careful examination of specific cases.

E) None of the above


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